For some reason, it is generally accepted that the “Purpose” column in a resume is not required and can be ignored. It is also no less common to believe that here you only need to indicate the name of the vacancy for which you want to apply. But both of these options are ineffective and it is better to refrain from using them.

Why write an objective on your resume?

The objective stated in the resume serves several functions at the same time. First of all, it attracts attention potential employer studying the document. It’s no secret that a well-written resume is half the success when searching for a job. Based on this self-presentation, set out in writing, the HR specialist develops an image of you. And the more interesting it is, the greater the chances that you will be invited to an interview.

In addition, the “professional goal” column makes it possible to inform the recruiter about the specific job that interests you. For example, if you are looking for a position with which you can start your career, it is appropriate to briefly mention this in the resume objective. For example, like this: “application for the position of HR assistant with further opportunity for professional growth.”

In the case where employment is planned for a specific company, here you can succinctly describe the reason why you are interested in this particular organization. But you shouldn’t get carried away and make up a whole; open flattery will also be inappropriate.

How to correctly write an objective on a resume

Writing a goal correctly is not so difficult; for this it is not at all necessary to construct abstruse ornate phrases. On the contrary, everything should be simple, clear and concise.

Since a recruiter often reviews hundreds of resumes for various positions during the day, he needs to highlight some of them for more detailed study. The rest receive less attention. As a rule, they are eliminated already at at this stage selection of employees.

In this regard, the purpose of the resume should be indicated immediately after the header of the document. Firstly, this will make the HR officer’s work easier, and secondly, it will create the correct opinion that you are a specialist who knows what you need and why.

When describing the purpose of your employment, you can also include several (1-2) key skills relevant to this position. For example, it would be correct to indicate this: “development and implementation of research in the field of marketing for the position of marketing analyst.”

When filling out your resume, always remember that this is not an official document, but your PR campaign. And here you need not only to describe the facts, but also to be able to competently present them to the future employer in order to arouse his interest and desire to cooperate.

When applying for a new job workplace the applicant prepares a resume in which he describes his education, skills and marital status. It is also necessary to indicateso that the employer understands exactly what you want and what you plan to achieve. In this article we will look at how to correctly write down goals, what they can be and what to write in this section to increase your chances of getting hired.


Before you get a new job, you need to decide what profession you are interested in and what you want to achieve in the end. There may be several options for the development of events: you get a job in your direct specialty, you are going for a promotion, since you have already achieved the highest possible position in your old workplace and cannot develop further, you have decided to retrain for new specialty or reduce your workload because, due to your age, health or marital status, you can’t handle your responsibilities. You need to carefully think through and calculate everything, and only after that start looking for a job and writing a resume.

The resume is submitted in order to interest the employer

Resume is brief description your life, education and skills. In it you indicate your passport data and information about the education received, previous places of work, skills, etc. It must also indicate the purpose of employment. HR people say that having the right goal is a huge plus. When reviewing a resume, HR staff spends a little time listing your skills and education, as these are mostly typical and are reprinted on every new resume: hardworking, responsible, bad habits etc. HR often looks specifically at the purpose of employment in order to understand what a person is like, what ambitions and vision of the future he has, whether a person has a desire for self-development or whether he will just sit at his workplace, fulfilling his duties. Therefore, check the following points before writing your resume:

  1. What position do you want to get into, does it match your goals and what do you want to become in the future.
  2. Are the selected vacancies suitable for you, do they match your education, skills, interests and experience?
  3. Study the offers on the sites and decide whether there are corresponding offers, which one intermediate level payments, what requirements are put forward to candidates, etc.
  4. Get information about the company you are going to work for. Find out what it does, who manages it, what reviews there are about it, who works there, etc. Find out the level wages and other nuances: during an interview it is very important that you can speak reasonably with the employer.

Making a resume

So, you have already carefully studied the information about what kind of company this is, what it does and what position you are applying for. All that remains is to compose your resume so that it does not end up in the trash. You can freely find a resume template on the Internet or make it up in Word. You need to write your full name and contact information in the header, and then write why you want to join this company. What to write in your resume for the purpose? We do not recommend using traditional phrases: getting a job, increasing your salary, etc.

