- This is a very common food product in the diet of modern people. In this article I would like to talk about the composition of a chicken egg and its calorie content. We’ll also tell you how homemade eggs differ from store-bought eggs. Let's talk about eating egg shells. Among other things, we will consider the benefits, as well as possible harm, from irrational consumption of chicken eggs.

Different breeds and types of chickens lay different eggs in shape, color, and size. Chickens of egg breeds lay eggs on average every 24-26 hours. Chicken eggs come in white and beige colors (with different shades); these eggs are no different in composition.

A chicken egg is a continuation of the family. It has an oval shape, with a pointed end, as in the photo.

Average weight chicken egg is 60 grams.

Despite their good availability, chicken eggs are considered a truly unique product. This is based on the fact that almost the entire contents of the egg are absorbed by the human body (97-99%).

A chicken egg contains white and yolk. The yolk contains high-quality proteins, but in addition to it there is also cholesterol and various fatty acids. The fats in eggs are polyunsaturated, and therefore are practically harmless. Egg white contains about 90% water and 10% high-quality protein, which includes both non-essential and essential amino acids.

You can eat chicken eggs in different ways: boiled, fried (in scrambled eggs), baked, and also raw (if you are completely sure of the health of the bird).

There are many different myths surrounding chicken eggs about their harmfulness. This is nothing more than a myth. Excessive consumption of yolk is really harmful, as it contains cholesterol.

Calorie content of a chicken egg per 100 grams: 157 kcal, 12 g protein, 10.9 g fat, 0.7 g carbohydrates.

Let's analyze the chicken egg according to its composition.

Chicken egg white serves as a nutrient substrate for the embryo. The chicken feeds on it throughout the entire incubation period.

First of all, chicken egg white is a source of very high-quality protein without cholesterol and fat. 100 grams of egg white contains just over 10 grams of protein. It is in eggs that the rate of protein absorption is the highest, compared to other products: for fish fillet this figure is 76%, and for beef 70-73%.

Chicken egg white is a kind of standard for sources of very high-quality protein.

In addition to protein, protein is rich in vitamins: E, B2, B6, B12.

It is known that protein has a very interesting property - it destroys cholesterol on the walls of your blood vessels. Egg white very well strengthens the walls of blood vessels, as well as the heart.

Chicken yolk contains fat and water soluble vitamins. There are also a lot of minerals: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron.

The yolk also contains lecithin. This substance stimulates brain activity very well and nourishes nerve tissue. It is also simply necessary for excellent liver function. It also improves memory.

The substances that make up the yolk help overcome fatigue. Prevents the development of cancer.

A successful combination of vitamin D and phosphorus will keep your bones and teeth healthy.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, the yolk contains special substances - carotenoid pigments. The most important thing for the body is beta carotene. Carotene prevents many diseases, such as cataracts. The amount of carotene in the yolk can be determined by its color: the richer the color, the more carotenes.

Homemade chicken egg photo

Homemade chicken eggs are very different from store-bought eggs. As a rule, domestic chickens have a rooster and they lay fertilized eggs, and this indirectly affects the increase in carotenes in the yolk. In any case, homemade eggs contain much more carotenes than store-bought eggs, which means their yolk is more saturated in color.

Domestic chickens have a very varied diet: mixed feed, whole grains, herbs, pecking at some pebbles and all sorts of worms when walking. This has a positive effect on the taste of the egg.

Also, chickens on your backyard farm are unlikely to be susceptible to any infections that can be transmitted to humans through eggs, so eating chicken eggs from your backyard, even raw, is quite safe - the risks of contracting any infection (for example, salmonellosis) are negligible.

Homemade chicken eggs are much healthier and tastier than store-bought ones.

The benefits of chicken eggs

The benefits of eating chicken eggs are very high. As mentioned above, a chicken egg is a very good source of protein with good digestibility.

Eating chicken eggs leads to stronger bones and teeth. The functioning of the brain and nerves improves. Eggs protect against the development of cancer. Helps with weight loss and muscle gain.

is a powerful energy product. It should definitely be included in the diet of any athlete.

Speaking about the benefits of chicken eggs, we cannot fail to say that this product is a source of many useful minerals: phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron.

