B2c and b2b are two big separate worlds in sales. Very often, entrepreneurs fail because they do not understand that the rules of the b2b and b2c game are completely different. And in this article we will explain to you in simple terms - how exactly they differ, and how we can play in these markets to win.

What are b2b and b2c in simple terms?

The term “b2c” comes from the English “business to consumer” (literally, “business for the consumer”). The two in the abbreviation “b2c” is inserted for brevity, because the English “two” (two) and “to” (for) sound the same. They also like, for example, to write “2U” (“for you”).

This term means the sale of goods and services individuals. That is, the client buys something for himself, for his personal use.

It's the same with b2b. This already stands for “business to business”. And this concept means the sale of goods and services for the needs of companies. That is, people buy not to use it themselves, but because they need it to run their own business.

And to begin with, here are a couple of examples for clarity.

For example, I have a business - a translation agency. We are engaged in translations various documents and certificates for foreign languages. What do you think - is this b2b or b2c? But you can’t say that directly. Because everything depends on the situation.

If a person comes to us who needs his birth certificate translated in order to go abroad and receive a residence permit there, we work b2c. Because the client orders translation for himself and for his own needs.

And if a representative of a factory contacts us, who bought a new Italian machine, and now they need to translate all the instructions so that the workers can work on it - this is already b2b. The plant representative will not personally enjoy reading the translation of our instructions on the balcony in the evenings. The transfer is carried out so that their business (factory) can continue to operate.

By the way, please note that in both cases, clients are forced to order our services. If it were not for the circumstances, no one would have even thought of ordering translations of documents. What I mean is that it would be wrong to think that b2c is when a person buys something for his own pleasure.

Thus, we have conclusion No. 1 - the same company can simultaneously operate in both the b2b and b2c markets. The only question is who will pay for the work - the person himself or his company.

Do you think you have already figured out what belongs to what? Let's check.

Example of b2b that are NOT b2b

Here's a quick question for you. Is sushi or pizza delivery b2c or b2b?

At first glance, this is pure b2c. After all, people order food delivered to their home for themselves. What if we are talking about a corporate event? Colleagues gather on the occasion of the upcoming New Year in one of the conference rooms of their company, and there they cheerfully eat the ordered pizza and sushi, interspersing this with dancing and love affairs.

Moreover, it is the company where the employees work that pays for all this dumping of accumulated negativity. So this is already working out b2b? But no. More precisely, it is not necessarily b2b. It depends on whether the head of the company is present at the corporate event. If he is not there (and he formally allocates the money), then the delivery of sushi and pizza becomes b2b.

But if he is there, and he personally deigns to eat the fast food brought, then this is pure b2c. By the way, even the companies that will be contacted for delivery in the first and second cases will most likely be different.

Do you know why? Because b2b and b2c buy differently.

How “businesses” buy and how “consumers” buy

Imagine this situation. So you decided to buy a new laptop. By all rights, you are entering the b2c sphere because you are going to buy a product for yourself and for your personal use.

Do you buy the most expensive laptop or the cheapest? Neither one nor the other. You will buy the most expensive laptop you can afford.

That is, if you have 50 thousand rubles, then you can buy a laptop for 49,990 rubles, but don’t even look at laptops for 15 thousand. Do you know why? Because you want maximum quality for your loved one.

Yes, sure, high price doesn't always mean high quality. Therefore, you will spend not only money. You will also spend a lot of time choosing the highest quality of all the laptops in the price category of “about fifty dollars” - maximum RAM, more powerful card, nicer materials, and all that stuff.

What do you know, what's the funniest thing? 95% of the time on this laptop you will only surf the Internet and watch TV shows. That is, these are the tasks that a laptop for 15 thousand rubles could easily cope with. But human psychology does not allow you to act intelligently. And you buy the highest quality of what you have enough money for.

But b2b sales work completely differently.

How do businesses buy?

Now imagine the same situation, but from the point of view of the head of the company. Now you need to purchase a batch of computers for your new management department.

Do you buy the most expensive computers? Or will you buy the cheapest computers? And again nothing. neither. You buy the cheapest computers that will allow you to complete your tasks.

That is, if there is a computer for 20 thousand on which you can edit documents and send them by mail, and there is the same one for 15 thousand, then you can rest assured that the manager will order exactly those that cost 15.

And let the employees grumble dissatisfiedly that their boss is a miser and could have “splurged” on a computer with a more comfortable keyboard. None of this matters in b2b. The main thing is that the task for which the product or service was purchased is completed.

Let's return to our example with pizza and corporate party. If the head of the company is not present at the party, he will order cheaper pizza (just so that people have something to eat). And then it will be b2b.

But if “the chef himself will be there”, then he will make sure that the pizza is tasty, warm, and with pineapples, just the way he likes it. And then the pizza delivery guy, without noticing it, will jump into the b2c sphere.

Because of this difference in consumer psychology, various funny situations often arise. Let me briefly tell you one from my experience.

Why performers are offended by “bad” customers

As I wrote above, I have my own translation agency. And I myself, accordingly, am also a translator. And before, I communicated quite closely with my own kind (other translators) on various forums and in VKontakte groups.

And do you know what was one of the most favorite topics for discussion? This was a topic about scoundrel clients who “don’t understand” that a translator is one of the most difficult and dangerous professions in the world, and don't want to pay us the money we really deserve.