Try to look into your own values, into your desired future, into your own plans. Think about what you are striving for and what you want. And after that, write briefly your task. If nothing good or interesting comes to mind, then write that the goal is to get a vacancy. But it’s better to describe in a couple of sentences your experience and desire to gain new knowledge, move forward, apply your skills and experience. For example, you can write this: obtaining the position of head of the representative office of the Basis company in Voronezh region. You can describe in a little more detail: obtaining the position of head of the Voronezh representative office of the Basis company, which will help apply 10 years of experience in the field wholesale trade and increase product sales.

Attention:You do not need to enter all your professional skills and experience in this section. Be brief, and describe information about your merits and skills below.

Some applicants completely ignore this point. This is a serious mistake: HR employees do not consider such resumes and remove the applicant from possible candidates for an interview. Remember that your short-term goal when writing a document is to get an interview, and your long-term goal is to get a job. Therefore, you must first interest the company’s HR, and only then the specialists who will conduct the interview. Use the following guidelines:

  1. First, think about the employment problem, then write it down, and then try to shorten it as much as possible and formulate it as precisely as possible. It should not take more than 2-3 sentences, and it should be as correct and accurate as possible. You don’t need to think that the employer will already understand why you are applying for the position. You must interest him.
  2. Be sure to indicate the position as it is written in the vacancy. This will show that you have carefully studied the conditions and are sending your resume not just to a list, but to a specific employer. If the vacancy states that the company needs chief accountant, then write the goal: obtaining the position of chief accountant.

The objective in the resume must correspond to the vacancy

If a company is looking for a chef, then there is no need to send a resume with the goal of getting the position of a waiter or sales manager. The chance that the document will be of interest to the employer is minimal. Often, an organization recruits people for different vacancies that are similar to each other. For example, a company may be looking for a human resources manager, a sales manager, and an account manager at the same time. It would be a mistake to send a resume with the aim of obtaining a managerial position. It is better to respond to each specific vacancy by indicating that you want to become a sales, human resources and customer service manager.

How to write a resume for several vacancies

Above we described somebut we considered the option of a person applying for a specific position. What to do if one company offers a dozen similar vacancies or you are considering options from various companies? In this case, formulate the goal as “replacement vacant position” will not be entirely correct. The following types of formulations are also considered incorrect:

  1. I want to get a position at a large industrial plant.
  2. I would like to develop my skills as a leader or organizer.
  3. Use creative or scientific potential that was not discovered in your previous job.
  4. I would like to improve my level of well-being or get a well-paid position.
  5. Get a job in a promising company to demonstrate your talents.

You can set similar goals for yourself, but you obviously shouldn’t write them down in your resume. Firstly, you are showing that you are looking for a position solely for yourself, that is, you want to receive something from the company, not give it. Secondly, you do not indicate a specific position. Imagine that a company has submitted vacancies for 20 positions, and she received your resume with the goal: you want to get a job in a promising company. The HR department will not understand where exactly you want to go and will simply put your document aside. If you are applying for several vacancies, then change your template for each specific one..

Errors in compilation

We have already discussed above, what purpose should you include in your resume? if you want to interest a potential employer. Now let's look at exactly what mistakes people make when filling out a document. These errors are of the same type, and an experienced HR employee immediately understands what kind of person wrote the paper and what to expect from him. Let's look at the typical mistakes of job seekers:

  1. Compilation universal resume, in which there is no specificity, and the description of life activities has little correlation with the company’s profile. This typical mistake those who send out their offer en masse, without bothering to read the information about the vacancy, about the company, etc. Accordingly, the HR department understands that the value of such an employee is not very high and he is looking for everything in a row just to get a job and a salary.
  2. There is no need to describe your prospects and your vision of working in the company. This is too arrogant, because you may simply not be hired, you may not fit into the team or you may not be able to cope with labor responsibilities. It’s better not to mention this, but discuss this stage at the interview or after you have worked for some time. The personnel officer has the task of filling an existing vacancy, and if you want to go further, he will again need to look for people, so he can weed you out.
  3. Try to write briefly and clearly, without smearing data or getting distracted by general phrases. Specifically: where you studied, what courses you completed, where you worked, in what positions, what you want to become. Confident man A person who can express his thoughts is preferred by managers.
  4. There is no need to enter into the document your wishes regarding the size of your salary, additional benefits and preferences. You can discuss this in the interview, but telling HR about it is completely unnecessary.

