Accounting and taxes

2.1 Characteristics of professions of the “human artistic image” type and requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist Of course, above were given very general characteristics of a person as a subject of activity in different types

professions. To understand the specifics of professions of this type, I believe it is necessary to consider some of the most common professions, an analysis of the requirements that are imposed on the personality of a specialist mastering the profession of “person - artistic image”, everything that is typical, as a rule, does not completely coincide with an individual specific case , and in some part it may contradict it. Artist - constructor (designer). The main task

The designer's goal is to satisfy the needs of a person (customer) in harmony with the objective environment through the design of the aesthetic properties of industrial products.

Required qualities: analysis and synthesis, spatial thinking and design abilities, creativity, artistic abilities (composition, harmony, proportions, sense of color), communication and verbal abilities, flexibility of thinking, independence, responsibility, realism, resourcefulness.

The creative process of an artist-designer begins with thinking possible options future product. It is important to collect information about existing similar products and critically examine and discuss them. A worker with a broad outlook will successfully solve the problem. Good specialist always concerned with collecting data in his field. Therefore, he turns out to be ready to solve an unexpectedly posed task.

The designer must be able to take into account economic and technological considerations. For example, the original shape of a product conceived by a designer may turn out to be unprofitable from the point of view of an economist or difficult to implement from the point of view of a technologist.

A person who devotes himself to the service of technical aesthetics must be interested in the fine arts and be an artist himself. He also needs to know technology, natural and social sciences, draw well, and have skillful hands. He must navigate the cultural heritage of his own and other peoples. Not every artistically and technically trained person will successfully cope with his responsibilities as a designer, but only those who relate to the world of things as a transformer.

Painter (porcelain painting). There are several methods of painting porcelain, one of which is hand painting.

The artist must find particularly subtle and delicate relationships of color with white in the applied paints and the same transitions of tone from one color to another. In addition, the master must constantly keep the intended color composition in his mind, because it is finally formed only after firing porcelain (faience) under glaze in a kiln. He must be able, when applying a color, to see another in it - and this in all the compositional complexity of the plot being performed. Painting with created gold did not cause any difficulties in itself, but it required finding the correct ratio of gold and paints on porcelain

Drawings can be complex and varied: these are landscapes, plots, literary portraits, characters, fairy-tale images, stylized images of the plant and artistic world, and ornaments.

The master painter is fluent in the techniques of painting and graphic work, methods of copying drawings at various scales, techniques of engraving on gold and silver, and techniques for independently developing the details of drawings.

Before starting work, the painter must imagine the drawing in his mind, mentally break it down into parts, and outline the sequence of coloring its parts. And while performing each operation, he sees the drawing ready in his imagination.

The artist is an illustrator. Contents of the activity: the illustrator’s task is to adequately and colorfully express the author’s thoughts literary work, articles in the media with vivid artistic images. The type of work depends on the order: it can illustrate books, magazines, newspapers, etc.

Must know: painting, drawing, graphics, art theory, literary creativity, special artistic disciplines, techniques and technologies, etc.

Must be able to: Choose the appropriate drawing technique (from a simple pencil to computer graphics). Plan your work. Use complex techniques: aquatin, etching..., computer programs(for example, to develop a layout for a future work). In a short time, complete the necessary sketches in several versions. Present sketches and finished work, "portfolio". Express the uniqueness of your style. Work in a team of artists. Must have: your own distinct author’s style (if individual work). Dominant interests: Fine arts, literature Related: Entrepreneurial activity. Advertising. Photo

Necessary qualities that ensure success in the profession: Imaginative thinking. Fantasy. High level of development of general abilities (analysis, synthesis, logic, verbal abilities, verbal and logical thinking). Observation. Developed imagination. The ability to express your mental images in a drawing. Color sensitivity. High level of special artistic abilities. Determination. Responsibility. Organizational skills. Good coordination, fine motor skills of fingers. Medical restrictions: Allergy to work materials, book dust

Retoucher. Illustrations printed in the book almost always have a loss in quality compared to the original. The task of the team working on the printing reproduction of the original is to make these losses minimal.

The task of the retoucher is to ensure that, in the end, it can be created printed form. The print (imprint) from it, of course, will differ from the original, but for human vision this difference will be acceptable.

There are two types of retouching: technical (correction) and artistic. Technical retouching consists of removing scratches, dark or light spots or dots, coarse grain, etc. from the publishing original (the material from which the printing form will be made).

The role of artistic retouching is much broader. With its help, the plot and graphic elements of the illustration are emphasized. Their shapes and spatial relationships are clarified, and shortcomings in the gradation of tones and colors are eliminated. Such work is accessible only to those who are fluent in drawing, have a good feel for the tonal relationships of colors and know how to use them.

