
Ken Blanchard, Mark Miller

Secret. What Great Leaders Know and Do

This book is dedicated to the new generation of leaders

What Great Leaders know – and do

© Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2004

© by the Blanchard Family Partnership and T. Mark Miller, 2004

© Pretext, Authorized translation into Russian, 2005.


All ups and downs depend on the leader! This is why I have been studying leadership issues for almost thirty years. For the same reason, I agreed to write the preface to The Secret. When I found out that Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller were working together on this project, I knew I was in for something amazing. And that's why.

Ken has been writing about leadership for more than a quarter of a century. Just look at this list: “The One Minute Manager”, “Leadership and the One Minute Manager”, “Whales: Higher and Better!” (“Whale Done!”)! It goes on and on, and I'm sure you've heard of many of these books (and read some of them, of course!). Ken has sold over thirteen million of his titles. This has rarely happened in the history of the United States - four of Ken's books were simultaneously named bestsellers in Businessweek magazine! Ken significantly influenced our generation in the sense that we learned to lead from him. Mark took a different route. For more than twenty-five years he worked on the team of directors of one of the largest, Chick-fil-A, is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Chick-fil-A is a chain of thousands of fast food restaurants that generates approximately $2 billion in revenue each year. Mark is now Vice President of Learning and Development. I have had the honor of speaking at the company's annual conferences twice. The people at Chick-fil-A really know how to lead! And for them “The Secret” is not a secret. He is the soul of their successful work.

I encourage you to do a very simple thing: learn the “Secret” - and put the “Secret” into practice. And then your leadership style and your whole life will be transformed forever!

John Maxwell Author of the book “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”, Founder of The INJOY Group


Why is it so difficult to lead? Exactly a year ago I was incredibly happy. I achieved my goal! Just four years after graduating from college, I became director of corporate customer service in the southeast sales region. It was clear to me as daylight that I could handle it. It all started with answers to phone calls in the catalog order department. I had to talk to clients, often listening to their complaints. Then I was promoted to project manager, I began to work closely with the sales department and deal corporate clients. And I know for sure, honestly, that I was good at giving clients what they needed, when they needed it. All kinds of awards for my unsurpassed ability to establish excellent relationships with clients rained down on me like gold. I was one hundred percent sure that I could make my subordinates work the same way.

Then I was in seventh heaven, but today I’m exhausted and it looks like I might lose my job. What happened? What did I do wrong?

With these thoughts, Debbie turned into the parking lot of the public library. She knew that no force could disrupt the strict order of her work in the office. And, by the way, her boss always advised her to take a time out every month and try to evaluate what was happening, confirm what was working, and make adjustments where necessary. She was always too busy to spend time on this, but today was a special day. In difficult moments you need to act decisively.

Debbie entered the library and was immediately plunged into faded memories of the far from cloudless days of study. The heavy smell of old books still hung in the air. The light was just as dim. It always seemed strange to her. Why are libraries so poorly lit?

Debbie walked up to the librarian and said:

– Hello, I would like to work here. Somewhere brighter, if possible.

“Of course,” the woman answered with a smile. – Do you need any specific books?

- No, but thanks anyway. I just need a quiet place where I can work for a couple of hours. I need to resolve several work issues.

“If you need anything, I’m at your service,” the librarian offered kindly.

She led Debbie to a table in the far corner of the reading room, near the tall windows.

Debbie sat down and opened her laptop. First, I need to study the situation properly. Then I’ll try to understand how I came to live this way.


Seller reviews

the worst of all seven sales regions

Customer rating

the worst of all seven sales regions

Contribution to total profit

below normal


Employee evaluation

much lower than it was when I took over the department


I lost four out of ten subordinates in less than a year. Yes, this is a problem.

Okay, that's how it stands today. Why did things deteriorate so quickly and dramatically? Debbie began to think back over the past twelve months. What events could have led to a sharp decline in the quality of her department's work?


I was appointed team leader.

