At the beginning of his coming payment terminals looked like a gold mine. They multiplied and filled free niches. The times of easy profits are over, but the business remains and is growing. Those who are not lazy and are willing to spend money at the start to launch 3-4 terminals can count on a refund within six months. Terminal owners face intense competition. It is necessary to monitor trends in the service market and respond to client requests. Technologies for online payments and Internet banking are constantly evolving. New models of equipment and technologies are emerging. The ability to keep up with progress is the key to a profitable business.

Is it possible to make money on payment terminals: how profitable is the business?

Payment terminals have become commonplace. You will notice them everywhere, they are everywhere. Even in sparsely populated corners, in a village store or at a stop where passengers are waiting for the train, you meet indispensable remote payment assistants. Looking at them, you understand that if they stand, it means there is a benefit. The illusion of easy money arises. I bought a terminal, signed an agreement, connected to the system, began providing services and calculating commissions.

Payment terminals can be found at every step

The scheme is correct, but there are relatively nuances and pitfalls. Many disappointed entrepreneurs wander from forum to forum and talk about failure, losses and complain about the complexity of the business. Meanwhile, their successful colleagues keep quiet and buy new equipment to develop a range of services. The example of the latter is inspiring, but when taking the first step, you should assess the risks and decide for yourself how profitable this venture is.

Possible risks

There are many risks, as in any business project:

  1. Terminals are a complex electronic device that contains mechanical components and computer hardware with software. The failure of one element leads to the failure of the entire system.
  2. The operation of the terminal depends on uninterrupted power supply, the reliability of the cellular operator and Internet provider.
  3. Terminals are targets of attacks by vandals, scammers and hackers. Some try to make payments without paying, others try to open bill acceptors, others, out of hooligan motives, break equipment, break screens, and stuff garbage and foreign objects into slots for accepting money and bank cards.
  4. Terminals require maintenance: carrying out cash collection, refilling the cash register tape, sanitary cleaning, scheduled and technological checks of the operation of mechanical components and software reliability.
  5. A busy place where the terminal regularly generated income may, over time, turn out to be sparsely populated.
  6. The owner of the premises with whom the site rental agreement has been concluded may not renew the agreement or may impose additional requirements.
  7. Terminals become obsolete before they reach the end of their lifespan. Every year new models with better characteristics appear.
  8. Unfair competition from entrepreneurs with administrative resources.


There is no business without risk. You need to be prepared for this. Hundreds of terminal owners cope with the difficulties and difficulties that come their way. When you know what risks await, they can be anticipated and managed. The benefits of doing business with payment terminals significantly outweigh the risks because:

  • Modern terminals are reliable. The main costs go towards purchase and installation, after which the terminal brings stable income at minimal costs.
  • The terminal can be rented or purchased through leasing.
  • The population is accustomed to using terminals and prefers to go to them rather than to the bank’s cash desk.
  • If necessary, the terminal can be moved to another convenient location or sold. There is a steady demand for used terminals.
  • Managing a network of 4–5 terminals is not difficult for an inexperienced entrepreneur taking his first steps in business.

Having returned the initial investment, which will happen in about six months, the entrepreneur will gain invaluable experience and will be able to determine to what extent he can expand his business or decide to diversify. For example, it will begin to develop related service markets in vending machines, coffee machines etc.

Where to start: required documents

It is not difficult for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur to take the first step. Installation of terminals does not require licensing. An individual will have to spend part of his time registering a business. If you plan to install no more than 5 terminals, then an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable for this purpose, especially since such enterprises have various forms of taxation: 6% on imputed income (“imputed”), 15% on profit (“simplified”), purchase of a patent for a year.

Attention! Do you want to know how to minimize risks when starting a business? We'll tell you the main points -

Any of the three options allows you to optimize taxes to a level below 13%, which is charged on income individuals. So, the following stages lie ahead:

  1. Registration of an individual entrepreneur (apply with a passport and an application to the tax service and pay 800 rubles in state fees).
  2. Renting a place.
  3. Purchase and adjustment of equipment.
  4. Concluding agreements with payment systems, mobile operators and Internet providers.
  5. Drawing up partnership agreements with organizations in whose favor payments will be accepted.
  6. Conclusion of a collection agreement.
  7. Organization maintenance terminals.
  8. Organizing customer feedback to resolve controversial issues.

The last two points are very important. There are many payment terminals; reputation in the service market is the key to stable operation. Customers will not return to the terminal where the payment failed. Or they will simply pass by if the terminal looks unkempt in appearance.

