It's no secret that the number passenger cars is growing every year.

Accordingly, the demand for spare parts and accessories for passenger vehicles is increasing.

Organizing your own business aimed at producing car mats - for small businesses with small investments at the start.

An entrepreneur with a modest budget can implement a project for the production of textile car mats.

You can produce both ready-made options and custom-made products.

The latter direction will allow you to get maximum profit, since original works are more expensive (from 1,500 rubles per set).

What the article is about:

How much money do you need to start a production of car mats?

To launch the production of car mats, an investment of 350 thousand rubles will be required..

These funds are necessary for registering an individual entrepreneur, purchasing the first batch of consumables and sewing equipment.

Where to start opening production

At the initial stage organize a mini-workshop for sewing textile car mats possible in the conditions of your own apartment.

If the number of orders increases, you can think about renting a separate room.

To sew high-quality textile car mats, you need to use rubberized carpet.

It is possible to reduce the cost of purchasing consumables if the entrepreneur manages to purchase leftover carpet in specialized stores that sell floor coverings.

Small pieces usually remain unclaimed, and retail outlet owners sell them at large discounts.

The market price of rubberized carpet is about 300 rubles per square meter.

To make one set of car mats you need 1.5 meters of material.

The entrepreneur will also need to take into account the costs of purchasing a stationery knife, crayons and patterns.

What equipment to choose for sewing

At the initial stage, a significant part of the funds will need to be invested in the purchase of an overlaying machine (costing from 10 to 40 thousand rubles) and a professional sewing machine.

Of course, you can do without it by organizing cooperation with a local studio.

However, in this case, the cost of production will be higher.

If an entrepreneur fulfills all orders without the participation of an atelier, then he will spend about 500 rubles on the production of one set of rugs.

The market value of such products is 2 times higher.

Thus, the sale of one set will allow you to receive a net profit of 500 rubles.

By producing exclusive models of car mats with original drawings and inscriptions, you can double your revenue.

To work in a mini-shop for sewing car mats, you will need to employ one tailor.

He can be paid 15% of the market value of completed orders.

The profitability of a business producing textile car mats depends on the number of stable sales channels for products.

An entrepreneur can take it to specialized retail outlets at a wholesale price or start selling it on the Internet.

How much can you earn

Rubberized carpet is used as a material for making rugs. Cost of 1 sq.m. is 300 rubles. Sewing a set of rugs will require 1.5 meters of material. Thus, the cost of one set will cost 450 rubles. The cost of producing rugs can be reduced if you buy small pieces of carpet that remain in the store after cutting the roll. Such pieces are sold at a reduced price. Sets of car mats are sold for 1,000 rubles. You can sew 20 sets per day, 500 per month. The monthly income will be 500,000 rubles.

The profitability of a business directly depends on the availability of distribution channels. An entrepreneur can sell kits in an online store, or can sell them to specialized auto stores. Considering high competition, as well as small initial investments, payback will occur in 1.5-2 years.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering?

OKVED 13.93 – production of carpets and carpet products.

What documents are needed to open

As an organizational legal form enterprises are recommended to register individual entrepreneurship (IP). Registration is not difficult and takes no more than a week. Simplified reporting. Documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

The most suitable taxation system is the simplified taxation system (STS). It is recommended to pay a profit tax of 15%.

Do I need permission to open?

No special permission is required to register this business.

Technology for the production of car mats

A car mat is an indispensable accessory that allows you to keep your car clean. A good rug, made with high quality, will serve the car enthusiast for many years.

This business represents a promising business for beginning entrepreneurs who do not require large investments at the start. You can make rugs according to standard sizes cars that are used on the market, but can be produced to order, such kits are more expensive. Rugs are made from various materials, but rugs made from textile carpet are very popular. It consists of two or three layers, absorbs moisture and dirt and does not allow it to pass further into the cabin.

Rugs are made as follows:

  • cutting according to the pattern is carried out;
  • edges are processed with overlock;
  • then the “thrust pad” is sewn on.

