July 10, 2015, Nadezhda

Exchange of articles– a site for selling articles (such as this article). On the article exchange, authors offer their finished articles.

This is the place where articles for sale are stored.

Under content exchange refers to an online market where texts are sold. An article sales exchange is a source of income for a copywriter. And at the same time article content exchange is a place where website owners can find inexpensive material for their brainchild.

Popular article exchanges

Articles to order must have a clear narrative thread and be interesting. If being a copywriter is in your blood, it makes sense to start working with the largest job exchanges for writers:

TextSale – article exchange with low prices. The cost of articles on the TextSale exchange is reduced, because... texts are checked only for uniqueness. They don't check for errors. But you can always watch an excerpt from the article on the TextSale ru exchange to evaluate its quality. Click TextSale article exchange entry to be halfway to achieving your goal. I wrote about it earlier.

Exchange of articles Etxt– an excellent exchange with complete information about the article being sold. Here you will see the uniqueness score (in percentage). In addition, you will also be warned about the presence of errors in the article. Everyone sets their own prices for articles on the Etxt exchange. If you search, you can find excellent articles at very modest prices. Read about how and what they are.
Article exchange site– this is Advego, and Text.ru, and Content Monster, and Copylancer, and Neotext. On any of these sites you can sell your articles. Unlike the aforementioned Etxt and TextSale, prices here will be higher. But you won't have to complain about the quality either. Since articles with errors are simply not allowed for sale. Therefore the data article content exchanges can rightfully be called the best sites.

Article Exchange Text is a unique exchange where you can only find deep rewriting or copyright. , with which search engines are fighting, will soon depreciate. And then we will all purchase articles for our website on Text.ru. I gave advice on this in one of the first articles.

Advego article exchange- perhaps the most profitable place for a copywriter and rewriter, for a webmaster and advertiser. The site's many features, once you get used to them, allow you to post articles for sale and search for texts By keywords. I cited it in one of the previous articles. The advantages of the Advego exchange can be identified as follows:

Popular article exchanges– Advego and Etxt. Advego attracts with its wide capabilities and the largest number of customers, and Etxt lures with reduced prices for content. On Etxt, the minimum price is 5 rubles/1000 for a unique rewrite with possible typos and other errors. You can order the text here and correct the mistakes yourself, or buy a ready-made text from Advego at a price of 15 rubles and more.

Compared to writing,
game at the races - solid, reliable business.
John Steinbeck.

L best exchanges, sale of articles on which it is well-debugged and convenient. Any exchange from the list below will allow the optimizer to buy articles on the desired topic, and sell your texts to the copywriter and . Plus, you can order an article, have it written and designed to suit your requirements.

Ordering or purchasing articles from these ready-made content stores is one of the best ways filling the site with unique material, which of course will be appreciated by both search robots and visitors. The uniqueness of texts is checked by the exchanges themselves and articles are put up for sale only after this check is completed.

In general, an optimizer on these exchanges can either order an article with the necessary parameters, or buy ready-made articles, available in stock. And these article exchanges provide a copywriter with a convenient tool for selling his articles at his own price.

  • Etxt

    Etxt article exchange is best system in order to sell or buy an article. Personally, I really like this service with the choice of texts sold in it and their quality. There are plenty of webmasters here who want to buy these articles and copywriters who write them. Prices vary widely (as they say, to suit any budget). In general, on this exchange the processes of buying and selling articles are a pleasure.

  • TextSale

    TextSale article exchange is the most famous and popular exchange for buying and selling articles with a huge number of existing customers and performers. The widest selection of ready-made articles and copywriters for every taste and budget has made it a leader for many years! Here you can buy or sell texts on virtually any topic!

  • Advego

    Advego, in addition to allowing you to fill customer sites with posts and comments, also includes an article store. This circumstance makes this service doubly beneficial for both optimizers and copywriters, because allows the first to not only order resource promotion through forums and blogs, but also fill the site with unique content, and the second to earn money in different ways: fulfill orders for promoting customer sites or sell articles and translations.

  • Copylancer

    Copylancer is one of the oldest article exchanges. Copywriters undergo a small aptitude test there, which, at least, cuts off frankly bad workers. But those who remain receive lucrative orders for articles and a decent level of income.

  • ContentMonster

    ContentMonster is an article exchange with almost professional copywriters. When registering with ContentMonster, each performer must pass a test for knowledge of the Russian language, and then write a test rewrite. Only after successful completion test copywriter is allowed to work in this article exchange. In addition, performers in ContentMonster have a dynamically changing rating, the value of which depends on the current achievements of the copywriter. So I can highly recommend ContentMonster to all article customers.

