Manufacturing technology disposable tableware can only be learned while working at one of the enterprises or at the equipment manufacturer. If you dream of organizing own business, it is better to study all the nuances or at least the main points in practice.

The next step is to find suppliers of raw materials. In Russia, raw materials are produced by literally several enterprises. You cannot focus on just one of them. Having studied the proposals of suppliers of raw materials, you can begin to search for production equipment and draw up a project for organizing the enterprise.

The financial threshold for entering this business is quite high. Just to purchase the cheapest equipment you will need about 11,000,000 rubles. To attract investment, you need a high-quality business plan.

Main risks

It will not be possible to conclude preliminary agreements with potential clients. Buyers will consider your offers only if you have finished products And complete package documents confirming compliance with GOST and SanPiN standards.

You will have to compete not only with domestic, but also with foreign manufacturers who have extensive experience and better initial conditions.

Seasonal demand also occurs and may affect sales. Risks can be minimized by expanding the range.


Finding ready-made premises that meet the requirements for the production of disposable tableware is extremely difficult. This option is only available upon purchase ready-made business. As a rule, a new entrepreneur has to look for production premises and refurbish them or rent a plot of land and build a building from scratch. The second option in many cases turns out to be less expensive.

Requirements for product placement. List of conditions for production cycle using an extruder looks like this:

The minimum permissible height of the workshop is 4.5 m.
- Fireproof wall covering.
- The floor is poured concrete or covered with tiles.
- 3-phase power supply.
- Availability of a water supply system.
- Powerful ventilation.
- If the work is limited to the use of an injection molding machine and packaging (finished film is used as raw material), a minimum ceiling height of 3.5 m is allowed.

The total area is necessarily divided into functional zones:

Production premises.
- Separate warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products.
- Administrative premises.
- Utility rooms.
- Changing rooms for staff.
- Bathrooms.


The production line consists of the following pieces of equipment:

Injection molding machine. Used for the production of tableware from polypropylene and polystyrene.
- Extruder. Used for making sheets from granules.
- Vacuum forming machines. The press is used to form a plate, glass or fork. The products are cut from the sheet using these machines or later.

The cost of equipment depends on the manufacturer and power. Suppliers on Russian market many. Equipment produced in Germany, Austria and the USA demonstrates excellent performance and reliability, but the cost of this equipment is much higher than lines from Korea and Taiwan, which have sufficient potential for small production volumes.

The price of injection molding machines ranges from 1,750,000 to 50,000,000 rubles. Used machines can be bought 3-4 times cheaper.

To purchase a new extruder made in Europe, you should prepare 25,000,000 rubles. Used or Korean equipment costs less - 4,000,000-6,000,000 rubles.

To produce 8 million plastic products per month, you should buy 2-3 vacuum forming machines. Each of them costs about 1,500,000-2,000,000 rubles.

Raw materials

You should not focus on cooperation with one supplier of raw materials. Only a few factories produce polystyrene and polypropylene in the country. If a supplier receives a large order, deliveries to small customers may be delayed, which can lead to downtime and financial losses.

Both polystyrene and polypropylene have disadvantages and advantages:

Polypropylene is resistant to alcohol, fats and oils. The material can be used in microwave ovens and is approved for packaging children's products. Disadvantage: the slightest changes in technology lead to the loss of essential product characteristics.
- Polystyrene does not have the advantages of polypropylene, but it is much easier to work with.

You should also not focus solely on making paper tableware. Due to their high cost, these products are not in high demand.


Owners of a disposable tableware business have a serious problem finding highly qualified employees. On at the moment Russia does not train specialists in the manufacture of thermoplastic products. Clearly formulated manuals and training courses These technologies are also not yet widely available. Most technologists understand the secrets production process by trial and error.

Look for any opportunities to send employees to manufacturers for training. This practice is widely used when purchasing new equipment. You can try to lure an experienced technologist by tempting him with a high salary. You should also not skimp on paying for the work of a qualified adjuster. High level wages These specialists are justified by the shortage of specialists and the complexity of working with equipment.

