One of the most romantic and sensual professions is the profession of a flight attendant. Many young women are wondering how to become a flight attendant? I would like to visit different countries, see the world, meet interesting people, even meet my love on the plane. Plus, the job feels dusty. But few people know what this profession really is, what hard work is hidden behind a beautiful picture and what you have to pay for the opportunity to fly.

The history of the stewardess profession

The profession of a flight attendant dates back to the 30s of the last century. Someone was supposed to take care of the passengers on board, and for advertising purposes they decided that they should be young and attractive women, although the main task was to unload the co-pilot for safety reasons. There was nowhere to study to be a flight attendant, the education of a nurse was enough.

Stewardesses met passengers, checked tickets, weighed luggage, cleaned in the aircraft cabin. During the flight, they served food and drinks, cleaned passengers' shoes, and carried buckets of fuel during stopovers. The first flight attendants are young women no older than 25 years old with nursing diplomas, necessarily slim and short - no more than 160 cm and 52 kg. The term "flight attendant" was coined quite recently, in 1998.

What it takes to become a flight attendant

The requirements of various airlines for applicants for the position of a flight attendant are not too different. Typically, they are as follows:

  • Average height - from 165 cm, but not too tall so that you don't have to bend your head.
  • Excellent health. For flight attendants, it is compulsory to undergo a medical examination. Good eyesight, absence of cardiovascular diseases, psychological health - these are all mandatory requirements for flight attendants.
  • Lack of excess weight, tattoos, scars, piercings, noticeable flaws in appearance.
  • Good knowledge of at least English, and better also German or French.
  • Higher education, competent speech, good diction.

Requirements for flight attendants

So how do you become a flight attendant? The flight attendant school is the next step after the interview and medical examination. The course is designed for a month or two. This is followed by a thirty-hour internship already on board the plane.

It is generally accepted that stewardesses are required to have a model appearance. The requirements for the flight attendant's figure are not dictated by aesthetics at all, just too small stature can interfere with helping passengers get things from the upper shelves, and a large weight is undesirable, so as not to overload the plane.

Having a desire to acquire this profession and wondering how to become a flight attendant, you will definitely have to improve your English. This job pays well and provides an opportunity to travel the world. In addition, paid vacation for a flight attendant is more than 70 days. But this is hard work, both physically and psychologically.

What are taught in the courses

Future flight attendants are trained in first aid, emergency rules, and passenger service. Flight attendants may even give birth or calm a riotous passenger. Girls are also taught to apply discreet makeup and do their hair, as well as wear uniforms. Training takes place with the use of aircraft stimulants. At the end of the course, an exam is passed, part of which is the simulation of an aircraft crash with the crew descending into a pool of cold water. How much to study as a flight attendant depends on the airline, but is usually four to seven weeks.

Work at Aeroflot

Aeroflot is one of the most coveted employing companies for flight attendants. Firstly, the salaries of flight attendants are higher than in other airlines. Secondly, it is prestigious to work for Aeroflot, as it is a very respected organization. Thirdly, I am impressed by the huge number of international flights. What you need to become a flight attendant in this particular company:

  • secondary education;
  • for those who have no experience, the upper age limit is 26, experienced flight attendants can try their luck at Aeroflot at an older age;
  • growth from 160 to 175 cm;
  • clothing size up to 48;
  • good level of English;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • registration in Moscow or the Moscow region;

You can learn more about how to become an Aeroflot flight attendant on the airline's website. If you meet all their requirements, then you can safely fill out the questionnaire posted here, which must be accompanied by a good photo with neat daytime makeup and hairstyle.

Applicants will be interviewed by a special commission. If, after the interview and testing, a decision is made in favor of the candidate, the applicant is sent to undergo a medical-flight expert commission. Based on the results of this commission and the results of the interview, the applicant is admitted to the position of a flight attendant-trainee and is sent to the Aeroflot Aviation School for training and further training.

How much do flight attendants earn

In Aeroflot, a flight attendant can earn from 40 to 90 thousand. The salary is not fixed, but depends on many factors:

  • presence or absence of complaints and gratitude;
  • marks on the next exam in English;
  • the number of flight hours.

