
Aggressive advertising is gradually moving from television channels to the Internet. It appears in the form of banners, pop-ups or additional buttons in applications, annoying and confusing the user. But this problem can be solved once and for all with the help of applications that will help remove and completely disable advertising on Android devices.

Why do pop-up ads appear in games and programs? Owners of popular sites sell advertising spaces organizations wishing to promote their services. Developers release applications that are free for users and publish them on the Play Store. To recoup their work, they build advertising blocks

  • and sell them to advertisers. The more popular the application, the more income it generates.
  • static banners at the top or bottom of the display;
  • pop-up windows, static or with playing video;
  • deferred advertising, appearing two to three days after the first launch of the program;
  • advertising blocks in the interface (for example, a banner that pops up when you click the “Close” button);
  • convenient advertising when the user receives a bonus for watching a video - an extra life or coins in the game.

  • The banner is located at the bottom of the screen - the user can close it
  • excessive consumption of Internet traffic;
  • decreased performance of a smartphone or tablet while playing;
  • in exceptional cases - overlapping game buttons with pop-up windows.

    Dozens of applications have been created to block ads. They cannot be downloaded from the Play Store because they violate Google's policies. Each program is available on the developer's official website, some of them require root access to work correctly.

    Obtaining root rights on an Android smartphone or tablet

    Effective root access expands the functionality of Android and allows other applications to make adjustments to the operation of the smartphone or tablet. You can get root rights by using Kingo Android Root, Farmaroot, Vroot and others. Brief instructions To root using Kingo Android Root:

  • Download and install the program on your computer.
  • Connect your smartphone to your PC in USB debugging mode.
  • On your smartphone screen you will see a request to perform debugging. Click OK.
  • The program will install the mobile analogue on the smartphone and connect.
  • In the program window on your computer you will see a Root button. Click it.
  • On the smartphone screen, confirm rooting by pressing the OK button.
  • Once the process is complete on your PC, click the Finish button.
  • The application requests access to Superuser rights

    In the smartphone menu you will see a new SuperSU Free item, which is responsible for providing root access to applications.

    AdBlock Plus

    Adblock Plus app does not require root access. This is a popular ad blocker in applications and browsers, works with Android and other operating systems. Instructions for using the program:

  • Download the application from the official website.
  • Go to your smartphone settings and select “Networks”.
  • Select "Shared modem and networks" and open "Mobile networks".
  • After selecting “APN Access Points”, click “Change Access Point”.
  • In the “Proxy” field, enter localhost, and in the “Port” field, enter 2020.
  • Launch AdBlock Plus, turn on the “Filtering” option. Uncheck the Acceptable Ads box.
  • Photo gallery: setting up AdBlock Plus

    You can go to the network settings directly from the AdBlock Plus application. The proxy server will have to be configured manually through the network settings of your smartphone or tablet. Enable filtering and uncheck the “Allowed applications” option

    After all actions, advertising will be blocked - you can enjoy “clean” applications. Points 2–5 are relevant for Android versions 4.2 and higher. Not available in Android 3.x manual setting proxy servers. Owners of such smartphones will need to root the device for AdBlock Plus to work.


    The free version of the AdGuard application blocks ads in browsers, as well as fraudulent and phishing resources. To hide ad units in programs and games, you will need to purchase an additional key. The application works without root rights, filtering parameters are configured in the program menu. You can create a “white list” of sites you trust. To activate the AdGuard blocker, download the program, open it and click the green enable button. To configure filtering, click the button in the form of three dots in the upper right corner of the screen and select “White List”.

    The program starts with one button


    The developers claim that the AdAway program eliminates 99% of advertising. The application prevents programs from sending requests to ad servers. Requires root rights. At the same time, a smaller percentage is blocked using mobile networks advertisements. To enable the blocker, follow the instructions:

  • Download and install AdAway.
  • Open the app and click "Upload files and apply lock."
  • Wait for the additional file to download.
  • When the process is complete, reboot your gadget.
  • There are only two buttons in the application - to activate and disable the blocking

    To remove the block, go to the application and click “Unblock”.

