The Russian Guard, or National Guard, appeared in Russia relatively recently. In 2016, on the basis of the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, a paramilitary structure with enormous power powers was created, which included several structures that previously existed separately. The salary of the National Guard in 2018 and the latest news about its indexation are what will be of interest to National Guard employees and their families in the coming year.

What is the Russian Guard and what is its number

The National Guard included 340 thousand personnel who previously served in the following departments:

  • Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
  • Special Purpose Center for Rapid Reaction Forces and Aviation of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs,
  • Special rapid response units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs,
  • Mobile special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
  • Private security units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
  • Divisions of licensing and permitting work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

When the Russian Guard was created, it was granted unprecedented power by law. Apparently, the supreme power created such a structure, pursuing several goals at once. Firstly, people who have been in power for a long time traditionally shuffle the power deck, creating and abolishing various departments so that the security forces do not become too strong, and the generals of such departments cannot begin to weave conspiracies. Historians will not be surprised by such methods of maintaining power; they have been and will always be used. Secondly, the National Guard, which has been endowed with enormous powers, is obviously a backup option for power in case it has to be retained by force. For example, dispersing protests or even riots that could theoretically break out due to a deteriorating economic situation.

Be that as it may, for the majority of ordinary National Guard employees in 2016, the only thing that changed was that formally they began to serve in another department, and their previous place of work was abolished.

What will happen to the salaries of Rosgvardia employees in 2018

Fortunately, not a single category of public sector employees was left without indexation in 2018, including the army and security forces, whose salaries have not been increased for six whole years, since 2012.

When planning Russia's budget for 2018-2020, the government divided state employees into those mentioned in the May 2012 decrees and everyone else. Let us recall that according to those decrees, the salaries of doctors and teachers in 2018 should be twice as high as the average salaries in the region where specific specialists live and work. For such categories of public sector employees, salary indexation will be 23%, for all others - 4%.

If we talk about the percentage of salary increases in the Russian Guard since January 2018, then, of course, 4% is quite modest. However, the government assures that inflation at the end of 2017 was even lower than this percentage and amounted to less than 3%, so formally the real incomes of public sector employees, including “national guardsmen,” will even increase slightly.

According to RBC estimates, increasing salaries for Rosgvardia employees in 2018 will cost the budget an additional 5.9 billion rubles, in 2019 it will cost 7.4 billion rubles, and in 2020 - 13.6 billion.

How much do employees of the Russian Guard earn?

It is quite difficult to name the exact amounts that National Guard employees receive for many reasons. One of the main ones is that the department included too diverse organizations. It is clear that it is pointless to compare the salary of a SOBR soldier and a private security officer.

However, in the summer of 2017, certain basic values ​​were named on the basis of which salaries in the National Guard are based. Thus, official salaries can vary from 9,000 rubles (private in the provinces) to 44,000 rubles (deputy director of the service). Salaries by rank vary from 5,000 rubles (private) to 25,000 rubles (colonel general).

These two salaries are subject to allowances:

  • for length of service - from 10 to 40 percent,
  • for class - from 5 to 30 percent,
  • for special conditions of service - up to 100 percent,
  • for working with classified information - up to 65 percent,
  • for risk in peacetime - up to 100 percent,
  • etc.

Judging by the reviews of ordinary employees who had the right to choose whether to remain in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or transfer to the Russian Guard, many still regret that they did not remain in the police service. The employees did not see the mountains of gold that were promised in practice.

In 2016, a new structure was formed in the Russian Federation on the basis of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - the Russian Guard. The final formation of the structure is scheduled for December 31, 2018.
According to the plans, OMON, SOBR, and private security should be transferred to the structure of the Russian Guard. The main backbone of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation consists of military personnel, most of whom are serving under contract. This means that SOBR, OMON and Private Security officers will definitely switch to a contract basis.

With the transition to a contract, the salaries of former employees should change and be equal to the salaries of military personnel of the internal troops.

Realities for today

Today, a fairly large number of new employees of the Russian Guard, transferred from other structures, are disappointed with their monetary allowance. On average, they lose about 7,000 rubles every month.

