I suggest you talk about how to make money at the bank. Surely, even the very formulation of the question will seem strange to many, because everyone is accustomed to the fact that only banks make money from people, and not vice versa. However, I hasten to dissuade you: there is such an option! We'll talk about bank partnership programs: I'll tell you what they are, how they work, and how you can make money from the bank in this way.

Affiliate programs of banks began to appear mainly after 2008, as a result of which banking institutions’ incomes fell sharply and expenses increased due to reserving for problem loans. Many banks went into losses, and the question of returning at least to their previous profitable positions arose. Therefore, on the one hand, banks began to raise, and on the other, to reduce administrative costs. And so they found a cheaper way to attract clients in comparison with maintaining a large number of attracting managers on staff, who had to pay salaries even for unsatisfactory work results - affiliate programs, which were cheaper, and only actual sales of banking products were paid for them. A wave of layoffs swept through financial institutions, at the same time that bank partnership programs were introduced.

First of all, affiliate programs appeared in the largest banking institutions, which have always been ahead of others. And to this day they are leaders in this regard, while small banks do not have affiliate programs at all.

What is a bank affiliate program?

Bank affiliate program - e This is a way to attract customers and sell banking products through an agent network. In fact, this is the bank's application of a direct sales method, very similar to that used in. As a rule, any adult who wants to do this can become an agent; I have not yet heard of any restrictions.

How to become a bank agent?

To do this, first of all, you need to declare your desire:

– Through the form on the bank’s website in the “affiliate program” section;

– By calling the call center operator;

– By submitting an application at a bank branch;

– By submitting an application through an ATM or self-service terminal (this function is available only in certain banks offering affiliate programs).

After this, you will be checked by the security service for some time, then you will be informed of the result. If approved, you will need to sign a cooperation agreement with the bank, as well as issue a plastic card to which partner remuneration payments will be made.

What banking products can a partner (agent) sell?

Initially, bank partnership programs were aimed at attracting borrowers under various programs. In particular, many banks promoted theirs in this way. Then they were joined by more serious credit programs: ,. Later, other products began to be connected: pension cards, current accounts, etc.

The list of banking products for the sales of which the bank will pay affiliate remuneration depends on the specific bank and its affiliate program. These points are usually specified in the annex to the cooperation agreement, as well as on the bank’s website.

It is best to draw up a partnership agreement with a bank that belongs to the largest category: firstly, it may have the most developed and convenient affiliate program, and secondly, its brand will be easier to promote.

How to attract clients to the bank through an affiliate program?

There are 2 main directions here:

1. Via the Internet. This option is good because you will not be limited by the circle of your friends and even the city in which you live. That is, there are much more potential clients, and therefore potential income, here. Affiliate programs of banks on the Internet can be promoted:

– Through your own websites (preferably they should be thematic; there is an option to create a website specifically for banking affiliates). In this case, special widgets or partner banners are installed on the site, by clicking on which users are automatically counted as an agent’s asset.

2. Personal attraction offline. In this case, you will have to play the role of a mobile banker, or sell certain banking products, if the environment in which you communicate or work is conducive to this. For example, managers of car dealerships can sell car loans through an affiliate program, employees of pension funds and social services can sell pension and social cards, managers of household appliance stores can sell consumer loans, etc.

Everyone has the right to choose the direction that is closer and more convenient for him, in which he sees more prospects for himself, in addition, all these directions, of course, can be combined.

How much can you earn from the bank's affiliate program?

There can be no definite answer here: everything depends on many factors: on your diligence, on your competence, on your capabilities, on the region of residence, on the bank with which you cooperate, etc. Practice shows that people who really pay attention, time and effort to this method of earning money earn an average of $500-1000 per month. If you don’t pay attention to this and use earnings from the bank’s affiliate program as one of the additional sources of income, the amounts will be smaller, but they certainly won’t be superfluous.

It should also be understood that different banking products bring different rewards to the agent partner. For example, issuing a social card will cost very little, attracting a borrower for a loan can be assessed as a percentage of the loan amount, and assistance in the sale of collateral put up for auction can bring a one-time, very large amount of remuneration.

In some cases, bank affiliate programs can generate income significantly higher than average. For example, if you have a good thematic website with a large number of visitors, on which you will place affiliate programs of several banks and help people choose the best banking products for them.

Payment of partner remuneration is usually carried out by the bank on a monthly basis by crediting the amount to the agent’s plastic card.