  • TurboText

    TurboText is a good article exchange with a simple and user-friendly interface. In addition to standard features (ordering articles and purchasing ready-made ones), TurboText also offers the services of translating articles, automatically filling sites with content, and checking texts with proofreaders. Performers (copywriters) at TurboText can sell ready-made articles and write texts to order. The minimum withdrawal amount is only 50 rubles.

  • Text.ru

    Text.ru is a very powerful article exchange. Here the texts are of extremely high quality at surprisingly reasonable prices. Everything about Text.ru is impressive: user-friendly interface, thoughtfulness and solidity, quality of articles, additional services and much more.
    I highly recommend this exchange for buying or selling articles.

Text checking

  • These are online services and programs for checking texts for uniqueness (plagiarism) and errors (punctuation, spelling, stop words). Will be useful for copywriters and customers of articles.

Copywriting Exchange website - largest service by writing SEO copywriting.

Only the best authors work on the website copywriting exchange. You can order SEO texts from the exchange’s top copywriters. Get unique articles to fill your site with quality content. We will ensure the security of the transaction when ordering copywriting texts!

  • General questions
  • Instructions

    Our exchange is the guarantor of the transaction between the customer and the contractor when ordering unique content. We have many performers on our website, and they all have their own prices, depending on the reputation of the performer, the complexity of the order, the amount of work and many other factors.

    If you have no idea about prices, you can create an order without specifying a price, then many performers will respond to it and offer their price for completing the work according to the order. All you have to do is choose a contractor with the optimal cost of work, focusing on the number of positive reviews and the rating of the contractor.

    This is impossible. Funds for the order are transferred to the contractor only at the time the customer accepts his work, i.e. you must personally confirm that the work suits you. If the contractor does not send the work on time, you can refuse it and get a refund for the order, and then choose another artist for it.

    If you are not satisfied with the work sent by the contractor, you can send it to the contractor for revision or file a complaint with the internal Arbitration website. If your complaint is approved, the funds for the order will be returned to your account.

    The delivery time of the work is set by the customer himself when creating an order. The performers see the specified time and leave responses if they manage to place the order on time. We recommend allowing at least 24 hours to complete your order. On average, a copywriter can write about 10,000 characters with spaces per day. If the order volume is more than 10,000 characters, more lead time should be given.

    Yes, you can purchase ready-made texts in the Article Store. There you will find articles on various topics and reasonable price. You can also buy the latest news in our News Store.

    When choosing a performer, you can focus on:

    • Artist rating. A high rating indicates great experience the work of the contractor on our service and a significant number of well-executed orders. Highly rated performers perform the work efficiently and on time.
    • Reviews in his profile, positive or negative assessment of other customers.
    • Artist profile. It usually describes the contractor's work experience and preferred topics, and may also contain links to completed work.
  1. One order can be given to only one performer. You can divide one large order into several smaller ones and assign them to different performers.

  2. Ordering text copywriting is easy and convenient. The process looks like this:

    • Publication of the order. This can be done even with a zero balance. You can choose a fixed order price or wait for price offers from contractors.
    • Selection of performer. Many will leave responses to your order, signaling their readiness to work; all you have to do is choose the right contractor. You will be asked to top up your balance with the amount of the order if you do not have funds in your account.
    • Receiving the finished text. The artist sends you the work through the service. If you are satisfied with the work, then accept it and the funds are credited to the contractor, but if the work does not suit you, you can return it to the contractor for revision or file a complaint with the Arbitration. If the work deadline is missed, you have the right to refuse the contractor, in which case the funds will be returned to your account.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to write about the nuances and aspects of working with popular content and copywriting exchanges.

Such platforms are designed to bring together those who need texts (usually webmasters or SEO specialists) and those who make money from this business.

Here it is much easier to find what you need and automate the process to the maximum, practically reducing the risks of unsuccessful transactions to zero.

It is convenient for everyone, and therefore such exchanges exist on at the moment quite a lot and the main problem is to choose the ideal option for yourself among this heap.

There are many people on the Internet who have enough time and who have thought about it at least once. For some, such aspirations pass after a few minutes, while others begin an active search for information on this topic. And this article is aimed precisely at the second category.

