If you “wander” on the Internet, you can find many new and not always clear words. Among them is the English abbreviation of CPA network or affiliate program. Everyone who makes money online or is just starting out on this path knows it for sure. CPA networks - what is it and how to work with it?

What are CPA networks?

In short, this is a kind of exchange, system, or, more simply, an intermediary between an advertiser and a person who can bring clients. Most often this is an online store and the owner of a website with a large number of visitors.

  • goods;
  • promotional offers;
  • “fresh” discount coupons;
  • information about a big sale.

CPA affiliate networks contain information about a huge number of products in various fields that need to be sold. Thanks to such an exchange, there is no need to look for the store owner, try to contact him and build relationships. Everything is open access and as automated as possible.

How does this work?

And yet, CPA networks - what are they and how to work with them? In the vast majority of cases, the system pays for certain actions on the part of the client. These could be:

  • registration on the site;
  • ordering goods;
  • its payment;
  • call to a specific number;
  • installing a program or application;
  • following a specific link.

The task of a person who wants to earn money is to “force” the visitor to do the specified action. If this happens, the system will pay a percentage of the cost or a set commission. The list of CPA networks is quite large, and each has its own percentages and established rules.

For example, in some you pay 30% of the cost of the product, in others a fixed amount for registering or installing a product. Before starting your activity in this direction, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the conditions and nuances of each exchange separately.

Basic Concepts

The first thing a beginner will encounter is simply a huge number of terms and concepts. All professionals communicate in a certain language. To ask a question and understand the answer to it, you need to understand what we are talking about.

Traffic. A certain number of visitors or flow, or mass. There is also the concept of “driving traffic,” which means directing visitors and potential clients to some address, mainly to another site.

Arbitration. This concept was introduced by CPA networks, what is it? The process of “acquiring” a certain number of visitors to one site and redirecting them to another for the purpose of making a profit.

Lead. This is the name given to a person who followed a link and performed a certain action.

Hold time. Due to the “cheating” of leads by some dishonest comrades, a verification time has been introduced into the system. Violation of the rules of the exchange may lead to the fact that the payment will not be made, and those who have distinguished themselves will be blacklisted and will no longer be able to cooperate at all.

Profit. Translated from English it means earnings, profit.

Offer. Affiliate program or offer to earn money.

CPA as a type of business

The best CPA networks provide the opportunity to earn money for all participants. On the one hand, the customer receives a profit from the sale of a product or service, on the other, the contractor receives his percentage for attracting, and on the third, the exchange, which takes its “modest” commission.

Many people, having tried this type of income, left offline work and completely switched to CPA affiliates. To be successful you need to have at least one of two things:

  • Own website with a large number of visitors.
  • Ability to create high-converting advertisements.

The first method is more popular. It requires less time and effort, but the results may not be obtained immediately. The second allows you to get almost instant results. But you need to have creativity and strong marketing skills.

Traffic for CPA

The main task of the artist is to attract as much traffic as possible, and even better, so that these are people interested in the product offered. There are quite a lot of paid and free methods, but they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

1) Own site. This could be a group on a social network or a personal website. On the one hand, creating such a platform requires certain knowledge and a lot of time at the beginning. On the other hand, after creation and promotion, it begins to generate passive income with minimal participation from the creator.

2) Announcements on free resources. There are a lot of sites, forums and news portals on the Internet that are ready to post an advertisement for free or almost free of charge. The advantage is that there are really a lot of such resources. The downside is a lot of manual work with no guarantee of results.

3)Banner. If you place an attractive or intriguing banner where there are many potential customers, it can have an amazing effect. You can, of course, directly contact the owners of Internet resources, but it is better to register with special exchanges. This will significantly save time and nerves.

4) Teasers. The obvious advantage is the large amount of traffic. Disadvantage - it is not suitable for all offers. It is better to use for “feminine” products. You also need to know many subtleties and rules of teaser advertising.

6) Social media. Considering the popularity of social media, it would be extremely unwise to miss out on this place. The main thing is to interest users and offer a truly worthwhile product. They will do the rest themselves. There are special organizations that offer services to promote a group or a specific product at once.

Rating of the best CPA networks

Beginners often ask the question: “CPA networks - what are they, and which affiliate programs are better?” If you read the descriptions of each system, they all praise themselves and tell you what riches you can earn with them. But in reality it turns out that this is not always true. To learn more about CPA networks, the ranking of the best is presented below.

