On the labor market you can always find an advertisement for an employee, but there are many people who want to get a vacant position in a good company. In order for people to pay attention to you, you need to write your resume correctly. This is especially true for the sales manager.

How to write a resume

Before applying for a vacancy, any applicant will be asked to draw up his personal brief characterization card. A standard resume consists of the following points:

  1. Personal information. This item contains personal data: full name (strictly according to your passport), date of birth, place of residence, how you can be contacted (phone number, e-mail). Marital status is indicated upon request.
  2. Job responsibilities are what you can do as an employee for this vacancy.
  3. Skills are the ability to perform certain actions that have developed in a given industry.
  4. Achievements - what you were able to achieve in your previous job.
  5. Experience.
  6. Additional information - you can indicate the availability of a driver’s license or other identification, marital status, readiness for long-term departures, business trips, relocation.

Sales Manager Responsibilities for Resume

Regardless of the specifics of the company, the main goal and responsibility of the manager is to sell goods in the maximum volume. A more detailed list of responsibilities includes:

  • monthly increase in sales volumes according to the plan or above it;
  • making transactions and agreements with new, promising customers;
  • communication with a client base developed over time, maintaining commercial relationships;
  • maintaining reports on work performed for the current period;
  • consultation related to products sold;
  • taking part in thematic exhibition events, conferences, promotions;
  • putting forward proposals for activities additional method luring new clientele;

These are the main functions of managers; additional ones will depend on the specifics of the company and are discussed when hiring.

Sales manager skills for resume

In this section, it is necessary to describe in detail the knowledge and experience gained at a previous place of work or while studying at a university. It is necessary to fully indicate your capabilities and avoid general phrases. Don’t wait for a personal meeting with your future boss to talk about your talents and knowledge in person. Indicate everything: ability to use a computer, knowledge of a language or programming, ability to drive a car, etc. You may not think this is important, but it may be of interest to a possible employer.

Achievements of a sales manager in a resume

Resume (CV)- this is yours business card, the correct preparation of which determines whether you get the job you want or not. It is very important to approach writing a resume responsibly, because it can be the decisive factor in hiring you for a job.

In this article, we will look at specific skills and abilities for a resume, and also give you tips and recommendations for correctly filling out these resume fields. At the end of the article you can download a standard resume template.

If you are interested in the question, you can read more about it in the article.

Education, experience, positions held in previous positions are mandatory parts of a CV. Nice resume It is unacceptable to compose without describing the most important skills of a specialist. You need to describe these skills in such a way that the potential boss has an irresistible desire to hire not just anyone, but you.

1. Key skills and abilities for a resume

Those key skills that are reflected in your resume will definitely become the object of attention from the employer. Previous work experience and education will not always be able to reveal information about the skills that you possess.

The correct approach to filling out this section of your resume will enable the employer to understand, even without personal communication, that you are exactly who he needs.

There are no such general key skills, which would be suitable for any of the positions and professions. Those who cannot formulate their own professional strengths can indicate the following skills and abilities:

  • abilities for interpersonal business communication;
  • organization and planning of working time;
  • attention to detail;
  • analytical skills necessary to find solutions to problem situations;
  • showing flexibility;
  • management skills
  • business leadership skills.

Don't forget that an employer may only require some of these skills, which he usually specifies in his own job offer. It is much easier to reformulate the employer's requirements into your key skills.

2. Skills and abilities for sellers, consultants, secretaries, bank employees...

Applicants for sales positions, managers and consultants, as well as other positions that require regular communication with people, can indicate as their own skills and abilities:

  • having successful experience in sales;
  • time management skills;
  • competent speech, ability to persuade;
  • effective communication skills;
  • finding an approach to the client and reaching compromises;
  • ability to learn and perceive information;
  • the ability to listen to the interlocutor and give him competent advice;
  • display of tact and tolerance;
  • creative approach.

If you have information that the employer cooperates with foreign clients, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be your advantage. Be sure to indicate this on your resume.

Service workers must possess the quality communication, analytical and decision-making skills required to provide care. Any activity of such employees must be aimed at satisfying the interests of the client, which requires the applicant to be results-oriented, able to work under personal pressure and initiative.

Also, the employer will certainly be attracted by the resume of a candidate who will have knowledge of foreign languages, be proficient in a computer, business correspondence, be attentive and interested in the overall result of the company.

3. Leadership skills: manager, manager, director, administrator...

You should start working on your resume by identifying those skills whose presence is of fundamental importance for a specific position.

