Gestures, like speech and facial expressions, are an integral part of our lives. There are many different gestures that are performed using the hands or fingers, but the meanings of some of them may differ from each other in different regions, countries, and may not be often used in everyday life. Therefore, you should know and learn to recognize the basic frequently used hand and finger gestures.

Basic groups of gestures

The main groups of gestures include:


These gestures are aimed at trying to cope with one's fears of some kind. These may include biting fingertips, knuckles or nails (insecurity), rubbing thumbs together with palms closed, rubbing the neck and picking the skin.


Gestures of readiness express the desire to quickly end the conversation and leave or carry out the proposed action. These can be hands pressed along the body or in sitting position one hand rests the palm on the knee, and the other on the elbow.


A state of the body in which desires do not correspond to available capabilities, and as a result - a disorder of the normal mental state of the body. Gestures of frustration include rapid breathing, fingers clasped and tense (until the knuckles turn white), the palm of one hand clenching the fist of the other, tense stroking of the neck or hair.


Gestures of trust are aimed at the favor of the interlocutor; you can often see them in “boss-subordinate” relationships. The use of this gesture indicates absolute confidence in your own words. These gestures are characterized by palms folded into a dome, the chin being supported by folded palms, the fingers can be pressed tightly or connected at the tips, respectively, in pairs.


Authoritarianism is the desire to subjugate an opponent. She is characterized by aggressiveness, cruelty, and an inflated level of self-esteem. Gestures of authoritarianism include hands folded behind the back with the chin raised high, and the desire to be “above” the interlocutor with one’s entire appearance.


Gestures that are considered nervous show anxiety and concern of the one who shows them. Gestures of nervousness include covering the mouth with the palm and waiting for a reaction to what was said, arms raised in a pyramid and the mouth covered with the palms in this position, or frequent changes in the position of the palms and arms.


Gestures of self-control are aimed at maintaining peace of mind and restraining the desire to hit your interlocutor or perform some action that is better to restrain yourself from. This could be putting your hands behind your back (one palm tightly squeezing the other) or squeezing the armrests of a chair until your knuckles turn white.

Dominance and Submission

Such gestures are aimed at expressing superiority (both physical and mental). Most often, dominance can be noticed during a handshake (a handshake with force, the opponent turning his palm slightly so that it is on top). Also, the hand can be in the pocket and the finger remains outside, or the hands are folded on the chest with the fingers extended.

Secrecy and suspicion

These gestures appear when your interlocutor does not have the slightest desire to continue conversations, wants to leave quickly, or simply does not trust. Such gestures include clasping the mouth with the palm and looking from under the forehead or eyes averted to the side, rubbing the bridge of the nose, forehead or ear with the index finger.


Preening or courtship is aimed at the desire to interest the interlocutor of the opposite sex, showing the comfort of being in his company. This could be smoothing your hair, a relaxed pose with your hands resting loosely on your knees, straightening or loosening a tie, stroking a jacket or coat.


Different ways of walking correspond to different human states. Ragged pacing and active hand gestures indicate nervousness; uniform and rhythmic pacing is characteristic of a person actively moving towards his goals; a shuffling gait indicates laziness and uncertainty; uniform, fast pacing with hands folded behind the back indicates waiting.


Gestures of boredom are quite easy to recognize. Blank look, lack of reaction to environment, mindless drawing on paper, clicking a pen - this is a group of gestures of boredom.


Evaluating gestures show a person to be thoughtful and dreamy. They can be divided into gestures:

  • interest (propping the cheek, scratching the chin and bridge of the nose, index finger on the chin, the rest along the neck, arms hanging loosely on something, leaning on something);
  • disinterest (head down, hands clasped around the neck).


Protective and defensive gestures are used during threats and stressful situations. The arms are folded on the chest, the palms are clenched into a fist - this is a gesture of protection.


If a person is open to others, then the gestures accompanying his words will indicate a disposition towards the opponent in the conversation. Open palms, shrugging (accompanied by opening the palms and moving them to the sides) - this can be attributed to openness.

Popular gestures

Gesticulation in conversation is very common, but the meaning of some movements may not be entirely clear, or simply unnoticed. Frequently used gestures include the following:

Thumbs up and down

The most common meaning of these gestures is approval and disapproval. But there are cases of using these gestures with another designation. For example, you can stop a vehicle with your thumb. A sharp thumbs up from the British and Australians will look offensive and judgmental of sexual orientation. In Greece, you can “send” with the same gesture, but among the Arabs it is associated with the male phallus. Also, among Russians, British and Australians, a raised finger means the number “5”, and among Italians the number “1”.

Index finger

The name of this finger speaks for itself. A finger pressed to the lips - “silence”, raised up - “attention”, raised up and swaying left and right - denial, a raised finger and swaying up and down - a threat or a lesson. If a finger is twisted at the temple, then this is a sign of a fool. In Iran, the palm is turned up and the index finger is raised - “Fuck you.”

Middle finger

The middle finger held vertically and the thumb extended to the side or pressed against the palm is considered an insult in many countries, and means “Fuck you...”. In the Middle Ages, the middle finger was used to define a passive homosexual. This gesture is one of the oldest with originally preserved meaning.

