A correspondent for the Zvezda shopping and entertainment company website shares his impressions after the International Naval Show, held in St. Petersburg. In total, about fifty models of promising ships and submarines were demonstrated there. And even though they are still in the form of “toys,” they already quite realistically determine the capabilities of the Russian Navy for the future. "Storm", which is the storm of all storms The first thing that caught the eyes of visitors and became a real sensation was the model of the aircraft carrier “Storm” with a displacement of up to 100 thousand tons. The ship was represented by the Krylov State science center. Without the conclusion of this organization, not a single project of a single ship will ever appear in hardware. Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy for Armaments, Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk, assured that the fleet will build this aircraft carrier. According to Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, the contract for the construction of the ship could be signed by the end of 2025. The Storm is 300 m long and 40 m wide. The ship has a “bare” deck compared to previous ship designs. Instead of a massive superstructure there will only be a control tower. This will not only save space on the deck, but will also reduce the radio signature of the ship at sea. The deck itself also has significant differences: it has two runways - a large one and a shortened one. One is classic, with a “springboard”, the second is flat, like on American aircraft carriers. There are also five different types of airplanes and helicopters attached to the stern and bow.
Handsome destroyer The model of the Project 23560 nuclear destroyer Leader fascinated those present with its swift forms. It is somewhat similar to the most beautiful attack ships of our fleet - heavy nuclear cruisers"Orlan" type. The main one is the cruiser "Peter the Great" of project 1144. In contrast, the "Leader" is a real floating arsenal. The designers fit 60 cruise missiles into a body 200 m long and 20 m wide. This is almost three times more than that of Peter the Great. All missiles: both cruise and anti-aircraft are hidden in silos, providing the ship with a “stealth” (invisible) concept.
The destroyer will be able to reach speeds of up to 30 knots, and its armament will be comparable to American Arleigh Burke-class missile ships. The destroyer will be equipped with up to eight Kalibr and Yakhont launchers. The former can hit coastal targets at a distance of up to 2.5 thousand km. The second are ships of any class from a boat to an aircraft carrier at a distance of up to 500 km. The destroyer project has already undergone preliminary modeling. It is planned to begin construction of the handsome nuclear giant in 2025.
For every landing taste The Ka-52 Katran helicopters and new hovercraft landing craft are finally on deck. And at IMDS-2017, representatives of the Nevsky PKB - the developer of all our largest and most powerful ships - demonstrated this by showing projects of large amphibious helicopter carriers. General manager Nevsky Design Bureau Sergei Vlasov reported that his company offers the Navy various options similar technology. In particular, two fundamentally new landing ships, going under the general designation “Sperm Whale”. One, called “Surf”, will have a displacement of 15 thousand tons, the second, “Avalanche”, will have exactly twice as much.
“Priboy” is intended for receiving, transporting by sea and landing troops in cooperation with other forces of the fleet of troops and equipment on an unequipped coast. The ship is capable of transporting up to 900 marines, about 50 infantry fighting vehicles and up to ten tanks. The Russian Navy plans to receive two promising landing ships by 2025. The lead of two universal landing ships will cost about 40 billion rubles. Avalanche is very similar to the French Mistral, but better. Russian shipbuilders have gained useful experience in the construction of the aft parts for the Mistral, which are the main ones from the point of view of landing troops and organizing their collection back to the ship. The Avalanche will be able to support Ka-52 Katran and Ka-32 attack or anti-submarine helicopters. There will be small ones in the hold landing ships on an air cushion, which will ensure an accelerated and secret landing of troops from a distance of up to 30 miles from the coast.
Size doesn't matter At IMDS-2017 several stands dedicated to the latest developments associated with submarines. But our correspondent suggested talking about them in a separate article. The salon in St. Petersburg was interesting not only for its models, but also for its actual working samples of equipment. For example, the products of the Moscow company OA "LGM" (blade hydraulic machines). This is the only enterprise in the country that produces pumping equipment for the Navy. And, in particular, the unique pump SKAT-1100. This product, slightly larger than a diplomat suitcase, allows you to create a pressure of several atmospheres and a column of water up to 11 km high. SKAT will be installed on all promising deep-sea vehicles of the Russian Ministry of Defense, allowing them to dive, surface and move even along the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
No less interesting is the new naval version of the Pantsir-M anti-aircraft missile system, the presentation of which was specially timed to coincide with the salon. This complex is already installed on the family of the latest Russian ships coastal zone "Karakurt". The ship's system is equipped with missiles from the Pantsir-S1 land-based missile system, as well as the promising Hermes-K missile, which can be guided by a drone. The combat module can simultaneously fire at four targets. The module's ammunition load consists of 32 missiles stored below the ship's deck. Karakurts are much cheaper than destroyers and cruisers, but are not much inferior to them in terms of strike capabilities. In total we will have 18 such ships.
The development of the Navy is associated with ten-year development programs. Faster, unfortunately, from a sketch, project, terms of reference and there is no way to get from the mock-up to the real ship. But the salon in St. Petersburg is exactly the place where the development trend is visible. And we can say that this year’s exhibition, if we talk about plans for the future, left a very good impression.