We can talk almost endlessly about the benefits of chicken eggs. This product should definitely be included in your diet, especially if you keep chickens at home and you have no difficulty at all in getting fresh eggs.

Damage to chicken eggs

The whole harm of chicken eggs is that they contain a lot of cholesterol. All cholesterol is contained in the yolk. One egg contains 70% of the daily value of cholesterol. Therefore, you should not eat eggs with yolk more than 3-4 times a week.

However, no one forbade eating eggs without yolk. There is no cholesterol in protein, so you can eat them at least every day, even in several pieces.

Generally, chicken egg It is a very healthy product, so it is advisable to include it in every person’s diet.

Eating chicken egg shells

The shells of chicken eggs contain as many different microelements as in expensive multivitamin complexes sold in pharmacies. Among them: copper, bromine, iodine, manganese, silicon, calcium and so on (27 different trace elements in total). The shell of one egg contains up to 3 grams of pure calcium, which is perfectly absorbed.

It is advisable to consume eggshells twice a year, in courses of 15-20 days. How to prepare the shell for consumption? To do this, separate the shell from the white and yolk, then rinse it thoroughly and let it sit in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then it should be crushed (you can use a coffee grinder) and eat 3 grams per day.

At the end of the article we will provide you with several photos of chicken eggs.

Both homemade and store-bought eggs are a natural product. They differ only in the diet and living conditions of their producers - chickens. But the question of choosing a quality product is always relevant.

Chicken eggs have been part of the human diet for many centuries. This valuable product is rich in amino acids necessary for the body, contains vitamins D, A, E, B, choline, biotin, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and many other useful substances. Eggs are absorbed almost completely by the human body. They have a limited shelf life, which depends on the conditions under which they are stored. It is very important to choose fresh eggs when purchasing.

Of course, homemade eggs and store-bought eggs differ in their taste. The diet of a country chicken is very different from the diet of chickens on poultry farms, which are kept in cages and receive special food aimed at achieving a specific goal: gaining weight or producing eggs.

Eggs from poultry farms are sold in stores; their prices are usually lower than those from home eggs. When buying on the market, it is important to be able to correctly determine what is being offered to buy.

How to determine whether an egg is homemade or store-bought?

The color of the yolk does not always tell you which egg, homemade or from a poultry farm, it depends on the chicken’s diet. Rich yellow-orange yolks are found in farm chickens that eat grain, grass, and worms, as well as in factory-farmed birds that are fed specially formulated feeds with color additives.

The color of the shell also cannot be a selection criterion, it’s just that white laying hens have white eggs, and brown eggs are found in birds with a darker color. Although there are also possible options here.

The best way out of the situation is to find a conscientious housewife who you can trust, and buy eggs only from her. You can tell by appearance whether eggs are homemade or store-bought if you have some experience. Looking at all the eggs offered together, you will notice that homemade ones differ from each other in the shade of the shell: there are brownish, creamy, and slightly coffee-colored ones. In the store, everything is the same - either white or brownish.

But even here you can make a mistake - unscrupulous sellers add cheaper ones from the poultry farm to their goods, and select different colors from different batches.

It is useful to pay attention to the size. Housewives have birds of different ages in their chicken coop; young ones lay smaller eggs. The shape is also different: in some hens they are elongated, in others they are almost round. At poultry farms, in one poultry house, chickens are of the same age; the eggs are calibrated before being sent to the distribution network: special machines sort them by size. The products in the trays are almost the same in color and size.

On eggs in the store you can see markings and various letters. So, in particular, according to their shelf life, eggs are divided into dietary eggs, which are designated by the letter “D,” and table eggs, which are marked by the letter “C.” Dietary foods should be stored for no more than seven days before the day of sale, and table foods – no more than 25 days. But if they are not sold within one week in the store, then it is highly doubtful that anyone will relabel them. Most likely, they will simply be sold later. In order not to buy an expired product, you need to know the criteria.

Are homemade eggs always healthier than store-bought ones?

Chemical analysis shows that eggs from a poultry farm, like homemade ones, are rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins and other useful substances.