Equipment selection

The demand for terminals stimulated manufacturers. My eyes widen at the proposals. Common sense dictates choosing the latest equipment. But it will cost more, and it is difficult to find reviews for it, because it has only been used recently. There are no ideal models, just as there are no absolutely bad ones among those that have served their intended purpose for many years. The minimum set of components in a payment terminal is as follows:

  • banknote acceptance device;
  • screen with touch control and anti-vandal coating;
  • cash register printer with function fiscal registrar, printing and issuing payment receipts;
  • modems providing cellular communication and Internet connection;
  • alarm and emergency signaling;
  • slot with a bank card reader;
  • barcode scanner.

More advanced terminals provide display of advertising or television images, information and legal assistance in the form of text and voice guidance, communication with an operator and other useful customer service functions. But the more complex the device, the more demanding it is in terms of care and maintenance.

Before purchasing, be sure to check the terminal

On thematic forums and classifieds sites there are many offers for the purchase of used equipment. Almost new terminals that have been in service for several months are sold several times cheaper compared to prices in catalogs from manufacturers and distributors. There is no single rule on this matter. The purchase may turn out to be successful or, conversely, a waste of money. A beginner should be careful and not spend money without consulting with experts.

How to choose a location for the terminal

The terminal is designed to serve customers; its profitability depends on how many times and for what amount payments are made. The more often it is used, the more money he will bring it to the owner. In Moscow, there are an average of 1,000 people per terminal; figures vary in regions. There is cunning and deceit in the average numbers, but you can focus on them. If, for example, at the place of residence of an entrepreneur there are 4,000 residents per terminal, this is a clear sign that the market for payment services has not been developed and there are empty niches.

Even if it seems that all the convenient places are occupied by other entrepreneurs, you can always find an unoccupied area. You should go around and look at the flow of people in crowded places:

  • shopping and business centers;
  • train stations, airports, bus and railway stations;
  • educational institutions, leisure facilities for the population;
  • medical institutions;
  • underground passages and public transport stops;
  • places of traditional holding of public events.

What are the benefits of terminals? With your mobility. They can be transported and installed at another point if the need arises. By being flexible, an entrepreneur can move terminals to areas where the number of potential customers is expected to increase.

Cooperation with the payment system

Choosing a payment system is akin to choosing a business partner. So that a beginner does not feel insecure, as if at a crossroads, he should study the payment system market even at the stage of purchasing a terminal. There are several dozen of them, they actively compete with each other, each is good in its own way and not without its shortcomings. The terminal owner can:

  • enter into a direct agreement with one or more payment systems;
  • connect to payment systems through the head agent;
  • make payments through aggregator companies that work with several payment systems;
  • use Internet banking services.

Direct payments are the most profitable, from them the terminal will receive the maximum reward, but the entrepreneur’s opportunities for carrying out such operations are limited. The more terminals it has and the wider the coverage of organizations for whose benefit payments are accepted, the more intermediaries will appear. You need to prepare for this inevitability in advance by studying offers on the payment systems market. Experts advise paying attention to the following criteria:

  • reputation, fame and reliability;
  • stability of the payment processing server;
  • quality of the software, its compatibility with the payment terminal;
  • the amount of remuneration from the payment system to the agent;
  • compatibility with the interface of local service providers;
  • the ability to display advertising on payment terminals;
  • the ability of the terminal itself to flexibly customize the interface to suit the requests of the payment system;
  • the system's interest in new agents, benefits and promotions.

Among the payment systems that have been operating on the market for many years and have won the trust of customers, we can highlight the following: CyberPlat, QIWI Wallet (Qiwi Wallet), JV Quickpay, DeltaPay, Comepay, SkySend. The list is far from complete; there are many more of them. Each system has its own corporate website, where you can familiarize yourself with the operating features and receive necessary information, technical support and conclude an agency agreement.

Terminal Maintenance

Terminals should not be left unattended even in the most crowded places. Once a day you should check its condition and performance. The place where the terminal is installed should attract customers. This means that this area should be clean. It is necessary to install bins with garbage bags, which are changed regularly. The touch screen is free of dirt and grease marks. There are sanitary standards and basic customer disgust. Very often, payment terminals are located in groups of several and belong to different owners. You can't miss out on customers just because the terminal next door looks clean and tidy.

Each terminal comes with documentation, which will necessarily include operating instructions. Maintenance cannot be left to chance; a breakdown or failure is not only a loss of time, lost profits and additional costs for calling service workers, but also a drop in reputation. We also need to understand the psychology of people who use terminals. They develop something similar to a conditioned reflex. Having become accustomed to making payments at one terminal, these people automatically return to it. Such customers should not be lost due to the fact that the terms and procedures for maintenance were not met.

