You will learn where it is better to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles in order to make a profit, what investments are the most promising today, how to invest money and not go broke

Hi all! This is the founder of HeatherBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

Today we will talk about profitable investments in conditions of economic instability and find out which areas financial investments most profitable on current moment.

The article will be useful for beginning entrepreneurs, money makers (specialists in making money on the Internet) and anyone who wants to increase their capital in the safest and most profitable way.

So let's begin!

1. How to invest capital in rubles - principles of profitable investment

Surely you have asked yourself these questions more than once: why do some people get rich, while others live from paycheck to paycheck and constantly get into debt? How are the rich different from the poor? Why are some people able to generate stable income while others are not?

We assure you that this is not only about the talents and increased efficiency of wealthy people. They just know how to manage their assets more competently. The starting data for the rich and the poor are in many cases the same, but the approach to material and spiritual resources is radically different for both.

People accustomed to constant poverty and debt do not direct their attention and energy in the right direction. But citizens with a different type of thinking create assets that help them radically change their lives.

The long-term goal of any monetary deposit is to create passive income and free yourself from financial slavery. This means that you don’t have to work “for someone else” for 40-50 hours a week for a fixed salary that doesn’t even meet your needs by a quarter.

In one of our previous publications we already wrote about this - read it.

Having made a successful investment once, we receive constant dividends that do not depend on our labor costs and are constant and stable. Such income can be quite substantial: their main advantage is that they free up your personal time.

Time is a person’s main asset, which cannot be returned back, but can be used right now with maximum effectiveness. It is investments that can give us more time for life, love and creativity.

In order for investments to fulfill their tasks, they must be competent. In this section we will reveal the main principles of profitable investments and explain how to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles with minimal risk.

Investor practitioners and specialists profitable investments give the following advice:

  • invest in investment projects only “free” money. First you need to create the so-called “ financial airbag“- a reserve of money that, in the event of a delay in payments or an unsuccessful scenario, will provide your family with the usual standard of living for several months;
  • follow the principle of diversification of deposits. It sounds complicated, but in reality it means a simple truth - you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. Divide your financial contributions into different areas;
  • control risks. Before making a deposit, calculate your chances in detail and do not make hasty decisions. It is better for novice investors to choose the most conservative financial instruments;
  • attract partners (co-investors). If your money is not enough for a profitable investment, you can create a group of shareholders or an investment pool. The larger the investment amount, the more reliable opportunities there are.

These are basic and elementary principles, but they will help you avoid typical beginner mistakes and save your finances, nerves and energy.

And don't expect too quick results. Investments pay off at different rates: it can sometimes take months or even years (if the investment is long-term) before commissions are credited to your account.

2. Where to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles for a month or more to earn interest - TOP 7 most profitable ways to invest

100-200 thousand rubles is quite a decent amount for investment. Experts advise making investments thoughtfully and wisely.

It is advisable to divide the amount of deposits into several parts so that your investment portfolio is as resistant to market fluctuations as possible. If you place money in 3 different investment areas, you will be well insured against drawdowns and force majeure circumstances.

And now - specific ways of investing, the most profitable, reliable and promising in modern economic realities.

Method 1. Investments in Internet projects (websites, blogs, online stores)

Making a profit through the World Wide Web - current direction investment, a niche that is worth occupying right now, while competition in this area has not yet reached its peak.

The Internet is one of the few sectors of the economy that is in a growing trend, despite economic instability.

You can verify this fact yourself by observing how rapidly social networks, online projects, and applications for mobile devices are developing.

To successfully invest in Internet projects, it is not necessary to have a good understanding of digital technologies and programming. Basic financial literacy and basic knowledge of marketing – that’s all you need to create passive income online.

The resource “”, where you are now, is a typical example of a successful investment in an Internet project. But we warn you in advance that instant financial results You shouldn’t expect anything from your own website.

Investments of up to 200,000 rubles will begin to generate income, at best, six months after the launch of the project. Website owners receive their main income from advertising or direct sales.

In the first case, the maximum profit is brought by information portals with a large audience of readers, in the second - profit is generated through the sale of goods and services through an online store.

The most profitable product to sell online is information products. Discs, programs, files, books that are sold to everyone for money, sometimes quite decent. This could be trainings, courses, video and audio content. Such products are created once, and if everything goes well, they are sold hundreds and thousands of times.

In general, there are a huge number of ways to make money on your own website.