Of course, at poultry farms, chickens are kept in cages and not free-range, but, on the other hand, they receive a balanced diet, are kept in strict hygiene conditions, and are vaccinated against salmonellosis and other diseases dangerous to humans.

The benefits of eggs for the human body have been proven more than once by scientists. Indeed, since ancient times, when people began to breed birds, eggs began to appear in the human diet almost every day. That is why now, almost any complex dish includes eggs. After all, they contain vitamins A, D, E, as well as minerals and amino acids.

But nowadays the food market is overcrowded. People don’t have any problems buying groceries, but purchasing quality goods is sometimes very difficult. And therefore, many people are interested in the answer to the question: “Which eggs are better to buy factory or homemade?”

Common Myths

  • The yolk of a quality egg has a rich orange color.. This is wrong. The yolks of fertilized chicken eggs are orange. A chicken egg is an egg that a hen lays regardless of whether there is a rooster in the coop or not. But if there is no rooster, then the egg will not be fertilized. And its yolk will have a light shade. If a chicken egg has been fertilized, then it already carries a 100% set of chromosomes and a chicken can emerge from this egg. Such an egg contains not only half the mother's nutrients, but also half the father's nutrients. This fact is quite well known, which is why it is actively used in poultry farms. A dye is added to the chicken diet, which will subsequently color the yolk. This type of scam is very common, but it is easy to check. To do this, you need to boil an egg and see if there is a white dot in the yolk - the future chicken. If it is there, then the egg is truly fertilized and carries maximum benefit.
  • Brown eggs are healthier than white eggs. This is also not true. The color of the shell depends on the color of the hen. If the chicken is light, then her eggs will be light, and accordingly, the darker the color of the chicken, the darker the color of the shell.
  • Large eggs are healthier than small ones. The size of the egg does not affect its quality in any way. Large eggs are laid by adult chickens, and small eggs are laid by young chickens.
  • Eco-friendly village eggs. This is a very common misconception. When a person buys eggs at the market from unfamiliar farmers, he does not know in which area the farm is located. And in what conditions do the chickens live there? There will be environmentally friendly eggs only if the village is located far from the city, and cars rarely pass there. But if the chicken coop is located near the road, then all the exhaust gases from passing cars settle on the grass, which the chickens peck. In this case, it is difficult to talk about environmental friendliness.

What is the difference between factory eggs and homemade eggs?

  • Size. At a poultry farm, all the chickens live in different cages. They are divided according to age criteria. Therefore, it is very easy to collect one-size eggs in one tray and deliver them to the store. On the farm, chickens of all ages live in the same coop. Therefore, it will only be possible to assemble a monotonous tray if the farm is large. But even in this case, complete uniformity is difficult to achieve. There will still be differences, albeit minor ones.
  • Shape. All eggs that deviate from the “ideal” are considered defective at the factory and are disposed of. This rarely happens on a farm, so when buying them from farmers you can find elongated oval or round specimens.
  • shell. The shell of factory eggs is smooth. But the shells of village eggs are often rough and chipped.
  • Shell color. At a poultry farm, chickens of the same color often live in the same cage. That is why the shell color of all eggs will be the same. But in one farm, chickens of various colors are collected under the roof of a chicken coop. And accordingly, the shade of the shell of each egg is different.
  • Appearance. In poultry farms, chickens live in sterile conditions. This is why droppings rarely come into contact with eggs. And dirt cannot get on them at all. But in farming, such conditions cannot be achieved. The chicken is by nature an unclean creature. Therefore, when buying a farm product, you can often find pieces of grass, dirt or droppings stuck to the eggs.
  • Uniform yolk color. Tinting chicken feed is a very common practice in factories. Therefore, the yolks of eggs from factory hens will have a rich orange color. But often the chicken body does not digest artificial dyes very well. Which is easy to spot. The yolks will not have a uniform color. This never happens with village chickens.
  • Smell. Chickens are practically omnivorous. And poultry farm owners take advantage of this by adding not only grain, but also cheap fish to the chicken diet. Therefore, the eggs of chickens that are on such a “diet” often have a fishy smell and taste. The diet of village chickens mostly includes only plant foods. Therefore, their eggs have a neutral odor.
  • At a price. Naturally, high-quality goods always cost more, as a result of which the price of factory-made eggs is several times lower than their village counterparts.

