According to most people, the profession of a realtor is one of the easiest. In order to receive a large sum of money, you just need to find two people interested in concluding a purchase and sale transaction for a property. However, in practice a completely different picture is observed. In order to create a client base, you will need to work twenty-four hours a day and spend all your personal time communicating with clients. In order to become a successful representative of this profession, you need to carefully study all the specifics of the real estate market. Otherwise, the number of concluded transactions will drop to zero. In this article, we propose to consider questions about how to become a real estate realtor, where to start working in this direction, and whether it is profitable to run such a business on your own.

The easiest way to become a realtor is to get a job at a good real estate agency

Realtor: features of the profession

The term “realtor” refers to an intermediary involved in real estate transactions. An intermediary can be either an individual or an employee of a company involved in transactions with real estate. This profession takes its name from the English term “realty”. It is important to note that the current regulations do not contain the term in question.

According to lawyers, the term “real estate agent” fully reflects all the specifics of the activity in question.

Many people make the serious mistake of thinking that an agent's only job is to bring together people interested in concluding an agreement to sell or lease a property. In fact, persons participating in such legal relations as intermediaries have significantly more functions. One of the agent's main responsibilities is to monitor the entire process and comply with all applicable laws. Before starting work in this direction, a beginner should carefully study all current regulations relating to real estate transactions.

Knowledge of the legislative framework is one of the main requirements for newcomers in this field, since the agent’s responsibilities include providing assistance in preparing various documents. The very participation of a realtor in purchase and sale transactions should guarantee minimal risks of fraud on both sides. The personal qualities of the person who wants to master this profession also play an important role. Oratory skills combined with the gift of persuasion can significantly increase the number of contracts concluded.

In order to become a successful realtor, you need to study all the subtleties and nuances associated with your chosen line of business. Before “setting out on your own”, it is recommended to work for several years in a large real estate company. It should also be noted that many people do not trust private individuals. In addition, working in an agency will allow you to gain valuable practical experience, which will become the basis for future activities.

It is important to understand that working in an agency allows you to gain only a basic amount of knowledge.

The speed of professional development depends on the person himself. Even the most experienced players in the real estate market made various mistakes when starting their careers. A person who wants to become a successful agent must constantly work on his own development. The desire to get “easy money” can lead to mistakes that will negatively affect your reputation. Reputation is one of the main criteria that ordinary people use when choosing an intermediary in real estate transactions.

Real estate activity is directly related to property, contracts and money, so you first need to study the regulations governing civil relations

Professional portrait of an agent

We have already noted above that the personal qualities of a person who wants to master this profession are one of the most important components of success. Vitality, responsibility and complete dedication to your work allow you to earn the trust of clients. In addition, you will need to study the specifics of the real estate market, including pricing policies and legislation. After working in this field for more than five years, a real estate agent has the opportunity to organize his own agency or engage in private practice.

In order to become a good agent, a person must have the following personal qualities:

  1. High communication skills– one of the main qualities that plays an important role in communicating with clients. A real estate agent acts as an independent expert and guarantor of compliance with all terms of the contract. This person must be able to resolve any issues that arise during the transaction. The responsibilities of realtors include communicating not only with clients, but also with representatives of various authorities. The ability to support, help make wise choices and make decisions in a difficult situation helps a newbie receive positive feedback from clients.
  2. Flexibility– this quality allows the agent to regulate various controversial issues that arise when concluding real estate purchase and sale transactions. In order to achieve the final goal (signing a contract), you need to make a lot of effort and learn how to work with objections. Compliance and softness can lead to the fact that most clients will leave for more professional competitors.
  3. Punctuality and organization– every person who wants to make money from intermediary services must necessarily have these qualities. Most people buying or selling real estate want to complete the deal as quickly as possible. The lateness and unprofessionalism of the agent can violate all agreements reached and lead to the failure of the deal.

Representatives of professions closely related to communication must be tactful and be able to listen to their interlocutors. Understanding the desires and motives of their clients allows a realtor to select the best real estate options.

Professional skills

To become a real estate agent, a newbie needs to thoroughly learn the basic fundamentals of the profession. The responsibilities of a realtor include providing consulting services, forming a client base, conducting negotiations, collecting documents, studying the real estate market and concluding contracts. Only a few people manage to master all of the above skills on their own. You can speed up the learning process by enrolling in specialized courses. In addition, you need to master marketing skills and various psychological techniques that will help increase the number of transactions concluded.

Real estate transactions, financial activities and contractual relations are so deeply regulated by law that you will have to work hard

What you need to know

A beginner in this area must begin by studying all the rules established by current laws. The ability to understand legal issues will allow you to identify clauses in contracts that infringe on the interests of one of the parties to the agreement. Control over the fulfillment of all terms of the contract is one of the important aspects in the work of any agent. In addition, a person who knows the law well can provide consultations to his clients.

A professional in this area must assist his clients in the process of preparing various documents. First of all, it is necessary to draw up documents confirming the consent of all residents with the decision to sell the apartment. Next, you will need to obtain acts indicating the absence of debts to utility services. Only if these documents are available, the realtor can begin searching for buyers. Every client who contacts a real estate agent should receive competent advice on issues related to the cost of housing and its characteristics.

When considering what a realtor needs to know, it should be noted that a real estate agent has a legal responsibility to comply with applicable laws. In order to reduce the risk of negative consequences, it is necessary to regularly prepare reports on the completed stages of work. During the execution of the contract, the agent must take care of receiving a receipt confirming the receipt of funds and the absence of claims from the parties.