That's just sample list Internet business areas:

  • selling links;
  • work on affiliate programs;
  • sale contextual advertising and places for banners;
  • writing advertising articles;
  • infobusiness.

The territory of activity on the Internet is still vast and fertile. It is not always possible to achieve passive income immediately, but the long-term prospects for such investments are very definite.

Method 2. Bank deposits

Bank deposits are a popular and reliable way to save money. True, one cannot expect much income from deposits in rubles at the current level of inflation.

Therefore, investors are advised to use this method as an auxiliary tool, using bank deposits as a kind of insurance in case of force majeure in other investment areas.

Good news for ultra-cautious investors of the Russian Federation: deposits in the amount of up to 1 million 400 thousand are subject to compulsory insurance. This applies to all financial organizations operating under an official license.

For investments, we advise you to choose large banks with an impeccable reputation. In the Russian Federation, Sberbank is traditionally at the top of popularity, but you should know that this institution has one of the lowest interest rates on deposits of individuals.

It may be worth considering the option of exchanging rubles for foreign currency and making a deposit in euros or dollars, thereby neutralizing the effects of inflation and devaluation.

The advantages of bank deposits are obvious:

  • low risk and high reliability;
  • fixed percentage of income;
  • the ability to return funds to your pocket at any time;
  • accessibility and ease of management (almost all large banks provide users with the ability to remotely manage accounts and cards through their personal account).

The disadvantages are also clear - relatively low income, loss of interest rate if the deposit is reset early.

The erroneous opinion that you can start your own business only with an impressive start-up capital has ruined many entrepreneurs. In fact, you can open your own business even with 100,000 rubles. The amount is quite affordable for most people, and if you master it profitable niche, then the investment will pay off in a short time.

So, let's look at a few ideas for business that fit well into the amount of 100,000 rubles.

Business at home

The first and obvious advantage of such an activity is the absence of rent. If you have a favorite hobby or passion and 100 thousand rubles, you can open a completely serious and promising business. For example, you are a tireless florist. You can set up flower sales channels or rent a point on the market and sell it yourself. To do this, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment, the purchase of which just fits into 100,000 thousand rubles:

  • Special refrigerator;
  • Vases;
  • Stands;
  • Fertilizers;
  • Equipment for decorating bouquets.

If your flower business begins to generate good profits, you can think about expanding your business and opening a store. But in this case, you will have to grow flowers all year round. To do this, you will need to organize a greenhouse, which can also become profitable business. There are several business ideas that you can open with 100 thousand rubles.

Rabbit farming is another home business idea. The advantages of this business include:

  • Stable income;
  • Fast payback;
  • Minimal maintenance costs (especially in the warm season);
  • Low competition;
  • High demand for meat and fur.

But it is worth considering that this type of activity also has its disadvantages:

  • High mortality rate of young offspring;
  • High requirements for sanitary maintenance;
  • Availability necessary documents for meat.

Important: a home business requires registration. For some time you will be able to work without a license, but if you plan to develop your business, you must register it in accordance with Russian legislation.

Shoe, clothing or key repair shop

Such a business can be opened with even 100,000 rubles, since its implementation and development requires a small premises, the rent of which will not cost a lot of money. But don't save too much. The department should be located in passable place and be noticeable.

Until you identify yourself as a responsible master, you should take care of advertising. There is no point in investing in television and radio information channels. Not the same scale. And the costs of such advertising obviously will not fit into 100 thousand rubles. Start with flyers or advertisements. The main thing here is to prove yourself, to get the first regular and satisfied clients who will bring the next ones to you.

If you plan to carry out work activities yourself, that’s great. From the initial investment of 100 thousand rubles you will not have to spend money on payment wages employee. If you need to hire an outside specialist, take into account his experience in this field.

Who doesn't love kebabs! But not many people can afford to get out of town and cook juicy meat over coals. Therefore, the barbecue service at home will be quite in demand, especially in the spring and summer.

What is required to open such a business:

  • Starting capital – 100 thousand rubles will be enough;
  • The vehicle in which the delivery will be carried out;
  • Place for cooking barbecue;
  • Equipment (barbecues, skewers, coals);
  • Varied assortment.

Important: to earn a reputation, your kebab must be of high quality and tasty. Therefore, it is especially important to use fresh meat purchased from a trusted supplier for its preparation.

Be prepared for the fact that on weekends and holidays, the demand for barbecue will be increased. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance about the availability of the necessary ingredients and an assistant.

