Social Security – a system of measures for material support and services for the elderly, disabled citizens, families with children, as well as persons in need of social assistance. It allows citizens of the country to exercise their constitutional right to material security and social services in old age, in case of illness, complete or partial loss of ability to work, loss of a breadwinner and in other cases established by law.

To the main types social security should include:

· pension provision;

· benefits system;

· system of vocational training, employment and prosthetic and orthopedic care for disabled people;

· social services for the elderly, disabled and people in difficult life situations;

· social assistance to families and children.

The most important function of social security is the payment of pensions to citizens - monthly cash payments to disabled citizens in connection with their past work or other socially useful activities. Pension relations in our country are regulated by the law “On State Pensions in the RSFSR” of November 20, 1990, taking into account changes and additions made by subsequent laws of the Russian Federation and other regulations.

The main type of pension provision is labor pensions, which are assigned in connection with labor or other socially useful activities. Along with this, there is also a social pension. Labor pensions include pensions for old age (age), disability, loss of a breadwinner, and long service. Old age pension appointed in connection with reaching a certain age and having the required work experience. On general principles old-age pension is assigned to workers, office employees and collective farmers: men upon reaching 60 years of age with at least 25 years of work experience, women - upon reaching 55 years of age with at least 20 years of work experience.

Disability pension is established in connection with long-term or permanent actual loss of ability to work (disability). A long-service pension is awarded if there is a certain special length of service, regardless of age and actual working capacity. A survivor's pension is assigned to disabled family members of the deceased who were previously dependent on him.

Social pension is a government payment for the purpose of providing financial assistance to citizens who, for some reason, do not have the right to a pension in connection with labor and other socially useful activities. This pension is established for disabled people of groups I and II, including disabled people since childhood, as well as disabled people Group III; disabled children under 16 years of age; children who have lost one or both parents under the age of 18; citizens who have reached 65 and 60 years of age (men and women, respectively).

Non-state pension funds are a form of additional social security for older citizens. The impetus for their development was a presidential decree Russian Federation“On non-state pension funds” (September 1992). The most important elements of the activities of non-state pension funds are the accumulation of pension contributions, the placement of pension reserves and the payment of pensions.

Non-state pension funds can be divided into three groups:

1) funds with pension contributions, which are formed primarily by enterprises and employing organizations;

2) pension funds with preferential contributions individuals;

3) funds with joint participation of legal entities and individuals.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” (1995), the following were established: types of benefits :

· for pregnancy and childbirth;

· one-time payment for women who registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy;

· one-time payment at the birth of a child;

· monthly for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years;

· monthly per child.

State lump sum benefit for large families, it is paid at the birth of the fourth and subsequent children in ever-increasing amounts. In addition, from the second year of a child’s life, a monthly allowance is paid until he reaches the age of five. The allowance for single mothers is determined for each child and is paid until the child reaches the age of 16, and if he is studying but does not receive a scholarship, then until the age of 18. Allowances for single mothers with many children are paid regardless of whether the woman receives the established allowance for single mothers.

For temporary disability There are such types of benefits as benefits for illness (injury), for sanatorium treatment, for prosthetics. The first is issued on the basis of a sick leave certificate from the date of loss of ability to work until its restoration. For sanatorium-resort treatment - in cases where the employee’s annual leave is not enough for treatment and travel to and from the sanatorium, but the voucher was issued in whole or in part at the expense of social insurance funds. The benefit for prosthetics is paid when the employee is admitted to the hospital of a prosthetic and orthopedic institution.

Unemployment benefits is calculated as a percentage of average earnings for the last three months of work, if the citizen applying for it has a statutory work experience of at least 26 calendar weeks on a full-time (week) basis.

Benefits are also paid to disabled people since childhood and disabled children, for children of conscripts, for funerals . Benefits for disabled people from childhood are prescribed to persons no older than 16 years of age, recognized as disabled people of groups I and II since childhood, as well as disabled children under the age of 16 years if there are appropriate medical indications. Disabled children entitled to benefits and pensions is assigned allowance or pension according to their choice.

Benefits for children of military personnel conscript service are assigned to the wives of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of military service who have children. Funeral benefit issued in the event of the death of both the employee himself and his dependent family members: children, brothers, sisters, under 18 years of age or disabled spouse, parents, grandparents.

An important type of social security is the system of benefits. WITH social benefits – these are additional rights and benefits for certain categories of citizens who do not have the opportunity to implement a legal norm common to all for reasons beyond their control, or for persons who have special services to the state.

Social law experts classify benefits:

· by subject (pensioners, disabled people of groups I and II, former prisoners of fascism, Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, persons exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, etc.);

· by sources of financing (state extra-budgetary social insurance funds, federal and territorial funds for social support of the population, budgets of various levels) and other characteristics.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterans,” labor veterans enjoy certain benefits. Among them: benefits for payment of housing and communal services; 50% discount on subscription fees for telephone and radio, and for disabled people Patriotic War and disabled combatants on the territory of other states free services for installing telephones; 50% – discount on payment solid fuel; benefits for intercity and suburban rail travel; travel benefits to public transport. These and other benefits in many regions of Russia are actually provided to veterans.