Two fingers or "V" sign

Fingers forming the letter “V” with the back of the palm facing the pointing hand means “Victory” in European countries and in Russia in particular. If, when showing this combination of fingers, the palm is turned towards you, then this means the number “2”, but it is worth considering that in some countries (Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand) such gestures are an insult to preferences of an intimate nature.

Three fingers

Three protruding fingers everywhere indicate the number “3”, regardless of the rotation of the palm. During World War II, the Germans used this as a greeting for the commander-in-chief when taking the oath. Now this sign expresses the word “Victory”.

"Goat" gesture and tongue between fingers

“Goat” is popularly used to protect against the evil eye. Better known as the "rocker goat", the tongue between the fingers carries a more cheeky meaning of such gestures. In Russia, this gesture is used to denote a cuckold and to intimidate children with a “horned goat.” If the “goat” is shown to someone, gradually approaching, then this means that an attack is about to occur.

Thumb and little finger or "Shaka" gesture

The most commonly used designation for this movement is “Call me.” If with this combination the thumb is raised to the lips and the head is thrown back sharply, then this is an offer to drink, and for drug addicts this gesture (without tilting the head) means to smoke. In Asian countries, “Shaka” is the number “6”, in Colombia it is a wish for good luck, and in Hawaii, among extreme athletes it is considered a greeting.

Ok or ring fingers

The most common meaning is “Everything is normal” (OK). This gesture came into use from America. And also the meaning of the index and thumb, folded in a ring, is the number “0”, for the Japanese this sign means money, and for the Italians it means “Worthless”. If you show such a gesture to residents of Mediterranean countries, then you will offend the person by considering him a representative of a non-traditional orientation.

Interlocked fingers

Interlocked fingers indicate a person who is very difficult to convince of something; intertwined fingers are a “barrier” between opponents. Depression, protest, hostility (depending on the strength of squeezing the fingers), self-doubt are also designations for such a gesture. To convince a person of your point of view, you need to try to unfasten his fingers, for example, by giving him something in his hands for consideration.

Rubbing the tips of others with your thumb

This gesture means “Money” or the expectation of monetary reward for a service rendered, showing, as it were, rubbing a bill between the fingers, checking its authenticity. Sometimes this gesture is used when trying to remember something, and if successful, it is accompanied by a snap of the fingers. If rubbing the fingers occurs with effort, then this means restraining raging emotions.

Intertwined fingers

Two crossed fingers imply protection from the evil eye, or the hope of hiding deception, as well as good luck. Basically, the fingers are intertwined on both hands and hidden from the opponent in the pockets or behind the back. In Vietnam, with this gesture you will insult your interlocutor.

Closed thumb and index fingers

The use of closed fingers is subconsciously aimed at focusing the interlocutor’s attention on important aspect conversation. This gesture is accompanied by a movement of the hand back and forth, and the palm is directed towards oneself.

United fingertips

The fingertips connected to each other mean a person who is confident in his words. There are two options for connecting the fingers: the first, when the “spire” is directed upward (speaking), the second, when the “spire” is directed downward (listening). When, during a conversation, the opponent touches his fingertips, this indicates that he has already made a decision on your question, and crossing his arms or legs at that moment means a probable refusal. The most famous person who constantly uses it is German Chancellor Angela Dorothea Merkel.

Gesture of humility on icons

A well-known sign depicted on Christian icons, meaning “humility” (interpretation “blessing”). In this gesture, the fingers are folded in a specific way, in which the tip of the thumb touches the tip of the ring finger, and the middle and index fingers are slightly raised up, while the hand itself is folded on the chest and bent at the elbow. To reveal the true biblical meaning of this gesture, it is necessary to turn to religious literature. This gesture is believed to be a blessing.

Rubbing a finger on other parts of the body

Rubbing the chin, forehead or middle part of the head determines - thinking, back of the head - at this moment the interlocutor does not know what is being said. If the opponent rubs his nose with his fingers, then this means uncertainty, and if he fiddles with his ears, cheeks or buttons with his fingers, then this is an indicator of secrecy or an attempt to deceive.

Hands behind your back

If your interlocutor’s hands are clasped behind his back, then he is trying to calm down and pull himself together. But the most common interpretation of this gesture is that a person is confident in himself and his abilities. Scientists have proven that if you put your hands behind your back in any stressful situation, it will become much easier, tension will disappear and confidence will increase.

Hands in trouser pockets

Hidden hands indicate that your interlocutor is trying to hide something, lie, or is simply not interested in your conversation. The more open your hands, the “purer” your interlocutor’s thoughts are. These actions should not be confused with hiding your hands in your pockets in the cold. If your opponent constantly keeps his hands in his pockets in any situation, then it is probably just a habit.

Russian alphabet in sign language

The alphabet of the deaf and dumb has its own specific sign, corresponding to the usual letters from our alphabet. There is nothing difficult about recognizing these “letters”. Basically, letters show names, titles and rare words for which there are no signs. Gestures can be used to show both individual letters and entire words. In total there are about 2000 “words” of gestures.