    Video: blocking ads on your phone with AdAway


    The program scans installed applications, checks the availability of a license and the integrity of files, and also hides advertisements. LuckyPatcher requires availabilityroot access and installationBusybox. To disable advertising using Lucky Patcher, follow the instructions:

  • Launch the program. You will see a list of applications installed on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Select the app you want to block ads from. Tap and hold on the title until a pop-up menu opens.
  • Select "Patch Menu - Remove Ads".
  • If the method does not work, go to Lucky Patcher again and select “Remove Advertising Activities”.

    Be sure to make a copy of the game or program for which you plan to hide ad units. Lucky Patcher can damage the internal files of the application, as a result of which it will not start.

    Video: How to block ads using the Lucky Patcher app


    Affordable and easy to use, AdFree blocks ads when the user is rooted. The program operates in applications and browsers, takes up little space and allows you to create white and black lists of resources. To block ads:

  • Launch AdFree and answer “Grant” when asked for Superuser rights.
  • Click the "Download and Install" button.
  • NetGuard

    NetGuard is a well-known firewall that latest versions which has an ad blocking feature added. The application is available on the Play Market in a truncated version - you can download the full program with the blocker from the developer’s website. To set up ad protection:

  • Open NetGuard and select Settings.
  • Turn on "Traffic Filter".
  • Select “Download hosts file” and wait for it to download.
  • Return to the main menu and activate the firewall.
  • The program will begin updating DNS servers that need to be denied access.
  • After 5-10 minutes, check the application. Go to the official developer page. If you see Ad Blocking Works there, the application is installed and working correctly.
  • You can configure traffic filtering in the application

    To verify the effectiveness of the program, visit the Internet resource with big amount advertising windows and banners.

    Block persistent ads manually

  • Root your device.
  • Follow the link and save the contents of the page as a text file.
  • Name the file hosts.
  • Transfer the file to your smartphone and use the file manager to place it in the system/etc folder, after saving the original version of the file in a safe place.
  • How to get rid of intrusive content in browsers

    Ad blockers are application-specific and do not completely remove intrusive ads from browsers. If advertising on website pages persists with an active blocker, install additional extensions on your smartphone.


    The Firefox browser works perfectly with the AdBlock Plus extension and does not require installation additional programs. Install and launch the application and enjoy the absence of advertising.


  • Follow the link and copy the code.
  • On your smartphone's memory card, create a file called urlfilter with the extension .ini.
  • Paste the code you copied earlier into the file.
  • Open your browser.
  • In the address bar write opera:config.
  • A pop-up list of configurations will open. Select URL Filter.
  • Specify the path to the previously created .ini file.
  • Restart the gadget and the browser will be cleared of advertisements.

    UC Browser

    UC Browser was developed by Chinese engineers for lazy Android device owners. The application has a built-in ad blocker AdBlock, as well as an optimizer appearance Internet pages. The browser successfully hides ad units and formats the page content taking into account the user's screen parameters. At the same time, the program retains all the functions inherent in other browsers: download manager, browsing history, optimization for night and day surfing the Internet.

    Prevention of the appearance of advertising banners and windows

    The only way to prevent in-app advertising is by using blockers. However, more and more often, users are faced with pop-up banners caused by a virus. How to distinguish built-in advertising from viral advertising:

  • built-in occurs only when using applications in the form of banners and pop-up windows;
  • The virus appears periodically when working with the device, regardless of whether third-party programs and games are running.
  • If you suspect the presence of viral advertising on your smartphone or tablet, install an anti-virus program - Kaspersky Internet Security, McAfee, Dr. Web or other - and run a full scan of the device. Delete the files detected by the antivirus. To prevent the appearance of viral advertising, leave the antivirus turned on and check your device periodically.

    Do not use several ad blocking applications on Android at the same time - they will conflict with each other, using similar operating algorithms. Test the proposed options and choose the one that best suits your smartphone or tablet.

    The Android system is the most open mobile operating system based on Linux, openness combined with an already familiar environment - determines a large flow of developers creating applications for operating system. Developers are "people too" so they want to be rewarded for their work - saying in simple language: Many applications are created solely for the purpose of making a profit. There are not many applications created “for people,” but in this article we will only talk about those.

