The judicial automation system (hereinafter referred to as CAS) allows you to solve one of the main problems information support activities of the court - automation of the processes of passing a court case in an arbitration court and the creation of a full-text electronic bank of court decisions adopted by this court. The creation of a bank occurs automatically, in the process of judicial paperwork, without requiring any additional resources or financial costs. All data processing and storage are concentrated on the server, which allows for centralized management, the required performance, reliability of information storage, efficiency of data processing and protection from unauthorized access.

On current moment CAS is used in all arbitration courts of the Russian Federation.

Complex problem solving

To achieve maximum efficiency To ensure the automation of judicial office work functions, SAS was integrated with a document preparation system, which provides multiple opportunities for preparing texts of court documents using the standard text editor MS Word.

Subsystems of Court Automation Systems

Judicial document flow currently involves high demands to subsystems that automate a wide range of functions of judicial activity (ALF).

SAS consists of main subsystems:

APS "Initial registration"

    APS "Registration of incoming documents for a court case"

    APS "Distribution of court cases"

    APS "Registration of incoming judicial acts of a higher court"

    APS "Writs of Execution"

    APS "Registration of orders of bailiffs"

    APS "Creating a schedule for hearing cases"

    APS "Exchange between arbitration courts"

    APS "Exchange with BRAS"

    APS "Exchange with Russian Post"

    APS "Electronic exchange with parties to disputes"

    APS "Acquaintance with case materials"

    APS "Movement of Affairs and History"

    APS "Analysis and control of case consideration"

    APS "Reference (information) system"

    APS "Formation of judicial statistics"

    APS "Archive"

    APS "Search for court cases and documents"

Registration of court cases, documents for court cases

APS “Initial registration” is intended for registration of a new court case/proceeding upon receipt of the primary document. As a result of registration, primary documents are included in the list for the distribution of court cases. Information from the cards for the court case and the primary document is subsequently used in other modes and does not require its re-entry; it is also entered into electronic statistical cards for cases, allowing subsequent generation of reports for different categories. As in traditional document flow, the system’s court file displays all accompanying documents for the case, as well as case materials. Electronic statistical cards are created for all court cases, on the basis of which and in accordance with the recommendations of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, semi-annual and annual statistical reporting is generated.

Documents for a court case are sequentially registered in the APS "Registration of incoming documents for a court case." Built-in classifiers allow you to quickly fill in most fields of the registration card without resorting to manual input. After registration primary documents included in the list for distribution to judges.

Incoming judicial acts of a higher court are registered in a specialized mode, which involves both manual registration of the act and automatic registration using the “Exchange between courts” subsystem. This subsystem allows you to reduce the time spent on the registration process when manually entering attributes, using the attributes of documents sent from another court.

The system implements the maintenance of a database of organizations most often involved in legal disputes. Thus, system users can use the directory of disputants when filling out document registration cards, without resorting to repeated manual entry of their attributes.

Distribution of court cases by judges

In addition to manual distribution, the system provides automated distribution of cases among judges, using criteria such as the category of the dispute, the specialization of the judge, the uniformity of the judge’s workload, as well as his work calendar. In this case, a schedule is automatically generated court hearings on a specific day of the week, indicating the date and hall of the meeting. In addition, the system allows you to monitor the workload of judges and procedural deadlines for considering cases.

Automatic exchange of documents between arbitration courts

The implementation of the APS “Exchange between courts” allows you to automate the processes of registering documents from courts of other instances. The system also sends documents for preliminary review to other authorities and allows you to set individual settings for auto-filling fields with attributes of documents received during registration in accordance with the needs of the court.

SAS is integrated with the BRAS system (Bank of Arbitration Court Decisions), which allows automatic mode replenish the BRAS with court decisions from the Bank of Decisions of a particular court.

Working with writs of execution

The functions of working with writs of execution in SAS include registration of a series of forms and a range of numbers of writs of execution, automatic control and accounting of the consumption of forms of writs of execution, issuance of a writ of execution and its return, destruction of damaged forms. System users are given the opportunity to create ten statistical reporting on the status of writs of execution at each stage of working with them.

Based on the registered writ of execution, decisions of bailiffs are registered in a separate mode.

Creating a schedule for hearing cases

The formation and publication of schedules for the consideration of judicial cases of judges and the preparation of a court case for filing in the archive is carried out through two types of subsystems: customizable (with the ability to determine the type of table for the schedule of meetings) and generated according to a given sample. The hearing schedule can be broadcast on touchscreen monitors installed in the courthouse.

