Gevorgyan Narek Once upon a time there lived a penguin in Antarctica. What was his name? And his name was Pin Gwin. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow. Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. What to do? And just then he was walking by... Santa Claus was walking by, saw Pin Gwin’s protruding legs and thought: maybe this toy fell out of his gift bag? He threw it into the bag and rode further on the sleigh. Santa Claus on New Year gave > to the little girl Marina, who dreamed of a little penguin. She put > next to it, played with it and fell asleep. While she was sleeping, Pin the little guinea melted. In the morning Marina woke up from the noise in the room and was pleasantly surprised: standing in front of her was the cheerful and amusing Little Baby Pin. This was the most amazing New Year's gift. They became such friends that Pin Guinen did not want to return to Antarctica. into the bag and rode further on the sleigh. For the New Year, Santa Claus gave > to the little girl Marina, who dreamed of a little penguin. She put > next to it, played with it and fell asleep. While she was sleeping, Pin the little guinea melted. In the morning Marina woke up from the noise in the room and was pleasantly surprised: standing in front of her was the cheerful and amusing Little Baby Pin. This was the most amazing New Year's gift. They became such good friends that Pin Guinen didn’t want to return to Antarctica.”>

Stepanyan Vardan Once upon a time there lived a penguin in Antarctica. What was his name? They didn’t call me at all. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow. Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. What to do? And just then she was walking by... His mother was walking by. His mother barely pulled him out of the snowdrift. But he was naughty. And the next day he wanted to fly. He stood up and began to flap his wings. I waved and waved, but nothing worked. And then he decided to climb high mountain and try there. So I did. He climbed the mountain and began to flap his wings. Since nothing worked for him again, he jumped down from the mountain. The poor penguin fell and broke his leg. At the hospital, the penguin's mother said that penguins do not fly, but have wings to swim. The penguin smiled and promised his mother to be obedient. And from that day on, his mother called him Dunno.

Ayvazyan Venus Once upon a time there lived a little penguin in Antarctica. And his name was Pin Gwin. He was good, cheerful, loved to play a lot and ride down the slide. But he was lonely. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow. Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. What to do? And just then a dog was walking past. The dog was completely white and fluffy, like snow. She helped Ping Gwin climb out of the snowdrift. And they became friends with him. He brought Pin Gwin and brought him to his home. But the dog had an owner. When the owner found them he was very happy and fell in love with Pin Gwin very much. They became friends and every time the dog and his owner visited him in Antarctica, they always visited Pin Gwin. Pin Gwin was very glad that he had such good and faithful friends.

Khachanyan Mariam Once upon a time there lived a penguin in Antarctica. What was his name? And his name was Little Penguin Maki. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow. Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. What to do? And just then he was walking by... Another little penguin was walking by. He saw Maki and helped him out of the snowdrift. Maki began to be friends with him. After meeting, they began to look for Maki’s friends and parents together. His new friend knew where Maki gave birth and took him to them. Seeing his parents and friends, he was very happy. He introduced his new friend to his parents. They thanked the little penguin for returning their son to them. They lived happily and Maki was never away from his parents again.

Petrosyan Hasmik Once upon a time there lived a penguin in Antarctica. What was his name? And his name was Pin Gwin. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow. Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. What to do? And just then she was walking by... His mother was walking by. She pulled the little penguin out of the snowdrift, laid him on his tummy and began to roll him on the ice like a ball. And then his children also inherited these bizarre games. They were passed down from generation to generation to surprise people.

The other day I found out about's a unique publication.....very inadequate.... I envy those who read it in childhood... Otherwise I'm reading it... and I have a very strange feeling about what the authors of the magazine used. ..
So I decided to post a few excerpts from the magazine

One day the girls were walking past a spring puddle. Nika says:
- Do you want me to jump over this puddle, Yana?
And he'll jump... Right into the puddle!
What started here! Splashes fly, sparrows scream, Nika laughs, Yana squeals.
And the puddle swears:
- What a disgrace! There is no peace either day or night. Either they will park a car in me, or a pigeon will fly in for a swim. The boys are launching ships, they trampled everything. Neither sleep nor bask in the sun. And then some strange girls decided to jump and disturb me, the smooth one.
“Sorry,” says Nika. “I thought it was fun.”
Puddle doesn’t want to calm down, he grumbles:
- Come out of me, incomprehensible girl, don’t muddy my surface.
Here Nika was offended.
“I am,” he says, “a very understandable girl.” But you, an incomprehensible puddle, are lying on the road - you can’t walk through, you can’t jump over!..
Yana runs around the puddle and stands up for her friend.
“You,” he says, “are a puddle, you will soon dry up, only asphalt will remain.” We will draw a city on this asphalt with chalk.
Nika came out of the puddle and ran home for chalk. The girls sat down by the puddle. Watching...
- Why are you sitting here? - the puddle is worried.
“Yes,” the girls say, and they themselves draw chalk around the puddles. “We’re waiting for you to dry.” Then we will draw the city here.
“And I’ll take it and not dry out!” says the puddle.
- You'll dry out.
- I won’t dry out, it will rain.
- And now you’ll dry out.
- But no!
- And here it is!
The girls’ mothers heard it and took them home to have dinner and sleep.
The next morning Nika went out into the yard, and the puddle shouted to her:
- But I’m still not dry!
And from the moment Nika or Yana walk past a puddle, you know, the puddle keeps repeating to itself:
- I'm not dry.
And a day later:
- It hasn’t dried!
And a week later:
- It hasn’t dried, it hasn’t dried...
It was such a harmful puddle.
Not yet dry.

or the human nose as such.

“I have been studying the nose since childhood,” Seva Ivanovich admitted at the symposium, “until I developed the theory of social use of the nose in conditions of close collectivism. The fact is that there are 5.5 billion noses on the globe, that is, 11 billion nostrils. If all the inhabitants of the planet line up in a column of a thousand people and, on command, blow into at least one nostril at once, then a wind of crazy strength will rise. As a result, the Earth will become controllable and, like a rocket, will dart through space. If, for example, someone wants scrambled eggs, we will immediately fly closer to the Sun. It's going to be terribly hot and you're going to get great scrambled eggs. Even without a frying pan! And then someone will want a cold lemonade, and we will move away from the Sun. A terrible cold will come on Earth, and the lemonade will immediately cool down. And without a refrigerator.
In this regard, I make an appeal: let people keep their left nostril for their own needs, and give the right nostril to the service of all humanity!