The main mistakes of novice realtors

People just starting their professional journey often make various mistakes. You need to understand that some mistakes can negatively affect your image and further career development.. In order to minimize these risks, it is necessary to carefully study all the pitfalls of the chosen direction. Below is a list of the most common mistakes common to newcomers to the real estate market:

  1. Laziness and lack of motivation– the work of a real estate agent can be described as creating a long chain consisting of several dozen links. It will take a long journey to reach the final goal. Before starting work, a realtor needs to find out about the desires of his clients, select several objects that meet their criteria and begin preparing documents. The quality of performance of these duties determines the result and speed of receipt of monetary reward.
  2. Poor market knowledge– according to experts, approximately ninety percent of agents do not know the specifics of the chosen market and pricing policy. As a result, people acting as sellers receive a sum of money that is significantly lower than the real market value of the property.
  3. Lack of important personal qualities– a person who bends under his opponents will not be able to achieve success in this area. The inability to listen to the client, work with objections and “resistance” can lead not only to the breakdown of agreements, but also to the loss of the client base.

Without work experience and a comprehensive understanding of the activities of a real estate agent, it is pointless to open your own company

Area of ​​activity

Let's talk about where to start working as a realtor if you are new to this field. In order to gain practical experience and a minimum knowledge base, you will need to get a job at a specialized agency. You need to understand that, despite teamwork, each agent is an independent unit. Having practice in a large agency allows a realtor to develop a reputation and earn the trust of his clients.

It is also necessary to decide on a specific direction of work. This could be a specialization in the sale of apartments or country cottages. Some specialists prefer to work only with commercial properties, while others act as intermediaries in concluding real estate rental agreements. Choosing a narrow specialization allows you to significantly increase your productivity and quickly build a client base.

Features of working with clients

One of the main requirements for a real estate agent is the ability to establish strong communication links with various types of clients. The natural gift of persuasion allows you to motivate the client to use the services offered. It is also necessary to have knowledge of all current laws, which allows you to regulate various issues that arise during the preparation of documents. This knowledge helps to conclude contracts with clients, which list the rights and responsibilities of each party.

Typically, real estate agents receive a financial reward of five percent of the contract amount. Many experts recommend that this clause be included in the contract. After concluding the contract, the realtor must offer his client several different options that meet the buyer's criteria.

Where is the best place to look for a job?

A newcomer without work experience will not be able to provide intermediary services when concluding contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate. In order to gain practical experience, you will need to work in a specialized agency. At first, it is recommended to work only with customers who want to rent or rent real estate. Workers with this specialization enter into more than ten contracts within one month. It is important to note that the commission rate in this case will be lower than in real estate sales transactions. However, choosing this area allows you to gain basic skills and move on to more complex areas. Working with commercial real estate can significantly increase profit margins, but this specialization requires knowledge in the legal field.

Concluding transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate allows you to receive large financial rewards. It should be noted here that even professional agents with extensive experience conclude no more than five transactions per month. In order to achieve a high result, you will need to learn how to resolve various issues with all public utilities and other government agencies.

A successful realtor will easily analyze the real estate market

Realtor as a private individual

Considering the question of how real estate realtors work, it should be noted that it is necessary to switch to private practice only after acquiring practical skills. In order to provide the services in question, you must register as an individual entrepreneur . Opening your own agency requires careful preparation. First of all, you will need to rent real estate to accommodate an office where you will receive clients.

The next stage of preparation is the development of a marketing strategy aimed at attracting potential customers. For this purpose, you need to use all available resources, from advertising on the Internet to advertisements in the media. As practice shows, most people prefer to use specialized advertising platforms to advertise for the sale or purchase of real estate. Using these resources allows you to significantly increase your customer base.

What does income depend on?

Many experts say that the amount of real estate agent earnings depends on various factors. An unstable economy, low housing costs, low solvency of the majority of the population and other aspects can negatively affect the profitability of this business. As a rule, the average income of newcomers in this field is about fifty thousand per month. A competent specialist who has all the necessary knowledge and skills can earn several times more.

In the first stages of work, it is very important to monitor your professional reputation. Only a thorough study of the chosen field and the desire for constant development will help to avoid many mistakes common to beginners. Professionals with extensive practical experience have the opportunity to set a higher commission, which significantly increases the profitability of the business.

To become a good realtor you need to learn how to work with clients correctly.

Many adventurous people are attracted to the profession of a real estate agent or, in other words, a realtor. At first glance it may seem like a simple job. It is enough to connect the buyer with the seller, check all the documents and you can receive your commission. It's actually not that simple. We will look at how to become a realtor from scratch in this article.

What do real estate agents do?

Some people don’t know why a realtor is needed if a suitable option for buying or selling an apartment can be found through advertisements in the media or on the Internet. In fact, it is quite difficult to do without the services of this specialist. He acts as an intermediary between the buyer and seller when concluding a transaction, and also monitors the correct execution of documents.

It is worth noting that such a concept does not exist in current legislation. The correct name for this profession is real estate agent. Now let’s figure out what you need to know to become a realtor and make money.

Where to start?

It is always difficult for beginners to start their own business. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to overcome many difficulties. If you have never worked independently, you should remember that now no one will mentor you or tell you anything. So get ready for free sailing.

Before starting your own business, it is advisable to work in a team. Thanks to this, you can gain invaluable experience that will be useful in the future. In addition, clients trust agents who have worked in large companies more.