The number of workers depends on production volumes. New employees will have to be trained from scratch.

To work in each warehouse, 2 workers should be hired. The manufacturer undertakes the transportation of products, which means even for small enterprise you need to hire two drivers.

With guidance financial statements small production One accountant can handle it.

Very important point- searching for new customers. It will not be possible to do this without a customer service manager.

Documents and licenses

The selection of the form for registering an enterprise during the legal registration process depends on the volume of planned production. If the workshop is small, registration of an individual entrepreneur is quite acceptable. But experts recommend choosing LLC for the manufacture of disposable tableware common system taxation including VAT. Document flow in this case is more complicated, but the advantages are serious:

Large suppliers are more willing to cooperate with LLCs.
- It is easier to conclude agreements with large buyers of products.
- Legal entities enjoy great confidence from financial institutions.
- The possibility of VAT refund in many situations is the most important criterion for choosing a partner.
- The main activity is the production of plastic tableware, kitchenware and toiletries (code: 25.24.2).
- The production of disposable tableware does not require special licenses. But it is necessary to issue technical specifications and certificates for compliance with the requirements of GOST and SanPiN.

It is advisable to entrust the preparation of these documents to a company that specializes in providing such services. This will reduce the time it takes to complete the registration procedure and avoid mistakes that will certainly entail significant financial losses.


Profitability successful production disposable tableware in the presence of reliable and large-scale sales channels is 25-30%. If a young enterprise is able to put into practice the calculated utilization of production capacity, the payback period will be achieved in 4-5 months.

According to experts, the demand for disposable tableware is growing by 10-15% annually. Based on these data, we can conclude that the direction is promising and there are high chances of starting to expand the range and production capacity during the first year of activity.

The twenty-first century is a time of super technology, a healthy lifestyle and all kinds of plastic products (toys, furniture, dishes, cutlery, etc.).

Despite the fact that some technologists and nutritionists do not welcome the use of even food-grade plastic, the statistics speak for themselves - “every second person in Russia has bought a plastic cup or tableware for a picnic at least once in their life.” And there’s no need to even talk about the mass purchase of sealed plastic containers.

Considering the popularity of the product and the wide range of possible points of sale, such a business project will not lose its significance and relevance for at least the next 15 years. Therefore, if you have a desire to start your own business from scratch, then consider the option of production plastic dishes quite possible.

Registration and organization of business

Choice organizational form for an enterprise directly depends on the planned output volumes. For small workshops and mini-factories it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur (Individual Entrepreneurship), and for larger production facilities - LLC.

The OKVED code for registration will be 25.24.2 - “production of plastic tableware and kitchen utensils, toiletries.”

Required Documentation

  1. GOST standard R 50962-96 – “Dishes and household products made of plastic. General technical specifications».
  2. GOST 15820-82 - “Polystyrene and styrene copolymers”.
  3. GN - instead of SanPiN No. 42-123-4240-86 “Acceptable migration quantities (APM) chemicals, released from polymeric and other materials in contact with food products and methods for their determination."
  4. SP – “Hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and the workplace.”
  5. GN - “Maximum concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area.”

After all the requirements have been studied, you can begin to prepare other papers and documents. If you present the required number of them in the form of a list, you get the following:

  • certificate of state registration;
  • approval from the city sanitary and epidemiological organization.
  • fire inspection permit;
  • conclusion of the labor protection commission;
  • sanitary books for production line workers;
  • certificate of conformity for equipment;
  • a distinctive quality mark for products.

Premises and equipment

The choice of premises and organization of work depend, first of all, on the type of production activity using incomplete or full cycle. Most often, entrepreneurs choose the latter option with granular work. Based on this, the requirements for organizing work indoors are as follows:

If we talk about functional zoning, it is worth observing the following order:

  • production workshop;
  • administrative and amenity premises;
  • warehouse for storing raw materials;
  • warehouse for storage and transportation of finished products;
  • shower;
  • locker room;
  • bathroom

The list of production equipment for a standardized workshop equipment must necessarily include:

  1. Granulator.
  2. Extruder.
  3. Chopper.
  4. Punching presses.
  5. Edge curling machine.
  6. Packing machine.
  7. Printer for applying an image.