Electricity with sparkling water


Thread and thread
And nat, and thread,
And threads, threads, threads, threads,
Don't delay.

Don't delay.


Dream, dream...
Sun, sun...

Sun, sleep,

And the sun is not a dream,
And the sun -


Sea and sea.
And so do we
Us too;
A drop in the ocean
And so do we
Drops in the sea.

Keep in mind it all happened children's magazine))) In general, if you like it, I can post more



A long time ago, the Earth stood on the shell of a giant Turtle. This turtle lay on the backs of three Elephants. And the Elephants stood on three Whales that swam in the World Ocean... And they held the Earth like that for millions of years. But one day, learned sages came to the edge of the Earth, looked down and even gasped.
“Is it really,” they gasped, “that our world is so unstable that the Earth could go to hell at any moment?!”
- Hey, Turtle! - one of them shouted. “Isn’t it hard for you to hold our Earth?”
“The earth is not fluff,” answered the Turtle. “And every year it gets harder.” But don't worry: as long as the Turtles are alive, the Earth won't fall!
- Hey, Elephants! - shouted another sage. “Aren’t you tired of keeping the Earth with the Turtle?”
“Don’t worry,” answered the Elephants. — We love people and the Earth. And we promise you: as long as the Elephants are alive, it will not fall!
- Hey, Whales! - shouted the third sage. - How long can you hold the Earth with a Turtle and Elephants in addition?
“We have held the earth for millions of years,” answered the Whales. - And we give you our word of honor: as long as the Whales are alive, the Earth will not fall!
This is how the Whales, Elephants and Turtle answered the people. But the learned sages did not believe them: “What,” they were afraid, “if the Whales get tired of keeping us? What if the Elephants want to go to the circus? What if the Turtle gets a cold and sneezes?..”
“Before it’s too late,” the sages decided, “we must save the Earth.”
- You need to nail it to the Turtle’s shell with iron nails! - suggested one.
- And chain the Elephants to it with golden chains! - added the second.
- And tie it to the Whales with sea ropes! - added the third.
- We will save humanity and the Earth! - all three shouted.
And then the Earth shook.
- Honestly, Whales are stronger than sea ropes! - the Whales said in anger and, striking their tails together, swam into the ocean.
- Honestly, Elephants are stronger than gold chains! - the angry Elephants trumpeted and went into the jungle.
- Honestly, Turtles are harder than iron nails! - The Turtle was offended and dived into the depths.
- Stop! - the sages shouted. - We believe you!
But it was too late: the Earth swayed and hung...
The sages closed their eyes in horror and began to wait...
A minute has passed. Two. Three…
And the Earth hangs! An hour has passed. Day. Year…
And she is holding on!
And a thousand years passed. And a million...
But the Earth is not falling!
And some wise men are still waiting for it to fall.
And they just can’t understand what it’s based on?
So much time has passed, but they still don’t realize that if the Earth is still supported by anything, then ONLY ON YOUR WORD OF HONEST!

Drawn by A. LEBEDEV



I once thought about life on Earth. He closed his eyes and began to imagine what a whale and a microbe would look like side by side. I imagined Keith right away, but things got worse with the microbe. As soon as I imagined it, the whale released a fountain and washed away my microbe, and I had to imagine another one. I was so tired of this that instead of a microbe with a whale, I imagined an alien. He turned out to be small, with a triple nose, and for some reason he was gnawing on seeds. And as soon as he introduced himself, he immediately jumped up to me and cordially shook my hand:
- I am very, very flattered and happy to welcome a great people in your person!
I didn't understand anything.
- Oh, well, what’s incomprehensible here! - he exclaimed. - Here, for example, are sunflower seeds (help yourself, my dear). Each of them contains a huge sunflower. That is, if you plant a seed, then the whole sunflower will gradually come out of it, right? And in the end it turns out that this big sunflower is simply full of seeds! And in each seed there is also a green brute hidden! And every big guy has a head full of seeds too! This means that thousands, millions of plants sleep in each seed! So bite them quickly, otherwise the sunflowers will strangle you.
And he began to husk these same seeds with a machine-gun noise. He apparently forgot about me.
“And yet I don’t understand...” I began.
- It’s not clear why I greet the whole people in your person? But, my dear, why are you worse than a sunflower? You will have... um... twelve children. And each of them will give birth to five to ten children, and one even has fifteen, and all the boys... are charming tomboys... every single one of them is like you... So count how long it will take for you alone to turn into a whole people.
“Nothing like that,” I said indignantly. - I won’t have children at all. I don't know how to raise children. Especially when there are twelve of them multiplied by fifteen!
- Shh, don't say that! - He even turned purple with excitement. “You just don’t understand what a miracle this life is on your planet.” Oh, if only I could have a bunch of kids like you! I would gladly give all my immortality for this! Then I would think: my children are me, but now I have several faces and several lives. I'm growing, I'm increasing! I fill the entire Earth with myself!
- For what? - I was surprised.
- So that I cannot be destroyed. So that my life lasts forever. So that it would not be scary to die.
“You’re kind of strange,” I said. - Either “I will give up immortality”, or “it’s scary to die”...
“Nothing strange,” he objected. - If I am immortal, then I will remain like this forever - small, blue and three-nosed. I want to become beautiful, like... a person! Well, at least like a swan or a horse. And to do this, you will have to be born again many, many times as children and grandchildren, so that every time you change at least a little for the better.
- Why do you think that you will change for the better? — I asked sarcastically. “Maybe it’s the other way around—four noses will grow instead of three?”
- Never! - said the alien. “What is not useful in life will never grow.” This is the law of nature. On the contrary, everything unnecessary gradually dies off. Instead of three noses, there will be only one! one, one!
He even laughed with joy.
“Sometimes one nose is worth three,” I said.
- Nonsense! - he cried. “Don’t forget about another law: the better a living body is adapted to life, the more beautiful it is.” What is beauty? This is when everything is proportionate, nothing superfluous. What about the benefits? The same. Look what a beautiful body the fish has. Narrow, flexible, smooth! Such a body easily cuts through the water, the fish swims faster, which means it will better escape from danger and preserve its life more reliably. Wonderful, strange life!
- How so? - I said. - It turns out that you need to live for life to live? So, life is a vicious circle?
“Not a circle, my dear, but an endless spiral,” the alien corrected. — The spiral also describes circles, but each new turn does not repeats the previous one. Morning, noon, evening, night and morning again - this is a complete turn of the spiral, full cycle. “Cyclus” is, by the way, a circle, a coil in Latin. Spring, summer, autumn, winter - another cycle, more... Oh, damn it, I got it empty again! You gnaw and gnaw, and there is no pleasure...
“That’s because the seeds are running out,” I said. — There is a law of nature: the last seeds are always the worst.
- Oh, yes! - he was offended. - You came up with three noses for me, but you spared the good seeds? Well, goodbye then!
And disappeared. And I began to think: how do these small cycles “day - night” fit into the large cycles “winter - summer”? What if we measure time not in years, but in centuries? Or thousands of years? Wow, what a huge spiral it will be!
And I tried to draw it. And the way little spirals of days and years twist in it. I am attaching this drawing.
And then I thought that it’s not for nothing that in poetry spring is always a “fair maiden”, and winter is always an “old woman”. Childhood, youth, maturity, old age - this is also a cycle of life, isn’t it? So, after death there will be a new life?
Guys! So I will never die!?