Realtor is a fairly profitable and successful business. This business can be done in two ways:

Private realtor

A simplified option is a private realtor. To do this, you need to have a desire, a telephone and a recent newspaper with advertisements. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with all laws relating to this area. Seek help from experienced professionals who can tell you what a realtor needs to know. Learn how to draw up purchase and sale agreements and you can get to work.
The second option is to open your own real estate agency. Set a goal for yourself and work not for quick profits, but so that your business becomes successful and brings in a solid income. In this matter, a lot depends on connections, perseverance, knowledge and, most importantly, experience.

In addition, you need to decide on the direction of activity:

Scheme: real estate business

  1. Apartments;
  2. Country houses;
  3. Commercial real estate;
  4. Rental housing.

If you take on everything at once, it is impossible to achieve a positive result. Over time, when you understand how to become a successful realtor, you can gradually expand your scope of activity.

How to work independently?

If you have firmly decided that I want to become a realtor, first of all you need to provide yourself with a reliable rear. This could be a husband who receives a good salary or some kind of cash savings. The fact is that this is a rather complex business, the profitability of which largely depends on luck. At first, you may not earn anything, but only spend money on calls, travel and advertisements. But this will allow you to gain invaluable experience.

Rent a small office space somewhere in the city center, register as an individual entrepreneur and get to work. In addition, you will have to purchase furniture, a computer and office equipment.

You can open your website on the Internet and place on it contact information, a list of services and their approximate cost. Don't forget to create a feedback form. This will help you attract targeted visitors.

Periodically check free message boards, where new offers appear frequently. If you see a suitable option, immediately call the client and offer your services.

Rights and responsibilities of a realtor

Let's figure out what a realtor should know? That is, what is included in his responsibilities:

  • Negotiation;
  • Consultations;
  • Search for clients;
  • Collection of documents;
  • Conclusion of contracts;
  • Real estate market analysis.

As a rule, many companies train their employees themselves, so you don’t need any special education. Many people are interested in how to become a private realtor without any work experience. To do this, it is enough to attend seminars conducted by specialists. You can also take courses in property management.

A realtor may disclose confidential information about a client only in one of the following cases:

  • By court decision;
  • At the request of government authorities;
  • If he knows that the client intends to break the law;
  • If a realtor is accused of illegal actions.

To engage in such a business, you need to learn all the rights and responsibilities of a realtor, so as not to run into serious troubles in the future.

What should a realtor know?

If you are interested in how to become a realtor, where to start is with your appearance. A neat, handsome person inspires confidence among clients, so you should pay special attention to this. It's time to update your wardrobe by adding some business suits.

In addition, you need to learn:

  • Understand the psychology of clients;
  • Communicate with different personality types;
  • Negotiate;
  • Explain information convincingly;
  • Inspire client trust.

This is the main thing you need to become a realtor. Successful specialists can easily analyze the real estate market and find the most profitable options. They know the answers to any questions.

For those who want to learn how to become a realtor on their own, we offer some simple tips:

  1. Stay in your office as often as possible. Communicate pleasantly with clients;
  2. Educate yourself. Read specialized literature, and also search the Internet for any useful information;
  3. Listen carefully to all client requirements. Before becoming a professional realtor, you first need to learn psychology;
  4. Try to convince clients that you are a good specialist. They will trust you and bring new clients;
  5. Try to constantly promote your services. Thanks to this, you will not have a shortage of clients.

Features of working with clients

To achieve success, you first need to learn how to communicate with clients. Clearly explain to them all the important points that relate to your cooperation. In addition, the client should be advised on all legal issues. Be sure to conclude an agreement that specifies all the rights and obligations of both parties. Typically, the client pays the real estate agent 5% of the total transaction amount. This clause should also be included in the contract.

After that, you must offer different options that fit the specified requirements. In addition, the realtor handles all paperwork. The work ends once the sales contract is signed.

How much do realtors earn?

Now it's worth talking about money. If you manage to conclude only one deal per month, your earnings can be up to 150 thousand rubles. A successful agent receives more than 300 thousand rubles monthly. You can also earn additional income by offering clients advice and assistance with paperwork. It doesn’t matter what a realtor does, the main thing is not to chase a quick profit, otherwise you can harm yourself.

When thinking about how to become a good realtor, you need to understand that such a specialist must quickly navigate any situation, understand prices, and also be able to properly conduct a conversation with a buyer or seller.

Professionals with extensive experience are in no hurry to enter into transactions with a minimum commission. They try to find a client from whom they can immediately make a large sum. Such people can serve as motivation for aspiring professionals.

Hello dear blog readers. Acquaintances and not so familiar people periodically approach me with questions like: “I want to become a realtor, where should I start?”

I immediately ask a counter question: “Did you think carefully before you decided to start this business?” It is a business, because if you really want to become successful in this direction, then you need to treat real estate as a business.

Being a realtor is not easy, and being a good realtor is not easy at all.

When I started, the director of the agency did not immediately accept me as a student, but before that she had a long and detailed conversation with me, explaining all the pros and cons of the profession.

Many people want to become realtors. Apparently from the outside it seems that it is very simple. I’ll say right away – it’s not very easy.

5-10% of the total number of realtors become successful here. If you see yourself among these people, go boldly, you will succeed. If not, then don’t waste your precious time - look for your direction, your business.

The question may arise: “How do the other 90% of realtors work?” Yes, this is how they work: indirectly, from deal to deal. If a person makes 1 transaction every 2 months, then he cannot be called a realtor.

Good - this is when there are at least 2-3 transactions per month. Stable. Then a realtor can really be called a realtor; only by working in this mode can you be aware of everything that is happening in the world of real estate.

