Certification of municipal employees is carried out to determine the level of qualifications and professional qualities employee. But this is not her only goal. Experts will tell you which category of employees is subject to certification, how to prepare for and conduct such an event.

From the article you will learn

Certification of a municipal employee is carried out once every three years. The procedure takes place in 6 steps. Read detailed instructions from the experts of System Personnel:

What is the purpose of certification of municipal employees?

Certification of municipal employees is carried out to determine the level of qualifications and professional qualities of the employee. But this is not her only goal.

6 reasons for certification

  1. Increase efficiency and effectiveness labor activity.
  2. Establish the fact of inconsistency or compliance with the position held.
  3. Identify the most effective employees.
  4. Determine the need for advanced training individuals or a group of employees.
  5. Ensure career advancement.
  6. Redistribute employees and so on.

Certification of a municipal employee is carried out once every three years.

What needs to be done before certification?

Step 1. Develop and approve the certification regulations. , a labor and employment specialist will tell you.

Step 2. Issue an order.

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Step 3. Approve the full composition of the commission.

Step 4. Notify all employees of the upcoming event.

Step 5. Summarize.

Regardless of the purpose for which the certification of municipal employees is carried out, it must take place in the order prescribed in the Regulations. According to the law, certification takes place in the form of testing, interviews, exams, practical lesson and so on.

What is a motivated review of a municipal employee subject to certification: an example

A motivated review of a municipal employee contains the opinion of the manager and is part of the documents that must be submitted to the certification commission. At least a week in advance, the HR officer familiarizes the employee with the review so that he has the opportunity to disagree with the review or provide additional information about your work activity.

In addition to the review, the commission is provided with information about all completed assignments and documents prepared for this period, which are contained in the annual reports on the employee’s official (professional) activities. They also provide an attestation sheet with completed information about the previous inspection. You will find the certification sheet in the “Personnel System”. Download .

Which category of municipal employees is subject to certification?

Since the certification of a municipal employee is carried out to determine the professional suitability and effectiveness of employees, all specialists will have to undergo the procedure. The list of employees who will not require certification is indicated in paragraph two of Article 18 of Federal Law No. 25-FZ of March 2, 2007.

  1. For those holding municipal service positions for less than one year.
  2. For those over 60 years of age.
  3. For pregnant women.
  4. For those who are on maternity leave, as well as on parental leave for up to three years. These categories of employees are subject to professional suitability testing only one year after leaving leave.
  5. For those filling municipal service positions on the basis of a concluded fixed-term employment agreement (contract).

How does the meeting of the certification commission take place?

All elected members are present at the commission meeting. The inspection is carried out in the presence of the certified employee. The chairman of the commission reads out the introductory report. The employee is tested and answers questions orally or in writing. Based on the results obtained, the commission members make a decision on suitability or non-suitability for the position held.

The procedure for conducting certification of municipal employees assumes that, based on the inspection carried out, an attestation sheet will be filled out. The employee will be familiarized with it against his signature. This document must be submitted to the head of the city government. After the manager makes a decision, the certification sheet is handed over to the personnel officer, who places it in the employee’s personal file for further storage.

The meeting of the commission is recorded. The minutes contain information about the progress of the meeting and the decisions made. The protocol is transferred to the HR department local authority self-government.

How to draw up regulations on certification of municipal employees

The regulation on certification of municipal employees is approved by a municipal legal act in accordance with standard provision on the certification of such persons, approved by the laws of the subject Russian Federation. The local document is compiled in any form. It is convenient to take as a basis , approved by the resolution of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR and the State Committee for Labor of the USSR dated October 5, 1973 under No. 470/267.

What decisions are made after certification?

Based on the verification, employees are encouraged, awarded bonuses, promoted to higher positions or transferred to lower ones. Issue directions for training, retraining, obtaining additional education.

If an employee does not agree with the demotion or the employer does not have the opportunity to provide a position that corresponds to the specialist’s qualifications, then within one month the employee may be dismissed from the municipal service due to the inadequacy of the position held based on the results of the certification. The employee has the right to appeal the decision of the commission in court.

