Budget accounting is an orderly system of collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms about the state of financial and non-financial assets and liabilities of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, as well as transactions leading to changes in the above assets and liabilities. (BC RF Article 264.1)

The main objectives of budget accounting are:

  • - generation of complete and reliable information about the state of assets and liabilities of institutions, as well as the financial results of their activities;
  • - generation of complete and reliable information on the execution of budgets at all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation;
  • - ensuring control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of operations carried out during the execution of budgets at all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation, as well as control over the condition of assets and the fulfillment of obligations of institutions;
  • - providing internal and external users with reporting on the status of assets and liabilities of institutions.

The procedure for maintaining budget accounting applies to centralized accounting departments created under state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and budgetary institutions, as well as institutions created by Russian academies of sciences that have state status.

The features of accounting include: organization of accounting in the context of budget classification items; control over the implementation of cost estimates; transition to a treasury system of budget execution; separation of cash and actual expenses in accounting; sectoral features of accounting in public sector institutions; strict government accounting policy implemented through the Instructions; close intertwining of the income and expenses classifier with the new chart of accounts; a new form of budget accounting (transaction journals); clear accounting of expenses and income. accounting budget expense

The basic principles of accounting in budgetary organizations are:

  • - accounting maintenance double entry accounting method;
  • - continuity;
  • - monetary valuation of business transactions, assets and liabilities;
  • - reliability;
  • - accrual;
  • - prudence (caution);
  • - predominance of content over form;
  • - comparability of indicators;
  • - neutrality of financial reporting;
  • - compliance of income and expenses of the reporting period;
  • - actual assessment of assets and liabilities.

The principle of double entry accounting means that a business entity must record accounting transactions on a double entry basis. The double entry system is that the same amount for the same transaction is reflected in two accounting accounts - in the debit of one and the credit of the other.

The principle of continuity of accounting means that an economic entity is permanent and will continue its activities for an indefinite long period of time, and the period of accounting must correspond to the period of existence of the economic entity. From the date of termination of its existence, the budgetary organization ceases to maintain accounting records.

The principle of monetary valuation of business transactions, assets and liabilities means that all business transactions, events, assets and liabilities must be measured in a single, uniform expression - monetary valuation. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the monetary measure is the sum and its shares - tiiin.

The accrual principle of accounting means that assets, liabilities, income, expenses, business transactions and events are reflected in accounting at the time they occur. Financial statements prepared on an accrual basis inform users not only about past transactions that paid or received cash, but also about obligations to pay cash in the future.

The principle of reliability in accounting means that information is reliable when it is free from material error or bias and can be relied upon by users. The reliability of business transactions or events must be confirmed by primary accounting documents.

The principle of prudence (caution) suggests that financial statements should not overestimate assets and income and underestimate liabilities or expenses.

The principle of substance over form means that if the information in accounting documents and financial statements fairly reflects the content of transactions and events, this information should be taken into account and presented in the financial statements.

The principle of comparability of accounting indicators means that in order for financial information to be useful and meaningful, it must be comparable across different reporting periods. When reporting approaches change in the reporting year, information for the previous period must be reclassified for comparability purposes. If for practical reasons a reclassification cannot be made, the reasons for and nature of the changes that would occur if the reclassification were to occur should be disclosed.

The principle of neutrality of (accounting) financial reporting means that the information presented in financial statements must be free from bias to ensure their reliability.

The principle of matching income and expenses of the reporting period means that in a given period only those expenses that determined the receipt of income for a given reporting period are reflected. If it is difficult to establish a direct relationship between individual types of expenses and income, expenses are distributed between several reporting periods in accordance with some distribution system.

The principle of actual valuation of assets and liabilities assumes that the basis for valuing assets and liabilities is their cost or acquisition cost.

Clarity. The information presented in financial statements must be understandable to users.

Significance. Financial information must be meaningful to meet the needs of users in their decision-making process and to help them evaluate operational, financial and business events.

Materiality. Information is material if its omission or mispresentation could influence the economic decisions of users of the information made on the basis of the financial statements. The significance of information can be influenced by both its essence and its value (materiality).

A truthful and impartial representation. Financial statements must provide the user with a true and fair view of the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows of the business entity.

Completeness. In order to ensure the reliability of financial statements, information must be presented in sufficient detail.

Timeliness. If reporting information is unjustifiably delayed, it loses its significance. To provide timely information, it may be necessary to report before all aspects of a transaction or other event are known, thereby compromising credibility. On the other hand, if the report is delayed until all aspects are known, even very reliable information may provide little benefit to users because they were forced to make decisions earlier. In order to achieve a balance between relevance and reliability, it is necessary to decide how best to satisfy the needs of users when making economic decisions.

The need to maintain accounting records in organizations of various types of activities, including budgetary institutions, is determined by the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting” and the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

Accounting in budgetary institutions is a system for collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms about the state of financial and non-financial assets and liabilities of government bodies, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, management bodies of territorial state extra-budgetary funds, local governments and budgetary institutions created by them and transactions leading to changes in the above assets and liabilities.

PBU 1/08 “Accounting policies of the organization” is not applied in budgetary institutions. However, the requirement for the mandatory formation of an “accounting policy”, as well as the rules for its preparation, are enshrined in the Law on Accounting and no exceptions are provided for budgetary institutions.

In the system of regulatory regulation of accounting, the accounting policy of a budgetary institution is understood as the set of accounting methods adopted by it - primary observation, cost measurement, current grouping and final generalization of the facts of economic life.

The institution organizes accounting in accordance with the regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation, which define a unified state accounting policy for budgetary institutions. However, the instructions do not fully reflect the organizational and methodological features of the accounting policy of a budgetary institution.

The adopted accounting policy is approved by order of the head of the budgetary institution and is applied consistently from year to year.

Changes in accounting policies can be made in cases of changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation or regulations of bodies that regulate accounting, the development of new methods of accounting by an institution, or a significant change in the conditions of its activities.

In order to ensure comparability of accounting data, changes to accounting policies must be introduced from the beginning of the financial year.

In the explanatory note to the financial statements, the institution announces changes in its accounting policies for the next reporting year.

The accounting policy of a budgetary institution includes organizational and methodological components.