First meeting: conflict over changes I wanted to make to the team’s work.


They chose Bob, new to the company; bad decision.


Reduced costs to improve profitability.


We hired two: Brenda (she was a great fit); Charles (we'll wait and see).


We lost an important client due to poor service.


Bob is fired. There is complete confusion among the employees.


Summing up the results for the year showed a significant decline in work compared to last year.


Evaluating the performance of everyone on the team. Everyone was asked to “work hard or fail.”


We lost two more clients - for the same reason as the previous one.

General meetings have been postponed until further notice - while we are thinking about improving the results.

Wow! It’s foolish to be surprised that the year turned out to be worse than ever. Just look at this whole nightmare! Unfortunately, there is no point in discussing what happened. This is not exactly what I should do now to change the situation in the team.

Debbie was distracted from her gloomy thoughts by the librarian.

- How does it work? Successfully?

- Not really. “I analyzed the current situation and now I don’t know what to do with all this,” Debbie admitted.

“Maybe I can help you,” said the librarian.

Debbie laughed at her words, but she tried not to show her reaction.

– Thank you, but I don’t think you can. The problem is too complex.

“What are you saying, I didn’t mean that I could end your difficulties myself,” the woman explained patiently. – But we have quite a lot of books about business. What problem are you trying to solve?

“In our company, we often prefer to call problems opportunities,” Debbie said.

- Okay, what's the possibility? – the woman asked with a smile, trying to understand the essence of the matter.

- Well, let's just say I have the opportunity to improve the work of my team.

- Do you know what happened?

Debbie thought.

- I'm not sure. So, I made a list of all the main events that probably served as the reason, but...

- But what? – the woman said.

“I have a feeling that maybe I myself am a big part of the problem.” I have only been in charge of this department for a year, I did not study for this, and I do not have such experience.

I can't believe I'm pouring my heart out to the librarian, Debbie thought.

“We have a lot of materials on leadership,” the librarian suggested.

“On leadership,” Debbie repeated after her.

“Yes,” she said, “you said that this might have something to do with your problem.”

“Yes, but only part of it, the main thing is the performance of my subordinates,” Debbie felt herself starting to defend herself. It’s one thing to admit to yourself that she might be the problem. But hearing such an opinion from an outsider is a completely different matter.

The librarian retreated.

“Well, I won’t bother you anymore.”

Ken Blanchard is one of America's most renowned business leadership experts. He'll help you master the art of influencing people, as well as the secrets he's discovered over his long career as a mentor, leader, and entrepreneur. Blanchard's wise ideas are presented here in a short, concise style, so even the most busy people will be able to find time to read the book in its entirety and gain a lot of useful tips on every day.


Be a top level leader. Lead people by inspiring them to create a high-performing organization. Is it possible to achieve this? Ken Blanchard and his colleagues have been helping for decades simply good companies to become great and - what is important - to remain so. This book brings together for the first time the knowledge of outstanding leadership and unique experience of international business.

Without a doubt, the book will inspire you to rise to new heights of leadership and carry others along with you.


This book details three practical management techniques. As you read, you'll discover some discoveries that will help you understand why these extremely simple methods work so well. Finally, you will understand how they can be applied to your own situation, and you will be able to: simplify your life as much as possible, get more done in less time, get rid of unnecessary stress, come to peace of mind. With the help of the One Minute Manager you can radically change your life. This system works quickly. It's simple. She works.


Clear and in simple language This book teaches managers the art of Situational Leadership - a simple system that overrides the standard management rule of treating all employees the same. You will understand why in matters of management it is so important to take an individual approach to each subordinate, to know when to delegate authority, when to help and when to order, how to choose the right leadership style in relation to a particular employee, and how One Minute Management techniques will allow you manage people better and motivate them better. This wonderful, practical book is an invaluable primer on how to take a creative, personalized approach to bringing out the best in your people and achieving the best bottom line results for your organization.