Certification of municipal employees is carried out once every three years. The procedure takes place in a certain sequence. The regulation on the certification of municipal employees is approved by a municipal legal act in accordance with the standard regulation on the certification of such persons, approved by the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Based on the verification, employees are encouraged, awarded bonuses, promoted to higher positions or transferred to lower ones. They issue directions for training, retraining, and additional education.

Test questions

Testing rules:

1. No more than 30 minutes are provided to complete the test.

2. There are 40 test questions and several answer options.

3. Only one answer from those proposed is correct.

4. Passing the test is carried out by placing any sign next to the answer option that the person taking the test considers correct.

5. Putting more than one mark when answering one test question or not putting a mark or correction means an incorrect answer.


(last name, first name and patronymic of the person being tested)

1. Municipal service is...

a) professional activities of citizens that are carried out on on an ongoing basis in municipal service positions filled by concluding an employment agreement (contract);

c) professional activities of citizens vested with executive and administrative powers to resolve issues of local importance and (or) organize the activities of a local government body;

d) professional activities of citizens vested with representative and administrative powers to resolve issues of local importance and (or) organize the activities of the body local government;

2. Are local governments included in the system of authorities state power Republic of Bashkortostan?

1) yes, included

2)no, not included;

3) is integral part local government;

4) includes only the system of government bodies of Russia, but not the Republic of Bashkortostan.

3. Local administration is...

a) representative and administrative body municipality;

b) representative body of the municipality;

c) executive and administrative body of the municipality;

d) representative executive body municipality.

4. A citizen of the Russian Federation may be elected President of the Russian Federation:

a) not younger than 35 years of age, permanently residing in the Russian Federation for at least 15 years;

b) at least 35 years of age, permanently residing in the Russian Federation for at least 10 years;

c) at least 30 years of age, permanently residing in the Russian Federation for at least 10 years;

d) at least 30 years of age, permanently residing in the Russian Federation for at least 15 years;

5. The President of the Russian Federation begins to exercise his powers:

a) from the moment of election;

b) from the moment he took the oath;

6. The President of the Russian Federation may be removed from office...

a) the Federation Council;

b) the State Duma;

V) Supreme Court RF;

d) the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

7. For how long is the State Duma elected?

A ) 5 years;

8. For how long is the President of the Russian Federation elected?

c) 6 years;

9. A citizen of the Russian Federation may be elected as a deputy of the State Duma:

a) who has reached 21 years of age;

b) who has reached 25 years of age;

c) has reached 18 years of age;

d) has reached 30 years of age.

10. Based on the results of the certification, can the employer’s representative decide to demote a municipal employee?

a) no, it cannot;

b) yes, it can;

c) maybe, only with the consent of a municipal employee.

11. The State Duma consists of...

a) 400 deputies;

b ) 450 deputies;

c) 500 deputies;

d) 550 deputies.

12. For what purpose is certification of municipal employees carried out?

a) for the purpose of checking the compliance of the level vocational training municipal employees qualification requirements to fill municipal service positions;

b) for the purpose of determining the suitability of municipal employees for the positions to be filled in the municipal service.

b) a citizen vested with executive and administrative powers to resolve issues of local importance and (or) organize the activities of a local government body;

c) the person performing the duties of technical support activities of local government bodies, election commissions of municipalities for monetary support paid from the local budget;

d) a citizen who is a member of a local government body formed at municipal elections (with the exception of the representative body of a municipal entity).

16. What is the age limit for filling a municipal service position?

a) 65 years old;

c) 55 years for women and 60 years for men

d) there is no age limit.

17. Within what period of time is a municipal employee annually required to provide information on income, property and property-related liabilities?

d) to participate on their own initiative in a competition for replacement vacant position municipal service.

20. The main leave of municipal employees is:

a) 30 calendar days;

b) 28 calendar days;

c) 35 calendar days;

d) 40 calendar days.