It is worth noting that many manufacturers do not hesitate to purchase Chinese-made equipment because of its low cost. However, his technical specifications and the possibility of exploitation “at the output” will not provide the required volume, which means they will introduce significant amendments to the existing business plan.

Raw materials and suppliers

Purchase raw materials and consumables is available in strictly limited quantities from Russian or foreign suppliers. The quality of the source material absolutely does not depend in any way on the manufacturer’s company or manufacturing technology, the main thing is that the basis for the production of plastic tableware does not contain harmful, toxic impurities.

Thus, to implement your plan you will need to purchase:

  1. Polystyrene.
  2. Polypropylene.

Production technology

The main component of the entire technological process is to give maximum strength to the finished product. To do this:

  1. The processed raw materials (or finished granules) are fed into the extruder. To add color, a dye is poured into it.
  2. Inside the apparatus, the mass is heated and mixed, turning into a substance homogeneous in composition.
  3. Having reached the state of a liquid viscous mixture, the finished mass is automatically sent to pressing, where the final density of the web is brought to 2 mm.
  4. As soon as the canvas “grabs”, it is sent to the thermoforming machine using a remote control.
  5. Next, the mixture is reheated and evenly distributed among the molds, acquiring a finished look.

When all the main stages of forming the workpiece have been completed, trimming machines cut them out and redirect them to the packaging unit. After which, the products are considered ready for shipment.


The organization of any technological process requires the presence of the following specialists from the production and administrative block:

The equipment repairman is not included in this list, since when purchasing new machines, their operation is covered by a warranty for several years. Thus, repairs and other technical issues will be resolved by an invited specialist.


Selling finished products does not seem difficult or tedious. High-quality plastic tableware is extremely necessary for organizations of many types of activities, and, therefore, the demand for products will be constant.

You can conclude a mutually beneficial contract with:

  • fast food cafe;
  • snack bars and small cafeterias;
  • industrial canteens;
  • large stores;
  • small emergencies;
  • children's educational institutions(in some of them, plastic utensils are used for drawing classes).

Financial component of business

The profitability of the entire production is extremely high and the degree material investments, accordingly, too. However, we should not forget that at the initial stages, by setting a limit on output, you can save significantly and check how profitable this or that entrepreneurial step will be.

Cost of opening and maintaining

In order to legalize a business, you will need not only to register it, but also to make certain initial payments. These include:

In total, the total amount for opening and maintaining is at least 2,220,000 rubles.

Amount of future income

The expected level of profit from the sale of plastic tableware may exceed even the most daring forecasts. Based on known data on the level of income of large enterprises and industry workshops, we can conclude that in the first few months of operation the net profit reaches 500,000 rubles. Further, this amount either increases many times or remains unchanged.

Payback period

Based on data on the profitability of the enterprise and the level of initial costs, we can approximately calculate the total payback period. In this case it is 6 months.

When deciding to open a business in the segment of “increased consumer demand,” you need, first of all, to work for the future and think through possible ways re-registration of the company. Since everyone wants to engage in a promising project, but, as a rule, no one is ready for the oversaturation of the industry sector with the same type of product.

One of the most profitable directions business is the production of disposable tableware. People use plastic dishes when having picnics outside the city, on various trips, at children's parties, so the demand for this product is not decreasing, and this type of product will remain in demand for many years to come. The difference between this type of tableware and porcelain and glass is its light weight, ease of transportation and low price.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment - 20,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 8/10.

Reasons for choosing this niche

Many people are mistaken, claiming that the production of plastic tableware is exclusively seasonal business. In practice, entrepreneurs have proven that this type of business is year-round, the reason for this is that people use utensils intended for one use all the time.

This type of business is highly profitable. The main advantages of plastic utensils include their hygiene and safety. Using this type of plates, containers, glasses and cutlery saves time for putting things in order after various special events.