Internal structure of terminals

The service is inferior to specialists, but ongoing care is within the power of the owner himself or the person appointed. The list of responsibilities should include:

  • daily inspection and inspection, cleaning of contaminants, cleaning of the area directly adjacent to the terminal;
  • checking the tape cash register, replacement if necessary;
  • removing debris and foreign objects from the bill acceptor and from the bank card slot;
  • report to the owner about the inspection and identified deficiencies.

Communication and Internet connection problems are solved through technical support operator and provider. It is not difficult to collect small amounts yourself if security issues are resolved. But, as a rule, collection is carried out by specialized companies with which an agreement is concluded.

If during the inspection an attempt to tamper with the terminal, vandal damage, or malfunctions are revealed, the terminal should be turned off and a warning sign should be placed for customers. Then they report to the police and insurance company about the incident and then act according to their instructions.

Video: how the terminal works and what to do in case of breakdown

Cost calculation

The initial investment depends on many factors, but the market is established, which makes it easier to calculate investments. The biggest consumable part– this is the purchase of a terminal. Let's leave second-hand ones aside and take into account only new models. In manufacturers' catalogs, prices range from 125,000 to 305,000 rubles. for calculation we will take 215,000 rubles. 1 sq.m. is rented for one terminal. area. For other positions we will take the average values.

Table: initial investment

In total, installing a network of 4 terminals will require 900,000 rubles. Why 4? Because, according to reviews from entrepreneurs who have been in this business for a long time, installing 1–3 terminals does not provide a profit sufficient to maintain and develop the business.

900,000 rub. The amount is not small, but comparable to what banks give for a consumer loan. In this case, the loan is not consumer, but for a business that is considered profitable by default. You can get a loan from an interested bank at a favorable, preferential interest rate, and supplement your monthly expenses table with loan payments. By the way, payments can be made through your terminal.

Scale current expenses small, only a few positions, mostly repeating the original ones.

Table: monthly expenses

Total 33,000 rub. when hiring an employee who will monitor the operation of the terminals. Without it, 23,000 rubles, if the owner can handle it himself. Will the income cover the initial investment and current expenses? Answer: yes! The main components of the revenue part (averaged monthly indicators for 1 terminal) are presented in the table below.

Table: profit forecast

An entrepreneur can count on (107,000 – 33,000) = 74,000 rubles per month. This means that in about 9–10 months it will fully compensate for the initial investment. During this time, 190,000 current expenses will accrue, which will be covered in 3-4 months and the business will reach monthly net income. It is not recommended to spend all profits on personal needs and consumption. Part of it must certainly go towards expanding and developing the business.

The approximate payback period for a business under ideal conditions is 3–4 months.

Possible difficulties and solutions

An entrepreneur who conducts business legally with open reporting and complies with the laws is under the protection of the state. Therefore, all contracts are concluded in writing, signed and strictly implemented. This practice allows you to defend your interests in court if partners or control bodies unlawful actions caused damage to the enterprise.

In the relationship between the terminal owner and clients, the most problematic situation is when the terminal accepted money, but the payment was made for a smaller amount or did not go through at all. For successful business sometimes you should give in and interpret all doubts in favor of the client, satisfy his demands and conduct an internal investigation. If there is a failure due to the fault of the equipment manufacturer, network provider or payment system, deal with them, including hearings in arbitration or in a civil court. If it turns out that the client’s actions contain signs of fraud, transfer the materials to law enforcement agencies. The statute of limitations for such cases is 3 years.

Currently, in the field of automation of payment transactions, solutions for accepting cash payments from individuals using self-service terminals are becoming increasingly popular. Terminals for accepting instant payments are a modern, convenient, well-proven way to pay for a wide range of services.

What is needed to implement payment acceptance through self-service terminals:

  • The location where the terminal will be located.
  • Equipment (terminal).
  • Advance funds - amount for current account in the bank, directly from which money will be debited when making payments through the kiosk.
  • Technical support - replacement consumables, terminal collection, technical support telephone.

Costs that must be taken into account when calculating the payback of a payment terminal.

One-time expenses:

  • Price of the terminal taking into account software installation and connection to the payment system.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent for placing a payment terminal, payment for communications, deductions to the bank and expenses for collection and technical. service.

What does income consist of:

  • From the operator remuneration paid by the service provider (1-3% of turnover) and the commission for using the terminal, the amount of which is set by the owner himself.

