There are really no rules in commercial bidding. For example, a tender may not have starting price lot or it can be 999,999,999 rubles.

The notice for a commercial tender may not indicate the region, which affects its issuance when searching in auction selection systems, but not in Seldon, which does not allow tenders of this kind.

After the end of the auction, the customer may conclude a contract not with the winner or not at all. Despite this, the organization of a commercial tender is the expression of the will of the organization exclusively. If an organization conducts electronic tenders, then it needs to purchase these products or services.

Where to look for commercial tenders

Commercial auctions are typically conducted on separate commercial electronic marketplaces. These tenders are not published on one website, like government tenders on the official government procurement website.

To find electronic tender according to your topic, you will have to manually search separately on each such site or use the previously mentioned Seldon system.

Large customers have their own commercial electronic trading platforms for trading. The main procurement activities are carried out on them.

RAO UES, for example, has created a single Internet resource for electric power companies ( Such large companies, like Gazprom, Rosneft, Alfa Bank, VTB, have their own ETP.

Every industry has portals that combine information about tenders. You can also find portals on the Internet that seek to publish information about all commercial tenders. Such sites post notices and links to the customer’s website, where the tender documentation is located.

Choosing a venue commercial bidding directly depends on financial and organizational conditions. Platforms charge a subscription fee, a percentage of the transaction, or a one-time fee. Some ETPs charge only one of the participants in placing an order.

Application Procedure

Before starting the accreditation procedure and submitting an application for electronic trading, make sure that the electronic digital signature for trading supports this platform.

The procedure for submitting an application for electronic trading of this kind is as follows:

  • obtaining an electronic signature for participation in electronic trading with the ability to work on commercial sites;
  • submitting an application for participation in the tender in accordance with the customer’s rules, if any.

Benefits from conducting and participating in commercial auctions

For the customer, conducting tenders - real way save. Especially if the services (products, works) that are the subject of bargaining can be provided by many companies.

For a supplier, participation in commercial tenders is advisable if he is confident in the competitiveness of the product in certain respects, not necessarily in terms of price. Conduct a competitor analysis in advance and take measures to ensure that your products are the best offer on the market!

The state does not control this market segment; accordingly, organizations and companies can act freely within the framework of civil law.

The main difference between commercial tenders is that the organizer of such procurement is not the state or state corporations, and any commercial structures. If government auctions are regulated by 44-FZ or 223-FZ, then such procurements are regulated only by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition”.

Thus, the following definition can be given:

Commercial tenders - these are purchases that are carried out by commercial organizations according to their own rules that do not contradict the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and 135-FZ, and using their own financial resources.

Some large companies create their own electronic trading platforms on which they organize the purchase of goods, works or services to meet their own needs. Also, on such ETPs, auctions can be held for the sale of goods or services of these corporations.

In other cases, participation in commercial tenders takes place on general trading platforms. Most often, to access the use of such ETPs, it is necessary to pay the tariff set by the site operator.

It is important to carefully study the requirements of a particular operator for participants:

  1. is electronic digital signature to participate in auctions;
  2. Are tariffs set for procurement participants or is free registration sufficient?
  3. if participation is paid, then study possible options tariffs and choose the most suitable one;
  4. pay attention to other conditions for working with the site.

The organizer of a commercial auction is given much more freedom than a government customer.

The customer, guided by Art. 448 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation has the right to independently establish the type of bidding - open and closed competitions or auctions.

Types of commercial procurement

When conducting open procurement, the notice is published on the commercial platform chosen by the customer and can be viewed by all interested potential participants. In closed procedures for identifying a supplier, notification is sent to a limited number of persons. Unlike government tenders, the customer should not place information about the ongoing tender in the Unified Information System.

According to Art. 448 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the customer has the right to establish the procurement procedure, draw up a list of requirements for the participant, establish criteria for evaluating applications and demand from participants exactly those goods that are indicated in the notice, and not their equivalents.

Also, the terms of the contract, which is concluded based on the results of the tender, are established by the organizer of the tender and are displayed in the notice of procurement.

If you are interested in effectively participating in commercial tenders, you can use our tender support service. To search for trades, you can use ours.

Where to find commercial tenders

In order to find commercial tenders, it is best to use search engine, which will search all trading platforms and will compile a list of current purchases according to the parameters you specified. We suggest using our service to search and select tenders.