All operations that a retoucher has to perform require active mental activity and good memory. He must remember and take into account various factors, on which the choice of technique and retouching method depends, compare them, analyze and make the necessary decisions. The specificity of his work is that the retoucher must constantly keep in mind the visual image that he seeks to embody.

The process of reproduction (typographic reproduction) of images is based on a deep understanding of the original. The retoucher perceives in the original what is sometimes hidden to the average viewer. To do this, he must have observation skills. For a deep aesthetic appreciation of a work, he also needs a developed sense of color and form.

The work of a retoucher is associated with great mental stress: throughout the working day, he has to analyze complex works of art and solve various spatial and color problems. Creative imagination and great aesthetic taste must be accompanied by such qualities as accuracy, patience, and perseverance.

Restoration artist. Paintings are most often subject to the destructive effects of time. The paints on the paintings separate from the ground with which the canvas or wood is covered, and the strokes applied repeatedly become stratified. Art restorers can save works of art.

A special commission consisting of art historians, art curators and restorers carefully examines the painting, identifies all defects and establishes the reasons for their occurrence. Based on this analysis, experts assess the possibility of restoring the artistic features of the work, determine the necessary working methods, as well as materials.

The restorer studies the peculiarities of the painting. The methods of writing, the materials used, the thickness of the paint layer, the author’s individual stroke style, the quality of texture processing, etc. This allows him to determine the objectives of his work. Comprehensive erudition, good memory, and experience from previous work contribute to the success of his business.

Must be able to work step by step, patiently work out all the details, be able to subordinate his creative imagination the intention of the author who created the picture. Any deviation from the original artistic idea is a distortion of art. Must know all the intricacies of working with the material.

Art historian. The work of art critics, and even more so historians, is less obvious to the general public, but very important.

Specialists work in organizations where works of this type of art are presented or studied. These are workers of museums and publishing organizations. These specialists also work in research institutes, studying the history of fine arts and design, as well as in art galleries and various exhibition organizations. Art historians also teach. The subject “History of Art” is included in the plans of many educational institutions.

Museum workers prepare, in particular, scientific catalogues. This requires painstaking work and familiarity with many sources. Specialists working in museums, as a rule, participate in a variety of research events, conferences, and interviews.

In general, their activities can be divided into work with the art monument itself and work at a desk, in a storage room, or in a library.

In order to work successfully in this field, you must have some specific abilities. This is, as professionals say, “the eye”, artistic taste.

You must be able to deeply perceive and understand works of fine art. This talent can be developed through the process of learning.

Theater artist. The definition of “scenography” in the domestic theater took root not so long ago. Much closer to the viewer is the ancient concept of “theater artist” or, as is usually written on the poster, “production designer”. The result of the work of the production designer of the play, in fact, is everything that appears before the viewer's gaze on stage - from fortress walls, thunderclouds or a raging ocean to the heels of shoes, daggers or handkerchiefs.

A set designer is a theater designer who translates the production designer's original vision from (flat) sketches to (three-dimensional) scenery.

There is a theatrical expression: “The artist is responsible for beauty.” This “beauty” consists of: costumes, scenery, furniture, props, lighting, costumes, makeup, and so on. Each side of the overall business corresponds to separate specialties: costume designer, lighting designer. But the creative leader of the group traditionally remains the set designer.

Personal qualities: love of theater, spatial thinking, artistic taste, good memory, accuracy

In real production conditions, the production designer's plan is embodied by a production artist. In a modern theater it is difficult to separate the artistic and technological components of set design. The nature of the transformation of scenography, the possibilities of its lighting development, the texture of the material used - all this influences the style and image of the performance. Nowadays it is not a problem to find a good designer who could calculate the truss or select the required section of the beam. What remains in short supply is a specialist capable of “reading” the artist’s and director’s intentions, offering an ingenious technical solution and at the same time preserving that very individual artistic statement.

Jeweler. Manufactures artistic products (jewelry, household items, religious objects, weapons) mainly from precious metals, as well as some non-ferrous metals in combination with precious and ornamental stones, amber, mother-of-pearl, bone according to the drawings, drawings and models of the artist and developer.

A jeweler must know the technical and artistic requirements for products, the properties of precious and semi-precious metals and their alloys, the properties of precious and semi-precious stones and other materials (amber, mother-of-pearl, bone, enamel) used in the manufacture of jewelry, and the rules for reading drawings. He should be familiar various ways production of blanks and parts from ingots, types of ornaments and their implementation. He must be able to make jewelry tools himself.