It may seem that I am too categorical towards the endeavors of beginners. I'll explain why. Everyone who is not too lazy goes to become a realtor, feeding themselves with the illusion of easy money. But to start making really good money, you need to really work. Well, there is no such thing as easy money (at least for money to start coming to you easily, you first need to work hard).

And yet, if a person goes into real estate solely for the money, then he will not make good money. Never. No successful business has ever been built initially with the goal of making a lot of money. I want future and current realtors to understand this.

How are realtors trained today?

Newcomers come to the agency and begin to learn. Basic knowledge and recommendations are given. All. Then they try to do everything themselves and make a lot of mistakes. The reputation of all realtors in general suffers from this. People are starting to think that ALL realtors don’t know anything, that ALL realtors need to be hurried to work, that ALL realtors do nothing but just take money.

What should a novice realtor do?

If you, having weighed all the pros and cons of real estate, have firmly decided to work, then I recommend that you act as follows: after completing a basic training course, choose the best realtor-mentor from your agency and make him a commercial offer: he will train and supervise you, and you pay him, for example, 50% of your commission from the first 3 transactions.

I think an experienced realtor will definitely agree to this. A counter question may arise: “What will be left for me?” Here you decide for yourself individually: either pay for training and have the opportunity to study and be always in touch with an experienced mentor, or do and study everything yourself.

And you begin to study, look for clients (by the way, I wrote how to do this in the article “”), work and work.

If you take a serious and thoughtful approach to choosing the profession of a realtor, look for clients, study bank offers, develop connections, constantly work and work, then you will be able to succeed, making good money selling real estate.

Good luck to you in your endeavors!

Realtor, or real estate agent. Many adventurous people are attracted to this profession. From the outside it seems like it's easy money. I brought the seller and buyer together, checked the documents according to the template, took a commission of 100, or even 200 thousand. And the work is only for a couple of days, and you don’t need a higher education. What's easier? Is money so easy for agents, the correspondent found out from his own experience IQ Review Anatoly.

Well, everything is simple here. Since childhood I have had a penchant for freebies. Mom, for example, wanted me to become a doctor. And I myself have never aspired to professions where you need to study a lot, practice for a long time and work hard to achieve something. For a long time after college, I stuck around in temporary jobs outside my specialty, just to get paid more. Time passed and it was time to decide where it was possible, so as not to strain and to pay more money.
I came across a job advertisement on the Internet. They promised to teach me everything from scratch and a stable income of 60 thousand a month. I immediately remembered the incident when my grandfather’s apartment was being sold. Some people came, signed something and earned, as I later found out, 5 thousand dollars. It’s good that they took it from the buyers and not from us.

A typical ad looks something like this:

“Real estate agent required. Work experience and education do not matter. A large company is recruiting interns. We will train you from scratch, if you wish. The salary is high, from 50 thousand per month, the ceiling is not limited. Call!"

Working as a realtor at Inkom-Real Estate. How much can an agent with no experience earn?

There were two interviews. At the first meeting, a personnel officer meets you and talks about the vacancy, the company, etc. They immediately warned that the salary was “black”. This didn’t bother me, just as they weren’t embarrassed by my work history with different positions, none of which I held for more than six months. In general, they have several areas: resale, new buildings, rentals and townhouses. I came across an ad for recruiting agents for the secondary apartment market, and they sent me there.

At the second interview I met with the head of the department. The dialogue was short, after which there was a tour of the Inkom office. I was shown the department and assigned a mentor. The mentor is selected by the head of the department from among experienced realtors. From the very first day they gave me a huge encyclopedia. It had to be learned almost word for word. There are a lot of different negotiation techniques, “cold calling” techniques, and collections of laws on real estate transactions. It is advisable to know all this thoroughly; it will come in handy during the work process. Copying and taking the volume outside the office is strictly prohibited.

Salary structure and career ladder at Inkom-Real Estate

  • agent - 40%;
  • realtor-expert - 60%;
  • senior expert - 70%.

There are several stages of career growth. As you grow in position, the percentage of the deal increases:

  • trainee agent - 20% of the commission;
  • agent - 40%;
  • realtor-expert - 60%;
  • senior expert - 70%.

I calculated this on the first day and was very upset, I thought at least half of the commission was paid to the agent. Surviving on 36 thousand was not part of my plans. What kept me from ignominiously fleeing was a sheet of leading workers hanging in the office. There, agents were posted in descending order by the number of transactions and total commission. The maximum number of transactions is 32, the maximum commission is about 10 million, of which 7 are in your pocket. So a good realtor in Moscow earns half a million rubles a month. And before the collapse of the ruble it was very, very cool.

They don’t give you clients; you have to look for them yourself. In reality, all newcomers strive to quickly find at least some client so that their personal commission increases. It rises after the first seven trades. Now calculate how much you get out of these 180 thousand in your hands - 36 thousand. Even if you conclude one deal a month, it’s just a laugh, not money for Moscow.

How much do top realtors earn in Moscow?

I asked my mentor why she has less than 10 deals, and she is among the top with them. To which I received the answer:

“I have never strived to close more deals for a minimum commission. I had deals with commissions of half a million and a million. I still didn’t have enough to run for pennies. As much as the client allows himself to be “cut off”, I will “cut it down”.

The people at the top were different in character. Mostly from other departments. But I saw them with my own eyes. It’s very unusual to look at a girl who is barely 30 and know that she earns more than 10 thousand dollars a month. Or a woman who looks like a stall saleswoman, who talks about her daughter, how she demands her mother to pay for her studies at Cambridge, because all her friends from an elite Moscow school are going there to study. In general, these people served as motivation for me.