at least once
hear the echo
the present desires,
definitely have to go
to the Himalayas,

- ah...

But you shouldn’t
(We strictly warn you!)
trust your secrets

- ayam...


One landowner - an empty and worthless man - threw all his estate down the drain. But he believed that even though he was poor, it was not fitting for him to live without a servant. One day a guy came to hire him. The landowner says to him:
- I need an honest and obedient servant. To always tell the truth and to carry out all my orders exactly.
“You won’t find a more honest and obedient servant,” the boy answers him.
One day, noble guests came to the landowner. He shouts to the servant:
- Hey, you! Bring us a tablecloth of fine Dutch linen to cover the table!
“Well, we don’t have it,” the servant answers.
He remembered that his master told him to always tell the truth. The landowner called the servant aside and whispered to him:
- You're a fool! You should have said: “She’s getting wet in a tub of laundry.”

The landowner decided to show himself as a hospitable host to the guests. He called the servant and said to him:
- Hey, you! Give us some cheese!
And he answers:
- He gets wet in a tub of laundry.
He remembered that the landowner ordered him to carry out all his orders exactly. The landowner got angry and whispered in the servant’s ear:
- You idiot! You should have said: “The rats ate him.”
- It's my fault, sir! I'll say so next time.
Then the landowner decided to show the guests that he also had wine in his cellars. He called the servant and said:
- Hey, you! Bring us a bottle of wine!
And he answers:
- The rats ate her.
The landowner almost burst with anger. He dragged the servant into the kitchen, slapped him across the face and shouted:
- Cudgel! I should have said: “I dropped it from the shelf and it broke into small pieces.”
- It's my fault, sir! I'll say so next time.
Then the landowner wanted to show the guests that his house was full of servants. He called the servant and said:
- Hey, you! Bring the cook here.
And he answers:
- I dropped it from the shelf, and it broke into small pieces.
The guests realized that the landowner was only throwing dust in their eyes. They laughed at him and went home.
And the landowner drove that guy out of the yard and from that time on he repented of looking for honest and obedient servants.



When the world was young, there was no night, and the Maue Indians never slept. But Wanyam heard that the poisonous snake Surukuku and all its relatives: the jararaka snake, the spider, the scorpion, the centipede, had taken possession at night, and he said to the people of his tribe:
- I'll go get you the night.
He took his bow and arrows with him and set off.
He came to the hut of the surukuk and said to her:
-Would you exchange the night for my bow and arrows?
“Well, what do I need, son, your bow and arrows,” surukuku answers him, “if I don’t even have hands?”
There was nothing to do, Wanyam went to look for something else for the surukuku. brings a rattle and offers it to her:
- Here, would you like some? I’ll give you a rattle, and you make sure that people have a good night.
“Son,” says surukuku, “I don’t have legs.” Perhaps you should put this rattle on my tail...
But still she did not give the night to Wanyam.
Then he decided to get some poison - maybe the surukuk would be flattered by him. And it’s true - when Surukuka heard about the poison, she immediately spoke differently:
- So be it, I’ll give you the night, I really need the poison.
She put the night in a basket and gave it to Wanyama.
The people of his tribe saw him coming out with a surukuku basket, they immediately ran to meet him and began to ask:
-Are you really bringing us the night, Wanyam?
“I’m carrying it, I’m carrying it,” Wanyam answered them, “only surukuku didn’t tell me to open the basket before I get home.”
But Wanyama's comrades began to beg so much that in the end he opened the basket. The first night on earth fluttered out of there, and pitch darkness fell. The people of the Maue tribe got scared and started running in all directions. And Wanyam was left alone in the darkness and shouted:
- Where is the moon, who swallowed it?
Here all the relatives of the surukuku: the jararaka snake, the scorpion and the centipede, having divided the poison among themselves, surrounded Uanyam, and someone stung him painfully in the leg. Wanyam guessed that it was the jararaka that had stung him, and shouted:
- I recognized you, jararaka! Wait, my comrades will avenge me!
Wanyam died from a jararaka bite, but his friend rubbed the dead body with an infusion of medicinal leaves and revived Wanyam.
Here's the story of how Wanyam got the night for the Maue people.



One beautiful girl had many admirers, but neither she nor her father could choose anyone, because they were proud and demanding. One day, a father said that only the one who would get his daughter as a wife would be the one who would eat a whole plate of hot peppers and never take a break, never once say “wow-ha!”
Many young men tried to eat pepper, but got burned and involuntarily exclaimed: “Wow-ha!”
Then the spider came and said that he would marry the girl. He sat down at the table and asked the owner:
“You don’t allow people to talk while eating,” here he put some pepper in his mouth and finished the sentence, ““uh-ha”?
“No, I don’t allow it,” answered the bride’s father.
“You can’t even…” the spider took the pepper into his mouth again, “to quietly say “uh-ha”?
“No, you can’t,” said the owner.
- And you can’t say “uh-ha” loudly? - asked the spider, continuing to eat the pepper.
- And it’s not allowed to be loud.
- You can’t say “uh-ha” neither quickly nor slowly? - the spider asked, swallowing the pepper, and it was easy for him to eat, because he talked all the time, opened his mouth all the time and did “wow-ha!” But the owner did not understand his cunning.
“So I don’t say “uh-ha,” said the spider, eating the rest of the pepper.
“Yes, that’s true,” agreed the bride’s father. “You ate all the pepper, Patyrinarga, and never took a break.” Well done! I give you my daughter.
So the spider outwitted everyone and took a beautiful girl as his wife.