Employers check managers with special care, often placing exaggerated demands on them. Those who wish to take a management position should indicate the following skills as skills:

  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • optimal organization of the work process;
  • independent decision-making and responsibility for them;
  • presence of critical thinking;
  • efficiency of time and labor resources management;
  • staff motivation skills;
  • strategic thinking;
  • effective negotiations;
  • communication skills and the ability to build trust.

The applicant can add to this group those professional traits that he considers his strengths.

In this case, professional skills and personal qualities must have a clear distinction, because the question about the applicant’s personal qualities will certainly come from the employer, and their identity with professional skills will not allow them to create a positive impression of themselves.

The list of skills can be supplemented by the ability to simultaneously perform several tasks, the ability to distribute responsibilities and control their implementation.

4. Skills and abilities for teachers leading seminars and trainings...

Slightly different skills and abilities should be characteristic of teachers leading seminar classes. Such people should be:

  • capable of motivation;
  • highly proactive and energetic;
  • masters of concentrating people's attention on certain phenomena for the required time;
  • flexible and patient;
  • capable of organizing the work process.

In addition, you can specify that teachers must have competent speech and clear pronunciation, and be good interlocutors in personal communication.

The main task of this category of workers is to establish contacts.

5. Skills and abilities for technical specialists: programmers, system administrators...

Skills that must be present technical specialists, are absolutely individual.

For example, system administrators are required to monitor the operation of all company computers, which requires them to:

  • carrying out diagnostic measures regarding subordinate equipment;
  • constant monitoring of possible risks;
  • proficiency in English at a technical level;
  • ease of perception of information flows.

6. Skills and abilities for accountants, auditors…

Professionals who aim to obtain accounting-related positions must have a clear understanding of the employer's requirements. An accountant must have:

  • analytical thinking;
  • organizational skills to create a work algorithm;
  • constant analysis;
  • competent planning;
  • increased attention to detail and detail;
  • ability to determine the degree of priorities;
  • identification of priority tasks;
  • skills in working with representatives of control authorities.

7. Skills and abilities - examples for lawyers

Workers in the field of jurisprudence can indicate in their resume:

  • knowledge of legislation;
  • skills in drafting contracts and documentation;
  • use of legal electronic databases;
  • ability to work with control authorities;
  • search for compromise solutions;
  • setting goals and striving to achieve them.

8. Special skills and abilities for a resume

The ability to establish oral and written contact with counterparties, high achievements in the field of service, organization of the work process, the presence of public speaking skills and many other skills will be assessed by the employer.

Each of them is looking for an employee who will be motivated to overall result, will show initiative and high energy in solving emerging issues, will be a pleasant and competent interlocutor, able to immediately make a decision, give an answer and be responsible for every word.

Applicants may indicate in their resumes:

  • presence of leadership qualities;
  • availability of technical knowledge;
  • project organization and management skills;
  • marketing abilities.

9. General skills and abilities

There are a number of general skills that professionals can possess. Their list is generalized and is not suitable for all specialties.

However, I think this list will be useful for you; perhaps you will find exactly the skills and abilities that you want to indicate in your resume. These include:

  • possession foreign language(language and degree of proficiency);
  • programming abilities;
  • budgeting;
  • competent business communication(oral and written);
  • working with customer databases, including from the level of their creation;
  • efficiency in searching for information;
  • development of plans;
  • analytical actions based on sales (including those performed by competitive organizations);
  • procurement skills;
  • skills in conducting inventory processes;
  • availability of abilities in merchandising;
  • work with commercial proposals;
  • negotiation skills;
  • training and motivating colleagues;
  • making forecasts;
  • pricing skills;
  • direct sales skills;
  • persuasion skills;
  • telephone sales skills;
  • skills to work with individual computer programs: Excel, Word, Photoshop, 1C, etc. ;
  • ability to object;
  • use of primary data;
  • handling office equipment;
  • development and implementation of advertising and market research campaigns;
  • legal expertise;
  • scrupulousness in preparing reporting materials;
  • collection and preparation of statistical information;
  • ability to organize processes;
  • readiness for team work;
  • independence of decisions;
  • organizational skills;
  • ability to use persuasion methods.

Each individual specialty is characterized by certain abilities. Among those presented, there will certainly be those that suit you and the position that has become your choice. These skills can be used to include on a resume.

10. Correct compilation of a basic list of skills and abilities

Advice: when searching for the desired position, you should not limit yourself to a single resume; it is better to constantly modify it in relation to the vacancy. The presentation of skills on the main resume and the one you create for an individual position should be different.