Meet the copywriting exchanges

I’ll say right away that if you don’t want to make an effort or don’t know how to put your thoughts into a coherent text, then the only thing what can you count on- This:

  1. (for example, Questionnaire or My Opinion)
  2. Writing (for example, or)
  3. Installation (for example, or)
  4. (for example, VkTarget)
  5. Other options like Ru-captcha, etc.

But if you need more and are really ready to put in the effort, then let's meet the guinea pigs:

Major boom in copywriting exchanges started in 2007. That's when knowledgeable people realized that the web industry is developing in full swing. Significance, and there were no unique guarantors in transactions between the customer and the contractor. By taking a portion of their earnings as a commission, these online services opened the way for hundreds of interested start earning money sitting at the computer drinking tea.

Very soon, more “tasty” orders will not bypass you. Perhaps you will interest some employer and he will offer you permanent cooperation. Thus, earn according to 3-4 thousand rubles per month It won't be a problem at all.

It is worth mentioning the fact that you can withdraw earned money only if you have 250 rubles in your account. The transfer takes at least three days (within five working days). For those who do not want to wait, express withdrawal is provided, but for this the system will charge 5% from above.

The official website is designed in blue, eye-friendly colors. It will take about thirty minutes to fully understand it. All the main elements are located on the right. Available from above general information. All in all, etxt copywriting exchange interface can be called very friendly and intuitive:

Pros of ETXT:

  1. Easy registration;
  2. Good attitude of the administration towards the performers;
  3. Ease of receiving first orders;
  4. High probability of finding regular customers;
  5. An abundance of different orders for every taste and color.
  6. Unloaded interface.

Disadvantages of the ETXT copywriting exchange:

  1. Low cost of orders;
  2. Fairly high competition;
  3. Lack of a decent free sales system;

Conclusion: As can be seen from the ratio of pros and cons, a content factory called Etkht quite balanced. It is ideal for beginners who want to try themselves as a copywriter or. Large quantity orders will not leave you without work, and an increasing rating will open the way to well-paid orders.

Advego is the oldest assignment and copywriting exchange

Authors here are offered both work with customers and a store of articles for free sales. You shouldn’t expect high prices for work; they have long been occupied by old-timers. Newcomers will have to compete with cheap orders, for which there is also fierce competition.

Advantages of the open content exchange Advego:

  1. Easy registration;
  2. There is no need to create a portfolio;
  3. Orders can be taken immediately without waiting for the customer to choose;
  4. Existing articles can be sold in the store. If you set low price, then they will definitely buy them;
  5. There are several convenient built-in services (, text analysis);

Cons of Advego:

  1. Very high competition;
  2. Low prices for work;
  3. Terrible attitude from the administration.

Text.Ru can well be called a top or popular exchange, because it has its own contingent. A novice author may face a lack of work, as well as difficulties in withdrawing money, but it is still worth a try.

One of its features is the rating of performers, on which the prices of orders directly depend. There is also the opportunity to buy a PRO account if you want to receive privileges and bonuses.

Of all the content factories described above I liked the Text.Ru interface the most. Unobtrusive tones and ergonomics set the mood for work. All functions are available at your fingertips and finding them does not take much time. It will take no more than 20-30 minutes to understand all the functionality.

Pros of Text.ru:

  1. High popularity;
  2. Easy registration;
  3. A rating system on which order prices depend;
  4. Convenient and pleasant interface;
  5. Enough high prices orders;
  1. You will have to pay to upgrade your account quickly;
  2. High competition;

TextSale is another exchange open to all copywriters

Free sales cannot guarantee even “star” authors a high level of sales, and access to orders is only available upon payment (the cost of the service is $10). Therefore, newcomers, having suffered initial failures and not selling a single article for some time, prefer to go elsewhere.

To start working on this copywriting exchange, it’s a good idea to write a portfolio and constantly add new articles. It is advisable to add 4-5 articles per day, carefully monitoring their quality.

In fact, it is better for beginners to use Textsale, when, for example, there are no specific orders from competing services (Advego, Etxt and others), you can safely write on topics that are in demand here. The likelihood that they will be bought is not very high, but sooner or later they will be sold.

The low minimum withdrawal amount (200 rubles) makes this content exchange an ideal option for auxiliary earnings (bought a couple of articles - withdrew money). Withdrawals are processed within two days. After a copywriter receives the first star (or pays $10 for access), public orders become available to him. The prices there are usually modest, but for filling the rating it is quite suitable.

