Annually entertainment industry offers the latest technically complex attractions for the consumer. They amaze with their variety, modifications, additional functions and scale. The price of such equipment can reach millions of rubles. But time passes, and the demand for entertainment gradually fades away. It is impossible to artificially maintain the client’s interest in a specific installation or complex. This happens because the thirst for adrenaline increases, and modern man is looking for new opportunities to achieve it.

However, among the technical monsters, trampolines have occupied their niche. It would seem like an elementary design without complex elements, but it is popular at all times and at almost any age. Soft installations have long gone beyond complex game rooms. Separate placement allows them to be considered as a full-fledged trampoline business-plan.

Target Audience

The trampoline business does not have a clear age limit. Visitors and regulars of the attraction are active children and adults. These may be representatives of street sports:

  • parkour;
  • freestyle;
  • jumping;
  • skateboard.

Some areas of fitness training involve jumping with elements of gymnastics. Serious athletes train their vestibular apparatus using trampolines. Such establishments are also chosen by company managers for holding team games, team building.

The flow of visitors will depend on the location. In percentage terms, if you organize a business in a shopping and entertainment center, it looks like this:

  • Preschool age – 15%. Children under 7 years old.
  • Schoolchildren and teenagers – 65%. Age from 7 to 18 years.
  • Adults – 20%.

The entire focus is on the middle group. In the future, the work schedule, placement, marketing plan development.

Selecting a room

Opening a trampoline center is easy, but choosing the right premises is more difficult. Minimum 350 sq.m required. Choose a room with high ceilings, taking into account the type of equipment:

  • 6 meters – for standard jumps;
  • 8 meters – for professional athletes and acrobatic elements.
  • 5 meters is the standard for the children's area.

Don't forget about load-bearing floors. The load on them is at least 400 kg/m2.

According to psychologists and specialists, a visually spacious area on a subconscious level guarantees the visitor his own safety. Pay attention to this aspect. The occupied meters specifically for installations account for 65% of the total space.

Depending on the format of the establishment, choose the premises. An entertainment and park complex involves a large separate building with several rooms or one wide one. The sports training base has professional equipment in its arsenal; classes are held with a trainer by appointment.

Enterprising people buy or rent abandoned industrial buildings, make repairs, equip the premises and operate successfully. Such lofts are distinguished by high ceilings, huge window openings, good exhaust hood and air circulation.

Some formats require additional meters for preparatory activities: jogging, warm-up, basic exercise equipment, wall bars. A locker room and bathroom are essential for sports arenas. If placement is planned in shopping center, visitors can use the complex's restroom.

Technical equipment

From the business idea of ​​a trampoline center we move on to equipment. It is important to choose a reliable supplier here. This market segment is not developed at a sufficient level, so 80% of representatives are amateurs without experience and good offers. China produces more than 90% of installations. Certificates of compliance with GOST, technical passport issued by the manufacturer are required.

At this stage, decide on the direction on which the devices depend. In a standard establishment for children and adults with accommodation in a shopping center, 5 trampolines with a size of 50 square meters are required. meters. In total, the coverage will be 250 sq.m. Basic units:

  • covering mats;
  • tension trampoline net;
  • springs and fastenings;
  • inflatable trampoline with slide;
  • a pool filled with foam figures or plastic balls.

In addition to the professional setting, purchase:

  • benches for changing shoes;
  • tables and chairs for waiting;
  • reception desk;
  • place technical staff and instructor;
  • floor covering.

Weight 1 sq. meter of quality trampoline material is 650 grams. The mass of the entire attraction reaches 700 kg. Inflatable complexes are produced using the sewing method, the stitches are welded using a special industrial press. The kit includes an electric pump to maintain uninterrupted pressure inside.

If the future premises do not have climate control systems, purchase a high-power industrial air conditioner. For a musical background, place acoustics around the perimeter. Without modern fire alarm systems, not a single public center can operate.

Equip the client area with video surveillance. Camera recordings will be useful in resolving conflict situations and controversial issues that may arise during work.


Trained employees are no less important than the previous points. Before opening a trampoline center, select staff. Trampolines are a traumatic business and the employee is responsible for the life and health of visitors, so hiring young people and students who are looking for odd jobs can result in serious consequences. For a small establishment:

  1. Operator - instructor. Minimum 2 people.
  2. Administrator. His powers include settlements with clients, maintaining social networks and a website, and providing telephone consultations.
  3. Cleaning woman.
  4. Security guard.
  5. Accountant. This position may be remote.
  6. If the establishment has a cafeteria - a bar worker.

For example, a bungee ride with elastic bands needs the help of an instructor. Choose strong, physically trained guys from professional sports. For them, such an offer is attractive - in their free time from clients, athletes can conduct personal training.

Personnel must systematically undergo targeted training. Preparatory courses or attending seminars on first aid medical care- mostly.

Business registration

Before purchasing inflatable trampolines for your business, register your business and gather the necessary permits.

As in any other case, here you have the right to choose to open. In the first case, a minimum number of documents is required, and the state duty is 1000 rubles. The taxation system has also been simplified. The state provides benefits for individual entrepreneurship. But such a legal organization provides very modest opportunities for further development.

