Summer cafes, with the onset of the first warm days, traditionally become a favorite vacation spot for city residents. It’s so nice to spend time with friends in a cozy and beautiful establishment on fresh air, where you can relax after everyday worries and stuffy walls of work offices and have dinner while admiring the city landscape...

The popularity of such recreation is growing every year, and the number of establishments is increasing. Thus, in Moscow alone, the number of summer cafes increased by about 40% in 2014 and approximately reached 2536. And other Russian cities are not lagging behind the capital in this regard, and are actively developing outdoor catering. During the warm season, adding a summer veranda allows its owners to not only stay afloat, but also significantly increase the flow of customers.

The season of summer cafes and verandas (depending on the weather conditions of the region of accommodation) begins on April 1 and ends on November 1. On average, the peak of visiting such establishments is the month of July (but this also directly depends on climatic conditions, for example, in the southern regions large number visitors are observed already in the month of May). But even with the onset of cold weather, the owners are in no hurry to close the season and “use the weather to the last”, because there are many romantics who like to drink a hot cup of coffee or a glass of mulled wine while admiring the autumn city.

Naturally, as income from summer cafes increases, their number increases, and the requirements for them become stricter. City governments across the country impose various requirements on owners regarding the location, use of building and finishing materials etc. For example, in the Decree of the Moscow Government No. 196-PP dated April 18, 2014 “On measures to improve the procedure for placing seasonal cafes at stationary enterprises catering and introducing amendments to the resolution of the Moscow Government of February 16, 2012. No. 57-PP”, detailed requirements for summer establishments are prescribed, down to the recommended color scheme, permitted for the use of furniture and the height of decorative fences.

But even if all the above requirements for the interior and cuisine are met, we must not forget about the atmosphere of the establishment, which attracts visitors to it and increases the income of the owner of the establishment. The right light and pleasant musical accompaniment are its important components.

Sound equipment for a summer cafe/veranda.

The requirements for musical equipment for summer establishments are no different from the requirements for ordinary entertainment establishments - the equipment must be of high quality, reliable, mobile, and must have a cooling system (to protect against overheating). When selecting and operating audio equipment, it is necessary to take into account the current “Sanitary standards for the permissible sound volume of sound reproducing and sound amplifying devices in enclosed spaces and in open areas” and not exceed the permissible loudness standards for musical equipment (for summer cafes, the maximum permissible standard should not exceed LA 90 dBA in 2 -x meters from the sound source).

The many years of experience of SHOWLIGHT specialists proves that the selection of equipment for each project should, first of all, have an individual approach, but general principles still exist. As a rule, the most popular projects are the sound of a summer cafe, where it is necessary to select and install musical equipment for two conditionally separated zones of the room - the cafe zone and the dance floor zone next to it. These two zones - the background sound system and the dance floor sound reinforcement system - must have independent sound control.

The background sound system usually includes:

Player . The main requirement for which is “omnivorousness”, i.e. ability to work with different formats: CD, MP 3, USB port, etc.

Mixing console. It is better to give preference to functional digital options that provide high-quality sound and are quite “flexible” in operation in any conditions, and their choice is quite wide, from the budget 16-channel Behringer P16-M to the 32-channel super-light Behringer X32;

COMBINED MIXER-AMPLIFIERS are professional compact and lightweight devices with the functionality of: a power amplifier (with built-in effects processor and equalizer), a mixing console and a CD/MP3 player, with an FM tuner and a USB port. They are equipped with all kinds of connectors that allow you to connect to them various types acoustic systems and microphones. And the quality of sound reproduction of the combined systems is beyond praise, and given their mobility and unpretentiousness, they are an ideal option for summer establishments! Proven examples of multifunctional combined mixer-amplifiers include the DSPPA MP-9006 (a popular, inexpensive model) and the DSPPA MP-8035V (with advanced functionality).

Speaker systems should be compact, neat, with clear sound. The ideal solution is two-way speakers. A reliable and modern representative of this class is the RCF HD 10-A active speaker system, with a D-class amplifier, small dimensions and a weight of 13.9 kg. To create a uniform sound field in a room S=100 sq.m, approximately 6 to 8 speakers will be required. An excellent choice for small spaces would be the Behringer EPA300 portable sound reinforcement system (very compact and lightweight, powerful, with a built-in mixer). The choice in the acoustic systems segment is so diverse that you can choose the ideal acoustics for your establishment, in full compliance with your financial capabilities.