Flight attendants who show themselves well are transferred to long-haul flights. In this case, very decent travel allowances are also paid. You can also become a senior flight attendant or instructor over time. To work on international charter flights, it is advisable to speak not only English, but also French and German. In addition, Aeroflot trains flight attendants in Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

The social package at Aeroflot is also not bad: insurance, pension contributions, discount air tickets, sanatoriums, kindergartens, 74 days of vacation.

Where are Aeroflot flight attendants trained?

Where to study for a flight attendant depends on which airline you were interviewed on. Before becoming a flight attendant at Aeroflot, you need to graduate from the flight attendant training school of this company - the Aeroflot Aviation School. The cost of training in it is 45,000 rubles. For those who passed the interview and were hired, Aeroflot partially pays for the training, the rest can be deducted from their salaries. It will take 1.5 months to study. The course includes both theoretical training and practice on the aircraft. The training uses a land-water simulator and a model of the passenger compartment. During their studies, students master the skills of providing first aid, undergo emergency rescue training, and a course in organizing air transport. Flight attendants are taught how to properly serve food and even open champagne, serve passengers, guess their desires and smooth out conflict situations.

The price of the issue is motherhood

Changes in pressure, exposure to ozone and radiation, loud noise, vibration, change of time zones - all this cannot but affect health. For example, it is difficult for flight attendants to endure pregnancy, it is often terminated at the earliest possible date. In the third or fourth week of pregnancy, there is a rough laying of organs, the nervous system, and the brain. Under the influence of harmful factors, the natural development of the embryo can be disrupted, and a miscarriage occurs or the fetus freezes. This happens at a time when a woman may not even guess about her position. Occupational gynecological diseases are also observed in flight attendants, as well as dysbiosis. In order to conceive and bear a healthy child, a flight attendant needs to give up flights even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Other cons of the profession

Due to the long stay on the legs, flight attendants often suffer from varicose veins, and they also often have problems with the spine. Living in constant stress leads to another occupational disease - insomnia.

Flight attendants work with people. Situations are very different, conflicting, complex. The stewardess should always remain calm, kind and smile on her face. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many passengers deteriorate in the air. Fear and panic, coupled with alcohol, lead to quarrels, whims, nagging, and sometimes fights. Thus, stress is an eternal companion of the flight attendant. Therefore, flight attendants retire already at thirty.

Often, flight attendants do not have a personal life. It so happened that they fall in love with a beautiful stewardess, fascinated by the romance of the profession, but when the wife is not at home for weeks, this is a completely different matter. The stewardess simply physically cannot do her home, everyday life, and fulfill all the duties of a good wife and mother. If she was lucky enough to be a mother at all.

Nevertheless, this job is very interesting, difficult, responsible and well paid. If you are attracted by the sky and distant countries, then go ahead! Getting your dream job is quite possible.

According to glossy magazines, every girl wants to become a model, singer or actress. However, practice shows that this is not entirely true. Many girls are attracted not at all by the glitter of spotlights, fashion shows and world catwalks, but by the romance of the sky, private travel and the stylish beautiful uniform of a flight attendant. In this case, not only the prestige of this profession plays an important role, but also the rather high salaries of flight attendants.

According to glossy magazines, every girl wants to become a model, singer or. However, practice shows that this is not entirely true. Many girls are attracted not at all by the glitter of spotlights, fashion shows and world catwalks, but by the romance of the sky, private travel and a stylish beautiful uniform stewardesses... In this case, not only the prestige of this profession plays an important role, but also the rather high salaries of flight attendants.

But is the profession of a flight attendant as wonderful as it seems at first glance? Is the job of a flight attendant really a continuous celebration and extravaganza of unforgettable impressions? In fact, the professional activity of the "heavenly angels" (this is how stewardesses are sometimes called) has a number of peculiarities, because of which this profession can be called not only interesting, but also incredibly difficult. But what these features are you will learn in the framework of this article.