Admitad- a fairly large affiliate program in which you can find products from many online stores, online games, services of some banks and travel organizations. Offers great functionality and detailed instructions for both beginners and experienced users.

"Where is the elephant?" - this affiliate network can easily be considered one of the best and largest. It can offer a large number of tools for working with the system, including CSV and XML uploads. It also boasts its own plugin for Wordpress (an engine for blogging on the Internet).

ActionPay- the main difference between this CPA network, whose rating does not lag behind those already presented, is the presence of its own banking system. Otherwise, this is a good affiliate program that offers a huge number of offers.

ActionAds- offers a very large range of offers from various fields. Quite often in this affiliate program you can find very profitable offers that are not available anywhere else.

Foreign CPA networks

On the domestic Internet, this type of cooperation is actively gaining momentum. But foreign CPA networks, whose ratings are simply enormous, have been allowing you to earn very good profits for a long time. Among the best and most reliable are:

Affiliatecube. Most webmasters work with this platform. The range of offers is almost impossible to list in full. There are topics for all countries. Despite the English-speaking administration, there is support for Russian-speaking users.

Clickbank. The affiliate program, which operates in the CIS, offers foreign goods at “delicious” prices. The only caveat is the payment of earned funds. This can be done either by check to an address or to a card that will meet certain requirements.

PaydayMansion. The main and only niche of this network is the conversion of financial traffic. The system specializes in small loans that are very easy to obtain. Today it is a fairly profitable niche and a promising direction.

Features of working for foreign CPAs

In addition to well-established work and proven mechanisms, foreign affiliates work with English, which has long become international. Almost all affiliate programs that operate today have an impeccable reputation and reliability.

Some advantages of working with foreign CPAs:

  • the audience is several times larger than the domestic one;
  • the system offers thousands of truly profitable offers;
  • profit figures are approximately equal to Russian ones, only the currency is dollars;
  • hundreds of offers to earn money.

The future of CPA networks

Existing CPA networks offer a very promising opportunity to make money on goods and services that you don’t even need to produce. If you look at the latest statistics, the growth rate is increasing every year.

This allows us to say that affiliate programs of this kind will only grow and develop, which means that you can make very good money by cooperating with them. If you start now, you can still occupy a free niche, but after that it will be extremely problematic.

Hello, Antay is on air and today I wanted foreign affiliate programs (CPA systems)!

Paypal and dollar card

If you are going to work with foreign traffic, you definitely need:

  • First, create a foreign version of WebMoney = PayPal.
  • You can also get a dollar card (for example from Alfa-Bank, Avangard, Tinkoff)

This applies to pure English-speaking affiliate programs who do not know what WebMoney is. If you use affiliate programs with a Russian representative office (version for Russia), as a rule, Russian types of money transfers are present there.

Foreign affiliate programs: Registration

Registration with foreign CPAs requires certain experience and knowledge. I would advise you to first work with Russian affiliate programs and only after achieving any stable results go to the global level. There are also affiliate programs with a Russian representative office, registration in which will not be a problem.

Russian-speaking (having a Russified version) CPAs working with global coverage will include:

  • mobusi.com
  • offersboard.ru (my.offersboard.ru)
  • mobileader.ru (cp.mobileader.ru)
  • adsup.me (platform.adsup.me)
  • mobioffers.ru (stat.mobioffers.ru)
  • unileadnetwork.com
  • everyads.com
  • mobio.network
  • tapgerine.com

English-language but interesting CPA systems:

  • peerfly.com
  • mobileeasy.com/
  • lospollos.biz
  • advidi.com
  • clickky.biz
  • advidi.com

In fact, with them you can begin to muddy the waters through foreign traffic arbitration, and plunge headlong into the pool to work with the bourgeoisie.

It is worth saying that it can be easier to register for specialized areas than for general ones. Want to know where? Receive:

In the direction of monetization for content locking:

  • CPAGrip
  • CPALead
  • Adworkmedia
  • OGAds

To monetize adult:

  • Lospollos
  • Bongacash
  • Runetki
  • Crackrevenue

As for larger-scale general CPA systems that require a more serious approach and investment, in my opinion these are:

  • ClickDealer
  • MundoMedia
  • Adsimilis
  • MaxBounty

Understanding Tier

In global CPAs—whose geo covers the entire world—there is a concept called Tier, which is divided into 3 types.