When purchasing a terminal, you should remember the need for daily maintenance of the equipment to ensure high profitability and quality of services. If the equipment operates unstable when modern level competition in the payment terminal market may lead to a sharp decline in profitability.

JSC "STAMP" has formed a highly efficient mechanism for operating equipment, has a developed material and technical base and personnel to ensure the maintenance structure and management financial statements. When concluding an agreement for the maintenance of terminals with JSC STAMP, you not only eliminate labor costs for servicing the terminals, but also significantly increase the real profit from the operation of the terminals. Our services >>...

You get practically ready business. To do this, we provide you with all the necessary information, software, sample documents, advertising technology, we will train your staff. The convenience, speed and fault tolerance of the solutions we offer allow you to open a payment acceptance point in any conditions, and a reasonable commission makes it possible to recoup the start-up costs of organizing payment acceptance in 4-6 months. If you need non-standard solution, then the wide capabilities of our software and equipment are completely at your service, and we are always ready to take part in solving any difficulties that arise.

Visual diagram:

The principle of operation of the payment terminal:

  1. After purchasing a payment terminal from JSC STAMP, you enter into an agreement with one of the payment systems (or are already working with a PS).
  2. In any communication store you buy a SIM card, connect the GPRS service to it and place the card in the modem.
  3. The payment system opens a separate personal account for your organization, into which you must make an advance payment in any way convenient for you. Within this amount you will accept payments from the public.
  4. You get personal access (login, password) to information system payment system, where you can independently monitor the status of your personal account, the operation and condition of the payment terminal, and view information about each payment made.
  5. Now your payment terminal is completely ready for use. You can install the terminal on your own space or rent 1 sq.m. to install it. The installation site must be provided electrical outlet 220V with grounding.
  6. After installing the payment terminal, you launch and configure the necessary software on it, and also set your commission percentage for each payment made, usually from 3 to 7%. Moreover, you can set a different commission separately for each terminal or a specific operator.
  7. You monitor the terminal “on-line” via the Internet from anywhere in the world: checking the connection, the number of bills, the end receipt tape, unauthorized access, etc. Based on this data, you plan the time of collection and replacement of the check tape, and track the profit received from the payment terminal.
  8. The amount is automatically withdrawn from your personal account and transferred to the payee.
  9. You receive a commission on every payment.
  10. Based on the results of the month, you receive an additional reward from the organizer of the payment system.
  11. You regularly check the remaining amount in your personal account and replenish the deposit as necessary.
  12. It is also necessary, from time to time, to check your SIM card account, maintaining a positive balance on it.


  • Low payback period (from 3 months depending on the traffic level of the installation site);
  • Terminals are not subject to taxation (unlike, for example, gaming equipment);
  • You can choose any taxation scheme (general or simplified);
  • The system is fully automated: no staff is needed, you do not pay a salary.

Operation of the payment system and terminal.

The client makes a payment. The terminal automatically establishes an Internet connection with the payment system server and sends an electronic message with payment information. A message about the current state of the terminal (number of bills, remaining amount of receipt tape) is sent to the personal monitoring table. A request is sent from the payment system server to the settlement bank server to check the availability of the necessary funds in the terminal owner’s sub-account. The bank sends a response message. If the bank's response is positive, the payment request is sent to the operator. The operator checks the availability of this telephone number and sends confirmation or refusal to make the payment to the payment system server. If the number is entered correctly, the operator transfers the payment to the subscriber’s account. Information about the payment results is sent to the monitoring table. The cash remains in your payment terminal and you carry out collection.

Ready mutual settlements between the terminal owner, the payment system and operators occur through a clearing bank using non-cash payments. The payment system server sends a command (electronic payment document) to the settlement bank server to debit the payment amount from the terminal owner’s account minus the commission set on the payment terminal. Funds from the payment system account are sent to the account of the cellular operator.

Reliability of the terminal design. Reliability and peace of mind for your business.