The organizational component of the accounting policy of a budgetary institution must include the following information: organization of the accounting service; document flow schedule; forms of primary accounting documents; form of accounting and accounting registers; creation of a list of cases and organization of document storage; accounting information processing technology; procedure and timing of inventory; working chart of accounts; setting up accounting in branches; procedure for internal control over business operations.

Organization of accounting service. Heads of institutions are responsible for organizing accounting, compliance with current legislation when performing financial and business transactions and storing accounting documentation.

In accordance with the law, there are the following options for organizing an accounting service in a budgetary institution:

accounting service as a structural unit headed by the chief accountant;

transfer of accounting to centralized accounting;

transfer of accounting and preparation of reports based on it under a contract (agreement) to another institution.

The activities of the accounting department must be regulated by the following organizational and administrative documents: regulations on accounting, job descriptions of accounting employees, accounting staffing schedule. The accounting regulations set out in detail the goals, objectives, functions, rights and obligations, relationships and organization of work of accounting employees.

The responsibilities of accounting services include:

maintaining records in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of accounting, analysis, audit;

carrying out preliminary control over the compliance of concluded contracts with the limits of budget obligations for treasury services to recipients through personal accounts;

timely and correct execution of primary accounting documents and the legality of transactions;

control over the correct and economical expenditure of funds in accordance with the intended purpose and system instructions for budgetary funds and funds received from extra-budgetary sources, as well as over the safety of financial and non-financial assets in the places of their storage and operation;

accrual and payment on time of wages to employees of institutions, scholarships for students, undergraduates, graduate students in educational institutions;

timely execution of settlements arising in the process of execution of budgets within the limits of authorized expenses, with organizations and individuals;

keeping records of income and expenses for funds received from extra-budgetary sources;

reflection on the accrual basis of the results of the financial activities of the institution for budgetary and extra-budgetary activities;

keeping records of the amounts of limits on budget obligations, accepted budget obligations, budget allocations in the context of income and expense codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation;

control over the use of issued powers of attorney to receive property, material and other assets;

instructing materially responsible persons on the issues of accounting and safety of valuables in their custody;

widespread use of modern automation tools when performing accounting and computing work;

drawing up and submitting financial statements in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time limits;

drawing up estimates of income and expenses and calculations for them for approval by the head of the institution;

maintaining an array of regulatory and other documents on accounting and reporting issues that fall within the competence of accounting services;

storage of documents (primary accounting documents, accounting registers, reporting, as well as estimates of income and expenses and calculations for them, etc., both on paper and computer media) in accordance with the rules for organizing state archival affairs;

participation in the inventory of property and financial obligations, timely and correct determination of inventory results and their reflection in accounting.

The staffing of the accounting department is calculated depending on the specifics of the institution’s activities and the volume of accounting information on the basis of Inter-industry consolidated time standards for work on accounting and financial activities in budgetary organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 26, 1995 No. 56.

The chief accountant reports directly to the head of the institution and is responsible for maintaining budgetary accounting, as well as the timely submission of complete and reliable financial statements. All employees of a budgetary institution, and with the centralization of accounting, all serviced institutions, are required to comply with the requirements of the chief accountant in terms of processing and submitting the necessary documents and information to the accounting department. The rights and responsibilities of the chief accountant are reflected in the “Regulations on Chief Accountants”, approved by a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated January 24, 1980. No. 59 (with amendments and additions) and in the Federal Law “On Accounting” dated No. 402-FZ dated December 6, 2011.

The distribution of official responsibilities in accounting departments is carried out on a functional basis, that is, each group of workers or individual employee, depending on the volume of work, is assigned a certain area. In accounting departments, as a rule, the following groups are created: financial, material, settlements, etc. Depending on the volume of work, the following groups can be distinguished from the financial and material groups: operational - financial, settlement operations, fixed assets, food, etc.

If necessary, in institutions served by centralized accounting departments, accounting and control groups are created from employees of centralized accounting departments. These groups may be entrusted with the preparation of all primary documentation for accounting of operations of a given institution, monitoring the safety of valuables held by financially responsible persons and performing other work provided for by the distribution of responsibilities.

The chief accountant develops and approves job descriptions for accounting employees.

Job descriptions are drawn up for each accounting employee in order to delimit the powers of employees, define their functions, rights, duties, responsibilities, subordination, etc. The presence of a job description will allow you to properly organize the work of accounting employees and ensure the clear and competent performance of accounting functions.

The main job responsibilities and qualification characteristics of accountants and the chief accountant are defined in the Collection of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide positions of employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 06.06.96 No. 32 (with amendments and additions) and in the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 (current edition dated February 12, 2014).

When centralizing accounting, the centralized accounting department provides the heads of the institutions it serves with the information they need on the execution of income and expense estimates within the time limits established by the chief accountant of the centralized accounting department in agreement with the heads of these institutions.

Document flow schedule. Document flow in an institution is a complex system that requires constant monitoring and regulation. It has a significant impact on the efficiency of the institution and is the key to ensuring the completeness and reliability of accounting information.

The concept of document flow includes drawing up a schedule for the movement of documents in an institution from the moment they are created or received until they are accepted for accounting, processed, completed, and transferred to the archive.

The work on drawing up a document flow schedule is organized by the chief accountant. The document flow schedule is approved by order of the head of the institution.

The schedule should establish a rational document flow in the institution, i.e. provide for the optimal number of units and performers working with each primary document, determine the minimum period for its presence in the unit.

The document flow schedule should help improve all accounting work at an enterprise, institution, strengthen the control functions of accounting, increase the level of mechanization and automation of accounting work.

The document flow schedule can be drawn up in the form of a diagram or list of work on the creation, verification and processing of documents performed by each department of the enterprise, institution, as well as by all performers, indicating their relationship and deadlines for completing the work.

All structural divisions that are part of the institution, as well as institutions served by centralized accounting departments, are required to promptly transfer to the accounting department, in accordance with the document flow schedule, documents necessary for accounting and control (copies of extracts from orders and instructions directly related to the execution of estimates of income and expenses , as well as all kinds of contracts, acts of completed work, etc.).