The human body obeys certain biological laws, so speech and gestures are closely related. When communicating, the key role is played not by words, but by the movements that accompany this or that phrase. Sometimes they are so predictable that one voice is enough to determine facial expressions and accompanying movements. This fact became known only towards the end of the twentieth century, when studies by behavioral scientists were published.

Currently, interest in sign language has increased significantly. Meanwhile, newcomers often admit serious mistake- they single out one gesture and immediately draw conclusions, forgetting about hundreds of other things.

Nations differ from each other not only in culture and verbal language, but also in their understanding of non-verbal. For different nations, the same gesture takes on several meanings, sometimes even opposite ones. Consider the well-known “Okay” gesture or a circle that is formed with the fingers. It emerged in the 19th century with the help of the American press, which promoted shortening titles by first letter.

There is no history of this gesture consensus. Some believe that it was formed as a contrast from the word knockout (English K.O.). Others say it's short for the state of Old Kinderhook, where American President Martin Van Buren was born.

In English-speaking circles, it is customary to perceive a circle of fingers as meaning “everything is fine.” However, if you show "OK" to the French, they will mistake it for the number zero; the Japanese will think about money; in Tunisia will be interpreted as a threat to life; and Brazilians will see a hint of homosexuality.

The thumb that is raised up also has several meanings. For example, in America and England, this is how it is customary to stop a taxi, and in Greece this position of the fingers means “Shut up.” So while preparing for your travels, don’t forget to learn common gestures to avoid awkward situations.

Other reasons influencing nonverbal signals

To understand sign language, you need to remember that individual gestures cannot be read. They can be compared to pieces of a mosaic - only the assembled pieces will show the picture. For example, scratching the back of the head means lying, but it is possible that the person is simply hot, restless or awkward.

Or on the street in winter a man is walking with his head down and arms crossed. This will be a sign that he is cold, not his critical attitude. On the other hand, if you see such a person in negotiations or an interview, then the first meaning will be correct. The exact result is given by the surrounding environment, analysis of facial expressions and external signs of the autonomic nervous system, that is, all the pieces of the mosaic. Let's take a closer look at the gestures most often found in conversation:

  • palm movement;
  • pin-shaped position of the hands;
  • putting your hands behind your back;
  • handshake;
  • clasped fingers;
  • arms crossed on the chest.

Also, some of these gestures are exceptions and can be considered as an independent element.

Palm movement

Gesticulation with palms is a hidden and complex signal nonverbal communication, which can be analyzed separately from other gestures. When a person is frank, he unconsciously opens his palms partially or completely. This phenomenon only lasts a couple of seconds, so you need to carefully watch your hands. And, on the contrary, if he lies, he hides his hands or crosses them on his chest to feel more confident. If you deliberately open your palms and at the same time deceive, the body will react to the discrepancy between words and gestures - sweating will begin, the eyes will drop down and the lips will close tightly.

In addition to truth and lies, they are able to convey another meaning. When you are asked for something, look at the person's palms. Relaxed fingers and palm in an open position indicate goodwill and trust.

On the contrary, a lowered palm with outstretched fingers signals that a person feels his authority and puts himself in the role of a boss. However, you can not only observe your palms, but also use their properties to your advantage - in a normal conversation, gesture more with open palms, they will evoke a feeling of sincerity and will win over your interlocutors.

Spiral hand position

This gesture is often used by self-confident individuals and people in leadership positions. You can clearly see this by looking at photos of politicians on the Internet. There are two types of spire position: spire up and spire down.

  • The first version of the gesture is used when expressing an opinion or voicing ideas.
  • The second option shows that the person is listening carefully.

But in both cases, this gesture speaks of subordination and an “omniscient” position. It's interesting that successful women They use the second option in gestures, and both men. In itself, the spire-like position of the hands is considered a positive gesture, but if it is followed by a chain of negative gestures (crossing the arms on the chest or crossing one leg over the other leg), then it also becomes negative.

Putting your hands behind your back

Refers to the gestures of a confident person. When a person places his hands behind his back, he unconsciously exposes vulnerable parts of the body such as the neck, heart and stomach. This pose is usually taken by police officers, high ranks and bosses. You can benefit from this gesture: placing your hands behind your back in times of stress will help you feel confident and calm.

However, in a pose where the hands are placed behind the back, an additional gesture may appear that completely changes the picture. If a person wraps his fingers around his wrist and squeezes them tightly, then he feels angry or disappointed. The higher the area where the fingers wrap around the wrist, the more negative feelings he experiences and the more he loses control over himself.


When people greet through a handshake, they convey information about their character and predetermine the outcome of their meeting. There are three types of handshakes:

  • Superiority: During this handshake, the other person's hand is higher than yours and slightly turned palm down. At the same time, he tightly clasps your hand with his fingers. Such a greeting communicates that he is in control of the situation and feels his dominance. In 80% of handshakes, it is the people in power who extend their hand first.
  • Submission: differs from the first handshake in that your hand is now on top and his palm is in an open position. In this case, the other person unknowingly puts himself in the background, and you get the leading position.
  • Equality: with this handshake, there is a struggle between two leaders - both hands are in the same position, which evokes a feeling of respect and understanding.