The reason for underpayments is:

  • The new regulatory framework is imperfect.
  • Salaries for positions stipulated by the state are smaller.
  • A different system of additional payments.

According to the director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Viktor Zolotov, not a single employee transferred from other structures should lose money. Do his words mean that salary increases are expected next year?!

Boost or mirage

Since 2012, pay for military personnel has not been increased; there was a ban on indexation until 2018.

From the “May” decrees of the President it is clear that the salary of security forces, including the salary of the National Guard, should increase by no less than 1.5 times in 2018 in relation to the 2012 salary.

One of the reasons for increasing salaries for Rosgvardia employees in 2018-2019 is future elections. It is no secret that the ruling circles are banking on a large electorate of security forces. Therefore, in order to attract their votes to their side, they will guarantee an increase in salaries.

On top of that, inflation from 2012 to 2017 “ate up” the increase in military pay by more than 45%. If the state does not want a repeat of the difficult 90s for the army and the outflow of the best personnel, then salaries will definitely increase. Along with an increase in salaries for employees of the Russian Guard, an increase in salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is predicted in 2018.

The crisis makes adjustments

Today, due to the difficult political situation, the country is experiencing a shortage of funds in the budget. The bulk of defense spending comes from the salaries of military personnel. Hence the question: “Will there be a salary increase in the National Guard if there is not enough money in the budget?”

Of course there will be an increase, but it is not a fact that salaries will increase by 1.5 times. If there is not enough money, then other important items of expenditure (education, medicine) may be cut.

In order for the budget to be able to cover the costs of law enforcement agencies, a series of layoffs of senior and middle-level civil servants may follow.

Proposals from the Ministry of Finance to increase

Studying the latest news from the Ministry of Finance, the salary of the Russian Guard in 2018 may rise by 4%.

In 2016, the Ministry of Finance developed and submitted to the State Duma a bill regulating the indexation of salaries, including for military personnel. A special feature of this bill is the increase in salaries by the Federal Budget Law. This eliminates the linking of salaries to the annual indexation of wages taking into account last year’s inflation rate.

Consideration of the bill was postponed indefinitely. If they forget about the bill, then from February 1, 2018, a salary increase of 4% is expected. If the bill is adopted, the Government will be able to index wages by any amount, taking into account the socio-economic situation.

No one knows exactly when salaries will be increased in 2018; maybe it will happen on January 1 or February 1. We will only learn the exact date of the increase from official sources.

Forecast for 2018-2019

“Will the state increase the salary of the National Guard in 2018 -2019?” - this question interests not only the employees themselves, but also their family members.

According to the forecasts of experts and the statements of officials, a sharp increase in wages by 1.5 times should not be expected. Most likely, the one and a half threshold increase will occur over the next 2 years.

Provided that the socio-economic situation in the country improves, the future salary of the National Guard in 2019 will increase by 1.5-2 times.

Cash allowance in the Caucasus

The salary of an employee of the Russian Guard consists of:

  • Salary according to rank.
  • Salary according to the position held.
  • Additional payments.
  • Financial assistance.

The amount of allowance may be increased depending on the place of service. So in 2018, the salary of a sergeant of the Russian Guard serving in Dagestan will not differ from his Voronezh colleague. But if the service area is high-mountainous, then the salary increases by the established regional coefficient. Such regional coefficients are established for service in the northern regions, highlands and areas with difficult environmental conditions.

In addition, employees of the Russian Guard serving in areas where the regional coefficient is applied, and one of their family members, are paid for travel to and from their vacation destination.

Housing for employees of the Russian Guard

Military personnel doing military service under a contract in the ranks of the internal troops had the right to take part in the savings-mortgage system (NIS), subject to certain conditions. Newly hired employees of the Russian Guard who transferred from structures where the NIS was not applied will also have the right to receive housing.

The opportunity to get your own housing, coupled with a decent salary, will be the main factor in filling the ranks of the Russian Guard with experienced personnel.

Opinion about the Russian Guard in the following video:

The fate of private security (PSB) interests and worries not only the employees of this structural unit, but also ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation. It's no secret that this service has undergone a painful reorganization, so the whole country froze in anticipation of the next shocks.