- subwoofer. For summer establishments, when choosing a subwoofer, the initial requirement is the compact overall dimensions of the device, therefore, to properly perform its functionality, as a rule, 2 subwoofers are required. A budget and reliable option with deep and spacious sound is the Behringer VP1800S passive subwoofer with 400W continuous power. The line of subwoofers, as well as speaker systems, is well represented on the professional equipment market and easily allows you to choose your “own” option.

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*Calculations use average data for Russia

600,000 ₽

Starting investments

720,000 ₽

450,000 ₽

Net profit

2 months

Payback period

Summer cafe is one of the most profitable types seasonal business. The initial investment is about 600 thousand rubles - they can be recouped in 2-3 months and earn up to 2 million net profit per season.

The entertainment industry is actively developing every year. The culture of eating out is also growing. Demand is especially high during the warm season. This means that a summer cafe is a great opportunity to make money. Such establishments are a favorite place for most city residents. Over the past eight years, the summer cafe market has increased by almost 20%, and the average bill has grown by approximately 35%.

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When planning to open a summer cafe, an entrepreneur must understand that he does not have time to build up. Seasonal business requires careful preparation “before” and quick response during work. Open-air establishments operate from May to September. In those cities where sunny, warm weather does not last long, it is generally not advisable to open such a format of a catering establishment.

Pros and cons of a summer cafe

This type of establishment provides various opportunities in the field of design, recipes, menu, and marketing.

Organizing a summer cafe is much easier than organizing a full-fledged restaurant. And the point is not only in the difference in starting investments, but also in business processes. Therefore, if you wanted to work in the catering industry, then a summer cafe is an excellent option for a beginning entrepreneur who needs to gain experience.

In summer, people tend to spend as much time as possible outdoors. Therefore, tables on the street will be yours competitive advantage in front of closed establishments.

Pitfalls when opening a summer cafe

The business is seasonal and depends on the weather. If the summer turns out to be cold and rainy or, conversely, too hot, then attendance will be significantly lower than planned. Also, you will have to collect an impressive package of documents and obtain permission from the mayor’s office to rent a plot of land.

High competition is also one of the pitfalls of this business. The least difficulties with opening a summer cafe will be on private rented land. With municipal territory everything is more complicated. In addition to the problem of renting a land plot, other issues will have to be resolved: the administration imposes requirements for landscaping, facade design, interior design and other parameters. In some cases, fulfilling all requirements may take several months. So if you want to enter the season with ready-made business, then first consult your local Entrepreneurship Support Center at the city administration.

Summer cafe formats

The initial stage of opening a summer cafe is choosing the format of the establishment. The catering industry is developing and offers various formats, each of which has its own consumer. Most common formats:

    Street food. In fact, this is a prototype of fast food, which is organized on the street. The client can have a snack on the go. A street food cafe is a small kiosk-trailer selling shawarma, pancakes, hamburgers, etc. Next to the kiosk there are usually stands or a couple of tables for those who want to have a snack in a more comfortable conditions. Average check for such cafes is 200 rubles. Materials about the discovery of popular types of street food can be found.

    Cafeteria– a small establishment that serves delicious drinks combined with desserts. This also includes ice cream parlors. This is a suitable option for families with children. The average bill is 350 rubles.

    Cafe terrace- an establishment offering wide range dishes, comfortable conditions for spending time, good service. The average bill of such establishments starts from 600 rubles.

    Kebab cafe– one of the most common formats of summer cafes. In order to open a kebab shop, you need to find a place not only for tables, but also for a barbecue area. Not all areas are suitable for this purpose. Here the average bill is already 800 rubles.

    Cafe on the beach– a mini-cafe that specializes in preparing beach food. There will be no gourmet dishes here, but you can have a snack in comfortable conditions. Such establishments open on or near beaches. The format is very profitable, but rent is quite expensive.

Place to open a summer cafe

The most profitable locations are park and tourist areas, embankments, central streets of the city, areas near attractions or a beautiful panorama of the city, crowded places, etc.

To place a summer cafe, you will need to resolve the issue of renting a plot of land. If you have chosen a site on private territory, it will be easier for you: you sign a lease agreement and you can start working. But if the land plot belongs to the municipality, then you will have to deal with the local administration, namely, the Committee for the Management of City (Municipal) Property. You will need to obtain permission to install a cafe. And here certain difficulties may arise. You risk getting caught up in paperwork that takes a lot of time. And for a seasonal business, time is very valuable.