Payment terminals of the company ZAO "STAMP" meet international standards and requirements modern market. They are created taking into account Russian conditions, have increased resistance to vandalism and burglary resistance:

  • Safe-type cases made of steel with a thickness of 2 - 3 mm are protected from unauthorized access;
  • The three-way locking system provides reliable protection of the terminals from opening; it is equipped with a high-security mechanical lever lock with drill protection;
  • The LCD monitor is protected: for indoor payment terminals - by a touch screen made of shockproof glass 6 mm thick. For outdoor terminals - by a special outdoor projective-capacitive touch screen with protective vandal-proof glass of 8 mm;
  • The bill acceptor with a cassette for banknotes is located in a separate metal cash box of a safe type and is protected by a mechanical lock;
  • The special base of the case makes the structure heavier and makes it as stable as possible; any of our terminals can be fixed to the base with anchor bolts (from 4 to 8 pcs.);
  • GPRS/GSM Modem with antenna supports Internet connection at the time of payment and allows you to organize the exchange of information between the machine and a remote computer using GPRS or GSM wireless communication technology;
  • Watchdog timer – monitors and maintains the uninterrupted operation of the software, cellular modem and computer (automatically restarts the computer and modem when it freezes, allows you to remotely control the terminal for accepting payments).
  • An uninterruptible power supply protects the terminal from voltage surges and power outages: the operating voltage level in the network is maintained for 10-15 minutes, making it possible to complete any transaction;
  • The ventilation system protects the internal components of the case from overheating and dust accumulation;
  • The heating system in outdoor terminals protects against freezing and maintains the functionality of the payment terminal even in severe frost.

Payment terminal maintenance.

Servicing the terminal consists of collection, regular replacement of the receipt tape and cartridge in the printer, cleaning of the bill acceptor, repair and replacement of internal components when they fail. Cleaning the bill acceptor is a simple procedure that does not require experience with electronic equipment. You will perform collections once every 2-4 days, and replace the receipt tape once every 5-15 days, depending on the traffic level of the payment terminal installation site. You can purchase receipt tape from us or from any supplier of consumables for thermal printers. It is necessary to carry out collection and replacement of consumables in a timely manner, because Filling the bill acceptor cassette will result in refusal to accept banknotes, and the absence of a receipt tape in the thermal printer will result in the impossibility of issuing a receipt. In addition, to ensure uninterrupted operation of the terminal, you should regularly monitor the status of your sub-account and replenish the deposit, since if the balance is exhausted, conducting transactions through your terminal will become impossible and accepting payments will be temporarily suspended.

Selecting a payment system.

Half the success of a business with payment terminals is choosing the right one payment system. The choice of suppliers and range of services that can be paid for, geographic coverage, amount of commission, stability of the system and service, as well as quality depend only on which payment system is connected. services. The most convenient solution is a payment terminal with already installed software.

Business on payment terminals - profitable option passive income. Successful business management is possible without large investments and time expenditure. It is enough to purchase a terminal, install it and take care of maintenance. Competition in the field is high, but the prospects are no less attractive. Payment machines are popular among people and bring good profits to the owner.

The business of payment terminals is no longer new. Cars are accepted cash without human intervention. The entrepreneur’s income is a commission from the amount deposited into the terminal plus bonuses from the companies to whose account the payment was made. The recipient returns 1-3% of the amount received into the account. At least 98% of payments come from mobile operators. The second place in popularity is occupied by payment of fines and utility bills.

The advantages of commerce using equipment are as follows:

  • requires a reasonable initial investment;
  • mobility;
  • ease of device maintenance;
  • there is no need to find personnel, payment terminals can be serviced by the owner;
  • stable income regardless of the time of year.

Types of equipment, cost

Payment terminals, or payment kiosks, have simplified human life in the sphere of commodity-money relations. Thanks to them, payment for services is easy and quick.

The equipment market is saturated with varieties of terminals. They offer outdoor and indoor options. By design they are distinguished:

  • Touchscreen: Features a 17-inch monitor with payment method prompts and step-by-step instructions.
  • With a push-button keyboard, kiosks are similar in appearance to ATMs and are installed in places where bank payments are accepted.

Payment terminals differ even in the installation method:

  • Mounted ones do not take up much space. Attached to the wall.
  • Floor-standing. Installed in shopping centers and communication stores.
  • Built-in. Placed in a special niche.

Kiosks with additional functions. Some have a second screen for continuous advertising broadcast, for which the owner receives additional income. They come with a built-in copier and photo printing. All devices are resistant to vandalism and can withstand temperature changes from -40 to +40 degrees.

When making a choice, you should give preference to devices that are characterized by:

  • availability of all components;
  • the presence of anti-vandal coating on the sensor and housing;
  • Availability of software that is easy to understand for the user;
  • availability of a long warranty period.

Where to install?

Every day in major retail outlets, in small stores, we come across payment terminals. When organizing a business, you need to think about where to install the device.

Taken into account:

  1. The number of people passing through the terminal per unit of time.
  2. Their interest is in paying for services through the terminal.
  3. Client's solvency.

Good income is generated by the machines installed in shops, universities, and train stations. Devices installed on the streets, in places where people move to work, study, school, kindergartens, and in underground passages are cost-effective.