Now you know how to make money from a bank and what bank affiliate programs are. Perhaps you will be interested in this method of earning money, and you will decide to try your hand at it. In any case, you will not lose anything, except, perhaps, time.

That's all. On the site you will find a lot of useful information about different ways of earning money, investing, you can improve your financial literacy and learn how to effectively use personal finance. Join the number of our regular readers and stay tuned for updates. See you again!

Just recently I began to notice more and more advertising banners for various banks on the Internet. Most often, the banner of the Tinkoff Credit Systems bank flashed before my eyes.

I became very interested in what bank affiliate programs exist online. What terms of cooperation are available, and how much you can earn from it. At the same time, I mentally noted to myself that this is a good trend for the development of Internet advertising, since banks have come here with investments.

As a result of my searches, I discovered that banks do not have their own affiliate programs, but work through affiliate program aggregators. Now let's take a closer look at each of those that I recommend to you:

Affiliate program Leads.su

This affiliate program aggregator works exclusively with banking offers. I definitely recommend working with Leads.su if you have credit traffic. The affiliate program can offer the largest list of offers from banks:

1) Home Money - consumer loans, pay 500 rubles. for a confirmed application.

2) Renaissance Credit Bank - consumer loans. They pay 1700 rubles. for an approved loan application.

3) Citibank - credit cards. They pay 290 rubles. for a completed loan application.

4) Sovcombank - pay 3,600 rubles. for the loan issued.

5) “Bank of Moscow” - consumer loans, pay 2500 rubles. for the issued loan and 1000 for the credit card.

6) Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank. They pay 1200 rubles. for an application for a credit card and the same amount for an accepted application for a deposit.

And this is only a small part of banking offers; you will find a full list of current offers on the affiliate website. Registration in Leads.su

Aggregator Admitad

The next system that allows you to work with banking offers is admitad. What they offer us here:

1) Bank “HomeCredit” - issuing a credit card, they pay 1373 rubles, for issuing cash on credit they pay 2169 rubles, a confirmed loan application is 0.72% of the amount.

2) Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank. They pay in the same way as in AD1 for an application for a credit card. True, they pay a little more here, namely 155 for one application.

3) Antalbank is a completely new partner of Admitad. Pays 287 rubles for deposits.

There are currently about 30 banking offers on Admitad, and the list is expanding all the time. Register with admitad

CityAds affiliate program

The next system that combines financial and credit partnership programs of banks is CityAds. At the moment, it has an impressive list of banking offers. The affiliate program has a large number of high-quality advertising materials that have a positive effect on traffic conversion. Detailed statistics allow you to track and control traffic.

1) HomeCredit Bank - they pay 0.6% of the amount for making a deposit, $54 for issuing a credit card, and as much as $80 for a cash loan. There are a large number of advertising banners for this offer.

2) Renaissance Credit Bank - pay 0.8% of the amount of the loan issued.

3) “House money” – pay $18 per loan issued.

4) “Probusinessbank” – pay $1.67 for a completed loan application.

5) Citybank – pay $6.67 for a completed application for a credit card. Very profitable offer, I recommend it!

6) Russian Standard Bank - credit card. Pay $5.67 per completed credit card application. This is also a very good offer, I also advise you to pay attention to it.

7) Russian Standard Bank – loan. Pay $5.67 per loan application.

8) Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank. Pays $5.17 per credit card application. This offer has a very good envelope, I recommend it to everyone!

9) Rosgosstrakhbank Bank - pays $3.33 for a loan application. This bank enjoys great confidence among people, and what is said is by word of mouth. The envelope is crazy! This is my most profitable offer in banking.

So, CityAds offers the largest list of banking affiliates. Please note that some affiliate programs are initially closed to beginners. To open them you need to knock on the support service. Registration in the system

Ad1 Affiliate Program Aggregator

The well-known ad1 aggregator provides the opportunity to work with the following banking offers:

1) Bank “HomeCredit” – cash loan. They pay 50 rubles. for the completed loan application and for the issued loan 2100 rubles. They accept traffic only from the Russian Federation.

2) Bank “HomeCredit” – credit card. They pay 50 rubles. for a completed application for a card and 1,300 rubles for issuing a card.