For a summer cafe you will need a plot of area from 5 to 20 sq.m. – depending on the selected format. The approximate cost of renting such a plot will be 40 thousand rubles. Please note that you will have to place the kitchen somewhere. For a full food preparation cycle there must be a separate room that meets all requirements and standards. The difficulty is that the kitchen must be next to the area for visitors. 15 sq.m. will be enough to accommodate. Thus, get ready to spend about 50 thousand rubles on rent.

Renting urban plots is usually cheaper than private ones. The rate provides only for the payment of tax. But here you can fall into a trap: in 70% of cases, places are unprofitable and will not bring profit. Therefore, carefully analyze a potential location: monitor pedestrian traffic, study what is in the neighborhood. Sign a rental agreement only after you are sure that the place is suitable for you. You won't have time to change your mind and change location.

When choosing a location, also consider the following factors:

    good visibility of the establishment from different points;

    availability of parking;

    proximity to busy roads.

Immediately think about what your establishment will look like. For a summer cafe, a presentable appearance is very important. Therefore, draw up a design project. It is not necessary to contact a designer. Just create a harmonious space for relaxation.

Business registration

One of the difficulties of business in the catering industry is collecting permitting documentation. To do this you need to stock up on time and patience. Even a small summer cafe has serious requirements. To register complete package documents, it will take several months and about 15 thousand rubles. So start preparing many months before the start so that you have time to prepare everything for the opening.

First you need to register your business. In this case, it is more profitable to register an individual entrepreneur, because the cafe will only be open from May to September. If you plan to sell alcohol in your cafe, then to obtain a license you will have to register as an LLC.

As a type of activity according to the OKVED-2 classification, you can indicate:

    56.10.1 Activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, restaurants fast food and self-service

    55.40 Activities of bars (if alcohol is on the menu).

Next, you should choose a tax system. For a summer cafe, the simplified tax system is suitable at a rate of 6% (of income), at a rate of 15% (income minus expenses) or UTII if the area of ​​the establishment is less than 150 sq.m. Before making a decision, calculate each option to choose the most profitable one. Please note that UTII may not be valid in a specific region, so find out everything in advance.

Register cash register with the tax office, and also register with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund as an employer in order to transfer insurance premiums for employees.

The next stage is the most difficult - obtaining all permits. In order to open a summer cafe from scratch, coordination with the SES, fire inspectorate, and administration of the land plot is required. Main list necessary documentation can be found in this article.

Equipment for a summer cafe

A summer cafe requires the same equipment as a regular catering establishment. Refrigerators, ovens, kitchen utensils, dishes (ceramic or cardboard - depends on the cafe format), small kitchen appliances, etc. Other equipment can be added here if the cafe format requires it. For example, if you are planning to open a kebab shop, you will need to buy a grill and all the related tools.

In addition, you should take care of the comfort of your guests and purchase equipment to maintain a comfortable temperature: these can be mobile air conditioners of the irrigation type or fans with a humidifier.

Ready ideas for your business

You also need to purchase furniture: tables and chairs. Keep in mind that the use of plastic garden furniture in outdoor cafes is prohibited in many cities, due to low environmental and aesthetic characteristics. The best solution– wicker or metal furniture with soft seats.

To fully equip a summer cafe, you will need approximately 300 thousand rubles. But be sure to recalculate all costs taking into account your conditions and price level.

Menu and supply organization

Menu development is a very important stage. It must correspond to the format of the establishment in all respects and especially in price. It is impossible to give any unambiguous recommendations here. Each format has its own specifics. We can only outline the key points:

    The menu should be varied, but not oversaturated. Too long a list of dishes is bad for both the client and you. It will be difficult for the client to decide, and for you to stock up on so many different ingredients (it’s good if all items are in demand, otherwise you will suffer losses);

    A technological map should be drawn up for each dish. It indicates the consumption of products per serving and its volume. This data will be useful for the cook and the SES, as well as for calculating the necessary raw materials;

    Follow the principle of complete and variable use of products. Design your menu to include key ingredients in different dishes. This will help avoid food spoilage if some of the dishes turn out to be unclaimed;

    Consider consumer preferences. Be flexible when creating your menu. Track order history, ask visitors for their opinions, exclude unpopular dishes from the menu or, conversely, introduce those that are often asked about.

