With the advent of wedding tourism in scientific circles abroad, many disputes arose regarding which type of tourism it should be classified as. Some argued that it was close to the youth type of tourism, others - to event tourism, and still others - to family tourism. The result of the controversy was the decision of the World Tourism Organization to declare honeymoon travel an independent type of tourism.

Unfortunately, in the Russian literature on the tourism business, in the various proposed classifications, honeymoon trips are not presented as an independent type of tourism. Even a definition of the concept of “wedding tourism” is extremely difficult to find, not to mention what types of honeymoon trips exist today.

Only in the classification of types of tourism compiled based on the materials of the Russian Trade and Economic Dictionary, presented on the tourism portal dedicated to tourism in Russia (http://7rus.ru/), can one find a definition according to which wedding tourism - a type of tourism designed for newlyweds.

Based on the above, we can conclude that a wedding tour is a trip designed for newlyweds, taking place according to a certain wedding scenario at a certain time with a certain range of services (transportation, hotel accommodation, wedding ceremony - official or symbolic, transfer, meals), as well as providing additional services at the request of clients. A wedding tour involves a completely individual approach. A special route is developed for each couple, and a hotel is carefully selected depending on their wishes.

As you know, the main goals of tourism are: entertaining (attractive), recreational and educational. Travel for the purpose of entertainment and recreation forms the basis of international tourist exchange. They account for about 70% of world tourism. They combine recreational, educational, and amateur sports trips.

Depending on the type, honeymoon trips involve achieving all of the above goals.

However, wedding tourism also has its own special goal - creating a new family or strengthening an existing one.

It follows that wedding tourism is socially significant and has an important impact on the demographic situation of the country.

Wedding tourism can be classified according to different criteria:

ü according to the sources of financing, honeymoon travel is a commercial type of tourism;

ü according to the age composition of participants - intended for both young people and people of middle and mature age;

ü wedding tourism uses all types of tourist resources: swimming and beach, medical, ecological, mountain, water and others;

ü wedding tourism can be called year-round, since depending on a particular season, you can choose the best country for the time of year in which the honeymoon took place;

ü according to the duration, honeymoon trips can be classified as: short-term, medium-term and weekend routes (the average trip lasts from 2 to 14 days);

ü according to the method of accommodation - mainly hotel type;

ü all types of vehicles can be used on honeymoon trips: automobile, air, railway, motor ships, using exotic vehicles (balloon);

ü according to the number of participants - it can be individual, designed only for a couple, or it can be a group if not only the newlyweds, but also guests with relatives go on the wedding tour (for example, during a wedding);

ü by method of organization: organized, unorganized, etc.

At the heart of all types and forms of wedding tourism is the key concept of a honeymoon - an important component of any wedding ceremony. A honeymoon, or in other words, a honeymoon, without exaggeration, is the most memorable moment of family life. They are waiting for it, preparing for it, dreaming about it. After all, this is one of the most ancient wedding traditions.

Wedding tourism is a fairly new phenomenon on the Russian tourism market. The European and Western honeymoon travel market began to develop especially actively since the mid-1970s, just in the post-war period, when barriers to the movement of people were removed or reduced, and marriages, including international ones, began to take place in unusual places and ways, for example, with parachute jumping, underwater in scuba gear, on board a yacht or airplane, on islands or mountain tops.

The history of the development of wedding tourism in Rossini is completely different. During the Soviet Union, the concept of “tourism” had a slightly different meaning than in the modern world. There was no talk of special wedding tours at all. There were several ways to purchase the coveted vouchers: get them through the trade union of your organization, get them through an acquaintance, or buy them at a travel agency. However, there were few such bureaus. It was even impossible to book hotel rooms. And, of course, there was no talk of any additional range of services for newlyweds. In those distant times there was no concept of a “tour package”. But no one objected, because traveling outside the country was considered great happiness. The most luxurious honeymoon in those days was considered a trip to Bulgaria. In most cases, newlywed Komsomol members went to the Russian south - they went to sanatoriums and boarding houses, most often they traveled as “savages”: they rented housing, or even just settled in tents. Guaranteed on such a trip were breakfasts, lunches and dinners in the dining room, evening dances and excursions, a minimum of fish soup on a campfire, a morning shower in the sea or river and hiking trips to the sights.

Today the situation has changed radically. Now, perhaps, every second Russian knows who is a tour operator and who is a travel agent. The modern tourist market, like a luxuriously laid table, is full of all kinds of offers and temptations.

