I admit, it took me 40 minutes to write the first sentence. I wrote and erased, wrote and erased, wrote and erased. I made coffee in the hope that it would help me get ready, but alas, the miraculous power of coffee let me down this time. And everything continued again. I wrote and erased, wrote and erased.

I know that many people who draw complain about the fear of the white sheet. The root of this fear was not clear to me. Take a cheaper sheet of paper, a sharpened pencil and draw. You can first “spoil” the sheet by spraying paint on it or gluing magazine clippings. But what to do with a snow-white sheet in Word? You can’t smear it with mascara, you can’t stick stickers on it, you can’t draw chaotic lines. The virginity of the electronic sheet will eat your eyes and make your heart pound mercilessly in your chest.

I wrote and erased, wrote and erased, wrote and erased. The clock treacherously shows 10:00. So an hour has already passed, and I only wrote two paragraphs. And not even on the topic of today's post!

And the topic is simple - drawing challenges. They were invented by lost artists like you and me, who are constantly in search of answers to eternal questions: “Where can I get a subject for a drawing?”, “What to draw?”, “How not to repeat myself?”, “Where can I get inspiration? ", "I want to draw, but I don’t know what!”

My friend suggested the topic, and I gladly took on it. But when I sat down to write the text (an hour and a half ago), I didn’t think it would be so difficult. What's the matter? Can't I just make a list of popular challenges?

It turned out that such a harmless and entertaining topic provoked me to think on a higher order. It seems to me that the inability to write intelligible text and the lack of ideas for drawing have the same root. And it can be formulated like this: “What the hell do I want to say?” Maybe all those questions that we asked ourselves before were formulated incorrectly? And instead of asking: “What to draw?”, you need to ask yourself: “What do I love? What is important to me? The popularity of some topics on Instagram can be confusing: cakes, donuts, cupcakes, macarons, flowers, and Sherlocks, cafe sketches, and sketching with markers are all very popular, but do you need it? Is this something that really interests you? We rush from side to side, feverishly trying to repeat already drawn plots instead of asking ourselves: “Who am I?”

I agree, it's damn complex issue, which sometimes deprives us of sleep and appetite. But perhaps the answer to it will give ideas for creativity? For some, the beauty of nature is the most important source of inspiration. A reverent attitude towards the environment, the gifts of nature, and dear trinkets tells a lot about a person ( flash mob or challenge from Natalie Ratkowski). But for some, fiction is a guiding star, and no nature is able to cope with the powerful power of fantasy.

Who you are? Anime lover, protector environment, a dreamer, a devoted fan of Tolkien, a cat lover, or a crazy dog ​​lover, a music lover, a jester, a wanderer, a hedonist, a workaholic, a mother, a storyteller, an inventor, an athlete, a feminist, a sociopath, a merry fellow, a lover of fruits and smoothies, a lazy person, a sweet tooth, a flaneur, in soul designer, dreamer, coffee lover, snob, bike enthusiast, traveler?

You can talk about what you like and what excites you, draw people's attention to problems that you think are important, you can make people laugh and entertain, draw the viewer's attention to the beauty of the world, inspire and set an example.

What is a challenge - a new fashion trend or something that has always existed in one form or another, then resulted in separate direction? This is discussed in this article. The challenge can be rewarding and very motivating for many people.

Challenge - what does it mean?

The challenge on Instagram, YouTube and other popular social networks and hosting sites attracts everyone large quantity of people. Not long ago, the word “challenge” was unfamiliar to most people, but all good things quickly spread throughout the world. What does challenge mean? Translated from English challenge is a challenge or. In a conversational version, it may sound like: “Are you weak?”

Types of challenges

A challenge is a call to action and the implementation of these actions; people who have completed various challenges note that they have become more confident in themselves, or have finally become slimmer; others have begun to write, draw, and take photographs. There are huge benefits to this. What are the challenges:

  • gaming (passing quests);
  • sports;
  • aimed at improving health;
  • creative or art challenges (writing, drawing);
  • personal challenge (a person challenges himself and commits to a large audience to follow his instructions and complete tasks. Such a challenge motivates others: “He/she did it, I can do it!”.

Challenge rules

The task of everyone participating in the challenge is to reach the finish line and get the stated result. The rules for registration and participation in the challenge are established by the person responsible for the tasks, the one who “challenged”. The rules for participating in the challenge differ and depend on the type of challenge, but there are general ones that are typical for any challenge:

  1. Declare your desire to participate, join or register in the group;
  2. Complete all tasks and send photos, videos or written reports;
  3. Failure to complete tasks in some challenges is an exit from the project.