  1. Rich Western countries
  2. Rest of Europe, rich Asian countries (UAE, Singapore)
  3. All other countries (Africa, Latin America, India)

The richer the shooting range, the more expensive the traffic for its purchase will be and the stricter rules of affiliate programs for receiving it. Also, this market is more competitive than tier-2 and tier-3. At the same time, payments for these countries will significantly (sometimes by several times) exceed Tier-2 and Tier-3.

Since in the age of the Internet there are no clear boundaries for the arrival of traffic, advertisers are willing to pay different payments for the same lead (target action) due to geographical conditions (different countries). Because of this, traffic should be automatically distributed according to the most profitable advertising offers. This is achieved through a tracker or TDS through which the traffic first gets to this aggregator, and from it, by virtue of its data, it gets to the desired landing page.

Foreign affiliate programs: Selecting topics (verticals) for monetization

Among the main topics through which you can stir up foreign traffic arbitration are:

  • Content locking (closing access to content until certain conditions are met)
  • Installs (installations of mobile applications) (+ games)
  • Pins (subscriptions via sms codes) and Wapclick (paid subscriptions in 1 click)
  • Sweepstakes (sweeps) - (various drawings of goods/services/tickets and other freebies)
  • Gambling (casino) and Financial sector (options)
  • Nutra (wow health/appearance enhancement products)
  • Dating (acquaintance) and Adult (erotica)

As in the case of domestic offers, when choosing a specific foreign offer, I usually didn’t bother and took the top ones. It’s also worth looking at the shooting range/payout ratio for a target action. We look at the rules/accepted types of traffic.


Successful foreign traffic arbitration requires an initial stocking of domains in the .com zone (in some cases other English zones will do), and it’s also worth stocking up on a separate VPS - for example fasvps.

For more successful traffic draining - with maximum loading speed - you should send all your landing pages to a CDN (cloud). The most popular and free option is CloudFlare.

Maximum monetization when working with global traffic will be possible with the additional connection of a tracker / or TDS - which automatically distributes traffic by geo, device type, and also hides your traffic sources from prying eyes. The simplest version of tracker/TDS services can be called Keytaro TDS.

In some cases, if you work with a shareware type of traffic, you will need good proxies. I take them from proxymania because they allow you to use them on multiple sites at once, which is much more profitable than taking a proxy for one service.

You will also need specialized software to work with Facebook and Instagram.

Sources for draining traffic

Just like in RuNet, in Burzhunet there is

  1. Free traffic sources
  2. Paid traffic sources

In the first case, the methods of monetization known to me personally can be successfully achieved through Instagram and Facebook.

In the second case, we can name various foreign poppers and clickers:

  • Popads
  • Popcash
  • Propellerads
  • Adcach
  • ZeroPark
  • Revtop
  • Plugruch
  • Redirect.com
  • Ecoclick

Start with free ones, get a feel for the traffic, and after receiving a stable income, you can practice classic traffic arbitrage.


Thus, foreign affiliate programs are quite simple and at the same time profitable. Foreign traffic arbitrage requires basic skills and knowledge of classical traffic arbitrage, but otherwise I can’t find any problems, so you just have to go towards your goals. The journey begins! Today the whole World is open to you and with due persistence you can achieve everything you want!

Internet users are constantly looking for new ways to make money online. Many webmasters who successfully work in CPA affiliate programs have already become cramped on domestic sites; newcomers also do not mind making money on Anglonet sites. Recently, we also have such an opportunity to work on American CPA networks.

    • Features of working for foreign CPAs
    • American CPA affiliate programs

Features of working for foreign CPAs

Foreign CPA affiliate networks, no less than domestic ones, overwhelm everyone with work. This method of earning money is chosen by a huge number of webmasters for good reason; there is a lot of money in this niche, and many different mechanisms have been developed to earn it. Just like Russian CPA networks, foreign ones have a huge variety of services and products on the Internet.

The main feature of American CPA affiliate programs is that they work all over the world, unlike Russian ones. They are quite organized and incredibly developed. This is also due to language capabilities; English has become a universal language of communication. In addition, you can work for American CPAs in various formats:

  • with payment for certain actions;
  • with payment for installations;
  • for paid leads;
  • on the sale of services and goods using mobile and web traffic.

American affiliate networks more reliable than Russian ones, this is confirmed by the duration of operation of these networks and their reputation.

Advantages of working on American affiliate programs:

  • a huge audience, many times larger than the Russian one;
  • earnings offers are calculated in hundreds of units;
  • earnings of the same amounts of money as in Russian CPAs, only in dollars;
  • thousands of offers.

