Good day, my dear readers. In this article, I will tell and clearly show you how cunning sellers on can deceive you. And the purpose of this article is to give a simple recipe for finding a reliable supplier for your products and reduce risks to a minimum.

If you want to know my 12 levels of seller distrust, as well as how not to run into a scammer, then read on. By applying these methods when looking for a supplier, you reduce the likelihood of being scammed to almost nothing.

Is it dangerous to buy on Alibaba? Myth or truth?

Most of the people to whom I asked this question answered that they will never look for suppliers on this site, since deception and lies are everywhere. In part, they are, of course, right, as stories about how the cunning Chinese once again divorced a buyer from Russia are constantly flashing on specialized forums.

Several years have passed since this article was written, and I hardly ever shop at Alibaba. In this video, I told where I shop and why I stopped working with Alibaba:

It is enough to enter the phrase “alibaba scammers” into google or yandex and you will immediately be shown countless stories of how sellers cheat. And there are a lot of options for deception:

  1. Receive money and do not send the goods
  2. Receive money and send the wrong item
  3. Receive money and send defective goods
  4. Receive money and send goods with a long delay
  5. Etc…

By the way, since they started talking about this, I'll tell you how they deceived me:

Story # 1.

One of the first consignments contained about 120 kilograms and contained a large amount of small office supplies. There were about 200 positions, 1-3 pieces each. A total of 20 kilograms of goods did not reach me. Where they got lost, what happened to them and how it all happened, it was not possible to find out.
Conclusion: it is better to order few items, but in a large number every position. In other words, it is better to order 5 positions of 200 pieces, than 200 positions of 5 pieces each.

Having had problems with these comrades, I decided to use the services of intermediaries with whom I still work. But then the second story happened.

Story number 2.

Now that I had people in China who were ready to inspect the goods before final shipment, I dared. And I ordered branded clothes for resale through social networks. My instinct told me that it was better not to do this, but I took a chance. The intermediaries checked the received goods for compliance with the pictures and sent them to me. Yes, the photos did match the reality, but the problem was that the goods were just of disgusting quality. The threads stuck out at the inner seams, the fabric also did not shine with quality, and obviously after the first wash, the clothes will not live long. The middlemen are clearly not to blame here, as they worked perfectly. My fault is that I trusted the seller's statements and did not read the reviews about him. Then, after reading the reviews, I realized that this should have been done much earlier. Well, a fool himself.

Level 1. Cut off outright deceivers

They receive this paid status for a Chinese supplier only after a series of inspections and audits of their business. Both full-time and part-time. Further, such a supplier is marked with a corresponding icon: or . In this case, an icon is shown for a supplier who has been a Gold Supplier for 5 years.

On the page of the supplier itself, this status must also be indicated:

Try to choose suppliers who similar status least 2-3 years. so be sure to include this checkbox when searching:

Working with suppliers with this status already significantly reduces the potential risks of running into fraudsters. However, despite the fact that Alibaba positions suppliers with this status as completely safe, I would not trust them 100%.

So, at the first level, we cut off those who cannot afford the Gold Supplier status and continue to filter further.

Level 2. Google!

As straightforward as it sounds, enter the vendor's company name into Google. Moreover, it is in Google, not Yandex, since Yandex does not index foreign sites as well as Google.

You must also search wisely. Here are some examples of requests:

  1. For the Russian-speaking segment: “<Название поставщика>”, “<Название поставщика>deception", "<Название поставщика>fraud".
  2. But you will find much more in the English-speaking segment: “<Название поставщика>scam ”,“<Название поставщика>fraud ". Scam and fraud are translated as scam, deception, fraud.

Here are just a few examples to help you make sure you need to check your company with Google.

Example # 1.

Above is just one of the most classic "layouts". The supplier kind of sends the goods after prepayment and then writes a letter that it is necessary to pay extra for some customs services in order for the cargo to leave China. If you see this, then it is better not to step on the same rake a second time and not contact such a dubious supplier.

Example No. 2.

The situation above is also, unfortunately, commonplace. The product is paid for by the buyer, the supplier seems to send it and even gives a tracking number. Of course, this tracking number is fictitious and no parcel was sent.

Example No. 3.

Here the buyer "flew" $ 23,000. How it happened is not described, but the fact itself is depressing.

Conclusion: "punch" in Google all suppliers, regardless of their Gold status.