From June 28 to July 2, 2017, the eighth International Naval Salon “IMMS-2017” (hereinafter referred to as the “Salon”) was held in St. Petersburg on the territory of the Lenexpo exhibition complex, which is one of the world’s leading exhibitions in the field of shipbuilding, naval weapons and shipbuilding.

443 enterprises from 31 countries took part in the IMDS-2017 exposition, of which 50 foreign companies. The exposition of IMDS-2017 was located on 17,000 square meters. m of exhibition space in pavilions, as well as in open exhibition areas, at the berths of the Marine Station complex and in the water area adjacent to the exhibition complex. Among the participants are leading enterprises of the Russian maritime industry.

Our company presented nine large-scale models of civil and military vessels, and four full-scale models of boats.

Among the models, visitors to the stand saw the hydrofoil ships “Kometa 120M”, “Valdai 45R”, the high-speed missile and artillery hydrofoil boat “Antares RA”, the ekranoplane “Chaika-2”, the high-speed patrol boat"Chibis" and others.

The boats were located in the Lenexpo water area from where they made demonstration trips into the Gulf of Finland to demonstrate technical capabilities and ease of use. Both guests and participants of the Salon could ride. Among those who decided to get on board were journalists from television, print and electronic publications.

Thanks to its design, the hydrofoil boat (HPC) “Dolphin V1” quickly picks up speed, which reaches 85 km/h, and is designed for transporting passengers.

"Volga" is a modernized hydrofoil pleasure boat, built for an individual customer, capable of reaching speeds of up to 85 km/h. It was designed on the basis of the old Volga boat project, which Alekseev himself developed and tested.

The “Maket” boat was designed to test high speeds on planing ships: it has two diesel engines and two water jets, so the speed reaches 65 knots. It is capable of delivering a capture team to a suspicious vessel, catching up with poachers or state border violators, and rescuing people from ships and yachts in distress. This is a unique development: this type of boat does not exist anywhere in the world, there are similar ones - 16 meters. The difference between the “Maket” is its compactness and maneuverability.

A working and traveling high-speed, highly maneuverable boat of wide application – “Katran”. Designed to serve the carrier ship located in the roadstead. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 32 knots and with 10 passengers on board. The boat is equipped with equipment to support diving operations. In addition, the design of the boat includes technical solutions that ensure safe launching and ascent of the boat with its crew and passengers on board the carrier vessel in sea conditions of up to 4 points.

On June 30, 2017, at the Salon, the Katran boat, built by JSC Central Design Bureau for SPK named after R.E. Alekseev and designed by JSC Central Marine Design Bureau Almaz, was handed over to the customer JSC CS Zvezdochka.