Features of commercial procurement

The stages of commercial procurement are as follows:

1. Selecting a commercial tender and studying the relevant documentation. In order to understand whether a tender is suitable for you, you must carefully read all the documents relating to the purchase you are interested in.

All information is contained in the notice published by the auction organizer.

  1. Information about the customer organization. Make the most of it to prepare tender documents. If this information is not enough for you, you can always use Internet resources.
    Pay special attention to the company's field of activity; the market segment it occupies; number of people in the state and other features.
  2. The purpose of the customer's participation in the auction. You can learn about it from the tender documentation. It usually includes two components: technical and commercial. In the first you will find information about the customer, a guide for suppliers, a plan for drawing up and submitting bids, etc. In commercial - cost, conditions and much more.
  3. Requirements for suppliers. For many customers, what is primarily important is the company’s time in the market, achievement of any significant results, experience in participating in similar competitions, as well as positive customer feedback.
  4. Requirements for the application form. Here the customer indicates those items that must be displayed in your proposal in order to participate in the auction. Because commercial procurement is not regulated in any way federal law, then, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the customer has the right to establish the most convenient conditions for himself.
  5. The main evaluation criteria by which the performer will be selected. Most often, this includes the price of the issue, time to complete the work, etc., but the tender organizer has the right to add a number of other parameters that are important for him
  6. Timing of the commercial tender. Basically, the date of the announcement of the tender, the beginning and end of accepting applications, as well as the approximate time of their consideration are recorded here. Most often, if the purchase is in the form of an auction, then 3-4 companies are selected with best offer prices and from these organizations one leader is singled out.

If the procurement is carried out in the form of a two-stage competition, then first a larger number of companies that meet the customer’s requirements are accepted, from which 2-3 organizations are then selected, and from them the winner is determined.

2. Clarification of all details and aspects of the competition. You can contact the customer to explain his position, conditions, purposes of participation in the auction, etc.

3. Preparation of applications for commercial tenders. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for suppliers this stage becomes final. Participants can make following errors: provide an incomplete list of documents, be late with payment of security, forget about the need to create electronic signature etc. Even if all the documentation you send is in order, it is better to request confirmation of its receipt by the customer.

4. Presentation. At a special meeting, all competitors are given the opportunity to convince the auction organizers that they are the ones worthy of winning the tender. Here, potential suppliers have a fairly wide field of activity. One of the main rules is the visibility and accessibility of the information you provide. Operate with numbers, use graphs and diagrams, draw an analogy with the work of your company and competitors, voice feedback from existing clients, and you will be closer to victory.

In case of procurement in electronic form, the customer reviews the participants’ applications submitted to the ETP and, based on the data received, the winner of the commercial tender is determined.

5. Selecting the winner of commercial procurement. If the form of trading is carried out in the form of an auction, then the winner is the participant who meets all the requirements and offers the most high price. When holding a competition, the winner is the supplier who, by decision of the competition commission, offers the most favorable conditions.

6. Announcement of the results of commercial auctions. If the procurement was open, the results will be made public either at a general event. In cases where closed auctions are involved, all competitors are notified of the auction results separately.

It is worth noting that if only 1 supplier participates in the purchase, it is considered failed. The legislation also establishes other reasons for declaring a commercial auction invalid. There are cases when a purchase is declared invalid.

All the grounds and consequences of such a decision are reflected in Art. 449 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The RusTender company is an official partner of many popular commercial platforms and our specialists are ready to quickly and efficiently help with any questions or difficulties that arise when working with ETP and participating in procurement. To contact us, you can leave a request in the form below or call the toll-free number 8 800 700 2326.

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The material is the property of the site. Any use of the article without indicating the source - the site is prohibited in accordance with Article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Commercial tenders are conducted by non-state owned organizations. Their main difference from government orders is that information about them can be posted on all sites on the Internet without exception, attracting everyone who wants to take part in the auction. There are simply no requirements defining how to draw up and place such an offer - everything depends solely on the customer’s imagination.

The Rossiya commercial tender is carried out either by the customer himself or by a specialized company that has experience in preparing such events, drawing up tender documentation, and understands all the intricacies of the procedure. Documentation can be distributed to potential participants, either free or for a fee.

Competitive documentation for commercial tenders

Tender documentation consists of two main parts - technical and commercial. The first should contain the most detailed requirements for the ordered product or service, contain recommendations on the use of certain technologies and materials that should be used in the production process. If it directly indicates the use of certain materials, the supplier must indicate in the application his consent to use them. Otherwise, the application may be rejected.