3) HomeCredit Bank – deposits. With this type of cooperation they pay 0.7% of the deposit amount. The minimum possible deposit amount is from 30 thousand rubles. (and our profit is from 210 rubles)

4) Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank (TCS). They pay 110 rubles for a credit card application. It should be noted that this bank has confidently entered the market and is rapidly gaining momentum and clients. I advise you to pay close attention to this offer.

As a result, ad1 was very disappointing - they cheated me out of my money. I don't recommend anyone to work with them.

This concludes the list of bank partnership programs.

This is not a bad list of partnership programs with banks. I recommend that my readers first of all work with banks such as Domashnie Dengi, Tinkoff Credit Systems and Migcredit.

Divided into three large groups: games, online stores and banks/finance. Banking offers are now gaining momentum, and therefore it is worth talking about them separately.

I will tell you which banks are best to work with and which ones, because the terms of payment for actions differ. Before you begin, you need to decide on the terminology.

CR– conversion rate, calculated as: 100/(number of leads).
EPC– average earnings per click.
CPM average earnings per 1000 views.

So let's begin.

Banking offers in the AD1 affiliate program

I'll start with my favorite affiliate program - . There are relatively few banking offers here, but still, there is a choice. CR and EPC are taken as weekly averages.

  1. HomeCredit – cash loan. This offer can pay in two cases: if a person has submitted an application for a loan – 50 rubles, if a person was given a loan - 2100 rubles. This offer has a CR – 5.16, and EPC- 2.2 rubles. Traffic is accepted only from Russia. Overall, a very attractive offer for sites that receive traffic that wants to take out a loan quickly.
  2. HomeCredit – credit card. Here again there are two payment options: card application - 50 rubles, card issuance – 1300 rubles.CR – 0.41 , EPC – 0.03 rubles. For some reason, credit cards from HomeCredit are not listed among webmasters of the AD1 affiliate program.
  3. HomeCredit – deposits. An offer that pays 0.7% of the deposited amount. The minimum deposit amount is 30,000 rubles, which means we will receive at least 210 rubles. CR – 4.5 , EPC – 0.7.
  4. Tinkoff credit systems. TKS Bank is now gaining more and more momentum. Not so long ago, it was not visible on the Internet, but now many Internet portals are full of advertisements for this bank. The offer has a lot of potential, so I advise you to take a closer look at it. We'll get paid 110 rubles for a credit card application. The offer’s indicators in AD1 are quite low: CR – 3.65 , EPC – 4 rubles. Personally, I worked with TSC, and my results turned out to be much higher. CR was about 20. In general, try it.

This concludes the banking offers in the AD1 affiliate program. As you can see, there are not many of them. But of all those proposed, I work with Tinkov’s bank. By investing 300 rubles in, with TKS I receive about 800 rubles consistently.

05/07/15 9.5K

The banking system in the eyes of an ordinary person looks like some kind of special world into which only a select few find themselves. " She has a new fur coat, she probably married a banker!», « Did you rob a bank, where did you get the new car from?" Families pay off loans taken out for an apartment over many years, largely limiting their expenses. The bank is a stronghold of evil for some and a source of instant wealth for others:

However, in our time, almost everyone can become a participant in the banking system, regardless of age and profession. Bank partnership programs allow for mutually beneficial cooperation between financial institutions and individuals. It is about banking affiliate programs that will be discussed in this article.


Like all similar programs, bank affiliate programs are aimed at attracting new clients and increasing sales of banking services. Previously, financial institutions had their own full-time employees for such purposes, who had a fixed salary and mandatory benefits packages. Such workers, of course, still exist, but banking partners have significantly reduced their staff.

To become a partner of a financial institution, you must go through the following steps:

  • Submit a written application to the bank;
  • Pass a security check;
  • Conclude an agreement between you and the bank;
  • Get a card to make a profit.

The above points apply to offline collaboration. That is, your job will be to “bring clients by the hand” to the bank ( having previously configured them to order financial services). Needless to say, such work, in addition to certain conversation skills, requires the ability to make some compromises with one’s conscience. However, banking affiliate programs also exist in the online environment, where it is much easier to become a participant and the terms of cooperation are more transparent.

It is worth noting that access to the largest banking affiliate programs can be obtained through intermediaries. Such online services ( called aggregators), like Admitad, CityAds, AD1 offer you to become partners of various financial institutions.

Let's briefly look at each of these aggregators.