By choosing a Company, you can easily create a large-scale project with further branching and even cooperation with foreign partners. An LLC requires an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles. and a developed provision that spells out job descriptions, goals, types of activities, organizational relations, features of activities, liquidation procedure.

When registering, indicate the following OKVED codes:

  • 40.4 – Rental of inventory and equipment for recreation and leisure activities.
  • 33 – Activities of fairs and amusement parks.
  • 72 – Other activities related to organizing and conducting recreation.

Without the appropriate permits from the sanitary-epidemiological station, fire inspector, Rospotrebnadzor, it is impossible to start work. Each trampoline must be registered with Gostekhnadzor. The following package of documents is required:

  1. Lease agreement or title documents for land and premises.
  2. Designated qualified personnel: engineer, technical mechanic, maintenance specialist.
  3. Conclusion of laboratory studies on fastenings and systems of trampoline equipment.
  4. Statement.

After submitting all the papers, expect a visit from an inspector for an engineering inspection. After this, the corresponding document is issued. Every year you need to obtain an operating permit. It is easier to complete than registration.

The equipment does not require sanitary and epidemiological control. A hygienic conclusion is enough.

Cost calculation and payback

Calculating expenses and income is an important component of a business plan. The most high costs- equipment. A quality trampoline doesn't come cheap. The price of one canvas with a complete set starts from 40,000 rubles. A high-quality unit with a service life of 5 years costs 100,000 rubles. On average, 500,000 rubles are needed for technical equipment.

Office equipment, reception desk, locker room and bathroom equipment– 300,000 rub. Preparation of documents, licenses and permits– 10,000 rub. In case of income taxation, contributions to the state amount to 6% of profits.

Wages operator – 15,000 rubles, administrator – 15,000 rubles, accountant – 18,000 rubles, cleaners – 7,000 rubles.

Monthly rent and utility bills – 150,000 rub. Repair, installation of video surveillance, air conditioners, music speakers, lighting– 300,000 rub.

Total initial investment– 1.5 million rubles. These figures may increase or decrease depending on the region and the size of the enterprise.

The cost of visiting the entertainment area varies, and prices depend on the time, duration of the session and the type of attraction. Income directly depends on your business conditions and surrounding competitors.

According to experts, net profit in high periods reaches 60,000 rubles. It is affected by seasonal fluctuations. For sports and specialty arenas, develop season tickets.

At first glance, a frivolous business has high profitability. Payback occurs after a year. Proper Marketing, advertising campaigns, promotions and events will turn air jumping into cash.

Use the Rubitime online recording CRM system: the service will help you analyze the performance of your business and interact productively with your clients.

Trampoline business

Trampolines, which were previously part of entertainment complexes or were installed individually at children's events, have grown into independent entertainment centers thanks to Australian businessman Brent Grundy.

One day, Brent found himself with his daughter at a play center, where the trampoline play area was popular. However, she did not allow all the children who wanted to jump around to their heart's content, and most of the guests stood on the sidelines, simply because they did not have enough space.

The enterprising Australian immediately came up with a great business idea: to create a separate trampoline complex for family vacation, where everyone can jump to their heart’s content, both children and adults. Thus, the first family entertainment center Flip Out appeared in Australia, in the city of Penrith with a population of only 11 thousand people.

BrentGrundyAlmost immediately he began selling the franchise of his business and in a year and a half opened a total of 25 trampoline centers in Australia.

Today, entertainment centers of this format are popular all over the world. What is needed to open a trampoline complex? A large room, several reliable trampolines and a team of instructors. But, if you are focused on a long-term business perspective, you must understand that renting a room and installing 3 trampolines is not enough. No less effort will go into equipment, organizing work and attracting clients, but first things first.

Complex equipment

Location, which usually plays a big role for a business providing goods or services, is not so important for a trampoline center due to its throughput and safety precautions. Moreover, such entertainment complexes are visited purposefully: it is unlikely that anyone will decide to use the services of the center while passing by.

One of the most important requirements for the room is the ceiling height, which must be at least 5 meters. As for the area, it depends on the scale of the entrepreneur’s plans: what services the center will provide and how many trampolines are planned to be installed. As a rule, trampoline parks occupy an area of ​​400 sq.m. The territory of the center may be smaller, but you need to keep in mind that then the range of services provided will be smaller, and therefore the market coverage will be smaller. The presence of communications, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning are also necessary for full year-round operation.

Natalia Serebryannaya

manager of the trampoline acrobatics and fitness center Jump!

Entrepreneurs who want to start a business must understand the specifics of the trampoline business. We opened the trampoline center out of enthusiasm, and the understanding of how to properly organize a business has only now come to us. In my opinion, this is what most entrepreneurs face, who think that opening a trampoline park is very simple.

Organization of work

An entertainment center of this format is intended, on the one hand, for entertainment, and on the other, for professional sports. To provide the trampoline park with the maximum number of visits and extract the greatest profit, it is important to organize the work correctly. So, in the first half of the day, the trampoline area can be reserved for professional training, and in the evening, on weekends and holidays, the complex can be open for one-time visits and regular customers who have purchased a subscription or individual lessons with an instructor.

