The emergence of high-pressure composite cylinders and the beginning of their mass use for the supply of compressed natural gas opens up new opportunities for organizing marine transportation systems for compressed natural gas, built by analogy with systems multimodal transport traditional cargo. In such systems, the need for specially built CNG carriers with permanent storage tanks may be eliminated. They may be replaced by conventional container ships, onto which CNG cylinders will be loaded in multimodal containers of standard dimensions.

The pool of enthusiasts for compressed natural gas offshore transportation technology appears to be shrinking. In any case, in lately There are reports of only two participants remaining in the race - Neptune Gas Technologies (NGT) and Sea NG - both from Calgary, Canada. Will any of them finally succeed in becoming a pioneer in the use of new technology gas transport in a real project? And when and in what region of the world can this happen?

The rules for CNG vessels, the draft of which was developed by INTARI, came into force on August 1 of this year.

Business plan for creation shipping company"Gas Line", one of the world's first operators of CNG vessels

Currently, there are real prerequisites for the appearance in the near future of Russian CNG ships with the inscription “Gas Line” on board.

The country has sufficient scientific and production potential to develop a new breakthrough technology for natural gas transportation, and shipbuilding plants have sufficient experience and production capabilities for the construction of competitive CNG ships. Moreover, the design and construction of the first CNG ships can be completed in 5-6 years.

This means that the Gas Line shipping company will be able to begin systematic production activities for the transportation of compressed natural gas with the first two CNG vessels in 2012, at the same time as foreign companies operating CNG vessels. The shipping company "Gas Line" will thus enter the new promising market for the transportation of compressed gas among the first operators of CNG vessels and will be able to further enjoy the advantages of a pioneer. ()

The operation of the first two CNG vessels will provide the Gas Line shipping company with a consistently high level of profitability and financial reliability. With the projected stable high level of world prices for natural gas the internal rate of return on investments will exceed 25-30%.

When expanding the scale of business of the shipping company "Gas Line" and replenishing the fleet of CNG vessels, the internal rate of return on investment will reach 30-35%. The discounted payback period for investments (from the moment the first CNG vessels are laid down) will be 7-8 years.

In the most unlikely unfavorable conditions falling world prices for natural gas to the level of 2002-2003. (USD 125-130/thousand cubic meters) the internal rate of return on investment will be more than 10%. (

Of course, the shipping company's business promises to be very profitable. But only a few will be able to pull it off. After all, this kind of activity requires huge capital investments. Yes, and you can make money in this area in different ways. The School of Business encourages you to consider transporting coal between specific destinations. You will need to draw up a business plan for a shipping company, although it is better to entrust such an important mission to professionals.

To begin with

IN this project you will need to invest about $25 million. Ideally, your company should provide annual cargo flows of up to 1,300 tons. This volume can be achieved through charter flights. Additional source earnings - renting out part of the fleet.

In order to start a business, you will need to solve a lot of issues, including: where to get such a large amount. You can contact investors, but this requires a business plan for the shipping company. For 25 million you will purchase ships and the necessary equipment and create the appropriate working capital.

Your main services are coal transportation. The business plan of the shipping company must contain a section with the results of the conducted marketing research. Currently, there is a tendency to increase the volume of coal purchases. Therefore, the services of your bulk carriers will definitely be in demand. Your company will deliver the cargo in the shortest possible time, safe and sound. In addition, it is worth using modern methods management and technology to strengthen its position in the field of maritime transport. It is best to bet on ten-year-old ships that have a minimum payback period. As a result, the profit you will receive will be the greatest.


The business school proposes a company management scheme where the board of founders would be at the top. A lawyer, executive director, and consultant are also needed. It will be necessary to hire more than one director of various departments: finance, fleet operation, personnel, marketing. You need to organize several departments in your company: fleet development, financial, marketing, battle fleet, crew, audit and accounting, personnel, quality and safety. Everything needs to be organized in such a way that maximum interaction between the control object and the subject is ensured. The main goals of management are to increase the company's competitiveness and obtain the maximum possible profit.

Please note that your staff should consist only of experienced specialists who have already received recommendations from other companies. You can, of course, hire promising young specialists. Employees must be given the opportunity to undergo training at advanced training centers, and various internships are also needed. The School of Business recommends hiring people only with probationary period. This is necessary so that employees first prove their competence in practice. If the work of a particular person is productive, then it will be possible to think about his promotion. The competitiveness of the company largely depends on the type of staff you have.

Financial issues

Please note that the initial capital of your shipping company is a considerable amount. It will be necessary to work hard to interest potential investors invest approximately $25 million in your venture. This amount is quite enough to buy three modern bulk carriers, and their age can be as much as five years. Each bulk carrier costs approximately $9 million. One ten-year-old bulk carrier, costing seven million, is also needed. And you will need to purchase another one, but for 14 million dollars (age - 5 years). Vessels must be taken with a capacity of 60 and 40 thousand tons.

To understand what the expected profit will be, you will need to take into account a lot of nuances: from operating costs to the number of flights per year.

Such an undertaking can pay off only after more than five years, if you take into account all the little things. This project is quite successful. And if we take into account the expected cargo turnover, it will bring quite high and at the same time stable profits. After the project pays off, it is necessary to increase and expand the markets for services, as well as in every possible way to improve the quality of the service provided. This will allow you to increase your profits.

Only those who really understand this and have experience working in companies providing similar services should take on the implementation of this idea. Only a competent person can expect to achieve success in this field of activity.