Maintenance of payment terminals

High-quality equipment operation guarantees a continuous flow of customers. During operation, equipment requires preventive maintenance or troubleshooting. This work should only be entrusted to professionals.

The owner of the terminal will have to face situations that can be corrected by calling a specialist:

  • fault diagnosis;
  • repair and maintenance;
  • condition monitoring;
  • troubleshooting software, reinstallation;
  • damage assessment in case of an insured event;
  • cleaning belts, replacing rollers and elements;
  • fixing errors, installing software updates;
  • changing blocks (printer, card reader, monitor);
  • removing paper, jammed bills, plastic cards;
  • identifying malware;

The cost of maintenance depends on the range of work performed (300 - 5000 rubles).

Where to start: action plan, cost calculation

The installation of payment terminals at the beginning of business may be limited to 1-5 devices. Using used devices will cost 2 times less. If there is a shortage of funds, you can get out of the situation by purchasing equipment on lease for 1-2 years. Banks provide this loan product on the basis of a down payment of at least 30%.

The minimum amount in a deposit account for the uninterrupted operation of one kiosk varies from 40-150 thousand rubles. If the amount is exhausted, the client will not make the payment until the terminal owner replenishes the deposit.

The cost of the rental agreement depends on the location of the terminal. IN big cities Renting one crowded place costs at least 8,000 rubles. However, it is possible to find an area with high traffic and rental fees of no more than 2,000 rubles.

When choosing a payment system to service the terminal, you should choose one of the following: E-PORT, DELTA, OSMP and CYBERPLAT.

Payback calculation - payment terminal business plan

An entrepreneur’s income depends on the location of the payment kiosk and can range from 1,000 to 4,000 rubles per day. It includes two items:

  • Interest on client payment, which is set at the discretion of the terminal owner. As a rule, the rate is 7-10%.
  • Interest provided by the payment system. The bonus does not exceed 1-2% of the payment amount.

Let’s assume that the average daily revenue is 4,000 rubles per day. Based on this amount, we will draw up a business plan for a payment terminal.

One-time costs:

  • Purchase of the device - 60,000 rubles.
  • Fiscal registrar - 20,000 rubles.
  • Registration of individual entrepreneur - 4000 rub.
  • Transportation costs - 2000 rubles.

And that: 96,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • Rent of space for a terminal - 1,500 rubles.
  • Communication expenses - 150 rubles.
  • Purchase of a receipt tape - 100 rubles.

And that: 1750 rubles

Profit is dirty:

4000 (average daily revenue) * 30 (number of calendar days) * 10% (owner percentage) = 12,000

Net profit:

12,000 - 1,750 = 10,250 rubles per month.

Payback period:

86000 / 10250 = 8 months 2 weeks.

Thus, the payback period for the device will last 8 months.

Which tax system should you choose?

The correct choice of taxation system profitable business. It is possible to make the right decision by calculating the options and then analyzing the results. If you are not satisfied with the tax regime, you can change it at the beginning of the next tax period. Step-by-step algorithm choice:

  1. A system is installed that is suitable specifically for business at payment terminals: OSNO, simplified tax system, UTII or PSN. Companies producing any products cannot work on the PSN (patent system) or UTII (unified tax on imputed income). BASIC ( general system) suitable for all entrepreneurs. STS (simplified system) includes the most wide list types of activities.
  2. Become familiar with the restrictions on organizational and legal standards. Patent system is provided only for individual entrepreneurs. Its use by LLCs is not permitted by the tax code.
  3. Study the permissible number of employees. The patent system allows no more than 15 people to be employed. The simplified tax system and UTII provide for a team size of up to 100 employees.
  4. Compare income limits. The simplified tax system can be used in companies whose annual income does not exceed 150 million rubles.
  5. Analyze the possibility of confirming expenses. This is necessary for the simplified tax system (income minus expenses).

Small individual entrepreneurs usually choose a simplified system. It has two types: payment of 6% of revenue or 15% “income - expenses”.

It's hard to imagine life modern people without terminals. Today, for many, this is a reliable and convenient device that helps them quickly pay necessary bills, transfer money, and top up their phone balance. There are no queues, and the operating algorithm is quite simple. In this regard, business on payment terminals is a fairly profitable type of private income.

To receive stable monetary benefits, you only need to purchase a terminal and place it in a public place. For each payment made, a commission is charged, which constitutes your revenue. Next, we will find out how to still make money on payment terminals and what equipment will be needed to open this type of business.