Business in the production of disposable tableware involves the use of high-tech equipment that allows you to obtain goods high quality. The production line for disposable tableware, which is located at the enterprise, allows us to produce glasses of various capacities, as well as bowls, plates of different sizes, straws for drinks, cutlery and other disposable products.

An entrepreneur should understand that there are the following types of clients:

  • people buying goods for seasonal picnics, celebrations, events;
  • outlet owners catering, lunch delivery services, cafes, as well as owners, drinks and oxygen cocktails.

For second clients it is carried out more often wholesale disposable tableware.

It is noted that disposable plastic tableware is difficult to sell in a “young” business at first, since it is necessary to form a customer base. Only a high quality product can attract potential buyers. It is important to hire an experienced advertising manager who can promote the business and form a customer base.

Important stages of production organization

In order for a business to make a profit, it is necessary to complete several important steps:

  • register a business;
  • buy equipment;
  • find employees.

How to register a business?

To open a plant for the production of disposable tableware in Russia, it is necessary to legally register soybeans entrepreneurial activity by completing the relevant documents. When choosing between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC, you should focus on the expected profit from production. The form of business in the form of an individual entrepreneur is registered if it is intended small production. If an entrepreneur is planning to found big business, then an LLC (limited liability company) is formed. The advantages of the latter include greater trust of partners in the founder of the production, a simplified taxation system, as well as the possibility of receiving significant discounts on raw materials for the production of disposable plastic tableware.

To sell manufactured products, it is mandatory to obtain a certificate that confirms the product’s compliance with established standards according to GOST.

Where should the production be located?

The workshop should be located outside the city. The mini plant has an area of ​​about 100 m². Of these, 70 m² is an industrial workshop, 15 m² is a warehouse, the remaining 15 m² is utility rooms and a bathroom. For large production, an area of ​​600 m² will be sufficient.

The room where disposable plastic food utensils will be produced must have the following parameters:

  • 3-4 m – minimum ceiling height;
  • the floor is poured with concrete or tiles are laid on it;
  • three-phase electrical network;
  • the presence of ventilation ducts, sewerage and water supply;
  • treating walls with fire-resistant liquids up to 2 meters from the floor.

The plant should also be equipped with utility and storage facilities.

What raw materials need to be purchased?

Raw materials for disposable tableware must be of high quality. You will need polystyrene, it is sold in granules, its price varies within 25 thousand rubles per ton. In order for the products to be colored, you should buy color additives. Another material is also needed for the production of disposable tableware - polyethylene film. If you compare store shelves with plastic and paper tableware, you will notice that the cost of the latter is quite high, so the demand for it is somewhat lower than for its plastic counterparts, which is why the most profitable business will be the production of products from thermoplastics.

Difficulties in recruiting workers

The search for personnel can be carried out through advertisements on the Internet and newspapers, but finding responsible employees in this way is quite difficult. There are no special training courses for managing the production of disposable tableware. However, almost all equipment suppliers offer entrepreneurs training for their personnel in favorable conditions. You also need to conclude an agreement with them regarding the maintenance of equipment.

Selection of production equipment

The initial question that a businessman asks is what equipment to buy for the production of disposable tableware. The highest quality lines are those produced in Germany and the USA, but their price is high, so they can be replaced with analogues from Korea. However, they have a lower production capacity. For production you will also need an injection molding machine. To obtain blank sheets from granulated raw materials, you need to purchase an extruder. You will also need molding machines for the production of disposable tableware and a compressor.

The production cycle can be complete or incomplete. The first involves melting the granules and making a film. The second excludes the preparatory stage of its production, since it is purchased as raw materials, in the form of rolls. Therefore, the following set of equipment is required:

  • an automatic machine designed for stacking and packaging products;
  • granulator;
  • extruder

Subsequent equipment is purchased in accordance with the selected type of cookware. You will need the following products:

  • automatic machine for bending the top edge;
  • packaging machine;
  • printers for applying images, etc.

To make thick cutlery, pourable molds are needed. A diverse assortment guarantees greater business success, so you should purchase lines that integrate with a large number thermoforming machines. This set of equipment will allow us to produce various types of products.