After designing your menu, make a list necessary products. With this information, begin your search for suppliers. The main requirement for them is timely delivery and quality of the products provided. It is important that all products comply with GOST requirements and have quality certificates. With the help technological map and sales forecast, calculate the quantity of products you will need. Most likely, these calculations will be approximate.

Ready ideas for your business

The list of necessary products for purchase is individual for each establishment. So you will have to deal with suppliers yourself. You can work with a one-stop supplier who can guide you and provide you with everything you need in one delivery. But most often, small cafes work with local small suppliers.

Before concluding a supply agreement, discuss all the conditions, voice your requirements or wishes, and read reviews of certain suppliers. Compare different offers. Make your first purchase small and from different suppliers. Compare the following criteria: delivery speed, additional service, product quality, product price, customer loyalty, etc. As you can see, searching for suppliers is quite a tedious task, so also start it in advance.

For a small establishment, starting purchases of products will be approximately 40 thousand rubles. Although here everything is individual.

Summer cafe staff

A café is incomplete without a cook and a waiter. In addition, if you work 7 days a week, you should organize a shift work schedule - and this means another cook and waiter. Minimum staff for a summer cafe: 2 waiters, 2 cooks, administrator, cleaner, accountant. You can't imagine anything with cooks and waiters - you need to look for good, qualified employees. As an administrator, you can try to handle it yourself. A accounting services can be outsourced.

Select staff that matches the cafe format. For example, if you are planning a galateria where ready-made ice cream is sold, then you can do without a cook and employ one cashier-seller. And if you are planning a cafe with own kitchen, then you can’t do without a cook.

Please note that all employees must have medical records. This mandatory requirement. With a staff of 6 people, the payroll will be about 120 thousand rubles (including contributions to funds).

Advertising for a summer cafe is as specific as the activity itself. Expensive methods don't work here. It's better to focus on simple but effective advertising. Be prepared to spend about 20 thousand rubles on promotion.

    The location of the establishment is important. Often people spontaneously choose a cafe while walking. They pass by a cozy establishment, see a sign with an attractive offer and decide to come in. So make sure your cafe looks presentable. You can install a chalk board nearby where you will write information about discounts or the dish of the day.

    Announce yourself early. While you are setting up the site, put up a notice about what will be located here and when it is planned to open. Distribute leaflets with discount coupons and an invitation to the opening of the summer playground.

    Come up with your own feature - something that will distinguish you from others. Competition in the market is very high. You have to fight for a place in the sun not only within a narrow segment, but also with the majority of establishments in the city that have summer areas (and now many have them). Maybe you will play music on records, styling the cafe as retro; or you will show films through a projector; or organize a show program... There are many options. Take a look at what interesting things they come up with abroad - what if you want to repeat something?

Profit calculation

Let's move on to the most important stage - calculating profits. Be sure to plan the project's income and expenses to ensure its effectiveness. Otherwise, there’s no point in starting this.

Here are the key business indicators:

    Initial investment: 600 thousand rubles

    Average bill: from 300 to 1200 rubles (depending on the format)

    Number of visitors per month: 1200 people (or 40 people per day)

    Monthly turnover: ≈ 720 thousand rubles

    Monthly expenses: 270 thousand rubles

    Net profit: ≈ 450 thousand rubles

    Payback period: 2 months

These calculations are approximate and may vary depending on: region, establishment format, price level, etc.

Some features of summer cafes

  • The three "O" rule: lighting, heating units, insect repellers. If you take care of these three “O”s, then your visitors will not run away in the evening, in damp and cool weather, in the first autumn months.
  • Beer and meat. They are the ones that are most often emphasized in summer cafes. But it is legal to sell alcohol in non-stationary objects(kiosk, stall, counter, tent) is not allowed. Regional authorities have the right to allow the sale of beer in summer cafes, but located only at stationary facilities.
  • White. All restaurateurs strictly do not recommend using it on tables in the summer. outdoor cafe white accessories. Why? It's very simple: white blinds the eyes in the bright sun.
  • Children's playground + children's menu. Almost obligatory components of open cafes.
  • Zoning. Even for the so-called democratic segment, you need to remember one rule: the territory should be divided into several zones and create a feeling of isolation of the tables. “Architectural details” will help here, such as arches, gazebos, walls, fences, decorative forged grilles, fountains, waterfalls.


A summer cafe is a great way to make quick money. But the business is profitable only if everything is done according to plan and on time. It’s worth starting preparations for the summer season already in winter. Investments at the start are low, and due to the huge markup on products during the season, he can earn as much as he has grocery store for a whole year.