Barcoding system

The use of modern means for reading information, such as barcodes, has found active application in document flow judicial practice. Stickers with barcodes on court cases provide quick access to information about a court case by scanning a barcode, and the use of barcodes on mailing registers meets the requirements for post offices to process mail in accordance with the Russian Post program. .

Exchange with Russian Post

Automation of modes associated with postal correspondence allows for the creation of registers for sending using barcodes, printing of envelopes, recording in the database the fact of sending and returning postal correspondence, and obtaining various reference information on the status of sending at the stages of preparing judicial acts and sending them to participants sides Recording in the database the fact of sending letters allows you to keep records and control the preparation time judicial act. The information is entered into statistical cards and used when generating a statistical report.

Registers for sending mail correspondence provide ample opportunities for customizing the formation of registers in accordance with the types of letters, and the monitoring subsystem allows corporate clients carry out the process of monitoring the passage of registered postal items.

Familiarization with court case materials

This mode automates the functions of issuing documents from the file into hand with the ability to print receipts, while full control for the deadline for returning the document.

Formation of the life cycle history of a court case (document)

The automated subsystem “Movement of cases and documents” is designed to register in the database the fact of receipt of a court case, the fact of sending the case to other arbitration courts and organizations, as well as to display the history of the case. The history is formed according to several criteria: external movement of the case outside the court, movement of the case within the court, history of distribution and history of assignments and results. Thus, the system records in chronological order all events occurring with a court case or document.

Analysis and control of consideration of court cases and proceedings

This subsystem was created to monitor the execution of office procedures and court regulations, statistical accounting and analysis of work throughout the entire life cycle making a court decision. The subsystem generates statistical and analytical information to provide more effective leadership court.

Search resources

Unique information solutions made it possible to implement multifunctional search engine, which includes attribute, contextual and intelligent search both by court cases and documents, as well as their combinations in various combinations.

A separate reference subsystem searches for cases and documents to view information and results on a given court case (appeal proceedings) at the current time.

Formation of judicial statistics

A special subsystem provides the ability to generate lists of court cases and documents in accordance with the necessary statistical parameters, and also allows you to obtain various statistical data on the work of the arbitration court.

For this mode, a methodology was developed for checking reports using logical control formulas based on Methodological recommendations on maintaining statistical records and compiling statistical reports in the arbitration courts of the Russian Federation.

Archival storage of cases

The “Archive” subsystem stores cases and documents of the arbitration court, records them, as well as selects cases and searches for registers in order to prepare them for transfer to state storage. The subsystem automates the processes of activities related to the placement, issuance, storage, accounting and write-off of cases and documents, as well as the formation of registers in accordance with the needs of judicial activity of each instance.

Automatic tracking, downloading and processing of all new events in court cases uploaded to the Electronic Arbitrator system.

2. Claims and lawsuits

Maintaining electronic registry claims, lawsuits, enforcement proceedings, and other cases, taking into account specific parameters for cases of different types.

Reporting and risk escalation for claims and lawsuits

3. Case designer

Configuring in user mode any chain (branch) of office work indicating tasks, deadlines, executors and documents.

4. Case Library

The system is configured for the most common types of cases under the law, including:


Arbitrations of all instances

Enforcement proceedings

Registration of rights to real estate

Other types of cases

5. Reports

Reports on judicial work, as well as for analyzing the performance of lawyers with the ability to customize in user mode.

6. Legal calculators

Automatic calculation of state fees in courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts, as well as calculation of interest for the illegal use of other people's funds.

7. Legal organizer

Comprehensive management of tasks and assignments, work time tracking, electronic correspondence, planning and control of meetings and calls.

Requirements for the program to work:

  1. Yurayt is an independent universal configuration developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform, which does not require the main delivery. Requires any program of the "1C: Enterprise 8" family, version "PROF" and higher (Accounting, Trade Management, SPP, etc.);
  2. Availability of additional client licenses for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform for the number of workstations on which Urayt will be launched;
  3. To work in Yurayta > 5 users, it is recommended to use the program in the “client-server” version on the “1C: Enterprise” server;
  4. Required platform version for work: 8.3.6 and higher;
  5. Interface: managed forms 8.2 (translation to Taxi is planned).

It is possible to modify the program to suit the client's requirements.