Photo studio or photo printing on ceramic tiles

Today you won’t surprise anyone with a business like a photo studio, but if you create your own feature... For example, instant photographs for documents with a visit to your home! You will need to purchase the necessary equipment, the purchase of which 100 thousand rubles is enough, and advertise yourself.

And here is a photo print on ceramic tiles The business idea is quite fresh. To do this you will need:

  • Rent a room;
  • Purchase the necessary equipment;
  • Hire an experienced craftsman;
  • 100,000 rubles and inexhaustible enthusiasm.

Such a business can in the future be turned into a reputable photo salon or design studio.

Enough interesting idea for business. Anyone who has a small van and 100,000 rubles in reserve can open it. Products for sale can be very diverse. It is necessary to focus on demand.

In remote villages and villages, the sale of essential items or, on the contrary, exclusive goods will be relevant. In a metropolis, you can offer ice cream or fast food products.

Important: this type of activity must be registered. If food products are on sale, you will need permission from the relevant authorities.

Galvanize car body parts

Over time, the vulnerable spots of domestic cars begin to rust. If measures to eliminate corrosion are not taken in time, the car will become unusable. Here's a business idea that costs 100 thousand rubles - galvanizing a car body.

The demand for the service is quite serious, but there are few offers on the market. You can use your own or rented garage as a space for work. To purchase equipment you will need about 70 thousand rubles. This kind of business will not start to bring results right away stable income. The rate of return and prospects for business development depend on the quality of your services.


Why open a business with 100 thousand rubles if you don’t have your own ideas? It's simple - take advantage of the experience of others. A franchise is the acquisition of the idea itself and a package of documents from a well-promoted large company.

In this case, companies usually provide the necessary equipment, premises and products. All that remains for you is to obtain the appropriate permission from the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities, depending on what your activity will be.

As you can see, even with only 100 thousand rubles, you can start your own business. This is not only a successful start entrepreneurial activity, but also the opportunity to gain invaluable experience, business information with minimal costs. When you become more confident in yourself and your income is stable and sufficient, you can think about expanding your business.

What kind of business to open for 100 thousand rubles, everyone decides individually. The main thing is to do what you love, in which you have certain knowledge and skills.


Many people have the rather erroneous opinion that a business can only be created with a large initial capital. This is wrong. There are many ideas, the implementation of which requires only up to 100 thousand rubles, and some of them can be brought to life without investment. The effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity very often depends on a well-chosen direction, the businessman’s own ambitions, and sometimes even luck.

What kind of business can you open for 100,000 in order to receive a good income in the coming months?

Own atelier: sewing new clothes, repairing old ones

Today there are very few ateliers that could offer such services as sewing modern and high-quality clothes to order, repair old clothes. This niche for forming your own business is practically free. Therefore, having experience in sewing and at least 100 thousand rubles to start, you can completely organize your business in this direction.

Initially, it is possible to start a sewing business in your own apartment. Therefore, all expenses will go towards the purchase necessary equipment and tools. You can advertise your own business in order to attract customers through your relatives and friends, by putting an advertisement in print, by posting it on bulletin boards in residential areas, or by posting it on the Internet.

Real estate agency

Having this amount and experience in real estate activities, you can organize a real estate agency. This business is associated with the provision of services to the population for the rental of inexpensive, high-quality housing. Available capital up to 100,000 rubles. necessary to open an office, which is recommended to be located in crowded areas.

Today we have few specialists in this area of ​​service, so real estate services are quite in demand on the market.

Photo printing on a ceramic surface

Today, a business such as photo printing on ceramics is gaining popularity. These products are in good demand among consumers. Therefore, anyone who has a small capital available, at least up to 100 thousand rubles, or who is still wondering what business to start, can calmly occupy this niche.

Anyone can learn the art of photo printing, and you won’t need much money to purchase equipment to promote your own business. This direction has great prospects in the future. Subsequently, the business can be expanded using the profit received and photo printing can be applied to a wide variety of products. In just a few years of work, it is possible to grow a small business to a significant scale: open, for example, a design studio.

Shop on wheels

For those who have their own vehicle and an initial capital of 100,000 rubles, there are many ideas for creating an individual business. The best option– open your own store on wheels.

To organize mobile trade, you will need to draw up a certain list permitting documents, purchase for 100 thousand rubles. goods and you can start trading on wheels.