At first glance at the official website of textsale, it becomes clear that this service does not encourage people to mindlessly contemplate local “beauties.” Strict tones and the absence of various decorations hint that you need to work here. On the right is information about the copywriter’s profile, on the left is various useful information, studying which will slightly increase the chances of selling articles.

Pros of Textsale:

  1. Easy registration;
  2. Quite high prices for 1000 characters;
  3. Withdrawal of amounts from 200 rubles;
  4. Work according to the system “I wrote as much as I wanted”;
  5. The rating system is not tied to the amount of orders (+1 rating for an article sold, +1 for
    positive feedback)

Disadvantages of the open copywriting exchange Textsale:

  1. In the light high competition it is very difficult for beginners to start earning money;
  2. Unobtrusive and somewhat overloaded interface;
  3. Paid services (advertising, access to orders);
  4. Not the best better attitude administration to performers.

Conclusion: If we consider other content exchanges as a constant source of income, and Textsale as a source of additional, then working on it will be completely justified. It will be difficult for beginners here, but if you are lucky, you can make very good money.

Semi-open copywriting exchanges

Main difference from open services is that to get started as a copywriter required to pass a number of test tasks. Usually this is a test of knowledge of the Russian language, the questions of which are taken from the Unified State Examination tasks (you can prepare at http://ege.yandex.ru/russian/).

The second stage is writing a copyright or rewrite, which is assessed by a moderator. Based on this, a decision is made on permission to work.

Turbotext is an interesting text exchange

In case test task If you couldn’t get through, you can stay and complete micro-tasks, the price for which is low, but slightly higher than on other resources.

If the test control is successfully completed, then you can begin searching for orders. There are fewer of them here than on the old open exchanges, but, as local copywriters say, there are quite enough. In any case, it’s worth trying to pass the control and look at the service from the inside.

To withdraw funds, an amount of at least 200 rubles is required. Payments are made strictly on Mondays.

The interface design cannot be called successful. Burgundy tones are somewhat repulsive, but not irritating. The main buttons are ergonomically located at the top of the page. In general, getting to know the structure of this content factory will take no more than ten minutes.

Pros of Turbotext:

  1. Relatively low number of competitors;
  2. Prices are higher than on many other copywriting exchanges;
  3. There are micro-tasks that can be completed to kill time;
  1. Registration is difficult (although this can be considered a plus);
  2. Not a very good design;
  3. Small number of customers;

Conclusion: Recommend Turbotext for beginners it is possible only if their knowledge of the Russian language is really at a high level. Otherwise it will be a waste of time. It’s better to get your hands on other services first and only then try your luck here.

Contentmonster is a good place for copywriters

There is a division into MR and MZ accounts. This means that payment for work can be made in both rubles and dollars. Unfortunately, you cannot transfer money from one account to another. To withdraw funds, you must have 250 rubles in R and 5 $ in Z wallet.

There is plenty of work at this copywriting factory. Often, customers themselves offer you a task (or rather, to their white list, you just need not to oversleep this moment). The countdown for completing the work begins only after you have confirmed your interest.

The site uses its own text editor in which characters are counted. If their quantity is incorrect, then it will not be possible to send the work to the customer. The prices for work here are reasonable and a beginner can always count on orders for 20-25 rubles. But there are no too expensive orders here either.

Periodically, the system evaluates literacy for a piece of text from a recent order. Ratings are given on a 10-point scale and are often inadequate. In addition to the work itself, authors have access to the “Copywriting School”, the purpose of which is to teach beginners the basic terms and subtleties of the profession. At the end of each training block, you must write a text assignment.

The design and ergonomics of this resource can be given the highest score. An excellent combination of colors peacefully coexists with harmoniously integrated functionality. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough to adapt to the exchange.

Pros of Contentmonster:

  1. Nice and convenient interface;
  2. Reasonable prices;
  3. The copywriting school will be interesting for beginners.
  1. Dividing the account into MR and MZ;
  2. Lack of customers;
  3. Lack of highly paid orders;
  4. The administration does not listen to the performers;
  5. Disgusting personal messaging system.

Anyone who at least in some way considers themselves SEO knows about the most popular one in RuNet. It is believed that only it allows you to truly safely place links. But there is one BUT.

Links there are placed in articles provided by the customer, and not every one of them is able to write required text himself or is well familiar with the text platforms described above. Actually, that’s why the “court” exchange was created Miratext to serve these rather narrow interests.

TextBroker and CopyLancer

Many people believe that closed content exchanges allow their authors to earn huge amounts of money. But this is not entirely true. First, let's look at the principle of getting there.