And in every such discussion, an argument was always given as to why these customers of ours are not just scoundrels, but also fools. Like, we always choose the highest quality. So I (translator Vasya Pupkin) am always ready to overpay for sausage in the store. But at least I will get QUALITY!

After reading this article, such statements probably seem funny to you. I tried to explain there several times that in most cases the plant orders the translation of documents because it is required by law. They need to be translated, shown to the inspector, and then put away forever in some dusty closet.

That is, formally, the task of translation is simply to “be” (so that some letters are written on the sheets), because no one will read and check it later anyway. Accordingly, what is the point of hiring an expensive professional for this? Even a schoolboy can handle this at a price of 50 rubles. per page.

Therefore, it is very important to understand what your customer wants and why he needs it. And then you will be able to sell your products and services much more effectively, be it b2c or b2b. By the way, what is the best way to sell them?

How to better conduct b2b and b2c sales

There are several fundamental differences between “businesses” and “consumers”. Based on these differences, you need to build your marketing.

Difference #1— Businesses buy mainly when it’s already “hot”, and they can’t do without spending money. Mere mortals (like you and me) buy when they really want something.

Difference #2— There are much fewer businesses than individuals.

Difference #3— Businesses have much more money than that of ordinary “consumers”.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that in the b2b sphere it is better to sell something quite large and expensive, making only a few sales per month (or even per year). And in the b2c sphere it is better to engage in mass inexpensive sales.

At the same time, your product for the b2b market should be their vital necessity. Something without which they simply cannot work normally. Then they themselves will come to you for your product. But for individuals, your product may not have any special practical value.

The main thing in working with “live” customers is to make them want what we offer. Moreover, you can create such a desire from scratch. That is, even if five minutes ago they knew nothing about us or our product, we can quickly “warm them up” to the point of being ready to buy.

True, the purchase amount will still be small. This is what all other selling techniques are built on, such as .

Accordingly, the main way to promote b2c goods and services is regular mass advertising. And the main way to promote b2b is through personal meetings and lengthy negotiations. You can read about how such sales are built in the article.

Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. And there are successful b2b companies that sell inexpensively and in large quantities (office supplies). There are also b2c companies that sell expensively and little (yachts, planes). But exceptions, as always, only confirm the rules.


We can only summarize all of the above once again for better understanding.

  • B2b is “business to business”. Companies that sell goods and services to other companies. B2c is “business to consumer”. When goods and services are sold to specific individuals for personal use.
  • The same company can operate in both the b2b and b2c spheres. It all depends on who exactly places an order with them and why.
  • Individuals buy the most expensive things they can afford.
  • Businesses buy the cheapest thing that will do the job.
  • In the b2b sphere, it is better to sell something quite large and expensive, making only a few transactions per month or per year. And for promotion it is better to use personal meetings and negotiations.
  • In the b2c sphere, it is better to sell something inexpensive and in wide demand. And for promotion you need to use regular mass advertising.

I hope I have explained clearly enough what b2b and b2c are, and now you can work more effectively in these areas. Add the article to your favorites and share it with your friends using the buttons below.

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Brought documents for notarized translation to this company. When submitting a package of documents, she indicated that everything was needed by a certain time, and clarified 3 times whether everything would be done in time. The next day, at the promised “arrive after 11” at 12:30, the documents were still not ready. At the same time, at the notary office (which I volunteered to go to to speed up the process) they said that it was necessary to wait... I brought documents for notarized translation to this company. When submitting a package of documents, she indicated that everything was needed by a certain time, and clarified 3 times whether everything would be done in time. The next day, at the promised “arrive after 11” at 12:30, the documents were still not ready. At the same time, at the notary office (which I volunteered to go to to speed up the process) they said that I needed to wait another 30 minutes. Do I need to add anything else? The deadlines were categorically violated. I will not describe that the documents were needed for a reason at a certain time on my “whim”.

Cool bureau! I have contacted them several times and will soon return to them for translation. The prices are quite affordable, the turnaround time is also good

From time to time I turn to this bureau for translations of texts, mostly of economic content. But I also ordered technical texts a couple of times. There are no complaints at all about the quality of translations, the work of managers, or the deadlines. They have never let us down, that’s why I cooperate with them.

Translation agency B2B-Translation offers a full range of translation services, which makes comprehensive service We are convenient and profitable. You can order an interpreter from us, translation online or by phone, prompt written translation, layout of the materials you need, as well as legalization and notarization of the translated material.
We provide interpreters for all types of events, from business dinners and one-on-one meetings to international symposiums and major government events. Our interpreters have experience working with specialized vocabulary on a huge range of topics: energy, oil, gas, innovative technologies, Agriculture, food industry, livestock farming, education, beauty industry, cinema and television, marketing and management - this is just a partial list. We select translators the necessary experience and qualifications throughout Russia and in all major cities Europe and Asia. We work with the best simultaneous and consecutive interpreters, specialist translators in narrow topics, guides, entertainers and tour guides.
B2B Translation also offers a wide range of translation services, which allows you to build your work in compliance with quality requirements, deadlines and budget. When performing written translations, we use and supplement terminology databases and glossaries, improve the quality of the finished translation and reduce the cost of projects for the buyer.
In addition to written translations We proofread, proofread and edit texts, proofreading by native speakers of not only European but also Eastern languages. Also provided are prompt layout, certification of translations by a notary, legalization and apostille.
We will be happy to help you find partners on international market goods and services and build long-term mutually beneficial relationships with them!
B2B-Translation team