Challenge on social networks

What is a YouTube challenge? In pursuit of fame and likes, people come up with different ways to “catch” the attention of viewers and post videos on YouTube - a popular video hosting site. Some challenges are exciting and create a mood, motivation for taking up the baton, others are frankly absurd and unsafe for the physical and mental health. Types of YouTube challenges that have been popular lately:

  • stages of playing computer games;
  • competitions in computer games;
  • "Guess the melody!";
  • drink 3.5 liters of milk;
  • lip reading, one is wearing headphones with loud music, the other is speaking, the one wearing headphones must guess and voice what the other said;
  • apply makeup without a mirror live;
  • sports challenge.

Challenge for self-development

A collective challenge is motivation for those who do not dare to start on their own and alone what their soul already wants and requires. But there are some things that everyone can do. A person should not stop in his development and everyone can set realistic goals for himself; for this you need to allocate 30 - 60 minutes daily. Popular challenges for spiritual and intellectual development (perform a planned action within a month):

  • reading a few pages of a book;
  • doing a 15-minute meditation;
  • mindfulness exercise;
  • start studying foreign language(for example, 1000 words per month);
  • keeping a diary in which to record 3 pleasant moments that happened during the day.

Mindfulness Challenge

What is a mindfulness challenge - it is something that allows you to learn to be present in the current moment and be focused on the work that is being done now. The idea for a mindfulness challenge can be anything, for example, you can concentrate on your breathing for 10 minutes for 10 minutes and be aware of it, or you can use a ready-made mindfulness challenge in which tasks can be performed in different sequences. An example of one day of the challenge (the more points are completed, the faster awareness is developed):

  • morning pages in freewriting format for 15 minutes will help you concentrate on sensations, emotions, and talk to your subconscious;
  • meditation 15 – 20 minutes;
  • gratitude practice;
  • when performing household routine work, be involved in the process to the maximum.
  • Get rid of something unnecessary every day.

Most popular challenges

IN modern world Few people can be surprised by something and people try to stand out somehow, this is especially typical for young people. Ideas for challenges can be interesting, exciting, challenging others, and they can also be absurd and ridiculous, but such challenges also have their followers. On the Internet you can see flash mobs of someone blindfolded applying makeup to girls, doing their hair, or young people sitting in a bath with ice, who can stand it longer. It's fun at times, but sometimes it's not safe for your health.

The following challenges are considered popular:

  • transition to healthy eating within 30 days;
  • slimming marathons;
  • pumping up some skill (for example, waking up at 6.00 in the morning for a month);
  • creative flash mobs (morning pages, sketches).

Challenge in sports

The fitness challenge is one of the most popular today, due to the established cult of the body and the desire to look good and be productive and active at any age. What is a sports challenge? It can be either a multi-complex approach, when, for example, a 5-week program is planned for the entire body, or a mono approach: the skill of standing in a plank is improved - starting from 20 seconds in the first two days and in subsequent days the time increases by 10-15 seconds.

Popular sports challenges:

  • 100 squats a day (start with 20);
  • 10,000 steps every day for 30 days;
  • 100 push-ups;
  • 100 burpees (start with 10 – 20 reps);
  • pull-ups on the bar +1 every day.

Weight Loss Challenge

Losing weight is a process that includes organizing proper nutrition and exercise, one complements the other. A cleansing challenge for girls who have decided to lead a healthy lifestyle and get rid of extra pounds. The nutrition program is designed for a month:

  1. Refined foods (sugar, flour, smoked, salted, packaged juices, carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, black tea) are excluded for 30 days.
  2. Meals are frequent, but in small portions (by weight no more than 200 grams).
  3. Separate meals for these 30 days.
  4. Allowed foods: fruits, vegetables, herbs, whole grain cereals, dried fruits, rye or bran yeast-free bread in small quantities, honey, nuts, sprouts.
  5. includes up to 2 liters of clean water per day. In the morning to start work digestive system You need to drink 1 - 2 glasses of water in small sips.
  6. The last meal no later than 3 hours before bedtime, something light: kefir or classic yogurt.
  7. It is important to adhere to this schedule for 30 days, scheduling meals for every day.