21. Class ranks of municipal employees indicate...

a) suitability of municipal employees for their positions;

b) the need to assign a qualification category to municipal employees;

c) for compliance of the level of professional training of municipal employees with the qualification requirements for filling positions in the municipal service;

d) on legal status municipal employee.

22. A local government official is...

a) elective or entered into a contract ( employment contract) a person vested with executive and administrative powers to resolve issues of local importance and (or) organize the activities of a local government body;

b) elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot in municipal elections or by a representative body of the municipality from among its members;

c) a person of the representative body of a settlement, municipal district, urban district or intracity territory of a city of federal significance;

d) a person who is a member of a local government body formed at municipal elections (with the exception of the representative body of a municipal entity);

23. The period established by law for consideration of written appeals from citizens to local government bodies or to an official is:

a) 15 days;

b) 20 days;

c) 30 days;

d) 45 days.

24. The structure of the Municipal Administration is approved by a legal act:

a) the head of the Administration of the municipality;

b) the head of the municipality;

c) the representative body of the municipality;

d) the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

25. A deputy is...

a) - an elected person vested with executive and administrative powers to resolve issues of local importance and (or) organize the activities of a local government body;

b) a member of the representative body of a settlement, municipal district, urban district or intracity territory of a federal city;

V) official local self-government, elected on the basis of universal equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot in municipal elections or by a representative body of the municipality from among its members;

d) a person who is part of a local government body formed at municipal elections.

26. The functional division of power in the Russian Federation includes its division into:

1) federal and regional;

2) local government and state power;

3) executive and legislative;

27. What is highest value in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation?

a) recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms.

b) man, his rights and freedoms.

c) the integrity and inviolability of its territory.

1) 1993;

2) 1991;

3) 1995.

29.In the Constitution of the Russian Federation No chapters with title:

a) Fundamentals of the constitutional system

b) Legislative branch

c) Judicial power

d) Local government

30. In what ways can citizens of the Russian Federation exercise local self-government?

a) through government bodies;

b) through local government bodies and directly participating in local referendums and municipal elections;

c) using various forms of appeals to authorities.

31. For what purposes are class ranks established for municipal employees?

a) To indicate the compliance of the level of professional training of a municipal employee;

b) To indicate the suitability of the occupied municipal position of the municipal service;

c) To increase the salary of a municipal employee.

32. The employer for a municipal employee is:

a) urban or village administration, on whose behalf powers are exercised by persons holding senior municipal positions;

b) a municipal entity, on behalf of which the powers of the employer are exercised by the representative of the employer;

V) municipal district, on behalf of which the powers of the employer are exercised by the Council of the municipal district;

d) the government of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on behalf of which the powers of the employer are exercised by the head of the municipality.

33. Which of the above does not apply to the principles of municipal service:

a) protection of municipal employees from legal and social liability;

b) stability of municipal service;

c) responsibility of municipal employees for failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties;

d) priority of human and civil rights and freedoms.

34. How many groups are municipal service positions divided into?

A) two groups

B) three groups

B) four groups

G) five groups

35. Is the qualification rank assigned to a municipal employee retained upon termination of municipal service?

A) no, it is not saved

B) yes, it is saved

C) both answers are incorrect

D) both answers are correct

36. Man and citizen on the territory of Russia

a) equal in scope of rights

b) a person has more rights

c) a citizen has more rights

d) the Constitution of the Russian Federation says nothing about this

37.Which government body of the Russian Federation adopts federal laws?

a) Federation Council

b) State Duma

c) Government of the Russian Federation

d) President of the Russian Federation

38.Which body exercises executive power in the Russian Federation?

a) President of the Russian Federation

b) Courts of the Russian Federation

V ) Government of the Russian Federation

d) Federation Council

39.What is not included in the system of government bodies? Please indicate the wrong answer.

a) Government of the Russian Federation

b) Local governments

c) Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

d) President of the Russian Federation

40. What is a municipality?

a) a settlement or several settlements united by a common territory and local self-government;

b) representative body of local government at various levels;

c) executive body of local government at various levels;

d) local government bodies.

