Of course, your professionalism and achievements are 80% of success in an interview, but there will be five more recruiters like you, and that is why the 20% success ingredients described below will help you bypass them.

Here, as in sports: the winner from the loser is separated by only a fraction of a second.

47. Look for something in common with the interviewer

People are connected by common interests. Pay attention to details. Maybe you have the same iPhone or you love fishing together. If during the interview you find something in common, pay attention to it, ask an additional question. This will make your contact more personal.

48. Show external recognition

If you have confirmation of external recognition (you entered the top 20 in your profession, speak at conferences,) - say so, but without much emphasis. This will increase your professionalism in the eyes of a recruiter, not every candidate can boast of this.

49. Thank the recruiter, give a compliment

A recruiter is not an easy profession, because out of a dozen interviewed, he hires one, and the other nine hate him fiercely, because he did not see talent in them. They are called names, convicted of any mistakes. A kind word from you, a compliment to his behavior in the interview, questions and other things will be a huge plus.

50. Appreciate the recruiter who hired you.

And most importantly: do not build illusions that the recruiter does not mean anything. That you are so cool that your boss hired you. It was the recruiter who decided your fate. He showed your resume to your boss and sold you the right way. He helped you. Keep this in mind when you work with him, and be simply grateful.

We will look at 3 types of basic sales questions and their subtypes:

  1. Closed questions.
  2. Alternative questions

Closed questions.

Closed questions are questions for which we expect to receive only 2 possible answers - either " YES", or " NO».

The purpose of the closed question:


  • Ask only closed questions.
  • Ask closed questions at the start of the sale.
  • Ask closed questions to which you can get the wrong "No".

Ask multiple closed questions in a row. Interrogation.

How to ask a closed question.

Any declarative sentence can be turned into a closed question by raising it intonation towards the end of the sentence.

Closed questions in sales examples:

  • Have we agreed on the first point?
  • Can we fix it?
  • Have you taken a look at our range?
  • Do you have a car?

Open questions are questions to which we expect to receive the most detailed and complete answer on asked a question topic.

Purpose of the open question:


  • Ask open-ended questions at the end of the conversation.
    • Ask open-ended questions on abstract topics.

How to ask an open question.

An open question is asked with the help of interrogative words that are placed at the beginning of the sentence.

  • When?
  • In connection with what?
  • etc.

Open questions in sales examples:

  • What options do you choose from?
  • What do you think?
  • When will you be able to see our offer?
  • What characteristics do you think a modern mp3 player should have?

Alternative questions in sales.

Alternative questions are questions to which we expect to receive an answer in the form of a choice by the client of one of the options that we designate in the question itself.

Purpose of the alternative question:


  • Include in the question as one of the alternatives what is not beneficial to us.

How to ask an alternative question.

Come up with 2 or more alternatives and ask a question that involves choosing between these alternatives using the conjunction “OR”.

Alternative sales questions examples:

  • Where would it be more convenient for you to meet me, at the office or at the exhibition?
  • Do you have any questions on this point or can we move on to the next part of the contract?
  • Which model will we calculate, A or B?

Question subtypes.

Tailed questions.

Sometimes such questions are called questions - assumptions. In fact, this is a closed question, but to which we expect to receive only a "YES" answer. We generally recommend that you avoid these questions in sales because they are perceived by many customers as manipulation and at any time you can get the answer "NO" to this question, and thereby destroy the sale.

How to ask a tailed question.

This is any statement of yours with which the client must agree. At the end of the statement, a special construction is placed - a tail and a question mark.

Special Designs:

  • Is not it?
  • Do you agree?
  • Truth?
  • Right? etc.

Examples of tailed questions:

  • That's 2 times more, right?
  • All people want to secure stable income retired, right?
  • It's faster than what you have now, right?
  • Nobody wants to overpay, right?

Sometimes you can find a different construction of such a question, where the "tail of the question" is at the very beginning.

Perhaps your children will also use the camera?

In order not to get the answer "NO" to the tailed question, you need to follow one rule. Your statement should not be controversial. This should be a fact that both you and the client know, or something that most of your potential clients can agree on. You can also use soft assertions, such as:

  • Maybe...
  • Maybe...
  • Probably...

Tailed questions errors.

Wrong: "That's great, isn't it?"

Right: "This will help you reduce your costs by 2 times, won't it?"

I was recently working on a job opening and have done a lot of interviews over the past few weeks.

I asked a lot of questions, but there is one question that seems to scare candidates a lot:

"So, do you have any questions for me?"

Many simply answer:

"No, you've explained everything perfectly."