Today, a honeymoon, like love, has no boundaries. They create special tours for newlyweds, book special hotel rooms and create an unusually romantic atmosphere. Now, thanks to the developed tourism industry, almost the whole world is open to newlyweds, and everything depends only on their desires and fantasies. They can say their vows in an ancient European castle, on a cliff with a stunning view of the volcano, during a colorful Buddhist ceremony, or under the rustling of ocean waves on the seashore. The fairy tale begins at the plane's steps in your home country, and then everything can develop according to a scenario previously agreed upon with the tour operator. An airplane for two, a room with a jacuzzi and rose petals, a luxury limousine, a candlelit dinner on a yacht, a personal guide and so on.

Tourism is the temporary departure of citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens from their permanent place of residence for health, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country of temporary residence.

Wedding tourism is a type of tourism designed for potential newlyweds traveling for the purpose of a wedding or honeymoon outside the area of ​​residence.

An outdoor ceremony is a wedding performance, a spectacle organized and performed in an original style with a unique scenario.

Outbound wedding tourism is a type of event tourism, the main feature of which is considered to be the presence of the most vivid and memorable impressions for a lifetime.

Event tourism is one of the areas of tourism dedicated to an event.

Overseas honeymoon trips are becoming more popular these days. Today's newlyweds choose not just romantic trips, but a wedding ceremony abroad. They go to Venice, Florence, Paris, Vienna and Prague to get married, and on exotic islands they become participants in unusual rituals and wedding ceremonies. In wedding tours, three points can be distinguished: the first is a trip with the official registration of marriage, this can happen in Cyprus, Jamaica, some exotic islands and Las Vegas; the second point is the registration of marriage in the homeland, and the wedding in one of the famous churches of Europe. Most often, the cathedrals of Paris, Rome, Venice or Czech cities are chosen for these purposes. The third type of travel is when a wedding ceremony is held for the newlyweds in one of the European cities or on an exotic peninsula. It has no legal force; it is simply a memorable ritual for the newlyweds and their guests.

Abroad, wedding tours are practiced with marriage in several geographical locations, combining this process with relaxation.

There is a basic package of documents for registering a marriage abroad:

    Russian passport - domestic and foreign;

    Birth certificate;

    Divorce certificate (if there was a divorce);

    Death certificate of the former spouse, if applicable;

    Previous marriage certificate, if available;

    Certificate of change of surname and name, under appropriate circumstances;

    Parental consent to marriage (for persons under 18 years of age).

In addition to these documents, various other certificates may be required - about marital status, no criminal record, mental health, permanent place of residence, marriage contract.

Considering tourism in more detail, we can distinguish several varieties of this tourist destination.

Types of wedding tourism

The following types of wedding tourism are distinguished:

    Official wedding ceremonies abroad;

    Symbolic wedding ceremonies abroad;

    Wedding abroad;

    Honeymoon trip

Official wedding ceremony– carried out by an authorized person in the local municipality or outside it, if permitted in the given country. A wedding in Italy or Cyprus necessarily involves an official wedding ceremony in the local city municipality, but a wedding in Cuba or on the island of Mauritius can take place anywhere - on the ocean, on the edge of a cliff or in a garden gazebo on the hotel grounds. In the Czech Republic, the ceremony can take place either in the city hall or in a medieval castle. Countries in which the wedding ceremony is expected to take place: Cyprus, Barbados, Seychelles, Slovenia, Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, Greece, Cuba, Tahiti, Czech Republic, Jamaica, Fiji, Bahamas, Mauritius, Australia.

Symbolic wedding abroad– each nation has its own wedding customs and traditions, designed to ensure happiness and family well-being for the newlyweds. They have developed over centuries and have been tested by more than one generation, so even in a modern wedding there are elements of ancient rituals.

I propose to consider the wedding traditions of some countries:

In Spain, it is customary to pour sweet syrup on the bride as a sign of sweet seed life. In Norway, on their wedding day, the bride and groom plant a small Christmas tree on both sides of the entrance to the house to ensure a long and happy life. In India, after the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom are showered with flower petals. The Thai wedding ceremony is carried out according to old Thai traditions. The bride and groom, dressed in national snow-white and gold clothes and headdresses made of lotus and orchids, put garlands of jasmine flowers on each other to the sound of music, light magic candles and drink drinks. Polynesian wedding ceremonies are usually held on the beach at sunset, by torchlight.

Wedding abroad- carried out under several conditions. Those wishing to get married must be baptized Orthodox Christians and be officially married. There are Orthodox churches in Greece, Jerusalem, Cyprus and Italy.

Honeymoon trip- This is a honeymoon trip.