“Previously, the Central Design Bureau was only involved in design, now it is developing its own site, including the production of experimental vessels. We have to start somewhere, we started with the documentation that we have - the Katran boat. We have worked out the technology. Now we are quietly building the Valdai boat on underwater wings,” noted the general director of the enterprise, Sergei Dementyev.

The customer's representative personally tested it in the water area and was satisfied with it technical characteristics and convenience for passengers and crew.

During the Salon, many guests visited the company’s stand, both compatriots and representatives of foreign delegations (India, Turkey, Norway, Korea and others). Not without the presence of special guests: the President of Vietnam, Tran Dai Quang, showed interest in the projects of the Central Design Bureau. He was told about the life and creative path of the great Soviet designer Rostislav Alekseev, introduced to the company's products, and presented with memorable gifts.

At the Eighth International Naval Show IMDS-2017, held in St. Petersburg from June 28 to July 2, 2017, a number of developments of uninhabited (uncrewed) sea surface and underwater vehicles for various purposes.

The St. Petersburg research and production enterprise "Aviation and Marine Electronics" (SPE AME) presented at the Eighth International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 the project of the robotic multifunctional unmanned boat "Iskatel" in the form of a full-scale sample. The target load weight of the boat is up to 500 kg, the range of action is up to 30 km. The complex detects and tracks surface objects at a distance of 5 km using a 24-hour optical-electronic surveillance system remotely controlled by an operator. In addition, it is possible to install additional sonar equipment on board. The hull of the boat was created by the Neptune company, the radio communication lines were developed at the Rybinsk Design Bureau "Luch", while NPP AME was directly involved in the creation of electronic equipment and integration of the system as a whole. It was reported that a prototype of the boat was tested in 2016. St. Petersburg, June 2017 (c) Denis Fedutinov

At the “exhibition-forming” stand of JSC “United shipbuilding corporation"(USC), which occupied almost most of it the main pavilion of the IMDS-2017 exhibition, several samples of robotic systems were presented. In particular, this is a model of the autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle (AUV) "Juno" - a project of the Central Design Bureau of Marine Technology "Rubin". Appearance The device is close to the famous Gavia AUV developed by the Icelandic company Hafmynd. It is worth noting that this is not the first time the device has been demonstrated at the current Naval Show; it has already been shown before, in particular, at the Army exhibitions. General Director of the Rubin design bureau Igor Vilnit previously stated that interest in the system was shown by the Russian Navy, as well as by unnamed foreign potential customers. St. Petersburg, June 2017 (c) Denis Fedutinov

Sectional view of the Juno apparatus. The length of the apparatus is 2.9 m, the diameter is 0.2 m, the weight is 80 kg. The design is modular and consists of six sections. Juno is designed to operate at depths of up to 1000 meters. The autonomy of the device reaches 6 hours. St. Petersburg, June 2017 (c) Denis Fedutinov

Here, at the USC stand, a model of the autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle “Amulet”, also under the brand of the Central Design Bureau for MT “Rubin”, was demonstrated. The length of the device is 1.6 meters, weight - 25 kg, diameter - 16 cm. According to the developers, the list of functions of the device includes conducting search and research operations, as well as monitoring indicators of the underwater environment: temperature, pressure and speed of sound. The maximum diving depth of the device is 50 meters, the maximum underwater speed is 5.4 km/h, and the range is 15 km. St. Petersburg, June 2017 (c) Denis Fedutinov

In the backyard of the USC stand, one could see a model of the uninhabited underwater vehicle Pluto Plus 134 developed by the Italian company Gaymarine Electronic Products. The device, along with information on other uninhabited underwater vehicles of this company, was presented by the company idRobaltica from Kaliningrad, which, without mentioning the developer, noted that the system was created by the world leader in the development and production of battery-powered unmanned underwater vehicles designed to combat mines, conduct research and marine observations at depths up to 4000 m. St. Petersburg, June 2017 (c) Denis Fedutinov