Sooner or later, any boss, be it the president international corporation or a volunteer group leader, wonders: What is the secret of great leaders? Telling an entertaining story about the work of an ordinary department of one company, Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller answer this difficult question.

The heroine of the book, Debbie Brewster, trying to save her career, by chance becomes a participant new program mentoring. Much to her surprise, she discovers that her class will be taught by none other than the company's president, Jeff Brown. Debbie decides to ask her new teacher a question that has been on her mind for a long time: “What is the secret of great leaders?” Jeff's answer hits Debbie to the core...

Discover the secret of great leaders. "The Secret" will benefit you, your company and everyone who needs good advice.


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Ken Blanchard full name- Kenneth Hartley Blanchard) was born in 1939 in New Jersey (Orange, New Jersey), grew up in New York State (New Rochelle, New York). After graduating from New Rochelle High School in 1957, Ken went to Cornell University, where he received a bachelor's degree in 1961, studying management and philosophy. Blanchard received his master's degree in sociology from Colgate University in 1963, and in 1967, Ken received his PhD from the same Cornell.

Today, Ken Blanchard is known as a management expert and author of numerous works. His books include at least 30 bestsellers, translated into many languages.

His book "The One Minute Manager", co-authored with Spencer Johnson, has sold more than 13 million copies and been translated into 37 languages.

Blanchard's other notable books include 1993's Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach To Customer Service and Leadership and Manager in One Minute: Improving Effectiveness through Situational Leadership.

he One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Leadership) 1985, “Gung Ho! Turn On the People in Any Organization” 1997, “Great Job! The Power of Positive Relationships” (Whale Done ! The Power of Positive Relationships) 2002 and “Leading at a Higher Level: Blanchard on Leadership and Creating High Performing Organizations”, published in 2006.

Ken Blanchard is a trustee emeritus of Cornell University and a visiting professor at the School. hotel business at Cornell University (Cornell University School of Hotel Administration).

In addition, Ken Blanchard is the founder and mastermind of the "Ken Blanchard Companies", an organization that prepares international management personnel and consulting; By the way, Ken works here together with his wife. The company was founded in 1979 in San Diego, California.

Ken Blanchard is known for the many aphorisms and catchphrases that pepper his books, including: “The one thing a competitor can’t steal from you is the relationship between your people and your customers.”

Ken Blanchard, Spencer Johnson

New One Minute Manager

THE NEW ONE MINUTE MANAGER/by Ken Blanchard, Ph. D., Spencer Johnson, M. D., 2015.

© 2015 by Blanchard Family Partnership and Candle Communications, Inc.

© Translation. Edition in Russian. Decor. LLC "Potpourri", 2015

The New One Minute Manager symbol is meant to remind us that we should take one minute a day to connect with the people we manage. We must understand that they are our main resource.

The world has changed a lot since The One Minute Manager was first published, so a new edition of this book is offered to you. Today, to keep pace with ever-evolving technologies and globalization processes, organizations must respond quickly to change while using as few resources as possible. This book will help you quickly master leadership skills and achieve success in the modern world.

Because the core principles of this now-classic story remain the same and continue to help millions of people around the world, much of the story itself remains the same.

However, changes in the world forced the One Minute Manager to make adjustments to his activities. Now he leads people and motivates them using new approach, based on cooperation.

When the One Minute Manager first began teaching people his three secrets, organizations had a vertical management structure.

Nowadays effective management relies on relationships of equal cooperation, which is clearly shown in this book.

Today people strive to get more satisfaction from life and work. They want to make a significant contribution to achieving global well-being and happiness. They are no longer willing to devote too much time to work at the expense of their personal needs.

Understanding this and knowing that people are key contributors to the success of an organization, the New One Minute Manager treats people accordingly. He recognizes that one of his top priorities is attracting and retaining talented employees.

As the ancient sage Confucius said, “the essence of knowledge is not just to have it, but to use it,” so we hope that after becoming acquainted with the three secrets this book will reveal to you, you will discuss the possibilities of using them to achieve success. not only with colleagues and friends, but also with family members.