This is the wrong answer!

If you don't have any questions for the interviewer, then neither the company nor the interviewer is interested in you.

Here, as well as in sales, The best way build relationships with people is ask quality questions.

I want to help these people who have no questions increase their chances of advancing their careers.

I offer you a few questions, and explain why you should ask them:

What is the hardest part about the role I'm applying for?

This shows that you are ready for any challenge, and you are not just passed by. If the interviewer sees that you are ready to deal with the most difficult moments of your role, and your CV confirms your competence, then your chances of success will increase significantly.

What does your work environment look like?

This way you not only show that you are interested in your future colleagues, but it also gives the interviewer an idea of ​​what you will look like working in the office.

What achievements do you expect from me in 12 months in this role?

This suggests that you are interested not only in short-term results, but also look forward to the future. You could also share how you can exceed those expectations (but don't be overconfident as this can come off as arrogant).

What are the next steps in the interview process?

This is how you show your willingness to continue this process, and get the information you are interested in, which will save you from having to constantly pester the interviewer to get feedback!

What are the learning/training opportunities here?

The desire and willingness to learn is one of the most attractive traits of a candidate.

Is there anything in my CV that you think might prevent me from getting this job?

In today's highly competitive job market, details are very revealing. Therefore, it is better to discuss these details during the interview, and, as a result, increase your chances of success.

Thus, if you want to get a job, pay attention to the questions listed above.

Don't ask too many questions, but don't be silent if asked, "Do you have any questions?"

linkedin.com, translation: Tatyana Gorban

By Masterweb

30.06.2018 00:00

Disputes about this phenomenon have been going on for as long as the human race has existed. Can we do well to our neighbor just because we feel like it, without expecting some form of reward? Today we are talking about the adverb “disinterestedly” - this is the first, and the second dish of our program will be a related adjective, without which it is impossible to do.

Origin from opposite

The headline can be read in two ways: on the one hand, we can recall the phrase “proof by contradiction”, and on the other hand, the fact that “nasty” and “vile” are synonyms and mean something impartial. We had in mind the first meaning, but the second is also relevant here. In order to understand the origin of selflessness, it is necessary to shed light on the phenomenon of self-interest. Let's see what the etymological dictionary thinks.

There was such a word koriti - "to reproach", meaning originally "prey". Another etymological dictionary clarifies that self-interest can have two interpretations. Some believe that the word really goes back to the words "extraction", "part", "share". Others suggest as a source of "self-interest", a derivative of "ristati" - "jump, ride." If we take into account such a point of view, then self-interest is what is obtained in battle. Whichever side we choose, in any case, everything will close on the concept of self-interest.

The meaning of the prefix

The prefix "without" ("demon") has two meanings:

  • In nouns, denoting the absence or lack of something.
  • For adjectives (and hence for adverbs) - devoid of anything.

The second case is just ours. After all, selflessly - it means "without any personal interest." So, even without referring to the explanatory dictionary, we learned the meaning of the object of study. But conscience will not let us sleep peacefully if we still do not turn to an authoritative source.


Therefore, whether we like it or not, we need to look into the dictionary, this is required by official duty. Let's look at the meaning of the word "disinterestedly." Only it will not be an adverb, but an adjective, which is similar in meaning: "Alien selfish interests." Our definition, given just above, is even more elegant, because it is free from tautology.

One cannot talk about selflessness and not say that personal interest is probably a purely human problem or feature. Why is this a problem? Because in relationships with other people, we all the time have to prove that we do this or that disinterestedly (and this is sometimes true), but they still don’t believe us. In general, one should talk about the self-interest of an act only when a person receives a certain material benefit, which is measured either in luxury goods or in money. Otherwise, we urge you to recognize behavior as noble.

Why is it important? Because there is a police point of view that a person is always and everywhere selfish. The only difference is that in one case he receives a material benefit, and in the other - a psychological one. But we rise up against such injustice, for at least a drop of good must remain in a person! In addition, psychological benefits tend to be subtle and unobvious.


When the word is ancient, it makes sense to replace it famous words to speed up and improve understanding. Let's take a look at the list of synonyms:

  • nobly;
  • generously;
  • is free;
  • free of charge;
  • altruistically.

These are almost all semantic analogues-words, but there are also expressions that are not included in our list, because they are typologically disgusting to him.