Real estate training process

After studying the thick folder, I moved on to practical training. I looked at the databases. There are two largest ones - “Navigator” and “Winner”. I was forced to call them. Stupidly call for hours, introducing yourself as a client, in order to learn how to speak. I’m an introvert by nature, it’s still torture.

Then they let me print advertisements and sent them to peck them out. In the future, I had to print advertisements at my own expense. Computers are slow and ancient in the office. It's surprising that such a rich office can't change its office equipment. However, this can be seen throughout the entire mechanism of Incom’s work. Squeezing all the juice out of young agents, many leave after making just a couple of transactions, from which the company takes 80%, organizing a structure of small LLCs registered in the name of branch directors for the purpose of tax evasion, etc. In general, Incom is huge, pays almost no taxes and saves on everything. Besides training.

For the theoretical part, business coaches are invited every couple of weeks. During the trainings, business games are held and more psychological problems are dealt with.

One of the most popular problems: how to sell a client a service for 180 thousand, if there are a lot of agencies around that work for 100 thousand and below?

Answer: emphasize the brand that we are the best, that they can deceive everywhere, you have to pay for quality, or say that the contractor pays for everything, and the service is free for you!

There are regular lectures for all beginners. Every month, 200-400 new people gather in a huge conference hall, and branch directors and other managers, almost all dollar millionaires, speak to them. They tell stories about how in the 90s you could earn money for an apartment in Moscow in six months, but now only the best survive.

Sale of apartments in new buildings

These lectures are more motivational; most of what is said there is then called by the mentor as inconsistent with reality. For example, at the lecture they say that INCOM will be happy to buy at its own expense apartments that you find at a price 10% below the market and will pay you a commission when sold according to the market. If you check with your mentor, it turns out that they buy out single apartments from drunks for almost a box of vodka; no one will buy anything that costs 70% of the market price or more.

Where can an agent get his first clients?

There are several sources of clients from INCOM itself:

  • duty in the office, when you advise the incoming flow of clients and conclude contracts along the way;
  • duty on a multi-line telephone, here you need to attract a client who wants to get information for free;
  • free consultations in “One Window” centers;
  • free consultations from a company minibus (have you seen them yet?).

For the first two types of consultations, you must pass a practical exam; “green” beginners are not allowed. The work schedule is flexible, duty and consultations are compulsory according to the schedule. In his free time, the young real estate agent looks for clients on the Internet and through advertisements. Somehow they immediately cooled me off with the Internet, they say, there is more competition there. That's why I went around and posted ads all the time.

Notice board for apartments for sale at the entrance

You post 100-300 advertisements a day and wait for calls. There are 10 or more calls a day, the wave fades after a week if you don’t put up fresh advertisements, which are constantly disrupted by utility workers. We glue, and they tear it down, so we work, hating each other.

The essence of being a newbie real estate agent in one sentence : today you put up ads, and tomorrow you... put up ads again!

Everything is at your own expense: paper, paint, travel. My mentor printed some of the advertisements for me, but I spent a lot of money - 5 thousand a month. There were no deals and no deals, that’s why.

Example of customer purchasing behavior:

Please find me a one-room apartment in Zhulebino for 4 million.

Nobody sells for this money in Zhulebino, you can look in the area across the road.

No, I only need Moscow, where the pension is a thousand rubles higher.

Are you considering New Moscow?

No, only Zhulebino, my daughter lives there. Goodbye.

Sales behavior example:

I have a nice apartment, in Brezhnevka, 55 meters, help me sell it!

How much do you want for it?

6 million minimum!

In the new house next door, 72 meters is being sold for 5.2 million, you will never sell it for that price.

Oh, my neighbor told me that bricks there are emitting radiation, only idiots buy them there. Under the Soviet Union, they were built to last, but now these huts are something you wouldn’t wish on your enemy. Well, if you don’t want to sell my apartment, we’ll find other realtors, they’ll tear off Brezhnev’s money, right now all the apartments over there cost millions, you’d think mine is worse!

Many agents get jobs as advertisers in order to earn at least something while there are no deals. I was thinking about going too.

Renting out premises

In three months I earned 0 rubles, spent 15-20 thousand, not counting lunches. The money was running out, no new income was expected. At some point I just realized that this was not for me and gave up. I'm not the only one. After me, several more interns came to the department and before me left. While I was still working, one woman quit, who, after 2 years of trying, was still unable to score 7 deals. All this time her husband was sponsoring her attempts; there was no one to sponsor me.

What can you say as a review of working as a realtor in Inkom?

The job is suitable for sociable, married, middle-aged women. According to statistics, these are the ones that clients trust the most. In no case should you go to realtors if you are an introvert, you don’t like cold calling, communicating with people and other similar things. If you want stability, this job is definitely not for you.

You won’t be able to get a mortgage with this kind of work either, however, real estate experts are given some kind of “gray” certificates for banks. If you want to become a realtor just to make a commission-free deal with your apartment and save 200 thousand, it won’t work; this is only available after concluding seven transactions.

I personally have the impression that the profession is “smelly.” If you want to earn money, you need to, if you don’t lie directly, then keep a lot of things under wraps. Plus fawn over the client, try to please. As my mentor recalled one incident:

“There’s a drunk sitting in front of me, he’s come to exchange his one-room apartment for a room so he’ll have something to drink on. He looks almost homeless. He stinks, but I smile at him. I smile, because since I treated him with respect, he won’t go anywhere else, he’ll sign up with me for any commission. And the commission will be 900 thousand, so I smile.”