What's on TextBroker that before you get the right to start earning money, you first need to prove that you are really worthy of it. Applicants are required to have a well-written resume, a complete set of works in a portfolio to evaluate the author’s capabilities, and an essay on the topic “Why should we choose you.”

As you can see, there is nothing here for beginners in the field of copywriting (unless you are a former professional journalist). And there is no particular difference in the money paid. Of course, prices per order are higher on average, but most of them go to those who register earlier, and there simply aren’t enough customers for everyone.

According to the inhabitants of these services themselves, they actually pay more there. But, unfortunately, I cannot verify this information.

  1. Lower level of competition;
  2. Higher payment for orders;
  1. The difficulty of getting onto such content exchanges;

Freelancing and copywriting exchanges

As I already said at the beginning of the publication, texts can be ordered (or, conversely, services for writing them can be offered) on more general thematic platforms, which are often called freelance exchanges.

The principle of operation is very similar to them, but since they are not designed to work exclusively with texts, many of the tools you are familiar with may not be there. This somewhat reduces the automation of work, but often on such sites you can find more great deals(both for the customer and the contractor) than on specialized (purely text-based) ones.

Among the freelance exchanges, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Workzilla— suitable for beginners who are just trying their hand at copywriting. Read more at the link provided.
  2. Quark— all work here costs 500 rubles, but you can always negotiate additional conditions. read my review article.
  3. Weblancer- This is probably the most convenient freelance exchange for novice users.
  4. Free-lance.ru (FL.ru)— is almost the largest freelance exchange in RuNet. We have our own rating of freelancers, which is based on customer ratings.
  5. Freelance.ru- one of the oldest exchanges in RuNet.
  6. FreelanceJob.ru- an exchange for professionals, but suddenly you like it.

Afterword and voting

For those who are still collecting information about making money on the Internet, I can say with confidence that content and copywriting exchanges really allow you to make money. Small at first (in the first month I earned about 3,000 rubles), but over time, as your skills and ratings grow (regular customers appear, including those outside the services described above), your earnings can meet all your expectations.

But you should not forget about constant self-improvement. If the quality of your texts declines (too lazy to proofread/check uniqueness/write at all), then trust in you may be irretrievably lost.

Go for it and you will definitely succeed!

Good luck to you! To see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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With the development of the Internet, an urgent need arose for unique content that could be filled with websites. Not every website owner can independently write texts and select pictures, which is why previously it took a long time to find a copywriter. And here the parties had problems - both the contractor and the customer were afraid that they would be “dumped.” Webmasters were reluctant to make advance payments, and performers were unwilling to send texts before receiving the money. Obviously, cooperation was slow and tense.

All the problems described above were solved by article exchanges - special sites that combine the work of copywriters and webmasters. The speed of work increased (employers could order texts from several performers at once) and the relationship between the parties improved (the exchange acted as an intermediary, guaranteeing payment for copywriters). And now there are dozens of different article exchanges, each of which strives to become better than the others. Five leading unique content exchanges were selected for comparison.

eTCT is considered one of the most best exchanges, which is not surprising. The lowest commission (10% of the order) is evenly distributed between the contractor and the customer (5% each). However, such a low commission and great competition among performers led to price dumping and.

Arbitration treats both parties humanely and resolves disputes fairly.

The minimum withdrawal threshold is 250 rubles, withdrawal time is 5 working days (early withdrawal is within 24 hours, but with a deduction of 5% of the withdrawn amount).

To the customer

The webmaster can order copyright, rewriting, SEO copyright or text translation.

You can check the uniqueness of texts using the eTXT.Antiplagiat program ( high quality checks). The article exchange also offers its users free online checking using the same service (no more than 5 times a day).

To the performer

Every 10 rubles earned earns 1 reputation point; delay or refusal to perform will result in a lower rating.

The mastery level can be obtained by passing a test task. The performer's literacy is assessed.

Reviews are generated by customers who have worked with the contractor. As a rule, positive reviews predominate, because even one negative one can negatively affect the author’s career.

You can add any number of works to your portfolio.

2.2 Text exchange TextSale.ru

One of the very first exchanges to appear on the RuNet. It is positioned as a supermarket of articles, and this is true - here it is most convenient to sell and buy articles, rather than write texts to order.

However, the commission here is higher than on eTXT, it is 20% of the order or 10% on each side - the customer and the contractor.