Now let's find out how the adverb and adjective feel in ordinary speech, make sentences with them:

  • Listen, I love your mother completely unselfishly, it's true! What, millions in the account? No, I don't know anything about them.
  • A man on his way to work helped a single mother lift a stroller up to the fifth floor, she didn't even have time to ask his name. This help was disinterested.
  • When a millionaire gives money to charitable foundations, then this act should be recognized as disinterested, because he could not have done this.
  • Only those people who have already lost everything or gained a lot can selflessly help.
  • A person cannot be selfless in everything. Willingly or unwittingly, he still wants something for himself.

Enough, perhaps. There is only one question that needs to be clarified as well.

Is it possible to leave aside personal interest?

Or let's reformulate: "Do selfless souls exist?" The answer to the question is, of course, positive. Why? Sick children and animals are helped not only by millionaires, whose name, thanks to significant assistance, may become known, but we have a lot of modest and anonymous heroes, whose names we do not know. Not so long ago, by the way, it became fashionable to collect money for treatment on the Internet, and this practice brings significant results, that is, people give money to save another without expecting anything in return.

This means that the word "selfless" is not an alien element of our speech and life, but something that we encounter every day. So often that they even stopped noticing unmotivated acts of kindness and nobility.

Kievyan street, 16 0016 Armenia, Yerevan +374 11 233 255

An important component communicative communication is ability to ask questions.

Questions are a way to get information and at the same time a way to switch the thoughts of the person with whom you are talking in the right direction (who asks questions controls the conversation).

By asking questions, we build a bridge into the unknown and the uncertain. And since uncertainty and uncertainty is feature In today's rapidly changing world, the development of the ability to ask questions is very relevant.

“Sorry for the misunderstanding, I misunderstood you” is a phrase that can often be heard in a conversation between people. So, so that you do not have to pronounce it, learn how to ask questions correctly. The right question, allowing you to find out the intentions of the partner, helps to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. After all, sometimes, neglecting the opportunity to ask a question, or not asking it in right time, we open the way to conjectures and conjectures, various speculative constructions, create a wrong impression of others, attributing to them non-existent qualities, advantages and disadvantages, which often leads to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Whoever you are, a leader or an ordinary manager, a coach or a psychologist, in any sphere of life you will need the ability to ask questions correctly. In any conversation, whether business or personal, the right questions help:

  • Show interest in the personality of the partner and interlocutor;
  • Ensure “interpenetration”, that is, make your system of values ​​understandable to the interlocutor, while clarifying his system;
  • Get information, express doubts, show your own position, show trust, be interested in what has been said, show indulgence and show that you are ready to give the conversation the necessary time;
  • Seize and hold the initiative in communication;
  • Transfer the conversation to another topic;
  • Move from the interlocutor's monologue to a dialogue with him.

To learn how to ask questions correctly, you need to pay attention to the correct construction of the internal dialogue and study the main types of questions in the external dialogue.

INTERNAL DIALOGUE(questions to oneself) organizes our own thinking and helps us formulate thoughts. The relevance and quality, the accuracy and the consistency of the questions that arise in our minds, to a large extent affect the effectiveness of most of the actions we take.

In order to organize an internal dialogue, one must understand that its purpose is to analyze any of the problems. A set of relevant questions will help to comprehensively analyze any problem (situation). There are two options for questions.

The first option is the seven classic questions:

What? Where? When? Who? How? Why? By what means?

These seven questions allow you to cover the entire problem situation and make its verbal-logical analysis.

The second option for analyzing the situation is a set of six questions:

  • Facts - What are the facts and events relevant to the situation in question?
  • Feelings - How do I generally feel about this situation? How are others supposed to feel?
  • Desires - What do I really want? What do others want?
  • Obstacles - What's stopping me? What hinders others?
  • Time - What and when to do?
  • Tools - What tools do I have to solve this problem? What resources do others have?

Use either of the two options when organizing an internal dialogue. When a problem arises, analyze the situation with the help of questions to yourself, bring your thoughts to clarity, and only then begin to act.

Importance and significance EXTERNAL DIALOGUE, consists in the right questions which is much better than a monotonous monologue. After all, the one who asks is the leader in the conversation. Also, with the help of questions, we show the interlocutor our interest in the conversation and in its deepening. By asking, we express to a person the desire to establish with him a good relationship. But all this happens when the conversation does not resemble and does not look like an interrogation.

Therefore, before starting a conversation or business conversation, prepare a series of questions for the interlocutor, and ask them as soon as you move on to the business part of the conversation (in a normal conversation, as soon as you touch on the topic you need). So, you will provide yourself with a psychological advantage.