American CPA affiliate programs

This network is the main one for earning money among foreign sites with an incredible number of offers. There are a lot of different topics for all countries: loans for the USA and European countries, dating, adult, products of various profiles, offers for vaptraf, etc.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money through affiliate programs

Administration is carried out in English with Russian-language support. Different offers have different access levels (trust-level) and are carried out through support. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100.

Already working in Russian spaces, as well as in Ukraine. There are a lot of offers, especially American ones. Payments are made by check, which is sent by mail to the address specified during registration. You can deposit money into a bank deposit account. In order to be able to receive earned funds, the user’s account must comply with the CDR (Customer Distribution Requiremen) - the requirements for clients involved in distribution.

How to start CPA marketing from scratch?

ClickBank will refuse payment of any invoices until the account meets the following requirements:

  • sales must be paid for with a minimum of 5 different credit card numbers;
  • sales must be made in any two ways through: MasterCard, PayPal, Visa, Direct Debit.

If these conditions are met, money will be withdrawn automatically in accordance with the settings. The minimum withdrawal amount is $25.

Another attractive new CPA affiliate program. It has Russian functionality for converting American financial traffic. This traffic is among the most expensive and most profitable.

Here the offer has a narrow specialization, which is focused on short-term loans for Americans - short-term loans up to $1,000 without documents for American citizens.

This is a very profitable niche, primarily because there are no Russian offers of this type yet. You can quickly apply for money without leaving your home and receive it just as quickly.

7 secrets of teaser advertising

Registration in PaydayMansion is carried out by invite, moderation of new accounts takes place manually. Many options for draining traffic and excellent promotional materials. There is a referral system.

Payments twice a month, minimum withdrawal amount: for Epese and WebMoney - $100, for Wire Bank Transfer - $1000.

Registration in a foreign CPA network requires confirmation of identity and phone number. Many affiliate programs require work experience; they call registering partners and conduct surveys. If you want to work on bourgeois CPA networks, you don’t need to be afraid of calls if you have at least some knowledge of English. If you have experience working on domestic networks, working on foreign ones will also not be difficult. The differences between them are not significant.

TOP 5 CPA programs in the USA 2014-2015.

1. MaxBounty CPA network No. 1 in 2014.

Minimum payout: $50

Payout time: Weekly

Commission type: CPA, CPS, CPL, mobile applications, PPCall

2. PeerFly is a popular CPA network from France with professional technical support.

Minimum payout: $50

Payment Methods: Checks, Wires, Paypal, Payoneer, ACH (Direct Bank Deposit)

Commission type: CPA, CPS, CPL

3. Neverblue – CPA network suitable for beginners in CPA marketing. The network is quickly gaining popularity thanks to good service and services .

Minimum payout: $25

Payment time: Weekly, biweekly

Commission type: CPA, CPS, CPL

4. AdWork Media is an excellent CPA network for those who are actively involved in CPA marketing. A large number of advertisers and partners. Support service is available 24/7.

Minimum payout: $35

Payment time: Daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly

Payment Methods: Checks, Wires, Paypal, Payoneer, ACH (Direct Bank Deposit), Western Union

Commission type: Content Gateway, Product Locking, CPA, CPS, CPL

5. AdGate Media popular network, with quick account activation - within 24 hours .

Minimum payout: $25

Payment time: Weekly, biweekly, monthly

Payment Methods: Checks, Wires, Paypal, ACH (Direct Bank Deposit)

Commission type: CPA

Ukrainian CPA networks

– CPA network No. 1 in 2017. More than 1,500 advertisers and more than 650,000 webmasters work with the company

Minimum payout: $20

Payouts: Weekly

Payment methods: bank, PayPal, WebMoney, epayme nts.

Commission type: CPA, CPL, CPI, CPS, CPV

Salesdoubler is a CPA network for online stores and online retail. A network of affiliate programs with pay-per-action, optimized for the Ukrainian market.

Minimum payout: $10

– the first affiliate network in Ukraine, working primarily with Ukrainian traffic. More than 200 affiliate offers are conveniently divided into sections: beauty and health, banking and finance, mobile applications, etc.

Minimum payout – $5

Payment time: upon request (within 1-2 days for already verified conversions, or automatically 2 times a month (from the 1st to the 5th and from the 15th to the 20th of the month).

Finline is a financial affiliate network. EEo online service for selecting and ordering credit cards and cash loans.

Minimum payout: 100 hryvnia