An important problem in the development of the world economy and international economic relations is the question of the ability and degree of influence of maritime transport on them. Maritime transport is specific in the sense that by the nature of its activity it is already an “international” industry: it is known that the main function of maritime transport is to ensure foreign trade relations between different states. International transportation 90% of the world fleet is occupied; 80% of world foreign trade is carried out by sea. Characteristic feature modern development international maritime transport is that the participation of developing countries in them is increasingly increasing, the share of the merchant fleet of which in world tonnage has exceeded 15%. World merchant fleet undergoes not only quantitative but also qualitative changes. It included vessels of fundamentally new types: RO-RO, LO-RO, OBO, VLCC, ULCC, GASCARRIER, etc. Since the beginning of the 60s. of our century, the development of maritime transport occurs in the context of an increasing trend towards internationalization economic activity, the basis of which is the deepening of the international division of labor. At the same time, the very objective process of improving transport and loading and unloading facilities, improving the entire organization of merchant shipping was one of the necessary prerequisites for deepening the international division of labor. In the context of actively developing internationalization of production, stable, uninterrupted, efficient international transport service becomes the most important condition for the normal functioning of both individual national economies and the world economy as a whole. There is a close interweaving of the development processes of international shipping and the world economy as a whole, since disruptions in the activities of maritime transport can have a devastating impact on the entire world economy.

The purpose of this course work is to create a shipping company, as well as to develop operational and economic indicators of its functioning.

In the process of performing the work, the following tasks are solved:

1.Development constituent documents,

2.Work planning,

.Analysis of financial condition.

1. Development of constituent documents


meeting of the founders of the closed joint stock company"............................"

"____"________200_g. St. Petersburg

Present: ________


On the creation of a closed joint-stock company "------------"



Create a closed joint stock company "__________"

Approve the charter and founders agreement of the closed joint-stock company "_________"

Establish the authorized capital of the joint stock company in the amount of _______ thousand. rubles divided by __________ ordinary shares, the par value of the share is ________ rubles.

Number of shares acquired by each of the founders:

Elect the general director of the closed joint stock company "__________"_________________________________.

and an audit commission consisting of:_________________________

Adopted unanimously.

Chairman of the meeting ______________

Secretary of the meeting ______________

Founding Agreement of the Closed Joint Stock Company

St. Petersburg "___"________200__

We, the undersigned, citizen___________,

residing at: __________________,

have entered into this agreement with each other as follows:

The parties to the agreement establish a closed joint stock company

Legal address of the Company:___________________________

The authorized capital of the Company is set at ______thousand. rub., divided into ________ ordinary shares, the par value of the share is ________ rub.

Number of shares acquired by each of the founders:_________ __________________ (full name) ________shares

The participants' contribution is the founders' vehicles. The participant’s contribution can be structures, equipment, buildings and others material assets, securities, rights to use natural resources, structures, equipment, as well as other property rights, funds in rubles and foreign currency.

Within 30 days from the date of registration, the entire authorized capital must be paid in.

The company was formed for the purpose of producing products, performing work and providing services to meet public needs and profit from the results of economic activities.

The Company, in accordance with the procedure established by law, obtaining, if necessary, a special permit (license), carries out the following types of activities:

wholesale retail and commission trade

industrial, agricultural, medical goods, medicines and consumer goods;

trade and procurement activities;

consulting services;

personnel training and advanced training;

organization and holding of seminars, exhibitions, conferences and symposiums;

organizational design, creation and implementation of an applied software product using computer technology;

provision of services in the field of management and engineering;

tourist and excursion services for Russian and foreign citizens and organizations, organization and management of hotel management;

physical education, health and medical services;

export-import operations.

The Company is a legal entity, has the right to enter into transactions in its own name, acquire property and personal non-property rights and bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration, and acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of state registration.

9. The company has an independent balance sheet, current account, currency and other accounts in banking institutions, a round seal, a corner stamp with its name, company and trademark marks, and other details.

The company has complete economic independence in matters of choosing a form of management, making business decisions, sales, setting prices, remuneration and distribution of net profit.

11. The Company carries out its activities in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation, the Charter of the Company and this agreement.

The Company is not responsible for the obligations of the state, just as the state is not responsible for the obligations of the Company. The company is not liable for the obligations of shareholders. Shareholders are liable for the company's obligations within the limits of their contribution to the authorized capital.

The company is liable for its obligations with all its property.

The management and control bodies of the Company are: meeting of shareholders, board of directors, management board, audit commission. The procedure for the formation, competence and procedure for the activities of management and control bodies are stipulated in the charter.

The remaining net profit after taxes is at the full disposal of the Company and, by decision of the meeting of shareholders, is annually distributed among them or sent to the funds of the joint-stock company. Profit is distributed among shareholders in proportion to the contribution (the package of shares they own) to the authorized capital.

This agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and comes into force from the moment it is signed by the parties.

The agreement can be terminated unilaterally with a written warning of at least 6 months to the parties; changes and additions to the agreement can only be made by agreement of the parties. Disputes between the parties are resolved in accordance with the established procedure. The activities of the Company may be terminated by decision of the parties, or in another manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

This agreement is drawn up in_____ copies.


. ______________________ (full name, year of birth ________

Passport details)________

. _____________________________________________________


Approved Registered

by decision of the meeting by order of the Head

"___"________200__g. ____________ district

Chairman of the City Hall Administration Meeting

St. Petersburg

Number ________ from _______

(_______) 200__g.

Head of __________ district administration


share capital tax transport


Closed joint stock company


Registration number _______________________

Legal address: _____________________


Saint Petersburg


1. Closed Joint Stock Company "________" (hereinafter referred to as

"Society") was created by agreement of citizens to carry out economic activities in accordance with Articles of Association, concluded" "________200_g. between the following participants:

______________ (indicate full name, year of birth, address, passport details, citizenship)

2. The Company operates on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Joint-Stock Companies” and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

3. The authorized capital of the Company in accordance with the Memorandum of Association is __________ thousand rubles and is divided into _______

ordinary shares, the par value of the share is _________ rubles.

The company maintains a register of shareholders with the mandatory inclusion of the following data: number of shares, date of acquisition, name (name) and location (residence of the shareholder, purchase price of the share).

4. The company is a legal entity, has the right to enter into transactions on its own behalf, acquire property and personal non-property rights and bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration courts.

Acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration.