Only a few succeed; hundreds pass through the juicer. All this is reminiscent of a certain model of the “American Dream”, when there is a pear hanging, you can’t eat, but your neighbor somehow manages. In conclusion, I will quote the words of one of the directors of INCOM, which I remembered at the lecture and which are 100% true:

“We don’t care who your dad is, who your mom is or what connections they have. Inkom is one of the very few companies in Russia where anyone, absolutely anyone, can come and start earning hundreds of thousands of rubles a month without any connections. Nowhere else can you earn money for an apartment in Moscow (not a mortgage) from scratch in 3 years, but we have agents who have done it. Here everyone is equal and we only look at the result!”

Video about all the intricacies of working as a realtor

The profession of a realtor has its own specifics. According to statistics, out of every ten who started training after 3 months, no more than five people will remain. Another six months later - only three. And only one out of three will be able to earn more than the average salary. But the income will allow him to acquire his own home in the future.

The Internet and SMS are full of advertisements like “Get a valuable profession and start earning $2,000 a month” or “Earn money for an apartment in 2 years.” Let’s try to figure out how true such reviews about working as a realtor are.

What's alarming?

Realtor training from scratch is offered free of charge, which always appeals to the consumer. Its duration is indicated as one and a half to two weeks - somehow undignified for the formation of a specialist with such a decent future income. For comparison, studying to become a lawyer at a university takes 5 years. If you enroll on a paid basis at a serious law university, then the amount spent during the entire study period will be no less than 1,000,000 rubles. Then a certified lawyer will be able to receive an average salary of 40-50 thousand rubles.

A simple arithmetic calculation allows us to establish that the money invested in training will pay off no earlier than two or two and a half years of hard work. Only after this can we talk about net income. To earn $2,000 or more monthly, a lawyer will have to work hard. Why does getting into the real estate profession seem so relatively affordable? Let's try to figure it out.

How to become a real estate specialist?

What exactly needs to be done to succeed in this profession? How to become a realtor? First of all, get a job in one of the promising real estate companies (by successfully passing an interview with it). Maximum honesty and openness is recommended. Do not try to mislead future employers about your past successes and current professional qualities. Such deception will sooner or later be discovered.

Each agency trains its employees differently. How do you know how successful a particular technique is? Pay attention to the statistics: a company that has existed for several years and has trained a significant number of specialists will most likely offer you truly up-to-date information.

Often training is carried out simultaneously with work, that is, the acquired theoretical knowledge is immediately applied in practical activities. The main difficulty here is to learn how to present the obtained legal, etc. information in a language accessible to clients. In fact, selling real estate continues continuously throughout his career. Of course, most of the techniques and technologies can be found in magazines and on the Internet. But without practicing them in real transactions with clients, it’s better not to dream of success.

Let's get to work...

The first shock for a novice realtor, as a rule, is a “sudden” discovery - he is not the only one here. There are a lot of people working in the endless field of real estate sales services, and everyone is competing with each other. Why is this profession so attractive?

The “golden” time for real estate agents was 2007-2008. At this time, housing was rapidly growing in price, a mortgage loan from a bank could be obtained without problems, the services of a realtor were valued, and a strong opinion was formed about the easy and quick earnings of a representative of this profession. Many people came to it who could not find themselves in other fields of activity.

But with the onset of the 2008-2009 crisis, prices fell sharply, it became much more difficult to find buyers and, as a result, there was an outflow of personnel from the profession. Reviews about working as a realtor have acquired a negative connotation. However, experts believe that even today a capable agent can earn more than representatives of a number of other professions.

The problem for most people who come to this field is that, dreaming of serious earnings, people are actually not ready to invest their own time and effort in adequate proportions. And without such investments it will not be possible to achieve a level of serious income and maintain it.

Where do realtors come from?

This profession is not one for which one prepares from childhood. Rarely does anyone spend years thinking about how to become a realtor. So far, almost everyone who got here is random people. Successful agents include former representatives of a wide variety of industries and specialties. Some were pushed to do this by life circumstances. Others were interested in the process of working as a real estate specialist. At least 20% of today's professional agents were initially driven by the desire to solve their own housing problems.

When the market economy was just emerging (in the early nineties), each of the real estate agents was a pioneer by definition. There weren’t many reviews about working as a realtor. The subtleties of the profession were learned exclusively through experience. In the same way, you came to understand how suitable this job was for you.

These days the real estate market is more civilized and predictable, but the dropout rate is not decreasing. Why are so many people unable to do this job? You can understand this by understanding the essence of the profession and identifying the main mistakes that most beginners make.

About the problems of novice agents

We will not talk now about obvious irresponsibility, unprofessionalism or excessively low communication skills - with these qualities you cannot achieve success anywhere. According to experts, the main mistake of beginners is the lack of desire to “dig” - to understand the most important fundamentals of the realtor profession. A significant portion of agents are poorly aware that their most important commodity is personal time.

A person who hires a realtor instructs him to solve a specific problem that requires a certain amount of time and energy. The success of the first meeting with a client depends on a well-structured conversation. An agent who has taken an aggressive and hostile position, “First we sign the contract, then we start working,” usually remains alone.

As experienced and successful specialists testify, you have to spend time not only on the direct services of a realtor. Housing transactions for the majority of the population are associated with many personal circumstances, sometimes quite dramatic. The agent is obliged to temporarily turn into a confidant and advisor to his own client. People on a subconscious level expect not only formal support for the transaction, but also emotional support. Customer reviews of realtors are often largely tied to the so-called human factor.