Working conditions: high visual load. A static asymmetrical working posture is characteristic.

Necessary qualities: good eye, developed color perception, good coordination and developed fine motor skills, ability to concentrate, accuracy, perseverance, patience, artistic taste. Obvious cardiovascular diseases, scoliosis, and increased nervous excitability can prevent one from becoming a jeweler.

Related professions. When creation jewelry goes beyond simple execution finished sample, drawing or sketch, but is invented by the author in order to convey some artistic concept, or an original work is created for a specific customer - we are talking about the profession of jewelry designer.

Fashion designer (artist-fashion designer and fashion designer). The fashion designer develops new types of clothing taking into account consumer demand and production capabilities, and also creates clothing collections for display in various fashion shows.

A fashion designer's activities include creating a new clothing concept in the form of sketches, searching for a design solution for a planned model, developing samples of new models, preparing samples for industrial production, organization of fashion shows.

Required qualities: artistic abilities; developed imaginative thinking, design abilities, developed sense of color, good eye, creativity, organizational skills, "innovation".

To participate in elite shows, according to the haute couture rules, you need to present from 4 to 60 ensembles, and any product must be 50-80% made by hand. One dress takes at least a month to sew, and especially complex ones can take up to six months... Only fans survive who cannot imagine themselves outside the profession, ready to develop new ideas, not afraid of bold experiments and long, sleepless nights spent at work.

Confectioner. Trains confectionery in confectionery factories and in specialized workshops of bakeries. Prepares different kinds dough, fillings, creams according to a given recipe. Bakes and decorates products. Checks weight finished products. Uses hand tools, mechanical and electromechanical equipment.

The activity requires fine taste and olfactory sensitivity, fine color discrimination, and good hand-eye coordination (at the level of hand movements).

Work is not recommended for people who have allergic reactions to food products and diseases: respiratory organs (bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia, etc.); cardiovascular system (hypertension, heart failure, etc.); kidneys and urinary tract (nephritis, renal failure, etc.); musculoskeletal system, limiting hand mobility; nervous system (meningitis, myelitis, etc.); organs of vision (significant decrease in visual acuity and color discrimination); skin localized on the hands (dermatitis, eczema, etc.).

The confectioner must know the range of products, recipes and modes of their preparation, types of raw materials and methods of their processing, methods of finishing and decorating confectionery products

So, it is worth remembering that a pastry chef works while standing, carrying heavy objects (up to 40-50 kg), and tensing the muscles of the arms and legs. Sometimes the working conditions are not entirely favorable: the room may be heat, increased humidity and air pollution, drafts and industrial noise. There is also a certain danger of injury and burns, so you must carefully follow safety precautions.

Necessary qualities: developed sense of smell, taste, touch, color sensitivity, temperature sense, observation, concentration, coordination of movements, sufficient physical strength, accuracy, neatness.

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When we talk about a profession as a community, we are not talking about an organization, but about a mentally imagined group of people with similar orientation and experience. Not only currently living “doers” are “assigned” to this community, but also famous workers of the past who made a noticeable, well-known contribution to this or that matter. It's more likely social group, in relation to which the individual feels that he belongs, with which he identifies himself, and not the organization itself.

The main psychological issues in connection with the understanding of a profession as a community concern, firstly, those who are already included in this community. These are beginners, developing, involuting “skiing” professionals. Secondly, these questions concern those who propose or intend to join this community (those who dream of choosing a profession, who are concerned about choosing one, who are in the situation of choosing an optant).

It would be reckless to think that the profession as a community is emerging purely spontaneously due to the free and uncontrollable influx of interested people.

The factor of spontaneity in the above sense, however, does exist. But there are bound to be intelligent people and groups who begin to understand the importance of some personnel policy. They implement one or another strategy in this matter, fight against the “clogging” of the professional community with unsuitable people, establish more or less strict personnel selection, attract capable forces from related areas etc. This is especially important when, for some reason, the profession becomes prestigious and attractive to many, including people who are clearly undesirable for business reasons.

Of course, in the real activities of people, these systems can interpenetrate in certain zones, forming some kind of subject mixes (mixings). For example, a restoration artist must understand not only the artistic styles of the old masters, but also solvents, adhesives, textile fibers (canvases are products of weavers), putties, etc. Accordingly, one should be interested in all of this

Each person is characterized by a more or less clearly expressed preference for types of activities corresponding to the subject of labor that is closer to him. This occurs due to the predominance of certain interests and personal characteristics. Some people like to work with technology, and this comes easily to them, while others, on the contrary, feel horror from just the type of household appliances, but their strong point is communication.