A trampoline park in the format of a family entertainment center provides an advantage not only in a wide range of target audiences, but also in a large list of services provided. So, in addition to the main direction, a family cafe or pizzeria can be located on the same territory of the trampoline center. This will be appropriate and in demand by visitors, and, moreover, will bring additional profit.

Related services of the entertainment center may include holding festivals, birthdays for children and sports competitions for adults.

The main thing is that life in the center should be active.

Attracting clients

Business specifics

The specificity of the trampoline business is safety. This aspect requires a lot of attention at the stage of preparation and organization of the trampoline park. Injuries can easily be caused by tripping on the street, not to mention high jumping, so they need to be, if not eliminated, then minimized. Ensuring maximum safety consists of several components.

First, you must have a team of professional instructors who are competent in both general physical training and trampolining itself. In this case, school physical education teachers are unlikely to be suitable; it is better to turn to children, albeit young, who are involved in professional sports in this area.

Secondly, choosing a reliable supplier will provide you with quality equipment.

general manager consulting company in the field of trampoline business "Liteam"

On this market There is a problem that novice entrepreneurs may face, namely the low competence of equipment suppliers. Often, the sale of trampolines and related products is carried out by people who do not have necessary knowledge and experience. Such cooperation can lead not only to financial losses, but also to a high level of injuries among trampoline center clients. This is partly why there is a trend towards an increase in trampoline injuries.

Thirdly, proper organization trampoline areas, which must be taken into account when planning the room. It is better to separate professional athletes and amateurs geographically or by visiting time so that they not only do not interfere with each other, but also do not accidentally injure each other.

The leisure and entertainment business always brings good income. Maintaining your own trampoline complex is a promising and profitable activity. Its services are popular among the population.

There are several formats for doing business. Indoor centers attract a large number of customers regardless of the time of year. Mobile trampolines, which are installed on playgrounds in the summer, also bring good income to businessmen. Beginning entrepreneurs who want to open a trampoline center should know that the equipment used has a long service life and does not require high repair and depreciation costs. If you develop effective marketing companies, business investments can be repaid fairly quickly.

Formats for organizing a trampoline center

Where do you need to start opening a trampoline center? The answer is obvious - from the choice of format. There are several of them, and each has certain characteristics:

  • Park-type entertainment complexes consist of several trampolines and inflatable slides of various sizes. They are united on one platform, which has a wear-resistant jumping surface. This format of trampolines is classified as commercial, since it does not allow athletes to perform jumps and acrobatic elements at a certain height. However, they are widely used in the entertainment industry and are very popular among children and adults. For this reason, they can be located almost anywhere: city beaches; sites near shopping and entertainment centers, supermarkets; amusement parks.
  • Trampoline complexes of a sports training format are organized in indoor premises. They are not intended for entertainment. As a rule, clients of such centers attend training only by appointment at a specific time. As for the location of the trampoline complex for sports, it does not matter much where it will be located. For example, if a businessman wants to open a cinema, he will have to try very hard to get the appropriate premises in the center. A sports trampoline complex can be located even on the outskirts of the city, and it will always be visited by a large number of professionals. This is due to the fact that to achieve results you need to train a lot, which requires appropriate conditions. Sports and training centers attract not only an adult audience, but also young athletes.
  • What is the free economy format of trampoline complexes? To begin with, we note that competition in such a business niche is insignificant even in megacities. In medium-sized and small cities, centers with trampolines may not be available at all. This allows entrepreneurs to use this fact to organize successful business. Today it is small and medium-sized settlements need entertainment trampoline centers. To do this, it is better to consider rental options production premises or warehouses. They provide the required dimensions (area of ​​the establishment, ceiling height). The advantages of jumping complexes of the free-economic format include the absence of the need to carry out expensive capital repair work, as well as providing access to the building. On a large area you can install a considerable amount of equipment (slides, wind tunnel, pools with soft cubes), which will bring additional income. This format is gaining momentum and becoming very popular, since the price of services is low, and the establishment has certain amenities for visitors (showers, locker rooms, sanitary rooms, rest areas, etc.).

How to open a trampoline center?

Let's consider the main stages.

Business registration

Since the business of maintaining a trampoline complex is a commercial activity, it must be registered with the Federal Tax Service. Businessmen can register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In the first case, you need to pay a state fee of 800 rubles and submit a minimum package of documents - TIN, application and passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Besides this, individual entrepreneurs will be able to use a simplified taxation scheme. As a rule, this format is popular when opening small centers or park-type trampoline complexes.

If you plan to create a large-scale project, you will have to register an LLC. This will provide an opportunity to cooperate with legal entities, open branches of your company (in the Russian Federation and abroad), attract investors and receive large loans. The cost of the state duty in this case is 4 thousand rubles. You will also need to contribute authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. Regardless of the form of enterprise registration, businessmen need to obtain the following documents:

  • permissions local authorities self-government, SES, fire inspection, Rospotrebnadzor;
  • contracts for the installation of alarm systems, fire safety, video surveillance and facility security;
  • agreement for disinfection and deratization;
  • conclusion of a technical examination on the compliance of the trampoline complex infrastructure with regulatory requirements.