Retold by Yu. ROZMAN


The largest inhabitant of the ocean, if you don’t count the monster inaccessible to the eyes of people that swallows the seas, creates whirlpools, destroys boats and people, is Tohora, the whale. And on earth, the most powerful living creature is the kauri, a giant tree with a straight, strong trunk and long branches that sway in the wind.
Kauri grows in the northern part of the country. Looking at this tree, you will see that it has smooth gray bark, which contains a lot of amber resin. People have long collected resin in the forks of cowrie branches, looking for old fossilized resin in the ground, in the places where these trees grew and bloomed thousands of years ago.
It goes without saying that the forest giant was friends with the sea giant. One day Tohora swam to a wooded cape and called out to his friend Kauri.
- Come here to me! - Tohora shouted. “If you stay on land, people will cut you down and make a boat out of your trunk.” Trouble awaits you on land!
Kauri waved his leaf-covered arms.
- Am I really going to be afraid of these funny little people! - he exclaimed with contempt. - What can they do to me?
- You don't know them. Little funny people have sharp axes, they will chop you into pieces and burn you. Come to me before it's too late.
“No, Tohora,” said Kauri. “If you come here to me, you will lie motionless on the ground.” You will become clumsy and helpless because you are very heavy. You won’t be able to move as you used to in the ocean. And if I come to you, the storm will throw me across the waves like a piece of wood. I'm defenseless in the water. My leaves will fall and I will sink to the bottom, into the silent kingdom of Tangaroa. I will no longer see the bright sun, warm rain will not wash my leaves, I will not be able to fight the wind, tightly clinging to mother earth with my roots.
Tohora thought about it.
“You’re right,” he said finally. - But you are my friend. I want to help you. I want you to always remember me. Let's switch: I'll give you my skin, and you'll give me yours, then we'll never forget each other.
Kauri readily agreed to this. He gave the bark to Tohora, and he dressed himself in the smooth gray skin of a whale. Since then, the giant tree has as much resin as a whale has fat.



Once upon a time there was a kanchil sitting in his hole and cracking nuts. Suddenly he sees a tiger approaching him.
“I’m lost,” thought little Kanchil, and he began to shake with fear.
What was to be done? The cunning animal was not at a loss. He cracked the nut, so that the shell crunched in his teeth, and exclaimed:
- What delicious eyes these tigers have!
The tiger heard these words and became afraid. He backed away, turned and walked away. He walks through the forest, and a bear meets him. The tiger asks:
- Tell me, buddy, do you know what kind of animal is sitting there in the hole and gobbling up the eyes of tigers on both cheeks?
“I don’t know,” the bear answers.
“Let’s go have a look,” says the tiger.
And the bear answered him:
- I'm afraid.
“It’s okay,” says the tiger, “let’s tie our tails together and go together.” If anything happens, we will not leave each other in trouble.
So they tied their tails and went to the kanchila's hole. They go and brave with all their might.
As soon as the kanchil saw them, he immediately realized that they were seriously chickening out. And he shouted in a loud voice:
- Just look at this rascal tiger! His father was supposed to send me a polar bear, but his son is dragging a black one here! Well, well!
The bear heard these words and was scared to death.
“It turns out that,” he thought, “the tiger simply deceived me. Striped wants to pay off his father’s debts and gives me to be devoured by a terrible beast.”
The bear darted to one side, and the tiger to the other. The bear's tail came off. Since then, they say that all bears have short tails...

Retold by V. OSTROVSKY


Once upon a time there lived a penguin in Antarctica. And his name was Pin Gwin. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow! Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. There was Pin Gwyn, and now Gwyn Pin. What to do?
And then I was just walking past... walking past that snowdrift... in general, I was walking and walking... I guess I was going on business... this one, what’s his name?..
Well, it’s unknown who was coming. And what happened next is also unknown. And in general, Antarctic folk tales doesn't happen. Because fairy tales are invented by people who have lived in some area for centuries. And only penguins live in Antarctica.
But penguins also want fairy tales. Maybe you can try to come up with something for them? This will probably be a short, funny and kind Antarctic PENGUIN fairy tale...

All drawings for fairy tales were drawn by L. KHACHATRYAN

“Aw-oo!.. Aw-oo-oo!..” - is heard in the forest. This means: someone is lost. You won’t shout: “I seem to be a little lost. If anyone can hear me, please respond and help me find my way." So it won’t take long for you to become hoarse. But you just have to shout “Ay!” - give a conventional distress signal, and they will definitely understand you. And they will help. If, of course, they hear.
What if not? If you need to shout something very important to someone, and that someone is in another forest or in another city? Or even in another country. Or even overseas...
Then COMMUNICATIONS will help you.


“We hear, we hear,” they answer you. And how can one not hear when there is a telephone, a telegraph, and a radio...
But in ancient times there were no means of communication. And shout “Aw!” and then it was very necessary. Or send some urgent message. How did our ancestors act in such cases?

1. Every day we learn something new. Scientifically speaking, we obtain information. And most of all we receive it through our eyes and ears. Therefore, we can either see or hear messages that are transmitted from afar.

2. Since ancient times, sound has been used to transmit signals over a distance. For example, frequent ringing of the bell announced some alarming event. And in Africa they beat special drums - tom-toms. Their fight was somewhat reminiscent of human speech.

3. Smoke fires also conveyed various signals. And when the North American Indians had mirrors, they began to use reflected rays of light to transmit messages. This helped them fight European colonialists.

4. Communication at sea was especially necessary. That's why sailors came up with signal flags. And they even compiled an International Code of Signals. Now, using multi-colored flags, it was possible to transmit messages from ship to ship.

5. But more complex messages, which were not in the International Code, had to be transmitted by letter using the semaphore alphabet. Each position of the signalman's hands meant a certain letter or number.