Level 3. Standalone site

Here, I think, everything is obvious to you. If the supplier has its own separate site on English language, then this is an additional incentive to gain confidence in him.

The site availability can be viewed as follows. Go to the product card and click on Contact Details.

Then, on the page that opens, look for a mention of the company's website:

Don't forget to check that the sites are actually working.

And, additionally, you can see when these sites were created. To do this, just copy the domain name (for the screenshot above it will be and check it through the whois service. The earlier the domain was created (“created” field), the better.

Feel the circle getting narrower? We are reducing risks more and more.

Level 4. Shop at aliexpress (aliexpress)

This is the same as with a personal site. If your chosen supplier has a full-fledged store on the Aliexpress site, then this is another reason to trust this company. You can watch it in the same place as the company's website itself:

How else will your supplier's store on Aliexpress be useful to you:

  1. Lower MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity), so you can place retail orders;
  2. For the same reason, it is extremely convenient to order samples before purchasing a bulk consignment of goods;
  3. Paying through Escrow protection will allow you to be even more secure.

Especially study the negative reviews from the last three months (this is the intersection of the 3 months column and the Negative (1-2 Stars) row). The screenshot above is notable for the fact that this company received all 9 negative reviews in the last 3 months. It's time to delve deeper into reading reviews and understand what is the reason.

Level 5. Payments via Escrow

Another way to eliminate fraudsters is to work only with those suppliers who are willing to accept payment using the Alibaba Escrow service. In short, this service allows you to work with a supplier in the following way:

The advantages here are obvious, but the main disadvantage is a 5% commission on the cost of goods and delivery for using this service. But it is safe.

You can filter sellers who use this service using this checkbox:

You yourself understand that scammers are interested in fast and direct payment, so they avoid Escrow in every possible way.

Level 6. Acceptance of payment


Do not count how many people were pierced on this. Such transfers between individuals are extremely suspicious and dangerous and I'm not at all paranoid. With the help of translations, you can pay for a maximum of product samples and then only to speed up the ordering process.

I think that everything is clear here and additional comments are unnecessary.

Level 7. Reviews and more reviews

Another simple and the right way filtering scammers is to view and study reviews of their work (). To see the reviews section, select “Business Performance” on the manufacturer's page.

And then go to “Feedback”.

You will often come across reviews of our compatriots among popular products, which is good news:

It is also worth noting that there are significantly fewer reviews of companies on Alibaba than on Aliexpress. That is why I recommended looking for suppliers who have stores in both systems and, therefore, significantly more feedback on their work.

Level 8. Global Sources

Not entirely obvious, but extremely effective method verification of suppliers. I always use this method.

There is a site (GS), which is one of the world's largest sites for finding suppliers for various products. And, like Alibaba, GS verifies its suppliers and assigns them “Verified” status.

But the main difference from Alibaba is that GS is doing deeper scrutiny of suppliers. In more detail for those who know English:

In short, GS carries out a much more serious verification and the conditions for obtaining “Verified” status for a supplier are stricter.

Level 9. Verification of bank details

As soon as you approve all the terms of the transaction, simply ask the seller to issue an invoice / invoice and compare the invoice data with the data indicated in the supplier's contacts. The name of the company and its address must be the same:

Information that has been verified and verified by Alibaba specialists is marked with yellow checkmarks. And she can be trusted.

If you do not have a Chinese bank account, you can pay the bill through your agent.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that sometimes suppliers ask for a transfer to a current account natural person referring to “some problems” with the company's main account. I do not recommend following their lead, since such a transfer is tantamount to sending through Western Union and you will not receive any guarantees.

Level 10. Ask for a sample

Nobody asks for money for demand, and suppliers sometimes quite adequately respond to this request. And it all strongly depends on the product you want to order. If it is still quite possible to obtain samples of tea or fabric, then it will be very problematic to obtain samples of laser machines or furniture.

In general, your request for samples might look something like this:

Good day, __________! I would like to check the quality of your product before placing a bulk order. How can I get samples of your products? Thank you.

Hi, ________! I would like to check the quality of your products before placing the wholesale order. How can I get some samples? Thanks.

Level 11. Have your agent check the supplier

Almost all medium and large resellers in China are involved in supplier verification on demand. Therefore, check with your reseller if they carry out supplier checks.