Get current calculations for your business plan

With summer approaching, many are starting to think about opening an outdoor cafe. The advantages of such a business are obvious - with proper organization, greater traffic flow for people exhausted by boredom during the cold winter is ensured. And where a large crowd of people relax their souls, cafe organizers receive a substantial profit. There are, however, pitfalls - collecting the necessary documentation and obtaining permission from the mayor's office. The city administration (of any city) has a rather ambivalent attitude towards newcomers to this business.

Investments in business

Any summer cafe needs correct design all documents. After all, a cafe is a place where many people eat food every day. ready meals. Firstly, the land where your establishment will be located is state-owned. This means that it is necessary to regulate the issue only through government bodies (mayor’s office, architecture department, city improvement committee, commodity market). In addition, any public catering outlet must comply with Rospotrebnadzor standards.

The most best places cities - those where the contingent between the ages of 15 and 30 gathers. Young people visit open cafes with great eagerness, which means they make the main income from the cafe. The ideal place is near lakes, streams, rivers (on a hot day, the majority of city residents gather there). Parks, squares, areas near shopping centers And large stores. The price of preparing documents depends only on how greedy officials work in the authorities. The preparation time for the entire package ranges from a couple of weeks to several months (depending on your luck).

Having dealt with the documents, it is worth thinking about what your project will look like. Tents for a summer cafe can either be ordered (custom production time is a month), or purchased from brewing companies on special terms. The last option involves the company providing you with a free tent with branding. At the same time, your cafe does not have the right to distribute beer of another brand (only what the company produces). On the one hand, it’s free, on the other, the range of beer cannot be expanded.

The decision is yours. Required condition– you must apply for a tent only after all documents from the administration and other authorities have been received and are in hand. If you order a tent, then its cost can range from 25 to 45 thousand rubles (depending on the design and size). The more unusual the design, the more expensive it is. The tent will be fully finished and installed in a month.

Furniture for a summer cafe should be made of plastic, but durable. In addition, if the choice did not fall on a tent, then it is advisable to purchase tables with umbrellas. So don't let the sun bake your visitors' heads. By the way, in hot weather, tables with umbrellas are the most popular.

Your own business: summer cafe

It can sometimes be quite stuffy in the tents (unless you have purchased air conditioning, which is quite rare). The cost of plastic furniture depends on the manufacturer. Usually it is about 20 thousand rubles for 10 sets (set - 1 table and 4 chairs). In addition to plastic tables and chairs, you need to think about where the sale will come from. It can be either a stall or a folding mini-tent with a stand. The cost depends on the design that the entire cafe adheres to. On average it is about 10-15 thousand rubles.

Assortment is a special expense item. It is clear that the main emphasis is on soft drinks (beer and kvass on tap, bottled water, lemonades, juices, etc.). Any drink should have a snack. If it's shish kebab (popular in summer season), then the purchase of grilling equipment is required. Also, if you plan to serve visitors a variety of semi-finished products, then purchasing ovens, refrigerators and display cases will be necessary. Everything is quite individual. The price of equipment for a summer cafe will range from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. Products should be purchased from good and trusted suppliers, and only those whose quality is not satisfactory. By the way, many suppliers defer payment (for a month, as a rule), which allows you to reduce costs in the first month.

In total, the business plan for expenses will include:

  1. preparation of documents,
  2. furniture,
  3. products.

You can spend money on advertising, but you can also save money. Accommodation in social networks information about the open cafe with photographs will help attract visitors. Also successful advertising campaign What you can do is distribute leaflets about the new cafe.

If your establishment is located in a very good place where many people relax every day, then only the symbolism on the tent can serve as advertising (be it an original design move, or brand name beer company).

Estimated profit

Before you open your own cafe, you should think about how much profit it can bring. No one can say specific numbers - everything is purely individual. If the location for the cafe is chosen well, there is a lot of traffic, and most importantly, the weather allows people to relax, then the average bill can range from 500 to 3,000 rubles. On average, about 100 people can relax in the cafe per day. In total, daily revenue can reach 300,000 rubles. Of course, the numbers are quite relative. The experience of many cafe owners shows that such amounts are real. Especially if it is a weekend or holiday. Unfortunately, the summer season does not last forever, which means you need to work at the cafe to the maximum.

The profitability of such a business reaches 90%, which is quite profitable. But it's worth remembering that this enterprise popular only in summer period. From the first day of work, it is important to organize everything so that people love to relax in your establishment.