Approximate cost of equipment

The price of the equipment is high; for example, the injection molding machine alone costs about 1 million rubles. Entrepreneurs estimate the cost of entering the disposable tableware market at least 20 million rubles. This is due to the fact that it will not be possible to limit yourself to one machine if you plan not only to win your share of the market, but also to develop further. Most of The cost is the purchase of an extruder that produces sheets from granulate.

Disposable tableware with a custom logo can also be sold. This type of business is especially relevant nowadays for holding various kinds of celebrations, presentations and events. Glasses are an excellent advertising medium. Corporate logo on dishes helps maintain corporate style and promotes goods or services on the market.

Stages of production technology

Depending on what products are planned to be produced, two technologies are distinguished: molding and casting. The latter method produces dishes with thick walls. The casting process takes a long time, cash. It is worth noting that the weight of a regular glass with a volume of 200 ml is 3 g, made by injection molding - up to 10 g.

There is a more cost-effective technology for the production of disposable tableware, molding, with the production of up to 30 million cups per month, which consists of the following steps:

  1. The purchased early raw materials are sent to the extruder.
  2. In the extruder, the granules melt and the resulting mass is mixed. Forming the desired consistency, the viscous liquid passes through the press, resulting in a plastic sheet approximately 2 mm thick. On at this stage a uniform thickness of the future dishes is formed.
  3. The film is heated in a 3-meter oven.
  4. The resulting mass enters a thermoforming machine, where the shape of the products is formed.
  5. Glasses, plates and other products are fed into the trimmer, where they are cut from the general canvas using a die-cutting press.
  6. Film scraps are recycled for recycling, so production is waste-free.
  7. The trimmer distributes the product into special apparatus, who stacks it and sends it onto the conveyor belt.
  8. The belt transports the dishes for packaging or subsequent transformation.

Thus, the business of producing disposable tableware is profitable and profitable, but requires large financial investments.

In today's world, the production and sale of disposable tableware is constantly growing, and this trend has been observed for a number of years. The popularity of such utensils is quite justified - glasses, plates, forks and spoons made of plastic are very inexpensive, absolutely safe for health and hygienic (after use they are simply thrown away). Special significance disposable tableware has for businesses fast food, in which it is used extremely actively and in huge quantities.

The history of plastic tableware in the USA

The birthplace of plastic tableware is the United States of America. It was in this country, in the middle of the last century, that a certain William Dart invented a plastic cup, the very first in the world. He patented his revolutionary invention and founded the Dart Container Corporation. It currently occupies a third of the entire US disposable packaging market. Somewhat later, in addition to plastic glasses, plates, forks, spoons and knives began to be produced. The production of disposable tableware in Moscow and other cities of our country began only in the mid-90s of the last century. Before this, it was imported from abroad, which at a certain point became economically unprofitable. Now in Russia there are many large and small enterprises producing disposable tableware, which almost completely cover the needs of the domestic market for it.

Equipment for the production of plastic tableware

Modern technology for the production of disposable tableware involves the use of specialized equipment, which includes:

  • Extruders;
  • Thermoforming machines;
  • Automatic production lines.

Extruders are necessary to produce plastic sheets, from which dishes are subsequently formed. This process is carried out using thermoforming machines. The largest and modern enterprises are equipped with specialized automatic production lines with high productivity. As for the cost of equipment for the production of plastic disposable tableware, it is quite high. For example, a new high-performance extruder made in Europe costs about $500,000, while a thermoforming machine costs about $40,000.

Raw materials for the production of plastic tableware

In Russia, the main raw materials for the production of disposable plastic tableware are polystyrene and polypropylene. These materials meet all sanitary and hygienic standards and do not emit any substances harmful to human health. They are most often delivered to production in the form of granules.

The production of disposable tableware is becoming increasingly important in the world. And although purchasing equipment is an expensive undertaking, and when drawing up a business plan you need to carefully analyze the market, it is still a promising project that is worth paying attention to.

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the work of such a workshop in practice. A novice entrepreneur without basic skills will make too many mistakes that will ruin the project at the start. But having enough experience, you can open a mini-factory for the production of plastic cups, and then gradually expand the range.