In the main version of the CV, suitable for most positions, skills should be listed as follows: the “Skills and Achievements” column is the completion of the “Work Experience” column, i.e. skills are a consequence of professional experience.

Let's say you worked as a marketer and are now looking for a vacancy for this position, you need to write a list of advantages that new boss will receive by hiring you for this position.

Professional skills and abilities for a resume example for a marketer:

  • conducting marketing research;
  • analysis of the market situation and consumer desires;
  • ability to develop ideas for assortments.

The list should not be very long and detailed - the main points will suffice. A recruiter reading your CV should understand that your main skills are a consequence of your professional experience, so don’t make things up. Let's imagine that you were a simple employee, and write that you know how to organize work. No one will believe you, and the recruiter will simply ignore you.

11. Don’t confuse the description of your abilities and personality traits

Punctuality, communication skills and responsibility should be indicated in the “About yourself” column. The “Skills and Achievements” column is needed only for information related to job obligations.

In the “Professional skills” section, you must indicate the basic skills acquired at your previous job or at a university. Here you can indicate your achievements. The section should reveal you as a specialist. In other words, this section should describe your “Qualifications”.

If you describe your skills, you will make your CV more attractive. After reading this section, the potential boss should clearly understand that the company needs you and you should definitely be called for an interview. You need to attract him with your knowledge and abilities. If you want this to happen more often, listen to our advice:

  • The “Qualifications” item should be placed exactly after the “Education” item. This is at least logical.
  • This section must be modified for any new vacancy. You only need to record abilities that are suitable for the position you are looking for.
  • Don't make yourself out to be one-man band, carefully indicating the entire list of its advantages. Indicate a few (4-8) key ones, that's enough. If you want to express some skills, you will have to sacrifice others.
  • Initially, describe those abilities that are most consistent with the position you are looking for.
  • Write the list in a way that is easy to read.
  • You need to use the same definitions and phrases used by the potential boss in the ad.
  • When describing skills and abilities, you need to start phrases with the words “have experience”, “know”, “possess”, etc.
  • There is no need to write about your features; there is a special section for them in your resume.

Attention: so-called “headhunters” are looking for rare employees. They are generally not interested in the candidate's experience, they are looking for specific benefits provided to them.

12. Skills and abilities for a resume example for an HR director:

Ability to build communications within the company. Ability to quickly manage departments and projects. Organization of consultations and business trainings.

A new skill can be written from a red line, this will make your text easier to read, although it will take up more space. If you correctly describe your skills and abilities, this will significantly increase the chance that you will be called for an interview.

Although education and experience are a very important part of a resume, they cannot create the impression of the right employee.

It is not enough for a hirer to know where you studied and received professional experience. He needs to know exactly what you can do and how you can be useful to his company. So, correctly described basic skills greatly increase the likelihood of getting the coveted job.

Core skills are the combination of your skills and abilities needed to perform well the tasks presented to you. job requirements. So carefully chosen and correctly worded phrases can help your resume stand out from many similar documents.

While working, try to gain skills, study additionally and get certificates. In this case, you will be able to really arouse the interest of the hirer and get a higher probability of being hired.

We hope these resume skills and abilities examples help you.

13. We indicate specific skills and abilities in the resume

Now imagine that you are writing a CV for a specific position in which you have a keen interest. Then the list of core skills should be treated as a list of specific, rather than general, skills.

Read the announcement very carefully. What do you need to be able to do to be hired for this position? Do these requests match your skills and experience? This must be indicated in the “Skills” column.

However, simply rewriting the requirements in a resume and framing them as your own skills is bad idea. The recruiter will immediately guess that you have decided to take a “let it go” approach to your resume. Change this information, make it more specific, add something that was not specified by the employer, but could benefit this company.

For example, if you see a requirement - fluency in English, then mention the ability to organize obtaining a visa for the boss (if this is the case, of course). After all, if the employer and his assistants correspond to English, this may indicate that there is business partners from other countries, and in this case, the ability to organize a visa will arouse the interest of a possible boss.

Also remember that nowadays a recruiter will probably look for candidates by keywords, so you need to compose a description of skills so that it contains phrases that are in the text of the job description.

Each person has his own scale of values. That's why someone your achievements in life may seem insignificant. But this is not about them, but about you.

Why do we constantly have to turn to others, listen to other people’s opinions, think every minute about public feedback, afraid of making an unnecessary awkward move? The main thing is to your achievements in life were important to you.

Everything depends on ourselves. For some, it is a gold medal at school, a red diploma at the institute, the title of employee of the month, while others do not consider these indicators of success.