The pattern is used to cut the rug into the desired shape. You can make them from cardboard yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones. For large volumes, you can use a machine that will cut quickly and accurately, and will not allow you to waste excess material.

The edges of the rug are finished with two, three and four thread seams. If the seams are not treated, then after a while they will begin to unravel. Pads are pads that maintain the surface of the rug. Very often clients order logo embroidery. This is done with a special embroidery machine.

To make a stable profit, it is necessary to organize the sale of car mats in large sizes. To do this you need:

  • enter into an agreement with one of the trading organizations involved in the sale of auto parts;
  • open your own online store or outlet on the market.

Manufacturing and selling products for cars is a popular business. Car owners regularly purchase various accessories and products for their cars. Profitable idea small business in the production and sale of car mats is very relevant in the current conditions. It is important to approach business organization thoroughly to avoid mistakes.

To begin with, it’s worth making detailed business a plan in which it is necessary to take into account all stages: from choosing the appropriate form of business registration to purchasing equipment and methods of marketing products.

No. 1. Choosing a room for a workshop

If you have a garage, then at the initial stage of business development it can be used as a workshop space. A workshop for the production of car mats will require a small room. An area of ​​40-50 square meters is enough to accommodate everything. necessary tools and equipment. Conditions for production premises standard: fire safety, high-quality electrical wiring, good ventilation, excellent lighting, creating comfortable work areas for employees. Location does not have special significance. For renting a premises of 40 square meters you will pay no more than 20 thousand rubles per month.

No. 2. Selection of materials for the production of car mats

Rugs are mainly made from two main materials: rubberized carpet and rubber. Each of these materials has pros and cons.

Advantages of rubber mats:

  1. Durable, as they consist of high-quality and durable rubber coatings.
  2. They are easy to clean and do not require regular maintenance.

This option is suitable for those drivers who do not want to constantly bother with cleaning and maintenance.

Advantages of rubberized carpet mats:

  1. More respectable appearance. Such mats are popular among owners of expensive foreign cars.
  2. Absorb excess moisture. Unlike rubber mats, you will not have small puddles under your feet, especially in winter period time.

If you are limited in initial investments, then it is better to choose the option of producing rubberized carpet. Of course, as profits grow, it’s worth thinking about expanding the business and producing two product options. The fact is that the production of rubber mats requires more spacious premises and significant investments in equipment. Therefore, you can start with carpet, and invest the profits in expanding your business. The option with textile material is an excellent choice for a novice entrepreneur who is not ready to take big risks. It should be noted that carpet for sewing car mats can be very different.

No. 3. Choosing the right carpet

We chose carpet as the main material, which has a number of advantages: relatively low cost, ease of use, good moisture resistance, practical and durable.

For production, two-layer or three-layer carpet should be used. The first consists of artificial pile and a rubber base. This option is more budget-friendly in terms of production. The second option, consisting of three layers, is made of three materials: a rubber base, a protective layer of polymer materials and synthetic bristles. This option is aimed at wealthier consumers, that is, owners of prestigious foreign cars.

Carpet varies in density and quality (there are 3 options):

  1. Non-woven car carpet. Density - 450 g/sq.m. Most budget option is aimed at those who prefer to buy the cheapest products, and there are a lot of such buyers during a crisis.
  2. Tufted carpet. Density - 650 g/sq.m. Ideal value for money. A more durable option.
  3. Elite carpet consisting of double twisted propylene fiber. The density of such products reaches 1100 g/sq.m. The cost of such rugs will be many times more expensive compared to the two previous options. Of course, in a crisis there is no point in producing such elite products, since most people have little free money left.

Which option should I choose?

The premium segment should be excluded immediately. It is unlikely that these products will be in demand during a crisis. The ideal choice is tufted carpet. You need to arrange supplies of this material. It comes in special rolls. Each roll is about 2 meters wide, and the number of linear meters ranges from 38 to 76. The purchase of the first batch of this material will cost about 15,000 rubles.