However, you should not draw conclusions about a person until you take the circumstances into account. For example, musicians, actors, artists and other creative individuals do not like to shake hands tightly, since their hands help them earn a living. Perhaps, when meeting you, they will touch your hand with their fingertips and that will be enough for them. There are situations when a person has arthritis, then he is physically forced to lightly shake hands.

Fingers clasped

At first glance, it seems that this is a trusting and prepossessing gesture. But no, if you see someone’s hands with their fingers clasped, the person is disappointed and angry. The closer the hands are to the face, the more negative emotions a person feels. In this state, he does not want to listen to anyone, and any contact will cause aggression.

Here you can use a little trick. For example, give him some object to hold (a piece of paper, a pen, a phone) so that he can unclench it. Then emotions will not be confirmed by gestures and the person will become more relaxed.

Arms crossed on chest

A universal gesture, something like a “defensive” pose that protects from the outside world. You can see him quite often in crowded places: at a bus stop, in a queue, on the metro or on a bus. A sense of personal security and an uncomfortable situation are the reasons for crossing your arms. In addition, a person crosses his arms over his chest when he disagrees with something.

If they nod in response to you, but keep “defense” with their hands, it means that the interlocutor is actually against what you are talking about. In this case, you should find out the reason for his disagreement and win the person over with an open palms gesture.

Gesture imitation

It is almost impossible to fake the signals that the body sends along with speech. For experienced liars, this takes years of practice, assuming they lie every day. Then their ability to harmonize with the body is dulled, and the body lives separately from words. An ordinary person He will immediately give away his lie through his movements.

If he comes forward with open palms and a charming smile, while experiencing negativity, his smile will turn into an asymmetrical one and his eyebrows will rise mockingly.

However, in some cases, people are specifically trained in the art of signing. For example, such lessons are given to beauty pageant participants so that the movements of their hands, fingers and bodies are graceful and friendly. As a result, their photos will be the most sincere, and the judges will be more sympathetic.

Highly paid fashion models are trained in the same way, because no program can change a photo with a stony face into a welcoming and lively one. Despite special training and practice, the signals of the human body cannot diverge from words for long. Therefore, even professionals are not able to imitate gestures for more than a few minutes. So success awaits any person if he begins to learn to read body language and apply this knowledge to his advantage.

What does the "goat" gesture mean? January 14th, 2017

Anyone who has ever been to a rock concert has seen dozens of hands in the audience raised in a gesture called the “goat”. It is interesting that this gesture resembles the shape of the Latin letter U, which can denote unity, that is, unification, just as a gesture similar to V denotes victory - Victory. This means that the “goat” is, first of all, a sign of unification, unity. The person “throwing the goat” seems to be saying: “I belong here!” I'm with you!

There is also another version: there is an opinion that the three-fingered goat (index, little finger, thumb) is part of the phrase “I love you” in the language for the deaf and dumb. In this way, fans express their love for music at concerts. By the way, in the Russian language of the deaf and dumb, this gesture means the letter “Y”...

Ronnie James Dio was the first to introduce this gesture into rock culture in the early 80s, playing with Black Sabbath. Dio himself said that his grandmother taught him this gesture as a child.

Here's what he said about this:

“I’m hardly the first person to put my fingers together like that. It's like reinventing the wheel. But I guess you could say that I brought it into fashion. It was a symbol that reflected everything connected with our group. There is nothing “devilish” about him, as some say. My Italian grandmother said it kept away the “evil eye.” It's just a symbol, but it has a magical meaning, and I think it went well with BlackSabbath. Now everyone uses it, and it seems to have lost its original meaning,” Dio said in an interview.

Other candidates for the “father” of the rock goat include Ricci Blackmore, Jimi Hendrix and George Clinton.

But what did the goat gesture mean before it became firmly entrenched in rock culture?

Ronnie James Dio

“Rock Goat” is not just a sign of unification, it is also a sacred symbol. If we turn to palmistry, the index finger is associated with Jupiter, and the little finger is associated with Mercury. Jupiter in Greek mythology is the supreme deity, the god of the sky, lightning and thunder, and Mercury is the god of trade, theft, and he also escorts the souls of the dead to the underworld. Thus, with a similar gesture, people asked Jupiter for protection, and Mercury for help in ensuring that the enemy’s soul reached the kingdom of the dead safely.

In the Middle Ages, there was a rumor that devils and witches greeted this way and this gesture became forbidden, like the horns of the devil.

We also see a mention of the “goat” in Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”: “ the crowd at the door of the hotel, everyone crossed themselves and pointed two outstretched fingers at me.
It was not without difficulty that I obtained from one of my companions an explanation of what all this meant; ...he said that the gesture serves as an amulet and protection from the evil eye.”