We are confident that using these three secrets will allow you to enjoy a healthier, happier and more productive life.



Once upon a time there lived a bright young man who was looking for a special manager who could be a true leader in today's changing world.

He sought to find a leader who encouraged employees to achieve an ideal work-life balance, allowing them to enjoy more of both.

The young man wanted to work for such a manager, dreamed of becoming one himself and learning to better manage his own life.

Years of searching took him to the most remote corners of the world.

He visited small towns and the capitals of powerful nations.

The young man spoke with many managers who were trying to cope with a rapidly changing world: with CEOs and entrepreneurs, government officials and military officers, university presidents and foundation administrators, with managers of stores and restaurants, banks and hotels, with men and women, with young people and old.

He visited a variety of offices: large and small, luxurious and modest, with and without windows.

The young man was beginning to see the full spectrum of how some people control others.

But he didn't always like what he saw.

The young man saw many harsh managers, under whose leadership workers suffered, but organizations seemed to prosper.

Some subordinates considered them good managers. Others thought differently.

When visiting the offices of such stern managers, the young man would ask: “What kind of manager would you call yourself?”

Their answers were almost the same: “I am a results-oriented manager and always in control,” “Tough,” “Realistic,” “Profit-minded.”

They said that they had always used this management style and saw no point in changing anything.

The young man also met with pleasant managers, under whose leadership subordinates prospered and companies suffered losses.

Some of their subordinates considered them good managers.

Those to whom they themselves obeyed doubted this.

Asking pleasant managers the same question, the young man heard in response: “I am a participating manager,” “Supportive,” “Attentive.”

They also said that they had always used this management style and saw no point in changing anything.

But something in these answers bothered the young man.

It seemed as if all the managers in the world were still working the old fashioned way, caring only about results or only about people.

Managers who cared only about results were often called autocrats, while managers who cared about people were called democrats.

The young man believed that each of these types of management - both harsh autocratic and pleasant democratic - were only partially effective. “It’s like being half a manager,” he thought and returned home tired and disappointed.

The young man could have given up his quest long ago, but he had one thing important advantage: He knew exactly what he was looking for.

"In times of rapid change,- he thought - Effective managers must manage themselves and the people they work with so that their activities benefit both the organization and the employees.”

The young man was looking for effective managers everywhere, but found only very few. And those whom he found did not want to share their secrets with him. He was already beginning to think that perhaps he would never find the one he was looking for.

Ken Blanchard was born on May 6, 1939, an American author and management expert. His book The One Minute Manager, co-authored with Spencer Johnson, has sold more than 13 million copies and been translated into 37 languages.

Ken Blanchard is the author of more than 30 other best-selling books, including Raging Fans: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service (1993), Leadership and the Manager in One Minute: Improving Effectiveness Through Situational Leadership (1985), Enthusiastic! Turn to the people" (1997), "Great job! The Power of Positive Relationships" (2002) and "Moving to a Higher Level" (2006).

Blanchard is the "spiritual chief" of the Ken Blanchard Company, an international management training and consulting organization that he founded with his wife in 1979 in San Diego, California.

Ken Blanchard is a Trustee Emeritus of Cornell University and a visiting professor at Cornell University's School of Hospitality Management.

Books (6)

Leadership: to the heights of success

Be a top level leader. Lead people by inspiring them to create a high-performing organization. Is it possible to achieve this?

Ken Blanchard and his colleagues have been helping simply good companies become great and, importantly, remain so for decades. This book brings together for the first time the knowledge of outstanding leadership and unique experience of international business.

Without a doubt, the book will inspire you to rise to new heights of leadership and carry others along with you.

One Minute Manager at Work

Anyone can become a ONE MINUTE MANAGER! The phenomenally successful One Minute Manager program took America by storm, becoming a #1 New York Times bestseller and finding use not only in the business world, but also among housewives, students and professionals - anyone who wants to effectively manage their lives. .