Art challenge

Fear clean slate characteristic not only of writers, but also of beginning artists. To help cope with this fear, you just need to start, sometimes it’s very difficult to do it yourself, and it’s not clear where to start, you can join creative groups, which in in social networks a lot, challenge yourself and start writing or drawing. What is an art challenge? These are tasks for a certain period, for example for a month, which a person undertakes to complete. The Challenge for Artists and Writers helps:

  • exit from ;
  • aspiring artists and writers should already take their first steps;
  • team up with others, it’s more fun to complete tasks together (competitive effect).

A person can write tasks (topics) for himself, or he can join a group on social networks. Sample Topics challenge for artists to draw within 30 days:

  1. Favorite animal.
  2. Red fruit.
  3. First kiss.
  4. Favorite item from the wardrobe.
  5. Your fear.
  6. A cup of coffee.
  7. Something abstract.
  8. Rain
  9. Parents.
  10. Favorite character from your favorite book.
  11. A place where I experienced strong emotions of joy and happiness.
  12. Lost item.
  13. Deserted beach.
  14. Dream.
  15. Something green.
  16. Superhero.
  17. Non-existent animal.
  18. Alien ship.
  19. What you don't like.
  20. Part of the body.
  21. Mood.
  22. Favorite sweet.
  23. Something sea green.
  24. Favorite cartoon character.
  25. Flower.
  26. Graffiti.
  27. In retro style.
  28. Yourself in the mirror.
  29. Emotions.
  30. Congratulatory slogan for completing a challenge.

Every day someone puts off plans for next week or next year. But not everyone has the willpower to pull themselves together and finally start jogging in the morning, study English every day, or make it a habit to turn off all gadgets an hour before bed. Challenges are just for those who constantly need a kick. To strengthen motivation, many of their participants talk about their results on social networks under appropriate hashtags and receive support from subscribers.

In English, “challenge” means “challenge”. They first became known about 10 years ago, but now people are just going crazy: coming up with tasks, setting goals, sharing results and challenging friends.

Abdominal strengthening

This challenge is for those who want to get their figure in shape. Start with 15 repetitions and add 5 sit-ups every day. Give your abs a rest every four days. This task is performed by both men and women. In a month you will have at least developed willpower and an elastic stomach.

From walking to running in 30 days

Strengthening your abs alone will not make you a perfect body. For greater effect, go jogging. Start the first day with a four-minute walk and one minute of jogging. Repeat the exercise 3 times. We spend the second day in the same spirit, but we already go through 4 laps. After 30 days you will become more energetic and resilient, your immune system will improve.

In pursuit of new emotions

If you miss new sensations or have simply lost your zest for life, then this is not yet a reason to bury yourself in pillows and watch TV series. Start a new day with something brave or crazy. Go on a mini-trip, discover new places you’ve never been to, or invite all your friends to visit. If you do something new for a month, then over time the sparkling eyes and feeling of life will return.

Order in the house

Some people have a natural desire for cleanliness. But there are also those who are infuriated by cleaning. It is not at all necessary to spend the whole day and energy on cleaning. It is enough to do one thing every day. Start putting things in order from the kitchen, move to the bathroom and then through the rooms. You can finish with a garage and car dry cleaning. After a month, perfect order, cleanliness and a good mood await you.

New photos

This challenge is for those who are tired of taking selfies and photos of their legs while walking. For 30 days, take photographs on a specific topic, and your imagination will begin to develop on its own. Your Instagram followers will thank you for saving them from the same type of photos.

Mindfulness Challenge

The challenge is intended for those who need to get their lives in order. The founder of the project, Varya Vedeneeva, teaches each of us to appreciate the moments and be present. Have you tried spending a whole day without your phone? Make a to-do list for whole year forward? Try to take stock of each day and observe your thoughts. You can share your results on your personal page on social networks, a blog or a personal diary.

Design challenge

We stock up on colored pencils, an eraser and a sharpener. The publishing house "MYTH" with the support of the magazine "It's Interesting to Live" presents a challenge where everyone can express themselves as an artist. All you need is to skillfully hold a pencil in your hands and have imagination. The rest will come after hard training. First, test yourself for creativity: draw in different ways a little man, a dragon’s lair, your dreams and other images that will be in the challenge. You can share your results and follow the creations of other participants using the hashtag #mif_challenge

50 books per year

Challenge yourself to read 50 books in a year. It can be anything - from fiction to professional literature. Audiobooks also count. Ideally, read one book a week. Write about your results on social networks, recommend your favorite works to others and look for like-minded people using hashtags