Appendix G to the Instructions for visual and measuring control (recommended)

_________________________ (organization) ACT No. _____ from ____________ visual and measuring control 1. In accordance with the work order (application) _______ completed _________ number indicate type _________________________________________________________________________ control _____________________________ control _______________________________ (visual, measuring) name and dimensions of the controlled object, _______________________________________________________________________ documentation code, specifications, drawing, heat (batch), number of the control object Control made in accordance with __________________________________________________________ name and/or code of technical documentation 2. During inspection, the following defects were identified ___________________________ characteristics of defects (shape, _______________________________________________________________________ dimensions, location and/or orientation for specific objects) ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Conclusion based on the results of visual and measurement control _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ The control was completed by _____________________________________________________ Qualification level, Last name, initials, signature No. qualification certificate Supervisor of visual and measurement control ____________________________________________ Last name, initials, signature

Explanations for the design of the “Visual and/or Measurement Control Certificate”

1. Clause 1 indicates the type of inspection - visual, measuring or visual-measuring, as well as the name of the inspected object: semi-finished product, workpiece, part, structure, preparation of the edge of a part for welding, joint assembled for welding, finished welded joint, sampling of a defective area in the material and/or welded joint, the product, as well as the name and/or codes of the production control document (Incoming inspection program, Card or control diagram, Routing control, Operational control map or diagram) and normative document regulating the requirements for assessing the quality of the controlled object during visual and measurement control.

When inspecting materials (semi-finished products, blanks, forgings), point 1 indicates the grade of material, dimensions (diameter, thickness) and batch number.

When inspecting parts and assembly units, paragraph 1 indicates the drawing number, dimensions, grade of material (only for parts), its code according to the drawing (standard).

When inspecting the preparation of the edges of parts, assembling joints for welding and finished welded joints, point 1 indicates the numbers of joints according to the welding form or the layout of welded joints, as well as the dimensions of the joint parts (diameter, thickness), grade of material and welding method (for finished welded joints). connections).

When inspecting samples of defective areas, the name, grade of material and dimensions of the object (diameter, thickness), as well as the location of the sample are indicated.

2. When filling out clause 2 of the Act, it indicates all deviations from the norms of RD that were identified during the inspection of specific objects (sections, connections, etc.) in connection with their numbers according to the welding form, layout diagram or control diagram.

In cases where the object of control meets the requirements of the RD, a note is made in the report - “there are no defects.” In this case, the numbers of specific objects are indicated in accordance with the documents given above.

Note. It is allowed to issue one Certificate for a batch of the same type of semi-finished products, blanks, parts, and structures.

______________________ (organization)

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DECISION of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated 06/11/2003 92 ON APPROVAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR VISUAL AND MEASURING CONTROL (2020) Relevant in 2018


______________________ (organization) ACT N _____ from __________ visual and/or measuring quality control welds in the process of welding the connection ___________________________________________________________________ (name of the product and number of the connection) 1. This act certifies the fact that the welder performed ___________________________________________________________________ full name, mark _____________________ connection _______ (see welding form), type (types) of connections made _____________________________________________________ indicate the welding method and position in accordance with the requirements of welding technology __________________ ___________________________________________________________________ indicate the code of the technology and inaccessible for control _______________________________________________ indicate the control method prescribed by __________________________________________________________________ design documentation 2. With layer-by-layer visual and measurement control with quality assessment according to the standards _________________________________ for the category ___________________________________________________________________ (code or name of ND) is established, that the welded joint is recognized as suitable and meets the requirements of _________________________________________ (indicate ND or design documentation) The control was performed by: ________________________________________________ Qualification level, Last name, initials, signature N of the qualification certificate Supervisor of visual and measurement control: __________________________________________________________ Last name, initials, signature Note. A report is drawn up for each welded structure (joint or group of joints) subjected to control during the welding process. Requirements for the preparation of the “Report of sizes _____________” (product) The size report is drawn up only when it is specified in the RD or design documentation for the controlled product.. The protocol is signed by the persons who performed the measurements and by the head of the visual and measurement control work, indicating the surname and initials. Requirements for the content of the "Journal of work and registration of results of visual and measurement control" The results of control of products, products and objects are recorded in the "Journal of work and registration of results of visual and measurement control", which indicates: 1) the name and type (type) of the controlled object, its number or code; 2) location and, if necessary, sizes of controlled areas at the control object;

3) conditions for carrying out control;

4) production control document, its number;

5) method of measurement control and used devices (tools);

6) brand and batch number of the material of the control object, as well as the designation of the standard or

technical specifications

on the material and drawing number of the object (the latter only for parts and assembly units);

And inaccessible for control __________________________________________ indicate the method of control prescribed

Design documentation

2. With layer-by-layer visual and measurement control with quality assessment according to the standards of _____________________________________ for category ________________________________________________________________________________ (code or name of ND)

It has been established that the welded joint is recognized as suitable and meets the requirements of __________________________________________________________ (indicate RD or design documentation)

Control completed by: ___________________________________________________ Qualification level, Last name, initials, signature No. qualification certificate

Head of visual and measurement control: ____________________________________________________________ Last name, initials, signature

Note. A report is drawn up for each welded structure (joint or group of joints) subjected to control during the welding process.