When registering an enterprise, it is mandatory to indicate OKVED codes:

  • 71.40.4 – “Rental of inventory and equipment for recreation and leisure”;
  • 92.33 – “Activities of fairs and amusement parks”;
  • 92.72 – “Other activities for organizing entertainment and recreation, not included in other groups.”

Important: unlike entrepreneurs who want, for example, to open a tattoo parlor, businessmen whose specialization will be the maintenance of trampoline centers should remember the high probability of client injury during sports training or entertainment. To protect yourself from possible claims from victims, it is recommended to keep logs of safety procedures and relevant instructions. It is advisable to contact a lawyer who can tell you how to draw up a receipt for the establishment’s clients.

Selection of premises

The choice of premises is one of the main issues that a businessman must decide if he wants to organize a trampoline complex. First of all, you need to consider free-standing buildings with high ceilings. Thus, for sports complexes, premises with ceilings of 8 m or more are suitable. If you plan to open an establishment for amateur training, it is enough to choose a 6-meter height. In entertainment centers where equipment for children will be installed, 5-meter ceilings will be sufficient.

When selecting a building, pay attention to the issue of access to the trampoline complex. It should be located in such a way that visitors can easily reach it and not waste time searching. If there is no such establishment in the city at all, you can combine entertainment and sports training formats. Thus, the complex will be visited by professionals, amateurs and children. To do this, you should correctly schedule your visitor visits.

If an entrepreneur plans to open a large trampoline complex, you need to choose an area of ​​about 400-500 m2. This will allow for the placement of a significant number of professional trampolines and play equipment. In order for the center to operate smoothly, it is necessary to ensure that the following systems are in place:

  • lighting;
  • ventilation;
  • water supply;
  • heat supply.

The complex should organize several halls for visitors, a hall with a dressing room and changing rooms. In addition, it is worth providing premises for the administration of the complex, staff rooms and bathrooms. When opening an enterprise with an area of ​​250 m? you will have to pay rent, the cost of which ranges from 160 thousand rubles per month. It is also necessary to complete the design of the establishment and carry out repair work. They will cost the entrepreneur 300 thousand rubles.

Equipment purchase

If an entrepreneur is interested, for example, in selling candy as a business or growing flowers, most likely, the issue of purchasing expensive equipment will not be relevant for him. As for the equipment for the trampoline center, the investments will be quite large. Let's look at a sample list:

  • covering mats – 60 thousand rubles;
  • trampoline net (2 pcs.) – 100 thousand rubles;
  • swimming pool with foam cubes – 200 thousand rubles;
  • springs and fastenings (2 sets) – 60 thousand rubles;
  • trampoline slide – 150 thousand rubles.

In addition, it won’t hurt to buy an acoustic system for the trampoline complex, a reception desk, mirrors, equipment for toilets, an air conditioning system, benches and cabinets for the locker room. Thus, one-time costs for at this stage will amount to about 2 million rubles. Please note that this amount includes the cost of installation work for equipping the gaming arena.

Recruiting staff

What specialists should be invited to join the staff of the trampoline complex? TO positive aspects This business should include the absence of the need to attract a large number of employees. Thus, to work in the center, only a few operators will be required (per shift).

You can attract your relatives or friends to the staff, which minimizes the risk of loss of revenue. If the complex plans to install inflatable trampolines, another operator will be useful. Sample list workers might look like this:

  • operator-instructor (2 people) – 50 thousand rubles;
  • administrator – 40 thousand rubles;
  • technical worker – 15 thousand rubles;
  • security guard - 18 thousand rubles;
  • accountant of the enterprise - 25 thousand rubles.

Total costs for remuneration of personnel amount to 148 thousand rubles. The work of an accountant can be entrusted to remote specialists, which will reduce costs to 138 thousand rubles. Many entrepreneurs pay low wages and interest to their employees. This motivates specialists to do their work efficiently, as well as serve the maximum number of clients. This approach significantly minimizes the risk of theft of company money.

Organization of advertising

To attract a large number potential clients business needs to carry out effective advertising campaign. First of all, it is recommended to make a bright sign for the establishment, which will indicate the presence of trampolines in it. In addition, before the opening of the complex, it is necessary to distribute leaflets and flyers in places with high foot traffic. Good results will come from advertising a trampoline center on television, radio channels and in city printed publications. You should not neglect placing advertisements in transport.

To promote your business, it doesn’t hurt to create a business card website for the enterprise, on the pages of which you can place materials related to the activities of the trampoline center, indicate prices for services, class schedules and contact information center. Since the target audience most of spends free time on the Internet, you should create thematic communities in social networks, where subscribers will learn the latest news from the entertainment complex.

It is also worth using targeted and contextual advertising. This will make it possible to as soon as possible increase the income of the enterprise (these methods of promotion can be successfully used by businessmen who want, for example, to become photographers from scratch, designers or freelancers). Large quantity people will see advertisements about the work of a trampoline center if they are placed on city sites. The cost of an advertising campaign varies within 30 thousand rubles monthly.