Business relevance

According to statistics, there has been an increase in demand for disposable tableware around the world within 10-15% annually. This suggests that people often prefer it. The advantages are obvious:

  • Can be used once and then thrown away.
  • Low price.
  • With the help of multi-colored elements it is possible to create a festive atmosphere in any conditions.
  • Such dishes are lightweight and do not take up much space if you have to take them with you outdoors.
  • Convenient to use for any purpose.

True, an increasing variety of such products is appearing on the market and competition among entrepreneurs is growing. On the one hand, these are Chinese suppliers of plastic tableware, the cost of which is very low. On the other hand, there is the emergence of more environmentally friendly varieties, for example, paper cups. But if you organize the production of safe and cheap products, you can conquer your niche.

First you need to decide on your main competitors, study their strengths and weaknesses. Take into account imported plastic tableware, which is still in great demand. Draw up a competent business plan and think over the range of products offered. For example, disposable cups are rightfully considered the most common. different sizes and volumes. Only after this proceed to the organizational part.


To open a mini-workshop, you must first register as legal entity. The advantages of an LLC over an individual entrepreneur are significant:

  1. Such a company inspires more confidence both among suppliers of raw materials and equipment, and wholesale buyers.
  2. It is possible to recover VAT on purchases.
  3. If it fails, the company risks only authorized capital.
  4. It's easier to get a loan from a bank.

When registering, indicate OKVED code 25.24.2. Various licenses are not required for activities, but the premises itself and the quality of the products produced must comply with GOSTs and the standards prescribed in SanPiN. Before starting a disposable tableware business, be sure to study the following documents:

  • GOST R 50962-96 – general technical conditions for the production of plastic products.
  • GOST 15820-82 – clarifying the quality standards of copolymers of styrene and polystyrene, on the basis of which plastic tableware is created.
  • GN - adopted instead of SanPiN 42-123-4240-86, which establishes requirements and indicators for the amount of chemicals in such materials.
  • SP – describes the technological process and hygienic requirements for the operation and condition of equipment.
  • GN – which talks about harmful substances in the air in the workplace.

To obtain permissions for production activities from the SES, fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor, you need to prepare the premises accordingly, purchase equipment and release the first batch of goods, which must undergo thorough quality control. Only after this can you begin to implement the idea in practice.

Workshop setup

When installing all the equipment necessary for the production of disposable tableware, you need to select and prepare the room in a certain way. It is important to consider the following requirements:

  1. The ceiling height should be at least 4.5 meters, and only in the absence of an extruder and granulator can you get by with 3.5 m.
  2. The floor must be poured with concrete or laid with durable tiles.
  3. The walls are covered with fire-resistant material that can be easily washed.
  4. Be sure to install good ventilation.
  5. The electrical network must be three-phase and can withstand the high loads of all equipment.
  6. Don't forget about water supply, heating and other communications.

The entire building is divided into separate zones:

  • working;
  • administrative;
  • bathroom and shower for staff;
  • wardrobe;
  • warehouses for raw materials and finished products.

Make sure that the workshop has convenient access roads for unloading goods. It is better to rent or purchase such premises outside the city or in its industrial part. The total area should be about 500 square meters. m.

Equipment selection

A full-fledged automated line for the production of disposable tableware consists of the following elements:

  1. Granulator.
  2. Extruder.
  3. Crushers.
  4. Thermoforming press.
  5. Automatic product stacking machine.
  6. Conveyor.
  7. A machine for bending the top edge of a glass.
  8. Printer for applying an image.
  9. Compressor.
  10. Self-filling molds for cutlery.

It is not necessary to purchase all of their varieties at once. You can build a line gradually, adding individual elements as your business develops and the initial investment returns. You can only start with an automatic product stacking and packaging machine and a thermoforming line. By purchasing ready-made rolls of thin film, you will do without installing other elements.

Please note that equipment manufacturers offer different models, capacities, and a variety of shapes, and this, in turn, significantly affects the cost. Depending on your financial capabilities and the desired volume of production of disposable tableware, you need to make a choice.