Requirements for the preparation of the "Protocol of sizes _____________" (product)

A size protocol is drawn up only when this is indicated in the ND or design specification documentation for the controlled product.

The product size protocol (table) must contain the actual dimensions of the product, made in certain sections, which are specified by the “Measurement Scheme ____________”. The size protocol form is determined (product)

During design and technological preparation of control work. The protocol is signed by the persons who performed the measurements and by the head of the visual and measurement control work, indicating the surname and initials.

Requirements for the content of the "Work Log"

and recording the results of visual

and measuring control"

The results of control of products, products and objects are recorded in the “Journal of work and registration of results of visual and measurement control”, in which they indicate:

1) name and type (type) of the controlled object, its number or code;

2) location and, if necessary, dimensions of controlled areas at the control object;

3) conditions for carrying out control;

4) production control document, its number;

5) method of measurement control and used devices (tools);

7) the main characteristics of defects identified during inspection (shape, size, location or orientation relative to the basic axes or inspection surfaces);

8) name or code of the RD according to which the quality assessment was performed;

9) assessment of control results;

10) date of control.

Note. It is allowed to use instead of the above other forms of documents developed by the organization in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, which provide identification and traceability of parts, assemblies, products during the manufacturing process (installation, repair), recording of controlled parameters, volumes and control methods, preparation of reporting and accounting documentation for visual and measurement control.

The need for high-quality visual inspection and control of the welded joint is explained by the fact that, for the most part, any mechanisms and structures in which welding is used are designed to withstand heavy loads.

Welding machines are widely used in construction and in the manufacture of durable metal structures, so the slightest deviation from technical standards What happened during their creation may carry significant risks. If the welds fail to cope with the load and break, there will be not only inevitable financial losses, but also casualties both during the construction phase and when the structure is put into operation.

Often, welded joints are checked during the construction process. This need is due to the fact that the seams, depending on operating conditions, may be subject to corrosion and other adverse effects.

Timely inspections are especially required when old worn-out structures or structures are overlaid with layers. In this situation, each applied layer is inspected and checked, the thickness and length of the connecting seam are measured, and all data obtained is compared with the established standard for a given area, taking into account its load.

Regular and high-quality visual inspections help to detect seam damage in time, in as soon as possible eliminate defects, as well as understand the cause of destruction, and find ways to eliminate and further prevent damage.

By whom and how a visual inspection is carried out, and a report is drawn up

After the work is completed, the initial quality check of the seam is carried out by the person who made the connection. After the initial inspection, control is carried out by others technical specialists: for example, site foreman, engineer, etc.

It is very important that specialists carrying out necessary knowledge on the technique of visual inspection of welded joints. Employees must have at their disposal necessary tools and devices. In addition, they must know how to correctly draw up a visual inspection report of welded joints, and draw it up in accordance with the regulations.

Thus, visual inspection is carried out in accordance with the following algorithm:

  1. Visual control . Preliminary check of the connection for corrosion and possible defects with simple measurements: width, thickness of the seam, etc.
  2. Inspection of welded joints. Quality control is carried out in order to obtain accurate parameters of external defects (after the conclusion of the certificate of preliminary inspection), the percentage deviation from the acceptable standard measures the size of damage to welds.
  3. Detailed (instrumental) examination of seams and recording of results. On at this stage check deep defects and apply ultrasonic testing welded joints.

Specialists who carry out visual inspection of welded joints use several types of devices and tools.

Necessary devices

To carry out monitoring under various operating conditions, the following instruments are required:

  1. Workshop devices. Such instruments can operate at temperatures from +5 °C to +20 °C at normal atmospheric pressure and moderate humidity.
  2. Field devices. Such devices can operate in a temperature range from -55 °C to +60 °C and can withstand moderate shaking and precipitation.

When carrying out measurement control, the following tools are used:

  • measuring magnifiers;
  • calibration squares;
  • protractors;
  • calipers and depth gauges;
  • probes;
  • pipe wall meters and thickness gauges;
  • micrometers;
  • calibers;
  • tape measures, rulers;
  • special templates etc.

How to correctly draw up a visual inspection report for welds

Currently, the visual inspection report is drawn up in any form. It is drawn up on the basis of a template that is developed and approved by the organization carrying out the work.

Registration procedure

The act can be drawn up by hand or printed on a printer; to draw up the act, you can use a form with company logo organization and its details, it is also possible to use a simple sheet of paper.

The act must be certified by the signatures of the responsible persons, and it is drawn up in only one original copy and receives a unique number.