Certification of municipal employees is a personnel event, during which the employer and authorities state control learn about the level of training of specialists working in these positions and what needs to be done to improve the quality of work of all employees. Certification of municipal employees is a serious and complex process; in order to carry it out, it is necessary to comply with many requirements specified in the relevant legislative acts.

Certification of employees of municipal institutions

The procedure governing the certification of employees of municipal institutions is specified and regulated in legislation using Art. 18 of Federal Law No. 25-FZ of 03/02/2007. It says that the certification of a municipal employee is carried out in order to determine whether the employee is suitable for the position in which he works.

It is worth noting that such a knowledge test is not required for everyone. Categories of workers who do not have to undergo certification are as follows:

  • Employees who have been working in this position for less than 1 year;
  • Employees municipal institution who have reached the age of 60 years;
  • Pregnant employees;
  • Those who are on maternity leave or to care for a child who has not yet reached the age of three;
  • An employee who fills one of the municipal positions temporarily, on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract.

Those who are in or for are not certified. And even if their vacation ends right before the certification, they still have every right to miss it. They must take a knowledge test only when a year has passed from the moment they entered the workplace.

Certification of a municipal employee and skills testing, like any similar knowledge assessment, begins with normative document- order. It is issued by the manager and the document must contain basic information. The procedure for forming the certification commission must be approved there. Also, to conduct an inspection, it is necessary to indicate in the order the schedule according to which the testing will take place. In addition, the order must indicate a list of employees who must undergo certification and inform them that preparation for the said procedure has begun.

Also, the employer’s order approves such an important thing as the composition of the certification commission. There are certain norms that dictate who should enter there. In the standard version, the certification commission consists of representatives of the head of the enterprise, an employee from the legal or legal department and personnel officers. The following positions are formed from them:

  • An employee acting as chairman of the certification commission. He is responsible for making the final decision and resolving complex issues.
  • An employee acting as deputy chairman of the certification commission.
  • Secretary of the certification commission. He is responsible for ensuring that the document flow of the entire audit is in perfect order. The employees of the enterprise give their reports to him.
  • Ordinary members of the commission who are responsible for ensuring that decisions made at meetings are objective and independent.

But in some cases, other specialists may also join the certification commission. For example, deputies and representatives of municipal bodies, employees of government bodies, as well as independent specialists suitable for solving difficult situations. Their presence in the certification commission is possible only with mutual agreement between them and the employer who conducts this check.

In order for the certification schedule to give employees all necessary information, the following must be indicated there:

After the schedule is approved and the order is issued, each employee who must undergo certification must receive notification of this. And no less than a month before the start of the inspection. If this condition is violated, this may become the reason for a labor dispute or even legal proceedings.

Direct supervisors of employees who will undergo certification must provide their feedback on these employees. These documents must be sent to the secretary no later than two weeks before the start of the commission meetings. The review must contain detailed information about the employee.

  • The position held by the employee being assessed and the date on which he received appointment to this place of work;
  • A list of those documents and projects in the development of which the employee undergoing certification took an active part;
  • Overall assessment of the employee. The employee’s direct supervisor must evaluate him personal qualities, as well as the results of his work.

Also, the employee’s supervisor must attach to the review precise information about what municipal assignments this employee has completed and is performing. And if the employee has already been certified, then the results of a previous assessment of his skills must be attached to the review.

After the review reaches the certification commission, employees personnel service are required to familiarize the relevant employee with its text. And the municipal employee has every right to send additional information that was not taken into account in the original text of the document. He can also report that he considers the review to be completely untrue and the employee does not agree with it. In this case, you need to explain the essence of the problem to the HR representative and write to the manager memo, where it is necessary to indicate any inaccuracies and distortions.

In addition to all of the above, orders for the municipal unit, information about its position and job descriptions the person being tested.

The procedure for certification of municipal employees

The schedule has been approved, notifications have been received, reports have been collected. Now the meetings of the certification commission begin. But its meetings gain legitimacy only if a turnout of at least two-thirds of its members is ensured. general composition. If fewer people are present at the meeting, then all decisions made in this composition will be illegitimate.