When drawing up a document flow schedule, the chief accountant must apply the Regulations on Documents and Document Flow in Accounting, approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and comply with the following requirements: primary accounting documents accepted by the accounting department must have all the required details; when accepting documents, arithmetic calculations must be checked; documents must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations; all corrections in documents must be certified by the signatures of the persons responsible for their preparation, indicating the date of correction; For any transaction, all necessary documents must be presented (agreement and amendments to it, invoice or performance certificate, invoice, payment order).

The requirements of the chief accountant regarding the procedure for processing and submitting the necessary documents and information to the accounting department are mandatory for all employees of the institution, and with centralization of accounting - for all serviced institutions.

Forms of primary accounting documents. All business transactions carried out by the institution must be documented with supporting documents. Source documents are the primary accounting documents on the basis of which accounting is conducted.

By Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2010 No. 173n
“On approval of the forms of primary accounting documents and accounting registers used by public authorities (state bodies), local government bodies, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions and Guidelines for their application” approved forms of primary accounting documents and accounting registers used by budgetary institutions, as well as guidelines for the use of document forms and accounting registers.

According to this order, a budgetary institution uses unified forms of primary accounting documents of the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD): class 03 “Unified forms of primary accounting documentation” (Table 2), class 04 “Unified system of banking documentation” (Table 3), class 05 OKUD “Unified system of financial, accounting and reporting documentation of budgetary institutions and organizations” (Table 4). In the case of using non-unified forms of primary accounting documentation, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of financial and civil legislation for the preparation of primary documents.

Table 2 - Forms of documents of class 03 “Unified system of primary accounting documentation” OKUD

No. Form code
Time sheet
Certificate of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets (except for buildings, structures)
Certificate of acceptance and delivery of repaired, reconstructed, modernized fixed assets
Act on write-off of fixed assets (except for vehicles)
Act on write-off of motor vehicles
Certificate of acceptance and transfer of a building (structure)
Act on acceptance and transfer of groups of fixed assets (except buildings, structures)
Invoice for internal movement of fixed assets
Act on the write-off of groups of fixed assets (except for vehicles)
Receipt cash order
Expense cash order
Journal of registration of incoming and outgoing cash orders
Certificate of acceptance of materials
Invoice for issue of materials to the side
Construction vehicle waybill
Passenger car waybill
Waybill for a special vehicle
Truck waybill
Waybill for a non-public bus

Table 3 - Forms of documents of class 04 “Unified system of banking documentation” OKUD

Table 4 - Forms of documents of class 05 “Unified system of accounting, financial, accounting and reporting documentation of the public sector of management” OKUD

No. Form code Name of the document form
Act on write-off of soft and household equipment
Act on the write-off of excluded objects of the library collection
Menu-requirement for issuing food products
Statement for the issuance of feed and fodder
List of issuance of material assets for the needs of the institution
Act on write-off of inventories
Help card
Time sheet and payroll calculation
Note-calculation on the calculation of average earnings when granting leave, dismissal and other cases
Statement for issuing money from the cash register to accountable persons
Cash book
Children's attendance sheet
Act on writing off strict reporting forms
Notification on settlements between budgets
Notice of budget commitment limits (budget allocations)
Inventory results report
Certificate of acceptance and transfer of cash payments and receipts during the reorganization of participants in the budget process
Certificate of financing and cash payments

To give them legal force, primary accounting documents must have the following details: name of the document (form); form code; date of compilation; name of the organization on behalf of which the document was drawn up; content of a business transaction; measuring business transactions in physical and monetary terms; the names of the positions of the persons responsible for the execution of the business transaction and the correctness of its execution; personal signatures and their transcripts (including cases of drawing up documents using automation tools and transmitting them in telecommunications systems).

Form of accounting and accounting registers. The form of accounting is usually understood as a certain combination of construction and interconnection of registers, as well as the order and methods of registration and grouping of accounting information in them. Previously, budgetary institutions used a memorial-order form of accounting, and in connection with the release of new instructions, a budgetary institution is obliged to use a new form of accounting, which is close to the journal-order form, but is not one, because There is no credit procedure for transferring turnover to the General Ledger.

To systematize primary accounting data, accounting registers are intended, which are determined by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 173n. These include magazines, books, cards and other forms.

Synthetic accounting registers within the budget accounting system include: the journal of transactions on the “Cash” account; journal of transactions with non-cash funds; journal of settlement transactions with accountable persons; journal of settlements with suppliers and contractors; log of transactions with debtors for income; journal of wage settlement transactions; journal of transactions on disposal and transfer of non-financial assets; journal for other transactions; Validation Journal; main book.

Entries in the transaction logs are made as transactions are performed, but no later than the next day after receipt of the primary accounting document, both on the basis of individual documents and on the basis of a group of similar documents. The correspondence of accounts in the transaction journal is recorded depending on the nature of the transactions on the debit of one account and the credit of another account.

Transaction journals are signed by the chief accountant and the accountant who compiled this register.

At the end of the month, account turnover data from the transaction journals is recorded in the General Ledger.

Moreover, the primary accounting documents verified and accepted for accounting are systematized by the dates of transactions (in chronological order) and are documented in separate journals of transactions at the expense of budgetary funds and funds received from extra-budgetary sources.

If technically possible, accounting registers can be generated on computer media in the form of an electronic document (register) containing an electronic digital signature.

In the case of complex automation of accounting (namely, accounting using software products), the formation of accounting registers should be carried out at the frequency established within the framework of the accounting policy, but not less frequently than the frequency established for the preparation and presentation of financial statements. In this case, it is recommended to print accounting registers monthly.

Errors found in budget accounting registers are corrected in the manner applicable in commercial accounting.

Error corrections are documented in a Certificate (f. 0504833), in which a reference is made to the number and date of the corrected transaction log.

Corrections are not allowed in cash and bank documents.

Creation of a list of cases and organization of document storage. At the end of each reporting month, primary documents related to the relevant transaction logs must be selected in chronological order and bound. If there are few documents, they can be bound over several months into one folder (case). The cover indicates: the name of the institution; name and serial number of the folder (case); reporting period - year and month; initial and last numbers of transaction logs; total number of sheets.

Primary accounting documents are bookleted in the accounting department by accounting area in chronological order by batch numbers for the month. Output document forms are stored separately for each accounting section and the corresponding subaccount.