All data about the act is registered and a special accounting journal is entered, in which a mark is placed on the document number and the date of its creation. The act must be stored in accordance with the regulations and rules of the organization; it is stored in a separate folder in the company archive.

Information that must be included in the act

Despite the fact that the law does not regulate the precise form of drawing up the act, there are some information that must be recorded in it without fail:

  1. The name of the organization is written at the beginning of the document, date of creation of the act.
  2. Positions and details of specialists are registered who inspected the welded joint.
  3. The main part of the act contains information about the performer of the work.: specialist position, full name. Also, the main part of the document contains information about the surveyed welds: their numbers, brand, etc.
  4. All instruments and devices used during inspection and control are included., all the methods used, the results of the inspection and the work performed are prescribed, and brief recommendations are given on the methods of monitoring and inspection.
  5. The results of the inspection and control carried out are summed up, the signatures of the responsible parties are affixed.
Sample of the act

Control of welds is a necessary part of the approval of various structures before operation. The methods and results of verification actions are reflected in a special act.


How to check welds

In fact, a variety of methods can be used to examine welds, for example, ultrasonic, magnetic, chemical, capillary and other high-tech methods. However, the classic one, which is still relevant and in demand today, is a simple visual inspection. Its purpose: to make sure that the seam is of high quality, well welded, and has no undercuts, sagging, burns, excessive scaliness or other flaws. The advantages of this type of research are quite obvious: it does not require high costs, at the same time accessible and quite informative, but along with this there are also disadvantages: subjectivity of the examination, low reliability, the ability to examine only the visible part of the seam.

Visual inspection can be carried out both with the naked eye (usually, if we are talking about large, clearly visible seams), and with the help of various devices, such as lenses, microscopes, endoscopes, flaw detectors, etc.

They are used to identify the smallest hidden defects that are difficult to detect by simply examining the outside of the weld (for example, microscopic cracks, nicks, delamination, fractures, etc.). At the same time, there are devices that are intended only for use in laboratories and those that can be used “in the field.” The latter are able to withstand any temperature and weather conditions (including those that have increased coefficient radiation, chemical, bacteriological, etc. danger to humans).

Why is weld inspection necessary?

The purpose of such an in-depth examination is quite obvious: as a rule, any structures that use welding are designed to withstand a certain, fairly serious load (this is especially true for building structures). And any deviation from technical standards that occurs during their manufacture threatens that the structure will not withstand and will break, which in turn can lead not only to financial losses, but also to a threat to the life and health of people.

Often, welds are checked not only after the structure is manufactured, but also during its operation - this is due to the fact that they may be subject to corrosion and other adverse effects. Also, regular checks are necessary when surfacing several layers on a worn-out structure, while each completed layer is monitored, the length of the weld, the thickness of the base metal are measured, and these data are compared with the established standard for this area, taking into account its load.

The frequency of inspections is determined by legal norms, as well as internal regulations of the company.

Timely and high-quality visual inspections make it possible to detect seam failure as early as possible, as well as understand the causes and find a way to eliminate them.

Who carries out the inspection and draws up the report

The initial quality check of the weld is done by the welder who performed it. Further control is carried out by other employees: for example, the site manager, engineer, etc. It is important that these persons have the necessary knowledge on the technique of visual inspection of welds, and were also equipped with the necessary instruments and devices. They should also have an idea of ​​how to formulate a visual inspection report for welds.

Act format

Today there is no uniform standard for the act, which means that it can be done in any form. However, if the organization has its own document template, which is developed and approved by management, then this should be used. It is good if the format of the act is specified in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

Features of drawing up a visual inspection report for welds

There are also no requirements regarding the execution of the act, that is, it can be written by hand or typed on a computer; a form with a company logo and details and an ordinary piece of paper are suitable for it. The only thing: if an electronic form was made, then it should be printed so that the signatures of the responsible persons can be placed on it. The act is made in one original copy, which must be assigned a number.

Registration and storage of the act

Information about the act must be entered in a special accounting journal, in which it is enough to make a note about its number and date of creation. The storage period for the finished act is determined by the administration of the enterprise individually, based on the norms established by law, as well as the internal needs of the company.

The act must be stored in a separate folder or in structural unit, in which it was formed, or in the archive of the organization.

If you need to draw up a weld inspection report that you have never done before, use the sample below and read the comments to it - they will help you draw up the required document without errors and ambiguities.

  1. First of all, enter the name of the enterprise into the act, then assign a number to the document, indicate the date and place of its creation.
  2. Next, enter into the report the positions and full names of the workers who inspected the weld (if these are representatives of different enterprises, indicate the names of each of them).
  3. After this, proceed to the main part: include information about the performer of the work: position, full name, then enter here data about the welds that were examined: their number, steel grade and other identification values.
  4. Indicate the instruments and devices that were used during the inspection, all methods used, their results, and also give recommendations for additional ways examinations.
  5. At the end, be sure to summarize the current control and sign.