Certification must be carried out in the presence of the person whom it, in fact, evaluates. But if a municipal employee did not appear at the meeting without a good reason, or even refused to test his knowledge, then the commission should be postponed.

Failure to appear for certification without a good reason, or refusal to attend it, is a reason for applying disciplinary punishment to a person. The severity of the sanctions applied must be determined by the employer himself.

During certification, the commission analyzes the documents received, as well as interviews with the employees being inspected. At these meetings, an employee of a municipal institution must talk about his work activities. But if such a need arises, the commission has every right to invite the employee’s direct supervisor to the meeting.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the principles on which the commission’s assessment is based professional activity municipal employees. During certification, specialists pay attention to such points as the employee’s compliance with the qualification requirements that are put forward for this position. The commission also pays close attention to the employee’s share of participation in solving the tasks assigned to his department. An important factor will be the complexity of the work that the municipal worker performs and how effectively he performs it.

The certification commission makes a decision independently; this does not require the presence of the employee being assessed at the meeting. Experts conducting knowledge and skills testing decide what the qualifications of each of the interviewed employees are by regular voting. Whichever proposal receives the majority of votes is accepted. In rare cases, when nothing can be decided by voting, an employee of a municipal institution is recognized as meeting the criteria that are put forward for his position.

Even an employee who is a member of the commission can be subject to certification. While the knowledge and skills are being tested, his membership in the commission is suspended.

Decisions based on inspection results

Based on the results of the inspection, all employees are divided into two groups:

  • Those employees who meet the criteria for their position;
  • Those employees who do not meet these criteria;

It is also worth noting that the certification commission has the right to make recommendations regarding certain employees. Experts may note that some employees should be rewarded for outstanding achievements in their work activities. They may also advise you to promote an employee according to career ladder, because he is distinguished not only by his work achievements, but also by his excellent knowledge. And the certification commission can also give recommendations on how to improve the overall level of labor efficiency at the enterprise. This may concern both the advanced training of individual employees and general activities that need to be carried out in production.

The results obtained from the certification are communicated to employees immediately after the specialists finish voting on all issues. The summed up results are entered into a special card and signed by all members of the commission, after which its contents are introduced municipal worker. The received certification sheet will be stored in the employee’s personal file.

After the employer receives the results of the certification, he has a month to take any action regarding individual employees of his company. This applies to both rewards for a good level of quality of work and punishments - demotions, transfers.

It is worth noting that if an employee does not agree to a reduction, and there is no vacancy for his transfer, then the employer can fire the person due to non-compliance with the criteria for the position. But if in one month the head of the enterprise does not fire or demote the employee, then later he will no longer be able to use the results of the certification to do this.

But if the employee does not agree with the results of the certification, or with by decision, he may start a labor dispute. This event is carried out in the usual manner - in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. And if, as a result of the proceedings, the parties do not come to an agreement, then the employee has the opportunity to apply to the court for a solution to the situation.

The result of the trial may be the reinstatement of the employee to his position. The judge may also determine that the person's employer will have to reimburse the employee for part of the wages. The reason for such a decision may be any mistake made during the certification of a person. Therefore, the employer needs to carefully ensure that the entire procedure is carried out as specified in the relevant Regulations.

Certification of municipal employees is carried out with the aim of checking the correspondence between the position held and an objective assessment of his professional qualities. According to the law, certification should be carried out no more than once every two years.

The following employees cannot be admitted to certification:

  1. Employees whose age category is 60 years or more.
  2. Pregnant women.
  3. Persons temporarily performing the duties of other employees for a period of less than a year.
  4. Holding positions on the basis of an employment contract.
  5. Workers located in maternity leave. Certification of these persons is allowed no earlier than 12 months after leaving maternity leave.


All actions for certification of municipal employees have a certain procedure:

  • tasks and questions are set;
  • preparatory materials are being developed;
  • all information about the employee is collected and studied in detail;
  • an assessment is made;
  • the certification commission draws up a list of recommendations;
  • the order in which decisions will be made is established.