6. The optical telegraph on land was also constructed on the same principle. It was invented by the French engineer Claude Chappe back in 1789. Signals were transmitted from one installation to another - over a distance of tens of kilometers. It turned out to be a telegraph line.

7. But all these means of communication operated only in clear weather and within line of sight. But what to do at night? Or in the fog?.. It would be nice to use electricity! After all, it is known that a wire carrying current changes the position of the magnetic needle.

8. This is how the pointer telegraph appeared in 1832. The invention of our compatriot P. L. Schilling took a long time to improve. Now individual letters of a message were transmitted over wires. The deviations of the arrow pointed to the desired letter.

9. But such a “telegram” could not be recorded automatically. And so the American artist Samuel Morse in 1836 came up with a new telegraph apparatus. However, years passed before people believed in the wonderful possibilities of the electric telegraph.

10. Now any messages could be transmitted using Morse code. Combinations of just two characters - a dot and a dash - denoted all the letters of the alphabet and numbers. Morse code is still used today - 150 years after its creation!

11. But let's not forget about mail. After all, only short messages were usually transmitted by telegraph. But it was possible to write long letters. However, it’s not always “writing”. This is what, for example, the messages of the ancient Incas and North American Indians looked like.

12. To forward letters to Ancient Greece Extraordinarily resilient messengers, hemerodromes, served. Some of them were able to run more than 200 kilometers in a day! But if they were messengers in Babylon, where they wrote on clay tablets, they would have had a hard time.

13. Delivery of letters was often the work of brave people. During the exploration of America, there was a PONY EXPRESS postal line. Risking their lives in shootouts with bandits and Indians, the riders transported mail across the entire continent in just a week. But this is 3200 kilometers.

14. Letters were forwarded in what ways! When a ship was in distress, a sealed bottle with a message was thrown into the sea. Sometimes from England she sailed to Australia. The discoverer Columbus also used bottle mail. True, his letter was fished out of the water after 363 years!

15. Pigeons “worked” as postmen. And even bees! They are very well oriented in flight and can find a dovecote or beehive located many kilometers away. But the letters have to be sent too short, similar to military encryption.

16. Why not use the “services” of mechanical postmen? Here is pneumatic mail: a capsule with letters moves through a pipe under the influence of compressed air. By the way, at the speed of a car! True, the equipment for pneumatic mail is too bulky.

17. But how wonderful it would be to transmit a living human voice over long distances! When we speak, air vibrations occur and the result is sound waves. They act on the eardrum in the ear - and we hear sound. Using a horn, vibrations are sent in the desired direction...

18. What if you extend the horn into a long pipe? Then you can easily talk over the pipe. Such a device is called an acousticphone. It was used in the first cars. Even now, a “tubular” telephone serves as a means of communication between the captain’s cabin and the engine room.

19. And again electricity comes to the rescue. If air vibrations are first converted into vibrations electric current, and then vice versa, then sound waves can be transmitted through wires. But F. Reis's invention was still very imperfect.

20. American inventor G. Bell developed a more convenient telephone set. And after some time, a dialer and a microphone were invented. At the International Exhibition of Electrical Engineering in Paris in 1881, the telephone seemed like a miracle!

21. Electrical communications developed rapidly. Already all continents are entangled with countless telegraph and telephone lines. Moreover, they have learned to transmit several messages at once over one wire - this is called multiplex communication.

22. An underwater cable connecting Europe and America was laid along the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean with the greatest difficulties. How many times it broke off - I can’t count it! But the indefatigable Cyrus Field gave the world a transatlantic connection for the first time.

23. Is it possible to transmit messages without wires at all? At first it seemed fantastic. But in 1887, the German physicist Hertz discovered invisible electromagnetic waves. True, in order to “catch” them, high antennas were needed, which were raised with the help of kites.

24. Our compatriot A.S. Popov comes up with a “lightning detector” that detects electromagnetic waves from lightning discharges. He later invented the first radiotelegraph device. But the tsarist government is in no hurry to give money for important research.

25. But the Italian Marconi has all the conditions for work. He builds radio stations that were powerful for those times. And he manages to transmit signals by radio from Europe to America. Transatlantic COMMUNICATION WITHOUT WIRES has been established! Now you no longer need expensive thousand-kilometer cables...

26. In just a few decades, radio has firmly entered our lives. Television developed no less rapidly. Today people can easily not only hear, but even see what is happening anywhere on the planet. These are the “miracles” satellite communications are capable of!

Do you remember how it all began? From the battle of tom-toms and signal fires. But human thought cannot be stopped. Step by step, sometimes making mistakes and straying from the right path, a person still finds right decisions. And then the most fabulous dreams come true!
It’s funny to remember: the first Morse telegraph transmitted signals only... 14 meters. And now you can send a telegram to any city, hear the voice of a distant friend on the phone, write a letter even to Australia. And space communications make it possible to see how astronauts work in orbit. And even what the surface of another planet looks like!..
For many years now, humanity has been sending signals to the Universe:


And suddenly someday we will receive an answer from alien civilizations: “We hear, we hear very well...” And already through intergalactic communication, the aliens will tell the inhabitants of the Earth their extraordinary stories.

Told by A. IVANOV
Portrayed by A. DUBOVIK

Rules of the game "PONY EXPRESS"

The postman, moving with the move of a chess knight, must get from St. Joseph to Sacramento, passing first Fort Laramie and then Fort Bridger (it is not necessary to stop at them). Two Indians, moving in turn from the “Indian camp” with the move of a chess bishop, try to waylay the postman, but do not have the right to enter cities and forts.
Opponents take turns; The Pony Express begins. If the postman stands on a square that is “shot through” by the Indians (chess bishops), or ends up in their camp, he loses. If the Indian comes “under fire” from the postman (chess knight), he is removed from the field.