Step-by-step plan for making money on payment terminals

As a rule, to make money on payments, you should perform several standard manipulations:

  1. Buy necessary equipment. We'll look at which one a little later.
  2. Register as legal entity(IP, JSC).
  3. Choose a suitable place (a very important point, since the amount of your earnings directly depends on the choice of place). This could be a supermarket or shopping center, universities and colleges, entertainment centers, cinemas, train stations, etc. In general, you should choose a location where the terminal is easy to see and use. The payment terminal will not take up more than 1 square meter of space. meter, but still this site must be rented from the person who owns it.
  4. Choose a payment system and agree on further cooperation. Sign the agreement and open an account. It is worth remembering that the payment system you choose is an intermediary between you and the companies to which funds will be sent. The range of services offered by your terminal depends entirely on the number of partners with whom the payment system works. You don’t have to do the work yourself, such as concluding multiple contracts with operators.

What equipment should I choose and how much does maintenance cost?

Before you can earn money, you will have to pay rent for the site for your device. The average cost of monthly rent ranges from 10-15 thousand rubles. depending on where it is installed. It is important to roughly calculate your monthly income so that it covers the cost of rent.

The most big investment is, in fact, the purchase of the payment terminal itself. It will cost $3000 (±$200). The price directly depends on the parameters of the device. For example, street terminals will cost more because they are equipped with anti-vandal coating.

Insurance will cost RUB 4,500 monthly. with the cost of the device itself being 120 thousand rubles. and its filling is 50-60 thousand rubles. Further, we must not forget about monthly payment Internet and replenishing your account (the amount of payment depends on the number of payment points for one individual entrepreneur) otherwise you won’t be able to earn money. You will need support from your client audience.

The installation itself also requires maintenance, so be prepared for expenses such as: cleaning the bill acceptor, updating the receipt tape, etc. renovation work. The most important operation in terminal maintenance is collection once every 3-4 days. Such service costs 4000-5000 rubles per month.

How to expand your terminal business?

Here are a few basic techniques that will allow you to expand your business and make money by increasing financial flows. Main methods:

  • Increasing the number of payment acceptance points or renting several terminals in high-traffic areas;
  • Expanding the circle of cooperation with companies in whose favor the payment is made;
  • Tracking the traffic of a place with your terminal. The most common reason for failure in this type of business is poor choice of location. Therefore, if there are fewer and fewer people, it is better to move your payment terminals or rent them out to others.
  • Improving the quality of service, which does not directly relate to business expansion, but is an important component in the strategy for the development and prosperity of any business.

Open private business on payment terminals is not so difficult: it will only take you about 2 months to open it. High income indicators will ensure quick payback. You can, of course, avoid all of the above costs and rent the device. But in this case, the amount of income will depend on the owner’s desires to change the location of the terminal or the payment system. If you decide to take everything into your own hands, then you can make money very quickly and recoup your investment. We wish you good luck in your business!

How much can you earn

The main income of an entrepreneur is the commission for carrying out payment transactions, it amounts to 3% -5% of the payments made. Quite often, payment systems also assign additional bonuses. The profitability of one terminal is 30,000-60,000 rubles. per month. At successful work terminal, its payback occurs in 6 months.

How much money do you need to start a business?

Costs include:

  • rent of space for a terminal, its cost depends on the location of the terminal and the region;
  • purchase of the terminal itself and equipment, its cost is from 100,000 rubles. up to 250,000 rubles;
  • payment to the payment system for services provided;
  • payment of commission to the bank for withdrawing money;
  • payment for electricity;
  • for GPS connection;
  • payment of taxes.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering?

OKVED 66.19 – other auxiliary activities in the field of financial services, except for insurance and pensions.

What documents are needed

First you need to register as individual entrepreneur(IP). Documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence. The list of documents includes: passport, identification code and entrepreneur’s statement. After receiving the certificate, you must register with Pension Fund and the Social and Health Insurance Fund.

Which tax system to choose for registration

Do I need permission to open?

This type of activity does not require licenses or special permits.

Technology of payment terminals

Using a payment terminal you can quickly pay utility bills, transfer money or top up your phone. To receive permanent income you need to purchase a terminal and place it in public places. A commission is charged from each payment, which is the income of the entrepreneur.

Choosing a favorable location will provide a stable income to your business. After this, you must conclude a lease agreement. Then you need to choose a payment system and conclude an agreement. By choosing a payment system, you receive huge amount new partners with whom this system works.