It is necessary to form special commission, which includes:

  1. Chairman.
  2. His deputy.
  3. Secretary.
  4. Members of the commission.

The commission must include representatives of government, legal and personnel authorities, as well as a trade union representative and an independent expert.

During administrative certification

The candidate's professional training and knowledge of the legal culture, as well as his ability to work with the population, are checked.

The main evaluation criterion is the employee’s ability and ability to perform the tasks assigned to him. If a person entered the service for the first time, then he is required to undergo the procedure at the end of three years of work.

The stages are as follows:

  • Preparation;
  • testing;
  • interview;
  • registration for work.

The preparatory stage includes collecting necessary documents, development of a schedule, selection and appointment of persons included in the commission, setting the timing and location of certification.

The HR department selects employees who will undergo certification. Next, management prepares an order approving the employees who will be involved, the timing of the event and the composition of the certification commission.

It is mandatory that a written notice is sent to everyone who is to undergo certification a month before the procedure. The completed reference, according to the approved forms, is sent to the HR department. Three weeks before the certification, the HR department employee is obliged to familiarize the employee with the compiled characteristics. After this, a certification sheet is issued for each employee, and the information received is sent for consideration by the commission.

The order is:

  1. Certification is carried out by the full commission, and the presence of the employee is mandatory. If he was not at work during the certification period, he must undergo it after returning to work. If there are no compelling reasons for absence, then certification can be carried out without the employee based on available materials.
  2. After analyzing the materials, the commission makes a decision. The employee is suitable for the position held and can be recommended for more high category or it must be re-tested.
  3. Members of the certification commission make the final decision by voting, which is recorded in the minutes of the meeting. To make a decision, methods such as questionnaires, group discussion, etc. can be used.
  4. The commission’s decision is announced to the employee, and it is entered into the certification sheet, which is stored along with the characteristics in the personal file.

Some nuances

Certification of municipal employees involves preparing questions to which they will answer. When developing questions for certification, it is worth considering how they are perceived by employees (they are often understood by employees of this category as a simple formality).

First, they study the questionnaire and review the assessment form, based on the following criteria:

  • professionalism;
  • business qualities;
  • personal characteristic.

Certification of municipal employees is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and is mandatory for all subjects.

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Don't rely only on analysis regulatory framework employee, it is necessary to take into account the psychological essence of certification. Due to the separation of the certification event and qualified exams, the career growth of a municipal employee is significantly complicated. In some cases, certification is carried out, the commission is headed by civil servants who do not review the activities of employees. For this reason, a decision was made to involve third-party experts, since certification should be carried out only after assessing the employee’s work.

An integral part legal basis personnel management and the service process are regulatory and legal acts on the certification of state and municipal employees. They reflect the fact that certification is the legal obligation of employees to undergo periodic verification (assessment) of compliance with the requirements of the position being filled in the established organizational and legal form.

Legal norms establish the terms of certification, the technology of its organization (formation of commissions, approval of schedules, compilation of lists of those being certified, preparation of reviews), the procedure for discussion, evaluation, making conclusions and decisions, and recording the results of certification.

Certification is designed to help improve the efficiency of state and municipal services.

Certification is carried out no more than once every two years, but at least once every four years.

The certification procedure and its consequences are quite fully established by the Law “On Certification of Civil Servants”.

According to the law, certification of a civil servant is carried out in order to establish his compliance with the government position being filled. civil service, as well as resolving the issue of assigning a qualification category to a civil servant, including the next one.

The chairman of the certification commission is the head of the government body; the certification commission may include representatives of personnel, legal services government authority, representative of the relevant trade union body.

The certification schedule is brought to the attention of each certified person at least one month before the start of certification.

Certification is carried out in the presence of the person being certified. If a civil servant fails to attend a meeting of the certification commission without good reasons the commission may conduct certification in his absence.

The certification commission reviews the submitted documents, hears reports from the civil servant and, if necessary, his immediate supervisor about the performance of the person being certified.

The assessment of the performance of a civil servant is based on:

the employee’s compliance with the qualification requirements for the public position he is filling;

determining the employee’s participation in solving the tasks assigned to the relevant department;

complexity of the work performed and its effectiveness.