Specifics of the profession “person - artistic image”

To talk about the professional type “person is an artistic image,” we will highlight the main features of the psychological characteristics inherent in professionals in this profession.

About representatives of professions like “person - artistic image”:

In professions of this type, the world is seen by the worker and excites him, first of all, as a certain given in which one can find and highlight the beautiful, the wonderful, and as an area that can be transformed and bring into it beauty, convenience, a form of some kind of content that excites a person . Natural conditions(for example, the topography of the Earth's surface, the sides of the horizon, prevailing winds, average monthly temperatures, etc.) is something that must be taken into account when designing buildings and structures. For representatives of professions of this type, nature is a source of not only impressions, but also, for example, dyes, as well as some troubles (there are no eternal artistic materials in nature; time and microbes turn canvases to dust).

Professionals identify and hold in consciousness integrity, for example, of this kind: art styles, harmony of color scheme (paintings, architectural project, decorated window display, theatrical decoration), a sense of beauty given to people, stage speech, faith in what is happening on stage, performing concept, musical design of a theatrical performance, etc.

Civilization, culture, and the history of mankind are conceived here as many artistic achievements, often quite specific (in the sense of authorship, time, place) examples of dyed fabrics found in the Egyptian pyramids; etchings by Goya that amazed his contemporaries; frescoes by Michelangelo, amazing in their beauty and strength of spirit, famous all over the world, etc. International relationships as such are not emphasized: the world of people, countries, peoples appears in broad comparative excursions as devoid of political, state, and time boundaries invented by people: artistic acts of antiquity, and the achievements of modern artists, and masterpieces of ancient Russian icon painting can be compared in one row; mysterious temples of Egypt and Gothic buildings of the Middle Ages.

Typical examples of professional units of analysis of consciousness and psyche of this type: sketch, idea, visible image, form; covers, layers, missing details (in an old painting); chains of icons, inscriptions; exposition, author's text; tempo, dynamics, rhythm, nature of the created image, etc.

Representatives of professions such as “person - artistic image” are able to embody an idea or a certain mood in a specific, directly perceived holistic image, as well as evaluate and analyze this embodiment. This could be, for example, batik (silk painting) made according to the artist’s sketch. These may be restored (restored) details of the image on the canvas of an ancient master, which have disappeared by our time.

In order for the tasks of the type indicated above to be solved, subtle, painstaking work is required both on the subject of work and on oneself. Behind the visible executive-motor components of a professional’s activity are hidden his invisible, but sometimes complex, diverse cognitive actions and personal qualities. The creator of the drawing sees and feels the beauty of the construction of figure and background in their unity. The architect is attentive to natural landscape, takes it into account. And this, of course, is not all in which the cognitive component of the activities of workers in the area under discussion is manifested.

A professional relies on folk experience and cultural heritage. But he needs all this as his own baggage of very diverse knowledge, acquired through considerable effort, both scientific and purely practical. This is a comprehensive knowledge of the subject area (the world of colors, shapes, sounds, subtleties of space organization), and the world of past and modern culture, the life of society.

A fine arts worker requires a developed sense of color, an accurate spatial eye, and vivid images of the imagination. A musician needs vivid auditory perceptions and a subtle discrimination of the quality of sounds. The actor, in order not only to clearly remember, but also to feel which actions in a given role are natural, believable, logical, and which are not, mentally imagines such complex system, as the personality of the portrayed hero.

As a rule, a non-standard mind is required, the ability to see events unbiasedly; thinking that is not limited by those frameworks and patterns that could be learned during training is important.

A developed aesthetic sense is required. It is important not just to understand, not to “calculate”, but to directly feel the beauty and uniqueness of a life event, a work of art; not only know, but also feel the compositional principles in their field ( art, sculpture, architecture, music, dramatic art).

What is important is artistic tact and respect for the completed work of art. The best representatives of professions of this type are characterized by a clear consciousness of responsibility for the formation of the spiritual image of the consumer of artistic products. An employee in this field must take care of his professional development, not fall into pride and be able to subordinate the author’s ambitions socially meaningful goals. Persistence and self-discipline are important signs of a professional in this field.

People often talk about the artist's self-expression. However, self-expression is characteristic of any active human being: as soon as he feels his speech organs, the baby begins to “walk”, “babble”, and then speak out, creating, in particular, new words and trains of thought. A preschooler clearly expresses himself in play, a teenager in relationships with others, etc. So one should not assume that self-expression is an indispensable sign of an artistic mentality.

There are many ways to excel, and some of them require great job over themselves and great self-discipline, self-criticism, good adherence to the idea of ​​​​serving society, and some are just an unbridled hysterical demonstration of themselves to others on the assumption that these others are simply doomed to listen to some unusual person.