Let's try to figure out what life and professional achievements are in general.

Achievement is most often called a certain positive result, success in something. But this is where the universal concept of achievement ends. And then there are continuous disagreements.

Firstly, they distinguish qualitative and quantitative categories of success and achievements, because, according to some, nothing records success better than numbers.

The numbers always speak for themselves. Many people, when mentioning the phrase “ your achievements in life» want to hear specific data about , favorably distinguishing a person. For example, the advantages of a position applicant among other applicants.

Employers often ask for specific examples to support the candidate's words and talk about achievements in a certain field of activity.

They are most interested in statistics about the work done previously. For example, the number of attracted clients, the percentage increase in the sales volume of the department, how many transactions were concluded.

But for many, not only dry numbers are important, but also what the person himself considers to be his own achievements.

People's opinions about their achievements reveal to others part of their inner world, their... Based on such information, one can understand how a person assesses his strengths, how confident he is, and whether his self-presentation skills are well developed.

Secondly, some evaluate achievements by their quality, or rather by their scale. So, for example, an activity leadership position for 2-3 years of work at the enterprise - this will be, in the opinion of “quality connoisseurs,” an achievement. Getting into the top list " best entrepreneurs region" is also a qualitative achievement.

But, as we know, you can’t please everyone, so we need to decide what achievements are for ourselves and achievements in the eyes of the public, because these are often completely different concepts.

In the column " your achievements in life“Under the “personal” mark, you can safely enter everything that is important to you. For example, a self-developed business plan, a good productive idea, getting yourself into excellent physical shape.

Yes, nowadays even a healthy lifestyle can be a personal achievement. And if we talk about, then professional achievements, both qualitative and quantitative, are more suitable here and will be appreciated by others.

Therefore, you can’t rely on your own opinion here. The second category of achievements is necessary when applying for a job, when assessing the competitiveness of your business (if most activity depends on you), when determining the quality of work of a department of an enterprise or company.

So, your achievements in life can be very diverse, and there can be as many of them as you see fit, but only as long as we are talking about your personality without reference to society.

In other cases, when assessing your achievements, you will have to proceed from the generally accepted scale of success.

Employers choose those who are ready and able to lead the company to prosperity. That's why they pay special attention on the success of candidates in previous jobs. Describe them in your resume.

Don't confuse professional and personal achievements. If you have mastered new program at the previous place of work - these are the skills and competencies that should be indicated in. But if you independently implemented or even developed this program to optimize your work, this is already an achievement.

Avoid common phrases. Work can be digitized, so back up your achievements with numbers.

P examples

“I processed 85-100 incoming applications per day. Successfully resolved 96% of the problems that arose.”

"Developed new method to attract clients. In two months I trained the sales department employees. The number of transactions increased by 14%, and sales volume by 20%.”

"Successfully passed nine tax audits».

"Optimized software. Result: we saved 15% on purchasing a new one.”

“Entered the top five in the city hairdressing competition.”

“I added 70 employees to the company’s staff and conducted 120 interviews.”

“I concluded five contracts for the wholesale supply of goods. This allowed us to increase revenue by 7%.”

“During my work I became five times best seller month. Suggested new option display window design, which increased the flow of customers by one and a half times.”

For employees administrative departments: Assistant managers or office managers can digitize their work by counting, for example, how many meetings were organized or how they saved the manager from wasting time. Streamlined document flow uninterrupted supply Having everything you need in an office can also be considered an achievement.

Mass professions, such as a loader, require high-quality performance of daily duties. Achievements can be formulated as follows: “During the work, not a single emergency incident occurred.” That is, if you work, you should not count the number of clients served per day and multiply by work shifts. It is better to note that during your work you had no complaints, how you prevented shortages and saved the company from losses.

TOThe following formulations will not work:

  • "Organized effective work department." The phrase is blurry. It is necessary to clarify what exactly was done
  • “During my work as a secretary, the company’s client flow increased.” It is unlikely that the flow of clients increased due to the work of the secretary
  • “Reduced the company’s turnover.” Avoid negative language
  • “I improved my communication skills.” This is a personal achievement. And it’s better not to talk about the fact that you had communication problems at all.

How to find merit

At first, it may seem like there are no achievements at all. To get your bearings, we recommend thinking about the following questions:

  • What were you praised for at your previous job?
  • What exactly were you assigned to do?
  • What did you do better than others?
  • In what cases did you show initiative?
  • Have you taken part in any significant event for the company?
  • Were there any business processes that resulted from your assistance that resulted in improved performance?
  • Did the company save time or money because of you?
Take into account implemented projects, improvements in financial and other indicators - any goals achieved.