5. Legal address of the Company:

6. The company has an independent balance sheet, current account, currency and other accounts in banking institutions, a round seal, a corner stamp with its name, company and trademark marks, and other details.

7. The company is liable for its obligations, which, in accordance with current legislation, may be levied.

8. The Company is not responsible for the obligations of the state, just as the state is not responsible for the obligations of the Company.

The company is not liable for the obligations of its participants. Participants are liable for the obligations of the Company within the limits of their contribution to the authorized capital.

9. In accordance with the goals of its activities, the company creates, in accordance with the procedure established by law, subsidiaries, branches and representative offices, both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, participates in the capital of other enterprises, joint-stock companies, the activities of associations and unions, and carries out transactions with valuable assets. papers.

Branches and representative offices operate on the basis of regulations approved by the Company, and subsidiaries - on the basis of charters approved by it. Branches and representative offices have separate balance sheets, which are included in the balance sheet of the Company.

Branches and representative offices are responsible for the obligations of the Company, and the Company is responsible for their obligations.

Subsidiaries operate as independent commercial organizations.

10 The Company’s participation in the capital of other enterprises may be carried out through the acquisition of securities, shares, shares or in any other way in accordance with current legislation.

11. The company was created without a limitation on the period of activity.


1. The company was formed for the purpose of producing products, performing work and providing services, to satisfy public needs and for the Owner to receive profit from the results of economic activities.

2. The Company, in accordance with the procedure established by law, obtaining, if necessary, a special permit (license), carries out the following types of activities:

provision of trade intermediary, dealer, brokerage, marketing and distribution services;

consulting services; research and development work;

environmental assessments, environmental cleanup of rivers and reservoirs and rational use of wood raised from the bottom, its waste-free processing and sale;

provision of services for the transportation, storage, processing and forwarding of goods in the country and abroad;

organization and implementation of sea, river, road, rail and air transportation;

implementation of innovative and commercial activities;

provision of services in the field of management and engineering; export-import operations.


1. In accordance with the goals and subject of its activities, the Company, in the manner prescribed by law, carries out the following types of foreign economic activity:

a) export: services, goods, raw materials, semi-finished products, equipment, machinery and mechanisms;

b) import: goods and equipment, works, services, raw materials, semi-finished products for the development of the Company’s production base;

2. To carry out its foreign economic activities, the Company, its branches and representative offices open settlement and current currency accounts in authorized banks in accordance with the procedure established by law.

3. The company has the right to use loans from Russian and foreign banks and commercial loans in foreign currency, as well as purchase currency at auctions, currency exchanges, at enterprises, etc. in the manner prescribed by law.

4. Foreign exchange profits after settlements with the budget are used by the Company independently.

5. To achieve its statutory goals, the Company has the right to participate in enterprises involving foreign capital.


1. The governing bodies of the Company are: the council of participants, the directorate, and the audit commission.

2. The exclusive competence of the council is:

election of the General Director of the Company and determination of the terms of payment for his work;

approval of the composition of the directorate upon provision of the general director.

The Directorate of the Company is approved as consisting of the General Director, executive directors, and chief accountant;

statement financial plan, annual balance sheet, reports and conclusions of the Audit Commission of the Company;

Creation, reorganization and liquidation of subsidiaries, branches and representative offices, approval of regulations (charters) about them;

resolving issues of bringing members of the Directorate to financial and disciplinary liability;

making a decision to terminate the Company’s activities;

appointment of a liquidation commission, approval of the liquidation balance sheet.

3. The council makes decisions by a simple majority of votes.

4. To manage the activities of the Company, a directorate is created, headed by the General Director.

5. Signs contacts with members of the Directorate General manager.

6. General Director: manages the work of the directorate;

The General Director bears personal responsibility for the effective activities of the Company.

7. Control over the activities of the directorate is carried out by an audit commission elected from among the members of the Company.

The Audit Commission has the right to engage specialists and audit firms under a contract at the expense of the Company.

8. The Audit Commission draws up an opinion on annual reports and balance sheets.

9. Members audit commission have the right to participate in the work of the directorate.

4.10. An audit of financial and economic activities is carried out at least once a year.


1. The company has complete economic independence in matters of choosing a form of management, making business decisions, marketing products, and setting prices for goods and services.

2. The Company maintains accounting records and statistical reporting in the manner prescribed by law.

Society and its officials bear full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the reports.

3. The Company’s profit is formed from revenue from business activities after reimbursement of material and equivalent costs and labor costs.

Taxes and other payments established by law to the budget are paid from the Company's balance sheet profit.

4. The following funds are formed from the profits remaining at the disposal of the Company:

production development fund, social development fund, profit sharing fund, reserve fund.

The Company's losses are reimbursed from the reserve fund.


1. Labor relations with all employees of the Company are carried out on a contract basis and in accordance with current labor legislation.

2. All employees of the Company are subject to all types of compulsory state insurance.

3. Labor collective The company independently decides on the need to conclude a collective agreement, reviews and approves it.


1. Termination of the Company’s activities occurs through reorganization or liquidation;

2. Reorganization of the Company occurs through merger, division, separation, absorption and transformation;

3. Reorganization or liquidation of the Company may be carried out

by decision general meeting shareholders;

by a court decision, in case of insolvency or violation by the Company of current legislation;

on other grounds provided by law.

This charter is drawn up on _____ pages in 5 copies and

approved by the decision of the participants "___"________200__

Protocol No.___

Chairman of the meeting

Secretary of the meeting

"____"__________200_g. To___________district



Please register Closed Joint Stock Company "__________"

Legal address of the company:

The authorized capital of the company is ________ thousand. rubles

The general director of a closed joint stock company is __________________________________________

The chief accountant of a closed joint stock company is ___________________________________

Main activity:

provision of services for the transportation, storage, processing and forwarding of goods in the country and abroad; trade and procurement activities;

organization of production of industrial, agricultural, medical and consumer goods;

research and development work;

consulting services; training and retraining of personnel;

vehicle maintenance and rental;

carrying out wholesale, retail and commission trade in industrial, agricultural, medical goods, medicines and consumer goods;

provision of trade intermediary, dealer, brokerage, marketing and distribution services.