Self-expression for a high professional is not a goal, but an inevitable by-product of selfless dedication and service to social ideals. The feeling of beauty given to people supports the master’s exacting attitude to each of his actions.

The peculiarities of creativity (creativity) of representatives of the type of professions under discussion are that they are innovators at their core; they relate to the world in which they live as transformers: not to preserve or simply multiply the good, but to change. What is unique, one of a kind, unique, and non-standard is especially valued here.

Open-mindedness, uninhibited artistic thought (but not unbridled character, this should not be confused), bold flights of imagination, flexibility in decision-making (the ability to refuse previously decisions made in favor of the best) are very important. But the broad horizons of creativity expand before a person only when, through sometimes difficult efforts, he has perfectly mastered the skills and techniques of painstaking work.

For example, an artist can be original if he has overcome the purely technical difficulties of performing numerous exercises, that is, when he does not have to think about how the material “works.”

The peculiarities of self-regulation of representatives of this type of professions lie in the fact that one must be able to subordinate the author's ambitions to common goals.

For example, an artist - designer industrial products works as part of a development team. It includes specialists of different profiles: economists, design engineers, and, possibly, physiologists and psychologists. It is clear that the position of a capricious child who insists that everyone agrees with him is simply meaningless here. With all the creativity, performance precision and self-discipline are needed (if you can’t do it well, do it the best you can, but on time, etc.). Perseverance, patience, ability to redo things repeatedly important qualities creative worker.

The difficulties of this type of profession often include long-term static loads separate groups muscles, high requirements to the sensory organs and musculoskeletal system. Considerable nervous stress.

One of the features of professions of this type is that a significant portion of the employee’s labor costs remains hidden from an outside observer. Moreover, special efforts are often made to create the effect of lightness and ease of the final effect of work. Thus, an artist’s performance in public can last several minutes. But to implement it, the artist works every day and for many hours to improve and maintain his skill at the required level, strictly follows a special regime, etc. An artist’s masterpiece may leave the impression of ease, a small amount of effort, but behind this there is often a huge amount of work, knowledge, mastery of the material, mastered over years.

The main field of activity of the profession of the “Man is an artistic image” type is art.

This profession is associated with the inventive arts, which involves such specialties as graphic artists, actors and musicians, artists, vocalists, designers, poets, makeup artists and fashion designers.

Such professions are used in the following areas:

  • landscape design, architecture, sculpture, interior and furniture design;
  • music;
  • literature;
  • fine arts, painting, photography; .
  • film industry, television;
  • theater, ballet;
  • beauty and appearance of a person.

A person who decides to choose the profession of “person - artistic image” must, first of all, have innate talent and abilities that need to be developed in the future.

This is imaginative thinking, love of beauty, artistic taste, bright and rich imagination, aesthetic feelings, harmony with the world around us.

In addition to innate abilities and talent, an artist, writer or musician must be persistent, hardworking and have willpower and a great desire to bring joy to people.

The reward of such painstaking and daily work is not only material reward, but will also serve as fame, success and recognition in the future.

the main objective such a profession is the creation of beauty, aesthetics, harmony for the human world around us, the preservation of the cultural heritage of mankind, and a beneficial effect on people through art.

Working conditions for a profession of the “person - artistic image” type are determined by specific tasks: for an artist it is creating an image, acting with the help of materials, nature and people, for a sculptor it is working with natural materials(clay, stone) in the workshop.

The work of a jeweler requires constant visual tension and precision, and a ballet dancer must constantly train for good physical data and conduct work time on stage in front of the audience, the musician plays sound on musical instruments.

In order to obtain the specialty of a decorator, cutter, artist, restorer, actor, designer, it is necessary to obtain knowledge directly from the teacher to the student.

The teacher must be happy and have good practical skills in order to teach his students the secrets of mastery.

Sometimes training in the profession of “person - artistic image” must begin from childhood, these are music and art schools, theater clubs, workshops.

The work of specialists of this type is aimed at artistic objects.

Taking into account the historically isolated types of artistic representation, all professions of the “person – artistic image” type can be divided into subtypes: visual activity, musical activity, literary and artistic activities and acting and stage activities.

But, despite this, all artistic professions are strongly interconnected. They cannot be strictly limited from each other.

If you delve into history, it becomes clear that the first forms of manifestation of art were by no means idle. It was a team effort.

The song was used to set a certain rhythm of work or create the right mood. And dances and drawings served as unique symbols in preparation for a hunt or battle ().

Then this developed into the emergence of professions related to the “person – artistic image” type. Art was directly related to the life and work of society.