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Nowadays, it’s unlikely that anyone will call this business part of the innovations that are constantly being told to beginning ambitious businessmen, and to those who still see themselves in this light in the future. Already not in major cities they have become commonplace for quite some time. Nevertheless, it is interesting to read the reviews online that owners of payment terminals are now writing about this business. You can find it on forums dedicated to various types business, in communities in VK.

Reviews from terminal owners

The review is written by a resident of the city of Novosibirsk.

Review of important points writes a native of Yekaterinburg

It is of great importance which payment system you cooperate with, because the list of service providers will depend on this. large systems that have been operating for a long time, they have the largest set, and the speed of payment processing is high. There is telephone support, which is indicated on the receipt. In case of delays or any other problems, a person can call and resolve issues. It often happens that the tape runs out and the check simply does not come out. After this ending to the problem, you can be sure that a person will never put money into such a machine again.

A resident of the Moscow region talks about the costs and income of a payment terminal

It should be noted that there is little optimism in the reviews. We continue with the opinion of a resident of the city of Rostov-on-Don, a user from the group in social network VKontakte.

You need to understand that this business can theoretically pay for itself in six months, if you have access to a terminal site with sufficient traffic. Here it will be important not only the quantity, but also what kind of contingent it is. Who has such a place? So, you can be sure that you won’t get it for enough money to pay for the terminal in at least a year. This means that either the budget initially needs to be revised along with the profitability plan, or there is some kind of administrative resource.

Having read most of the reviews from terminal owners, we can conclude that the business is still relevant, but has no longer such an attractive time frame in terms of its payback.

Write your reviews.

Other people's opinions

It is difficult to run such a business alone. In order to have good turnover and profit, you need to install not just one such terminal, but many at once. Moreover, we must take into account that they are sometimes subject to repair. which means you need to hire repairmen. All the nuances that are described in this topic suggest that this business would be better handled by a company that would work as legal organization, not how self employed, and have enough funds to get started to make all the necessary investments.

In any case, most of my friends increasingly prefer to use payment terminals rather than stand in long lines to pay for a loan or utility bills. It's convenient and fast. Now almost every store has one. The only thing is that pensioners will not be able to become regular customers due to their age.

Ekaterina V

Ekaterina V, But there is no problem in this. They are simply afraid of them, like all people are afraid of what they do not understand. You just need to show how it works one or several times and they all understand perfectly well. My grandfather at 80 sat down to master the computer and he succeeded.

Quite a solid business idea, but there is still a lot of competition. Accordingly and very great demand. I think it’s quite possible to find places where there are no these terminals to install your own and make good money from them.

To install such a terminal, you need to have very good friends or invest a lot of money. I was thinking about such a business. But I still couldn’t find a place to put it. And it is best to install such terminals at airports, train stations, shopping centers, in the markets. It is also possible to accommodate in residential areas, but there will not be much income.

  1. Practice shows that the optimal number of payment terminals that will bring the greatest benefit is 4-5. This is due to the fact that such a number of machines can be serviced by one technician so that there is no downtime for several machines at once in the event of a malfunction of one.
  2. The machines should be placed as closely as possible in relation to each other, but there is no need to sacrifice “ passable place", if it is possible to put a machine gun there, but it will be somewhat distant from the rest.
  3. The costs of purchasing and installation if there are 4-5 machines are recovered within the first six months. It is impossible to predict the net profit, and very often it simply depends on the city where the machine is installed. For example, in Klin it is 50-60 thousand per month, in Mytishchi - up to 80 thousand, and in Zaraysk - 35-40 thousand per month.

Currently, this business is no longer so relevant. Firstly, there is too much competition, now even in small towns There are such terminals on every corner. Secondly, great popularity Internet banks receive all the functionality of the terminal, and everything is done without leaving home. Therefore, I would not recommend doing it.

Dimcha.k, nothing like that, if a fairly large group of middle-aged and older people have barely mastered the use of terminals, then one cannot expect the same successes in Internet banking! He is unfamiliar to the vast majority of those “who are for...”. This idea was confirmed by a friend who owns three payment terminals: according to him, the number of transactions performed remained approximately the same as 2-3 years ago, only the average payment amounts decreased slightly, by about 10-20 rubles.

There was already a similar topic here somewhere and I wrote there that this business will no longer be profitable. There are several reasons. The first is that in every city there are a bunch of such terminals installed on every corner, therefore the competition is quite high. The second reason is that now you can pay for any service at home via the Internet (via an Internet bank or payment system), and this is much more convenient and faster than through a terminal.

It is a very expensive business, and it seems to me that it is now difficult to fit in so as to quickly recoup it.