The minimum amount for withdrawal is $1 + 0.8%. This 0.8% goes to pay the commission of WebMoney wallets to which the funds are transferred.

To the customer

The most convenient place to buy articles is here. The choice is huge: more than 200 thousand texts on different topics, of varying prices, low and high quality.

To check the uniqueness of texts, the exchange uses its own program (the quality of the checks is low), but expensive articles (costing from $2/1000 items) are additionally checked by the CopyScale program.

To the performer

It is best to sell texts on this article exchange - despite the great competition, they sell out quite well (thanks to the large number of buyers).

Stars are assigned to those performers who have a lot of positive reviews, high prices (more than $2/1000 points) and a good rate of article sales.

2.3 Content exchange ContentMonster.ru

A detailed analysis of the exchange is available. To register on the exchange, go to.

The youngest of all five exchanges. ContentMonster began working in the spring of 2011.

It should be noted that the system’s commission is low - 15% of the order, charged only to the contractor, i.e. There is no commission for the customer.

The minimum withdrawal is 150 rubles (from a ruble wallet), 5 dollars (from a dollar wallet).

To the customer

One of the most convenient exchanges for customers, all functionality is aimed at ensuring that webmasters receive high-quality texts at a low price.

Articles are checked for uniqueness by a local program (average quality checks).

To the performer

One of the most inconvenient exchanges for a performer, because... ContentMonster supports the customer in almost everything.

This article exchange is semi-open, because You will have to pass two tests to register. In case of unsatisfactory results, access to work will be closed for three months.

The main parameters are literacy assessments, customer assessments, ratings.

Literacy grades are assigned by a proofreader, who selectively checks submitted work.

Customer ratings are provided by webmasters at their own discretion.

2.4 Copywriting and rewriting exchangeAdvego. ru

The most popular exchange Runet - Advego. This unique content system surpasses all other text exchanges in terms of turnover. Having appeared in 2008 as one of the first, Advego managed to intercept most of customers. Despite this, the quality of texts on this article exchange is considered the lowest.

The payout threshold is $5.

Commission – 10% from the customer, 10% from the contractor.

To the customer

Texts for good websites should not be ordered here. The exchange specializes in commenting on forums and blogs, brief descriptions products, writing small posts, etc.

The exchange uses its own program to check the uniqueness of the text - Advego.Plagiatus (average quality checks).

Majority good orders webmasters give money to those performers who are on white lists (selected copywriters), so it’s quite difficult to break into this exchange.

2.5 Exchange of articlesTurboText. ru

A detailed overview of the exchange is available. You can go to the website for registration by .

This copywriting and rewriting exchange is inferior in terms of the number of orders to the unique content systems described above. But still, TurboText strives to create worthy competition for its rivals.

Article exchange commission – 20% from the contractor, 0% from the customer.

The minimum withdrawal threshold is 50 rubles.

To the customer

The exchange provides very convenient functionality for the customer. Here you can order texts for good sites or buy comments for blogs and forums.

To the performer

The exchange is semi-open, you need to pass two tests, only then access to orders will open. But the average prices here are slightly higher than on other exchanges, which is good for performers. Also, due to the fact that there are few performers on the exchange, the competition among them is not as fierce as on eTXT or TextSale.

3. Comparison of the best content exchanges

3.1 Comparison table

Average price per 1000 zn. copyright
Minimum withdrawal threshold
System commission
Referral program (from system income)
Article Store
Registration for artist




Uniqueness check quality

* – income from the attracted customer (there is also a reward for the referral performer, but it is very small).

3.2 TOP best exchanges

Based on all of the above, you can make the TOP of the best exchanges for customers and performers. And it looks like this.

For customers:

  1. eTXT (low fees, fair arbitration, high quality, low prices)
  2. ContentMonster (customer-oriented exchange)
  3. TurboText (customer-oriented exchange)
  4. TextSale (large selection of articles)
  5. Advego (low prices)

For performers:

  1. eTXT (humane arbitration, large number of orders, low commission)
  2. Advego (no rating, large number of orders)
  3. TextSale( good speed sales)
  4. ContentMonster (low competition among artists)
  5. TurboText (low competition among performers)

Article exchanges have simplified life for both customers and performers by taking on a huge amount of work for a small fee. This is what makes them so popular.

The article exchanges described in the article are head and shoulders above all others and are constantly being improved and improved. If you want to make money on the Internet, now you know where you can start doing it. If you are looking for someone to order content for your website from, then copywriting and rewriting exchanges will help you in this case too.