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Workers work by profession, not hold positions. Does the employer have the right to impute to the workers the Job Descriptions, and at the same time the Job Duties and Job Responsibilities provided for officials- managers, specialists and employees?

Refinement from February 3, 2013 - 12:32
The fact is that at enterprises with Hazardous Production Facilities supervised by Rostekhnadzor, workers of the main professions (operators technological installations, machinists of pumping and compressor units, repairmen) according to federal law, must annually pass an examination of knowledge of labor protection requirements and production (by profession) instructions in the field industrial safety, which for them is not attestation, unlike officials (managers and specialists), whose knowledge of the rules and regulations on labor protection and industrial safety is included, according to the EKS of the positions of managers, specialists and employees, in their official duties and ignorance, which entails official responsibility - dismissal for non-compliance with clause 3 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At these enterprises, smart management imputed workers to basic professions job descriptions, as for officials, with all the ensuing consequences - official duties and official responsibility, and illegally arrogated to itself the right to dismiss workers for an annual knowledge test, stating that since they have official duties, this is no longer a knowledge test, certification. No combination working profession and the position in my question is out of the question.

Refinement from February 3, 2013 - 16:08
Workers do not undergo annual certification, only once for qualification after vocational training and for the work for which Additional requirements safety (pressure vessels), and annually they are tested for knowledge of labor protection requirements and production (by profession) instructions in the field of industrial safety. Article 81p.3 speaks of attestation, and not of knowledge testing, and here are workers. Rostekhnadzor itself in its response confirmed that this test of knowledge among workers is not attestation, only for engineers it is such, since knowledge of labor protection and industrial safety is part of their job responsibilities. So they charged the workers with job descriptions in order to fire them like engineers, since the workers do not delve into the difference between a profession and a position.

Refinement from February 3, 2013 - 18:15
Look, there are laws, not your thinking about what a worker becomes after he is qualified. He is assigned a profession in accordance with the ETKS of works and professions of workers, and not a specialty in accordance with the EKS of the positions of managers, specialists and employees. These are, among other things, legal acts that indicate what is a position and what is a profession. Following your application to the EKC for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, the specialty of a machinist, apparatchik and locksmith must be present. However, you will not find such specialties in this directory. Vocational training programs are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Rostekhnadzor, we pass qualification-attestation after training at the qualification commission of a licensed educational institution, however, we are assigned a profession and rank, and not a specialty, and we are hired by profession, and not appointed to a position. Think for yourself how an employer can be allowed to fire workers for testing knowledge - this is a great opportunity to manipulate people, violate their rights, even in ensuring safe working conditions. Workers can only be fired for violating labor discipline or according to the results of the certification, the rules for which are prescribed in Decree No. 470/267 of October 5, 1973. Workers go through a completely different procedure, which is called a knowledge test and should not be confused with certification - these are two completely different events.


Good day! Not certainly in that way. In addition to the concepts of "profession", which implies a mandatory vocational training, the concept of "position", which implies the performance of official duties, there is a third, broader concept - "occupation", which implies - any type of activity, including special training but simply making money.

Thus, a situation may arise that one and the same person performs work by profession and at the same time performs official duties. For example, a delivery driver. On the one hand, he is a worker by profession - a driver (drives a car, refuels a car, eliminates minor malfunctions on the line), at the same time he can perform official duties (signing and issuing necessary financial and commercial documents). In such cases, the employer has the right to charge the worker with the performance of official duties.

At present, the Russian Federation is moving to the international practice of the system of recording occupations, based on the requirements of the development of a market economy. Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 298 approved the All-Russian classifier of occupations (OKZ), which was developed in accordance with State program transition. The classification unit of the OKZ is the type labor activity(class). Both the profession of a worker and the position of an employee can be assigned to a certain group of occupations.

Refinement from February 3, 2013 - 03:23 pm
In your clarification, you raise many questions at once: questions labor law, including the legality of dismissal for failure to pass certification, the issue of labor protection and industrial safety. The professions that you named are indicated not only in issue 1 of the ETKS, but also in All-Russian classifier occupations (OKZ) and belong to the basic group 8290. In the explanation of the OKZ to the characteristics of the mentioned professions, it is indicated that the performance of work requires work experience and special knowledge acquired through vocational training on the basis of basic general or secondary (complete) general education. From your words, the production where you work is a dangerous production facility, that is, it requires special knowledge. Accordingly, the procedure for training, briefing and certification of personnel for knowledge of the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation is regulated by both Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the norms of Rostekhnadzor. At the same time, engineers are trained for appointment as responsible engineers, and workers for admission to independent work according to the training programs approved by Rostekhnadzor. These programs should describe your actions and responsibilities to ensure the safety of production. Another issue is that dismissing workers for non-compliance with clause 3 of article 81 of the Labor Code is a very "bold" decision. The lack of qualifications still needs to be proven, following the procedure for agreeing with the trade unions and the competence of the attestation commission.