The addition to this program offered here will help you apply the secrets of the One Minute Manager - ONE MINUTE GOAL SETTING, ONE MINUTE PRAISE and ONE MINUTE REMEDIATIONS - to REAL SITUATIONS so that you can begin implementing them into your life immediately!

One Minute Manager and Situational Leadership

In clear and simple language, this book teaches managers the art of Situational Leadership - a simple system that overrides the standard management rule of treating all employees the same.

You will understand why in matters of management it is so important to take an individual approach to each subordinate, to know when to delegate authority, when to help and when to order, how to choose the right leadership style in relation to a particular employee, and how One Minute Management techniques will allow you manage people better and motivate them better. This wonderful, practical book is an invaluable primer on how to take a creative, personalized approach to bringing out the best in your people and achieving the best bottom line results for your organization.

The One Minute Manager Builds a High-Performing Team

The concept of a high-performing team is now more important than ever to the successful functioning of organizations. Ken Blanchard teamed up with Donald Carew and Eunice Parisi-Carew to show you that every team goes through four stages of development on the path to becoming an effective team: orientation, frustration, integration, and production. The authors then show how a manager can help any team achieve peak performance quickly and painlessly.

This valuable addition to the One Minute Manager Library is an essential tool for anyone who works with a team and wants to build an effective team.

Value management

The book “Value Management” describes the culture of organizational and managerial work, when strategy, processes and people are subordinated to a common set of values, united by a common attitude to problems and common goals.

Increasing competition today requires every company to build success on the basis of operational efficiency. When an organization has a clear understanding of its mission and its values, it has a strong basis for evaluating existing management practices and aligning them with its clearly stated mission and values.

Secret. What Great Leaders Know and Do

Sooner or later, any boss, be it the president of an international corporation or the leader of a volunteer group, asks the question: what is the secret of great leaders?

Telling an entertaining story about the work of an ordinary department of one company, Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller answer this difficult question.

Reader comments

Novel/ 10.18.2015 The books are just super... I couldn’t even think that it works... I checked it..! Works!!!

Vladimir/ 02/17/2015 excellent book. very productive!

Konstantin/ 08/20/2013 Many years ago, when I just became a supervisor, my supervisor gave me a series of these books.
Now I am a top manager of a large and successful company. Most of the employees who were under my command reached career heights! Why? because I learned the “ABC of a manager” (One Minute). And every minute I put this method into practice.

Zakharov Alexander/ 10.10.2012 Simply a unique book - THE SECRET - the author competently revealed simple things, “opened my eyes” to many things. Thanks to the site administration for making such books available.

Tatiana/ 08/31/2012 I thought a lot about how people achieve quite great heights... They are ordinary people... where does all this potential come from? And after reading the book “The Secret”, I realized that I need to improve in everything and constantly! Have a goal and a dream!!! This is my first impetus for development... Thanks to these great people!!!

Ivan/ 08/18/2012 So far I have only read one Book by the Author - The Secret - Depth of thought, lightness and simplicity of presentation, great love for people - they inspire you to develop yourself and help other people. A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the creation of this book.
Regards, Ivan.

Student/ 02/12/2012 Thank you very much for posting the books!!
I read about situational leadership and wanted to learn more, thanks to you I’ll do it now)) Thanks again!

Guest/ 01/10/2011 The books are very useful and practical. I am a business owner myself - I recommend it! Can be used in our CIS realities. Thanks for the books and to the author and creator of this site!

Natalia/ 08/3/2010 The book “The Secret” is very useful, accessible, easy to read. The essence is stated quite simply. I liked it very much, I recommend it.

Andrey/ 06/09/2010 Excellent books! I have two of them in my personal library.

Victoria/ 05/11/2010 Secret. What Great Leaders Know and Do.
Amazing book: a lot practical recommendations, easy language and excellent presentation of the material. I recommend:)