Primary accounting documents, registers, accounting reports and balance sheets must be stored in the accounting department in special rooms or cabinets before they are transferred to the archive.

If documents are missing or destroyed, the head of the institution appoints a commission to investigate the causes of the incident.

If necessary, representatives of investigative authorities are invited to participate in the work of the commission. The results of the commission’s work are documented in an act approved by the head of the institution. A copy of the act is sent to a higher institution.

Requirements for storing documents are determined by Federal Law No. 402 “On Accounting”. Thus, organizations are required to store primary documents, accounting registers and financial statements for periods established in accordance with the rules for organizing state archival affairs, but not less than five years. Specific storage periods for documents are given in the List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods (approved by Rosarkhiv on October 6, 2000) and in the Basic Rules for the Operation of Departmental Archives, approved by order of the Main Archival Directorate under the USSR Council of Ministers dated August 15, 1998 . No. 263 (as last amended on October 6, 2000).

In accordance with these documents, the following retention periods are established for individual primary accounting documents, accounting registers and reporting forms: balance sheets and reports, appendices and explanations to them: for annual - permanently, for quarterly - 5 years; report on the implementation of cost estimates: for annual – constantly, for quarterly – 5 years; primary documents and appendices to them, recording the fact of a business transaction (cash, bank documents, receipts, invoices, invoices, advance reports, time sheets, acts, etc.) – 5 years; personal accounts of employees – 75 years; powers of attorney to receive material assets and sums of money – 5 years; documents on the revaluation of fixed assets, determination of depreciation, assessment of the value of the organization’s property - constantly.

The working Chart of Accounts and other accounting policy documents must be stored for at least five years after the year in which they were last used to prepare financial statements. When creating, storing and further using files, institutions are guided by departmental instructions.

The head of the organization is responsible for organizing the storage of primary documents, accounting registers and financial statements.

Technology for processing accounting information. Computerized accounting is one of the main effective methods of managing a budgetary institution. In modern conditions, the market for software products for accounting is wide. The budgetary institution's accounting policy reflects the characteristics of the accounting computer program and information and reference system used.

The procedure and timing of inventory. Federal Law No. 402 “On Accounting” considers an inventory of the organization’s property and liabilities as one of the prerequisites to ensure the reliability of accounting data and financial statements.

Currently, the inventory of property, financial assets and liabilities is carried out by a budgetary institution in accordance with the procedure established by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 No. 49 “On approval of guidelines for the inventory of property and financial liabilities” (as amended on November 8, 2010) .

The inventory of precious metals and precious stones is also carried out in accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for recording and storing precious metals, precious stones, products made from them and maintaining records during their production, use and circulation, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 29, 2001. No. 68n and “Rules for accounting and storage of precious metals, precious stones and products made from them, as well as maintaining relevant reports”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2000 No. 731.

Inventory of rights to the results of scientific and technical activities and their valuation are carried out taking into account the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 14, 2002. No. 7 “On the procedure for inventory and valuation of rights to the results of scientific and technical activities” and the joint order of the Ministry of Property of Russia, the Ministry of Industry and Science of Russia and the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated May 22, 2002 No. 1272-r/R-8/149 “On approval of Methodological recommendations for inventory of rights to the results of scientific and technical activities.”

The inventory of the library collections is carried out in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 4, 1998 No. 16-00-16-198 “On the inventory of library collections.”

Inventory is an effective method of monitoring the safety of the property of a budgetary institution, budget funds and funds received from extra-budgetary sources, compliance with financial discipline, the correct reflection of transactions in accounting accounts, timely detection and correction of discrepancies between the actual data obtained as a result of the inventory and the data accounting, which ultimately helps to increase the reliability of information when generating reporting indicators on the results of an institution’s activities.

According to the mandatory nature of the inventory, it can be mandatory and proactive; by frequency – planned and unscheduled; according to the degree of coverage of the objects being inspected - full and partial; according to the method of conducting - natural and documentary.

The procedure for conducting an inventory (the number of inventories in the reporting year, the dates of their conduct, the list of property and liabilities checked during each of them, etc.) is determined by the head of the institution, except for cases where an inventory is required.

Carrying out an inventory is mandatory: when transferring property for rent or sale; before drawing up annual financial statements (except for property, the inventory of which was carried out no earlier than October 1 of the reporting year); when changing financially responsible persons; when facts of theft, abuse or damage to property are revealed; in the event of a natural disaster, fire or other emergency situations caused by extreme conditions; during reorganization or liquidation of an institution; in other cases provided for by current legislation.

For individual assets and liabilities, it seems advisable to conduct an inventory more often than once a year, for example:

quarterly – accounts receivable and payable, including taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds;

monthly - cash, monetary documents and strict reporting document forms at the institution's cash desk, balances of inventories, raw materials, materials, fuels and lubricants and other inventory items, the status of settlements with separate divisions of the institution.

The deadlines for conducting an inventory of the library collection are as follows:

the most valuable funds stored in safes - annually;

the rarest funds - once every 3 years;

valuable funds – once every 5 years.

library collections containing:

up to 100 thousand accounting units - once every 5 years;

from 100 to 200 thousand accounting units - once every 7 years;

from 200 thousand to 1 million accounting units - once every 10 years;

over 1 million accounting units - gradually in a selective manner with completion of verification of the entire fund within 15 years.

To carry out an inventory of property and financial obligations, an inventory commission is appointed by order of the head of the institution.

Inventory results are compiled:

inventory list (matching sheet) f. 0504087 - for non-financial assets;

act of inventory of cash at the cash desk (f. 0504088) - for cash;

inventory list of securities and forms of strict reporting documents (f. 0504086) - for securities and forms of strict reporting documents;

an act of inventory of settlements for accounts receivable from buyers, suppliers, for advances issued (f. 0504089) - according to calculations.

Discrepancies identified during the inventory between the actual availability of property and accounting data are reflected in the manner prescribed by law.

Chart of accounts. The budget accounting chart of accounts includes five sections: 1) non-financial assets; 2) financial assets; 3) obligations; 4) financial result; 5) authorization of budget expenditures.

A sample balance sheet form for a budgetary institution is given in Table 5.