This is a great opportunity to relax on the seashore or ocean from past wedding affairs.

This type of tourism is relevant, since today outbound wedding tourism is little studied and is becoming increasingly popular among modern newlyweds, and in connection with this, a sociological study was conducted, as a result of which 50 men and 50 women, aged from 19 to 35 years, were interviewed .

The tourism business tries to satisfy any requests of its clients. Wedding tourism is especially popular among young people. The wedding ceremony is interpreted in different ways. So, in Ozhegov’s dictionary "wedding - marriage ceremony". The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary gives its explanation - “a wedding is a ceremony accompanied by marriage.”

Nowadays, a wedding tour usually means a trip to a honeymoon; it can also be a wedding abroad combined with a honeymoon. Previously, wedding ceremonies were in most cases held in the homeland of the newlyweds. Today, such a ceremony can be held without any problems in any corner of our planet, wherever the newlyweds wish. Such a tourist destination is primarily distinguished by a clearly individualized program for the future trip. Such tours feature the best romantic hotels and luxurious room design. Newlyweds are presented with a wide selection of beautiful wedding dresses and suits. The program of such a tour includes the organization of romantic dinners on the seashore for two, various cruises and yacht trips and much more. Breakfast is also provided in your room. Depending on the wishes of the young couple, a special route is developed for them.

Practice shows that organizing a wedding outside the cordon is quite difficult, but “tourist companies find beautiful places, negotiate with local authorities, write romantic scenarios, handle all the paperwork, invite photographers, stylists, presenters and think through honeymoon travel options”. Abroad, a number of hotels have special rooms for newlyweds. In most European hotels, newlyweds are served champagne in their room, and the room is decorated with flowers. In Eastern countries, on the eve of the wedding, it is customary for the bride and groom to have a special massage. Unlike regular tours, honeymoon trips are organized differently. Newlyweds are provided with special rooms, meetings and banquets are organized for them, and all these events are recorded by an experienced photographer, and recently all this has been filmed on a video camera. All this is designed to evoke the most pleasant impressions and subsequently memories for the newlyweds. The main thing for a travel company is that the newlyweds receive everything they ordered. Very often, newlyweds abandon traditional wedding ceremony plans. In such cases, they fly thousands of kilometers away and organize their wedding according to exotic canons.

The growing interest in foreign weddings can be explained by one more reason - a large number of Russian citizens, after calculating how much wedding celebrations will cost them, come to the conclusion that for the same or even less money they can get a lot of impressions, and at the same time have a good rest. As noted earlier, organizing a wedding abroad is quite difficult, but travel companies try their best to please their clients. They find beautiful places, draw up romantic scenarios, negotiate with local authorities, draw up the necessary documents, attract photographers and think through the honeymoon program to the smallest detail.

It should be noted that the wedding ceremony must precede the honeymoon. Thus, you can also celebrate any marriage anniversary, golden wedding or any other. If you are already married, then you have the opportunity to order a special “wedding” tour from the agency. Also, travel agencies and firms organize wedding tours, which in their program include a symbolic marriage ceremony according to local traditions and customs. If you are going on a wedding tour, then it is advisable to choose a country where both newlyweds have not yet been. You can also determine in advance what the atmosphere of the wedding celebration will be - the atmosphere of a crowded holiday, for example during a carnival, or it may be solitude, which will provide an opportunity to enjoy communication with each other. You also have the opportunity to purchase a ready-made one.

In most cases, a young couple must decide for themselves whether they want to emphasize the character of their wedding tour. After all, almost any tour can be called a honeymoon. For young people, this could even be an ordinary economy class beach tour, as well as a real wedding expedition, which is what happens in most cases. But if the newlyweds set themselves the goal of emphasizing the wedding nature of the trip in every detail, then it would be best if they contact a travel company that organizes such trips. One thing to remember is that “There are few companies specializing only in wedding tourism”. It is very important here that a multidisciplinary travel company has at least one manager who specializes in wedding tours, and that the product itself is reflected on its website on the Internet, in various publications about the company and in its catalogs.

Therefore, we can do a little analysis and say that a honeymoon trip differs from a regular tour in the following way:

A special selection of countries with the most unusual and picturesque places,
- all the worries about organizing the wedding tour are taken care of by the company’s experienced specialists,
- special choice of accommodation - the most romantic hotels are chosen for a young couple.

It is important to note the trend that interest in wedding tourism is increasing every year. Young people are given the opportunity to go on a honeymoon to any corner of the world, so that this trip becomes an unforgettable memory for the rest of their life together.