    The first thing any user encounters after downloading a free application or game is advertising! Sometimes it doesn’t interfere or they give you a reward for watching it, this good example, but there are also bad ones. It’s very unpleasant when, due to the abundance of advertising in an application, you cannot use its functionality normally, or when advertising appears after each level in a game, and the ubiquitous advertising on websites is completely terrifying. There are several most popular advertising formats, and we will protect ourselves from them.

    Reasons to dislike advertising

    I think you have noticed that advertising sometimes “guesses” what we want, or if we think about something, discuss it with friends, it immediately appears in advertising. Do you know how this happens? We are being watched :) Every action you take, be it a character entered or a page opened, is all saved in your “advertising identifier”, and according to those who show us ads, the data is used only to select more suitable ads.

    Even sound and geographic location are recorded to tailor advertisements! You can just go to the store digital technology how this information will get into your identifier and the system will decide that you are now interested in purchasing equipment. Sound can be recorded to improve results!!!

    If you are worried about your personal data, don’t want all this surveillance, and are simply fed up with advertising in games and applications, we strongly recommend using the blockers from the list above.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src=" 400w, content/uploads/2015/12/ubrat-reklamu-300x178.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 221px) 100vw, 221px">
    Yes, it is the engine of progress, but what to do when this progress gets in the way, pops up everywhere and shamelessly absorbs your traffic? Let's figure out how to remove ads on Android without the help of specialists.

    It is very important not to allow intrusive offers to penetrate your gadget. It's not a matter of annoyingness or traffic - advertising can lead to viruses on your device.

    First way

    Png" alt="AdAway" width="130" height="130" srcset="" data-srcset=" 150w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 130px) 100vw, 130px"> !} It is not available on the Play Store, but you can download it here: link.

    The whole point of this software consists of editing the hosts file, which controls the process of data exchange between your applications and the Internet. Hosts is a system file of your android, so AdAway will need ROOT rights, this is the so-called admin panel on the device you are using.

    After installation, you will need to download a new hosts file and reboot. All! This will help get rid of banners and the like.

    Png" alt="AdBlock" width="130" height="130" srcset="" data-srcset=" 150w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 130px) 100vw, 130px"> !} This application has managed to prove its advantage on PC, and on mobile devices ah. shows himself to be an A+. Kills all this pop-up virus with a bang. Another plus is that AdBlock does not require ROOT rights It's easy enough to set up a proxy server. Very friendly and understandable interface. However, there is one drawback: it does not work correctly everywhere, so download and try.

    All other developments will also help you get rid of advertising on Android. But they are either a copy of AdAway and have the same functionality, or a copy of AdBlock. Moreover, all of them, in order to disable or delete hosts, require ROOT rights to Android, but this is no wonder, after all, it is a system file.

    The Android system is the most open mobile operating system based on Linux, openness combined with an already familiar environment - causes a large flow of developers creating applications for the operating system. Developers are “people too,” so they want to be rewarded for their work - to put it simply: many applications are created solely for the purpose of making a profit. There are not many applications created “for people,” but in this article we will only talk about those.

    The first thing any user encounters after downloading a free application or game is advertising! Sometimes it doesn’t interfere or they give you a reward for watching it, this is a good example, but there are also bad ones. It’s very unpleasant when, due to the abundance of advertising in an application, you cannot use its functionality normally, or when advertising appears after each level in a game, and the ubiquitous advertising on websites is completely terrifying. There are several most popular advertising formats, and we will protect ourselves from them.

    Reasons to dislike advertising

    I think you have noticed that advertising sometimes “guesses” what we want, or if we think about something, discuss it with friends, it immediately appears in advertising. Do you know how this happens? We are being watched :) Every action you take, be it a character entered or a page opened, is all saved in your “advertising identifier”, and according to those who show us ads, the data is used only to select more suitable ads.

    Even sound and geographic location are recorded to tailor advertisements! You can simply go to a digital equipment store, this information will enter your ID and the system will decide that you are now interested in purchasing equipment. Sound can be recorded to improve results!!!