The budget accounting chart of accounts provides for the reflection of current, investment, and financial transactions, both on the cash basis of accounting and on the accrual basis.

The first and second sections are represented by active accounts; the third, fourth and fifth sections are passive accounts. There are no active-passive accounts in budget accounting.

The account number consists of twenty-six digits (Table 6).

Table 6 - Form of budget accounting account

Budget classification is integrated into the budget accounting chart of accounts, which makes it possible to take into account the impact of business transactions on the value of assets and liabilities of a budgetary institution (a fragment of the chart of accounts is presented in Appendix 3).

When generating an account number, it is provided to reflect codes for the classification of income, departmental, functional classification of budget expenses, etc. (1-17 categories), type of activity (18 category), synthetic and analytical accounting code (19-23 categories), classification code for public sector operations control (24-26 bits).

Digit 18 – code of the type of financial support (activity) of the institution. This code may contain as a type of financial security and activity:

1-activities carried out at the expense of the corresponding budget of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation (budgetary activities);

2-income-generating activity (the institution’s own income);

3 - funds at temporary disposal;

4- subsidies for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks;

5 - subsidies for other purposes;

6 - budget investments;

7 - funds for compulsory health insurance.

To reflect by the bodies of the Federal Treasury and the financial bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipalities) operations carried out within the framework of cash services of budgetary institutions, autonomous institutions, and other non-profit organizations that are not participants in the budget process:

in terms of transactions with the institution’s (organization’s) own funds, funds in temporary disposal and subsidies for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks, accounted for on the institution’s (organization’s) personal account:

8 - funds of non-profit organizations in personal accounts;

regarding transactions with subsidies for other purposes and budget investments accounted for in a separate personal account:

9- funds of non-profit organizations in separate personal accounts.

Since the Chart of Accounts contains several thousand accounts and many of them will not be used by the budgetary institution, the institution needs to develop a working chart of accounts that is optimal for reflecting financial and economic transactions.

When approving the working chart of accounts, the institution has the right to enter additional analytical account codes that ensure the formation in accounting of additional information necessary for both internal and external users of financial statements.

The list of off-balance sheet accounts is presented in Appendix 4.

Off-balance sheet accounts take into account valuables that are temporarily located in the institution and do not belong to it, as well as strict reporting forms, vouchers to holiday homes and sanatoriums, etc. Accounting on off-balance sheet accounts is carried out in a simple form.

All inventory assets, as well as leased fixed assets recorded on off-balance sheet accounts, are inventoried in the manner and within the time limits established for assets recorded on the balance sheet.

Setting up accounting in branches. If a budgetary institution has branches, it must decide how accounting work will be organized. The first option is the organization of accounting services in branches, the second is accounting in the accounting department of the head office of the institution.

The procedure for monitoring business transactions. In a budgetary institution, it is advisable to create an internal control service over business operations that performs control and audit functions.

The head of a budgetary institution does not have the right to choose between different methods of recording individual transactions, therefore the methodological aspects of the accounting policy of a budgetary institution described below will be the same for all institutions, but with some industry-specific features.

Methodological components The accounting policies of a budgetary institution are as follows:

institutions spend budgetary funds and funds received from extra-budgetary sources for their intended purpose in accordance with current legislation and to the extent of implementing the activities provided for in the budgets of income and expenses, strictly observing financial and budgetary discipline and ensuring savings and rational use of non-financial and financial assets;

separate accounting of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds is provided (due to the different economic nature of the sources and, as a consequence of this, different tax regulations);

integration with the budget classification of the Russian Federation of the chart of accounts of budget accounting allows, based on the classification codes of stocks of assets, liabilities and flows of operations, to take into account the presence of assets and liabilities at the beginning of the reporting period, to record their changes as a result of financial and economic activities for the reporting period and to reflect balances at the end reporting period;

accrual method , used by a budgetary institution, recognizes all transactions at the time of their occurrence, or changes in the economic value of assets and liabilities (with the accrual method, the concept of balances arises (balances of non-financial, financial assets, balances of liabilities) and income and expenses are separately identified). The accrual method provides enormous management capabilities as it presents complete information about government assets and liabilities;

non-financial assets (fixed assets, intangible assets, non-produced assets) are valued at historical cost, which includes any costs of the institution associated with the acquisition, construction, delivery and bringing these assets to a condition suitable for operation;

method of evaluating materials when accepting them for accounting - actual accounting value;

method of writing off inventories - at the average actual cost;

The method of calculating depreciation for fixed assets and intangible assets is linear.

Other methods of assessing materials (FIFO, based on the cost of each object) and other methods of calculating depreciation (reducing balance, based on the sum of the number of years of useful use, in proportion to the volume of production, etc.) are not used in budget accounting.

The methodological aspects of the accounting policy of a budgetary institution should also include:

the procedure for determining the cost of manufactured products, services provided, and work performed;

the procedure for distributing overhead costs (when producing several types of products, providing various services, performing various works).

In a budgetary institution, overhead costs can be distributed:

in proportion to the wages of employees engaged in this type of business activity;

in proportion to the cost of materials used;

in proportion to the total amount of direct expenses .

The method of profit distribution in a budgetary institution is as follows: profit can be distributed among two funds - a fund of funds for material incentives and social payments and a fund of funds for the maintenance and development of the material and technical base.

The budgetary institution, according to current legislation, does not create reserves for doubtful debts.

12. Concept and assessment of intangible assets.

Clause 23 of Instruction No. 25n establishes the procedure for classifying objects as intangible assets (IMA). By definition, intangible assets include objects that simultaneously satisfy the following requirements: - the object does not have a material structure; - it is possible to identify the object from other property; - the object is used in the production of products, when performing work or providing services, or for the management needs of the institution; - the useful life of the object exceeds 12 months; - subsequent resale of this property is not expected; - the presence of properly executed documents confirming the existence of the asset itself and the institution’s exclusive right to the results of intellectual activity or the institution’s right to the results of scientific and technical activity protected as a trade secret, including potentially patentable technical solutions and production secrets (know-how). Intangible assets are reflected in accounting at historical cost. The initial cost of intangible assets is determined as the cost of the actual costs of their acquisition (manufacturing), taking into account the amounts of value added tax presented to the institution by suppliers and contractors. An exception is made for intangible assets acquired (manufactured) as part of an income-generating activity subject to VAT. In this case, VAT paid to suppliers and contractors, unless otherwise provided by the tax legislation of the Russian Federation, can be deducted. The cost of acquisition (production) of intangible assets includes: - amounts paid in accordance with the agreement for the assignment (acquisition) of rights to the copyright holder (seller); - amounts paid to organizations for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of intangible assets; - customs duties, registration fees, patent duties and other similar payments related to the assignment (acquisition) of the exclusive (property) rights of the copyright holder; - remunerations paid to the intermediary organization through which intangible assets were acquired in accordance with the terms of the contract; - other expenses directly related to the acquisition of intangible assets and bringing them to a state suitable for use for the established purposes; - manufacturing costs (materials, labor costs and wages, services of third-party organizations, and so on).