Who is a stewardess?

stewardess) - a specialist in the rank and file of aircraft and a member of the cabin crew who serves passengers and is responsible for their safety. Since the flight attendants (and stewards) are a kind of "face" of the airline, they have increased requirements in terms of external and physical data: for girls - size 42-48, height 160-175 cm; for boys - size 46-54, height 170-185; attractive appearance, pleasant voice, age up to 30 years.

The name of the profession comes from the English steward (manager), from which it can be concluded that the flight attendants act as the manager of the aircraft cabin. To some extent, this is so, since during the flight it is the flight attendants who are the "mistresses" of the cabin, receiving guests - passengers. Official date of appearance stewardess profession the year 1930 is considered when Boeing first hired female flight attendants (before that). Note that the first flight attendants not only served passengers, but also weighed luggage and passengers, cleaned the cabin after the end of the flight, helped refuel the plane and roll it into the parking lot.

Fortunately, modern flight attendants don't need to do anything like that. The list of their duties is limited exclusively to servicing the aircraft crew and passengers. Stewardesses meet and place passengers on board, explain the rules of conduct on the aircraft and monitor their implementation, talk about how to behave in case of unforeseen situations and, if necessary, provide first aid, deliver lunches and soft drinks, check the completeness in an emergency - rescue equipment, control the sanitary condition of the aircraft.

What personal qualities should a stewardess have?

As you might guess flight attendant job is directly related to communication with a variety of people, therefore "heavenly angels", first of all, should be polite, sociable and balanced. In addition, the list of personal qualities that a stewardess must possess includes:

Also, a stewardess must speak at least one foreign language, know the basics of social psychology, have skills in handling emergency equipment and servicing the crew and passengers.

Benefits of the stewardess profession

It is not difficult to guess what is the main stewardess profession advantage lies in the special atmosphere of romance that surrounds not only the place of work of the flight attendant, but also all her professional activities. Vivid emotions, unforgettable impressions, new meetings and life among the clouds - all this is an integral part of the flight attendant's work.

It is also important that the "heavenly angels" have the opportunity not only (and, mind you, to receive quite a high salary for this), but also to buy fashionable and high-quality things for themselves and their relatives at European prices. Agree that for young girls this advantage of this profession can be decisive.

It is worth mentioning that the professional duties of flight attendants leave a certain imprint on the attitude of flight attendants towards themselves. Representatives of this profession are so used to always maintaining an impeccable appearance and remaining calm even in the most difficult situations that they involuntarily adhere to these habits in everyday life. And this greatly helps them both in their personal life and in building a career in the future, when the profession of a flight attendant becomes inaccessible to them.

Disadvantages of the stewardess profession

Despite the fact that at first glance, the work of a flight attendant seems to be the ultimate dream, consisting of some advantages, there are also disadvantages in it. And the main lack of a stewardess profession can be called strict age restrictions. It is very rare for a woman over 30 to become a "heavenly angel". Moreover, even experienced flight attendants with an excellent track record are forced to retire after 30 years, since the management of almost all airlines is confident that only young girls can have the desired impact on passengers.

Now let's talk about traveling around the world. Yes, flight attendants have the opportunity to visit the most different parts of our planet. But visiting does not mean sightseeing and getting to know the culture of other nations. As a rule, the flights of the airline in one direction and the other are performed at intervals of 2-3 hours, so the flight attendants simply do not have time not only to see the sights, but also simply to walk around the vicinity of the hotel, where they rest between flights.

It is impossible not to say about the rather difficult working conditions:

  • firstly, on every flight there may be unpleasant passengers who are rude, scandalous and treat the flight attendants like service personnel. But no matter how unpleasant the passenger is, flight attendants should always smile and calmly react to aggression;
  • secondly, going on the next flight, the members of the aircraft crew, including the flight attendants, worry not only about the safety of passengers, but also about their own lives. After all, the plane belongs to the transport of increased danger, technical malfunctions of which can lead to irreversible consequences;
  • thirdly, frequent time zone changes, pressure drops, noise, vibration and radiation have a negative impact on the health of flight attendants, which causes problems such as varicose veins, gynecological diseases, neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and musculoskeletal diseases -motor apparatus.