Be sure to check your resume for errors before submitting.


When submitting a review for a vacancy, you need to understand that there is no universal way to be guaranteed to successfully pass HR and get an interview. Each vacancy is individual and each personnel officer pursues his own goals when recruiting. Therefore, be sure to indicate the correct goal in a resume when applying for a job (examples we have given above). Where you submit your document also plays a role. If directly to the employer, then it is drawn up according to the principles given in our article. If you are simply posting information about yourself as an employee, then you can get by general information, indicating what kind of work and what areas you are interested in.

If a company has several vacancies for which you are applying, you can specify several goals at once. For example, filling a vacant position as a civil engineer, safety engineer, or capital construction engineer. At the same time, HR will understand that you can work in all these areas and will invite you for an interview to decide where it is best to hire you. But you need to understand that you cannot apply for positions that are not related to each other. For example, you cannot apply for a vacancy for a civil engineer and a system administrator, since although these are technical specialties, they are quite unrelated to each other.

After the document is completed, re-read it carefully a couple of times and check for errors. A mistake in a word can say a lot about a person and turn a HR employee away from him. Also pay attention to your style of expressing thoughts, the conciseness of information and the way it is conveyed. Is your main task to show HR? that you are a positive person who is suitable for the available vacancy.

Writing a resume begins with identifying a position or company to hire. Next, you need to formulate a goal and write it correctly in the column. Today we will look at the main types, look at examples and learn how to correctly indicate goals in a resume.

The questionnaire should tell the employer about your professional plans and expectations for the job. As a rule, the goal is indicated in the “Desired position” column and duplicated in cover letter, but in the English-language and targeted resume, a whole section is highlighted.

Varieties and goal setting

At each stage of candidate selection, the employer tries to find out whether your plans for the future coincide with the company’s intentions. Therefore, the goal is mentioned in the resume, cover letter, and the question is asked again during the interview.

To formulate the right goal– you need to build a relationship between life and personality.

Personal goals

This is the result of doing work that only benefits you: monetary reward, career growth, acquisition of new skills, etc. People always want to benefit from professional activities, but are rarely ready to admit it - a person is embarrassed to openly declare that in his work he is only interested in the salary.

But without mutually beneficial cooperation, reliable business relations– illusion. Do you want to receive perfect job– learn to listen to yourself and openly declare your intentions.

To formulate it correctly, honestly answer three questions:

  1. What personal problem will I solve if I take this position? (besides salary)
  2. What result do I want in the end?
  3. What actions do you need to take to achieve your goal?

Example:(1) I will gain management experience, improve my qualifications, get acquainted with the right people. (2) I will be able to apply for a better salary and position, and receive a certificate. (3) Complete an internship, conclude 100 contracts, get a promotion from your superiors, ask.

If you delve into yourself and find the relationship between the individual and the field of activity, then work will bring pleasure and arouse the genuine interest of business partners.

Tell your employer about your personal goals if they are directly related to future work and can pique the boss’s interest.

Professional goals

If the goal reveals the content of the work and says what kind of help you can turn to, what results you will show in the course of performing your duties, it is professional.

True goals reflect and are always focused on other people. They indicate work that you are able to do for a long time and with high quality. Such motives have individual and social significance and lead to professional development and public recognition.

Clear professional intent defines four questions:

  1. What people's problems am I best at solving?
  2. What resources do I use to solve problems?
  3. What benefits do people get after working with me?
  4. Who are these people who need my help?

Example:(1) Legal and financial support of transactions. (2) Concluding fair and competent contracts, knowledge and control of the contractor’s obligations. (3) Successful and profitable purchases, saved time and money. (4) Investors, real estate buyers, clients of real estate agencies.

Life goals

They have a conditional but key connection with labor activity and are intended to be achieved over a long period of time (5, 10, 20 years). As a rule, they are related to development, travel, health or hobbies.

The purpose of life has a very deep meaning, it can grow and be completed. As if climbing a ladder, you must conquer new heights and improve, and work is a means of achieving it and self-realization.

Two main questions that will determine the meaning of your actions:

  1. What do I want to try and experience in my life?
  2. What will remain after me, what legacy?

Example:(1) Visit the North Pole, jump with a parachute, get a tattoo... (the list should be long). (2) Apartment and starting capital for children, established business, published book.