These people lived at the expense of those who worked in the material sphere, and in return, specialists in the human-art profession contributed to the common cause, creating aesthetic values.

That is, there is a natural exchange of labor.

One of the features of this type is that the main share of labor and costs for it is always hidden from an outside observer.

Usually only the result is visible.

Moreover, most often, on purpose, the appearance of lightness is created.

Having examined in more detail the professions in the sphere of “person - artistic image,” we can give an example based on the theater.

An artist who performs on stage for only two minutes prepares for this event every day, spending more than one hour on it.

Not to mention the various special modes. Therefore, if you decide to become a specialist in a profession such as a person of artistic image, then take into account this implicit side of work.

It may turn out to be an unaffordable price to pay for success. In order for work in this area to bring satisfaction, it is imperative to cultivate a realistic level of perception.

After all, despite the level, criticism can be different. In the end, everyone has their own taste.

The main thing is that no one has time to praise him ahead of time.

Otherwise, it may negatively affect your career and success.

People who occupy the profession of “person-artistic image” are usually very sensitive to everything. Especially to any manifestation of criticism.

In addition, a person may begin to look for a problem not in himself, but in those around him.

This can lead to mental disorders, which can develop into aggressiveness.

Professions in the field: artistic people are not only creative, but also management and performing professions.

TO leadership professions include advertising manager, producer and director.

And for the performing ones - image maker, art critic, fashion model, hairdresser, tailor, flight attendant, photographer, videographer, fashion model, etc.

All these professions are directly related to work on works of art, with their reproduction and production of various products.

Other professions include the human-artist type.

The subject of labor for representatives of most professions such as “human” sign system" is:

Artistic image, methods of its construction.

Creation, design of works of art (writer, artist, composer, fashion designer, architect, sculptor, journalist, choreographer);

Reproduction, production of various products according to a model (jeweler, restorer, engraver, musician, actor, cabinetmaker);

Reproduction of works of art in mass production (porcelain painter, stone and crystal polisher, painter, printer).

Psychological requirements of the professions “person-artistic image”:

Artistic ability; developed visual perception;

Observation, visual memory; visual-figurative thinking; creative imagination;

Knowledge of the psychological laws of emotional influence on people.

V. "Man-man."

The subject of labor for representatives of most professions of the “person-to-person” type is:

Specialists in this field have to perform the following activities:

Education, training of people (educator, teacher, sports coach);

Medical care (doctor, paramedic, nurse, nanny);

Household services (salesperson, hairdresser, waiter, watchman);

Information services (librarian, tour guide, lecturer);

Protection of society and the state (lawyer, police officer, inspector, military man).

Psychological requirements of human-to-human professions:

The desire to communicate, the ability to easily come into contact with strangers;

Sustained well-being when working with people;

Kindness, responsiveness;


Ability to restrain emotions;

The ability to analyze the behavior of others and one’s own, to understand the intentions and mood of other people, the ability to understand the relationships between people, the ability to resolve disagreements between them, organize their interaction;

The ability to mentally put oneself in the place of another person, the ability to listen, to take into account the opinion of another person;

Ability to master speech, facial expressions, gestures;

Developed speech, the ability to find a common language with different people;

Ability to convince people;

Accuracy, punctuality, composure;

Knowledge of human psychology.

    Questionnaire “Who Am I” ( M. Kuhn and T. McPartland)

Instructions: Within 15 minutes, you must answer the question: “Who am I?”, using 20 words or sentences for this purpose. Do not try to select correct or incorrect, important or unimportant answers. Write them as they come to your mind. There are no right or wrong answers here.

Interpretation of results

1. First of all, look at how many words and sentences you managed to write in 15 minutes. This indicator is called level of self-presentation . - this is the level of presentation, self-presentation. How large quantity words and sentences you managed to write in the allotted time, the higher your level of self-presentation. By the way, did you use all 15 minutes or stopped working somewhere in the middle, deciding that you had already said everything possible about yourself? The latter most often indicates that a person has a limited, rigid range of ideas and he never (though for various reasons) takes the opportunity to look beyond this boundary, to see if there is anything interesting or necessary there (or maybe even that). , and others).

If you have very few answers - no more than 8, this means that you either don’t want to present yourself even to yourself (why? what is so unpleasant or scary that you can hide from yourself? think about it), or - this is more common - you simply don’t think about yourself and use it in Everyday life only some, perhaps the most important, and often the most simple and obvious characteristics. But perhaps this is enough for you?

From 9 to 17 answers- this is an average, moderate level of self-presentation. As with almost any average level, it is difficult to say anything definite here. It seems that a person knows himself, but somehow not very well, maybe he thinks about himself, but somehow not very much.