Where can you get the profession of a flight attendant?

To get the profession of a stewardess it is not at all necessary to enter a specialized higher educational institution. It is enough to pass an interview at the airline, a medical commission and preparatory courses, which include both theoretical and practical parts. However, you need to understand that the work of a flight attendant requires tremendous knowledge: from providing medical care to the psychological foundations of negotiating with terrorists. Therefore, an applicant for the position of a flight attendant must at least have the ability to educate herself. And even better, if the flight attendant will combine her work with distance learning in one of the the best aviation universities in Russia, which can be attributed to.

Work flight attendant or stewardesses one of the most romantic in the world. Just imagine: the blue sky, you are in beautiful shape, there are many new, interesting people around you and distant countries ahead. Isn't it a dream? Moreover, to make this dream come true, one does not need to study for a long time. Flight attendants and stewardesses prepared by all major airlines... First of all, this is due to the fact that there is a large turnover of personnel in the field of air transportation. Despite the apparent lightness, the profession of a flight attendant is quite difficult both physically and emotionally. Frequent change of time zones, pressure drops and stressful situations do not add health and many cannot stand it, preferring earthly professions to heaven. But if you firmly decided that heaven is your path, then there are several options for obtaining profession flight attendant and further employment.

Free training for flight attendants and stewardesses

If you want to master this profession for free, then it is enough to apply to the appropriate courses in any airline. If the admissions committee considers you a worthy candidate, you will pass the training for flight attendant courses and sign a 3-year employment contract with the airline to pay for them. In case of early termination of the contract, you will be obliged to pay the cost of the courses. Therefore, think carefully before committing yourself.

Paid training for flight attendants and stewardesses

If you want to independently decide on what conditions and where to work after receiving the specialty of a flight attendant, then you are on the road to " School of guides»On the basis of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation. This school has been operating since 1995 and has established itself as the best. The training programs at the school are based on Lufthansa emergency procedures, Austrian Airlines service standards, comply with ICAO requirements and are correlated with the requirements of Russian air legislation. You can also study unique specialties in it, for example, "Organization of services for the main passenger and VIP passengers in aircraft with a" cabin "layout in corporate aviation." At the moment, the initial training course at the flight attendant school costs about 36,000 rubles.

What are the selection criteria for flight attendants and flight attendants?

Good health;
Pleasant appearance;
46th clothing size for girls;
up to size 54 for young men, without a tendency to be overweight;
Height: girls 165-175 cm, boys 175-185 cm;
Adequacy, sociability, stress resistance;
Knowledge of spoken English is a must.

Stewardesses and flight attendants careers and salary expectations

There are no problems with employment in the field of air transportation, the labor market is in constant demand for flight attendants, and all doors are open for young men - flight attendants. This is due to the fact that there are few young people in this professional field, and there should be at least two of them on board.
As for the salary - for beginners it is on average 22 thousand rubles, the increase in salary depends on the hours flown. After a year of work on domestic flights, you will be able to serve international flights, and your salary will reach 30,000 50,000 rubles.

Features of the profession of a flight attendant

There is a misconception that stewardess this is the same service staff as, say, a waitress. However, this is not the case, first of all, flight attendants and flight attendants are responsible for the safety of passengers on board the aircraft. They must perfectly master safety techniques, the basics of first aid, use emergency rescue equipment (fire extinguishers, smoke masks, oxygen cylinders), understand the design features of various aircraft models (IL 86, IL 62, Tu 154, TU 134, Yak 42 and others), as well as be able to competently tell passengers about the situation and calm them down.


Everyone knows how to become a doctor or, for example, a teacher. And how to learn to be a flight attendant and how much to study? Not everyone knows about this. Let's figure it out!

Where to go to get a certain profession is often obvious and understandable. And if a girl dreams of becoming an air princess-flight attendant and conquering the heavens - where to go to study, how to learn to be a flight attendant, if there are no such technical schools and universities where this profession is taught.