    If you are worried about your personal data, don’t want all this surveillance, and are simply fed up with advertising in games and applications, we strongly recommend using the blockers from the list above.

    The constant decline in the cost of mobile communication devices - smartphones and tablets - has led to the fact that almost every person has them, with rare exceptions. With their help you can not only make calls, but also view pages on Global network, play games, listen to music and much more. It is not surprising that the increased popularity of gadgets has led to the emergence and mass distribution of various malicious programs and tailored advertising inserts both in programs and on websites.

    If when using computers they have learned to deal with this by installing special software (antiviruses, firewalls, firewalls), then in the world of small portable devices the situation is much worse. Unfortunately, there is no panacea, so today we will look at only one of the “facets” - let’s tell you, on an Android phone.

    Types of advertising inserts

    Depending on the method of implementation, advertising inserts are divided into several groups. The first includes pop-up windows that appear when viewing pages on the Internet. Here you can also attribute various automatic in the browser) to unwanted resources.

    The second group includes advertising modules built into programs that cause content to be displayed on the phone screen if there is access to the Internet. And finally, the third, most unpleasant group is spontaneous redirections to third-party sites in any installed browser. It’s easy to guess that the answer to the question of how to remove advertising in Android phone, depends on the way it is manifested.

    Negative Impacts

    Despite the fact that some mobile device owners simply resign themselves to the display of advertising and close it, we still recommend dealing with it using more significant methods. If you leave everything as it is, then there is a risk of a virus program appearing on your smartphone, downloaded and installed in In addition, if you do not figure out how to remove advertising from your phone, the display module will constantly “hang” in the system, taking up part of the RAM and processor time, which will negatively affect the speed of the device as a whole. And finally, background loading of advertising messages consumes traffic, which can be limited and paid separately.

    Fictitious address

    One of the methods that has been successfully used in desktop systems for a long time is editing hosts. This special file contains instructions for performing redirections for the site addresses included in it to the internal IP. The structure is extremely simple: on one side there is a list of names of network resources, and on the other - Internet addresses.

    For those that need to restrict access, compliance with is prescribed. When a request is made from the browser, the operating system first checks and if a match is found, then no data is exchanged with the resource. How to remove ads from your phone this way? The easiest way to do this is to use special programs. One of them is Ad Away. First you need to install the program and run it. Next, turn on the Internet. Finally, in the application menu, click “download file and enable locking.” If the application is successful, a corresponding message will be displayed. In the program menu, the user can activate an update, which consists of downloading new configuration files, in which the list of unwanted resources that display advertising is expanded. Important nuance: making changes to hosts requires root rights.


    Often, happy owners of a recently purchased device notice that advertisements pop up on the phone. How to remove it and what is the reason for this advertisement? Unfortunately, in the software part of some budget-class gadgets, inside the operating system files there is malicious code that controls all requests to the Network.

    He is either deliberately inserted into the system by Chinese manufacturers of cheap gadgets, or accidentally gets there. Because of this, spontaneous redirections to pages with advertising occur in any installed browser. How to remove advertising from your phone if it appears in the form of redirects? This case can be considered the most “severe”, since simply installing a “savior program” is not enough. First of all, you need to get root rights. For example, using KingRoot. Then install the Titanium backup application and use it to “freeze” or remove all programs that are not needed for work. This is a YouTube player, an email application, a gallery, etc. All of them must subsequently be replaced with analogues that are initially virus-free. At the same time, this is not the only way to remove advertising from your phone in case of redirects. If there is an updated firmware version on the gadget developer’s website, you can try downloading it to the device by following the accompanying instructions.

    Inserts on pages

    Desktop users know that you can cut out ads using the AdBlock browser extension. There is a similar solution for Android. After installing it, you need to move the switch in the program to the “Enabled” position.

    "Cleaning" the code

    And finally, if all this does not help, and advertising pops up on the phone, how can I remove it in this case? The solution is the Lucky Patcher app. With its help, you can identify an advertising module in almost any program and block it. Root rights required. After launch, the user sees a list of installed programs, under the names of which it is indicated whether an unwanted “insertion” is detected. If it is there, then you need to select the menu and go to the “Remove ads” item.