The second part of the tender documentation is commercial. It sets the deadline within which all the terms of the contract must be fulfilled, and also calculates the cost of the work and provides its detailed justification.

Methods of conducting commercial tenders

Most the best option For commercial organizations is a tender with rebidding or reduction. It is carried out in two stages. The first of them is traditional auctions, but there may be several winners at once. They move to the second stage, where they either reduce the cost of their services or goods, or offer best conditions production, allowing the customer to choose the most profitable option.

Another method of conducting a commercial tender for Russia - selective - has been used relatively recently, but it has already been appreciated by many companies. It includes both open and closed competitions. First, everyone offers their conditions for fulfilling the contract, and then, after selection (selection) of candidates, closed bidding is held.

You can learn more about commercial tenders and the peculiarities of their conduct in our company. We will also take care of all the arrangements for the auction, place invitations to it in the media and on electronic platforms, and provide assistance in preparing documentation. Cooperation with us will allow you to quickly attract large number participants, among whom you will definitely be able to choose the one who will ensure that you fulfill the terms of the contract in as soon as possible and at the lowest price.

Choose commercial tenders in our catalog.

The material is the property of the site. Any use of the article without indicating the source - the site is prohibited in accordance with Article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

City of Moscow - subject Russian Federation, part of the Central Federal District. Moscow is a city of Federal significance. The most populous region of the Russian Federation, home to almost 12 million inhabitants. The city is located on the banks of the Moscow River in the middle of the Russian Plain. The total area of ​​the region as of 2012 is estimated at 2.5 thousand square kilometers. 30% of the area, namely about 880 square kilometers, is located inside the Moscow ring road, and the remaining 70%, occupying an area of ​​about 1,630 square kilometers, is located outside the Moscow Ring Road. Moscow is elevated above sea level by more than 150 meters. The highest place in the city is a hill located on the Teplostanskaya Hill, with a height of 255 meters. And the lowest place at sea level is a point near the Besedinsky Bridge. Here the Moscow River flows outside the metropolis. The absolute height of this place is just over 114 meters. The total length of the city from Altufyevo to Yuzhnaya is about 38 kilometers, and if you count the areas outside the Moscow Ring Road, then almost 52 kilometers. The length from the western outskirts to the eastern is almost 40 kilometers. The metropolis is located on both sides of the Moscow River. In addition to the main river artery, about 30 other small rivers have basins in the city, the most significant of which are Skhodnya, flowing in the northwestern part of the city, Khimka, in the northern part of the city, Neglinnaya, flowing through the center of the city, but not on the surface, and in the pipes, the Yauza is the largest tributary of the Moscow, flowing throughout the eastern part of the city, and the Nishchenka in the southeast. There are about 4 hundred ponds and about 10 lakes in the metropolis. Moscow tenders for the improvement of these reservoirs are published on the website public procurement

The city of Moscow is the central Russian financial center, from which almost all economic processes in the country are managed. Almost 50% of all Russian banks are registered in the city. Also, most leading domestic legal entities registered in Moscow and have head offices here. According to experts, in 2008 the city’s total GDP was more than 320 billion US dollars, which ensured that the metropolis was in 15th position in the ranking of the world’s leading cities. Total turnover in the segment retail at the time of 2007 was estimated at more than 2 trillion rubles. Total turnover in the segment wholesale trade, was estimated at almost 8 trillion rubles. According to estimates made by the audit holding Ernst & Young in 2011, the capital of Russia has the 7th position in the ranking of European cities, based on its attractiveness for international investors. That's why Moscow tenders appear more and more often, and their outlines become more impressive. There are 3 operators operating in the metropolis, members of the Big Three, which provide the capital with mobile communications in the GSM standard, also provides communication services according to the CDMA standard mobile operator"Sky Link" Throughout the city, Internet access based on LTE technology is provided almost everywhere, provided by the Yota company

Moscow is the central Russian railway hub. Trains leave the city in 10 main directions. There are 9 train stations in Moscow. Not only commuter trains, but also long-distance trains leave from all except Savelovsky station. The Moscow Circular Railway runs inside the city. Almost all railways located in the city are subordinate to the Moscow Railway, but the only Leningrad direction is subordinate to the Oktyabrskaya Railway. Tariffs in all commuter trains identical regardless of direction. Total path length railways, running through the territory of Moscow, is almost 400 kilometers. All Moscow tenders, related to the railway are published on the website of JSC Russian Railways