Refinement from February 3, 2013 - 17:33
The fact that under the dismissal under paragraph 3 of Article 81 of the Labor Code in our difficult market time there is a lot of speculation, we can agree with you. However, in your case it is not just about the workers. Worker, verified knowledge within the framework of the program approved by Rostekhnadzor is not just a worker. The result of the knowledge test is a qualification certificate. From that moment on, he becomes a person with special knowledge and skills, i.e. a specialist (by definition). Qualified and certified are synonyms.

In Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, attestation means a periodic check of the qualifications of an employee.

Order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37 "On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised Federal Service.." two Regulations were approved. The first one concerns the certification of engineers, and the second Regulation on the organization of training and testing the knowledge of workers, according to which you are allowed to work by the Order of the employer.

Refinement from February 3, 2013 - 19:52
You wrote "Workers do not undergo annual certification, only once for qualification after vocational training and for work that has additional safety requirements (pressure vessels)".

You also wrote "Every year, a worker is not required to confirm his qualifications (profession and rank)."

And this is spelled out in the PB Rules 03-576-03, according to which a program has been drawn up, for the knowledge of which you pass a knowledge test:

"clause 7.2.1. Persons who are trained, certified and have a certificate for the right to serve vessels may be admitted to servicing vessels.

clause 7.2.3. Persons who have passed the exams are issued certificates indicating the name, parameters of the working environment of the vessels to which these persons are admitted.

Certificates are signed by the chairman of the commission.

7.2.4. Periodic testing of the knowledge of the personnel servicing the vessels should be carried out at least once every 12 months.

7.2.5. Personnel access to self service vessels is drawn up by an order for the organization or an order for the workshop.

7.2.6. The organization must develop and approve in the prescribed manner instructions for the mode of operation and safe maintenance of vessels. The instruction must be located at the workplace and issued against receipt to the service personnel.

Trying to give an intelligible answer to the question of how a specialty differs from a profession, even adults often come to a standstill, finding only some general concepts with a fuzzy formulation in their memory.

Of course, these terms are also familiar to children and adolescents, because they are part of the lexicon of almost every person. However, in order to use these words correctly and appropriately in speech, one should understand their essence, as well as how the profession differs from the specialty.

What is a profession

Speaking of a profession, people usually mean some kind of occupation or type of labor activity, the implementation of which is impossible without the acquisition of knowledge, qualifications or practical training.

At the same time, you can master a profession by studying at an appropriate institution or as a result of an extensive practical experience. Based on certain similarities in results and knowledge gained or the presence of a common scope, professions are grouped into several categories:

  • Technical.
  • Economic.
  • Pedagogical.
  • Medical.
  • Construction.

To understand the difference between a profession and a specialty and position, it is necessary to define these terms.

Specialty: definition, concept, features

Unlike a profession, a specialty can only be assigned to a person who has completed the necessary training, mastered a legally approved program (skills, abilities, knowledge) and received a document confirming this fact (diploma, certificate). At the same time, the acquired knowledge can relate to several types of professions. Specialty is a narrower concept.

Returning to the above classification, it is possible to explain more illustratively how a specialty differs from a profession. Examples of specialties included in technical professions: engineer, designer, architect, web programmer, auto mechanic and others. Common to them is an in-depth study of physics, mathematics, computer science and other exact sciences. Along with this, an auto mechanic and an architect receive completely different knowledge within their specialties.

A position is a place in a particular company, its structural unit. The position is listed in staffing and intended to replace individual with the right qualifications.

follow the dream

Choosing a profession and specialty, people are guided by a variety of motives. Often, responsibility is placed on young graduates, who must determine the scope of their future work. Here it is important not to be confused by the abundance (or, conversely, scarcity) of options and choose exactly the occupation that will bring joy and satisfaction along with decent pay. Of course, there is a temptation to leave the decision to parents or someone else, but it is unlikely that they will be able to match the preferences of another person with his needs, abilities and potential. Often in such cases, the choice is made for economic reasons.

You can get adequate assistance in career guidance by contacting an appropriate psychologist. Such specialists use various gaming techniques, tests and consultations. Then, analyzing the received data, they issue their recommendations.

Of course, the cost of education and the possibilities of the applicant's family are also an important factor, but it should not be decisive. There are various programs that help you receive discounts on tuition. It is also possible to find a simpler and cheaper educational institution in other cities. Another option for obtaining the desired profession is enrolling in free colleges and technical schools.