You can really sell anything, and most importantly, do it in different places. For example, you can deliver to villages far from the city the goods that the villagers need most. This business simultaneously involves the provision of services such as delivery certain goods under the order in small shops, and also to individual clients at home.

In the city, mobile trade is quite profitable, as it covers the main segment - public catering.

Claim about own activities to form an extensive client base most effectively through Internet resources.

What kind of business can you open for another 100 thousand rubles?

Guinea fowl breeding

For a village, breeding guinea fowl is a rather interesting business idea. This type poultry able to take root in different climatic conditions and does not require special care. Even a novice farmer, whose activities were not previously related to agriculture, can start breeding such birds.

It should be noted that guinea fowl meat is highly valued; it is considered a dietary food. Today, guinea fowl meat is rapidly gaining popularity among consumers, but is in short supply in grocery hypermarkets.

Galvanization of car body parts

Every motorist knows that after a certain period of time, areas damaged by corrosion appear on the body of domestic cars, which contributes to the deterioration of the appearance of the car. And if you let it develop further, the vehicle will very quickly become unusable.

To prevent this, as well as prevent expensive repairs to your car, you can galvanize the body in advance.

Providing such services is a ready-made niche for starting your own business for that amount. And if you treat your work responsibly, provide only quality services, then this business will bring good money, since today there are many people in need of these services, but there are not enough offers for everyone.

Conclusion: you can safely open a small workshop, for example, in your own garage, then you will only need about 100,000 rubles. for the purchase of equipment and tools.

HOA Manager

In the housing and communal services sector, after the reforms, a new specialty appeared - the manager of the HOA (homeowners' association). Residents of apartment buildings no longer trust utilities, since the money they collect is very rarely used to improve housing. Today, residents entrust the collected money to the person they choose from the house. His responsibilities include directing the collected funds to repair the house and improve the surrounding area.

If you have basic concepts in conducting repair work, then in this direction you can also open own business, having spent about 100 thousand rubles on the purchase of tools and necessary equipment.

The salary of the HOA manager itself may not be high, but over time it is possible to take on several residential buildings at once for maintenance. It also provides additional income from repair organizations as a commission.

In this business, the main point is to be in touch at any time, to provide assistance with any request from residents. The result is high confidence among apartment owners, hence permanent employment and greater income.

Dispatcher for private doctors

From various types No one is immune from diseases. The disease also does not occur on working days in clinics, when all the doctors are there. You can often make money colds on weekends, holidays. Adults in such a situation first begin to self-medicate, but if their health has not improved by Monday, then they go to see a specialist. This number does not work with small children; you must call a doctor.

Today there are many professional doctors practice private activities, but not every parent knows how to find them at this particular moment. The dispatcher of private doctors can answer this question.

Bringing together a patient and a doctor is a business worth up to 100,000 rubles, which is rapidly gaining momentum today. He appeared recently along with urgent need providing services of this nature.

To open your own business in this field of activity, you do not need big money, it is enough to have up to 100 thousand rubles. Entrepreneurial skills, sociability, communication skills and experience in building mutually beneficial relationships will be more useful.

Puppet business

Today, entrepreneurship in children's toys is also quite popular. Such a business can be opened with a small starting capital of 100,000 rubles. Today, a large number of Chinese-made dolls are sold on the children's toy market. They are not of high quality, nor attractive appearance. Many of these toys are not even safe. Therefore, we can say with confidence that beautiful dolls dressed in expensive outfits will be in good demand.

For the independent production of toys today, it is possible to find a lot of different materials on the market, so there will definitely not be any difficulties in purchasing the necessary raw materials, for which 100 thousand rubles is quite enough. The main thing in this matter is to learn the skill of making beautiful, high-quality dolls.

Toys must be made in a distinctive price category for different segments of the population. More expensive exclusive toys are best made to order. And to sell goods, you can open an online store on the Internet.

Reading time 12 minutes

Aspiring entrepreneurs without sufficient starting capital, are often looking for business ideas with a budget of up to 100,000 rubles. The article contains the most promising options for entrepreneurship in this range from different areas.

This is one of the most popular areas of business, but it will require compliance with SanPinov, regulations, high quality goods. At the initial stage, it is not at all necessary to register an individual entrepreneur; you can simply try your hand, and if successful, register as an entrepreneur. Here suitable ideas this area:

Growing strawberries. The idea is to grow berries all year round. In winter, such a business will be especially profitable. You can even grow your produce at home and sell it to your friends. For large volumes, you can establish cooperation with shops, coffee shops, and restaurants.

Growing greens (onions, dill, parsley). Best time for sales - winter, since product prices are rising and the quantity of products is small. In the summer, you can also sell products, but here it is better to sell goods directly rather than deliver them to stores.

Quail farm. Requires knowledge about birds to raise them properly. You will need a plot of land and a place to keep quails. You can sell not only meat and eggs, but also chicks. In this case, the buyers will not only be ordinary people, restaurants and shops, but also other bird breeders.

Resale of grain. You don't even have to do production here. The main thing is the ability to bargain. You can buy grain from agricultural farms or village residents, and sell it at retail or to factories, but at a higher price.

Homemade kvass. This seasonal business. Demand for products is observed during the hot season. You can sell your kvass on tap yourself. This will require less investment. You can come up with several flavors by adding different spices and additives to the drink.

Sale of oxygen cocktails. You can agree on supplies to schools, kindergartens, and sanatoriums. Such cocktails are prepared from special powders, and special equipment is used for stirring.

Takeaway coffee sales. This is a very relevant business idea. To implement it, you will need a special coffee machine and consumables (coffee beans, milk, water, cups, spoons). It is better to open a retail outlet in a shopping center or entertainment center. This will save on advertising and attract a large number of customers.

Making cakes to order. The main clients will be women and young mothers. It is better to prepare not simple cakes, but with individual designs, drawings, figures, inscriptions. The work will require professional skills and special equipment. It is better to promote such a business via the Internet.

Selling caramel apples. For such production no special equipment is required. The cooking technology is also extremely simple. The cost of apples and caramel is low, the price can be 2 or 3 times higher.

Popcorn trade. Business is relevant in summer time year. It is better to sell in parks and cinemas. For trade to be legal, it is necessary to negotiate with the owners of the shopping center. You can offer your services to a visiting circus or amusement park.

Selling cotton candy. This idea is very close to the previous version. It is better to choose a place for trading that is closer to children - near developmental children's centers, children's parks, gardens, and attractions.

Sale of Hawaiian ice cream. This idea is very easy to implement. To make ice cream you will need ice and syrup. The cost of these products is low, and the finished product can be sold with a markup of 300-400%. There is also a minus - the demand for ice cream is observed only in the hot season.

Water delivery. We are talking about the sale of bottled water. It is not at all necessary to even open a retail outlet. The main thing is to advertise yourself correctly. You can post flyers in your nearby area. It is important to find a reliable water supplier with reasonable prices.

Food delivery. This idea requires almost no cost at all. You can simply provide services to people to buy and deliver the food they need to their homes. But this idea is not relevant in small towns, but in a metropolis there will be demand for the service. To promote, you should create your own website or group on a social network.

The manufacturing sector is also quite in demand among budding entrepreneurs. Here it will not be possible to do without start-up capital, because you will need to purchase equipment, raw materials, in some cases you will have to rent a room or rent a garage if you don’t have your own. Here are some production ideas with initial capital up to 100,000 rubles:

Soap making. You don't need any expensive tools to do the job. You will need special molds, soap essence, and flavorings. If you want to create not only delicious-smelling but also beautiful soap, you can add fir branches, sparkles and other decorations to it.

Production of bath brooms. Here you won't need any equipment at all. Branches different trees can be collected in the forest. You will only need a place to dry them. It is better to sell brooms in bulk, since it is impractical to look for retail buyers. Brooms are actively buying bath complexes.

Making souvenir coins. The technology for their production is very simple, but to work you will need hand press, stamp for minting, hammer and blanks for future coins. It is better to sell such coins in places where tourists gather. They are very willing to buy such coins as souvenirs.

Key making. To work, you will need a special machine. Its average cost is 30-40 thousand rubles. You don't need any skills to work. It is better to rent premises in residential areas, near apartment buildings.

Production of seals and stamps. To work, you will need an exposure chamber, a dry-heat oven, an automatic washing machine and consumables. It should be sold to entrepreneurs and organizations.

Production of furniture for pets. You can make scratching posts, sleeping bags, even small sofas. None special tools No need, just a carpentry kit and a sewing machine. It is better to sell products directly to animal owners or to pet stores.

Production of furniture from pallets. To work you will need a spray gun, a compressor and a grinding machine. To attract more customers, you can position yourself as a manufacturer of eco-furniture. Opening costs will be minimal, since the cost of a pallet varies from 80 to 250 rubles.

Production of country benches. A simple type of business, but has limited distribution channels. You only need carpentry tools to create.

Construction of wooden houses and gazebos. Suggest finished products Possible for summer residents. This type of work is best done by people who know how to work with wood. To implement the idea you will need carpentry tools.

Sale of firewood. To create blanks you will need axes, chainsaws, ropes. It is also necessary to ensure that you have a vehicle for transporting firewood. You'll have to find a place to store them. Can be sold to owners country houses, having previously made chopped logs from firewood.

Production of blinds. Beginning businessmen are better off making vertical models, as this process is the simplest. To work, you will need a special machine for cutting tape, several types of presses.

Creation of stained glass. It is better to use film technology. The cost of such stained glass can reach 3-7 thousand per m2, and the work will not require serious artistic talents. But here you will have to first create a portfolio. This business format will not require licenses, certificates or artistic education for employees.

Production of mirror tiles. This one is used building material mainly for finishing commercial premises (cafes, restaurants, halls). Equipment you will need is an oil glass cutter and an edge processing machine. An ordinary mirror is used as raw material.

Production of colored crushed stone. To work, you will need a concrete mixer, a vibrating screen and special dyes. You can sell goods to owners of country houses, construction companies, landscape design companies.

Production, sales and installation solar panels . There is a demand for such products among owners of dachas, country houses, greenhouses and industrial warehouses. Creating a solar collector is a labor-intensive process. You can take a simpler route - buy batteries wholesale in China and resell them in Russia.

Production of biofireplaces. For work you will need a free room with an area of ​​50 m2. Your own or rented garage will be sufficient. You don't have to purchase any specialized tools. The main cost item is the purchase of consumables.

Production of brick barbecues. Construction skills are required to work in this field. Laying a foundation and laying bricks is not an easy task. It is necessary to first develop barbecue ideas or look for interesting design finds on the Internet.

The service sector is attractive because a businessman, in fact, produces nothing. But this kind of work requires special attention to the quality of services and their exclusivity. Only these properties will help you differentiate yourself from your competitors. Here are service business ideas that allow you to make a profit without having a large start-up capital:

Repair of household appliances. This is a specific business. Beginning entrepreneurs should engage in it if they have the appropriate education or work experience. A special tool will also be required. Such services are provided mainly to the population.

Restoration of baths. There are several ways to restore bathtubs: applying an acrylic liner, pouring method and enameling. To work, you will need a drill, dust protection, brushes and spray bottles, special degreasing products, foam, and sealant. The greatest profit brings restoration with the application of an acrylic liner.

Installation of suspended ceilings. This type of business requires quite a lot of professional equipment. You will definitely need an industrial hair dryer, installation and gas tools. Having skills is also welcome, as this will affect the quality and speed of work.

Window tinting for apartments and commercial premises. Blackout film is used not only to reduce the visibility of rooms from the outside. It also prevents daylight from penetrating so intensely, which helps lower the temperature. To work, you need degreasing and glass cleaning products.

Glass frosting. To do this, you can use silk-screen printing or thermal printing. To work, you will need a special paste that will need to be rubbed in. You can use stencils to create artistic designs.

Renting an apartment. Daily rent - the most profitable option, but in this case it will be necessary to ensure a continuous flow of customers. The entrepreneur will not have any expenses, except for the money that will be required for promotion.

Service courier delivery . You can provide your services to small local online stores or promote yourself as a full-fledged delivery service. Mobile phone, a computer and your own car will be enough for the first time. And as the volume of parcels increases, workers with personal vehicles can be hired.

Loader services. It is better to immediately choose to focus on organizations or the population. This will allow you to develop a work strategy. It will be necessary to hire a team with hourly rate. Essentially, an entrepreneur will look for orders for his workers and make money from it.

Organization of unusual tours. It is the originality of the idea that will be the key to success, since people turn to travel agencies for ordinary tours. It is worth considering unusual vacation destinations (North Pole, Antarctica). For example, you can organize group trips.

Organization of speed dating. The point is that a lot of people gather in one place and they have very little time to get to know each other one-on-one. As a result, someone may find their soulmate. Tickets for such events can be quite expensive. Much depends on the originality of the idea and the availability of an entertainment program.

Printing photos and other images on mugs. This is an excellent souvenir product. To work you will need a heat press, inkjet printer and consumables in the form of special paper and mugs.

Printing on flowers, souvenirs and other small things. This idea is very similar to the previous one. Only consumables will be more diverse.

Promotion and advertising

Providing intermediary services to a repair company. A businessman will only be engaged in searching for customers and promoting the organization. This idea is suitable for people with experience in the marketing field.

Website creation and subsequent promotion. This requires special knowledge - programming, design. The most effective way to promote your services is on the Internet. To promote websites you will need knowledge of SEO and LSI.

Advertising in elevators. No special equipment is required here. Advertising leaflets can be printed, and special mounts and stands can be simply purchased. You will first need to obtain permission to place such advertising.

Advertising on headrests. This service will be in demand among various organizations. It is better to place advertising in minibuses, paying rent to the owners. You will need to purchase special covers in advance, and subsequently apply the desired advertising text to them.

Advertising on pillars. The cost of one such pillar can vary from 15,000 to 36,000 rubles. The essence of the business is to install or rent pillars, produce advertising and place it. This idea pays for itself very quickly and does not require significant costs or equipment.

Business cards production. This idea requires a minimal amount of investment. You will need a printer to print. And now there are free programs and services for design development. It's worth selling business cards small organizations, businesses, lawyers and others promoting their services.

Production of signs, signs for offices and shops. It's worth finding in advance wholesale supplier the material from which the signs will be made. You can sell them in shopping centers, educational institutions(numbers of classrooms, teachers' offices).

Badge production. This idea can also be applied to the manufacturing sector. But in this case, you should specialize in the production of badges issued to people as part of a promotion. Main task- ensure brand recognition of the advertised company.

Vehicles are actively used by modern citizens. Therefore, it makes sense to think about starting a business related to cars. Here are some working ideas:

Tuning with glowing paints. To work you will need special paint, a spray gun, solvents, tape, a knife and gloves. This idea will appeal to avid motorists and racers.

Installation and sale of alarms. Here you will only need work skills. GSM alarms are actively installed today not only on cars, but also on houses, garages, and apartments.

Car polishing. It is important not only to learn the polishing process, but also to try it in practice, because if it fails, the losses will be serious. You can work with special machines or means.

Seasonal tire storage. To work, you need a room where other people's tires will be stored. It could be a garage. It is better to locate storage space near parking lots and auto repair shops. There are no additional costs required.

There are several other interesting, even unusual ideas that budding entrepreneurs can use.

Dermatoglyphics. To work you will need special program, which allows you to determine a person’s abilities by his fingerprints. No special knowledge is required for the job. All you need to do is buy the program, rent space in a shopping center and promote your services. Typically clients are young people, children and women.

Breeding worms. There will be demand for products from fishermen and summer residents, even fish farms and poultry farms. You can even grow worms in a garage or cellar.

Glass waste business. Different types glass can be used for the production of facing tiles. To work, you will need a crusher - it is better to buy an electric one to immediately provide a sufficient amount of work.

Reception and delivery of scrap metal. The idea is to collect scrap metal from the population. To transport it you will need transport - preferably a freight one. The idea is simple - buy cheaper or get it for free, and sell more expensive.

Sale of used bricks. This idea is similar to the previous option. Only here the object of trade is brick. The sale of building materials will also be relevant.

Attraction "Drunken Log". This business idea is especially relevant for resort towns, where people are in the mood for entertainment. It is better to place the attraction in parks, near the sea - where there are large crowds of people. It is better to use several diverse attractions at once in order to attract as many people as possible.

Directory of extreme situations. The idea is to sell leaflets with emergency numbers and helplines. You can print them on a regular printer. Profit will come from organizations willing to place their information on such leaflets.


There are a lot of options for starting your own business. Many of them do not require large investments or special skills. Therefore, anyone can become an entrepreneur if they are focused on results and are willing to put in the effort to achieve it.

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Today we'll talk about how to get passive income of 100,000 rubles per month. You can substitute any amount here, I took this just as an example, since this is what I most often hear from other people.

I once conducted a small survey among readers, the results of which were published in the article.

Then the most common answer to the question “How much money do you need to be completely happy?” became the option “one hundred thousand rubles a month,” and many emphasized that this should be exactly. I mean, that's enough large quantity people.

So, how to get 100,000 rubles a month in passive income? Let's look at the algorithm itself.

The first thing to do is to analyze the current situation. Let’s say that at the moment your passive income is no less than 0 rubles. In this case, the goal may seem unrealistic and unattainable to you, so to simplify the task, there is a reason to break this goal into several smaller ones. For example, like this:

  1. By January 1, 2019 – passive income of 1000 rubles per month.
  2. By July 1, 2019 – passive income of 5,000 rubles per month.
  3. By January 1, 2020 – passive income of 10,000 rubles per month.
  4. * * * * *
  5. By January 1, 2025 – passive income of 100,000 rubles per month.

Does it look better? Much! Moreover, when reinvesting the profit received, passive income tends to grow exponentially (that is, faster and faster, this is clearly shown in the graph in the article).

The wrong option is to collect all possible money, and if there is not enough, borrow it and invest it in some “super-profitable project” that promises huge returns. In this case, you will most likely not only not achieve your goal, but also lose all your investments.

The correct option is to form a portfolio containing a large portion of conservative and moderate low-risk instruments and (possibly, but not necessarily) a small portion of aggressive high-risk instruments.

  1. Estimated return on the investment portfolio.
  2. The amount you can allocate monthly for investments.

The profitability of the investment portfolio will depend on which assets you will invest in and in what ratio. For example, you can read about different options in the article

In general, the estimated return on an investment portfolio can be calculated using the following formula:

D = D1*P1 + D2*P2 + … + Dn*Pn
  • D1, D2, …, Dn – estimated return on each of the assets that make up the portfolio (in percent per annum);
  • P1, P2, …, Pn – the share of each asset in the portfolio (in shares);
  • n – total number of portfolio assets.

For example, we form an investment portfolio in this way:

  • 60% – bank deposits with a yield of 7% per annum;
  • 30% – securities with an estimated yield of 20% per annum;
  • 10% – cryptocurrency with an estimated return of 100% per annum.

Then the approximate return on the investment portfolio will be:

D = 7*0.6 + 20*0.3 + 100*0.1 = 20.2% per annum

K = (C*12)/D
  • C – desired amount of monthly passive income;
  • D – approximate return on the investment portfolio (in shares).

In our example, if we want to achieve passive income of 100,000 rubles per month, and our investment portfolio will bring us 20.2% annual return, then we will need to have capital:

K = (100000*12)/0.202 = 5940594 rubles(that is, approximately 6 million rubles - let’s take this figure for rounding).

N = K/M
  • K – the amount of required capital;
  • M – the amount you can invest monthly;
  • N – the number of months it will take to reach the desired level of passive income with a constant portfolio return.

Let’s say, in our example, a person can invest 10 thousand rubles monthly. In this case:

N = 6000000/10000 = 600 months or 50 years.

The deadline, of course, is frightening, but if, before achieving the goal, the profit received is not spent on your needs, but is reinvested each time, then the situation will change significantly. In this case it applies.

In order not to delve into complex calculations, you can use any Internet services for these purposes. There you can enter the amount that you will invest monthly and calculate the capital gain over the desired period, taking into account the capitalization of the profits received.

For example, I entered the initial data into the calculator on the website and got this result: 6 million rubles will be accumulated in less than 13 years, and the calculation was made taking into account the taxation of income exceeding the Central Bank rate + 5% (according to current legislation).

Thus, if the conditions specified in the example are met, in order to reach a passive income of 100,000 rubles from scratch, it will take about 13 years and strict compliance. This is already a very realistic period, and the goal, in my opinion, is worth striving for.

Of course, any investment is always associated with risk, and this must be understood. There are no absolute guarantees that the accumulation of capital and income will occur exactly as planned. And the higher the profitability of any asset in the portfolio, the higher the risk of investing in it (I wrote a separate article about this). Therefore, it may be that the portfolio will not bring the planned return, or some part of the investment will be completely lost, which will slow down the achievement of the goal. But the opposite situation may also arise: profitability will be higher than planned, and the goal will be achieved faster.

In any case, the general meaning is this: the faster you want to achieve your goal, and the more highly profitable your portfolio you create, the higher your risks will be. And vice versa. Therefore, what to give priority to: risk or stability is up to you to decide.

I showed you with an example how to achieve passive income of 100,000 rubles per month. Set yourself goals, break them down into intermediate ones, develop a strategy for achieving them and bring them to life.

Good luck to you! See you again on a site that will help you better understand financial matters and increase your level of well-being.