The range of prices for such services is extremely large and I cannot give even approximate prices, since the price largely depends on the depth of the check.

Level 12. Tracking numbers

This is not even a test, but a test of honesty. If you intend to work with a supplier who plans to send you goods using China Post or other postal route, ask him for a few tracking numbers for parcels that were sent to Russia.

It is clear that the supplier will be able to cheat here if he wants, but as a small test of his honesty, this check will do.

Twelve checks? Are you out of your mind?

It's simple: the number of checks is directly proportional to the potential risk of losing money.

Usually I choose a supplier for a long time based on reviews and only then make a list of 3-5 suppliers, for which the main check is already underway on the 12 points above. It is better to spend a little more time than grieving after the lost money.

An important question in the end

Finally, I would like to ask you again, my dear reader, if it would be interesting for you to dive into Chinese topics and find out practical answers to these questions:

How to capitalize and whitewash goods from China?
What are the delivery schemes? What happens to the goods from the moment the money is sent to China until the moment the goods are received here in Russia?
What are the payment schemes? Which is better to use?
How to work with intermediaries?
How to order a product correctly in order to receive it by a specific date?
How to import and customs goods into Russia?
From which sites in China is it better to order and how not to run into a fake?
We will discuss ways to sell your product here in Russia. Let's get it target audience and ways to effectively sell your product to an audience;
I will transfer all contacts for work. Starting from trusted intermediaries and ending with contacts transport companies with whom I have worked and work.
As a bonus, I'll tell you about working with South Korea... There the goods are of higher quality, but also more expensive. Similarly, I will tell you about payment, delivery and give all the contacts to get started.

To those who love individual work, I beg . I have helped build successful purchasing chains in China many times.

Don't forget to like, repost and share your experience in the comments! Thanks!

I subscribe to the previous review. Never order anything from this seller - Chen from Scintilla Group Co., Store No. 406685.
Disgusting store, disgusting product quality, just disgusting service!
I ordered it on aliexpress for a long time, but I don’t remember such impudence! I ordered two fairies here, they came about two and a half months later, I even had to open a dispute, the seller wrote - wait. Although it promises delivery of 1-1.5 months maximum.
Okay, wait. The fairies came in such crumpled boxes, as if they had been cynically trampled underfoot for a long time! Naturally, the conversation was no longer about any gift. But it's not even about the crumpled boxes, but the fact that fairies don't work! One kind of took off, but caught on the wall and fell on the sofa, a soft place, the height was small 3-40 cm. After that, it stopped taking off altogether! Although before that the fairy was an order of magnitude better and looked much richer, so she fell from a great height, taller than my height, onto a wooden floor, so that the wings flew in different directions and nothing, flew further like a cute one, the children dragged her as they wanted. And this...
Well, okay, the second fairy seemed to fly up to the ceiling, caught in his hands. We decided to recharge. After that, she stopped taking off altogether! The motor is spinning, the lights are on, but with such a strange grinding sound. The husband thinks it’s a matter of mechanics.
The seller responds to messages reluctantly, reluctantly.
And you know what this boor told me !? Almost literally I wrote the following, “I don’t know why customers buy in my store, they open the first dispute as if the goods didn’t come, and then the second dispute that the goods didn’t work, frankly I don’t know why this happens, all the goods are checked by us, and there are such disputes a lot opens up. "
Oh, you little impudent monkey! I would like to look into those shameless eyes, they are checking the goods. Check out all of their negative reviews, how many scrap they send, including short charging cords, plastic-filled switches, etc. Personally, in addition to the disgusting quality of the material (very thin, cheap plastic), the switch was confused with the "on" and "off" positions. Those. in the ON position, the motor did not work, and in the OFF position, it began to rotate. What can I say if they can't put the switches correctly! Plus wires sticking out of the skirt and drips of glue!