What's important

Thus, a professional realtor is required to combine a considerable number of skills and abilities - knowledge of the market, the intricacies of legislation, the ability to promote the interests of clients in the necessary authorities, the ability to quickly collect and execute the necessary documents. At the same time, such an agent is a good psychologist, ready to listen to complaints, for example, about the unfair division of real estate, etc. Smart and far-sighted realtors will never refuse a client a half-hour conversation on the phone with words of consolation, even if it is not at all at the right time. Those who are categorically not ready to spend their time in this way are unlikely to be able to become true. In any case, they will not see valuable recommendations from clients.

This kind of customer focus should not be confused with basic spinelessness. Those who are soft-bodied and indecisive, following the lead of others, have nothing to do in this profession. The agent is tested from all sides - with distrust, anxiety, and sometimes outright aggression. People trying to complete a real estate transaction are often overwhelmed by anxiety, sometimes without any basis in reality. The task of a professional realtor in this case is to show confidence and sometimes toughness, reassure the owners and take on the role of a leader.

How to become disillusioned with the profession

The job can sometimes seem deceptively simple. The real estate market situation is changing on the fly. At times, sales can be easy, and a person mistakenly believes that this work is almost “freebie”. Reviews about working as a realtor are the most enthusiastic. But as the situation changes and competition in the agent market gets tougher, it turns out that the majority are not able to cope with the new rules of the game. After the crisis, the fight goes on for every client. They run after them, persuade them, and sometimes even tolerate inappropriate behavior.

Another reason why relationships with the real estate profession do not work out can be considered a lack of patience. Not everyone is able to wait for the declared income. The remuneration of a realtor of a large agency, as a rule, ranges from 15 to 40% of the commission paid by the client. The minimum percentage is assigned to newcomers. Among other things, due to lack of experience, they are unable to carry out a large number of transactions, and accordingly, the level of income remains low.

In most agencies there is no fixed salary - realtors work exclusively for percentages. Somewhere there is a fixed salary, but it is a rather ridiculous amount. The first deal can rightfully be called the most difficult. A person is overwhelmed with information and his own emotions. There is no experience at all. The company will pay a realtor without experience a minimum remuneration of 10-15% of the income generated. Thus, the first three to four months of hard work, by definition, turn out to be “lean,” which is very stressful for newbie realtors.

Be patient...

According to experts, the average time until the first transaction (we are talking about the secondary market) is 3-6 months. At the same time, people usually decide on their preferences (whether the chosen profession is suitable or not) within six months to a year. In this area, the main indicators of success are the number of transactions and, accordingly, the realtor’s earnings in monetary terms.

Experienced agents claim that in the sales of the same secondary real estate it is possible, after “promoting”, to carry out 2 to 3 transactions every month. At least one of them will be complex (the agent leads it from the very beginning until the conclusion of the contract); in other transactions, his role is support. If such a specialist works for himself, he has a chance to earn about 150 thousand rubles monthly. As an agency employee, he will receive significantly less income.

According to professionals, the biggest earnings come from those specialists who can handle complex, sometimes conflict-ridden negotiations. The most successful agents are able to earn from 200 to 250 thousand rubles per month (on average), but such accomplished professionals in the general population are no more than 5-7%.

What you should be prepared for

Realtors, as has long been known, feed their feet. Indeed, to sell any property you have to run around a lot. First, an advertisement is given, then a buyer is sought, and numerous viewings are carried out (most of which lead to nothing). And only when the deal is prepared does a new stage begin - running around the authorities.

By “using your legs” to the fullest, you can earn good money. The amount of commission charged to the client depends on the level of complexity of the sale of the object put up for sale. If the seller-owner's requirement is to sell the apartment in a short time, and the property is not considered liquid, the agent has the right to request a larger remuneration.

The amount of a realtor's percentage is also influenced by the degree of his involvement in a particular transaction - whether he leads it from beginning to completion or simply brings a new client to the agency. The more brokers “invest” in the process, the more they earn.

Sales plans set by management for their employees cannot always be translated into real life. Compared to a realtor at a real estate agency, a private broker is able to earn an order of magnitude more - because he does not have to share with the employer. But for real success, such a single agent cannot do without a huge client base. It also doesn’t hurt to have your own people in the same agencies who can become suppliers of profitable orders.

Who is luckier?

“Golden” realtors are those who are engaged in the sale of luxury housing. Their commission percentage is usually higher, and the “cost” of a realtor can amount to several hundred thousand dollars monthly. But if business-class real estate is considered a “gold mine,” the least profitable segment is the economy-class housing rental segment. This type of work is usually assigned to beginners. Transactions here are relatively simple, mistakes are difficult to make, and there are few serious papers to sign. But this work requires a lot of personal time, showing and running around.

Each real estate segment has its own sales specifics. For example, suburban properties are considered the most profitable to sell among brokers. But at the same time, selling such an object is quite a labor-intensive task. A client planning to purchase housing in a cottage community is usually very picky. Most often, people save for years to buy a house in rural areas. They approach the transaction responsibly and very carefully, unlike those who, for example, are selling a city apartment inherited from their grandfather. In addition, cottages are more expensive than apartments, and people subconsciously find it more difficult to part with large sums. They bargain confidently and require an individual approach. Sometimes only an experienced sales manager can get along with such a client.

Where can I get a job?

Where exactly can a real estate agent work? As mentioned above, in addition to private practice, they can be employees of real estate agencies. In addition, representatives of this profession can be found in an investment company or any organization whose activities are related to real estate transactions.