It is believed that German and Austrian devices are the most powerful and are the ones worth purchasing when creating a productive automated line that produces several million products per month. But to start, you can spend 3-4 times less and opt for Korean or domestic cars. Then production volumes will be lower, but equipment costs will also be affordable.

Raw material base

Plastic disposable tableware is made of two main components:

  • Polypropylene is resistant to fats, oils, alcohol, products made from it can be placed in a microwave oven, and they are also allowed to be used for baby products. But when working with this material, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology parameters so that it does not deteriorate. quality characteristics.
  • Polystyrene - it is much easier to work with, but has lower performance during operation.

Individual entrepreneurs began to produce, but the cost of laminated cardboard and products made from it is quite high. Therefore, such a business is still losing in competition.

When searching for suppliers of polystyrene and polypropylene, you can contact several existing large enterprises that produce them. But there are certain disadvantages. With larger orders, small customers will have to wait too long for the material, which can result in frequent shop downtime.

Therefore, it is worth establishing other delivery channels. For example, pay attention to factories that collect recyclable materials and process them. And although the quality of such material is significantly lower, this can be a way out in finding a permanent and reliable supplier. Or find a foreign manufacturer willing to offer the material at an affordable price. It is important to control the quality of the original raw materials. It must comply with GOST 10354-82.


When creating plastic utensils, the material goes through the following stages:

  1. Polyester in the form of granules is fed into the extruder. If you want to diversify the color scheme of the product, you can add different shades.
  2. The raw material is heated to high temperatures, at which it begins to melt, and mixed, achieving a homogeneous mass.
  3. Then it is passed through a press, which ensures the thickness of the finished film is 2 mm. It is very important to ensure that the machine always produces a uniform web.
  4. Such a roll is sent to a thermoforming machine, which involves the creation of one or another product (glasses, plates, etc.).
  5. Here the material lends itself again high temperatures and due to vacuum action it acquires the desired shape.
  6. Next, the workpieces go to the trimmer, where they are cut to size.
  7. Using a conveyor, they move to a packaging machine or printer to apply a logo, design, advertising, etc.
  8. For glasses and plates, you need to additionally pass the products through a machine that bends the edges.
  9. At the end, the goods are packed into large bags.


Due to the fact that the line is fully automated, there is no need to hire a large number of people to monitor its operation. Depending on the volume of production, a different number of employees is needed. For a medium-sized workshop, it is enough to have on staff:

  • Technologist - specialist with higher education and experience in this field, it is quite difficult to find such a person, but its presence is mandatory to maintain product quality.
  • Equipment adjusters should also be trained additionally or find professional technicians.
  • Ancillary workers.
  • The cleaning lady.
  • Accountant.
  • Client Relationship Manager.

To deliver goods to customers yourself, it is also advisable to hire a loader and driver. To save costs, you can perform some functions, for example, accounting, management, product sales, yourself.

We are looking for buyers

It is not enough just to produce a quality product. We still need to find through which channels to sell disposable tableware. From advertising, you can use all available resources - media, Internet, advertisements. But it is better to establish personal contacts with the owners:

  1. Catering establishments.
  2. Supermarkets.
  3. Specialized stores selling relevant products.
  4. Wholesale bases.
  5. Companies involved in food preparation and delivery.
  6. Vending machines.
  7. Larkov.
  8. Offices.
  9. Educational and other government agencies.
  10. Confectionery companies.
  11. Organizations for organizing holidays and corporate events.
  12. Catering agencies, etc.

It makes sense to hire a marketing and sales specialist, then the activities of your company will quickly pay off due to large wholesale orders and sales finished products.

Download for free as a sample.

Financial part

Opening a mini-workshop for the production of disposable tableware will require large investments. Let's list the main expense items.

The cost of one unit of product is on average 0.25 rubles. If you sell disposable tableware for 0.35 rubles, then with a production volume of 10 million units per month, you can achieve a net profit of 1,000,000. Even taking into account regular deductions, after 3-4 months you can achieve full payback for the project.

Video: production of disposable tableware.