What do you think, if the product was of high quality, there would be so many negative reviews !? He himself writes that there are a lot of such disputes, but there is not enough brain to understand why there are so many of them !? Or is it such impudence, bordering on rudeness?
As for the packaging, it is a separate conversation altogether. In their pictures, everything looks so beautiful and stylish, perfect shapes, boxes as soon as they are from the printing house. They send them so wrinkled, it's just awful. And they know what they are sending because their guarantees say "that when you receive the package, the package may be slightly damaged." Ha, ha, slightly!
And further, "if you are unhappy with our products, please contact us within 7 days and you can return a full refund no questions asked !!! (We are very confident about our products))"
Well, what impudent people, just think. As they have everything smoothly in words, and as soon as they unsubscribe, they immediately begin to play in silence and in "mine yours do not understand"!
However, they do not forget to beg for five stars! - "After you received the package, please leave us 5 stars feedback, which is very important to us, thanks in advance." And there are some fools who give them five stars, otherwise how can you explain that they have 90% of positive reviews? With such a quality product, they shouldn't have more than 70%!
And finally, as a result of the dispute, the money was returned only for one fairy! And all because when you open a dispute, you need to duplicate all messages below in the comments for each product! And since there were two identical goods and disputes opened at the same time, the seller answered us only one message! (Now I think it was done on purpose). And when the system demanded proof, then we posted links to videos with non-working fairies only under one of the products, where this dishonest seller answered, implying that they refer to both toys.
As a result, one dispute was quickly closed, as if there was not enough evidence on our part, the main evidence in favor of the seller was that we received our goods on time.
At the same time, in the "Actions" status, both there and there stood: " Refund process", which implies that the money had to be returned for both toys. As a result, as mentioned above, the money was returned only for one fairy, which in itself is not very unpleasant, given the ugly state of these toys.
So don't repeat our mistakes and never order anything from No. 406685 at!
PS. Yes, and now I don’t order anything on Aliexpress, it deteriorated very much for Lately, practically some scammers only come across.

Whoever buys goods here not for the first time knows about the availability of specialized services where blacklists of sellers are posted. On such resources, upset customers leave complaints about stores. If the seller is not on this list, then you should not consider it a 100% guarantee of his reliability, but these services are still useful.

For sellers, many forums and communities have also been created where problem buyers are discussed. Accordingly, they have their own black lists.

Blacklist of buyers on Aliexpress

Aliexpress Blacklisted Buyers

One very popular service for checking if a customer is blacklisted on Aliexpress, was formerly a Chinese site On the this moment it doesn't work for some reason, but maybe other services will be invented in the future.

Nevertheless, although the service does not work, we will tell you about it so that you understand how the system works.

  • The list is updated every day, and buyers from any country with which the site cooperates can get into it.
  • Disgruntled salespeople usually include those with whom they had problems, indicating the reason and their opinion. Perhaps, after a dispute with the seller, you also ended up on such a list.
  • Verification is carried out by entering your "ID" or other information from your account.

Let's take a look at an example of a page with auto-translation from Chinese. Here you need to write the received ID and click on the marked button on the photo or just on Enter.

If you see a red hieroglyph “ 无内容! ”, It means that you are not on this list. For more confidence, try searching for yourself by name or other data.

  • If you are on this list, then you shouldn't worry too much. It's just that some sellers may not want to contact you and may simply say that the product is out of stock.
  • As a result, you will not be able to make a deal with him.

How do sellers on Aliexpress rate customer reliability?

By the way, although the service does not work, sellers can check your reliability in a different way.

The fact is that sellers can also write reviews for each buyer. You can find them as follows:

  • Open up "My Aliexpress"

My Aliexpress

  • Press
  • Here is your stats similar to those of sellers
  • There are two tabs at the bottom. The first shows your feedback to sellers, and the second shows what the sellers are saying about you.

All Russian-speaking buyers who have been making purchases on Aliexpress for a long time and actively know that there are black lists of sellers on the Russian Internet. On these sites, disgruntled customers post complaints about stores. The absence of a seller on the blacklist is not a guarantee of its reliability, but such resources are an excellent tool for additional verification.
Sellers, in turn, also do not sit still. And, in turn, they communicate in special communities and forums, share experiences and lists of problem buyers. And as a result, they also have similar blacklists of buyers. One of these Chinese sites is

This advice sounds like common sense, but it's amazing how many consumers are blinded by the promise of so much. It's easy to get scammed when the price is yours the only criterion... Difficult, but as a buyer you have to ask yourself before buying: is it really possible that a seller can offer a product at such a low price?

Avoid branded and electrical products

This does not only apply to clothing! Currently, there is no clear path for understanding buyers, or even who actually controls them. List of Chinese scam websites. If you are the victim of a Chinese scam, it is often difficult to know who or where to go, and the help available may be very limited.