Charter of JSC-5 copies.

Founders' agreement - 3 copies.

Minutes of the meeting of founders - 2 copies.

Receipt for payment of duty.

Letter of guarantee for the provision of a legal address.

General Director of CJSC "___________" ___________ (signature)

2. Work planning

Initial data

Table 1

Technical and operational characteristics of foreign vessels

Table 2

Book value of vessels

Vessel type Project No. Book value Thousands. dollarsBaltic6131300

Table 3

Economic characteristics of foreign vessels

Type of vessel Project number Number of crew, persons Cost of maintaining the vessel without fuel, dollars per vessel day Specific fuel consumption, kg/km Baltic 6131581014.2

Table 4

Net foreign exchange earnings standard

Vessel type Project number Value q, dollars/vessel-day Baltic 6131500

1 Calculation of share (authorized) capital transport company

Outk = ,

where n is the number of founders

Aaki - share capital of the founder;

Aaki = Bsi

where Bsi is the book value of the i-th vessel.

Outk = 1300000 (USD)

Calculation of the number of ordinary shares of a transport company

where Naki is the number of ordinary shares of the founder, units.

where f is the par value of an ordinary share in thousand rubles.

f = 1000 rub.

Rate: 1$ = 30.0 rub.

* 30.0= 39,000,000 rub.

Naki=39000000/1000 = 39000 (shares)

Ntk=39000 (shares)

2 Calculation of the carrying capacity of vessels

Calculation of vessel turnaround time

Vessel turnaround time:

tob = tхgr + tхп + tп + tв,

tхgr = - travel time with load,

tхп = - empty running time.

L - transportation distance (L = 2173 km),

Nameplate speeds of the vessel when loaded (fully loaded) and empty (in ballast), respectively, km/h;

Load capacity utilization factor

Norm for loading a vessel with cargo in tons;

Carrying capacity in tons (at 100% reserves) at sea;

The rate of loading a vessel with cargo is determined based on the type and type of cargo being transported:

If ωg< ωc, то груз тяжелый и =,

If ωg > ωc, then the load is light and = WT/ ωg,

where ωg - specific loading volume of cargo m3/t, ωg =2.0 m3/t;

ω c is the specific cargo capacity of the vessel m3/t.

Vessel hold capacity (m3)

ωc=3475/2300=1.51 m3/t,

The specific cargo capacity of ships is less than the specific loading volume of cargo ( ω c < ωd), then the vessel loading rate is:

3475/2.0=1737.5 (t)


23.8-0.763*(23.8-23.1)=23.27 (km/h).

Duration of the vessel's voyage with cargo:

tхgr = 2173/(23.27*0.85)=109.9 (h).

Empty run time:

tхп =2173/(23.8*0.85)=107.4 (h).

tп is the duration of the vessel's stay in the seaport when loading cargo, hours;

tв - duration of stay of the vessel in the seaport for unloading cargo, hours;

where is the average gross rate of ship handling in foreign ports t/h, = 45 t/h.

1737.5/45=38.6 (h).

Turnaround time:

tob = 109.9+107.4+38.6+38.6=294.5 (hours) or 12.27 days.

Calculation of the carrying capacity of vessels of various projects over the operational period

Carrying capacity:

Gi= nci*nobi*Qеi,

where nci is the number of the i-th project, units;

nоbi - turnover of the vessel of the i-th project, units;

Qеi is the loading rate of the vessel of the i-th project, i.e.

nobi = Te/tobi=295/12.27=24

where Te is the period of operation of the vessel (days), Te=295 days.

tobi - duration of the vessel turnaround of the i-th project, days

3 Calculation of expenses and income per turnover

Cost calculation


EOB - vessel costs per turnover, $$,

Vessel maintenance costs per turnover excluding fuel costs.

Cost of vessel maintenance, (USD/vessel day)

810*12.27=9938.7 (USD),

Foreign exchange expenses associated with the maintenance of the ship's crew (payment of foreign currency in lieu of daily allowance, group meals and hospitality);

Mek*βv* tob

where mek is the number of crew, people.

βв - daily meter of currency consumption per crew member ($12).

15*12*12.27=2208.6 (USD),

Ship dues and fees for services in foreign ports in dollars for ship calls and passage through canals

Ship dues and fees for services in foreign ports in dollars for ship calls and passage through canals;

n is the number of ports of entry and passage through channels per revolution;

Ship dues at ports:

Kokkola (Finland) - $8715, Amsterdam (Netherlands) - $3105,

8715+3105=11820 (USD),


where Ct is the price of fuel in a foreign port ($210 per 1t);

Pt - standard fuel consumption in kg per 1 km of run (14.2 kg/km);

210*14.2*2*2173*0.00108=13996.6 (USD)


Calculation of income per turnover

dobi= Eobi+qi*tobi,

where qi is the standard for net foreign exchange earnings, dollars/ship day

dob = 37963.9+1500*12.27=56368.9 (USD),

Determining the estimated freight rate

56368.9/1737.5=32.44 (dollars/t).

Determining the level of profitability of the estimated freight rate

(1500*12,27)/37963,9 =0,48

Determination of income and expenses for the transportation of goods by the i-th type of vessel.


Dper=56368.9*24*1=1352853.6 (USD).


Eper =37963.9*24*1=911133.6 (dollars).

2.4 Determination of income and expenses of a transport company

Determination of income and expenses from cargo transportation based on the vessel’s turnover

or Dperi=Gi*fi

1352853.6 dollars

where n is the number of ship projects operating on a given line (n=1)

Revenue from transportation is determined based on the carrying capacity of vessels and freight rates. Dper=1352853.6 (USD).

911133.6 (USD).