Business plan for a trampoline center

How to find out how much money you need to invest in opening entertainment complex? What profit can you expect and how long will it take to pay off the investment in the project? Do you need to spend a lot of money on maintaining the establishment? To get answers to these questions, an entrepreneur will need to draw up detailed business plan trampoline center. Let's calculate the volume of capital investments in opening an enterprise. It includes:

  • rental of premises (for 6 months) – 960 thousand rubles;
  • business registration – 14 thousand rubles;
  • carrying out repair work - 300 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​2 million rubles;
  • production of advertising materials – 50 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses – 20 thousand rubles.

Total - one-time investments amount to 3.344 million rubles (in a similar way it should be developed dance school business plan and other enterprises). Now let’s look at how much money will have to be spent on maintaining the trampoline center. It includes:

  • staff salary – 138 thousand rubles;
  • tax fees – 20 thousand rubles;
  • depreciation of equipment – ​​5 thousand rubles;
  • utilities – 20 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign – 30 thousand rubles.

Thus, monthly costs amount to 213 thousand rubles. Let's look at what income is possible from operating a trampoline center. It is known from practice that the average cost of 1 hour of entertainment services is about 300 rubles. If we assume that 50 people visit the center per day, the daily revenue will be about 15 thousand rubles. When the complex operates seven days a week, the cash register will be equal to 450 thousand rubles per month, from which you need to subtract 213 thousand. The result will be 237 thousand rubles of net profit.

Is it worth running a trampoline center franchise?

What will a trampoline center franchise give to entrepreneurs? This scheme of work will allow you to avoid serious mistakes that entail a large loss of funds. The franchisor will provide special information, thanks to which the entrepreneur will save about 50 thousand rubles monthly on correct drafting lease agreement.

If the space in the hall is used irrationally, the profit of the trampoline complex can decrease to 100 thousand monthly. Professionals will develop an effective marketing plan for the partner, which will make it possible to minimize risks. As a rule, franchises are offered to businessmen only by organizations that have managed to achieve significant results. For this reason, newcomers will not have to wait long for clients (after all, they will begin to work under a brand that is easily recognizable among visitors).

The franchisor company provides partners with the opportunity to train staff free of charge. The entrepreneur also receives:

  • professional advice on accounting and law;
  • high stable income;
  • the possibility of return on investment in a fairly short period of time;
  • design of the establishment in a corporate style;
  • uniforms for staff.

Trampoline business is one of the types of seasonal entrepreneurial activity, which implies high profits. But even here there are certain risks that can lead a businessman to financial losses. To avoid various unfavorable situations, it is necessary to calculate all possible negative and positive factors and create an ideal business development plan.

Attractions are a fairly simple way to make a profit. To open a business you just need to register as legal entity, buy a trampoline and start making money.

How are things going with your competitors?

Competition, as in any other business, of course, is present. But if you imagine the number of residents with young children in one particular city and the number of trampoline owners, it immediately becomes clear that the niche in this area of ​​entrepreneurship is practically empty.

Small attractions can be installed on beaches, parks; any large shopping center will do. In such places there will always be clients who want to please their own child.

How does seasonality affect the profitability of a trampoline business?

Many novice businessmen are put off by the idea of ​​opening attractions because of the seasonal nature of their income. In order to this type activity brought profit all year round, a large shopping center is ideal for renting premises. An agreement must be concluded with its management. In this case, the income will compete with the profit received during the warm period.

A shopping center, in the case of renting premises in it, does not exclude the possibility of simultaneously conducting business in the open air during the warm period. To do this, you just need to purchase several sets of equipment.

The idea of ​​making money on trampolines is quite old, but despite this, it is in great demand among private entrepreneurs.

Outdoor trampolines

Cost of the set

How much does the complete structure cost? Large inflatable trampolines cost approximately 100,000 rubles. There are, one might say, no restrictions on price; it all depends on the financial capabilities of the beginning entrepreneur. You can purchase ready-made inflatable trampolines standard design, or you can make them to order.

There are two types of structures:

  • Inflatable in the form of a room. Such a kit can be purchased for up to 100 thousand rubles.
  • Inflatable trampolines in the form of a slide. Such products are much more expensive - approximately 130 thousand rubles.

How to choose the right trampoline?

The choice of a particular design depends on its future location:

  • Any entertainment attractions are primarily aimed at children. Therefore, you should try to place inflatable trampolines in places where there are other children's attractions. For such places, the best option is a design in the form of a slide.
  • Shopping centers and cafeterias are the most visited places by people. Here you can install a trampoline in the form of a room. For example, parents, relaxing at a table in a cafe and visiting a shopping center, will be very happy to send their child to the playroom.


When buying a trampoline, first of all you need to pay attention to its quality. On sale today there are products from Chinese and domestic manufacturer. The main quality criterion is the material used in production.