If intangible assets were received by an institution free of charge, then their initial value is determined based on the market value of these objects on the date of acceptance for accounting. All expenses of the institution associated with the formation of the initial value of intangible assets upon their receipt are preliminarily collected on account 0 106 02 320 “Increasing capital investment in intangible assets.” Changes in the initial value of intangible assets are made only in cases of modernization, partial liquidation and revaluation of intangible assets. Budgetary institutions reassess the value of intangible assets within the time frame and in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Revaluation is carried out by recalculating their book value as of the beginning of the reporting year and the amount of depreciation accrued for the entire period of use of the objects by an established coefficient. Each object of intangible assets is assigned a unique inventory serial number, which is used in budget accounting registers and is not indicated on the objects.

Cases when an accountant, changing jobs, moves from a commercial structure to a budgetary institution and vice versa are not so rare. In such a situation, he needs to remember that accounting in both areas, although based on general concepts and principles, has significant differences. Yulia Volkhina, project manager at SKB Kontur, talks about exactly what these differences are. This article opens a series of materials from BukhOnline, which will be devoted to the features of budget accounting.

Legal status of the organization

The Civil Code divides organizations into commercial and non-profit. The main goal of commercial organizations is to make a profit. Accordingly, non-profit organizations are those for which profit is not an end in itself. These, in particular, include state and municipal institutions (clause 8, part 3, article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Both federal departments and bodies of federal subjects and municipalities can act as founders of such organizations.

A state or municipal institution can be a state-owned, budgetary or autonomous institution (Article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In addition to the “statutory” type of activity, a public sector organization can conduct other work only if it does not contradict the goals of its creation. The addition must be specified in the statutory documents.

What regulatory legal acts govern accounting?

In matters of accounting, both budgetary institutions and commercial organizations are guided by the same law - the Federal Law “On Accounting”.

However, additional regulatory legal acts have been developed for each area. State employees also use instructions for using the Unified Chart of Accounts in their work and separate instructions for each type of state (municipal) institution: state-owned, budgetary or autonomous. For commercial structures, the regulatory framework is supplemented by accounting regulations (standards) approved by the Russian Ministry of Finance.

Basic regulating accounting documents

Type of organization

Basic regulatory legal act

Chart of accounts

Composition of reporting

Commercial organizations

Law “On Accounting”

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia “On approval of the chart of accounts of financial and economic activities of organizations and Instructions for its application”

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia “On the forms of financial statements of an organization”

State (municipal) institutions

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia “On approval of a unified chart of accounts for public authorities (state bodies), local governments, state and extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions and instructions for its application”

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia “On approval of instructions on the procedure for drawing up and submitting annual, quarterly and monthly reports on the execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation”;

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia “On approval of instructions on the procedure for compiling and submitting annual, quarterly and monthly reports of state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions”

Obligations of a budgetary organization

When starting work in the public sector, an accountant will certainly encounter specifics regarding property and financial obligations:

  • the state (municipal) task is carried out by the institution at the expense of subsidies from the corresponding level of the budget of the Russian Federation;
  • the property is assigned to the institution with the right of operational management;
  • the land plot is provided to a budgetary institution on the right of permanent (indefinite) use;
  • the owner of the property is the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity;
  • a budgetary institution cannot be liable for the obligations of property owners;
  • the institution does not have the right to dispose of real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to it by the owner or acquired at the expense of funds allocated by the owner, etc.

These and other provisions are established by the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996.

What is the difference between “commercial” and “budgetary” charts of accounts?

In the accounting of organizations of different forms of ownership, the differences begin with the chart of accounts. The essence of the accounts remains common - accounting for fixed assets and inventories, settlements with suppliers, customers, accountable persons, etc. However, the numbers and names of the accounts do not match: account 10 “Materials” - in commercial accounts and account 105XX “Inventories” - in budgetary accounting.

The budget chart of accounts is fraught with the greatest difficulties for an inexperienced accountant. They are connected with the need to control the intended use of allocated funds. If an account in a commercial organization includes only two digits, then the accounts of a budgetary institution consist of 26 digits. A special budget classification is used.

So, in the account number of a budgetary institution, the first 17 digits indicate an analytical code based on the classification of inflows and outflows of funds. The 18th digit indicates the code of one of the types of financial support: income-generating activities, funds at temporary disposal, subsidies for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks, etc. The following digits contain:

  • 19-21st - synthetic account code of the Chart of Accounts of accounting (budget) accounting;
  • 22nd and 23rd - code of the analytical account of the Chart of Accounts of accounting (budget) accounting;
  • 24-26th - analytical code of the type of receipts, disposals of an accounting object.

Scope of reporting and deadlines for its submission

An accountant who comes to the budget from the commercial sector will have to face an increase in the volume of reporting to regulatory authorities. This is dictated by different operating principles of budgetary and commercial structures and the corresponding features of legal regulation.

If a commercial organization submits financial statements once a year, then the state (municipal) institution follows a special schedule, which is drawn up and approved by the Russian Ministry of Finance and the relevant financial authorities. According to the instructions and depending on the type of organization, state employees submit reports:

  • monthly (about 1-5 forms),
  • quarterly (about 5-10 forms),
  • once a year (from 10 to 30 forms).

A commercial organization submits annual reports to the tax office no later than March 31 of the year following the reporting year. These statements consist of a balance sheet, income statement and appendices thereto.