Travel agencies that organize honeymoon trips can offer their clients the following tour options:

Official ceremony and wedding ceremony,
- symbolic wedding ceremony,
- romantic honeymoon.

By their nature, all wedding ceremonies are divided into official and informal. Today there is a list of countries where you can get officially married without any problems. Unlike official ones, unofficial ceremonies are held almost everywhere. Newlyweds choose this type of travel when they want to celebrate their wedding anniversary. In some cases, young couples choose an exotic and memorable tour instead of an official ceremony. Every year the number of newlyweds who want to legitimize their relationship according to outlandish traditions and rituals in the most unusual places on our planet increases. Quite a large number of young couples go on honeymoon trips to European countries, where they can get acquainted with interesting and cultural wedding ceremonies and rituals. But as practice shows, most of our compatriots still prefer to register their relationship in their own country, and they go on a honeymoon to other countries.

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Course project in the discipline of program tourism on the topic:

"Wedding tourism".


Full-time student

3 courses 302 groups


Ekaterinburg - 2012.

Introduction………………………………………………………… …….….2

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of wedding tourism…………..5

    1. History of the development of wedding tourism…………………………..…..5
    2. Basic definitions and concepts…………………………….…..8
    3. The state of wedding tourism in the world……………………………9
    4. State of the wedding services market in Russia, the region and

Ekaterinburg…………………………………………… …………..15

    1. Classification of wedding tourism…………………………..……19

Chapter 2. Development of a wedding tour project in the Czech Republic. Prague…30

2.1 Recreational opportunities of this region…………………….30

2.2 Program analysis. Relevance of the direction……………… …..32

2.3 Tour program………………………………………… …………….46

2.4 Calculation of the cost of the tour……………………… ………………………..48

Conclusion………………………………………………………….. ………..50


Appendix……………………………………………………… ……52


Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing areas. High rates of development, large volumes of foreign exchange earnings can be confirmed by statistical data - the tourism sector accounts for about 6.5% of the world's gross national product, 7% of world investments, every 16th job, 11% of world consumer spending, as well as the emergence of new types tourism such as sports, extreme, space, wedding, etc.

The relevance of the stated problems is due, firstly, to the fact that the wedding tradition is a phenomenon that has existed since ancient times and will always remain relevant, affecting every person in one way or another. Millions of people around the world pay great attention to the process of marriage or wedding. This is the most striking event in the life of every person. The active development of civilization provides many new opportunities for the implementation of new wedding ideas. Secondly, at the moment, more and more people want to move away from the standard wedding festivities. Young couples turn to travel agencies to find beautiful, exotic places for weddings.

Wedding tourism is a topical topic, but little studied. What could be more important in the life of every person than the beginning of family life. A honeymoon is a great start to a family journey. This trip can be characterized not only as the desire of the young to somehow celebrate a significant event in a special way, but also their desire to be away from everyone and to be alone from everything, to feel like one.

The purpose of this work is to analyze wedding tourism.

Achieving this goal requires setting the following tasks:

– consider the basic concepts of wedding tourism;

– study the classification of wedding tours;

– develop a wedding tour.

The object of study is wedding tourism.

Practical significance of the work: define concepts related to the topic of wedding tourism, define tasks and goals, classify the type of tourism.

Among the methods involved in writing coursework, we note the widest use of electronic sources of information (electronic versions of textbooks, reference books, articles from periodicals). On the Internet, we collected information found in specialized portals and websites, as well as in thematic chat rooms.
Among the textbooks, we especially note the works of V.A. Kvartalnov. and Birzhakova M.B. They formed the narrative basis of the course work.
The bibliography lists all the sources that were used in preparing and writing the work. Regardless of whether quotes were given along the way or not. Some suggested a thought, a phrase, a formulation; others helped in structuring the material.
As for the popular electronic versions of essays posted by our student colleagues on the Internet, we did not find a single one related to our topic.
In our work, we used line-by-line links to sources with its full name.