Will turning private security into the National Guard be the last item on the government's to-do list for the near future? Many fear that this will be followed by the complete liquidation of the department. So what kind of private security will appear in front of the entire state in 2018?

Private security emerged as a separate independent structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation back in 1952.

Like any other organization, private security has undergone repeated changes in structure: the size of the PSB staff has expanded and contracted. However, the main goals of private security have always remained unchanged:

  1. Carrying out the protection of government facilities (government bodies, enterprises, museums and other cultural institutions).
  2. The protection of personal property of citizens (houses, apartments and other buildings and property of commercial structures on the basis of an agreement) is a commercial component of the organization.

The functions of private security have never been limited to security activities alone, covering government facilities, citizens’ property, etc.

In fact, private security organizes stationary posts at objects of high importance, creates mobile rapid response teams that respond to calls to the object where the alarm is triggered.

Private security also patrols the streets at night and takes an active part in maintaining public order during holidays, festivals and other public events.

Repeated cuts

After the government created the National Guard, which is also called the Russian Guard, significant, one might even say global, changes began to occur in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, private security ended up being part of a completely different unit - it became part of the Russian Guard. And until April 5, 2016, private security was under the control of the Main Directorate of Private Security (GUVO).

It must be said that the number of private security personnel has always been impressive when compared with other units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

So, for example, the number of PSBs consists of two components:

  • certified private security personnel - this includes officers and sergeants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • non-certified personnel - guard personnel of the unit.

Also, a fairly significant part of the PSB staff consists of civilian technical specialists who service communications, security alarms, etc.

PSB employees have already repeatedly been subject to global reorganization of the unit or, which more accurately reflects the essence of the changes, mass layoffs.

Thus, in 2005, Russian officials already tried to reform the structure. The same scenario repeated itself in 2010 and 2012. As expected, during the reorganization, private security officers faced layoffs. The massive reduction in personnel entailed the loss of their jobs by more than forty thousand experienced specialists.

What will happen in 2018?

Last year, more than three thousand security posts that carried out security activities in the field of cultural institutions and authorities were closed. Today, such objects are under the protection of private owners, that is, private security companies. Such organizations charge exorbitant amounts of money for their work, but do not always provide services at a good, high-quality level.

At the same time, state security companies provide services for much less money. The forced measure to spend more money on the protection of cultural institutions these days is an absolutely unbearable burden for representatives of museums, theaters, large libraries, cinemas, etc.

Of course, in light of these events, workers of cultural institutions are seriously alarmed. And the elimination of the Central Bank’s security altogether could lead to very undesirable and very unpleasant consequences for Russians.

For criminal groups and ordinary fraudsters, the reduction of the PVO will play into the hands of criminal groups and ordinary fraudsters. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in turn, are confident that remote controls with panic buttons are capable of providing a decent level of security.

Moreover, as if the fact that they are forced to be transferred to the Russian Guard is not enough for PSB employees, the threat of complete liquidation hangs over the private security service. Every year the situation with the provision of this structure is getting worse. Income from PSB services is two times less than the cost of maintaining this unit.

Who shouldn't worry?

Some regions of the country will be able to sleep peacefully, since massive layoffs and reorganizations of structures are not taking place throughout Russia.

The reorganization will not affect the following regions:

  • Jewish Autonomous Okrug;
  • Crimean Federal District;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug;
  • Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Retired police colonel Viktor Mikhailovich Myakinin, honorary employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, retired police lieutenant colonel Vladimir Anatolyevich Rudensky and employees of private security units in Moscow are contacting you with the question of reducing official salaries.
Divisions of the Moscow Military District make a significant contribution to ensuring public order and security, protecting the property of owners and government institutions.
In 2012, for employees of the Moscow Military District, Appendix No. 25 to Order No. 1192 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 1, 2012 “On establishing salaries for the monthly maintenance of police officers” established salaries for their positions. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 878 dated November 3, 2011 (as amended on March 6, 2015) “On the establishment of monthly salaries for police officers,” as a unit located in Moscow, official salaries were increased by 10% (namely, an increase salaries, rather than establishing an allowance).
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04/05/2016 No. 157 “Issues of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation”, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation was formed, where clause 4 determines that private security is included in the structure of the Russian Guard. The salary of police officers (currently, military officers have special police ranks) consists of salary according to position, salary according to rank and established allowances. It is from the official salary that bonuses are calculated and the amount of the pension is calculated after dismissal.
When transferring to another department, all employees were assured that their pay would not be reduced and that social guarantees would remain, which is why it was possible to maintain the quantitative and qualitative composition of the units during the transfer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Russian Guard. Each employee wrote consent to the transfer with the preservation of salaries and ranks.
Order of the Russian Guard No. 406 of September 26, 2017 “On approval of the procedure for providing monetary allowances to persons with special police ranks serving in the Russian Guard” approved a list of tariff categories for regular positions, which is completely identical to the previous one. However, in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2017 No. 894 “On the establishment of salaries for persons with special ranks and serving in the Russian Guard,” an increase in salaries in Moscow by 10% is established only for the territorial body, which is the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the city. Moscow. The Regulations on the State Guard of the Russian Guard for the city of Moscow determine that the territorial body is the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the city of Moscow and structural divisions and carries out its activities through a subordinate organization - private security. And for some reason only private security is a subordinate unit; accordingly, VO employees are not entitled to an increase in salaries. This was indicated by employees of the control and audit department who conducted an audit in December 2017 in the divisions of the Moscow Military District. Those. VO employees carry out the main activities, and Main Directorate employees receive an increase in their salaries. In this regard, since December 2017, employee salaries have been reduced by 10%, which resulted in a reduction in wages by an average of 5,000 rubles. The pension of employees who retired during this period decreased by 1,500 - 2,000 rubles compared to those who retired before the above-mentioned legislative acts came into force.
Despite the existing inflation and the upward trend in the cost of goods and services, in the housing and communal services sector there has not been a single indexation of salaries since 2012, and now they have also been reduced. And your 4% increase (this is about 500 rubles) for VO employees resulted in minus 6%.
In connection with the negativity that arose due to the reduction in salaries, the opinion has been repeatedly expressed among personnel about the decline in the prestige of service in officer positions in the Moscow Military District and the desire to transfer back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs system.
We, active and retired employees, who have been honestly and conscientiously fulfilling their official duties for the protection of law and order and security for many years, who have spent many years serving in the private security service of Moscow, are offended that our financial situation is deteriorating, contrary to the policy of the state authorities, and the prestige of the service is falling in private security.
We ask you to consider the issue of returning official salaries to employees of private security units in Moscow from the moment they were reduced.

The news about the creation of the National Guard is practically in the first place both among the people and among their elected representatives working in the Duma. The organization should be finally formed by the end of 2017. However, by decision from above, in order to create a structure, it was decided to merge the remaining part of the divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so that later, after clarifying the volumes with the order of actions, a new organization would be introduced. How they considered the question of who is included in the National Guard of Russia in 2018 and what citizens need to know, further.

In general terms about the National Guard

Units included in the National Guard of Russia retain the same responsibilities that were related to OMON or SOBR. For the head of Nikolai Zolotov, we apply the status on an equal basis with ministers. To perform all tasks, this manager must have six deputies with him. In addition to everything, from what the Russian National Guard took over in 2018, the latest news provides information about weapons control and the work of the security sector.
A similar practice exists in most countries that are advanced in terms of services. This contributes to the proper maintenance of law and order throughout the state, and also guarantees public safety. Presumably, police measures may not be enough. The army, even with all its thousands of members, is also impossible to subdue violators, because this is not within its competence.
There is a striking example in the experience of foreign services. The states are protected internally and organize measures against terrorism through their guards. Moreover, it was approved back in the third year of the last century. Now reserve armed forces are being accumulated in this structure, which can only obey orders from Washington. But the units of these employees can be used as any life events arise.