Also “Goat”, also known under the names “corns”, “horns”, “fingering” - the gesture is shaped like the head of a horned animal. In a number of European countries, the two-finger gesture was used by superstitious people to protect against the evil eye and witches, as an analogue of spitting over the shoulder

“Razpaltsovka” was used by the new Russians as a sign of their own superiority. “Goat” is a common threatening gesture among thugs of the “classical period” - from the early 30s to the 70s. Borrowed from tramps and street children of the 20s, accompanied by traditional threats - I’ll squeeze out the pins! or I'll ram you chichi! (that is, I will gouge out my eyes).
Since the mid-80s, in the prison environment, the so-called old tramps, good boys, etc., that is, representatives of the true Spanish brotherhood, have developed a negative and ironic attitude towards fingering (as the “thieves’ goat” is otherwise called). This is considered “bad taste”, a sign of “buzzing”, thick-headed, urla (dumb youth). Self-respecting prisoners chuckled and mocked those who fanned out their fingers.

After “perestroika”, from the beginning of the 90s, the gesture of thieves was adopted by bandits and rocket men (racketeers). Among the representatives of the new criminal wave there were almost no people with prison camp experience, the majority was young people, aggressive, energetic, but dull and, as the right guys say (that is, criminals who follow thieves' laws and traditions), without concepts. These criminals of the new formation adopted some of the external attributes of thieves, and above all, the fingering. So at present, the expression of fingers like a fan is most often associated with representatives of the gangster world (as opposed to the thieves), with those who are usually called bulls. In places where freedom of expression is deprived, fingers fan out, fingers bend (see), fingering serve as a mocking, negative characteristic of a person who seeks to imitate negatively-minded convicts and achieve an external resemblance to them.

And in Italy, “goat” is a gesture related to the area of ​​signs. For example, if you meet a hearse along the way, you must definitely make a “rock goat”, otherwise trouble cannot be avoided. And a “goat” with raised fingers in Italy means a terrible insult, which is much more offensive than a raised middle finger. Therefore, in Italy the “goat” must be handled with the utmost care.”

Even in ancient times, the “goat” was used with very serious intentions, killing two birds with one stone - protecting oneself and sending a curse on one’s enemies. In modern palmistry, the fingers needed for the “goat” - the index and little fingers - are under the jurisdiction of Jupiter and Mercury, respectively. The first was known in Roman mythology as the supreme god (the same as the Greek Zeus), the second was considered a guide to the world of the Dead. Thus, the ancients, when making a “goat,” simultaneously turned to two gods, asking one for protection, and the second for the death of an enemy. By the way, when the Egyptian pharaohs were sent to another world, special figures with fingers folded into the same “goat” were installed inside their tombs for protection, thereby protecting the tombs from the encroachments of the curious and selfish, because a curse awaited the “offenders.”

It was the second, cursing, meaning of “goat” that gradually became better known. Much has been said about this gesture in different times, especially in the Middle Ages. Either they saw the horns of the devil in the “goat”, or three sixes were the devil’s number. It was believed that this is how witches greeted each other

The same “goat” became the Symbol of the Ancients (one must understand, spirits), which, according to the Arabic book on black magic, the Necronomicon, could be used to summon these same Ancients if necessary. Some are still confident that this gesture is unnatural and displeasing to God and, therefore, showing it is blasphemy. Many fans admit that at a concert you can find a “goat” not in every song, but in the heaviest compositions

By the way, it is interesting that the “goat” in its shape resembles the mudra (a magical gesture in the form of a certain position of the fingers) of Energy. The difference is that the middle and ring fingers in the Energy mudra are in contact with the thumb, and not just pressed. In the east (and not only) treatment with the help of such gestures is widely practiced. Moreover, the name of many mudras goes back not so much to religion as to Eastern mythology

In general, no matter how you look at it, the “goat” is a typically pagan sign


Probably all people know that the same gestures in different countries have different meaning. Therefore, before using this or that combination of fingers, it is worth considering whether you will confuse your interlocutor. Today we will talk about shaka. You will find out what the thumb and little finger gesture means by reading the article.


What does the thumb and little finger gesture mean? In each country it has its own meaning. Where did this gesture originate? Believed to be in Hawaii. Well, who invented it? There is a version that Kalili Hamana said hello in this way. Who is this man? He was a simple worker who suffered an industrial injury while working in a sugar cane factory. Three of his fingers were cut off. Only the little finger and thumb survived. Kalili was respected by the inhabitants of the island, but since the man could no longer greet normally after his injury, he raised his hand up, showing attention to his interlocutor. The inhabitants of the island, to encourage Kalili, also began to greet him, and then each other with this gesture. So it happened that to this day, among Haitians, raising the shaku sign means greeting.

There is another legend. What does the gesture of the thumb and little finger on it mean? It shows that everything is okay. The legend tells us about the crippled Haman, who lost three fingers, so he could only get a job as a train superintendent. His duty was to check the carriages for the presence of stowaway children. When Haman finished his work, he raised his hand up, telling the driver with such a gesture that everything was in order and the train could move off.


What does the thumb and little finger gesture mean these days? It is very common in the Hawaiian Islands and is found there often. The gesture means "thank you", "hello", "welcome", "how are you?", " good afternoon"and another, but always carries a positive meaning. The Haitians call their gesture “shaka”. Why is this? This is also a kind of mystery. According to one version, the word has Buddhist roots. Shakyamuni folded his hands in the form of a shaka when praying. And since the gesture is shown with your hands, it’s easy to draw a parallel.