No. 4. Car mat production process and investments

Now you need to master production technology. Of course, highly specialized craftsmen are suitable for these purposes.

The process consists of 4 main stages:

  1. At the first stage, cutting according to patterns is performed.
  2. On the second, the product is processed around the perimeter.
  3. Thrust bearing.
  4. The final stage is embroidery.

Equipment and consumables for production:

  1. Patterns for sewing - 200 rubles.
  2. Industrial knives - 5000 rub.
  3. Embroidery machine - 400,000 rub.
  4. Cutting machine - 200,000 rub.
  5. Cutting table - 20,000 rub.
  6. Overlock - 45,000 rub.

Total costs:

  1. Equipment: 650,000 rub.
  2. Consumables(purchase of the first batch) - 100,000 rubles.

To organize a small workshop you will need 750,000 rubles.

No. 5. Profit and payback

The cost of one set of rugs is 800 rubles, and they can be sold for 2000-2500 rubles per set. If you sell your products independently, the net profit from each product will be 1,200 rubles. A small workshop is capable of producing 10-15 products per day. A small workshop can generate about 150,000 rubles in net profit per month. In this case, the payback will be 6-7 months.

No. 6. Sales of products

To sell products, you should use different channels: the Internet, bulletin boards, social media, cooperation with service stations, auto repair shops, supply of products to auto shops, showrooms, etc.

Starting capital – 350 thousand rubles.
Profit per month – 85 thousand rubles.
Payback period – 6 months.

It's no secret that every year there are more and more cars around the world, which means that the demand for them is growing. As the number of cars increases, the demand for a variety of related “automotive products” also increases, which includes spare parts and simply various accessories. And if you have long wanted to start your own business, you can consider the business of producing textile car mats as an option.

To begin with, of course, it’s worth understanding what advantages textile mats in cars have compared, for example, to rubber ones. In general, textile rugs are made from durable and quite practical fabric, which is what makes them wear-resistant and versatile.

The first main advantage of such rugs is practicality, the second is resistance to stains, they are very easy to wash, the third is moisture retention, they are absolutely waterproof, and easy to clean. All this puts such coatings in first place in popularity, so there is no doubt about the demand for such a product.

All that is required for such a business idea is material, a stationery knife, crayons, and a sewing machine, or rather an overlocker, this will be the most expensive part of the business, although it will gradually pay off, because it is purchased once, although if the material allows, you can organize production without overlock. The idea turns out to be real.

Nowadays there is a huge selection of raw materials for the production of car mats, it is worth finding out the price and choosing the most optimal one. By the way, in stores selling floor coverings, there are usually carpet scraps left over, which are sold at very high prices. low prices. They are usually not taken for home use, because the pieces remain small and inconvenient. But they make excellent textile floor mats for car interiors.

For example, you can buy a piece of good imported rubberized carpet measuring 1 m 60 cm by 4 meters for only 920 rubles. A piece can easily make 16 rugs, 4 sets. One set - 230 rub. Exactly the same car mats are bought in stores for 1-1.5 thousand rubles, and branded ones cost 2,000 rubles. It turns out that on one set you can easily earn 500 rubles if you make standard ones, or 1000 rubles if the rug is made to order.

It is also worth calculating the cost of car mats with the costs of regular carpet. So, for 6 carpet sets you need 9 sq.m., the price of regular carpet (not scraps) is per 1 sq.m. decent quality and with a rubberized base for about 300 rubles, it turns out to be 2700 rubles. As mentioned above, you will need a stationery knife for cutting and crayons - this is 100 rubles; for the first time, you can use thick cardboard as a pattern. It turns out that the cost of one set is 480 - 500 rubles, sell for 1000 rubles.

Textile car mats The main difficulty may be the overlaying machine, since the cheapest one can be purchased for 10,000 - 40,000, but this will be a one-time payment.