1.1 History of the development of wedding tourism

A honeymoon is one of the essential attributes of marriage. Foreign films have hopelessly fallen in love with this beautiful tradition of all future Russian brides. Regardless of where these first few weeks of life together will be spent - in a country hotel or on an overseas trip - all young couples sincerely hope that all subsequent years of marriage will at least somehow remind them from time to time of their unique and unforgettable honeymoon - a time that back in the eighteenth century the British called it honeymoon for a reason. Honeymoon travel became especially popular in the nineteenth century, when European newlyweds considered it obligatory to visit Switzerland or Italy and relax together on the French Riviera. Not wanting to lag behind their European “colleagues,” Russian couples of that time went to Mediterranean resorts. It was believed that one should go on a trip six weeks after the wedding ceremony, so that the recent bride could take a good rest from the hassle of the wedding, and also not spoil the first - the sweetest - weeks of their long-awaited intimacy with young people with travel and meager hotel life. The Soviet era ruthlessly rejected honeymoon travel, like many other “capitalist” traditions. However, the newlyweds still found opportunities (and means) to spend several weeks away from home and parents, with whom many were forced to share living space. The “hits” of Soviet wedding tourism are Crimea, Sochi, Riga and Dombay. The height of dreams and place of pilgrimage for the elite is Bulgaria. Russian newlyweds were able to breathe deeply in the 80s and 90s, when the choice of destinations for joint vacations was replenished with previously inaccessible countries. With the growth of the economic situation of the country and its citizens, honeymoon trips to exotic countries have become increasingly popular. Travel companies are quickly preparing more and more new offers for newlyweds, vying with each other to make their trip truly unforgettable. However, the young people fully deserve this, because creating a new family is not just a decisive step, but a real feat.

Since the time of Adam, a man, in order to find complete harmony in his life, must necessarily find his Eve. Marriage by custom has been known since the times of Ancient Rome, but along with it there was such a form of marriage as buying a bride. A bride was bought already at a time when there was no money circulation; the measure of price was cattle (a certain number of heads of large and small cattle were given for the bride). From the works of Homer it is known that the tradition of buying a bride already existed in his time. Later, with the development of agriculture, they began to buy a bride for the harvest.
As a symbolic act, the custom of buying a bride persisted for a long time in Ancient Rome. The man came to the wedding with scales, onto which the bride threw a coin in the presence of witnesses.
To resolve possible marriage conflicts in the Ancient world, clay tablets were used, on which a scribe, sitting at the city gate, wrote the text of the marriage contract. If a marriage contract was not concluded with a woman, she was not considered a wife.
Over time, the position of women in society changed, and a form of marriage with a dowry appeared. Dowry weddings have been known since 135 BC. e., and the husband, if he wanted to leave his wife, had to return her dowry. There were dowry weddings in Egypt and Athens.
The age of future wives in ancient times was very young. Fathers sought to give their daughters away as early as possible, sometimes even before puberty. In ancient Egypt, many child marriages were known in the royal dynasties.
The tradition of bride kidnapping has deep historical roots. From the epic we know that even the gods of Olympus preferred a wedding with abduction. Even the bride's full consent to the marriage was not an obstacle to the abduction. Along with abduction, there was a custom of carrying the bride over the threshold of the house in order to deceive the demons.
All customs have a centuries-old history, and all of them are aimed at making the marriage of young people happy and lasting.
For many people, a wedding is only real when a number of wedding traditions and customs are observed. Each wedding tradition has its own history and special meaning.
In order to show her economy and readiness for married life, in many European countries the bride herself bought her wedding shoes.
The custom of bride ransom is symbolic. Before the wedding, the bride's friends kidnapped her as a joke, which indicated separation from her parents' home. If the groom did not find his betrothed, he paid a ransom.
Bridesmaids were supposed to distract evil spirits from her. In order to confuse them, they dressed in the same dresses as the bride.
In Rus', natural modesty and chastity were highly valued, so a public kiss between the bride and groom symbolized a long relationship between them. In order for the groom to be cleansed of the sins of his youth, he had to give a ransom before stepping over the rope stretched in front of the church portal.
Before the Baptism of Rus', there were no wedding ceremonies as such. Morals were simple, people believed that they were children of nature, relationships between men and women were polygamous. Polygamy was common. But after Prince Vladimir baptized Rus', Christianity began to supplant pagan deities. But it was not so easy to eradicate the centuries-old culture of the people, as a result, by the 16th century. The wedding ceremony developed as a combination of pagan and Christian beliefs.
By the 16th century The wedding ritual was fully formed. Its main stages, the people participating in it, ritual dishes and clothing were determined. But taking into account the uniqueness of the Russian people, it was impossible to find two villages where the wedding would be celebrated in the same way. Only the main persons and the main course of the wedding were the same. Most of the wedding attributes were borrowed from other peoples. From the ancient traditions of marriages, rings, the bride's veil, candles, wedding gifts, and the joining of the hands of the newlyweds came to us. In Antiquity, the seemingly so Russian custom of showering newlyweds with grain, hops and money arose. What about the wedding loaf? Who doubted that this is our truly Russian custom? But no, it was borrowed from the wedding ceremony of the ancient Romans. Only they didn’t have a loaf, but bread mixed with salt water and honey.
Before the wedding, young people had to receive the blessing of their parents. In Rus', parents were revered, and it was very rare to decide to get married in secret, especially since it was considered illegal. Marriages without the blessing of parents were condemned by the peasant community and relatives, and it was believed that such a marriage would not end well

1.2 Basic concepts

A wedding is a solemn ceremony dedicated to marriage.