External dialogue questions can be posed in specific forms and can be of the following types:

Closed questions. The purpose of closed questions is to obtain an unequivocal answer (consent or refusal of the interlocutor), “yes” or “no”. Such questions are good only when it is necessary to clearly and clearly determine the presence of something in the present, past, and sometimes in the future (“Do you use this?”, “Did you use this?”, “Would you like to try?”), or attitude to something (“Did you like it?”, “Does it suit you?”) to understand how to proceed. Closed questions (and yes or no answers to them) shift our efforts in a certain direction.

You should not immediately push a person by asking such questions to the final decision. Remember that it is easier to convince than to convince.

Another thing is when you deliberately ask a closed question, which is difficult to answer with a negative. For example, referring to generally recognized values ​​(Socrates often used a similar method): “Agree, life does not stand still?”, “Tell me, is quality and guarantees important to you?”. Why this is done: the more often a person agrees with us, the wider the zone of mutual understanding (this is one of ways to manipulate). And vice versa, if you can't pick up right question, and often hear "no" in response to leading questions, increases the likelihood of rejecting your offer as a whole. Therefore, achieve agreement in small things, do not start a conversation with contradictions, then it will be easier to achieve the desired result.

Open questions. They do not imply an unequivocal answer, they make a person think, they better reveal his attitude to your proposal. open questions, it good way getting a new detailed information, which is very difficult to obtain with closed questions. Therefore, in a conversation it is necessary to use open-ended questions more often, in their various variations.

Ask for facts that will help you understand the situation: “What is there?”, “How much?”, “How is it solved?”, “Who?” etc.

Find out the interests of your interlocutor and the conditions for their satisfaction.

Find out the attitude of your interlocutor to the situation under discussion: “What do you think about this?”, “How do you feel about this?”.

Offer in the form of questions, a different (your) solution to the problem: “Can we do this ..?”, “Why don’t we pay attention to such and such an option ..?”, while arguing your proposal. This is much better than openly saying: "I suggest ...", "Let's do it this way ...", "I think ...".

Be interested in what the statement of your interlocutor is based on: “What do you proceed from?”, “Why exactly?”, “What is the reason for this?”.

Clarify everything that is unclear to you: “What (how) exactly?”, “What exactly ..?”, “Because of what?”.

Find out the unaccounted for points, both personal and business: “What did we forget?”, “What issue did we not discuss?”, “What is missing?”,

If there are doubts, specify their reasons: “What is stopping you?”, “What worries you (does not suit you)?”, “What is the reason for the doubts?”, “Why is this unrealistic?”.

Characteristic features of open questions:

  • Activation of the interlocutor, such questions make him think about the answers and express them;
  • The partner, at his own discretion, chooses what information and arguments to present to us;
  • With an open question, we bring the interlocutor out of the state of restraint and isolation and eliminate possible barriers in communication;
  • The partner becomes a source of information, ideas and suggestions.

Since, when answering open questions, the interlocutor has the opportunity to avoid a specific answer, divert the conversation to the side or share only information that is beneficial for him, it is recommended to ask basic and secondary, clarifying and leading questions.

Main questions- are planned in advance, can be both open and closed.

Secondary or follow-up questions- spontaneous or planned, they are set to clarify the answers to the main questions that have already been given.

Clarifying questions require short and concise answers. They are asked in case of doubt to clarify the nuances. People are almost always willing to delve into the details and nuances of their affairs, so there is no problem here. Unless we ourselves often neglect to ask clarifying questions, while our interlocutors only expect this from us in order to make sure that we understand everything correctly. Don't be shy and don't forget to ask clarifying questions!

Suggestive questions these are questions that make a certain answer obvious in terms of content, i.e. formulated in such a way as to tell the person what he should say. It is recommended to ask leading questions when you are dealing with timid and indecisive people, to summarize the conversation, or if the interlocutor started talking and you need to return the conversation to the right (business) track, or if you need to confirm the correctness of your judgment (belief in the profitability of your offer) .

Leading questions sound extremely intrusive. They almost force the interlocutor to recognize the correctness of your judgments and agree with you. Therefore, they must be used with extreme caution.

In order to know how to ask the right questions, one must have an idea of ​​the various types of these questions. The use of questions of all kinds in business and personal conversations allows you to achieve various goals. Let's look at the main types of questions:

Rhetorical questions are set in order to evoke the desired reaction in people (enlist support, focus attention, point out unresolved problems) and do not require a direct answer. Such questions also enhance the character and feelings in the speaker's sentence, making the text richer and more emotional. Example: “When, finally, will people learn to understand each other?”, “Is it possible to consider what happened as a normal phenomenon?”.