What eggs should you buy?

You should definitely give preference to country eggs. But even in this case, it is best to get to know the farmer and always buy eggs only from him. If possible, you need to find out whether this farmer sells surplus products or has an established business.

Both homemade and store-bought eggs are a natural product. They differ only in the diet and living conditions of their producers - chickens. But the question of choosing a quality product is always relevant.

Chicken eggs have been part of the human diet for many centuries. This valuable product is rich in amino acids necessary for the body, contains vitamins D, A, E, B, choline, biotin, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and many other useful substances. Eggs are absorbed almost completely by the human body. They have a limited shelf life, which depends on the conditions under which they are stored. It is very important to choose fresh eggs when purchasing.

Of course, homemade eggs and store-bought eggs differ in their taste. The diet of a country chicken is very different from the diet of chickens on poultry farms, which are kept in cages and receive special food aimed at achieving a specific goal: gaining weight or producing eggs.

Eggs from poultry farms are sold in stores; their prices are usually lower than those from home eggs. When buying on the market, it is important to be able to correctly determine what is being offered to buy.

How to determine whether an egg is homemade or store-bought?

The color of the yolk does not always tell you which egg, homemade or from a poultry farm, it depends on the chicken’s diet. Rich yellow-orange yolks are found in farm chickens that eat grain, grass, and worms, as well as in factory-farmed birds that are fed specially formulated feeds with color additives.

The color of the shell also cannot be a selection criterion, it’s just that white laying hens have white eggs, and brown eggs are found in birds with a darker color. Although there are also possible options here.

The best way out of the situation is to find a conscientious housewife who you can trust, and buy eggs only from her. You can tell by appearance whether eggs are homemade or store-bought if you have some experience. Looking at all the eggs offered together, you will notice that homemade ones differ from each other in the shade of the shell: there are brownish, creamy, and slightly coffee-colored ones. In the store, everyone is the same - either white or brownish.

But even here you can make a mistake - unscrupulous sellers add cheaper ones from the poultry farm to their goods, and select different colors from different batches.

It is useful to pay attention to the size. Housewives have birds of different ages in their chicken coop; young ones lay smaller eggs. The shape is also different: in some hens they are elongated, in others they are almost round. At poultry farms, in one poultry house, chickens are of the same age; the eggs are calibrated before being sent to the distribution network: special machines sort them by size. The products in the trays are almost the same in color and size.

On eggs in the store you can see markings and various letters. So, in particular, according to their shelf life, eggs are divided into dietary eggs, which are designated by the letter “D,” and table eggs, which are marked by the letter “C.” Dietary products should be stored no more than seven days before the day of sale, and table products - no more than 25 days. But if they are not sold within one week in the store, then it is highly doubtful that anyone will relabel them. Most likely, they will simply be sold later. In order not to buy an expired product, you need to know the criteria for choosing fresh chicken eggs.

Are homemade eggs always healthier than store-bought ones?

Chemical analysis shows that eggs from a poultry farm, like homemade ones, are rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins and other useful substances.

Of course, at poultry farms, chickens are kept in cages and not free-range, but, on the other hand, they receive a balanced diet, are kept in strict hygiene conditions, and are vaccinated against salmonellosis and other diseases dangerous to humans.

No one is protected from diseases carried by birds, but it is easier to control this at a special enterprise, and not at a stranger’s yard.

Chickens receive special additives that stimulate growth and productivity, and antibiotics that protect against diseases. The diet and composition of supplements are kept in strict confidence. Therefore, many people have questions caused by distrust of manufacturers.

In any case, the choice is up to the buyer.

Many housewives are concerned about what natural (village) chicken eggs should be like, how they differ from store-bought ones, and whether they have any special benefits. This is the question that will be raised in this article.

It should be noted that anyone who raises chickens on their own can easily determine which is a natural egg and which is a factory-made one. A city dweller will have to take note of several nuances that need to be remembered when purchasing.