Ceremony - A solemn performance of something, a ritual according to established rules.

Tradition is a set of ideas, customs, habits and skills of practical and social activities, passed on from generation to generation, serving as one of the regulators of social relations.

Tourism - temporary departures (travels) of people to another country or area other than their place of permanent residence for a period of 24 hours to 6 months within one calendar year or with at least one overnight stay in entertainment, recreational, sports, guest, educational, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities paid for from a local source.

Wedding tourism is a type of tourism designed for newlyweds.

Marriage registration is a legally significant procedure for registering marital relations.

Solemn registration of marriage in the registry office is the final stage of the marriage registration procedure with elements of solemn ritual actions.

Non-solemn registration of marriage in the registry office is the final stage of the marriage registration procedure (issuance of documents).

Field registration of marriage is a legally significant procedure for registering marital relations outside the walls of the registry office.

A wedding ceremony is a solemn and ritual event at which the announcement of the creation of a marital union takes place.

1.3 The state of wedding tourism in the world. Peculiarities.

Official wedding ceremonies are performed by an official of a particular country in the local municipality or outside it (in those countries where this is allowed). The result of the ceremony is the receipt of an official marriage certificate, which, after legalization, is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

List of European countries where you can hold an official wedding ceremony:

    • Austria
    • Greece
    • Italy
    • Slovenia
    • Czech Republic

Republic of Austria.

Capital. Vein. Square. 83859 km 2. Population. 8151 thousand people

Location. The country is located in Central Europe. In the north it borders with Germany and the Czech Republic, in the east with Hungary and Slovakia, in the south with Italy and Slovenia, and in the west with Liechtenstein and Switzerland. It has no access to the sea. Most of the territory is occupied by the Alps and their foothills.

Climate. Moderate, transitional to continental, highly dependent on altitude. Winter is mild, with frequent snowfalls, the coldest winter month is January, the temperature in the valleys drops to - 2°C, in the mountainous areas - to - 14°C. Snow lies in the mountains for 7-8 months. Summer is warm and sunny, the hottest months are July and August, with temperatures around + 20 °C. Precipitation ranges from 600 mm per year in the east of the country to 2000 mm per year on the western and southwestern slopes of the Alps.

Useful information for tourists. There are 2 tourist seasons - summer (July-August) and winter (Christmas). The best time to visit Vienna is late spring and early autumn. The ski season lasts until mid-April. To use the lifts, you must purchase single or one-day tickets (there are several categories) or more profitable “ski passes” for several days (for those valid for more than 10 days, a photograph is required). Tourist plastic cards provide free travel on any type of public transport, free (or cheaper) visits to museums and excursions, and all kinds of discounts. Free maps of Vienna, transport routes, excursion programs and brochures, including in Russian, can be obtained from the Wien-Turismus office on Albertinaplatz.

The tip is 5% of the order value; in large restaurants it is customary to leave 10% of the bill amount. The waiter will definitely return the change for the bill, and after that, in the same napkin, you need to give him a tip. You can leave small coins in bars and cafes. In street cafes they do not give tips. It is customary for a taxi driver to pay 10% over the meter; you can simply not take the change from the change.

Hellenic Republic.

Capital. Athens. Square. 131957 km 2. Population. 10624 thousand people

Location Greece is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula and the surrounding 2,000 islands of the Mediterranean, Aegean and Ionian Seas, which account for almost 20% of its territory and of which only 166 are inhabited. By land, Greece borders Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Turkey. From west to east the Aegean Sea stretches a chain of islands - the Cyclades, and from north to south along the coast of Asia Minor - the Sporades (Dodecanese). In the south, the Aegean Sea is closed by Crete, the largest island of Greece. Along the western shores are the Ionian Islands.

Climate. The climate of Greece is Mediterranean, with dry, hot summers and cool, rainy winters. Southern Greece is about 4 degrees warmer than the north of the country. The average annual temperature is + 18 °C. In summer there is practically no rain. The highest point is Mount Olympus (2911 m).