Hang loose

What does the thumb and pinky sign mean to surfers? Hang loose translates to “relax and have fun.” This is exactly what surfers consider their credo in life, as well as their fighting motto. The hang loose and shaka gestures are identical. But it is no coincidence that surfers borrowed the Haitian greeting, which they slightly changed. Today hang loose shows each other two surfers who are ready to go into battle. This gesture says that they are in a relaxed state, their soul and body are calm. After all, it is with this attitude that you can go to conquer the waves. This is like a kind of gesture that the coach expects from his players before they get on the board and swim.

Meaning in Russia

Our compatriots are very fond of gestures. But we don’t convey the meaning of a phrase only with the help of our hands. Everyone will agree that active gestures make the phrase more understandable, and speech is lively and natural. Russians also have many signs with which they can communicate without words. What does the thumb and little finger gesture mean? Its most common meaning is “call me.” This is how friends can say goodbye when they part. One puts an improvised telephone receiver made of fingers to his ear. And the other understands that he needs to call. Even a mother can communicate this way with her little son when she takes him to school.

The thumb and pinky hand gesture is often used by rockers. At concerts of their favorite artists, people show their devotion to them in many ways. Gestures are the easiest way to demonstrate your devotion to the musician and his work. Many fans raise their fingers up and shake their hands to the beat of the music.

Some companies are even trying to play on popular gestures. Thus, representatives of the Nike corporation often make a daw out of their fingers. They symbolize the company logo, and at the same time the Hawaiian greeting. Such incredible ingenuity of marketers cannot but evoke respect and a smile.

Some people, especially young people, offer a drink with this gesture. Often such a combination of fingers can be seen in the club, and folded at the level of the stomach. Thus, even a stranger can offer you a glass of something containing alcohol with him. Often a guy with a similar gesture invites a girl to drink with him.

Meaning in the Caribbean

Never use the pinky and thumb gesture in an unfamiliar country. In the Caribbean you can be fined for this. You will be perplexed: for what? And there is an unwritten rule according to which a gesture of two fingers, a thumb and a little finger means an offer of intimacy to a girl. And any person who believes that you made a gesture specifically to her can file a police report against you for harassment.

How to use?

How to make a gesture that in Russia means the harmless “call me back”? You need to make a fist, and then bend your thumb and little finger in turn. Moreover, the rest should be pressed tightly to the palm. The little finger should be brought to the mouth, and the thumb to the ear. If you want to make a rocker gesture, then you need to raise your hand and turn it so that the palm faces forward.

Who uses it?

In Hawaii, the shaka gesture is used by everyone - both adults and children. In this way they greet each other, thank each other, say goodbye, and so on. In our country, too, this combination of fingers is very popular among young people and children. Older people rarely use this gesture. After all, along with a positive meaning, it can also carry a negative one. For example, in clubs, drug dealers often invite clients to try drugs using a two-finger gesture. At the same time, they put their hand to their lips. By the way, drug dealers are often tracked down using such gestures. This is why older people are careful not to show any gestures. They even try not to wave their arms, because this is considered bad manners. However, many still manage to attach meaning to gestures even when there is no secret meaning invested in them.

Few people know that communication between people consists not only of verbal contact, communication and verbal transmission of information, there is also body language and gestures. This is a non-verbal technique that involves giving signals and signs through movements, facial expressions, glances, as well as manipulation of different parts of the body, that is, gestures. Experts using such data can recognize lies, aggression and many other emotions.

Special attention You need to pay attention to non-verbal signs, as this will allow you to read between the lines, see truth and lies, and much more. Such skills will be useful to a person not only in personal relationships, but also at work, negotiations, in a team of employees, and at interviews. Therefore, it is worth considering each type of gesture and non-verbal presentation of information, gleaning the necessary information.

Many years ago, scientists and famous scientific figures wrote in their works that by the movements of a person’s body one can understand the mood, as well as the semantic message of information, but the issue of body languages ​​and gestures began to be studied much later. The first figure in this field was the American scientist and psychologist Paul Ekman, who in 1954 studied the language of facial expressions and gestures in people.

Open Gestures

If a person wants to know how sincere and open his opponent is in communication, psychology identifies special gestures of openness.


  • during a conversation, the opponent gestures and holds his hands with his palms up (if you look at children, when they have done something wrong, they tend to put their hands behind their backs or lower their palms down);
  • during an open and honest conversation, the interlocutor will be close to the opponent, gradually reducing the distance between him and himself;
  • during business negotiations a good sign would be when your opponents unbutton their jacket buttons;
  • Straightened legs indicate an honest and sincere conversation.

Expert opinion

Victor Brenz

Psychologist and self-development expert

Today, in many developed countries, knowledge of body and body language is a must for every recruiting manager. In this regard, the topic has become increasingly in demand in other countries, and the benefits of knowing a non-verbal language have been officially proven.