The result should be a list of merits that you need to adapt for which you are applying. In your resume, indicate only those achievements that are relevant to the desired position.

Happy job searching!

Cover: pixabay.com

You may have heard that a resume should list your accomplishments, not your job responsibilities. After all, this best way, to demonstrate what you have achieved in past jobs, and to show potential employers what you can do for them. But many people forget to include the “ Professional achievements" in your resume. How to write it in such a way as to interest the personnel officer as much as possible and get the desired position? Read on to find out all the details.

Relationship and difference between responsibilities and achievements

A simple example. Yours main responsibility- organizing and holding events. Then your achievement could be: “Collected more than 200 thousand rubles. from 100 visitors during a charity evening.”

Why is this so important? The person reading your resume needs to know more about you. Personnel officers already know what responsibilities are required for a particular position. When you list obvious facts, you are only wasting valuable space on your resume as well as the decision maker's attention. Each phrase about you should have a specific purpose, namely, to prove to the employer that you are the best candidate for the position.

Sphere of trade

Today it is not so difficult to make a product as to sell it. Therefore, trade-related professions are in great demand and offer job seekers prospects for high earnings and career growth. What professional achievements on your sales resume will help you get the job you want?

Important rule

If you can't confirm, don't write. Recruiters often complain that applicants for sales positions lie too much on their resumes. If you are asked for proof of your excellent success, you should be able to obtain another document from your former employer that will confirm your words.

The main achievement of any seller

For young professionals

If you cannot yet say that your activities have significantly influenced the turnover of the enterprise, you can still find something to write in the “Professional achievements” section of your resume. Examples:

  • “I developed a presentation “Enterprise Economics for Non-Economists” and presented it to management, and then to other employees, in order to improve the team’s understanding of the requirements of the accounting and analytical department.”
  • “I carried out an analysis financial statements over the past 18 months, identified formatting errors and created a universal reporting template.”

Precision and accuracy

Professional achievements in an accountant's resume are also directly related to numbers, and timing and accuracy also play a big role. So their list might look like this:

For those who want to become an employee of a financial institution

Again, professional accomplishments on a resume are all about numbers and money. But in addition to this, it is important for the applicant to show that he knows how to work with people, has leadership qualities, and at the same time is a team player. After all, a bank is large company, consisting of many branches throughout the country, and all its employees must work harmoniously.

So here's how to describe your professional accomplishments on your resume. Example:

  • “In the first six months after employment, I sold 20% more financial services than was set in the sales plan, due to carefully studying the needs of clients and working with regular clients.”
  • “Ensured an increase in the volume of mortgage lending to the business, which led to an increase in the profit of the bank branch by 2%”
  • “In 2014, I increased client base by 10% through telephone calls to potential clients, and encouraging the recommendation of the bank’s services by existing clients.”
  • “Taught a group of 5 new employees the rules documentation issuing loans."
  • “I worked with 3 VIP clients of the bank, with a total turnover on their accounts of about 7 million rubles.”
  • “Took a direct part in the design of 5 new loan packages to attract more potential borrowers.”

But you shouldn’t take a purely formal approach to filling out the “Professional Achievements” section of your resume. Example: you can also include a fact such as “Organized a corporate picnic for 120 people with a trip to a suburban sanatorium.” This achievement may seem to have very little to do with your professionalism, but in fact it will demonstrate to a potential employer that you have excellent organizational skills, support corporate culture, and have excellent relationships with the team, which is highly valued in

For the servants of Themis

The specialty of a lawyer always has great popularity. In order for the recruiter to notice you among a bunch of other applicants, take a responsible approach to filling out the “Professional Achievements” section in your lawyer’s resume. Avoid general phrases and provide specific facts. Use the problem-action-result model.

How exactly do you use it when you're describing professional accomplishments on your resume? Example: instead of the phrase: “I completed legal research and drew up a statement from the plaintiff for the court to make a decision,” describe the situation like this: “I filed a claim in a case regarding the plaintiff’s receipt, as a result of which damage to health was caused, which is estimated at more than 100 thousand rubles. The court satisfied the victim’s demands.” The second formulation reveals your role in the matter much more fully and shows your competence.

If you do not have high-profile victories in court, and you work as an in-house lawyer for an enterprise, then concentrate on the benefits that the company received from your actions: contracts for large amounts, drawn up in accordance with the law and with the greatest benefit for your enterprise; successful solution controversial situations with suppliers, etc.