Those with low and average level self-presentation, think about what prevented you from answering? What were you missing? The ability to make an effort - are you just tired of answering? Couldn't get back to work right away? Or maybe you controlled yourself too tightly, subjected your answers to strict censorship? Or did you not have enough words to express how you feel? Decide for yourself and write down your answer. It is very important because it shows exactly what needs to be worked on.

When the answers 18 or more, this indicates a high level of self-presentation. Usually it testifies that a person looks at himself from different sides, thinks about himself one way or another and, most importantly, is not ashamed of himself. But attention! For those with a high level of self-presentation, see if you have any repetitive responses, such as:

"I like rock music";

“In the evenings I often listen to records of rock musicians”

“My favorite pastime is listening to music,” etc.

Such repeated answers indicate that a person is concerned about one topic, one problem. And this is very important. But to determine the level of self-presentation, the level of how much you know yourself and can talk about yourself, count all these statements as one. (By the way, this is also useful for those with low and average levels.) How much is left? Emphasize and write down this topic that is important to you, even if it now seems strange to you, and not a topic at all (for example, for one young man, the topic turned out to be that he is short). Think about why you are “stuck” on this particular characteristic. What is she talking about? And keep in mind, this is almost never accidental.

Do you have any answers? more22? Have you outsmarted yourself? Maybe you decided that the task was to write as much as possible, and you started writing whatever you wanted, just to get the desired number. Have you fallen into the “Who is bigger” trap? Have you decided that there is a competition here and you must win? Do you always strive only to win? Do you often see a situation of competition where (as, for example, in this case) it was not intended at all? Re-read your answers, how many of them really characterize you, and how many were written by chance, just like that? Think about what you win and what you lose as you strive to guess what is expected of you and achieve first place?

    Analysis of responses in terms of their content.

    Family and interpersonal roles (I am a mother, wife, son, husband, girlfriend, etc.)

    Professional roles (I am a future psychologist, student, entrepreneur, researcher);

    Other social roles, mainly these roles relate to the sphere of leisure (I am a collector, an amateur fisherman, an athlete, a reader, a spectator).

    Feminine characteristics – personality traits, traditionally attributed to the image of a woman (I am caring, sensitive, dependent, gentle, dreamy);

    Masculine characteristics are personality traits stereotypically associated with the image of a man (I am strong, brave, purposeful, independent, independent, aggressive);

    Neutral characteristics, personality traits that are not included in the stereotypical characteristics of masculinity-femininity (I am cheerful, handsome, kind, faithful, neat, hardworking, lazy).

It is separately determined whether a characteristic denoting gender was present in the self-descriptions (I am a man/woman, a boy/girl), and the order of its mention is determined (the first three places indicate the importance of this characteristic in the structure of a person’s self-concept).

After processing the results, students are asked to count the number of characteristics in each of the selected categories and enter the results in the table below.

Tab. 1. Results of processing the “Who Am I” questionnaire

To be a man or a woman means to constantly be in conditions of gender evaluation. We evaluate ourselves and others based on ideas of what men and women should be. The correlation of one’s own ideas with generally accepted ones plays an important role in the psychological well-being of an individual. According to gender stereotypes of masculinity-femininity, men should be competent, dominant, independent, aggressive, self-confident, inclined to think logically, able to manage their feelings, while women should be more passive, dependent, emotional, caring and tender. Compliance with stereotypes about the role assignments of men and women suggests that for women the main social roles are family roles, for men - professional roles. It is customary to evaluate men by their professional success, and women by the presence of a family and children.

A large number of gender-marked self-definitions indicate that gender identity occupies a leading position in the structure of an individual’s self-concept. If among the first three answers there is a self-description indicating gender, and family roles and feminine characteristics in women dominate over professional and masculine ones (vice versa for men), then we can conclude that this person has a gender-typed self-concept.

A gender-typed person is someone whose self-identification and behavior matches what is considered gender-appropriate by society.

If gender is not mentioned at all or is mentioned at the end of the list, and categories such as “other social roles” and “neutral characteristics” have a larger number of mentions than other categories, then we can talk about a non-sex-typed self-concept.

Statements about yourself can include both positive and negative characteristics. Taking into account their relationship, it is possible to determine the emotional-evaluative component of the self-concept. If negative self-descriptions relate to gender-specific characteristics, then it can be assumed that the individual has an intrapersonal gender conflict. The range of interpretations of this questionnaire can be expanded.

    Analyzing the answers in terms of what time they belong to. To the past? Towards the future? To the present? Are they even timeless?