At the stand of the French ECA Group, which deals, in particular, with developments in the field of robotics and automated systems, no real samples were presented, only posters and videos. Meanwhile, French developers have plans for their activities Russian market there are quite large ones. The Russian side has already received two uncrewed Inspector Mk 2 boats, and another one will be delivered by the end of 2017. The contract value is about 10 million euros. In addition, during the exhibition, representatives of the company announced that in the next two years it will be organized Russian production unmanned boats Inspector Mk 2 and mine defense underwater vehicles Seascan Mk 2. St. Petersburg, June 2017 (c) Denis Fedutinov

Above is an underwater glider - a joint initiative development of the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University and the Research and Production Enterprise of Underwater Equipment (SPE PT) "Okeanos". The device is a universal platform for placing various sensors. Autonomy is up to 6 months. Working depths - up to 1000 m. Below - an autonomous underwater vehicle of the "micro" class with a group control function "Akara" - an initiative development of the St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University. Working depth reaches 50 m. Maximum speed The speed is less than 2.5 knots, autonomy is up to 2 hours. St. Petersburg, June 2017 (c) Denis Fedutinov

Remote controlled uninhabited underwater lung apparatus class "Marlin 350" on the open site of the Tethys Pro company. According to the company, devices of this class are already actively used by the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as other structures in search operations, for the protection of water areas, inspection of pipelines and cable lines, approach work, etc. The working depth of the device is up to 350 m. St. Petersburg, June 2017 (c) Denis Fedutinov

The remote-controlled underwater vehicle Super GNOM Pro was also exhibited by Tethys Pro. The maximum working depth is 150 m, but can optionally be increased to 300 m. The complex was created by the Underwater Robotics company, specializing in the development and production underwater video cameras and small-sized remote-controlled underwater vehicles, as well as carrying out various underwater search and inspection works with their help. It is curious that, according to the developers, the GNOM family systems they created were initially intended for the company’s internal needs, but the interest shown in these developments by Russian and foreign customers formed a new direction in the company’s activities in the form of supplying ready-made technical solutions. St. Petersburg, June 2017 (c) Denis Fedutinov

The company Marine sonar systems "Hydra" from Zhukovsky near Moscow presented a towed side-scan sonar (SSS) ultra high resolution. The multifunctional autonomous uninhabited surface-underwater vehicle “Penguin” with a sonar installed on it, which was not presented at the exhibition as a full-scale model, is also being developed here. St. Petersburg, June 2017 (c) Denis Fedutinov

From June 28 to July 2 in St. Petersburg at the exhibition complex "Lenexpo" - the berth complex "Marine Station", one of the largest events in the field of shipbuilding - the International Naval Salon - MBMC-2017 will be held for the eighth time.

The format of the Salon makes it possible to combine in a single exhibition space both an exposition and demonstration of weapons and naval equipment, as well as a rich business program- conferences, seminars, round tables, presentations. In addition, as part of the IMDS, a visit to enterprises of the military-industrial complex is planned.

This year, the exhibition section of the salon will occupy four Lenexpo pavilions - 3, 4, 7 and 8a, as well as open areas and the waters of the Gulf of Finland adjacent to the exhibition complex and at the berths of the Marine Station.

In the demonstration section at the berths of the Marine Station and in the adjacent water area, about 50 ships, boats and vessels from the Navy, the Border Service of the FSB of Russia and enterprises participating in the Salon will be presented.

As part of the congress and business section, about 30 congress and business events will be held on the territory of the exhibition complex and at the site of the Severnaya Verf Shipyard JSC, including four scientific conferences. On current moment 47 official foreign delegations from 40 countries are registered to participate in the IMDS.

Exposure operating time:

  • For specialists (visitor access is limited): from June 28 (Wednesday) to June 30 (Friday) from 10:00 - 18:00.