For the first time, you can, of course, use the services of an atelier, but the price for one set will be quite high.

In the future, it will be necessary to accept orders for individual designs, make inscriptions and drawings on carpets.

Considerable importance will need to be given to the marketing of your products; you will need to go around stores, car markets, showrooms selling used cars, perhaps you will be able to come to an agreement and sell a large batch at once. Well, or as a last resort, make a few and sell them very cheaply to friends or neighbors, and, as they say, the earth is full of rumors, and gradually people will begin to learn about your production at home.

Thus, when minimum costs, it is quite possible to organize production and start selling textile car mats. The most important thing is decent and high-quality service. And one more tip - you can display an example of your work at several service stations, car shops, car washes, so that potential clients could immediately see the work. And, of course, it will take great desire and hard work, only then can the business idea come to life.

A business that requires only 2 managers and one or two tailors to run successfully, client base, as well as the generated flow of clients.

Business when in winter the indicators double due to the fact that car blankets are sewn.
Average monthly income for the year is 85,000 per month,
with minimal consumables and a markup of 300% or more.
For the new owner, a marketing plan with recommendations and action plans is included as a gift; By following it, you can quickly and easily increase your net profit to 130,000 rubles per month.

All equipment is owned, worth at least 350,000 rubles.
Video surveillance installed electronic key, the entire premises are under security.

The reason for the sale is the need to devote the maximum amount of time to the main business.

Net profit per month: 85,000 rub.
Average monthly turnover: 135,000 rub.
Average monthly expenses: 25,000 rub.

Number of employees: 1
1 tailor, his income is 20,000 rubles per month
The employee comes when recruited required quantity orders, open from 10-19h
Form of payment 15% from order

Fund salary: 20000

Room area: 26 m2
Rental price: 6000

Means of production:

A constant inventory balance is maintained in the amount of 400,000 rubles, which consists of finished products (for Mazda, Toyota, and many others), as well as over 10 types of standard and premium sewing materials.

The workshop is guarded, an electronic key and video surveillance are installed.
Services: sewing car mats and car blankets from standard and premium materials, with customer’s theme applied

Non-standard individual orders of products for cars, with the application of various embroideries
Owned equipment (all equipment has documentation):

— professional overlog
— professional powerful sewing machine
- packaging machine
-electric knives, etc.
- cutting table
more than 200 types of automotive patterns
The markup ranges from 300% to 500%

Good luck to you!

Today, the production of EVA mats is a profitable and low-competitive business that does not require huge amounts of money from you. cash investments. Our products are in great demand on the market, so you can as soon as possible recoup your investment and start earning money. We admit that when we just started studying the technology for producing car mats, we really missed such an offer.

We sell ready-made highly profitable business with the prospect of further partnerships, the relevance of which you can verify by getting acquainted with the results of our sales. At an early stage of our cooperation, we will introduce you to the basic operating principles of rug production, train employees and advise you on setting up the necessary equipment.

One of the most important components for high-quality and successful produced by EVA rugs are unique patterns. There are already more than 1,000 of them in our database. All patterns were developed by our highly qualified specialists and confirmed by real photographs of the kits, so you can rest assured of the quality of the products. Also, for your convenience, we have collected all the information on the availability of standard fasteners, the properties of standard floor coverings and other features of each car.

We offer you the following range of business packages:

1. START - 100 thousand rubles (150 patterns)
Equipment: sewing equipment, prepared for this production, a set of patterns (150 pcs.). Presses for installing eyelets, clips and a set of punches.

2. BASIC - 200 thousand rubles (300 patterns)
Equipment: sewing equipment prepared for this production, a set of patterns (300 pcs.). Presses for installing eyelets, clips and a set of punches.

3. PROFESSIONAL - 500 thousand rubles (500 patterns + website)
Equipment: sewing equipment prepared for this production, a set of patterns (500 pcs.). Presses for installing eyelets, clips and a set of punches. Website for selling eva mats on the Internet.