Rhetorical questions should be formulated in such a way that they sound short and concise, relevant and understandable. Approval and understanding here is - silence in response.

provocative questions are set in order to cause a storm of emotions in the interlocutor (opponent), so that a person, in a fit of passion, gives out hidden information, blurts out something superfluous. Provocative questions are pure water manipulative influence but it is sometimes necessary for the good of the cause. Just do not forget, before asking such a question, calculate all the risks associated with it. After all, by asking provocative questions you are somewhat challenging.

Confusing Questions transfer attention to the area of ​​​​interest of the questioner, which lies away from the main direction of the conversation. Such questions are asked either unintentionally (if you are interested in the topic of conversation, you should not ask about things that have nothing to do with it) or deliberately because of the desire to solve some own problems to steer the conversation in the right direction. If, to your confusing question, the interlocutor suggests that you not be distracted from the topic under discussion, do so, but at the same time note that you want to consider and discuss the topic you have stated at another time.

Also, confusing questions are asked to simply get away from the topic of conversation, either because it is not interesting (if you value communication with this person, you should not do this), or it is inconvenient.

relay questions- are aimed at being ahead of the curve and require the ability to grasp the partner's remarks on the fly and provoke him to further reveal his position. For example: “Do you mean by this what? ..”.

Questions to demonstrate your knowledge. Their goal is to show off their own erudition and competence in front of other participants in the conversation, to earn the respect of a partner. This is some form of self-affirmation. When asking such questions, one must be really, and not superficially competent. Because you yourself may be asked to give a detailed answer to your own question.

mirror question contains part of the statement uttered by the interlocutor. It is set so that a person sees his statement from the other side, this helps to optimize the dialogue, give it genuine meaning and openness. For example, for the phrase " Don't ever give me this again!", the question follows -" Don't order you? Is there anyone else who could do this just as well?»

The question "Why?" used in this case would cause a defensive reaction, in the form of excuses, excuses and the search for imaginary reasons, and could even end in accusations and lead to conflict. The mirror question gives a much better result.

Alternative question given in the form open question, but contains multiple answers. For example: “Why did you choose the profession of an engineer: did you consciously follow in the footsteps of your parents or decided to enter the campaign, together with a friend, or maybe you yourself don’t know why?”. Alternative questions are asked to activate a taciturn interlocutor.

The question that fills the silence. good right question you can fill an awkward pause that sometimes occurs in a conversation.

soothing questions have a noticeable calming effect in difficult situations. You should be familiar with them if you have small children. If they are upset about something, you can distract and calm them down by asking a few questions. This technique works immediately, because you have to answer questions, thereby being distracted. In the same way, you can calm an adult.

Assumes compliance with the following rules:

Brevity is the soul of wit. The question should be short, clear and to the point. This increases the likelihood of a response. When you start complex, lengthy discussions, go far from the topic, you can generally forget what you specifically wanted to ask. And your interlocutor, while you state your question for five minutes, puzzles over what exactly you want to ask him. And it may happen that the question remains unheard or misunderstood. If you really want to go from afar, let the explanation (prehistory) sound first, and then a clear and short question.

So that the interlocutor, after your questions, does not have the feeling that he is under interrogation, soften them by intonation. The tone of your question should not show that you are demanding an answer (of course, if this is not a situation where you have no other choice), it should sound casual. Sometimes it will be right to ask the person you are talking to, ask permission - "Can I ask you a few questions to clarify?"

The ability to ask questions is inextricably linked with the ability to listen to the interlocutor. People are very responsive to those who listen to them carefully. And they will treat your question with the same degree of care. It is also important not only to show your culture and interest, but also not to miss information that may serve as a pretext for clarifying questions or for correcting what has already been prepared.

Most people, for various reasons, are not ready to answer direct questions (someone has difficulty in presenting, and someone is afraid to convey incorrect information, some do not know the subject well enough, others are limited by personal or corporate ethics, the reason may be restraint or shyness, etc.). In order for a person to give you an answer no matter what, you need to interest him, explain to him that answering your questions is in his interests.

Do not ask a question that begins with the words: “How could you…?” or “Why don’t you…?”. right question this is a request for information, but not as a hidden charge. When the situation requires expressing dissatisfaction with the actions of a partner, it is better to firmly but tactfully tell him about it in an affirmative form, and not in the form of a question.

So, knowing how to ask the right questions, you can get the (professional) information you need from the interlocutor, understand and get to know him better, find out his position and motives for actions, make relations with him more sincere and trusting (friendly), activate for further cooperation, and also discover weak sides and give him the opportunity to figure out what he is mistaken about. It is understandable why psychologists often talk about art, and not about ability to ask questions.

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