So what is the difference between a specialty and a profession?

So, we can conclude that the difference between these concepts is in their scope. Profession is a broader, general term that can cover a certain number of specialties. For example, a doctor is a pediatrician, an endocrinologist, a therapist, and many others.

The main difference between a specialty and a profession is that in order to master the first, training is required, and the received document is valid in a limited area. The second can be acquired as a result of practical training and exercises (builders, sellers, drivers).

The peculiarity of some professions is that for their acquisition it is impossible to do without unique personal qualities and talents: these are, for example, singers, actors, musicians, artists. The best professionals and only those people who follow their calling, sincerely love and delve into what they do, invariably become specialists. Favorite business is the way to financial and personal success!

Choice future profession- a responsible matter, and people have completely different attitudes to this significant event. The difficulty is that many years of study and work will be devoted to this occupation, and the whole responsibility of the choice lies, as a rule, with a teenager.

In order to avoid mistakes and subsequently engage in what will be really interesting, it is worth understanding the basic concepts related to the field of education and work: who is a specialist, how to become one, what opportunities a professional has and how a profession differs from a specialty. and detailed descriptions of terms will help to visually illustrate the material presented.

Definition of profession

This word is called different kinds work activity, which can be characterized by a number of special skills acquired as a result of the educational or work process.

That is, a profession can be obtained by studying in a special course or after perfect and complete mastery of the necessary skills in the workplace.

How is a profession different from a profession? Because the latter is more general concept. The selection of a profession imposes certain responsibilities on school graduates and those who plan to retrain, since this occupation will have to devote at least 40 hours a week. This is extremely much, and the fate of those who do not work according to their calling becomes very tragic, because they betray themselves to some extent.

Optimal results for a long time can only bring favorite work. Suffice it to recall how many hours future radio installers can sit with a soldering iron over microcircuits, or how long a potential psychologist can read the works of famous psychotherapists.

What is the difference between the concepts of "profession" and "specialty"

Having chosen the main profession, you can begin to determine a narrower specialization. Actually, the direction in which a person moves when mastering a profession is what distinguishes a specialty from a profession.

As an example, it can be cited because it includes a lot of specialties:

  • Pediatrics.
  • Dentistry.
  • Urology.
  • Orthopedics and many others.

It's obvious to reap the rewards decision happens only to the person who plans to start training, so it is he who must choose the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis future work activity. Here it is important to understand how a specialty differs from a profession in order to be prepared for the inevitable choice.

In the process of thinking, you should analyze your desires and abilities. This is necessary, because people do best what they have a predisposition to. At the next stage, it is worth asking how much this profession is in demand and popular, this indicator indicates whether society needs specialists in this industry.

It is better to deal with the financial issue in last turn. Even if the cost of studying at the chosen faculty is too high, you can find an alternative in other cities and even countries. Do not change the goal, you need to look for different ways to achieve it.

How are jobs and positions related?

A position is a structural unit in an organization. To achieve admission to the staff and take a position, a person needs to have a suitable education and prove compliance with the requirements that apply to applicants.

It is not enough to be guided by how a specialty differs from a profession. You need to be both a professional and a specialist who can get to work as quickly as possible and bring the greatest benefit to the company.

When to Consider Your Life Path

Today already in kindergarten kids are told how the profession differs from the specialty. By memorizing the types of occupations and areas of work, children can more accurately understand what they would like to do in the future.

Of course, you can change your profession or specialization at any age, but studies show that over the years such changes become more and more difficult.

A qualified psychologist can help you find your calling. With the help of personal communication, consultations, gaming techniques and tests, he reveals the preferences and inclinations of a person. Based on them, the specialist concludes that a person has successfully mastered a particular profession.

So, finding out how a profession differs from a specialty is only the first step on the way to career heights.

We often hear the words "profession", "specialty", "education", but it is so difficult to catch the difference between them! It seems that these concepts have approximately the same meaning. Or are they somehow different? Let's figure it out.


So, let's start, perhaps, with the profession. What it is?

  1. The system of knowledge, skills and abilities that is inherent in a particular individual. Examples of the use of the term in this context: "He received the profession of an engineer", "She has a profession."
  2. professional community. People engaged in a certain type of labor are united by nothing more than a profession. They have similar interests, knowledge and skills.
  3. Kind of activity. In this context, the profession is identified with work.
  4. Necessary for society and rather limited (due to the division of labor) area of ​​application of the physical and spiritual efforts of a person, which allows him to live and develop.