This site is quite popular with Chinese sellers. The base of unwanted buyers is updated daily. This list can include any buyers from different countries. Disgruntled sellers add to the database those with whom he had problems, indicating the reason and personal opinion about the buyer. Perhaps you have already made it to this list. You can check this by entering your MemberId or other contact information specified in your account.

Also under "Safe, Best Business in China"

This pressure ultimately turned into a scandal as the two executives resigned to "take responsibility for a systemic failure in our company's culture of integrity." If you're looking for a specific term, try using the search function. Is a fight against sellers of counterfeit goods and has sued two merchants for the first time on one of its e-commerce platforms - just days after the US government filed for blacklisting for posting counterfeit goods.

In order to find out your MemberId, you just need to go to the "Manage reviews" page and click on the link "Show my reviews".

After this page is loaded, look at the URL. And copy copy the number "ownerMemberId" (as shown in the screenshot).

For example, if the URL is: " " , then you need to copy the numbers 123456789 ... These numbers are your account ID (MemberId).

We want to give counterfeit products the punishment they deserve to protect brand owners. The company is taking steps to address the problem of counterfeit goods. Its algorithms monitor hundreds of data, such as price data and seller transactions, to root out illegal products. Giant ecommerce said he was able to scan images and logos and find inconsistencies between the listing text and the accompanying photo.

For example, a watch with a brand name may be listed at the same price, but the image may appear to be inferior. The S.-rival has a similar problem. The problem was that many sellers seemed to be using it as a weapon against buyers who might criticize them. That is, if you had a bad experience as a buyer, instead of fixing the problems that led to that bad experience, the seller would simply slam you into customer feedback.

Below is an example of a page with automatic translation from Chinese. To search, just enter your account ID in the appropriate field and press "Enter" on your keyboard, or the button indicated in the screenshot.

If you search for a red hieroglyph “ 无内容! »This means that the search did not return any results. That is, your ID is not on this list. For reliability, you can look for yourself by other parameters. For example, by the name with which you are registered on the Aliexpress website. If you are lucky enough to find yourself on this list, then there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that some sellers who use this list may be afraid to work with you, and, for example, may declare that they have run out of goods in the warehouse.

How to add a store to the blacklist in the database

As a result, you will have to cancel the order. And the seller will avoid a deal with the buyer with whom he does not want to get involved.

Have a question? Write it in the comments or contact the chat

Aliexpress is one of the largest and most widely known, in particular, to Russian users of online stores. However, it is not an integral structure: the store is an association of many entrepreneurs who post their products on the site. Warranties for the timely arrival of goods, their compliance with photos, quality, etc. are provided not by the site itself, but by a specific seller, but not all of them are bona fide, as a result of which the aliexpress blacklist appeared.

How to blacklist a store

The move expressed disappointment. Blacklisted sales rep after it came under renewed pressure this year on suspicious counterfeits sold on their marketplaces. When you step back and look at our common efforts to combat illegal activity, our track record is clear.

Four years of negotiations “were not productive and did not lead to progress in solving the problem,” she said. Alibaba said the methodology in the reports was flawed. S.'s officials were most interested in the counterfeit issue and the reviews so far have been “positive,” the source said.

Who is a dishonest seller

The black list is a list of those sellers who did not meet the buyer's expectations for various reasons:

  • Long delivery (sometimes the goods arrive after six months from the moment of ordering);
  • Poor quality;
  • Inconsistency with the photographs presented on the site and other criteria (size, fabric, etc.);
  • Non-arrival of goods at all.

There are a huge number of such lists on different resources, but not all of them are adequate. Buyers do not always name the real reason for placing an entrepreneur on the list of unscrupulous sellers. Suppose the reason "did not like", "ugly", "does not fit in style" and other personal assessments of the product are inadequate. Also, not always long delivery is the fault of the selling side: often problems arise at the Russian post office (the goods can be lost, go "in the wrong place", etc.). In this case, the blame falls only on our mail.

“I don’t believe that success can be based on dishonesty,” Ma is quoted as saying. Previously, competitors could search for buyers who gave inappropriate ratings, but this option was canceled by anonymous rating. As a seller, you are therefore at the mercy of the buyer and, for the most part, with the introduction of new supplier standards.For example, even negligently delivered neutral evaluations by newbies can break a seller's neck, for the seller to existentially rule out potential problems from the start.