Determination of income from the rental of ships (time charter)


Dar=(365-295)*1660.1*1=116207 (dollars).

where fteki is the time charter equivalent, which is equivalent for a class II-SP vessel to 0.65 of the vessel’s carrying capacity.

ftek=2554*0.65=1660.1 (t).

Determining the conditions for leasing ships

ftek > Sar

If these conditions are met, then it is profitable to rent out the vessels.


The condition is met. Therefore, it is profitable to rent out a vessel.

5 Determination of salary costs administratively management personnel

Salary expenses for management personnel

where is the monthly official salary of a managerial employee;

The share that takes into account wage charges based on the current tax system is =0.26 (unified social tax - 26%).

n - number of management personnel, n=6.

Ezp=20000*12*6*(1+0.26)=1814400 (rubles) or 60480 dollars.

2.6 Determination of transport company taxes

In accordance with current legislation, taxes can be divided into 2 groups:

taxes dependent on gross receipts (gross income);

taxes calculated according to a complex scheme.

The last group includes property tax and value added tax (this tax is not taken into account in the course design)

The first group of taxes consists of non-operating expenses of a transport company. Therefore, they reduce gross profit. As part of the second group of taxes, property tax (NIM) is calculated based on the average annual value of property for the reporting period (quarter, half-year, 9 months, year) and the established property tax rate.

The taxes of the first group include:

tax on road users (Na/d) - 4% of gross income excluding VAT.

The average property value is calculated as follows:

on the first day of the reporting quarter (01.01, 01.04, 01.07, 01.10, 01.01 of the next year) the tax base is determined. In the course project, fixed assets (the construction cost of the vessel) serve as such a base. Since the base does not change during the year, the average value of the property is taken equal to authorized capital(Nim=2.2%).

Income tax is taken as a percentage of P's gross profit minus taxes on roads and property and is determined by the formula:

0.2*477549.12=95509.82 (USD)

where is the income tax rate (=20%)

Pv=(1352853.6+116207)-(911133.6+60480)=497447 (dollars).

Pb=497447-19897.88=477549.12 (USD)

On/d=497447*0.04=19897.88 (USD)

Pch=Pb-Npr=477549.12-95509.82=382039.3 (USD)

3. Analysis of financial condition

An analysis of the financial condition of a transport company is carried out after calculating the main operational and economic performance indicators.

After determining the financial result from cargo transportation and time charter of vessels, 3 options are selected for analysis:

option when the transport company has achieved the best positive financial result, in conditions of working with prepayment of transportation and leasing of vessels,

option - the same, but with 50% prepayment;

option when the transport company has the worst positive result, working in conditions of prepayment.

Using these three options, a transport company balance sheet is drawn up, which differs from the balance sheet in that it contains a selection of individual sections and balance sheet items. This balance sheet is called a balance sheet matrix.

Based on this balance sheet, the main indicators are determined that characterize the solvency of the transport company, the ability to repay its obligations in a timely manner, as well as expand production and economic activities.

These indicators characterizing solvency include the following coefficients:

absolute liquidity,

intermediate liquidity;

total liquidity.

These indicators are determined from the ratio of individual balance sheet items.

Absolute liquidity ratio

(standard - 0.2)

Intermediate liquidity ratio

(standard - 1.0)

Total liquidity ratio

(standard - 2.0)

Thus, overall liquidity characterizes the company’s ability to pay short-term debt obligations, taking into account quickly organized funds (cash, securities), as well as using receivables.

Along with the indicated indicators, the balance coverage ratio is calculated. This coefficient assesses the ability of a transport company to pay its obligations using, if necessary, all working capital, including slow-moving assets such as inventory.

Balance coverage ratio

(standard - 3.0)

5. Coefficient financial stability

(standard - 0.5)



3. =1238123,87/1538481,34=0,8



Table 6

Asset∑I.Section: Non-current assets1.1 Vehicles 39000000Total for Section I 39000000II Section: Current assets2.1. Material reserves 12959,772.2. Cash 797980,442.3. Short-term financial investments 382039.932.4. Accounts receivable 58103.5 Total for section II 1251083.64 Balance sheet 40251083.64 Liabilities I. Section: Capital and reserves 1.1. Authorized capital 390000001.2. Retained earnings 382,039.93 Total for Section I 39,382,039.93 II Section: Short-term liabilities 2.1. Accounts payable343835,372.1.1. Debt to the budget 123270, 12.1.2. Advances received 343835,372.2. Dividend calculations2.3. Borrowed funds 58103.5 Total for section II 869044.34 Balance 40251083.64

4. Determination of the minimum volumes of cargo transportation at given freight rates

The minimum volume of cargo transportation that ensures break-even operation of the transport company at given freight rates:

Operating costs for the vessel, independent of the volume of transportation,

The share of independent expenses in the total attributable to the transportation of goods.


S is the cost of transporting cargo by this type of vessel, determined from the expression

37963.9/1737.5=21.85 (dollars/t).

Expenses for a vessel for the navigation period are determined based on operating costs per revolution (Eob), the number of revolutions performed by the vessel during the navigation period (nob) and the number of ships of this type, i.e.

E=Eob*nob*nc (thousand dollars)

E=37963.9*24*1=911133.6 (USD).

En=911133.6*0.26=236894.74 (dollars).

f - freight rates

The calculations take into account the option of freight rates

fn; fa; fв; fmin, where

fн - freight rate calculated based on the standard of net foreign exchange earnings;

fa - freight rate, calculated based on 75% of the standard net foreign exchange earnings;

fв - freight rate calculated based on 50% of the standard net foreign exchange earnings;

fmin - the freight rate is determined based on the minimum acceptable share of profit in the tariff rate for the transport company ( δ).

where δ is the minimum share of profit in the tariff rate acceptable for a transport company; δ - 20%


In this course work the main operational and economic indicators of the transport company’s activities were developed, and comprehensive analysis her financial condition.