Results can only be achieved through mutually beneficial cooperation: with the help of those who need your knowledge and those you need. Know how to thank and care for people who help you achieve your goals.

How to correctly write an objective on a resume

It is believed that you can fill out the column with one word - name the position that is preferable to others. But you can’t avoid a detailed answer if you expect serious work.

Step #1: Purpose of job search

The first thing that interests the boss and the main component of this section is the indication of the position for which you are applying. It should be specific, without unnecessary adjectives (creative, interesting, promising) and immediately give an idea of ​​the vacancy.

Deputy Director of Production…

Step #2: Purpose of compiling and submitting a resume

The second component defines the company and - the employer must recognize his company in the description. Proper self-presentation assumes that you are familiar with the industry, have experience and the necessary skills for the job.

Deputy production director at an oil and gas company (gas production)…

Step #3: Career Goal

The third component talks about aspirations, wishes, skills or experience. Information can be reflected in the cover letter, it is not required in the column. This approach creates the image of a true professional, a purposeful person who knows his business.

Deputy director of production in an oil and gas company (gas production). Increasing the efficiency of gas production at the stage of field development, gaining experience in management and personnel organization.

What purpose should you include in your resume?

The graph should demonstrate your competence, ambition and desire to work, and the ability to clearly present information allows you to quickly receive great deals at work. An expert can always be recognized by the quality of the formulation of his goals.

To achieve results, cross out all vague phrases from your resume (to be useful, a promising job, the best specialist, decent income and similar) and do not send the same application for every vacancy you see. Each position has a unique goal!

If there is no specific position

When the main interest is, the question arises: how much and for what kind of work should you be paid? To determine the amount of money, understand your life goals, and the area of ​​work - personal and professional.

Step-by-step employment plan:

  1. Use job search sites to find companies in your city with openings.
  2. Filter offers according to convenient parameters: schedule, payment, industry.
  3. Save a selection of your favorite posts to bookmarks or a text document.
  4. For each vacant position, compile and send it to the company’s email and through the portal.
  5. Show interest - call the company and inquire about an interview.

Examples of good work goals

The full statement contains information about the results of future work, based on the past and skills (with deadlines, numbers and ways to achieve the goal).

Each applicant has different deadlines and methods; only an abbreviated version is indicated in the resume. But at an interview or personal meeting with your boss, specific plans will make an impression and create a desire to work together.

Below are abbreviated examples, just for writing in a column:

Do you take the time to carefully study the graph?


  • Design engineer in production (in the technical field) with the functions of a representative. Development and promotion of new types of goods.
  • Legal assistant. Acting as a client's attorney in drawing up contracts and supporting real estate purchase and sale transactions.
  • Chief Sales Manager. Expansion of the network of dealer centers, development and provision of a sales plan for dealers.
  • Sales consultant household appliances and electronics. High-quality consultations taking into account the client’s wishes and purchase support.
  • Chief manager of the company (welding equipment sector). Organization of European-level production with the introduction of new technologies.
  • Economist, financier, accountant in an audit company (taxation).

Conclusion: 6 main conclusions

  1. Create a separate resume for each vacancy. Writing multiple goals reduces your chances of getting hired.
  2. Get rid of vague phrases and difficult-to-understand expressions. They do not carry any semantic load, but they complicate the reading of the resume.
  3. Refuse to exaggerate your desires. Achievable intentions and the ability to explain them will add advantages at an interview.
  4. Remove the meaningless introduction in the column (get a job, fill a vacancy, etc.).
  5. When specifying several goals, choose vacancies that are similar in type of activity (salesperson, sales manager, sales representative).
  6. If you can’t formulate a good goal, write only your desired position and area of ​​work. But if there is a lot of competition, the application may not pass the selection.

I hope you were able to compose good resume, I advise you to check it on

In the event that there is a need to search first or new job, The first thing you need to start with is this. As many people know, it indicates the basic personal data, work experience, key skills, and education that the candidate has. We must not forget that one of the most important points is the “goal in” column, and it should not be neglected.

To find the right job, you should know what you want.