Or can anyone become a flight attendant? No, not every person will be hired as a flight attendant. In addition, despite the seeming ease of the criteria, there is a fairly strict and multi-stage selection of candidates. The competition for flight attendants is always high. And yes, flight attendants are really not trained anywhere.

Moreover, the meaning of training for a flight attendant is important only if you are previously accepted as candidates for the position. Studying ahead of time so that you can try to get an interview later is not a good idea. After all, you may not pass the interview. But studying after passing an interview from an airline is the right thing to do. This is already half of the success before the dream job.

How much do you need to study for a flight attendant?

To begin with, you must first decide which airline you want to work for. The easiest way to become a flight attendant is to study with the airline itself

All of them regularly recruit and train personnel. Submitting an application is easy and simple, but before that you need to prepare for further tests. The amount of time to study as a flight attendant is three months on courses + 30 hours of flights as an intern.

There are requirements for the appearance of flight attendants. Most airlines have standard requirements - a pleasant, pretty appearance, no tattoos, large birthmarks, scars, piercings on visible parts of the body. Also, creative hairstyles, bright hair color are not welcome. Height and weight should be between 165-175 cm and 48 clothing sizes.

If you do not pass these parameters, then the answer to the question of how to learn to be a flight attendant will be simple - not at all. But if your appearance fits perfectly into the image of a flight attendant, you can safely send your resume to the airlines you like.

How do you learn to be a flight attendant?

Keep in mind that the headquarters of air carriers are located only in large cities, and their training centers are also located there. Accordingly, if you are not a resident of Moscow, St. Petersburg or another large city, you will need to move. Think about how much you study to be a stewardess, so much you will need to solve your everyday issues - pay for housing, food, travel, etc.

If your application fits into the requirements of the company, an employee of the HR department will call you, ask you a few questions about your intentions, specify your age, height, size of clothes, and ask you to translate a simple sentence into English.

If you answer all the questions correctly, you will receive an invitation for an interview at the office of the company. For an interview, you need to dress strictly, do light daytime makeup and neat manicure, and style your hair smoothly. How many young girls want to study for a flight attendant can be seen already at the interview. When there is a big competition, it is important to use your advantages.

  • The first stage is filling out a questionnaire, where all personal data is entered, which is checked by the internal security service.
  • The second stage is an interview with a psychologist. This is one of the crucial moments.
  • Stage three: an interview with the head of the personnel department and a representative of the flight personnel. Here you will also be asked tricky questions with ambiguous answer options, as well as situational tasks.
  • Fourth stage: exam in English. Written testing plus communication with the teacher on a wide variety of topics.

After passing all the interviews and tests, you just have to wait for the result. In a few days, an employee of the airline's personnel department will contact you and inform you of the verdict. It can be like this: we are sorry, but you are refused, this happens quite often. Great if you hear that your interview was successful.

It also happens when the interview went well, but the English failed. To prevent this from happening, prepare in advance. How much to study for a flight attendant in this case depends on you, because in addition to training the profession, you will need to take English courses on your own in advance.

One of the most important factors due to which most of those wishing to become a flight attendant are eliminated is health. The stewardess must be a very healthy person. She has to withstand regular overloads, pressure drops, change climatic and time zones several times a day. To endure all this calmly, there should be no health problems and chronic diseases.

It is impossible to answer exactly how much you need to study as a flight attendant. We can say that three months of courses, we can say that several years until she acquires versatile flight experience, or we can say that the training process does not stop throughout the entire aerial career of a flight attendant.

The work of a flight attendant is one of the most interesting and attractive professions in the world. She is especially popular among young girls. Films are made about stewardesses, songs are written, which is not surprising: they are an example of beauty and charm. Of course, not everyone can succeed in this area, most give up halfway. If you are determined to pursue your dream, you should be patient and have iron restraint.

For those who decide to devote their lives to aviation, first you need to choose an airline and find out everything about it. Depending on the country and the type of aircraft, the company will direct you to courses. You can find out how to become a flight attendant, and what qualities you need for this, from the list of requirements for candidates.