When performing calculations, the following results were obtained:

· The company's income per turnover: from the transportation of goods - $56,368.9, from the rental of ships - $116,207;

· The company's expenses for turnover: from transportation of goods - $37,963.9, for wages - $60,480;

· Gross profit - $497,447;

· Balance sheet profit - $477,549.12;

· Net profit - $382,039.3

Based on the financial results obtained from the operation of the existing vessel, we can say that the operation of a vessel of the type Baltic Project 613 is beneficial for the enterprise, since it ensures high profitability from transportation (Dper = 1352853.6 dollars) and from leasing the vessel (Dar = 116207 dollars). At the same time, the profitability of transportation will be 0.41.

Measures to improve the performance of vessels include: reducing empty sailing time, full use carrying capacity, cargo capacity of ships and transportation of highly tariffed cargo.

Similar works to - Creation of a shipping company, development of operational and economic indicators of its functioning

Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport
Federal State Educational Institution
higher professional education
“Maritime State Academy named after Admiral F.F. Ushakova"

Department of Economics and Management

“Development of a business plan for a shipping company”

Guidelines for completing coursework
in the discipline "Enterprise Planning"
for 4th year cadets of full-time and part-time study of specialty 080502.65 “Economics and management in enterprise (transport)”

These guidelines for the course work were prepared by N.N. Ksenzova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management.

Approved at a meeting of the department “EM”, minutes No.____ dated “___”______2010.

Guidelines for completing the course work “Development of a business plan for a shipping company” are compiled in accordance with the course program “Planning at an Enterprise”.
The basis of a manager’s work is making the right decisions and organizing work to implement them. Therefore, the purpose of the course work is to teach cadets the means and methods of making planning decisions, to develop skills and abilities to develop strategic, tactical and business plans.
The main objective of the course work is to develop an investment business plan for a shipping company to acquire a fleet in order to develop a given cargo flow.
The explanatory note for the course work should be formatted as follows.
Front page, drawn up in accordance with Appendix 1 to the course work.
Design assignment, drawn up in accordance with Appendix 2 to the course work. The number of the task (option) is determined by the last three digits of the cadet card number (grade book).
Introduction. In the introduction on 2-3 pages, it is necessary to justify the relevance of the chosen topic of the course work, highlight the role and place of business planning in the development of the company’s business, and answer the questions:
- why do you need a business plan?
- who and where draws up a business plan?
- what is included in the business plan?
Project part represents the main sections of the investment business plan of a shipping company.
Conclusion, in which it is done brief analysis the results obtained and the main conclusions regarding the selection of the optimal investment business plan for a shipping company.
List of used literature includes sources and literature that the author used when writing the course work.
All sections of the explanatory note must have a title, numbering and be located in a certain sequence.
All pages, formulas, tables and diagrams must be numbered; pages must have a frame in accordance with GOST. Coursework must be prepared in accordance with the regulatory requirements for the preparation of coursework.
The text of the calculation and explanatory note must include all the necessary calculations, justifications and explanations for the calculations, with links to the sources used. Detailed calculations with explanations are given for one option, and all others are given in tabular form.
Calculations can be performed using a PC and software(EXCEL).
    The role of a business plan in the formation of company resources
The business planning process is a consistent presentation of the key points of the project, convincing a partner or investor of its profitability and the need to participate in it.
Not all companies have enough money to purchase their fixed assets. Companies all over the world use borrowed capital to form their resources. However, no one in the world will give money unless a serious justification is presented for the reliability of the capital investment and the possibility of its return at a certain time and with agreed interest.
In order to prove to a potential lender or investor the effectiveness of the proposed capital investment option, a business plan is developed. A business plan can be developed not only as a document for attracting additional investments, but also as a document for developing a concept and strategy for business development, or as a tool for assessing the company’s performance for a certain period. In the course work, the business plan is considered in all its functions.
In the shipping business, business plans are developed mainly for lenders - large banks in order to obtain investment for the construction or purchase of a fleet.
Typically, the following loan conditions are stipulated: the currency in which the loan is provided; loan size; the interest rate at which the loan is provided; loan repayment period. Bank interest rates R(%) for different clients are not the same and are calculated using the formula:
R = r + x,
where r – prime rate – base rate set for the best (reliable) clients;
x – additional rate depending on the client’s reputation. It is usually 0.5-2%.
Banks evaluate a company wishing to receive a loan according to the following parameters (they are called “4C”, which corresponds to the Russian “4D”):
Character – business reputation firms;
Cash flow – cash flow;
Collateral – additional collateral;
Contribution – share of equity capital.
All these elements in the business plan provided to the bank must be shown very clearly and convincingly.
    Statement of the problem
A large shipping company …..SHIP (provisional name) decided to create a subsidiary shipping company, for which it allocated 20 million USD for the purchase of fixed assets (vessels) and the creation of working capital.
Based on the market analysis, it was concluded that within the next five years (and possibly for a longer period) there is a fairly good opportunity for deadweight bulk carriers to operate? 60 thousand tons (PANAMAX) and deadweight? 40 thousand tons (HANDYMAX). It is quite likely that the company will be able to carry out a large volume of work annually on a Voyage charter basis, and there are also fairly good prospects for effectively chartering these vessels on Time-charter terms on a 12-month basis.
Considering that the company is a subsidiary of the reputable shipping company .....SHIP, for the purchase of a fleet it is possible to obtain a loan from one of the banks serving the long-term needs of shipowners in the amount of up to 50% of the cost of the purchased vessels with a loan repayment period from 1 to 5- ten years at 10% per annum. In this case, a grace period for repaying the loan can be agreed upon, in which during the first two years or only during the first year the loan is not repaid, but only interest is paid.
On the tonnage market it is possible to buy both ships only after construction, as well as used ships aged 5 and 10 years. It is assumed that new vessels can be delivered to the buyer without delay.
The main characteristics of the vessels are given in table. 1, and the indices of changes in freight rates, voyage and operating costs are in table. 2 (Table 2 shows chain growth coefficients).
The project applies a discount rate equal to the loan rate.
In the course work, it is accepted that the potential volume of transportation work of a company under a voyage charter can be: 1,100 thousand tons per year for grain cargo, for coal - 1,200 thousand tons per year and for ore - 1,300 thousand tons per year.
The project is designed for 5 years, after which the company can either continue to work in the relevant market segment or change the profile of its activities by selling existing vessels at the market price.