Common Mistakes

1. One of the most common mistakes is the desire of the applicant to “cover the vast”, to capture as many employers as possible with one resume, thereby indicating that he would like to work as a driver, a cook in a hot shop, a restaurant administrator, an accountant, etc. d.

Perhaps the candidate actually has many talents, versatility with a variety of work experience and skills, but for the recruiter, as in the case of not specifying the objective at all in the resume, it is very difficult to understand what the applicant is looking for. On the other hand, no one will take a long time to understand such a resume; it will be rejected.

Exceptions to the rules - general goals can be written like this:

  • Work in a catering company;
  • Realize your skills, performance, organizational skills, creativity in a design firm;
  • Get seasonal work in greenhouses in Europe without knowing the language;
  • Applying for a job in the IT field for an internship opportunity, demonstrating your skills and abilities acquired in courses.

This writing practice is not recommended and is used in extreme cases. The employer should not and will not think or decide for you what position you want or want. So, it is recommended to still think and decide. It would be more profitable and correct to write a separate resume for each vacancy.

2. Some applicants get inspired, and in the end, the purpose of the resume turns out to be a whole story. It is also not entirely good to show open flattery.

3. The following options will be meaningless:

  • I’m looking for a well-paid job in the trade sector (you shouldn’t focus on finance in the first sentence. It’s unlikely that the employer will like it);
  • I want to be the head of a successful company;
  • Get a job as a cleaner in order to repay the loan;
  • I want to get a job with a high salary and a flexible schedule;
  • I'm looking for a job as a secretary in a good team with a nice boss;
  • I want to work with people because that's what I do best.

Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what.

Russian folk tale

What to write in your resume objectives?

Your goal in the resume should be specific, i.e.: position (salesperson, consultant, accountant, dancer), a department or functional area (sales, analytics) and the field of activity of the enterprise (furniture production, paperwork) can also be indicated.

“Resume Objective”, example:

  • Meeting and placing guests in the hall, creating a cozy atmosphere in the position of “hostess” in a restaurant;
  • Cargo escort, work with documents for the position of forwarder;
  • Applying for the position of receptionist at a hotel reception;
  • Applying for a position as a hairdresser in a beauty salon;
  • Applying for the position of a cook for the position of preparing cold dishes and appetizers in an Italian restaurant;
  • Development and implementation of observations in the field of marketing as a marketing analyst;
  • I am applying for the position of industrial equipment sales manager;
  • Find a job as a passenger and baggage check-in agent at Vnukovo airport;
  • Find a job as a merchandiser in a hypermarket;
  • Work as deputy head of the sales department in a trading company;
  • Jobs as a truck driver in construction company. Desired salary level: RUB 50,000;
  • Take a position as a manicurist in a beauty salon;
  • Work as a sales consultant in a shopping center;
  • Work for the position of context manager in an online electronics store. Desired salary level 45,000 rub.

As you noticed, in this column of the resume it is appropriate to indicate the salary level (it is advisable not to write it, but to address this issue at the interview).


In conclusion, we conclude that the goal in the resume is the first link in the chain; it should interest the employer, be accurate (without vague general phrases), concise, and competent. This section should take no more than 1-3 lines.

In the “Purpose” section of the resume, the applicant indicates one position or several (close in functionality) for which he is applying. If the desired vacancies are of different directions, for example, sales manager, driver, economist, then it is better to create separate resumes for each position. In this block you can also indicate the desired salary level.

What purpose should you include in your resume?

The purpose of the resume should be stated clearly and concisely. This section should take no more than two or three lines.

In the “Goal” section of the resume, there is no need to place vague general phrases, for example, such as: “Obtaining an interesting high paying job in a stable large company with the prospect of professional and career growth”, “Searching for a promising job with the possibility of further growth and advancement”, etc.

Examples of objectives in a resume

The purpose of a resume can be formulated as follows:

  • Applying for a position financial analyst in a trading company.
  • Employment for an accountant position. Desired salary level - from 9000 rubles.
  • Analysis financial activities companies, financial planning and forecasting for financial analyst positions.
  • Getting a position commercial director in a manufacturing company.
  • Getting a job as a HR manager, putting your professional experience and knowledge into practice.

The objective of a resume is an important section that can interest a hiring manager. To increase your chances of receiving an invitation to an interview, treat its preparation with full responsibility and seriousness.