Closed gestures

Separately, psychology examines non-verbal closed gestures, which manifest themselves in the form of protection from the interlocutor due to hostility, negative attitude and hypocrisy. Closed gestures include the following manifestations:

  • crossing your arms in the chest area, which demonstrates self-doubt and hostility towards your interlocutor;
  • the interlocutor sits with his legs crossed, but not because of convenience and comfort, but because he is fencing himself off from an unpleasant opponent;
  • “incomplete barrier”, when a person bends one arm at the elbow and presses it to the body, and straightens the other and places it on his knee, showing caution and mistrust in a non-verbal way.

Psychologists note that body language shapes your personality, so it is extremely important to monitor your body during negotiations or interviews, avoiding closed gestures. An experienced person will immediately recognize a negative attitude, self-doubt, anxiety or hostility towards himself, even if the person verbally behaves impeccably.

Erotic gestures

You can also understand the body language of a man or woman in love by non-verbal manifestations of the body and gestures. Psychologists say that women are more likely to have pronounced erotic gestures, but men are characterized by restraint and control over emotions. A woman’s body language suggests the following manifestations:

  • display of the wrist, for example, while smoking, when a woman turns her hand outward, showing the inside of the wrist;
  • touching hair, twirling curls or stroking them, throwing hair back;
  • licking lips and slightly open mouth during conversation and even silence;
  • taking off your shoes and swinging your leg, which attracts the attention of the opposite sex;
  • direct eye-to-eye gaze, smile, during eye contact the eyes first go down and then move to the side;
  • stroking hands on knees, thighs, calves;
  • crossing the ankles of the legs.

Such verbal methods of flirting and making advances, of course, are inherent in the female sex, since by their nature and temperament they are prone to playful communication and luring a partner. Men, in this regard, act directly and without hints, so a guy in love can be recognized by his actions.

False gestures

The most popular question is how to recognize a lie by non-verbal signs, since in modern society every second person does not shy away from lying for his own benefit. Psychologists say that most liars give themselves away with several gestures during this behavior, for example:

  • hands involuntarily reach to the face, a person can cover his mouth, touch his lips, chin, while listening, the interlocutor covers his mouth due to mistrust;
  • a pronounced gesture of lying - touching the nose;
  • hiding the truth is manifested by scratching the upper eyelid;
  • if a person does not agree with the opinion of his opponent, but is afraid to say it directly, he can scratch his neck;
  • touching the earlobes indicates that the listener does not believe his interlocutor.

The most common and well-known sign of lying is turning the eyes to the side, fear of direct eye contact. In fact, scientists have proven that this is a false judgment; averting the eyes is a natural phenomenon; during memories, a person will avert his eyes to the left or up, and during fantasies and inventions - up or to the right.

Aggressive gestures

You can visually assess the mood of your interlocutor by his gestures and facial expressions, so psychologists separately consider gestures of aggression and hostility. For example:

  • clenching hands into fists;
  • throwing your arms to the side speaks of determination and a mood for action;
  • sitting on a chair in a “riding” position is an indicator of a negative attitude towards the opponent;
  • folding your hands behind your back.

Hiding signs and gestures of aggression and expressed hostility towards a certain person is actually very difficult, since these are strong emotions, the control of which requires long and hard training.

Nervous gestures

If a person feels insecure and irritable in communication, it will be extremely difficult to hide such a state. Most likely, nervousness will be manifested by the following gestures:

  • teenagers start biting their nails;
  • an adult can chew on a pen or pencil, bang them on the table, or drum their fingers;
  • a shifting gaze is a consequence of anxiety;
  • Frequent changes in body position and fussiness indicate irritability and nervousness.

Do you have a habit of chewing on your pen?


In this state, breathing quickens, the gaze cannot focus on one thing, and it will be quite difficult for a person to control his body.

Bored gestures

Some specific gestures will tell you how to understand body language in order to find out how interested your interlocutor is in the conversation. For example:

  • during communication, the interlocutor puts his head in the palms of his hands;
  • a boring conversation may be accompanied by tapping of feet on the floor;
  • engaging in another activity, for example, drawing on a piece of paper, twirling a pen or other object in your hand, looking at your phone or watch, looking at your hands, and many others.

Thus, we can conclude that an uninteresting conversation will be accompanied by a lack of stable eye contact between opponents and extraneous actions.

Confidential gestures

It is extremely important for some people to recognize through gestures how much a particular person trusts them. Psychologists name several reliable gestures that indicate complete trust and emancipation of the interlocutor, namely:

  • while listening to a speech, the interlocutor will periodically nod his head;
  • manifestation of the “dome” gesture, that is, the elbows of the hands will be on the table, and the hands will be joined in the fingers, forming as if a dome (often this gesture shows a person’s complacency and selfishness);
  • complete trust on the part of the interlocutor is his open palms.

Appreciative gestures

By some actions you can be sure that the interlocutor is not just observing the speaker, but also evaluating him. For example:

  • while listening, a person rests his head on the palm of his hand, putting his index finger up;
  • during a conversation, the listener takes off his glasses and touches his lips with the bow;
  • Scratching the chin indicates that a person is thinking about the topic of conversation.

Also, while thinking through the topic of a conversation and assessing it, a person can pace from side to side, as if trying to make one decision for himself. Also, while assessing a conversation, he can pinch the bridge of his nose with his fingers, closing his eyes.