Table 1.

Main characteristics of the purchased vessels

Indicators Indicator options
Vessel type PANAMAX Dw=60 thousand tons
HANDYMAX Dw=40 thousand tons
Age New 5 years 10 years New 5 years 10 years
Market price of the vessel, million USD 34-36 22-24 16-18 22-24 14-16 11-13
Operating period, days. 360 355 350 360 355 350
Average operating speed, miles/day 330 320 310 330 55000 36000
Time charter rate for 1st year, USD/day
15500 15000 14500 11000 10500 10000
Price of the vessel at the end of the project, million USD 25-27 16-18 11-13 16-18 11-13 8-10

Table 2
Indices of changes in source data

Name indicator
Indices of changes in indicators by year
1 2 3 4 5
Time charter rate 1,0 1,03 1,23 1,07 1,10
Freight rate 1,0 1,2 1,13 1,06 1,09
Flight expenses 1,0 1,04 1,09 1,11 1,17
Operating expenses 1,0 1,02 1,06 1,06 1,08

The developed project is assessed at two levels:
management of the company (Board of Directors) - to approve the direction of the company’s activities in accordance with the developed project;
management of the bank - if necessary, obtaining a bank loan for the implementation of the project.
The effectiveness of the project is assessed according to the following components of the vector criterion:
- net present value;
- payback period of investments;
- rate (index) of investment profitability;
- net present value at the time of project completion;
- internal rate of profitability.
The last two indicators are of interest not to the bank, but to the management of the company itself, since it can adopt an increase in its net present profit as the company's strategy.
    Business plan structure
The work is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the preparation of business plans and includes:
Front page. It should be concise and attractive, and should not be overloaded with unnecessary information. It indicates: the name of the company initiating the project; purpose of the business plan; specific investor business plan; address, telephone numbers and fax, last name and first name of the director of the company and the author of the document; date and place of drawing up the business plan.
Table of contents. The table of contents should present a clear structure of the main sections of the business plan. As a rule, it is given enlarged, without excessive detail. The table of contents should include not only the names of sections, but also the page numbers from which these sections begin.
Resume. It is an extremely brief summary of the essence of the business proposal; it sets out all the ideas of the business plan from goal setting to a summary of the financial justification of the project. The summary is written in such a way as to interest a potential investor and convince him of the feasibility and effectiveness of the presented project.
Typically, a resume contains the following components:
name of the project and purpose of the business plan;
brief information about the company;
essence of the project;
the total amount of investment in the project, the need for investment;
basic financial results and evaluation of project effectiveness.
The executive summary is presented first, immediately after the table of contents, but is written last after all other sections of the business plan have been developed. The resume should be no more than 1-2 pages; The main requirements for writing it are clarity, conciseness, and persuasiveness.
General description of the company. The purpose of this section is to provide a general description of the company and to help potential investors gain a clear understanding of the company they are interested in as an investment or business partner. The volume of this section should not exceed 1-2 pages. The general structure of the company description should contain answers to the following key questions:
    Basic information about the company. Indicated:
    - full name of the company;
    - organizational and legal form;
    - form of ownership;
    - ownership structure;
    - location and legal address of the company;
    - profile and main activities of the company;
    - characteristics of the legal documents required for the types of activities in question (necessary licenses, permits, by whom and when issued, their validity periods).
    2. History of the company's creation. Indicated:
    - date of foundation;
    - main stages;
    - the current stage of business development.
    3. Current business organization. Describes:
    - composition of members of the management team, their shares in the capital;
    - the size of the authorized capital in the company.
    4. Brief description of the company's infrastructure. Indicated:
    - main buildings and premises;
    - production capacity;
    - company assets.
    5. The main factors that will lead the company to success. Potential differentiating competencies may include (distinctive competencies of a company are a set of unique characteristics or capabilities that create special value for the consumer (charterer)):
    - effective systems for providing cargo transportation services;
    - company personnel;
    - geographical location of the company, etc.
Industry analysis. The purpose of this section is to provide an analysis of the state of affairs in the maritime transport industry. To do this, it is necessary to collect and analyze information about the industry.
In order for business investments to be effective, it is necessary to take into account both industry and regional characteristics of the business: how and in what direction the industry (region) is developing, in what conditions the company will conduct business. The main issues that are considered as part of the industry analysis:
    General description of the industry and its size. Defined:
    - dynamics of transportation volumes in the industry and other industry characteristics;
    - industry growth and development trends.
    2. The largest enterprises in the industry.
    3. Regional structure of production. Described:
    - general characteristics of the region;
    - distribution of transport enterprises in the region.
    4. Development of sea transportation of goods abroad. Given:
    - volumes of cargo transportation by type of navigation and types of cargo transported;
    - main cargo flows and their characteristics;
    - assessment of the prospects for the development of maritime transport in the industry and region.
    5. Main characteristics of industry enterprises - potential competitors. Indicated:
    - nomenclature and volumes of transported goods;
    - areas in which they work;
    - competitiveness of companies;
    - pricing policy in the field of maritime transportation;
    - state of the material base;
    - profitability of production.
Company products and services. A description of the lines and directions on which the company's fleet operates is given, and a description of the proposed transport service is given. Transportation lines and directions are formed on the basis of individual initial data corresponding to the work option number. They are selected based on data analysis adj. 3. It is necessary to justify whether the company’s fleet will operate on a voyage or time charter, in what years and why. When developing this section, knowledge of the Geography of Maritime Shipping is used.
Marketing plan. The state of the market, the potential for its growth are described, and the expected actions of competitors are assessed. Proposals are being developed for using a loan to enter a specific line or develop cargo flow with justification for specific transportation prices or pricing strategies, advertising options and other actions to promote the service, etc.
Management and organization. The commercial success or failure of a project depends on the quality of management. Therefore, this section should present the organizational structure of the company’s management and note its advantages, characterizing the composition of the management team that will ensure the implementation of the business plan. A potential investor should gain an understanding of who will be in charge and how authority will be distributed among members of the management team. When writing this section, you can use literature on management theory.
Capital. Bankers are much more willing to give money to those who have it and know how to handle it. It is necessary to show that the company itself finances part of the project under consideration (contribution), owns sufficient capital and efficient work, and to pay off debt. The section must show how the company intends to manage its capital by year of the project period (use of net income received, purchase and sale of ships, saving accumulated amounts in the bank). In the latter case, the company receives 10% per annum for storing funds.
Financial plan. This section is the final and most important. Lenders trust only numbers and know how to analyze them. Therefore, the section makes scrupulous calculations of the company’s net income by year, analyzes the process of reaching the break-even point of the project, the possibility of repaying the debt and paying interest on the loan. All calculations are carried out with discounting at the accepted discount rate. The methodology for justifying the financial plan is given in Section. 4.
    Methodology for justifying the financial plan
The most significant point in calculating the financial plan is the choice of methodology according to which the project indicators will be substantiated. The methodology must be adapted to the requirements of the investor who is a potential lender to the project and to whom the business plan will be submitted for consideration. Not a single investor will even consider the presented business plan if the financial justification is carried out using a method unknown to him.
In fact, the methodology for justifying the effectiveness of a business plan comes down to finding the vector:
X = (DCF, PbP, RR, NPV, IRR) (1)
    Where DCF discounted cash flow – net discounted income;
    PbP– payback period – payback period for investments;
    R.R.- rate of return – profitability index;
    NPV net present value – net discounted profit;
    IRR– internal rate of return – internal rate of profitability.
The course work examines a variant of the methodology for justifying the effectiveness of investments, adapted for shipping companies that own a fleet for transporting bulk cargo (coal, ore, grain, oil, etc.). A distinctive feature of such companies is that the company can either manage its fleet itself, operating on a voyage charter, or charter part of the tonnage on a time-charter basis.
The key issue in the methodology for justifying the effectiveness of investments is the degree to which the level of future income and expenses associated with the implementation of the project is justified. Particularly difficult is predicting the level of freight rates for the transportation of goods under voyage charters and the level of time charter rates.
Justification of the level of values ​​that make up the initial data and standards remains the most difficult task in developing real business plans, and students must understand this. During course design, this part of the work is not required from cadets (students). It is believed that the level of initial data and standards has already been justified at the preliminary stage.
The investment justification method is as follows.
The voyage time, the number of voyages of each type of vessel size per year and its annual carrying capacity are preliminarily calculated using well-known formulas. The results are summarized in table. 3.