  • Domestic attractions are produced only from expensive raw materials. The cost of trampolines is correspondingly high. Product weight good quality is not less than 0.65 kg/per square meter.
  • Chinese designs are made from cheaper raw materials, cost less, but wear out faster. The mass of such products will be only about 0.45 kg/sq. meter.

Calculation of business payback

  • The average salary of a worker who will “stand on a trampoline” is about 20 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of territory for installation of equipment – ​​7 thousand rubles.
  • Taxation – 7.5 thousand.
  • The price for providing services is 70 rubles per client.
  • The duration of the season is 3 months (unfavorable weather conditions for the provision of services and other factors must be taken into account). In total, full working days per season can be from 60 to 70.

How much will the profit be? Such a mini-entertainment center for children with a working day of more than 3 hours, with a flow of clients from 100 people per day, will justify the costs for one season. The attractions will generate a profit of more than 400 thousand rubles for the entire season.

The idea of ​​entrepreneurial activity on trampolines with an income of 50–70,000 rubles is in the top ten today best ideas for running a seasonal business!

Travel business

The idea of ​​opening such a business involves making a profit all year round. In this case, services can be provided in summer and winter. There is no need to buy a trampoline that is too large. The dimensions of the product should be minimal so that there are no difficulties during its transportation. The total area should be no more than 20 square meters. meters.

If you use a shopping center for business, then the trampoline should be in the form of a room. Attractions with a slide are much more problematic. Such a trampoline will cost the entrepreneur relatively inexpensively - about 70,000 rubles.

Basic expenses

  • Transportation costs if you have your own vehicle for one trip will be about 1000 rubles.
  • A hired worker to install equipment for one trip will cost 500 rubles.
  • Rent per working day is approximately 800 rubles or 10 percent of daily revenue.

As a result, the total expenses for one working day will be up to 2.5 thousand rubles. But, you need to remember about the monthly payment of taxes - 7 thousand rubles.

In order for the mini-entertainment center to meet the entrepreneur’s goals, it is necessary to carry out at least six trips per month and provide services to at least 50 children. At first glance, these are unrealistic numbers, but during the summer season it is possible to make many more trips.

The most ideal places to conduct this business are children's institutions: schools, kindergartens!

Profitability of traveling business on trampolines

For example (in rubles):

  • About 250 children are served during one visit.
  • Six visits are made per month.
  • The average cost of services provided is 50.
  • Approximate monthly revenue for regular visits to the attraction a large number children will be 75 thousand.
  • Monthly expense – 16 thousand.
  • Net profit for the month – 59 thousand.

The practice of running an on-site trampoline business shows that in one working day the number of children who use the services is up to 300 people. In the calculation, only 250 people were taken, the profit was 59 thousand rubles. In reality, much higher incomes are possible.

Costs that depend directly on profit may also differ from the calculations made.. Rental expenses are also directly proportional to income. That is, the higher the income, the higher the expenses.

All options for providing entertainment services on a trampoline in summer period are highly profitable. This type of commercial activity is ahead of many other business ideas.


Let the skeptics continue to believe that the trampoline business has long been outdated as a business idea. The main thing to understand is that any other ideas for entrepreneurial activity were not created today. Most promising ideas you can only borrow. Feel the benefits of this business fully possible only with a competent approach to business, as well as perseverance.

Risks that accompany a large business and involve large losses, taxes, do not apply to this type of activity.

Andrey Solovyov and Dmitry Sobodarev offered Muscovites a new type of leisure time - trampoline centers with cafes and play areas. He liked it - there are already six centers in the network, the total revenue of which in 2016 amounted to 173 million rubles.

(Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

“I was drawn to the trampoline”

“I worked as a lawyer and was always involved in extreme sports: paragliding, snowboarding and windsurfing. One day I felt drawn to the trampoline and I couldn’t stop. At some point, I realized that I wanted to turn my hobby into a job,” says Andrey Solovyov, co-founder of the Nevesomost network of trampoline centers.

Back in 2012, while traveling around Europe and North America, he noticed the trampoline parks common there - large premises with several trampolines, family cafe and other entertainment under one roof. The boom of such entertainment centers has not yet reached Russia: professional trampolines here were usually located in sports schools ah and were intended exclusively for training, and children's trampolines, which were located in parks and entertainment centers, could hardly be of interest to adults.

Returning from the trip, Soloviev told his friend, entrepreneur Dmitry Sobodarev, about what he had seen, who was then organizing a network of small gyms. The idea with trampolines seemed promising. “In Moscow at that time, everyone, not excluding me, was passionate about fitness and training,” says Sobodarev. “I thought that if we create an entertainment center and a sports school at the same time, we could interest both adults who need professional classes and children who are interested in the entertainment component. Opening a small center with a couple of trampolines is a road to nowhere.”

The idea was new and unusual, so the friends could not decide for a long time on the equipment, footage and internal structure of the center. The fact is that to open a trampoline park you need a large area (from 1000 sq. m), ceilings with a height of at least 5 m, as well as high-quality ventilation, air conditioning and heating. Soloviev and Sobodarev spent more than a year searching for such premises, thinking through internal logistics and analyzing the market for suppliers of trampoline equipment.