The game “Pony Express” was invented and drawn by V. CHISTYAKOV



“You have no idea,” Margarita Lukyanovna told my dad, “what low abilities your son has.” He still hasn’t memorized the multiplication table, and it’s a spit in my soul that he writes “more often” with the letter “ya.”
“Low abilities,” said dad, “is not Andryukhin’s fault, but Andryukhin’s trouble.”
“The main thing is effort, not ability,” Margarita Lukyanovna softened. - And a conscientious attitude. So that he doesn’t see the light of God, you understand? Otherwise I’ll leave it for the second year.
All the way home, dad was overcome by dark thoughts. And then they started cleaning the sewer hatches in the yard. The driver got out of the emergency vehicle and, as if addressing the children of the planet, said:
- If you want to work here, don’t study well. ALL were bad students! - and pointed to the brigade in the hatch.
“At any cost,” said the paw sternly, “you must go from being a loser to being a satisfied student.” “Here you have to,” he said, “set yourself the task of making your navel crack.” And then it’s time - whoops! You look - there is no strength, and then it’s time to die.
And he began to learn the multiplication table with me.
- Six six! Nine four! Five five!.. Wow! - he threatened our serenely sleeping dachshund Keith. - Lazy! It only grows warts and does nothing. Three times three! Twice two!.. Lucy! - he shouted to his mother. - Lucy!!! I can't solve these examples. I can neither solve them nor remember them! Something monstrous! Who needs this?! Only for stargazers!
- Maybe we can hire a tutor? - asks mom. Then I shouted:
- No way!
“Hold on, Andryukha,” said dad. - You have to be a philosopher and cheerfully perceive every event. I suggest hiring a butcher or a cashier from our grocery store as a tutor.
“But this is only in mathematics, Mikhail,” my mother objected, “and in Russian?” How will we overcome the “cha-cha”?
“You’re right,” dad agreed. - A well-educated person is needed here.
We decided to consult with Margarita Lukyaivna.
“I have one in mind,” said Margarita Lukyanovna, “Vladimir Iosifovich.” A COMPETENT teacher, all his poor students walk in line.

Different people smell differently. Some smell like carrots, others like tomatoes, others like turtles. Vladimir Iosifovich did not smell of anything.
He always walked around worried, and he never had a blissful expression on his face. In addition, he was very concerned about his health. Every morning he lay in an ice bath for five minutes, and when I was brought to him under escort, Vladimir Iosifovich extended his icy helping hand to me.
- How many legs do three cats have? - he asked me from the doorway.
- Ten! - I said, remembering Margarita Lukyanovna’s behest: “A pause does not decorate the answer.”
“Not enough,” Vladimir Iosifovich said sadly.
“Eleven,” I suggested.
Vladimir Iosifovich looked so worried that if someone swallowed him now, he wouldn’t even notice it.
“I ask you to drink tea,” he said.
In the kitchen, he kept seasoning in a plastic bag: pepper, adjika, various dry herbs - such a yellow-orange mixture. He generously sprinkled it on sandwiches for me and my mother.
“The boy is neglected, but not lost,” said Vladimir Iosifovich, “We need to take him seriously while he is soft as wax.” Then it will harden and it will be too late.
Mom shook his hand with gratitude - so that he sat down. It’s still nice that your only son, at less than ten years old, has NOT HARDENED.
-Who do you want to be? - Vladimir Iosifovich asked, maintaining his spider-like seriousness.
I didn't answer. I didn’t tell him that I wouldn’t want to be either a stone, or an oak tree, or the sky, or snow, or a sparrow, or a goat, or Margarita Lukyanovna, or Vladimir Iosifovich. Only by yourself! Although I don't understand WHY I am the way I am?
“Andrey,” Vladimir Iosifovich told me, “I’m a straightforward person, how do you spell “cha-sha”? And what is six times eight? You must LOVE these words: “drive”, “endure”, “hate”, “depend”. Only then will you learn to CORRECTLY CHANGE them by persons and numbers!..
And I answered:
- Let's whistle. Can you whistle a cosmic whistle? As if not you, but someone is whistling at you from outer space?
“Andrey, Andrey,” Vladimir Iosifovich called me, “your calligraphy is not all right.” All the letters are crooked and at random...
And I answered:
- Old Bill, when you eat a cookie, your neck completely disappears, especially in the back.
“I will record all your negative behavior,” said Vladimir Iosifovich. - If you make progress, I will reward you with a memorable gift.
And I answered:
- My songs go well. Some kind of melody will appear, and the words will fall out like peas. Listen to my song, Vladimir Iosifovich. “Smako-yawns”...

Daring schmucks!
Field bugs!
Smackers, dig holes
Shmakozyavki, chew the crusts!..

Do you want more? It's not difficult for me...
- Oh, don't! - said Vladimir Iosifovich.
- Can I leave early today?
- Do you have something very important to do?
- Yes.
- Which?
- I don’t know yet.
“I have a feeling,” said Vladimir Iosifovich, “as if I were dragging a hippopotamus out of a swamp.” It’s incomprehensible to the mind,” he said, “that there are people who are not interested in spelling unstressed vowels!..
And my tooth began to grow a lot! There was a sign of stagnation there. And now he has begun to grow a lot! And I can just feel the hair on my head growing! Why does a person have to wear trousers all the time or stand on two legs?!!
“You’ve completely withdrawn into yourself,” Vladimir Iosifovich shook me by the shoulder. - The calculation process itself has become a mystery to you. Check how you spelled the word "aunt"!
- “Tsotsa”...
- You are very inattentive! - said Vladimir Iosifovich.
And he didn’t even notice that right in front of his window a “Tank Vulnerable Spots” shield had been driven into the ground. There was a cross-section of the tank depicted in life-size, and arrows indicated its weak points.
We were sitting by the open window, and I asked:
- Guess what's new?
- Where?
- In the yard.
“Nothing,” answered Vladimir Iosifovich.
And we, as usual, went to the kitchen to eat sandwiches with seasoning.
These were rare moments when we completely understood each other. It was only while I was eating that I didn’t fall asleep when I saw him. But he didn’t suggest that I reconsider my entire life in order to learn the multiplication table.
We silently chewed the seasoning, sniffing the southern herbs, longing for the sea, and, as they say, “with every fiber of our suitcase,” we both felt how good it was to sip on medley sometimes.
Suddenly I noticed that our seasoning was no longer orange, but gray, and shared my observation with Vladimir Iosifovich.
“Apparently it’s damp,” he said and poured it out onto the table to dry.
And how she started to crawl away!
He's in a heap, in a heap! And she - vzh-zh-zh - in all directions.
I shout:
- Vladimir Iosifovich, do you have a microscope?
He says:
- No.
“How is it possible in the house,” I shout to him, “to not have a microscope?”
- Why do I need it? - asks.
Instead of answering, I took a magnifying glass out of my pocket - I have the keys to my apartment and my mailbox attached to the magnifying glass - and looked at the seasoning.
It was a teeming mass of some unprecedented transparent creatures. Moreover, each has a pair of claws, six pairs of legs - hairy! - and a mustache!!!
“Dear mothers...” said Vladimir Iosifovich. - My dear mothers!..
It was simply terrible what happened to him. The life of the microcosm struck him to the very heart. He stood with his eyes wide with white eyelashes, confused, like a cross-section of a tank...