Difference between male and female gestures

Many famous psychologists have studied the body language of men and women by conducting comparative characteristics. In the case of a woman, body language is a pronounced manifestation of emotion and passion, while men are by nature restrained and balanced, which means their gestures will be hidden and less recognizable. And only a very observant person will be able to read them.

A man, if he likes a girl, will demonstrate the following gestures:

  • straightening clothes or hairstyle, as well as brushing off specks or dust, even if there is none;
  • straightening the shoulders, retracting the abdomen, expressive and bright gaze;
  • putting a finger in the belt of trousers, holding hands in pockets with the thumb facing out;
  • a long and studying look at the woman.

In turn, a woman’s body language differs from the gestures of a guy in love in the following ways:

  • shaking hair, straightening hairstyle;
  • gait with swaying hips;
  • short glances from under the eyelashes;
  • touching your hips, waist;
  • demonstration of the wrist area;
  • stroking a pencil, the stem of a glass or other elongated object with your fingers;
  • parted lips, languid, breathy voice;
  • laying legs on legs.

Women are more open in non-verbal expressions of their sympathy, but due to embarrassment and self-doubt, sometimes gestures of sympathy can be somewhat different - fast speech with a trembling voice, loud and abrupt laughter or awkward movements.

For reference! Men's body language aims to demonstrate their strength and self-confidence, while women show weakness and insecurity with their body and gestures.

How to recognize the simplest gestures?

The defining indicators in the study of body language are the hands and their movements, body position or posture, as well as facial expressions. It has been proven that under the influence of certain feelings and emotions, relaxation of various facial structures and their coordinated contractions occur. You can also read a lot from the look and eyes; all that remains is to understand the simplest and overt manifestations of emotions and feelings.


Body position is a clear indicator of what a person may be hiding from his opponent or not telling. For example:

  • aggression - standing or sitting, arms akimbo or body forward, thumbs hidden in pockets or belt;
  • self-confidence and self-righteousness - head held high, chin forward, sitting at the table, fingers connected only at the tips, but spread apart in the palms;
  • desire to change the topic and negative attitude - standing with support on any object;
  • fear and anxiety - fidgeting in a chair, frequent changes of body position.

The remaining body position gestures were described earlier in the classification according to a person’s mood. Psychologists note that a frequently repeated pose indicates that a person has stable personality traits.

Facial expressions

Well-known psychologists regularly publish books in which they consider the latest observations of scientists regarding non-verbal human gestures. Particular attention is paid to facial expressions, by which all existing emotions and feelings can be recognized, despite the context of the conversation, for example:

  • interest- eyelids are widened or narrow, and eyebrows are raised or lowered;
  • joy- curvature of the lips, pulling their corners back;
  • happiness- calm eyes, looking back and raised corners of the lips;
  • disgust- wrinkled nose, drooping eyebrows, protrusion of the lower lip, slanted eyes;
  • fear- raised straight eyebrows, widened eyes, open mouth with tense corners and straight lips above the teeth;
  • contempt- raised eyebrows and an elongated face shape, a top-down look;
  • shame- lowered head, averted face, averted gaze, closed eyelids and darting gaze, rapid breathing;
  • anger- frowning of the face, widening of the nostrils, compressed or drawn-out lips, redness of the face;
  • sorrow- dull eyes and knitted eyebrows, drooping corners of the lips.

Facial expressions are a clear indicator of a person's emotions if he has not learned the skill of facial control. IN modern society There are even trainings and courses on how to manage your facial expressions so as not to reveal all your cards in important conversations and contacts with people.


Movements are gestures that are the result of experiences and mental anxieties. From them you can read what a person experiences inside himself in at the moment time or its characteristic features. The most typical patterns of human behavior in terms of gestures are as follows:

  • active gestures- this is an indicator positive mood, interest and friendliness of the person;
  • excessive gesticulation- an indicator of self-doubt, nervousness and anxiety.

More detailed gestures and their designations have been described previously, for example, touching the hair during flirting, clenching fists when angry, covering the mouth with one's hand when distrusting or lying, showing open palms when being open to an opponent, biting nails due to anxiety, collecting lint and dust on clothes as a sign of disapproval, tilting the head to one side due to interest, and much more.

Here is an example of gestures of a guy in love

To understand how to recognize facial expressions, gestures and other non-verbal signs in a person in practice, just look at clear example. The body language of a man in love will help any woman accurately determine his true feelings and emotions in relation to her. There are several points to pay attention to:

  • appearance- a man in love is neatly dressed, clean-shaven, smells pleasant;
  • sight- a close and appraising look into a woman’s eyes and lips;
  • hands- involuntary manipulations, for example, brushing away specks of dust or straightening your hair;
  • voice- a timid, insinuating voice, without harshness or changes in intonation.

A man who likes a woman will demonstrate his strength and masculinity in every possible way. In addition, he will be interested in all areas of the life of his object of desire, and show care and responsibility.


Body language is a non-verbal method of communication that not all people have. It includes gestures, body movements, postures, facial expressions and even intonation in the voice. Many well-known psychologists have devoted books to this broad topic, for example Alan Pease and James Borg, describing common, as well as male and female characteristic nonverbal expressions.