State employees prepare many more forms. Thus, recipients of budget funds submit the balance sheet of the chief manager, manager, recipient of budget funds, chief administrator, administrator of sources of financing the budget deficit, chief administrator, administrator of budget revenues (form 0503130, order No. 191n).

Also, budgetary and autonomous institutions (order No. 33n) represent:

  • balance sheet of a state (municipal) institution (form 0503730);
  • report on the institution’s implementation of its financial and economic activity plan (f. 0503737);
  • report on the financial results of the institution (form 0503721);
  • information on the institution’s receivables and payables (form 0503769);
  • information about the institution’s cash balances (form 0503779).

The reporting of a budgetary institution directly depends on the sources from which its activities are financed. These can be subsidies for state (municipal) assignments, the institution’s own income, funds at temporary disposal, funds for compulsory health insurance, etc. Like commercial companies, public sector employees are required to submit the institution’s balance sheet and a number of other forms to the territorial tax office no later than March 31 the year following the reporting year. But in addition to this, they are obliged to submit financial statements to their founder within the prescribed period.

Balance sheet structure

At first glance, the balance sheets of commercial and budgetary organizations are similar - both contain an asset and a liability, which are divided into several parts. However, upon closer examination, an experienced accountant will discover significant differences. For example, a budget institution is required to separately indicate transactions with target funds, its own income, and funds at temporary disposal. If in the balance sheet of a budgetary institution an accountant reflects data for the reporting year and the previous year, then when working with commercial accounting, you will have to prepare a balance sheet for the reporting year and the two previous ones.

In a commercial structure, the asset is divided into non-current and current assets, the circulation of funds forms the basis of the asset of the commercial balance sheet. State employees have two components: financial and non-financial assets, and funds are divided into those expressed in monetary terms and those that have a tangible form. The balance sheet liability in a commercial structure contains an indication of own and borrowed funds. The latter are divided into long-term and short-term liabilities. For the balance sheet of a budgetary institution, it is important to reflect the types of payments, regardless of their repayment period.

Instead of a conclusion

Differences between budgetary accounting and commercial accounting occur at any level, be it accounting objects, liabilities, chart of accounts or reporting structure. They are determined primarily by the purpose for which the organization is created and the characteristics of its financing. Therefore, an accountant who has decided to change his field of activity and move to a budget organization should be recommended to use a specialized program for maintaining budget accounting. This will allow him to quickly understand the differences and more easily master accounting in a new area.

Changes to the Chart of Accounts for accounting of budgetary institutions and the Instructions for its application introduced (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 227n) have long been expected. Innovations are due to the need to bring the Chart of Accounts and Instructions, approved. (hereinafter referred to as Instruction No. 174n), in accordance with the Unified Chart of Accounts and the provisions of the Instructions for its application, approved. (hereinafter referred to as Instruction No. 157n), new provisions of budget legislation regarding the structure of budget classification, changes in the procedure for preparing financial statements.

Innovations must be applied in order to formulate the accounting policy for 2016 and accounting indicators as of January 1, 2016 (with the exception of the requirements for the formation of 1-4 digits of the account number).

One of the significant changes is that almost all references to the procedure for using primary accounting documents for the purpose of recording business transactions have been removed.

Primary documents

You can learn more about the preparation of primary documents in an institution from the material "Encyclopedia of solutions. Budgetary sphere" Internet version of the GARANT system. Get free
access for 3 days!

Budgetary (autonomous) institutions can establish the procedure for forming 5-14 digits of the account number in their accounting policies. In particular, you can use codes for target expense items. If the accounting policy does not regulate the issue of forming 5-14 digits of the account number, then zeros must be indicated in these digits.

The procedure for the formation of opening balances on accounts of non-financial assets has been regulated, with the exception of accounts 0 106 00 000 and 0 107 00 000 - at the beginning of the year, zeros are indicated in digits 5-17.

In addition, special rules are provided for accounts 0 204 00 000, 0 401 30 000, 0 401 20 270. Zeros are always indicated:

  • in 1-14 digits account numbers account 0 204 00 000 “Financial investments”;
  • in 1-17 digits of the account number 0 401 30 000 “Financial result of previous reporting periods”;
  • in 5-17 digits of account numbers, account 0 401 20 270 "Expenses on transactions with assets."

Note. The use of budget classification by budgetary institutions for accounting purposes can be found in the material in the Encyclopedia of Solutions. Budgetary sphere

Changes to the Chart of Accounts

Mainly related to their alignment with the Unified Chart of Accounts, approved (). The names of many accounts have been adjusted, and corresponding adjustments have been made to the provisions.

The chart of accounts has been supplemented with new analytical accounts, including:

  • 0 205 82 000 "Calculations for uncleared receipts" ();
  • 0 206 11 000 “Calculations for wages” () – used to reflect the employee’s debt when recalculating wages, associated, for example, with the submission of a corrective report card for the use of working time (in the case of providing certificates of incapacity for work, fulfilling a state duty);
  • Analytical accounting accounts have been introduced to account 0 209 00 000 "Calculations for damage and other income", in particular: 0 209 30 000 "Calculations for compensation of costs", 0 209 40 000 "Calculations for amounts of forced seizure", 0 209 83 000 " Calculations for other income" ();
  • 0 210 10 000 "Calculations for tax deductions for VAT" ();
  • 0 401 40 172 "Deferred income from operations with assets" ();
  • Linking accounts 0 401 50 000 “Future expenses” and 0 401 60 000 “Reserves for future expenses” with specific KOSGU codes is not provided for in the new editions; The accounting procedure in these accounts should be determined in the accounting policy based on the economic content of the transactions (,).

The new edition contains Section 5 “Authorization of expenses” (). Accounting for analytical accounts of accounts 0 502 00 000 "Liabilities", 0 504 00 000 "Estimated (planned) assignments", 0 506 00 000 "Right to assume obligations", 0 507 00 000 "Approved amount of financial support", 0 508 00 000 “Received financial support” is organized according to the corresponding analytical codes of the type of receipts, disposals of the accounting object, the corresponding KOSGU codes.

Off-balance sheet accounts have also been added:

  • 27 “Material assets issued for personal use to employees (employees)”;
  • 30 "Calculations for the fulfillment of monetary obligations through third parties";
  • 31 "Shares at par value".


Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03/01/2016 No. 16n “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n” (the order is being registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia) provides for the introduction of a new off-balance sheet account 40 “Assets in management companies”, intended for accounting for assets held in trust in management companies, reflected in account 0 204 51 000 “Assets in management companies”.

Changes to the Instructions for using the chart of accounts

Non-financial assets

The new edition sets out, in particular, the provisions ():

  • according to the order of recording the increase in the initial cost of fixed assets as a result of completion, modernization, reconstruction;
  • on the capitalization of unaccounted for objects identified during the inventory;
  • on the acceptance for accounting of fixed assets received as compensation in kind for damage caused by the guilty party. Acceptance of non-financial assets into accounting as part of the movement between the parent institution and (or) separate divisions is no longer limited to the type of activity code “4”.

Receipt land plots on the right of permanent (perpetual) use, including those located under real estate, is reflected in the debit of account 4 103 11 000 “Land - immovable property of the institution” and the credit of account 4 401 10 180 “Other income” (,).

Also added are entries to recognize as expenses of the current financial year capital investments made in fixed assets, intangible assets that were not created (not recognized as assets) in the presence of a decision to terminate the implementation of the investment project within which the capital investments were made ().

  • transfer of special equipment from the warehouse to the scientific department to perform R&D under the contract;
  • transfer of material reserves to employees (employees) of the institution for personal use for the performance of their official (official) duties;
  • transfer of young animals to the main herd;
  • recording of material reserves formed as a result of the authorized body making a decision on the sale, gratuitous transfer of movable property that has been put out of service.

The new edition sets out provisions for the formation of costs for the manufacture of finished products, accounting for finished products, and the procedure for accounting for trade margins in the event of identifying shortages or damage to property, including due to natural disasters, has been clarified and supplemented ().


  • debts of customers in accordance with long-term contracts and settlement documents for individual stages of work and services completed and delivered to them;
  • debts of buyers under a contract for the sale of property, providing for payment by installments, with the transfer of ownership (rights of operational management) to the object after completion of settlements;
  • income in the form of grants, subsidies, including for other purposes, under agreements on the provision of subsidies (grants) in the next financial year (years following the reporting year).

The procedure for writing off receivables (payables) from the balance sheet has been clarified, in particular, those recorded on account 0 205 00 000 “Calculations for income” ().

Additions and adjustments also affected the procedure for recording transactions with funds in temporary disposal, including in foreign currency (,).

In connection with the expansion of analytics for account 0 209 00 000, new correspondence was added (), including (Table 2):

Table 2. New correspondence for account 0 209 000

Account correspondence

Reflection of the amount of damage:

  • on amounts owed by employees of the institution for amounts of wages overpaid to them (not withheld from wages), in the event that the employee disputes the grounds and amounts of deductions;
  • in the amount of debt of the former employee to the institution for unworked vacation days upon his dismissal;
  • for amounts of debt to the institution, subject to compensation by court decision in the form of compensation for expenses associated with legal proceedings (payment of state fees, legal costs)

Accrual of debt in the amount of claims for compensation of institution expenses by recipients of advance payments, accountable amounts

Reflection of the amount:

  • damage in the form of accrued interest for the use of someone else's money due to their unlawful retention, evasion of their return, other delay in their payment, or unjustified receipt or savings;
  • debts for compensation for property damage in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the event of insured events;
  • debts on fines, penalties, penalties accrued for violation of the terms of contracts for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services

Postings are provided to reflect in accounting the decrease in settlements with debtors on analytical accounts of account 2,205,00,000, as well as on account 2,209,40,000 in correspondence with the corresponding analytical accounts of account 2,302,00,000 by termination of the counterclaim by offset (

  • Accounting for transactions with subsidies for the implementation of government tasks
  • Government funds are on the way. Account 201 03
  • Accounting for government agency settlements for damage and other income. Account 209 00
  • Settlements between a government agency and a financial authority for cash. Account 210 03
  • Settlements between a budgetary (autonomous) institution and its founder. Account 210 06


  • an accountable person for the return of unused funds (cash documents) in the amount of deductions made from wages (other income) for another type of financial support (activity);
  • the person at fault for damage in the amount of deductions made from wages, scholarships and other income, for another type of financial support (activity).

The use of account 0 304 06 000 is provided for the execution of receivables recorded in accounts 0 205 00 000 “Calculations for income”, 0 209 00 000 “Calculations for damage and other income”, 0 206 00 000 “Calculations for advances issued”, 0 207 00 000 “Settlements on credits, borrowings (loans)”, 0 208 00 000 “Settlements with accountable persons”, for income (payments) from another financial source, including offsetting counterclaims (withholdings). Also, account 0 304 06 000 is used for accounting for non-financial, financial assets (except for non-cash funds), settlements of obligations, the financial result of the institution under the transfer act (separation balance sheet) during reorganization through merger, accession, division, separation.

New rules have been established governing the procedure for closing settlements on account 0 304 06 000 at the end of the financial year ().

The main innovation is the establishment of an accounting procedure for the account 0 401 60 000 “Reserves for future expenses” (), newly introduced into the Chart of Accounts for budgetary institutions, as well as the reflection of the corresponding entries in account 0 502 09 000 “Deferred liabilities”.

Previously, an example of detailing the chart of accounts and accounting entries for account 0 401 60 000 were given respectively in Appendix 1

Authorization of expenses

Almost all provisions of this section have undergone more or less significant changes. In connection with the introduction of new accounts and the expansion of analytics on expense authorization accounts, adjustments and additions were made to Section 5 of Instruction No. 174n, which provide for the accounting procedure, in particular, for accounts 0 502 07 000 “Accepted liabilities”, 0 502 09 000 “Deferred liabilities ", 0 504 00 000 "Estimated (planned, forecast) assignments" and 0 507 00 000 "Approved amount of financial support".

You can learn about the procedure for recording expenses in the accounts for authorization in the Encyclopedia of Solutions. Budgetary sphere:

  • Authorization of government expenses. Account 500 00
  • Accounting for authorization of expenses in a budgetary (autonomous) institution

Olga Monaco , expert in the "Budget Sphere" direction of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT, auditor