The amount of rework is calculated based on the results of an express survey on an hourly basis.The price of 1 hour of our work is 2500 rubles.

Program code

  • The configuration is protected by hardware (or software) keys depending on the terms of the purchased licenses: period of use, number of simultaneous connections and programs.
  • Minor fragments of the program's source code, which contain the know-how of us as a developer and also do not require frequent modification, are closed for editing and placed in protected modules. The rest of the code is open for modification by the client on their own after the configuration is removed from support.

Program updates

  • The configuration is fully supported by the vendor. The development company regularly (once every 1-2 months) releases new releases (updates) related to changes in legislation, release of new functionality and bug fixes. These releases are available to all users under a term or perpetual license.
  • If necessary, the development company can release an individual release for a specific client (for an additional fee), subject to the removal of the configuration from support.
  • Updating to a new version is carried out manually by the client by downloading the update file in the “configurator” mode.

Technical support

  • A limited amount of technical support is provided free of charge as part of a term or perpetual license. It includes answers to client questions regarding email(no more than 5 emails per day per client) and answers to phone calls(no more than 1 call per day per client).
  • Additional technical support is available to customers under a separate agreement. The cost of technical support is determined by the prices for standard support.

Program licensing

  • The configuration is protected by hardware (or software) keys depending on the terms of the purchased licenses: period of use, workstations and programs.
  • A workplace is understood as a session of simultaneous connection to a database, i.e. license for workplace competitive is not tied to a computer.

Installing the program

  • The client installs the program independently on the 1C application server or on the local network.
  • After which the client fills out the registration form and sends it to the developer.

Reasons to buy

Full automation of judicial claims, as well as other work on regulated interaction with courts and government agencies.

The price of the program includes all-inclusive support:


For the head of lawyers:

  • Eliminating the human factor
  • High confidentiality
  • Increased business security
  • Prevention of corruption
  • Guaranteed response to events
  • 100% information on the case
  • Guaranteed timeliness of tasks

For a lawyer:

  • It is impossible to forget about the meeting
  • A clear plan of action before your eyes
  • Effective management time
  • Correct dissemination of information
  • Lots of reports for management
  • Convenient coordination

For the IT Director:

    Secure data storage

    Fast exchange of information

    Convenient integration with your 1C systems

    No need to train users

    Openness of the code, possibility of modification on your own

Configuration "Accounting for court cases"- designed to automate the accounting of all court cases. This program is suitable for automating the investigator’s workplace and will improve the process of conducting, investigating and filing criminal cases. It is possible to register initiated criminal cases, maintain a database of all cases, participants in criminal proceedings, record all documents drawn up in criminal cases, and much more. The configuration is easily and quickly customized to meet specific customer requirements.

The flexible database structure makes it possible to create new tables, reports, graphs, add fields, set lists and much more. The case management software is intuitive for users and does not require qualified IT resources. You can customize the program for any other subject area without special knowledge.

Main functions:

  • Criminal case records
  • Maintaining a database of criminal cases. Registration and accounting of all data from the moment the case is initiated until the final decision is made

  • Accounting for episodes in the case
  • Registration of episodes (crimes) for each case. For each episode, the category, type of crime, article of the Code of the Russian Federation, location and other necessary information are recorded.

  • Accounting for participants in the case
  • Maintaining a database of all participants in criminal proceedings against whom criminal complaints can be filed various documents. Recording contact and personal information of participants

  • Accounting for items and traces seized in the case
  • Maintaining reference books on articles of the Code of the Russian Federation, types of examinations, etc.
  • Accounting for examinations
  • Possibility of registration of examinations appointed in the case

  • Accounting for stages of criminal cases
  • Control of deadlines for criminal cases
  • Creating documents using templates
  • Setting up reminders for employees about various events
  • Storing information about employees, setting up personal access rights
  • Ability to import and export data
  • Selection, search, grouping, sorting of data according to various criteria
  • Preparation of various analytical reports
  • Flexible database structure with customization for any task


Criminal case records

Registration of episodes by case

Appointment of examinations on cases

Accounting for items and traces of the case

Maintaining a database of participants in criminal proceedings

Setting the configuration

To install and run you need:

  1. Download and install the program "Document Archive"(if not already installed)
  2. Copy the configuration file to the database folder
  3. Launch the "Document Archive" program and open this database by selecting "File" -> "Open database..." from the menu.