Unfortunately I have no other solution. However, thanks to exchanges and the corresponding opening to the West, another priority may soon become a priority. For the cave in the fairy tale was not just a source of immeasurable wealth for the poor lumberjack Ali Baba. The Treasury has actually served as a hiding place for its prey in the history of 40 predators.

How to deal with cheating

With numerous complaints, the administration of the aliexpress website blocks the seller and does not give him the opportunity to continue working, however, not all buyers can leave a review on the site for various reasons.

Shopping at trading platform, You'll get for the most part positive impressions. But, although the service is fighting for the quality of service, it also has to deal with unscrupulous entrepreneurs. To save yourself from unpleasant emotions, you need to know how to add a seller to the blacklist on Aliexpress.

How to blacklist a store

To keep the intrusive entrepreneur from annoying with messages, follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Log in to the site and select "My AliExpress".
  2. At the top, click on "Messages".
  3. After opening the correspondence with sellers, you will see their names and store names in the left column. Click on the text of the desired message.
  4. In the dialog box with the seller, click "Add to blacklist" (the inscription is located at the top of the screen).
  5. Confirm the action by choosing Confirm.

It is important that the seller will not be able to send messages, but his products will be visible to you in the search. In the future, you can edit the list if you want: in "My AliExpress" click "Messages", open the Contact Blacklist and make changes.

View store reviews

How can I find out about fraud in advance? AliExpress has a review system that allows you to make a first impression:

The data does not always correspond to the real quality of service, because when problems arise, users tend to win a dispute and forget about an unpleasant event, but you will get an idea of ​​the level of service.

If you want to find a reliable store, pay attention to the “TOP-seller” icon and the number of people who added it to “Favorite”.

Blacklisting or reputation: what to look for

There is no blacklist system on the site itself, but on specialized forums you can find information about unscrupulous merchants working on AliExpress. Does it make sense to pay attention to such reviews?

The usefulness of blacklists on third-party sites is questionable, since new stores are constantly opening on the site. Finding the one you need in abundance can be difficult! But there are also advantages, since the system on the site itself cannot be called perfect: the negative reputation of the store lasts only for several months, after which it works from scratch.

In part, you can judge with the help of reviews, but entrepreneurs are engaged in cheating them. According to the testimony of sellers, offers of such services come in private messages at least 2 times a month, so it will not be difficult to acquire admiring statements from “customers”.

The quality of service is indicated by the rating, but study all the rating scales. The score is based on the results of several sub-points: if you indicate Very poor for one of them, and then give 3 stars for replies to messages and 5 for fast delivery, then there will be no noticeable changes in the overall indicator. For this reason, stores with good rating at the market.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice, check the information, otherwise you risk being disappointed.

How to avoid being cheated when buying on AliExpress

If you don't want to ponder later how to add a seller to the blacklist on AliExpress, carefully consider his choice:

  1. After reviewing the data on the trading platform, use independent services: the site allows you to check in a couple of minutes. You will need to select a product, copy the line from the browser and paste it into the appropriate window. By clicking "Check", you will receive summarized information about the seller's work in Russian. The service will appeal to those who do not speak English.
  2. The largest base is the site // A store added to the list can be found by name or number, and it is preferable to use the latter option: the name is easy to change, and the assigned combination of numbers is issued forever. You will see it in the address bar, so copy the required characters and paste them into the search box on the site. Seller reviews fall into 3 categories: white, gray, and black. If the latter prevails, refuse to purchase.
  3. When a product is sold out, unscrupulous entrepreneurs replace it with another one - and positive reviews remain. Start with the very first comments left by buyers: if they mention a price of $ 200, and now they are asking for $ 20 for an item, the deal will not be fair. Pay also attention to the address bar, because it contains the name of the offered item.
  4. Use the AliExpress Seller Check app by downloading it from. By installing it on your computer, you will check information about entrepreneurs or add complaints, after which the store will be blacklisted on an independent platform. By warning other customers, you will improve the service.

Keep in mind that responsible entrepreneurs also have disruptions, so don't give up on a single negative review.

How to add a store to the blacklist in the database

The AliMonitor website has the largest database on the Russian Internet, which allows you to check the reliability of sellers. The administration is processing specialized forums and blogs, collecting disparate information, so users do not have to read multi-page discussions between users. To add a seller to the list, leave a review on the site, and it will be promptly added.