  • Admitad. This online service brings together such major players in the financial services market as “ Tinkoff credit systems", "Home Credit", "Antalbank" and many others:
The services of this aggregator are used by more than 200 thousand webmasters and half a thousand advertisers;
  • CityAds. This network has an impressive list of financial institutions. However, becoming a partner of any bank in this system is not so easy. Some banks do not accept newcomers under their wing, and to start cooperation, a preliminary conversation with the support service is necessary:
Users include detailed statistics as the positive aspects of the system;
  • AD1. This aggregator unites a fairly small number of financial institutions, however, the presence of such large banks as Tinkoff and Home Credit testifies in favor of the online service:
In order to become a participant in the affiliate program of banks on the Internet, first of all, you need to have a source of traffic. If previously the most popular means of attracting visitors was to redirect them from your own website, now groups on large social networks are increasingly coming into play.

The essence of cooperation with a bank is usually quite simple. You provide online banking systems with new users by placing an affiliate link on your website, and if people who follow it order any financial services (loans, deposits), then you receive a reward.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Cooperation with banks has its pros and cons. First, let's look at the positive aspects:

  • High income. If you consider online business as your main activity, then cooperation with financial institutions can bring good profits. Owners of serious websites that provide banks with thematic traffic can receive about $1,000 per month ( and this income is passive);
  • Opportunity to earn money for everyone. Even if you do not own the site you visit, you can become a member of a financial institution's affiliate program. There are many more small banks that issue microloans than large financial institutions, so you can find an affiliate program that matches the characteristics of your traffic source.

Now let's look at the disadvantages of banking affiliate programs:

  • Traffic requirements. If you want to become a partner of a large bank, you will have to provide a thematic resource ( finance, economics), does not violate the laws in force in your country. Also, you cannot in any way motivate users to click on the link;
  • Only a small percentage of people who follow the link order any services. If conversion statistics tell you that an impressive number of people have switched to an online banking service, this is by no means a reason for joy. For example, if the visitors to your site are mainly people under 18 years of age, then they will still not be able to carry out any financial transactions. In addition, many services, even already ordered, are not confirmed due to refusal by the bank or user.

Popular affiliate programs

Let's take a look at some large banks and their affiliate programs:

  • Tinkoff. As mentioned above, the Tinkoff affiliate program is available in many aggregators:
Among the main features are quite stringent requirements for traffic sources. For example, it is prohibited to direct visitors through branded groups or use contextual advertising systems by creating campaigns for keywords containing the word “Tinkoff” in various modifications. However, if you do manage to become a partner, cooperation promises significant dividends;
  • Sberbank. On the official website of Sberbank there is a section for offers to partners, but it does not contain information about any types of customer attraction:

Many opportunities are now available to humanity through the Internet. Including those related to money.

For a long time now, people have started paying rent, paying for Internet service providers, paying taxes, and even getting loans online. The latter option is actively gaining momentum, and the niche is considered one of the most profitable.

Affiliate loan program is a solid income not only for companies, but also for their partners. For attracted clients, a certain amount (or a percentage of the money returned) is paid.

The conditions are always favorable, but it can be quite difficult to find people; after all, not everyone still trusts e-commerce.

How to make money on the Internet with loans?

They offer many banking offers with various payouts:

This is only a small part of banking and financial offers. Somewhere they pay money for registering a client, somewhere for installing a mobile application, there are offers that pay money for issued loans:

There are as many options as you like, but to take advantage of the offers, you need to add a traffic source. You can indicate your group on social networks or some advertising service. For those who plan to invite people via direct links, this is not the best option.

  1. – a foreign credit service, you can attract Spaniards, Chekhovs and Poles here. Payments depend on how many clients you attract.
  2. – suitable only for issuing loans through Webmoney. Partners receive 10% of the company's profits (if funds are returned).
  3. – attract people from anywhere and get from 10% to 20%. The percentage depends on the number of attracted users.
  4. – for using the express lending service, partners receive from 15% to 30%.
  5. – also advise only Webmoney users. Depending on the type of partnership, they pay from 10% to 12%.
  6. – loans to WebMoney users. For authorization using your link you will be paid 15 cents, $0.9 for receiving a loan, up to 15% of the company’s income.

All high-quality partnership programs of banks for loans are concentrated in aggregators. Separate affiliate programs are mainly offered by sites that work with a specific electronic currency.

The credit topic on the network is very developed, there are many partners in it, and services are provided by a huge number of companies. Try to earn money on loans, even if you don’t have your own website, take advantage of every opportunity to invite a client.

I recommend visiting the following pages: