It seems that to start any business you need to own impressive capital. But is it really possible to open your own business for 100,000 rubles? We present for your consideration several business ideas that should not be taken as a guide to action, but are good starting points for reflection. It is necessary to immediately take into account that it is necessary to occupy an area in which the entrepreneur is more or less versed. Experienced businessmen It is not recommended to focus solely on high profitability. For example, now it is very profitable to connect your business with IT, but if you understand little about modern technologies, then it’s better not to get involved with this topic. Fortunately, there are at least a dozen options to open your own business with a budget of only 100 thousand.

Public catering and restaurant business

If the starting capital is limited (and 100 thousand rubles is a small amount by the standards of large businessmen), then you can open small coffee shop or engage in food production. This area always remains in demand, so it is necessary to focus only on the local presence of competitors.

You won’t believe it, but a shawarma stall near the metro in Moscow can bring in up to a million rubles in revenue per month, or about 700 thousand rubles in net profit.

IN small town It’s better to open a coffee shop, since the cost of renting real estate there is quite cheap; in larger ones, it’s better to engage in food production, namely agricultural products. The latter is more relevant for owners of private houses with small adjacent land plots.

You can produce:

  • quail eggs;
  • homemade kvass;
  • mineralized water;
  • greens (dill, fresh onions, parsley);
  • strawberries (especially good earnings are made in the winter season, when the price of 1 kilogram reaches 600 - 700 rubles).

IN major cities opening coffee shops now is not best option due to high competition. If you really want to create some kind of establishment, then it’s better to do it thematic .

For example, aimed only at gamers. True, for the opening gaming club you will need about 150,000 thousand rubles, since you need to purchase quite expensive game consoles, plasma TVs or projectors.

In European countries, small cat cafes are now gaining popularity, where you can play with the animals or simply feed them something tasty.

Video: top 10 business ideas with minimal investment

Manufacturing sector

Manufacturing in most cases is the most profitable, with minimal initial investment. But in the early stages you can hardly count on employees and you will have to do all the work yourself. However, even if you have to buy equipment, it is quite easy to sell it later. So, what kind of business can you open in the manufacturing sector? The following options should be considered:

  1. Soap making. Starting capital is about 50,000 thousand rubles. In fact, you only need a small room for work, soap molds, aromatic compositions and soap essence. The cheapest way to order all this is from China (prices there are 2-3 times lower). Sell finished products You can either wholesale or retail on free online advertising platforms.
  2. Production of souvenir coins. The required budget is about 70 thousand rubles. Equipment required hand press, a minting machine, hand tools (hammer, pliers, chisels), as well as a set of blanks for the coins themselves. This business optimal for cities popular among tourists. An income of 30,000 per month is easily achieved with the right approach.
  3. Making keys. The initial equipment package will cost approximately 75 thousand rubles. In the future, you can also purchase a unit for recoding electromagnetic locks - this investment pays off very quickly. In large cities you can count on an income of 60 thousand rubles. per month.
  4. Preparation and subsequent sale of firewood. The business is seasonal, in most cases the peak of sales is observed in early to mid-autumn. It is better suited for small villages where there is no gas supply (and there are some in every region). Possible profit is up to 200 thousand rubles per month. Where to get the firewood yourself? You can also provide tree cutting services with subsequent cleaning on private land plots.

The manufacturing sector is the business with the highest possible income. The most difficult thing is to find a profitable supplier of primary materials (if necessary), as well as buyers. For the latter, you can use the services advertising companies– they will cost approximately 10 – 20 thousand rubles (depending on the region).

Service business

In the range of up to 100 thousand rubles, the most profitable option- This is to open a service center for servicing computer equipment. Moreover, the scheme of working with a visit to the customer’s home is no longer so popular today - competition is high, and such “specialists” do not carry out complex repairs, which affects their final earnings. All work of the service center should be focused on component repairs, that is, those associated with soldering microcircuits and replacing microcontrollers. The services of such specialists are expensive, and for the work you will literally need a soldering iron, flux, and a minimum set of hand tools. 100 thousand is enough to buy a small IR soldering station, which significantly increases the income of the service center (up to 150 - 200 thousand rubles per month in large cities).

You can also consider opening a service station for business. Moreover, experts recommend choosing a narrowly focused niche, for example:

  • tuning using phosphorized paints;
  • installation and maintenance of alarms;
  • setting up on-board computers, reprogramming them (flashing);
  • modernization of lighting systems (using LED strips and neon lamps).

But among the classic service stations, where cars are repaired, there is very high competition, and even in small villages. It is almost impossible to squeeze into it with investments of up to 500 - 700 thousand rubles.

Also profitable niche– construction and repair. But before you begin, it is important to assemble an experienced team of specialists. A basic set tools will cost approximately 60 - 70 thousand rubles. Complete set (with gas gun for suspended ceilings, a reciprocating saw for aerated concrete and wood, a vacuum cleaner for construction waste) - about 150 thousand rubles. Here, profitability depends directly on the reputation of the construction team and their portfolio. Possible income – up to 400 thousand per month.

IT and E-commerce sphere

What is the best IT business with a small budget? There are several main directions:

  • purchasing a website and subsequent promotion, or creating a website to earn money from scratch, however, this method will require a significant investment of time before the site starts generating money;
  • purchasing an Instagram account, a promoted public on Telegram or other social networks. networks;
  • opening an online store: on at the moment It is important to promote only highly specialized stores - this is the only way to fight the competition of such giants as Aliexpress, Ozon, Yulmart, Lamoda and others.

IT and E-commerce are very profitable business, but with very high risks. The main income here comes from advertising, which can be published on your popular resource. The main expenses here will be on website or account promotion. This is a promising niche, however, we do not recommend that you invest money here if you are comfortable with a computer - the times when you could make money on the Internet without even plunging into the topic are long gone, and here a digital e-commerce market has formed with its own laws and tough competition.

However, if you are well versed in what is happening on the Internet, then this is where it is easiest to launch your first business, if you have never done this before - after all, entry thresholds are still very low, and sometimes you can start developing without even investing money, and 100 thousand rubles is quite sufficient capital to launch your project.

Do you have a small starting capital, but at the same time want to break out of the daily routine of being in a job you don’t like and start your own business?

If yes, then go for it.

Many will say that it is impossible, what to open own business Huge “money” is needed.

But in reality you need a head, the ability to take risks and a desire to work.

Business for 100 thousand rubles- this is a common practice of many entrepreneurs who were not afraid and simply started doing something.

Even with such an amount, believe me, in the end you can achieve multi-million dollar turnover.

Microbusiness for 100 thousand rubles: what is it?

In our countries, microbusiness is a relatively new concept, although this phenomenon has existed for a long time.

Freelancers, those who work from home, make money from their hobby - these are its brightest representatives.

Thus, microbusinesses are characterized by minimal investments and work based on everyone’s personal schedule.

And even a small capital is perfect for this.

At the current exchange rate, the indicated amount is a little more than one and a half thousand dollars.

And yet, those who believe that opening a business for 100 thousand rubles is not realistic are simply looking for excuses.

How to start a business with 100 thousand rubles?

Of course, you don’t want to lose even such a relatively small amount of money, but still, when deciding to start a business with a specified amount, you need to rely more on personal interest and the desire to earn money, and then success will be guaranteed.

Need to:

    Come up with ideas

    Just start immediately from business ideas that do not require millions for their implementation.

    Also remember, perhaps you have had a hobby for a long time, or you are currently passionate about something.

    Or maybe you have certain knowledge and skills that can be applied in future activities.

    Answer the question: is your idea useful and to what extent?

    Think about how your business idea meets modern requirements, and whether it will be successful.

    Perhaps it’s not even worth doing this, and you need to look for options further.

    Make a business plan

    Yes, even when starting a business for 100 thousand rubles, it is necessary to think through a clear plan of action and make economic calculations.

    You can easily spend such a small amount and end up not buying even half of what you planned, which will stall the start of your business.

    In such a situation, it is necessary to squeeze the maximum out of the money invested, and this is not only about profit, but about experience and the opportunity to learn how to make decisions.

Business ideas for 100 thousand rubles

And now we move on to the most interesting thing - to the search for ideas that can be implemented with such a sum on hand.

Ideas related to:

  • conducting;
  • making money on the Internet;
  • resale of goods;
  • provision of its services;
  • agriculture.

No. 1. Ideas for a home business for 100 thousand rubles

Agree that earning money without leaving home is a great idea.

But it has a number of its pros and cons.

For example, the benefits of maintaining home business is:

  • there is no need to spend money on renting premises;
  • the ability to create your own work schedule and organize workplace at will;
  • saving money on travel, business lunches and purchasing clothes that comply with the dress code.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • sometimes it’s hard to get ready and start working at home;
  • you can disturb the rest of the household;
  • many distractions;
  • Not every idea can be implemented at home.

Well, now let’s move on to the actual ideas:

“A successful person is one who can build a strong foundation from the bricks that others have thrown at him.
David Brinkley

    Hotel for animals

    But starting such a business for 100 thousand rubles is necessary only in a private house where there are free premises that can be equipped to accommodate pets.

    The essence of this idea is that when pet owners move away, they leave them for a fee in such establishments.

    Investments will be spent on cosmetic renovations to the premises, installation of enclosures, cages, purchase of rugs, dishes, toys

    But such a business should be run by people who love animals and know how to find a common language with them.

    Hobby activity

    Do you know how to knit, sew, embroider, weave beads, draw beautifully, create stationery, but are you still afraid to leave your comfort zone and present your creativity to other people?

    Then open a workshop room in your home and invest 100 thousand rubles in your future business.

    Buy necessary materials and equipment, make cosmetic repairs.

    And believe me, then you won’t want to hide your hobby.

    To sell your goods or carry out custom work, create working pages on social networks and start promoting your business.

    Furniture making self made

    Most often, furniture is made of wood, and men prefer this type of business for 100 thousand rubles.

    You can organize it if your private house has an outbuilding or a garage.

    You will also need special equipment, but most often it is already there, otherwise how would a person understand that he knows how to do this?

    You can make various tables, chairs, cabinets, buffets and much more.

    Clients, as a rule, will be people with average and high incomes, since handmade furniture is expensive.

No. 2. Ideas for online business for 100 thousand rubles

Even in modern times, for many it is wildness to make money on the Internet, although they use it on a daily basis.

Those who are more enterprising have long since built a business in it for 100 thousand rubles.

    Creating your website

    The essence of this business is to create an information website, fill it with high-quality content of a certain focus, find your readers and receive income from advertising.

    If you are not a webmaster, you can spend money on his services, and he will create a website for you.

    It is also worth resorting to the services of copywriters who will write interesting and useful articles.

    They can be found on content exchanges.

    Creating a YouTube Channel

    Anyone can open a channel on this video hosting site.

    Do you have certain knowledge, can you do something, or do you just want to share your life?

    Then start making videos and posting them.

    Particularly popular are humorous and informational channels with reviews of modern gadgets, cooking, repairs, and cosmetics testing.

    To succeed in this field, create high-quality content and work on picture, sound and editing.

    And for this you will need a professional camera, microphone, light and video processing software.

    And here’s how you can start this business for 100 thousand rubles.

No. 3. Business on resale of goods

Trade is always relevant.

But most often, opening a full-fledged store requires large investments, but we will consider a business that can be organized for one and a half thousand dollars.

    Selling products from one-page sites

    Coffee scrubs, Black Mask, goji berries, watches, glasses - all this can be sold on one-page sites.

    As a rule, goods are purchased in bulk from suppliers, a good markup is placed on them, a website is created, advertising is launched and sales begin.

    The bulk of the funds will be spent on purchasing products and creating a website.

    Sale of Chinese goods

    Despite the fact that many people are able to buy goods in China themselves, some do not want to wait for a month for packages, while others are afraid that they simply will not arrive.

    Therefore, if you decide to start such business for 100 thousand rubles, then you can solve the described problems of customers.

    To save money on creating a website, you can even create an online store on VKontakte or Instagram.


    To organize and start such sales, investments in the purchase of goods are not even necessary.

    Therefore, the accumulated funds can be spent on advertising and recruiting additional personnel.

    The essence of dropshipping is the direct supply of goods (most often clothing, shoes, accessories) from the manufacturer to the client, and the one who decided to engage in such sales is an intermediary.

    That is, it posts photos and information about clothes and thus finds buyers.

No. 4. Business on providing your services

To be able to do something and make money from it, without having to work for someone else, is wonderful.

With our capital, you can start a business for 100 thousand rubles, while working from home or renting a small space.


    This business idea is perfect for those who have knowledge in certain areas - languages, mathematics, history, chemistry.

    Most often, school graduates and students go to tutors to improve their knowledge and prepare for exams.

    In principle, tutoring at home can be organized without any investment at all, but if you want to work with groups of people of 3-4 people, you will have to allocate a separate room for this, put tables, chairs, a laptop, a projector, a screen there and buy special literature.

    In addition, you need to constantly invest in your own knowledge.


    In principle, the boom has already passed when everyone who had a professional camera became photographers, so now there really is a chance to start doing this seriously.

    At the first stage of this business, buy yourself good equipment and editing programs for 100 thousand rubles.

    There is no need to rent a room.

    Filming takes place on the street or in a photo studio, the rental of which is included in the price of the services.

    And you can process photos right at home.

    Beauty services

    At home or in a rented office, you can start providing your services in manicure, hairdressing, massage, eyelash extensions or hair removal.

    The main costs will be for the purchase of a basic set of equipment and consumables.

    If you do not have knowledge in any of these industries, then take courses.

    For your own promotion, you can use social networks and posting ads.

    If the work is done well, you will get clients very quickly.

Great business ideas that don't require large investments, presented in the video:

No. 5. Business ideas for 100 thousand rubles in agriculture

Residents of villages and small towns are also not deprived of attention.

Most often, they live in private houses and have plots of land that can be used to start a business worth 100 thousand rubles.

    Having allocated a place on the site for a poultry house and equipped it, you can start raising chicken, ducks, geese or quails.

    At the initial stage, investments will be small, since almost every private house has outbuildings.

    You will need to purchase chicks and food, as well as an incubator.

    Income from such a business can come from the sale of:

    • meat and eggs;
    • chicks;
    • adults.
  1. Growing seedlings

    Having 100 thousand rubles to start a business, you can start growing seedlings.

    This work requires certain knowledge and perseverance.

    You can work with both fruit and berry crops and trees from the other family - oak, cedar, pine.

    They will be in demand among the same owners of private houses who want to plant their own garden or organize landscaping.

    Cheese production

    To start producing cheese, you need a separate room, special equipment, constant access to fresh raw materials and certain knowledge.

    It is better to purchase equipment from Italy, and with a volume of 25 liters.

    This will be more than enough for home cooking, and there will be enough money to start such a business for 100 thousand rubles.

    There are many technologies for making homemade cheese; it is necessary to experiment with the recipe and gradually expand the range of products.

Business worth 100 thousand rubles- this is not only possible, but also real.

And once you start it, you can see it for yourself.

Which idea you choose is up to you.

The main thing is that you are passionate about your business, work on it and constantly invest in its development, and then profits amounting to hundreds of thousands will not be far off.

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Many people have the rather erroneous opinion that a business can only be created with a large initial capital. This is wrong. There are many ideas, the implementation of which requires only up to 100 thousand rubles, and some of them can be brought to life without investment. Efficiency entrepreneurial activity very often depends on a successfully chosen direction, the businessman’s own ambitions, and sometimes even luck.

What kind of business can you open for 100,000 in order to receive a good income in the coming months?

Own atelier: sewing new clothes, repairing old ones

Today there are very few ateliers that could offer such services as sewing modern and high-quality clothes to order, repair old clothes. This niche for forming your own business is practically free. Therefore, having experience in sewing and at least 100 thousand rubles to start, you can completely organize your business in this direction.

Initially, it is possible to start a sewing business in your own apartment. Therefore, all expenses will go towards purchasing the necessary equipment and tools. You can advertise your own business in order to attract customers through your relatives and friends, by putting an advertisement in print, by posting it on bulletin boards in residential areas, or by posting it on the Internet.

Real estate agency

Having this amount and experience in real estate activities, you can organize a real estate agency. This business is associated with the provision of services to the population for the rental of inexpensive, high-quality housing. Available capital up to 100,000 rubles. necessary to open an office, which is recommended to be located in crowded areas.

Today we have few specialists in this area of ​​service, so real estate services are quite in demand on the market.

Photo printing on a ceramic surface

Today, a business such as photo printing on ceramics is gaining popularity. These products are in good demand among consumers. Therefore, anyone who has a small capital available, at least up to 100 thousand rubles, or who is still wondering what business to start, can calmly occupy this niche.

You will learn where it is better to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles in order to make a profit, what investments are the most promising today, how to invest money and not go broke

Hi all! This is the founder of HeatherBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

Today we will talk about profitable investments in conditions of economic instability and find out which areas financial investments the most profitable at the moment.

The article will be useful for beginning entrepreneurs, money makers (specialists in making money on the Internet) and anyone who wants to increase their capital in the safest and most profitable way.

So let's begin!

1. How to invest capital in rubles - principles of profitable investment

Surely you have asked yourself these questions more than once: why do some people get rich, while others live from paycheck to paycheck and constantly get into debt? How are the rich different from the poor? Why are some people able to generate stable income, but others don’t?

We assure you that this is not only about the talents and increased efficiency of wealthy people. They just know how to manage their assets more competently. The starting data for the rich and the poor are in many cases the same, but the approach to material and spiritual resources is radically different for both.

People accustomed to constant poverty and debt do not direct their attention and energy in the right direction. But citizens with a different type of thinking create assets that help them radically change their lives.

The long-term goal of any monetary deposits is to create passive income and free yourself from financial slavery. This means that you don’t have to work “for someone else” for 40-50 hours a week for a fixed salary that doesn’t even meet your needs by a quarter.

In one of our previous publications we already wrote about this - read it.

Having made a successful investment once, we receive constant dividends that do not depend on our labor costs and are constant and stable. Such income can be quite substantial: their main advantage is that they free up your personal time.

Time is a person’s main asset, which cannot be returned back, but can be used right now with maximum effectiveness. It is investments that can give us more time for life, love and creativity.

In order for investments to fulfill their tasks, they must be competent. In this section we will reveal the main principles of profitable investments and explain how to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles with minimal risk.

Investor practitioners and specialists profitable investments give the following advice:

  • invest in investment projects only “free” money. First you need to create the so-called “ financial airbag» - a reserve of money that, in the event of a delay in payments or an unsuccessful scenario, will provide your family with the usual standard of living for several months;
  • follow the principle of diversification of deposits. It sounds complicated, but in reality it means a simple truth - you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. Divide your financial contributions into different areas;
  • control risks. Before making a deposit, calculate your chances in detail and do not make hasty decisions. It is better for novice investors to choose the most conservative financial instruments;
  • attract partners (co-investors). If your money is not enough for a profitable investment, you can create a group of shareholders or an investment pool. The larger the investment amount, the more reliable opportunities there are.

These are basic and elementary principles, but they will help you avoid typical beginner mistakes and save your finances, nerves and energy.

And don't expect too quick results. Investments pay off at different rates: it can sometimes take months or even years (if the investment is long-term) before commissions are credited to your account.

2. Where to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles for a month or more to earn interest - TOP 7 most profitable ways to invest

100-200 thousand rubles is quite a decent amount for investment. Experts advise making investments thoughtfully and wisely.

It is advisable to divide the amount of deposits into several parts so that your investment portfolio is as resistant to market fluctuations as possible. If you place money in 3 different investment areas, you will be well insured against drawdowns and force majeure circumstances.

And now - specific ways of investing, the most profitable, reliable and promising in modern economic realities.

Method 1. Investments in Internet projects (websites, blogs, online stores)

Making a profit through the World Wide Web - current direction investment, a niche that is worth occupying right now, while competition in this area has not yet reached its peak.

The Internet is one of the few sectors of the economy that is in a growing trend, despite economic instability.

You can verify this fact yourself by observing how rapidly social networks, online projects, and applications for mobile devices are developing.

To successfully invest in Internet projects, it is not necessary to have a good understanding of digital technologies and programming. Elementary financial literacy, basic knowledge of marketing is all you need to create passive income online.

The resource “”, which you are currently on, is a typical example of a successful investment in an Internet project. But we warn you in advance that instant financial results You shouldn’t expect anything from your own website.

Investments of up to 200,000 rubles will begin to generate income, at best, six months after the launch of the project. Website owners receive their main income from advertising or direct sales.

In the first case, the maximum profit is brought by information portals with a large audience of readers, in the second - profit is generated through the sale of goods and services through an online store.

The most profitable product to sell online is information products. Discs, programs, files, books that are sold to everyone for money, sometimes quite decent. This could be trainings, courses, video and audio content. Such products are created once, and if everything goes well, they are sold hundreds and thousands of times.

In general, there are a huge number of ways to make money on your own website.

That's just sample list Internet business areas:

  • selling links;
  • work on affiliate programs;
  • sale contextual advertising and places for banners;
  • writing advertising articles;
  • infobusiness.

The territory of activity on the Internet is still vast and fertile. It is not always possible to achieve passive income immediately, but the long-term prospects for such investments are very definite.

Method 2. Bank deposits

Bank deposits are a popular and reliable way to save money. True, one cannot expect much income from deposits in rubles at the current level of inflation.

Therefore, investors are advised to use this method as an auxiliary tool, using bank deposits as a kind of insurance in case of force majeure in other investment areas.

Good news for ultra-cautious investors of the Russian Federation: deposits in the amount of up to 1 million 400 thousand are subject to compulsory insurance. This applies to everyone financial organizations operating under an official license.

For investments, we advise you to choose large banks with an impeccable reputation. In the Russian Federation, Sberbank is traditionally at the top of popularity, but you should know that this institution has one of the lowest interest rates on deposits of individuals.

It may be worth considering the option of exchanging rubles for foreign currency and making a deposit in euros or dollars, thereby neutralizing the effects of inflation and devaluation.

The advantages of bank deposits are obvious:

  • low risk and high reliability;
  • fixed percentage of income;
  • the ability to return funds to your pocket at any time;
  • accessibility and ease of management (almost all large banks provide users with the ability to remotely manage accounts and cards through their personal account).

The disadvantages are also clear - relatively low income, loss of interest rate if the deposit is reset early.

Method 3. Investments in innovative projects and promising startups

We wrote about this in detail in a separate article in our magazine. Innovative projects often turn out to be extremely profitable: if you choose several of the most promising startups, then one of them can provide you with several years to come.

It’s easy to become a co-owner of such projects - there are licensed platforms where owners of Internet projects and startups present their products and attract investors.

This line of business is called “crowdfunding”. The most popular resources representing startups are Kiva, Kickstarter, Zidisha. Minimum size investments on such exchanges are purely symbolic. Investing 100,000 rubles and not going broke is a completely achievable goal.

The choice of directions in this niche is large - invest in projects in your city, in other cities, or invest in European startups. You can make contributions jointly with other shareholders or invest solo.

Look at what Evgeniy’s students say in their video reviews about their training with him:

Method 4. Investments in contemporary art movements

Rich people buy paintings and other works of art not only for aesthetic reasons. These things are a kind of currency of the civilized world.

At the same time, the value of paintings, sculptures and installations increases every year, especially if the works are included in official catalogs and were presented at exhibitions.


Works by the American painter Pollock, unknown to anyone in the 50s, could be purchased for several hundred dollars. Just ten years later they were already worth hundreds of thousands in the same currency.

Paintings and drawings by Andy Warhol and Jean Michel Basquiat were sold for $100-500, now their value is in the millions.

Of course, buying all the paintings in a row is impractical and dangerous. Investing in art should be done wisely and after consultation with experts in the field.

Method 5. Buying precious metals

The list of the most valuable precious metals includes:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • platinum;
  • palladium.

These metals are in circulation in all banks in the world and have a fixed price on the market. Coins and gold bars are cast from gold, which can be purchased at banks or placed in safe deposit boxes.

There are other options - open a “metal” bank account, invest money in gold mining companies or in gold-backed securities.

The main advantage of such investments is precious metals they almost never fall in price, but on the contrary, they grow steadily, even if the economic status in the country worsens. Another advantage of investing in precious metals is availability.

You can go to the nearest Sberbank branch right now and buy gold weighing from 1 g to 1 kg. Upon purchase, you will be given a certificate confirming the authenticity of the bars and the legality of the transaction.

There are also nuances: gold is property, and it is subject to tax. When selling metal to a bank, you will have to pay VAT and income tax for each bullion.

Coins are not subject to tax because they are cash, but it is not always easy to find a buyer for such goods.

As for commemorative and collectible coins, investments in them do not pay off immediately. It usually takes several years before numismatics begin to generate significant profits.

Method 6. Buying a franchise

Creating your own business from scratch is a troublesome task and not accessible to everyone. Need original idea and considerable funds to promote your business from scratch and start receiving a stable income.

We already wrote about that earlier in one of our publications, but here we’ll talk about purchasing ready-made enterprise in the form of a franchise.

In some cases, purchasing an already promoted project turns out to be a more profitable and cost-effective investment.

Franchises worth up to 200,000 rubles come in a wide variety:

  • Internet projects;
  • cafes and points fast food;
  • sales of cosmetics;
  • bookmakers;
  • travel agencies;
  • SPA services.

The list goes on and on. The idea of ​​buying a ready-made business will work if the niche that the project represents is not yet occupied in your region. Yours matters own experience in management and marketing.

Essentially, you become the owner of a local branch of a well-known brand, and it is up to you how much profit the enterprise will bring.

Method 7. Investments in securities

Investing in shares is a way for people who are quite savvy in financial sector. Selecting stocks at random and spending your savings on them is not an option if your goal is investment with a guaranteed profit.

The ideal way to earn income from securities– is to entrust the management of your assets to professionals. In the West, this method of investing capital is commonplace; in our country, trust management and working through an exchange intermediary are still exotic.

But the situation is changing for the better. If you set a goal, you can find a professional advisor, or even a company that, for a certain percentage, will help you successfully invest your finances and get a profit in just a few months.

Final table for a visual assessment of the pros and cons of investment areas:

Investment direction Pros Cons Income
1 Internet projects Long-term investment with unlimited prospectsNot all projects pay offHigh
2 Bank deposits Profit guaranteeSmall interest on deposits5-10% per year
3 Startups Huge selection of investment propertiesNot all startups make a profitUnlimited
4 Precious metals Stable growth in valueTaxed upon sale15-30% per year
5 Works of art Multiple return on investmentDifficulties with implementationUnlimited
6 Purchasing a franchise Ready-made business schemeNot all franchises guarantee incomeNot fixed
7 Stock Wide choice of directions for depositsHigh risksPayback per year from 0% to 100%

3. How to make investments correctly so as not to go broke

A few tips to keep your deposits safe:

  • do not invest money in projects operating on the principle of financial pyramids;
  • do not invest in ethically and morally questionable projects;
  • do not deal with casinos, as well as with online establishments of this type (gaming portals, bookmakers);
  • do not trust finances to private individuals who promise exorbitant profits in “the shortest possible time”;
  • minimize risks using the principle of deposit diversification.

It is advisable to have a clear goal and calculate all options for the development of events. To do this, of course, you need to have some experience, but first, it’s enough to “turn on” logic and common sense.

4. New generation Internet investment companies

Internet companies that accept investments from anyone are a modern and promising trend in investment terms.

What are we talking about? About a new type of company that manages investors' finances on a professional level.

The areas in which such companies invest money are very different - the Forex exchange, bookmaker bets, futures, precious metals, stock markets.

The bottom line is that finances are dealt with exclusively professional specialists working in a team and using technical resources and modern software in their activities.

Trading is a sure way to make good profits. Setting up an online store does not require large investments. You can trade at home. The easiest and most profitable way is to resell goods from Asia. These are clothes, jewelry, gadgets, etc.

At wholesale purchases you will significantly reduce the cost of things so that the markup on them ranges from 100-200%. In parallel with the store, it is worth developing and promoting communities in social networks to sell products through multiple channels.

After six months of active work, it is possible to reach a net income of one hundred thousand. Some of the best shopping sites include:,,,

2. Profitable specialty or position

Such salaries are received by middle and senior managers: heads of departments (advertising, trade, production, etc.), top managers, directors. To obtain such a position, you need great experience work and deep knowledge in the chosen field. At the same time, young and ambitious people should not be afraid to propose their candidacy and prove that they are suitable for the given vacancy.

There are many profitable and in-demand professions that a person can master without education. Among the highly paid professions: programmers and application developers on iOS and Android, web developers and web designers, good advertisers and sales people, interior designers, engineers, chefs, real estate agents, blue-collar jobs (such as skilled builders or welders).

Options for girls with training as a manicurist, hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist. For example, the cost of wedding or evening makeup starts at $40, and it is possible to receive about 4-5 clients per day.

3. Franchise business

One of the easiest options for earning 100,000 rubles a month is to purchase ready business. This eliminates the need to plan the organization of the business yourself, plus you are acquiring an already promoted brand.

It could be a fast food cafe, a clothing store, a toy store, a fitness center, etc. The amount required for the purchase is from $4,500. Acquisition large enterprise will allow you to earn a lot from the first month.

4. Own business

The best business ideas that will allow you to earn 100 thousand rubles. per month: grocery store, construction and repair company, beauty salon, private kindergarten, gym, cafe and dining room, tattoo parlor, manufacturing plant(timber, crumb rubber, fuel briquettes etc.) After payback, the business will be able to bring in good money.

5. Work in the event sector

Current specializations in this niche:

  • Photographer and videographer (weddings, corporate events, video shooting);
  • Event host;
  • Decorator;
  • Rental of lighting and sound equipment.

For example, a presenter is able to start earning money with virtually no investment. Relevant skills required good advertising and useful contacts in the event sphere. The popular presenter's fee starts from $350 per evening. For photographers and videographers – from $400 for a full day. And it is possible to fulfill from five orders per month.

Lighting and sound equipment requires considerable investment to purchase, but pays off in less than six months with constant employment. Such services are in demand at weddings, corporate and city events.

6. Transportation

This includes freight and passenger transportation. Having only one car (truck or minibus) in your fleet, you can make a good profit.

Truck or minibus services for a trip start at $20-25 and depend on the stated time or mileage. It is profitable to rent cars for a wedding procession or a limousine. Profit – $12-60 per hour.

7. Vlog

A way for creative individuals who know how to stand out. The income of popular video bloggers easily exceeds 100 thousand rubles. per month due to direct advertising (various brands, other channels, films, etc.) and due to the number of video views (for example, through AdSense) and clicks to the advertiser’s page.

Popular Topics: travel, reviews of films, gadgets, games (as well as walkthroughs of games - let's plays), beauty blogs, various experiments and educational channels.

8. Your own website

An Internet site allows you to earn thousands of dollars a month with the right approach. The main investments are intellectual. It is necessary to select a relevant topic, fill the portal with interesting and “catchy” content, and work on SEO promotion.

“Top” but also the most competitive topics: business and work, beauty and health, psychology and relationships, cooking, real estate, cars, applications and games.

Bulletin boards are very profitable, but you have to work hard to break through in a highly competitive environment.

Ways to earn income from the site:

  1. From direct advertisers on your topic (stores, agencies and other companies);
  2. Contextual, teaser, banner advertising.

In the first six months to a year you will need to work hard to ensure attendance, only then can you count on large incomes. The number of unique visitors should be at least 5-10 thousand people per day for good advertising revenue.

9. Forex and binary options

Exchanges are the place to earn 100,000 rubles a month if you have trading savvy, analytical skills and a fair amount of composure. The initial amount for trading is $5-10; if the outcome is successful, the deposit can be multiplied several times. Therefore, to receive one hundred thousand rubles you will need to invest more than ten dollars.

Choose reliable brokers with a good reputation and high profitability rates. For Forex trading they usually choose Alpari, Alpha Forex, Forex4you, for making money on binary options - GT Options, OptionFair, IQ Option.

If you don’t know how to trade and don’t want to risk money, invest in PAMM accounts and mutual funds. Professionals will be able to manage investments and increase your capital. Dividing your investments into several funds, form a portfolio of securities, stocks, and currencies. This minimizes risks, and the total income can reach one hundred thousand.

10. Watch

Those who want a decent amount of money can look for job vacancies not on the Internet on a rotational basis. Not every specialty will be so highly paid; forwarding drivers, engineers, electromechanics, surveyors, welders, etc. are “priced.” Try to get a job in oil and gold mining companies. It's hard work, but it pays well.

Also, elite Moscow mansions often require live-in staff. They can count on a salary of 100 thousand home cook, nanny, nurse.

11. Daily rent of an apartment, house, office

If you have your own apartment, house or commercial real estate, then they can be profitably rented out daily or even hourly (office). The rental price depends on the city. If you do good repair and bring the property to the status of luxury apartments, then it’s realistic to have 100,000 rubles per month.

12. Selling training courses

Selling your own knowledge (sewing and cutting, dancing, handling skills) will allow you to quickly reach large sums. computer programs etc.) You can sell video courses and electronic manuals on the Internet or do tutoring at home.

These are the main methods, 100 thousand rubles per month. In any case, you need to invest in your own training, start a business, or invest funds to increase them.