The following term is similar to the previous one and corresponds to different types areas of work within professions. Let's say it's impossible to be a teacher in the general sense. It will definitely be a teacher in a certain discipline: chemistry, physics, literature, history, English language etc. In other professions, in general, the situation is the same: doctor - endocrinologist, anesthesiologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, obstetrician-gynecologist; locksmith - plumber, mechanic, toolmaker. Specialties-professions are approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

When you choose a college or higher education institution, you will certainly come across such concepts as “field of education” and “specialty of education”. We propose to consider each of them.

The specialty of education is the totality of knowledge, skills and abilities of a graduate acquired during his studies in professional higher education programs and providing the opportunity to engage in a certain type of professional activity in accordance with the qualifications obtained.

Is there a fundamental difference between the direction and specialty of education? It should be noted that the direction of education provides a wider scope of professional activity. There are also such concepts as “group of specialties” and “field of knowledge” - this is the division of sciences into certain types (humanitarian, technical, natural, educational, etc.). However, this differentiation is characteristic only for higher education. vocational education.

What is meant by the concept of "qualification in the direction or specialty of education"? The level of preparation for the implementation of a specific type of professional activity in a particular area or specialty. Qualifications are established by the State educational standard higher professional education. The minimum depends on the qualification. wage(in case you will work in a state institution in your specialty).


This term should be understood as a specific set of knowledge, skills and abilities used in a narrow area of ​​professional activity within a particular specialty.

As you know, professions do not stand still - they are constantly changing in connection with the needs of the market, and they do it very rapidly. New ones are created, united, divided, or old ones are completely eliminated. The classifier of specialties reacts to the appearance of changes, but with a certain delay. For example, such specialties as “management” and “marketing” can be found in the classifier, but there has not yet been a place for “web design”, “banking” and “logistics”. Though educational institutions has the right to create specializations, using as a guide not only the classifier. There are such specializations as "industrial psychology", "international journalism". They are indicated in the diploma and allow employers to judge in which area the applicant for the position boasts the widest knowledge. But in the diploma this narrow specialization is not indicated in its entirety - it is simply written "psychology", "journalism". If we talk about professions, then you can often find outdated formulations (“sales agent” instead of “distributor”). It also happens that the profession appeared quite recently, and the term for its indication is still missing (“editor of an online publication”). However, strict tariff scale typical for government agencies. Commercial organizations, as a rule, turn a blind eye to such inconsistencies between education, profession and position. So all this is usually nothing more than a formality.

Let's open up such a thing as "position". This labor tasks(functions and duties) assigned to the employee. A labor post implies the goal, means, working conditions, and in general everything that is characteristic of a certain position in a certain organization.

Second degree

To successfully manage a company, you need to understand many mechanisms. Each manager must have knowledge of civil, labor, economic and administrative law, marketing, economics and even PR. Accordingly, it is desirable for any top manager to reinforce the basic education with a second higher education.

V Lately The lack of specialized and highly specialized knowledge is especially acutely felt by the heads of Russian medical institutions. Unlike in the West, where hospitals and related departments are run by managers, our chief physicians, department heads and health officials are trained exclusively in medical profile. Unfortunately, in our universities, as a rule, there is no opportunity to study the nuances of the application of legal norms in the medical field. For this reason, the most popular current trend became the requirement of a second diploma, economic or legal, in the field of medical care. Otherwise, no way!

To build a career in the banking sector, it is not enough to be a good financier. Competent management of financial flows, wise avoidance of pitfalls in the current economic situation - all this is extremely difficult. This requires deep knowledge legislative framework especially financial law. And if you prefer to work in the department of lending to individuals and legal entities, you will have to draw up contracts and proofread documents. In some cases, it will be necessary to check whether they comply with accepted legal norms, and even monitor the emergence of new laws. And here it is already necessary to compare the newly adopted laws with the existing ones and carry out comparative analysis. Of course, a person who does not have the appropriate knowledge will not be able to understand such issues.

Most authoritative publications like to involve not only writers, but also experts - experts in their field in writing informational articles. Agree, the material presented professional lawyer, an economist or a psychologist, will be much more interesting and useful than an article written by a person who is not particularly versed in a particular field of knowledge. In any case, there is no need to doubt the authenticity of the above. Specialists with several higher education, one of which is a basic profile, for example, journalism, philosophy. And another diploma will allow you to competently cover issues raised in newspapers and magazines.

As you can see, an additional second education is the most effective method raise professional level for any specialist. To date legal education is the most popular second highest. Next comes "accounting and auditing". Next came “management” and “personnel management”. Moreover, they are often chosen by business leaders and top managers with a technical or humanitarian base.