The friends decided that they would open a trampoline park in some shopping center so that some visitors would come in to have fun after shopping. But finding a suitable large space in one of the existing shopping centers was almost impossible, and rent within the Moscow Ring Road was unaffordable for partners. Therefore, after several months of searching, they rented a premises of 1800 square meters. m in the not yet completed shopping center "China Town" in Northern Butovo. 4 million rubles were immediately spent on rent and security deposit, and it took another six months to wait for the completion of construction.

The partners themselves equipped their park together with the workers. “We experienced for ourselves how trampolines are pushed, whether we built it correctly or not,” recalls Dmitry. If the trampolines were not pushed well, the companions immediately replaced them. The fact is that to assemble the trampoline zones - the elastic covering and soft paths (linings) around - they opened their own workshop where they sew trampoline sheets of the required size. At the beginning of 2014, Soloviev and Sobodarev rented 100 sq. m in the Moscow region, purchased two sewing machines and two cutting tables, hired five craftsmen to sew fabric and assemble facings. The total investment in launching the workshop amounted to 1.5 million rubles, but the partners immediately received a powerful competitive advantage.

“We initially understood that purchasing ready-made trampolines from outside would, firstly, be many times more expensive, and secondly, more difficult in terms of maintenance. There is a lot of wear and tear on the trampoline covering and lining, so it is important to be able to quickly replace them, and not wait for the supplier to ship them, says Soloviev. “We also understood that we would be expanding, so launching our own workshop only played into our hands.” The partners turned out to be right - now the centers have to replace up to 20% of the trampoline fabric every week. You can, of course, do it less often, but then the wear and tear is obvious and the trampolines look untidy.

Sports and money

In March 2014, the first Zero Gravity center opened - with 64 trampolines, a foam pit, a climbing wall, play area and a cafe. The total investment amounted to about 50 million rubles, half of which was contributed by Andrey and Dmitry, and half by their three friends, who became shareholders of the business.

It immediately became clear that the initial calculation for the flow of visitors to the shopping center did not come true - the next mall simply did not arouse much interest among the surrounding residents. But even before the opening of the trampoline park, the partners began to visit all schools and kindergartens in the area, talking about the benefits of trampolines and the opportunity to visit their center soon. They created a website (it took about 100 thousand rubles) and launched an advertising campaign on the Internet.

Dmitry Sobodarev (right) and Andrey Solovyov (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

For the first six months of operation, the revenue was barely enough to cover rent and pay wages to employees, but then the establishment began to operate in profit. People from all over Moscow began to come to Zero Gravity, Soloviev recalls: “At first it was a novelty: clients came, tried it, but usually did not return. In order to retain them, it was necessary to somehow additionally work. And we began to come up with different sections and special classes.”

The partners understood that they needed to create a trampoline school for children and adults, where people would study on a regular basis. This attracted customers on weekdays and the low season - in summer, park attendance is usually four times less than in autumn and winter.

“Finding a professional instructor who is willing to be responsible for the safety of clients turned out to be more difficult than we thought,” admits Dmitry. — First, we hired young people through an advertisement. But very soon they all said that they could not work: they could not withstand the ten-hour workload. And most importantly, they constantly wanted to prove to each other and clients that they were the coolest jumpers. We needed people who had already proven everything to everyone and understood that the client’s safety comes first.”

The entrepreneurs decided to look for acrobats and trainers from circuses and sports schools through their friends. The idea worked: within a month, three professional acrobatics coaches came to work with them - Alexey Shtyrev, Alexander Komissarov, Vladislav Sokolov - and ex-Cirque du Soleil artist Evgenia Borovikova. Now these trainers are training staff for all clubs in the network.

With the advent of the trampoline school and professional trainers, the number of adult clients increased to 50%; At first, people, as a rule, came only with children. “In a month of training on a trampoline you can lose 5-6 kg. This is difficult to achieve in fitness clubs, so when adults began to see results, it ceased to be just entertainment for them,” says Soloviev.

Jumping around the country

By March 2016, the first “Weightlessness” had lost investment. Soloviev and Sobodarev decided to invest all the profits in opening new trampoline parks. “The niche began to fill. The business seems simple: any students who can jump can rent a hall, install two trampolines and call themselves a trampoline center, says Sobodarev. — Some of these centers closed, and some grew into larger players and rented larger premises. In such conditions, the winner was the one who went first to the regions.”

At the beginning of 2016, friends found premises in Petrozavodsk and Kaluga, and then in Nizhny Novgorod and Voronezh. Typically, they invested together with local partners. For example, according to SPARK-Interfax, Nevesomost-NN LLC in Nizhny Novgorod is 50% owned by local businessman Dmitry Galkin, and 50% by Andrey Solovyov. In Kaluga, 60% of the local Nevesomost LLC is controlled by Anton Krakov. An exception was the project in Petrozavodsk, where partners launched a turnkey trampoline center for a local entrepreneur, who became 100 percent owner. Nevertheless, all centers operate under the Zero Gravity brand, and the Moscow office provides them with trampolines and consultations.