- Andrey! - he said when I came to him the next time. He was lying on the floor, so thoughtful, in only his shorts. - What would you advise me to buy first - a microscope or a telescope?..
He learned my latest song, “The springs are knocking outside the window, the seagulls smell of lard,” and sang it early in the morning, sitting on the windowsill and dangling his feet into the yard.
When I left, he told me:
- Don’t be late next time, Andryukha! If I'm already waiting for you, then I'm waiting for you!!!
And one day he suddenly became gloomy and asked:
- Andrey, are we not going to die?
“No,” I answered, “never.”
I didn't see him again. He left our places. It happened like this.
Early in the morning I ran to him before school, called and called, but it wouldn’t open. And the neighbor looked out and said:
- He’s not there, don’t call. Our Josic has left.
- How did you leave? - I ask.
- Barefoot. And with a knapsack.
- Where?
- In Rus'.
A real spring wind was blowing. I'm running to school. And there was a poster on the board: “Citizens! There is an amazing boy in your class. He writes “cha-sha” with the letter “ya”. You won’t find another such wonderful thing in the whole world! Let’s all follow his example!”

That day I learned the entire multiplication table. Until late in the evening, like an animal, I multiplied and divided multi-digit numbers. I filled a whole notebook with words: “hour”, “thicket”, “square”, “happiness”!..
I got all three grades and passed into fourth grade with flying colors.
“Just don’t congratulate me,” I told my friends. - No, no, no, just think, what’s the matter...
But they congratulated, hugged, cried and laughed, sang and gave gifts. It’s a pity that Vladimir Iosifovich did not see me at this solemn moment.
What could I give him besides calling him away?



In the morning the Sun rose over the mountain. Animals and birds woke up.
The rooster crowed, “Coke-doodle-doo!”
And the cat meowed: “Nyan-nyan.”
And the horse neighed: “Ni-ha-ha!”
And the pig grunted: “Neuf-neuf.”
- Well, that’s wrong! - we shouted. - It should be like this: ku-ka-re-ku, meow-meow, e-go-go, oink-oink.
That's how it is. Only the rooster crowed in English, the cat meowed (that is, nanny-nyanka) in Japanese, the horse neighed in Hungarian, and the pig grunted in Norwegian. And we shouted in Russian. If we had our “Wrong!” shouted in English, it would also have turned out “wrong.” Like this: It’s not right.
- You won’t read it right away.
- The letters are completely incomprehensible.
- Latin...
- What if it was in Japanese?
- Well, then in general!
The Japanese language doesn't even have letters. There, words are written in separate characters - hieroglyphs.
And the word “yama” means “mountain” (Mount Fuji-yama). In Russian, YAMA you know what. You can’t fall into a Japanese PIT; on the contrary, you have to climb up all the time.
And in Bulgaria...
It's very hot and thirsty.
Bulgarians: “Would you like some lemonade?”
We nod (yes, we really want to).
Bulgarians: “Well, as you wish.”
We: ?
And they are not greedy at all. It’s just that this kind of nod means “no” among the Bulgarians. So we gave up lemonade ourselves. Now, if we turned our heads from side to side, it would mean “yes.” It turns out that even gestures have different meanings in different languages.

How many languages ​​are there in the world?

Some scientists say: 3000. Others say: 5000. But no one can count for sure. Because many languages ​​also have dialects. This is when people from different parts of the country speak a little differently. And sometimes dialects are so different from each other that it can be difficult to understand each other. So figure it out here - is it one language or several?
But the languages ​​are also “friends” with each other. They constantly exchange in different words. And in the Russian language there are many words from other languages.
School is a Greek word, tundra is Finnish, briefcase is French, pencil is Turkic, hippopotamus is Jewish, candy is Italian, tea is Chinese, kiosk is Turkish, syrup is Persian, the word “chocolate” is from the language of the ancient Aztecs.
What if someday all languages ​​become so “friends” with each other that a Universal World Language will emerge? And people will be able to easily understand each other! But even if this happens, it will not be soon. And I want to understand everyone in the world now. How can this be?
And so one Polish doctor, at the end of the last century, thought and thought... and came up with an idea! You will find out what he came up with in the next issue of the magazine.



A chicken was walking down the street.
He sees a worm crawling across the road.
The chicken stopped, took the worm by the collar and said:
- People are looking for him everywhere, but he’s walking around here! Come on, let's go quickly, we're having lunch now, I invite you.
And the worm says:
- I don’t understand anything at all what you are saying. Your mouth is full of something, you spit it out, and then say what you need.
But the chicken actually held the worm by the collar with her mouth and therefore could not speak properly. She replied:
- They invite him to visit, and he puts on airs. Come on, let's go!
But the worm grabbed the ground even tighter and said:
- I still don’t understand you.
At this time a truck drove up from behind and said:
- What's the matter? Clear the way.
And the stuffed chicken answers him:
- Yes, there’s one sitting here in the middle of the road, I drag him to leave, but he resists. Maybe you can help me?
Truck says:
- I don’t understand something. I feel that you are asking for something, I understood this from the expression of your voice. But I don’t understand what you’re asking for.
The chicken said as slowly as possible:
- Help me, please, get this one out of the mud. He's holed up here in the dust, and we're waiting for him for lunch.
The truck again did not understand anything and asked:
-Are you feeling unwell?
The chicken silently shrugged its shoulders, and the button on the worm's collar came off.
The truck then said:
- Maybe you have a sore throat? Don't answer with your voice, just nod if yes or shake your head if no.
The chicken nodded in response, and the worm also nodded, since its collar was in the chicken’s mouth. The truck asked:
- Maybe call a doctor?
The chicken shook its head violently, and because of this the worm also shook its head very violently.
Truck said:
- It’s okay, don’t be shy, I’m on wheels, I can go for a doctor - it’s only two seconds here. So will I go?
Then the worm began to struggle with all its might, and the chicken involuntarily nodded several times because of this.
Truck said:
“Then I went,” and two seconds later the doctor was already near the chicken.
The doctor told her:
- Say "A".
The chicken said "A", but instead of "A" she said "M" because her mouth was occupied by the worm's collar.
The doctor said:
- She has a severe sore throat. The whole throat is stuffy. Let's give her an injection now.
Then the chicken said:
- I don't need an injection.
- What? - the doctor asked. - I didn't understand. Are you asking for two shots? Now we'll do two.
The hen then spat out the worm's collar and said:
- How stupid you all are!
The truck and the doctor smiled.
And the worm was already sitting at home and sewing a button to the collar.


Hurray, summer! Hurray, ponds, rivers, lakes and seas-oceans! You're running away! Jump! Terrible! I wouldn't get out of the water all day. But you get out. Then you get in. You get out again. You get in again. Oh-oh-oh... Bored already? Then


King Neptune is the master of all bodies of water. He allows you to swim where the water is waist-deep. When you enter the water, sit down and stand up three times. Make a handful of your palm, place it on the surface of the water and... sharply lower it down. You'll get a little explosion: bruh-um! In water language this means: Hello, Uncle Neptune!

Which one of you wants to be Neptune's main assistant - Prince Neptune? All? Then try to try on the royal crown one by one. Place an inflatable rubber ring on the water, take a breath and lower yourself under the water. Try to stand so that you can put the circle on your head. The one who succeeds the first time is appointed Prince Neptune (or Princess Neptune).

Ay-ay-ay! The royal crown is carried away by the wind. Let's go! We stand in one line. Neptune is in command. On the count of “one!” - inhale, “two!” - hold your breath, “three!” — we stretch out our arms, push off from the bottom and slide like torpedoes. Whoever slips the farthest is appointed torpedo messenger.

Wow! Someone even caught up with the rubber circle - the royal crown. Hold on tight! Now the circle has turned into a dolphin. You probably have other dolphins: rubber inflatable cushions, balls? Sit on them and start rowing with your hands, moving forward. Those who reach the shore first are appointed messengers on dolphins.

Aren't you getting too carried away? Have you forgotten about the water monsters?.. Sit down together in the water and, at Neptune’s command, jump up. Whoever jumps the highest is the one who looks ahead. Then you ask him: “Are there any monsters nearby?” And he will jump out of the water, look around and answer: “No!”

And who will fight the monsters if they appear? Knight's cavalry of Neptune. We divide into two teams, then in pairs - into a rider and a horse. The riders sit on the horses' shoulders, and the horses press their legs towards themselves with their hands.

At Neptune’s signal “Start the tournament!” both teams converge. The rider, using only his hands, must throw the opponent into the water. The team that has the most riders left by the end of the tournament will be Neptune's knightly cavalry. She has to fight monsters.
Before going ashore, shake a handful of your palm: bru-u-um! See you tomorrow, Uncle Neptune!

Drawing by A. ARTYUKH

Antarctic “Penguin” tales. Students of the 6th-1st grade of the New School Gevorgyan Narek  There lived a penguin in Antarctica. What was his name? And his name was Pin Gwin. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow. Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. What to do?  And then he was just walking by... Santa Claus was walking by, saw Pin Gwin’s protruding legs and thought: maybe this toy fell out of his gift bag? Quit<<игрушку>> into the bag and rode further on the sleigh. Santa Claus gave for the New Year<<игрушку>> to the little girl Marina, who dreamed of a little penguin. She put it next to<<игрушку > >, played with her and fell asleep. While she was sleeping, Pin the little guinea melted. In the morning Marina woke up from the noise in the room and was pleasantly surprised: standing in front of her was the cheerful and amusing Little Baby Pin. This was the most amazing New Year's gift. They became such friends that Pin Guinen did not want to return to Antarctica. Stepanyan Vardan   Once upon a time there lived a penguin in Antarctica. What was his name? They didn’t call me at all. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow. Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. What to do? And just then she was walking by... His mother was walking by. His mother barely pulled him out of the snowdrift. But he was naughty. And the next day he wanted to fly. He stood up and began to flap his wings. I waved and waved, but nothing worked. And then he decided to climb a high mountain and try there. So I did. He climbed the mountain and began to flap his wings. Since nothing worked for him again, he jumped down from the mountain. The poor penguin fell and broke his leg. At the hospital, the penguin's mother said that penguins do not fly, but have wings to swim. The penguin smiled and promised his mother to be obedient. And from that day on, his mother called him Dunno. Ayvazyan Venus   Once upon a time there lived a little penguin in Antarctica. And his name was Pin Gwin. He was good, cheerful, loved to play a lot and ride down the slide. But he was lonely. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow. Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. What to do? And just then a dog was walking past. The dog was completely white and fluffy, like snow. She helped Ping Gwin climb out of the snowdrift. And they became friends with him. He brought Pin Gwin and brought him to his home. But the dog had an owner. When the owner found them he was very happy and fell in love with Pin Gwin very much. They became friends and every time the dog and his owner visited him in Antarctica, they always visited Pin Gwin. Pin Gwin was very glad that he had such good and faithful friends. Khachanyan Mariam   Once upon a time there lived a penguin in Antarctica. What was his name? And his name was Little Penguin Maki. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow. Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. What to do? And just then he was walking by... Another little penguin was walking by. He saw Maki and helped him out of the snowdrift. Maki began to be friends with him. After meeting, they began to look for Maki’s friends and parents together. His new friend knew where Maki gave birth and took him to them. Seeing his parents and friends, he was very happy. He introduced his new friend to his parents. They thanked the little penguin for returning their son to them. They lived happily and Maki was never away from his parents again. Petrosyan Hasmik  There lived a penguin in Antarctica. What was his name? And his name was Pin Gwin. One day he decided to breathe in the frosty air. I dressed warmly and went. But he just slipped on the ice and fell head over heels into the snow. Stuck upside down in a snowdrift. What to do? And just then she was walking by... His mother was walking by. She pulled the little penguin out of the snowdrift, laid him on his tummy and began to roll him on the ice like a ball. And then his children also inherited these bizarre games. They were passed down from generation to generation to surprise people.