When conducting certification, it is necessary to take into account lore civil servant, work experience, advanced training and retraining, as well as in relation to persons holding main and leading positions in the civil service - organizational skills.

The decision to assess the professional qualities of a civil servant, as well as the recommendations of the certification commission, are made in the absence of the person being certified and his immediate supervisor by open or secret voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the certification commission present at the meeting.

As a result of certification, a civil servant is given one of the following assessments: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the organization of retraining and advanced training of civil servants of federal executive bodies." Collection acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation. - 1994. -No. 20.

corresponds to the government position being filled;

corresponds to the position being filled, subject to the implementation of the recommendations of the certification commission on his official activities;

does not correspond to the position being filled.

Based on the results of certification, the certification commission has the right to submit for consideration to the head of the government body motivated recommendations on the assignment of a qualification category, promotion (demotion) of a civil servant in position, change in the allowance for special conditions of service (complexity, intensity, special work mode), inclusion in the reserve for promotion to a higher position in the civil service.

The assessment of the certification commission is entered into the certification sheet, which the civil servant reads against signature within seven days from the date of certification.

The results of the employee’s certification are presented to the head of the government body, who, taking into account the results of the certification, can make a decision:

on the promotion of a civil servant to a position;

on assignment of qualification category;

on changing the allowance for special conditions of service (difficulty, intensity, special work schedule);

on inclusion in the reserve for nomination to a higher position in the civil service;

on changes in official salary ranging from minimum to maximum size according to the position he holds;

on sending a civil servant for advanced training or retraining.

The decision is formalized by order and brought to the attention of the employee on the same day against signature.

A civil servant, if he is recognized as not suitable for the position being filled, with his consent, by order of the head of the public authority, is transferred to another public position. In case of refusal of the transfer, the employment relationship with him is terminated.

Decisions are made by the head of the public authority no later than two months from the date of signing the certification sheet. After the expiration of the specified period, a reduction in the civil servant’s allowance official salary, transfer to another public position or dismissal based on the results of this certification are not allowed. The period of temporary disability and the time spent on annual and additional paid leave are not counted in the two-month period.

On September 13, 1994, the Government of Russia adopted a resolution “On the organization of retraining and advanced training of civil servants of federal executive bodies.” Advanced training of civil servants is carried out in accordance with existing needs, but at least once every five years. It is carried out in educational institutions higher professional or additional education. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the regulations on holding a competition for hiring in the central bodies of the federal executive power." Collection acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation. - 1993. -No. 32.

The qualification categories of civil servants indicate the compliance of the level of their professional training with the qualification requirements for government positions in the corresponding groups. They are assigned based on the results of a state qualification exam or certification.

The procedure for conducting qualifying examinations, assignments qualification categories and preserving them when transferring to other

government positions, certification is established by federal law.

A state qualification exam can be held at the initiative of an employee to assign him the next qualification category based on the results of the specified exam without subsequent transfer to another public position. Civil servants. The following qualification categories (there are 15 in total) can be assigned: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On approval of the list of government positions in the federal public service.” Collection. Legislation of the Russian Federation - 1997. - No. 36.

actual state adviser of the Russian Federation 1st, 2nd and 3rd class - holding senior government positions;

State Advisor of the Russian Federation 1st, 2nd and 3rd class - holding the main government positions;

Advisor to the Russian Federation 1st, 2nd and 3rd class - holding leading government positions;

civil service adviser 1st, 2nd and 3rd class - holding senior government positions;

civil service assistant 1st, 2nd and 3rd class - filling junior government positions. The assignment of qualification ranks to actual state advisers of the Russian Federation, state advisers of the Russian Federation is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation.

For individual species civil service in accordance with federal laws other types of qualification categories, military ranks, diplomatic ranks, and class ranks for prosecutors are being introduced.

The legislation of the subjects of the Federation also, as a rule, provides for the assignment of qualification categories to civil servants of the corresponding subjects of the Federation.