On average, it takes two months from renting a premises to opening a new center; investments amount to about 35 million rubles. The largest “Zero Gravity” center was in Voronezh (3000 sq. m), the rest of the trampoline parks in the network occupy an average of about 2 thousand sq. m. m. Each center employs on average about 30 people, including ten trainers.

“We didn’t know whether there would be demand in the regions, but in Moscow for a long time we couldn’t find premises whose rent would fit into the business model. And then - if you’ve already gone knee-deep, then you’ll go chest-deep,” Sobodarev laughs.

Each center was complemented by something new - a dance or choreography hall, a Pilates studio or a room for acrobatics. “Thanks to having our own production, our business has turned into a giant Lego set: we see the room and understand how and what it can be filled with,” says Dmitry. In parallel with the opening of new centers, the friends were refining and modernizing the trampolines - they tried different numbers of loops to make the trampoline sheets more elastic, and selected glue that would hold better.

But the main changes affected the cafe. In Butovo, entrepreneurs initially had a democratic buffet, but by now it has been turned into a full-fledged restaurant with own kitchen. “People are no longer interested in grabbing a sandwich here and running away; they are interested in having a full meal,” Sobodarev notes. Thanks to the fact that the center now has a full-fledged kitchen, requests began to come in for children’s birthday parties. Other centers of the network also began to open restaurants. Now catering accounts for 35% of the chain's turnover.

The total revenue of the Nevesomost network for 2016 amounted to 172.8 million rubles, profit - 32 million rubles, according to the calculations of entrepreneurs. In August 2017 alone, the network was visited by 17.5 thousand people, half of them were adults.

At the beginning of 2017, Andrey and Dmitry invested all their earnings into opening a new center in Moscow near the Savelovskaya metro station. The launch of two more capital centers is planned for the end of this year. They are easier to control than establishments in the regions, and the demand in Moscow is still higher.

According to the 2GIS service, there are currently 59 trampoline centers operating in Moscow and the region. The main competitors of "Zero Gravity" are the networks "On the Trampoline", "Sky" and JustJump!. Prices are approximately the same for everyone - 700-1000 rubles. per lesson. According to the partners, there is still no fierce competition in the market - new projects, as a rule, find their clients. Usually small centers where there is no additional services and professional trainers. “The main thing is that strict safety standards appear in all centers and people are not afraid to jump, then there will be enough clients for everyone,” Andrei Solovyov is sure.

Andrey Soloviev (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

View from the outside

“People were convinced that trampolines were for children”

Irina Ponamareva, head of the network of trampoline centers JustJump!

“In 2014, when we entered the market, trampoline centers in Russia could be counted on one hand. People still didn’t understand what we were doing and were convinced that trampolines were for children. We had to explain to them that this is not only entertainment, but also a sport for everyone. On trampolines you can do both general physical training, replacing fitness, and acrobatics, practicing complex elements that can be useful in other sports. So there was little competition, but awareness of trampoline centers was also low. At the same time, trampolines were at the peak of popularity in the USA and Canada.

Now the market is gradually becoming saturated, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where competition is becoming quite noticeable. Thanks to the development of the entire industry, public awareness of trampoline centers has also increased. Previously, this was a new thing, and people would go to a certain trampoline center on the other side of town, but now they are starting to choose places closer to home or work. Centers are also appearing in the regions, but there is less competition there.

Competition among trampoline centers is based on pricing, including loyalty programs, quantity and variety of services offered. But it is also important to pay attention to the safety of trampoline equipment and the qualifications of trainers.

As far as I know, the only one Russian supplier, which produces trampoline equipment in accordance with international standards, is Akrosport. They have their own design bureau, where they make trampolines for professional competitions, and for gyms, and for entertainment centers.

Own production is very controversial issue. This should be done by specialists. I trust more the equipment of a supplier who has been on the market for 20 years. Many people think: what to do there, weld a steel frame, stretch the nets, install springs, throw mats - and that’s it. But this is not so: in order to assemble a trampoline, you need to know what the springs should be, what the tension should be so that the nets don’t break, etc. We also had ideas to make arenas ourselves, but we preferred to buy equipment from Akrosport and not at all We didn’t regret it.

Today, the main players in the market are us, “Weightlessness”, “On the Trampoline” and “Sky”. The rest are non-network centers. It is believed that the threshold for entry into the trampoline business is quite low: investments are small, and, unfortunately, there are no legislative norms that regulate the activities of trampoline centers. So single players appear. But not all of them provide quality services and can withstand competition.”

“Everyone who is not too lazy is now making trampolines”

Nikolai Makarov, President of the Russian Trampoline Federation and head of the Akrosport company

“Many people now feel that they can offer the service of entertainment trampoline centers to the population: if so many trampoline centers are opening, it means there is demand. The quality we find in some centers leaves much to be desired. All and sundry are now making trampolines, without understanding or knowing the usual production standards. Trampoline centers are staffed by non-professionals without proper education. This is a big problem. It’s good if they are gymnasts or acrobats, but ideally trampolineists should work.

Our company has been producing trampolines for all-Russian competitions since Soviet times. Now we assemble turnkey entertainment trampoline centers. I doubt that anyone can compare with us in quality.”