If most of the answers refer to the past, why is this so? Your past seems better to you than your present. Or, on the contrary, there was something in the past that prevents you from living today. Are you still settling scores with him? How long are you going to live like this, sorting through yesterday’s successes like jewelry and struggling with yesterday’s failures? Are you hiding in yesterday from today's tasks and problems? Or do you prefer tomorrow for these purposes and your answers are mainly about what will happen tomorrow.

Are most answers timeless? Do they treat today the same way they treat yesterday and tomorrow? Don't you feel like you are changing, that every day poses new challenges for you? Do you like this feeling of stability, constancy? Or maybe you are simply afraid to change, afraid of the new, unknown that may manifest itself in you? Are you thereby depriving yourself of the chance to acquire some new qualities, views, ideas?

If your answers combine the past, present and future, and there is still more of the present, this is evidence of a full sense of the time of your life.

    Evaluating answers. Review your answers again. «+», Place next to each of them

if you like it about yourself, “-” if you don’t like it, “Oh” if you don’t care, and “?” if you can’t decide whether you like it about yourself or not. Count the number of characters.

Which ones are more - positive or negative? Or maybe mostly zeros or question marks? This is evidence of your attitude towards yourself - whether you accept or reject yourself, love or not, are indifferent or don’t know how you feel about yourself. Of course, in reality, attitude towards oneself is a much more complex formation. We received only the first, roughest guidelines. But they also say a lot.-Attention! A very difficult moment! Answers like “good”, “bad”, “kind”, “evil”, “smart”, “stupid”, “lucky”, “loser” to what extent they are the result of your reflections on yourself, introspection, A

    How much of a sign, a label that you hung on yourself so that no one, and above all you, yourself, would cling to you? Have you built a kind of fortress walls from these tablets, behind which you are going to hide from life and from yourself? This is indeed a very difficult question. Answering it requires serious thought, effort and even, if you like, courage. But if you can answer it honestly for yourself, you will take an important step towards self-development. Choose the answers (it's better to have at least ten) that, from your point of view, are most important to you, and write why you have this or that trait. Where did you get it from? Well, for example, like this: “I’m lazy because I wasn’t taught to work systematically as a child”; or: “I am smart because I try my best to use all my mental abilities”; or thus: “I’m ugly because I was born that way.

My sister got beauty, but they suggest that I use modesty as the best decoration.”

    Divide all answers into four categories:

    depends on me (label them with the letter “I”);

    depends on others (letter “D”) - from whom, by the way?

from chance, fate, maybe even fate (let’s put the letter “R”);

4) does not depend on anything, it just happened that way (letter “N”).

Also mark the answer “I don’t know.” Now count how many answers you have in each category. What we did now is called in psychological literature causal attribution (from lat. - causa reason and attribuo

- I give, I endow). Causal attribution is the “attribution of causes,” the explanation of the reasons and motives for the behavior of other people or (as we do now) one’s own traits, motives, and personal characteristics.

Which answers do you have more: “D” answers or “R” answers? Do you consider yourself a toy in the hands of other people or in the hands of fate? Or maybe you generally think that a person is what life and other people mold from him? But aren’t you thereby giving up on yourself, on feeling like the master of your own “I”?

Mostly the letter "N"? You are again hiding from someone or running away from something, depriving yourself of the chance to analyze and understand something about yourself, about your life, about why you are lucky or unlucky. Why don't you do this? You do not want? Maybe you are afraid that you will become more defenseless and unsure of yourself? But if you behave this way, it may turn out that all your strength will be spent only on what in psychology is called building defenses, and there will simply be neither strength nor time left for real activity, for real life. And in general, why are you so sure that self-analysis will make you defenseless? Or maybe, on the contrary, you will find within yourself such strengths that will convince you that you make your own destiny? In fact, a lot depends on how we look at things, on the attitude with which we approach everything in the world, including ourselves.

So, you have analyzed your answers to the question “Who Am I?” Record the results of your analysis in your notebook. After some time, you will be able to return to these records and see what you were like when you began the work of self-development.

This technique should help you figure out whether you know yourself and what exactly you know about yourself, what you want to know about yourself and what you are hiding from yourself.

What do you think are the most common responses using this technique among people who consider themselves failures? Firstly, this is a significant number of role and formal biographical characteristics; secondly, this is the theme of one’s failure, failure; thirdly, their answers mainly relate to either the past or the future and, finally, fourthly, they have a predominance of negative assessments or “?”, which indicates their dislike of themselves, self-rejection or inability (unwillingness) understand your attitude towards yourself. It turns out interesting with shortcut answers. Most losers do not accept, as psychologists say, this task; they do not want to answer this question and understand it.