Useful information for tourists. In restaurants, taverns and cafes it is customary to tip 5-10% of the order amount. There is no need to wait for the waiter to pay - you can simply leave the money on the plate on which the bill was brought. There is only one strict prohibition: when visiting monasteries, you cannot wear shorts, T-shirts, and for women - trousers and miniskirts. It is not necessary to wear hats. Many monasteries have a small room in front of the entrance where long skirts and loose trousers hang, which you can wear if your clothes are too frivolous.

Job description

Wedding tourism today occupies an important position in the field of world tourism. The competent work of tour operators and travel agencies allows newlyweds to travel around the world, choosing the most exotic and unusual places for wedding ceremonies.

Contents of the work

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of wedding tourism…………..5
1.1 History of the development of wedding tourism…………………………..…..5
1.2 Basic definitions and concepts…………………………….…..8
1.3 The state of wedding tourism in the world……………………………9
1.4 State of the wedding services market in Russia, the region and
1.5 Classification of wedding tourism…………………………..……19
Conclusions on Chapter 1……………………………………………...29
Chapter 2. Development of a wedding tour project in the Czech Republic. Prague…30
2.1 Recreational opportunities of this region…………………….30
2.2 Program analysis. Relevance of the direction…………………..32
2.3 Tour program……………………………………………………….46
2.4 Calculation of the cost of the tour……………………………………………..48
Conclusions on Chapter 2…………………………………………………………….49

Interest in wedding tourism is growing every year. Newlyweds have the opportunity to go to any corner of the world to make the wedding ceremony an unforgettable event in the life of the newlyweds. Agencies involved in the “marriage” area offer the following tour options for newlyweds:

Official wedding ceremony and wedding ceremony;

Symbolic wedding ceremony;

Romantic honeymoon.

In all cases, newlyweds or future spouses are spared the holiday hassle: all they are required to do is documents and choose a tour. The solution to all organizational issues - from purchasing a wedding dress for the bride to translating the marriage certificate into the native language - rests entirely with the travel agency and the receiving party. There is also another, more expanded classification of honeymoon tourism - honeymoon trip. This type of tour is very popular. Tourists prefer to travel to South America, the Mediterranean, and relax on exotic islands such as Bali, Thailand, Seychelles, Mauritius and the Caribbean.

Marriage outside the Russian Federation is recognized in Russia if the marriage is concluded according to the laws of the country where registration takes place and does not contradict our legislation. About 20 countries offer official registration. The exception is Islamic countries, where only a symbolic ceremony can be held. As a rule, the same set of documents is required from the bride and groom everywhere: international passports, copies of internal passports, birth certificates, certificates of marital status, and for those who are not getting married for the first time, certificates of previous marriage and change of surname, divorce or death spouse. Some countries have more requirements: for example, in Cyprus you must provide a blood test, and in order to officially register in France, you must live in the country for at least two weeks before the ceremony. All documents must be translated into English, certified by a notary and affixed with an apostle - a special stamp certifying authenticity. This will take approximately from a week to a month.

You can also get married abroad, but you can combine this with a civil ceremony only in Cyprus. In all other countries, a marriage certificate is required for a wedding. The bride and groom also usually present baptismal certificates or other evidence that they profess the same religion, as well as permission to perform the sacrament from the Russian church, received in their parish.

Wedding ceremonies are divided into official and informal. At the moment, there is a list of countries in which you can get married officially. Informal ceremonies are possible almost everywhere. The form of the event depends on the specifics of the country, traditions and customs. Most often, young couples choose this type of travel if they want to celebrate their wedding anniversary, or if they prefer a beautiful and memorable tour instead of an official ceremony. Of all the above, honeymoon travel and official marriage registration are in greatest demand. Newlyweds choose for their wedding tour both Russian cities: St. Petersburg, Sochi, and other countries: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Maldives, Mauritius.

Due to the active development of this type of tourism, new offers are appearing for those wishing to get married. For example, not so long ago a new wedding proposal arose in the United States, which instantly gained popularity among tourists all over the world - getting married right in the car. The registry office building looks like a Makavto, when, after passing through several windows, the newlyweds leave on the other side as spouses. Such innovations in the world of marriage ceremonies are popular. Today, a wide range of offers are available for newlyweds. If you wish, you can choose to relax in a French, English or Portuguese castle. Travel agencies offer their clients luxury hotels, fantastic SPA centers, closed eco-complexes, and romantic yachts. When organizing wedding tours, it is necessary to clearly think through and describe the requirements for this vacation, as well as take into account the character and preferences of the newlyweds. There is an initially developed wedding holiday program; it is very easily adapted to specific people and their interests. This is a kind of matrix or frame that can easily be varied, adapting to the preferences of the newlyweds.