Important nuance

Village eggs are not sold in stores. This is due to the fact that retail chains prefer to work with large manufacturers who can offer a huge volume of goods at any time of the year. Country chickens are able to lay eggs well only in the warm season. In winter, to obtain the usual number of eggs, you will have to feed the birds with special food. This will affect the quality of the product.

What is the difference from store-bought ones?

What is the difference between village eggs and store-bought eggs? First of all, all the eggs in the tray will be different. This is due to the fact that chickens, living in an enclosure, carry the product where they want. No one keeps them in a cage or gives them special food so that the eggs are approximately the same. Often the eggs are stained with droppings and may be chipped from a pebble. Some chickens lay white, some brown. As for the size, young birds will be carried by adults - a size more familiar to the buyer.

Village eggs are almost always fertilized, this is due to the fact that everyone on the farm has a rooster. Don't be afraid to eat them. Such eggs have more useful substances and do not adversely affect human health. The store-bought product is unfruitful. Such eggs are destroyed in production.

Natural eggs will not have a stamp. When purchasing, you should not rely on the color of the yolk. In factory conditions, they have long learned to tint its shade using special food. Natural eggs often have darker yolks, but not always. This indicator depends on the time of year when it was demolished.

The shell is rough to the touch, unlike the store-bought product. The latter is smooth. The smell also varies. Village eggs have a rich flavor. The taste, of course, is also different; homemade eggs are better in this regard.

Shelf life of eggs

It is also important how long the product can be stored. The shelf life of country eggs is about a month when raw, if stored in the refrigerator. Hard-boiled - up to two weeks, soft-boiled - up to 2 days. Cracked boiled can be stored for 4 days, peeled - 3 days. Broken raw - no more than 2 days. If the eggs are Easter, then it all depends on how they were processed. If a natural dye is used, for example, onion peels or beets, you can store them for up to 15 days. When treated with any chemicals - no more than 2 days. If thermal film is pasted, the product must be eaten within 4 days.


In fact, there are many rumors about the benefits of village eggs. They have a lot of useful substances, restore the immune system, which deteriorates under the influence of environmental factors.

Let's look at the specific benefits of a natural product. If you eat it regularly, you can prevent the development of eye problems. In particular, we are talking about sclerotic processes. An example of such a disease is cataract. Those people who constantly eat village eggs have excellent condition of capillaries and optic nerves.

The shell of a natural product is also useful. It contains calcium, potassium and other substances that have a positive effect on human health. Experts advise not to throw away the shells, but to crush them and use them. If you mix the crumbs with lemon juice, this mixture will restore the required amount of minerals in the body.

The beneficial properties of natural eggs are explained by the fact that the birds are fed only high-quality feed until they are full. Their nutrition is balanced, the birds are kept in clean and comfortable conditions. There is no such thing in a factory, since the main task in production is to use less resources and get more product. Backyard chickens are cared for and eggs are collected daily.

How to choose eggs?

In order to get all the beneficial substances from eggs, you need to constantly consume them, while buying only natural ones. When choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to the size. The smaller it is, the healthier the egg will be. This is due to the fact that young chickens that lay small eggs do not have any diseases. To make sure that the bird was healthy when laying the egg, you need to pay attention to its appearance. If the nose of the egg is sharp, and it weighs no more than 55 g and no less than 50 g, then the chicken was young and not sick.


The article describes the difference between homemade eggs and factory eggs. It is important to take into account all the nuances when purchasing in order to know exactly what product you are purchasing. There is nothing wrong with eating store-bought eggs; they do not harm the body. However, they have few nutrients and a weak taste.

It is necessary once again to briefly emphasize the special points that have already been mentioned above.

Natural eggs:

  • aromatic and tasty;
  • in a large tray, everything will have a different color, shape, size, some may be damaged or dirty;
  • are more expensive than factory ones;
  • more difficult to buy;
  • rough to the touch.

When purchasing, you must know the seller, otherwise there is no guarantee that he did not purchase eggs from the store. It should be borne in mind that a chicken can lay no more than 25-30 eggs per month. Therefore, if a farmer has only 10 laying hens, and he constantly offers a huge amount of product, then you need to think: is he buying it in the store?