Business Features

If the tent is taken from a brewing company or its representative, then only that brand of beer can be sold. You can cheat, but then you have to prepare for hefty fines. This is monitored by representatives of the company that provided the tent. A special trick is the mystery shopper. Therefore, if an agreement with a company is drawn up, it should be fulfilled.

A summer cafe is a place where there should be sterility in food preparation. If poisoning occurs in your establishment, then notoriety cannot be avoided. Due to the negligence of sellers, you can lose a significant group of visitors. And sometimes, if cases of poisoning are not isolated, then you will lose your business completely - the administration will simply close it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such a business are obvious - fabulous profits. Proper organization, a good assortment, fast service (including table cleaning) is the key to making your establishment popular among city residents.

Disadvantages, of course, are also present. So, if the weather is bad, you shouldn’t expect an influx of visitors, and therefore no revenue. The fact that tents have been chosen as cafes can save the situation a little. In the rain or wind it is still comfortable to relax there. Another disadvantage is that the summer cafe is a seasonal business. If your establishment is popular, it may work until mid-autumn, but no more. Sometimes it’s worth thinking about opening a simple cafe with an outdoor seating area.

Summer cafe - great idea seasonal business. However, in order for this enterprise to be profitable, you should carefully consider the concept of the future establishment and take into account all the associated nuances. What equipment is needed for a summer cafe, and what can be discarded at first?

Choosing the format of the institution

Summer cafes are different, and each of them is aimed at a specific category of visitors. Some are intended for a quick snack and relaxation, while others can organize a full-fledged feast or spend a romantic evening. Don’t forget about the popular “cafe-evening disco” format. The menu is also formed depending on the concept of the establishment. It may only contain drinks and ready-made snacks or home-cooked dishes. Accordingly, the equipment for a summer cafe should be selected depending on the needs of the establishment and the operations performed by the staff.

Minimum Required

What menu items are most in demand during the warm season? That's right, it's ice cream and chilled drinks. Accordingly, to operate a summer cafe you will need refrigerators. No less popular in the summer heat is draft beer and low-alcohol drinks in original packaging. Kegs and related equipment are offered for seasonal rental by many suppliers of the foamy drink. Attention: selling alcohol in a cafe will require a special permit. ready-made snacks to go with beer: a variety of crackers, chips, snacks. Such products usually do not require special storage conditions, but it would be useful to register trade showcase. In addition, the current equipment for a summer cafe is an electric kettle and a microwave. If you want to offer guests several types of coffee, a coffee machine will be a useful acquisition.

Summer cafe kitchen equipment

You can significantly expand the audience of visitors to a catering establishment by increasing the number of menu items. Even in a relatively small area of ​​a summer cafe, you can successfully equip a kitchen. Kebabs and other grilled dishes are very popular. What equipment for a summer cafe to choose for preparing such food? One stove and a large barbecue or electric grill will be enough. You will also need a separate refrigerator in which you can store food. A deep fryer will be an excellent purchase - this device will allow you to prepare a large variety of snacks and side dishes, in particular the favorite “french fries” of many. Equipment for summer areas of a summer cafe must ensure compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. First of all, the issue of water supply for washing food and dishes should be resolved, and appropriate areas should be equipped. It is also important to organize a toilet for staff and visitors. Good option- dry closets, they are inexpensive and easy to transport.

Decoration of the “hall” of a summer cafe

A seasonal catering establishment can be opened on a landscaped veranda, an open area or under the dome of a special tent. If the cafe does not have a roof, be sure to think about protecting guests from the sun, purchase a sufficient number of special large umbrellas or arrange a common canopy for the entire territory. It is also important to think about isolating the food preparation area from the “hall”. It would also be useful to install a bar counter, but if waiters serve visitors, this element of the interior can serve a decorative function and hide the bar equipment from guests. What furniture is best for outdoor cafes? The most common are plastic or wooden tables, chairs and benches. The advantages are obvious - ease of care, mobility, ease of storage. Another important issue is the choice of dishes and accessories for serving food and drinks to guests. For establishments of the bistro category optimal solution will be the use of disposable cutlery, glasses and plates. If the cafe is positioned as a place for spiritual relaxation and long gatherings, it makes sense to purchase a beautiful glass or plastic dishes, intended for reusable use. As you can see, the equipment required for a summer cafe is not too expensive, and you can start a business in this area with a small start-up capital.