Marriage and wedding ceremonies abroad are especially popular. One of the most romantic ceremonies takes place in Tahiti. The groom sails to the beach on a pirogue, accompanied by a dancer. The second pirogue carries musicians who perform wedding melodies on sea shells. The ceremony itself is conducted by a local priest, he pronounces various spells in the local language. After dispersing all evil spirits, the newlyweds are given green coconut milk to drink and decorated with flower beads. The same ceremonies are held in India and Thailand, but not all of them are performed - some elements of the ritual are not to the taste of tourists. For example, during Buddhist and Hindu ceremonies, newlyweds are heavily painted – their face, their hands. Many grooms are intimidated by the prospect of painted eyes and lips. There are options where the bride and groom are simply dressed in traditional clothes. In Greece, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Israel and Cyprus, you can organize a wedding according to the Orthodox rite. In these countries there are Orthodox churches that are ready to marry foreigners. There are no more than five such churches in Greece - near Athens, Rhodes and Crete. In the Holy Land, Orthodox rites take place in the Cathedral of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem. To get married abroad, you need baptismal certificates and a wedding permit from the Russian church; this can be obtained from your parish. In addition, you must already register in Russia and have a marriage certificate, otherwise the foreign church will refuse the wedding. Only “in Cyprus it is possible to combine a civil wedding ceremony with a wedding ceremony, both Catholic and Orthodox”7. But it should be noted that the Catholic rite is almost twice as expensive as the Orthodox one. There are wedding tours that include the organization of a symbolic marriage ceremony according to local customs and traditions. Such rituals in exotic countries can be distinguished by exquisite romance with dressing in national costumes, a table laden with local delicacies, traditional music, dancing and other attributes of local culture. For example, a wedding ceremony in French Polynesia takes place on the ocean shore, at sunset, in the light of huge torches. Dressed in a traditional pareo, the bride appears on the beach to the sound of music, accompanied by dancers, and the groom must arrive by boat. Cruise wedding tours are also very popular; you can book a honeymoon trip around Europe in a hot air balloon.

When choosing a wedding tour, you must remember that nature and climatic conditions play an important role. Considering that most weddings take place at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, it is worth highlighting a number of countries where autumn is the real “queen of the seasons” and can fill a trip with unforgettable beauty and bright colors even without the sultry heat and beach joys.

The leader among countries where autumn is the best time of the year is Italy. Wedding tourism in Italy is quite common as weddings can be celebrated here all year round. If tourists set out to get married on Valentine's Day, the fourteenth of February, Italy will present the newlyweds with a wedding gift in the form of the Verona in Love festival, which opens annually on this day. But at any other time of the year, Italy will greet you with the comfort of its bustling streets, the friendliness of its citizens, its excellent climate and a huge number of attractions.

Another common destination among honeymoon tourists is the Czech Republic. The capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, is the most romantic corner in the entire small state. Prague is an amazing city where newlyweds can find a lot of romantic and beautiful places. One of them is Petrin Hill. Once you get here, you can see a stunning view of the city, enjoy a leisurely walk, or even have a small picnic.

For those who love distant travels and unusual places, India can be a pleasant place to get married. Here, the wedding ceremony and honeymoon days will become the most exciting event in the lives of the newlyweds. The wedding ceremony itself in India is noticeably distinguished by its pomp and richness of colors. Traditionally, the bride's hands are decorated with henna tattoos. The names of the future groom and the bride herself are hidden behind the complex ornate patterns. A folk Indian sign says that if “the groom can find his own name in the palm of the bride, then the life”9 of the young family will work out in the best way, and there will always be mutual understanding and love in the family. Another interesting tradition is the groom presenting a ring to the bride. According to tradition, “the future husband must give the bride his mother’s ring, which in turn she received from her mother-in-law”10. Such a gift is considered a sign of boundless love and devotion. But, in addition to traditions and intricacies of signs, India will amaze you with the extraordinary beauty of nature, strange animals and plants.

The minimum wedding budget for two is about ten thousand euros. This includes a trip to the country chosen by the newlyweds for 5-7 days, accommodation in a five-star hotel, symbolic or real, official wedding ceremony, photo shoot, romantic dinner with musicians, wedding room decoration and a bottle of champagne. A wedding with guests can cost about thirty to forty thousand euros.

Every year the number of people wishing to legalize their relationships in the most unusual places, according to outlandish traditions and rituals, is growing. Thus, most newlyweds go on honeymoon to European countries that have interesting cultural and wedding traditions. Most Russians prefer to register their relationship in their home country and go to another country for a wedding tour.