The President needs the National Guard more

The president had the idea of ​​creating an organization a long time ago. According to the head of state, the head of this system should report directly to him. Accordingly, the appointment is also made directly by the president. At the discretion of government officials, there is currently no need to form this structure. Thus, private security in the National Guard of Russia in 2018 will be included as a unit. However, in contrast to this decision, there are certain conditions with necessity:
  • ​ firstly, the decision to create a structure is made by the president, the issuance of decrees is also at his discretion, without the involvement of other persons;
  • secondly, the forecast may include mass unrest in the popular social ranks, which will have to be seriously resisted with the help of a powerful and capable force;
  • thirdly, they believe that the president needs his own detachment of army men, capable of keeping under control all the cities of the country with the population together, like the NKVD.

The second reason is fundamental for the creation of a power department. The president also stated that the structure is needed to track violators, weapons, and threats from terrorists and criminal groups.

A parliamentary view on the creation of a structure

There are differences of opinion among deputies on this issue. Some propose to understand the fate of the force in question. There is no consensus on the functions or the need to create this system in general. It is interesting that in this case, the representatives of the people actually voice the opinion of the majority of the country's residents.
Ratification of the bill presented by the head of the Russian Federation to the State Duma rests with parliamentarians. The document specifies the powers of the Russian National Guard in 2018. They are due to the need to combat terrorist organizations and individual terrorists, as well as organized crime. In addition, the functions will overlap with those of the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other services. This applies both to participation in liquidation processes after disasters, and to the use of force in the event of unauthorized riots and rallies by restless groups of the population. In the latter case, it is even possible to use physical measures to pacify collective gatherings using weapons and special equipment.

Who's in favor?

Only a few representatives of parliament defend the provision on the need to unify measures, with a caveat to the use of physical force, weapons and special equipment by employees in law enforcement agencies. This is logical, and most importantly, timely. After all, the terrorist threat is spreading throughout the world. It manifests itself all over the world, including in the vast expanses of the Russian state. Some representatives from United Russia had previously come to this conclusion.

Who's against it?

There are fierce opponents of what the President of the Russian Federation proposed to the Government. Thus, the people's deputy from the Legislative Assembly in St. Petersburg, Boris Vishnevsky, has a clear idea of ​​the structure. The National Guard is essentially the same corps with gendarmes that existed in the tsarist era. At the discretion of the politician, this system will in no way bring benefit to the public. After all, the first place should be to ensure protection for the people from the actions of powerful officials, but in reality everything will be from the opposite perspective. This is a suitable example of appealing to foreign experience to obtain one's own benefit at the expense of the population.

There are also abstainers

Oleg Denisenko, representing the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, does not yet have clear convictions about this structure. He believes that before approving the document, a detailed analysis of the bill should be carried out with details on the functions of the structure, powers and responsibilities. At the development stage, it still requires the introduction of adjustments. It is enough just to mention the point about the number of expected employees, where it says: the army should be four hundred thousand people. This is the exact figure for vacancies in the National Guard of Russia in 2018 that is planned to be determined in this bill.

For those interested in employment in the National Guard

For any readers who are interested in how to get into the Russian National Guard in 2018, you need to know the following. The following will be hired:
  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • with a place of permanent residence;
  • ​ if you have a document confirming your military service in the army;
  • physically, mentally healthy and prepared;
  • with full family (priority);
  • with positive ratings from various educational institutions;
  • no leads to the police station.

The decision to enroll in the ranks of the guards will be made by a special commission. While the salary of the Russian National Guard in 2018 remains in question, it is already clear that the amount of monthly incentives will be decent. So there will probably be quite a competition for a place. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the provision of official housing for married guardsmen. Children from such families will be provided with places in nearby schools and kindergartens on a preferential basis.
Also, servicemen will be provided with everything they need at the expense of the state. This is, first of all, a specialized uniform of the Russian National Guard for the 2018 introductory year. They have already made a special emphasis here by presenting about 100 samples. The final version must fully comply with international standards in terms of quality and comfort when performing official duties.

How successfully the decision of the Russian President, V.V. Putin, will be implemented is still anyone’s guess. However, based on the experience of other countries, this may make sense. Everything else will be shown by time, which is increasingly short before the National Guard begins functioning in Russia.