Table 3
Vessel performance indicators

Where t X , t st , t r - running, parking and total voyage time;
r– number of ship voyages per year (rounded down to whole numbers)
on the other hand, since records of the work of vessels are carried out according to dispatch
ny flights);
?Q – carrying capacity of the vessel per year.
Next, the economic indicators are calculated.
    Calculation of net CF income
    - When operating a vessel under a voyage charter:
    CF v = (GF v - V.C. v ) – O.C. v ; (2)
    TCE v = GF v - V.C. v - result on the time charter base for the flight; (3)
    Where GF v - gross freight - income per voyage, determined by the product of the freight rate by the vessel's load on the voyage minus the brokerage commission, with the brokerage commission percentage for grain cargo being 4.0%, for coal - 3.8%, for ore - 3.5% ;
    V.C. v voyage costs – voyage expenses (fuel costs, port-
    commercial and channel fees, etc.);
    O.C. v - operating (running) costs – operating (current) expenses


Shipping companies are generally divided into several types. The first and most common type is the transportation of goods. Next come companies working in the field of servicing marine vehicles, oil and marine companies. Well, there is also a company that rents out a floating hotel for employees of other companies.

This is the last type of business I wanted to talk about. Although other types of shipping companies also deserve attention. In any case, you first need to buy the ship itself. The ships are standing on secondary market starting from 1 million dollars. Plus add funds for repairs, re-equipment, and certification of ship systems. It turns out to be quite a large amount. The list of certificates and permits easily exceeds 50. This includes permission for radio communications, going to sea for a vessel, sailing under the flags of the country where you are going to open this type business. And much more.

Of course, there are already companies that solve many issues when opening a shipping company. Such companies specialize in turnkey work. You enter into an agreement supposedly for consulting services for a fairly substantial amount with deductions every month for the entire period of the company’s operation. That is, in fact, such a company becomes your “roof”. They usually provide protection from the misfortunes of small government inspectors.

Just like that, without having a good one customer base Of course, no one opens this type of business. But this is a very profitable type of business. Cargo transportation and other services in the maritime business sector are very promising to create. Offshore oil fields are being developed all over the world, and the demand for such services is constantly growing.

For example, let's take a floating hotel. Such a hotel should have everything - a gym, a dining room, recreation areas, showers, toilets and others. prerequisites. At the same time, you can’t get by with just 1 ship. We need at least 3 more ships. 1 ship will deliver provisions to the main ship, 2 ship will carry out small renovation work and waste disposal. 3 The ship must move the floating hotel from place to place. Well, not 3 ships, but 2 are possible if you need to save money. Plus, large boats or barges are needed to deliver people from the ship to workplace and back.

The amount of investment required to create a small local shipping company is about 3-4 million dollars. In the case of creating a global company (sea cargo transportation around the world) it will be from 10 million dollars. What do people do to open such a company? Right. They take investments, look for investors. Typically, investments are taken for a period of up to 10 years; in the first 3 years they are not paid, increasing income and creating all the conditions for successful work sea ​​shipping company.