We list the main responsibilities of realtors:

  1. Collect information about real estate for sale or rent.
  2. Study the housing market, find out the demand for specific categories.
  3. Negotiate on behalf of clients the purchase, sale or rental of real estate.
  4. Monitor sites where advertisements for such transactions may be posted.
  5. Register possible offers from potential clients.
  6. Search for buyers for specific objects.
  7. In the same way, select tenants for certain objects.
  8. Introduce clients to a bank of offers with the selection of the most suitable and profitable options for them.
  9. Conclude agreements with homeowners and carry out registration of transactions for all real estate transactions.
  10. Advise your clients on all possible issues during the process.
  11. Protect the interests of clients, store documents transferred for the transaction, ensure the confidentiality of data and their complete safety.
  12. Prepare reports on all work done.

Let's talk about the advantages of the profession

First of all, it is in a free work schedule. A realtor can work in the afternoon or in the evenings. After all, most meetings with clients are scheduled after 17-18 hours. Often, for this reason, young mothers on maternity leave enter the profession. Thanks to a free schedule, they are able to plan their day taking into account the needs of both family and work.

Another undoubted advantage is the absence of a “ceiling” of the salary that the employer assigns to you. After all, any boss can find the right argument and not pay you your rightful money. Here you are your own boss and your income is directly dependent on the number of transactions concluded.

For private entrepreneurs and realtors, it is important to be able to rent space for their own office not far from their home. In addition, many people cite the emergence of a wide circle of communication, new acquaintances and contacts as an advantage. There are no age restrictions in this profession. Even a pensioner can earn money in this area if he is energetic and competent enough.

The work implies a constant increase in professionalism in the chosen field, that is, the agent has something to strive for and where to develop. There are all kinds of advanced training courses, and the experience gained turns out to be almost priceless. A specialist in almost any field can be retrained to become a realtor.

What are the disadvantages?

First of all, there is no fixed salary amount. Another big disadvantage is the significant difficulties in finding clients. Sometimes you have to make truly enormous efforts to achieve this. Also, as already mentioned, there is a lack of quick earnings, especially in the first months of work. Often a realtor complains about the negative attitude of clients who suspect him of deception and selfish intentions. Many people are bothered by the lack of an entry in the work book.

The main thing you should strive for is to overcome the first, most difficult six months in this profession. Over time, the contact database grows, the number of clients increases, and deals sometimes begin to “come to hand.”

Where to find realtor courses for free

Where do they train to become realtors? Sales specialists need theoretical training. What are the requirements for them in terms of educational level? It is possible to obtain this profession at a university, but not everyone can afford a higher education. There are a number of reasons for this, mainly related to lack of time or money. In addition, the university diploma itself (as well as other realtor qualification documents) in this case is not the main thing. It is practically not useful for an agent's private practice. The same applies to getting a college education.

A good option could be distance learning at the same college, technical school or university. Based on the results, you receive a diploma, while saving a significant amount of time and money.

An alternative option is for a realtor to take courses for free at the chosen agency. As already mentioned, most of them organize such training on their own. Successful candidates are employed by them.

Another opportunity is to enroll in courses or participate in trainings and seminars conducted by companies and corporations whose field of activity is real estate transactions. Most often, the teachers of such seminars are professionals in their field who have already achieved certain success in this area. They conduct courses with the aim of training newcomers and simultaneously improving the skills of their own employees.

Most of these seminars and trainings are paid and, based on the results of completion, give a certificate of acquired qualifications. Mastering the profession is also possible in a training center, where you will be given a certificate of assignment to the profession of a realtor or real estate agent.

Let us repeat once again - the main thing in the work of a specialist in this field is not the prestige of “crusts”, but real success in practical activities, which allows us to talk about the employee as a true professional in his field.

What is required from an agent first of all?

What skills and professional qualities must a successful realtor have? A real estate agent is a versatile person. He combines the professions of a lawyer (resolves a lot of legal issues that arise in connection with the proper execution of documents for transactions), an economist (understands the relationship between supply and demand in the housing market, predicts the rate of growth of housing prices), a psychologist (finds a common language with clients , focuses on the needs of specific people, knows how to persuade and defend his own positions), advertiser (knows how to sell the desired object to a specific buyer, composes exclusive ads, understands the types of advertising in accordance with the audience).

Additional, but quite important skills include skills in handling modern computer programs, as well as office equipment (scanner, fax, printer), also knowledge of a foreign language or two, and the status of a car enthusiast coupled with the presence of a car.

Who is this profession suitable for?

What can be said about the personal qualities required by a real estate agent? As in any job, we are primarily talking about organization and responsibility, determination and the ability to quickly resolve emerging issues. In addition, good upbringing, communication skills and high stress tolerance are extremely important for a realtor. Persistence is also an essential quality, the main thing is not to go too far. In addition, this profession implies a certain degree of creativity - after all, sometimes only a creative approach helps solve professional problems.

What can you say about a career in this profession? Career growth here is a direct consequence of ambitions and aspirations. There are no promotions as such here. Rather, we can talk about a “horizontal” career associated with personal, professional, financial growth and the development of a reputation in relevant circles.

What is the Russian Guild of Realtors?

In 1992, a national organization was created to bring together members of real estate market professionals. It was called the Russian Guild of Realtors. About 1,200 companies entered it. RGR calls its main task the development of the real estate market in our country in a civilized form. All its members are required to be guided by a code of ethics and professional standards in their own activities.

The tasks of the RGR include the development of legislative acts, the content of which is the regulation of the real estate market. Its members - agents and brokers - are on the lists of the Federal Register of Certified Real Estate Specialists RGR. This register unites the entire set of certified companies, as well as certified brokers and private realtors in Russia with their contact details and database of offers.

On the official website of the RGR, in addition to information about the proposed real estate with displays on the map, you can find analytical materials and a lot of useful information.