The organizer of IMDS-2017 is the Ministry of Industry and Trade Russian Federation. The salon is held with the participation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Federal service for military-technical cooperation, the Government of St. Petersburg and JSC Rosoboronexport. Organizer - Marine Salon LLC.
The Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of IMDS-2017 is headed by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. O. Rogozin.
The format of the Salon allows you to combine in a single exhibition space:
exposition of samples of enterprise products;
demonstration of weapons and naval equipment;
conferences, seminars, round tables, presentations;
visiting enterprises of the military-industrial complex and VIP negotiations.
The topics of the Salon include: shipbuilding and shipbuilding, weapons and weapons, combat control systems, navigation, communications and control, ship power plants, naval aviation, basing and fleet infrastructure, new materials and promising technologies. Significant exhibition areas are occupied by companies supplying ship components and materials, instruments and electronic components, information technology, consulting, financial and insurance services in the field of design, construction of ships and the creation of weapons.
The exhibition section will be located in the pavilions of the Lenexpo exhibition complex with a total area of ​​over 17,000 square meters. meters, in open areas and the waters of the Gulf of Finland, as well as at the berths of the Marine Station.
Invitations were sent to official foreign delegations from 53 countries.

Currently, more than 350 applications for participation in IMDS-2017 have been accepted, of which 36 are from foreign companies.
Among the participants are such enterprises as: JSC "USC", GC "Rostec", JSC "Concern Central Research Institute "Electropribor", JSC "NPO "Aurora", FSUE "Krylov State Scientific Center", JSC "Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology", PJSC " Shipbuilding company "Almaz", JSC "Concern "Okeanpribor", JSC "Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky", JSC "Concern "Granit-Electron", JSC "Corporation "Tactical Missile Weapons", JSC "Concern "Marine Underwater Weapon-Gidropribor", JSC "Concern of Aerospace Defense "Almaz-Antey", FSUE "TsNII KM "Prometey" , JSC Concern Morinformsystem-Agat, NSI bvba (Belgium), ODU GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Neo Power Electronics & Projects, Pvt. Ltd. (India), Industrie Cometto S.p.A. (Italy), Hiltex Technische Weefsels (Netherlands), DEARSAN SHIPYARD (Türkiye) and others.
In the demonstration section at the berths of the Marine Station and in the water area, more than 30 ships, boats and vessels from the Navy, the Border Service of the FSB of Russia and enterprises participating in the Salon will be presented, including:
Project 11540 patrol ship “Yaroslav the Wise”;
Project 20380 corvette “Stoikiy”;
basic minesweeper of project 12700 “Alexander Obukhov”;
small rocket ship project 21631;
landing hovercraft project 12322;
landing craft project 21820;
landing boat of project 11770 "D-1441";
high-speed patrol boat of project 12150 “Mongoose”;
Project 21980 anti-sabotage boat “Nakhimovets”;
Project 03160 "Raptor" patrol boat;
large hydrographic boat of project 19920 “BGK-2149”;
multifunctional modular boat project 23370;
sea ​​tug project 02800 "MB-96".
At the Rzhevka training ground of the Russian Ministry of Defense, 8 naval artillery systems and small arms will be demonstrated in action for official foreign delegations and media representatives.
Traditionally, within the framework of IMDS-2017, demonstration flights of the Russian Knights and Swifts aerobatic teams, as well as the Rus aerobatic team, are planned.
As part of the congress and business section, events will be held on the territory of the exhibition complex, and about 30 congress and business events will be held at the Severnaya Verf Shipyard JSC, including four scientific conferences:
International scientific and technical conference " Navy and shipbuilding in modern conditions"(Navy and Shipbuilding Njwadays NSN’2017);
XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference MORINTECH-PRACTIC " Information Technology in shipbuilding 2017";
PLM-FORUM IMDS-2017 “Management life cycle shipbuilding products. Information support";
International scientific and practical conference “Simulation and integrated modeling of marine equipment and marine transport systems” (ICM MMTTS-2017).
With the support of the Sailing Union of St. Petersburg, two traditional sailing regattas will be held for the prize of the International Naval Salon IMDS-2017.