Requirements and peculiarities

The basic requirements for a flight attendant include:

  • age from 18 to 21 years;
  • the presence of a diploma of higher education;
  • excellent eyesight and good health;
  • height (158-190 cm);
  • weight proportional to height;
  • lack of piercings or tattoos on different parts of the body;
  • no criminal record;
  • availability of a passport;
  • the ability to swim well;
  • excellent knowledge of spoken English;
  • experienced customer service;
  • competent speech, no defects.

Today, competition in the air transportation market is great, but the largest Russian airline Aeroflot, once the only one in the country, remains the leader. A huge number of people dream of becoming a part of this team. Not everyone is able to pass an interview, so you need to prepare well for it by studying what requirements the company puts forward to its employees. To the general criteria, you can add a list of what needs to be done to get a position at Aeroflot:

  1. A slim body. Girls must wear clothes 42-48 size and be 1.60 m-1.75 m in height.
  2. You must have Russian citizenship and Moscow residence permit.
  3. The age category includes applicants from 18 to 35 years old.
  4. Good health is a mandatory selection criterion. Before the flight attendant leaves for the flight, she must provide a completed medical examination, which will include conclusions from a narcologist, psychiatrist, surgeon, dentist, ENT specialist, neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, gynecologist and therapist, fluorography and a certificate from the TB dispensary. It is also necessary to pass all tests and do an ultrasound of the internal organs.

At first glance, the requirements for candidates may seem ordinary and lax. However, psychological tests and tests will await you at the interview. It is worth preparing for the fact that the selection will be very tough, like casting in a movie.

The commission will be sure to ask what size of clothes you wear, whether you have addictions to cigarettes and alcohol, and ask for a residence permit. You may be asked if you can call yourself beautiful for work. You will be persuaded to think that this work can be difficult for you, frightening with overwork, fights on board, drunken passengers.

If you are ready to go through all these difficulties, feel free to prepare your resume. Just remember that, in addition to preparing a theoretical base, you need to take care of your appearance: it is better to immediately come in business clothes, observing the dress code, do your hair, neat makeup and manicure.

Where to apply to become a flight attendant

To get into this profession, you can go to college and get higher education or graduate from college or college. Here is a list of educational institutions where you can apply and where to study in Russia to become a flight attendant:

  • Jet Service - school-agency;
  • MGTUGA in Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg Aviation and Transport School of Civil Aviation named after Marshal A. A. Novikov;
  • NOU "School of flight attendants".

If you do not plan to spend time at a desk in special educational institutions, you can take courses at the airline without higher education. On average, these courses last 2-3 months. During this time, the airline manages to teach you everything you need. The courses include a theoretical part, where future flight attendants will take lessons in geography, aviation technical English, and psychology. Students are required to know these subjects and their job description.

The practical part includes providing first aid and conducting emergency rescue training for passengers. At the end of the course, everyone will have to pass exams, which includes an internship on board. The last flight will take place with an instructor who will assess your competence.

Naturally, each company has its own requirements for future flight attendants, but Aeroflot has developed a special two-month training program. During this time, students need to master and pass 16 subjects. In addition to learning English and serving passengers, a lot of time is devoted to teaching swimming, rescue skills when an aircraft lands on water, and actions in emergency situations. You will also be taught how to choose makeup and clothes.

At the end of your studies at the company, you take a difficult exam, take tests, then do an internship for 30 hours. If everything is submitted successfully, you are officially hired.

Up to what age can you become a flight attendant

The profession of a flight attendant is unusual, prestigious and eventful. In it you can find people of different sexes and different ages, but there are age restrictions. When recruiting students, preference is given to young people over 18 years old. Some companies recruit employees up to 35 years old. If you have a certain amount of experience, you can get to work in 30 years.

Each company has different requirements. Aeroflot gives preference to candidates with clothing sizes under 48 and under 40. Therefore, at 40, of course, no one will accept you for training, given the fact that flight attendants at 45 are already retiring due to the specifics of their work.