In accordance with the federal law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation,” a whole range of measures is provided aimed at increasing their competitiveness in the labor market. These include:

· implementation of preferential financial and credit policies in relation to specialized enterprises employing the work of disabled people;

· establishing quotas for hiring people with disabilities and a minimum number of special jobs for them;

· reservation of jobs in professions most suitable for employing people with disabilities;

· encouraging the creation of additional jobs by enterprises, institutions, organizations, including special ones for employing people with disabilities;

· creation of working conditions for disabled people in accordance with their individual rehabilitation programs;

· creation of conditions for entrepreneurial activity of disabled people;

· organizing training for disabled people in new professions that are in demand in the labor market.

Prosthetic and orthopedic care for disabled people is aimed at providing them with the necessary prostheses and personal mobility aids at home and on the street. Disabled people have the right to manufacture and repair prosthetic and orthopedic products at the expense of federal budget in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. They are provided with the necessary telecommunications services and special telephone sets.

The most important link in the social security system is social services. In our country, it is regulated by federal laws “On the Fundamentals social services population in the Russian Federation" (1995) and "On social services for elderly and disabled citizens" (1995).

Social service – this is a set of social services provided to citizens who are not capable of self-care due to old age, illness, disability, as well as to persons in difficult life situations.

The social service system includes various institutions. These include:

· comprehensive centers social services;

· territorial centers for social assistance to families and children;

· centers for social services for elderly and disabled citizens;

· social rehabilitation centers for minors;

· assistance centers for children left without parental care;

· social shelters for children and adolescents;

· centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population;

emergency centers psychological assistance by telephone;

· social assistance centers (departments) at home;

· overnight stay homes;

· special homes for the lonely and elderly;

· stationary social service institutions (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools, orphanages for mentally retarded children, boarding homes for children with physical disabilities);

· gerontological centers;

· crisis centers and other institutions.

At the request of elderly citizens and disabled people, social services can be provided on a permanent or temporary basis. A particularly popular form of social service is home-based. Along with home-based services, the system of social services for elderly citizens and the disabled includes semi-stationary social services in day (night) departments, urgent social services, social advisory assistance and inpatient social services.

Among non-stationary institutions, municipal social service centers (CSSC) have received the greatest development. They identify elderly citizens and people with disabilities who need such services, determine the types of social services they need, ensure their provision, provide urgent social services, and also provide social advisory assistance to the population.

Inpatient social services are aimed at providing comprehensive social and everyday assistance to elderly citizens and disabled people who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care. Mostly people who are in need of constant care and have largely lost the ability to move are admitted to boarding homes.

One of the new forms of social services is the development of a network of special residential buildings for single elderly citizens and married couples with a complex of social services (medical office, library, canteen, ordering points for food products, handing over linen to laundry and dry cleaning, premises for cultural leisure and work activities).

Large families and children left without parental care are also subject to social security. Various assistance to low-income, incomplete, large families, as well as families with disabled children are provided with family services in such forms as one-time cash payments, in-kind assistance, etc.

The social security system occupies a special place among general technologies social work. It is not only interconnected with other technological procedures, but also ensures their interaction in practice.

How are the professions of law and social welfare organizations different from similar ones? Let's look at practical examples! If you are studying in this specialty, looking through options, or simply interested in the subject, be sure to read on.

General characteristics of the profession

It is immediately worth highlighting the basis on which the entire subject is built and educational process. This is, of course, the right: laws, regulations and various documents, containing them. Next comes the trial and its attendant disciplines.

Basic knowledge in jurisprudence is fully consistent with the rest legal disciplines. What will be given to you in them is no more and no less. So what's the difference? And here the second part of the name of the specialty makes itself felt. Social welfare organizing is about working with people who have problems complying with civic standards.
Slope Details

According to the constitution, the Russian Federation is a social state. This means that social programs have the highest priority in the country's policy, and the law should be aimed at improving and strengthening them. Citizens, as the main value of such a state, are the reason for which it exists.

In fact, in social programs arises huge amount holes caused by a variety of reasons, but undoubtedly familiar to you. And the people who fall into these holes suddenly find themselves pulled out of the system. Or, even worse, put in the position of guilty without any reason. If the inconvenience of the former can be easily resolved by making requests to the necessary places and re-issuing papers, then in the case of the latter it often ends up in court. And this is far from the worst thing that happens!

A lawyer from this direction must have the qualities of a philosopher, psychologist, economist, political scientist and financier. And they try to teach all this there. If possible.

Application in practice

It is already clear how wide the application of the knowledge gained after training can be. Yes, they are limited by the legal industry, but in the legal industry they are not limited by practically anything. So, what choice does a graduate have upon completion of their studies? You can realize yourself in:

  • labor law;
  • civil law;
  • insurance business;
  • social security law.

Labor law

How can you characterize labor law? This is the origin, conduct and termination of labor activity. In more detail, this is everything that happens from the moment an employee arrives for an interview until he is fired (or he quits himself). What can happen in this interval? Whatever! Labor law- quite a popular industry in major cities, where people change jobs most often, sometimes even several times a year. How can we get by without incidents? And a lawyer can solve them. For a fee.

To work in this field, you will need to complete a number of more courses and obtain a license, but this is the easy part. The main thing is that you will be qualified as a lawyer upon completion of your studies.

Civil law

These are property and personal non-property relations of the parties. How vague the formulation is, so wide is the range of activities. Simply put, it is any thing whose belonging to someone raises questions. Market leader legal services for several years, but at the same time one of the most difficult aspects of law. You will need perseverance, a good memory and a melancholy character. If this doesn’t apply to you, then read on, there’s more to come!

Insurance business

Here, perhaps, there is no need to explain much. The insurance business, which has seriously developed in recent decades, is aimed at society and is clearly social in nature. Just what you need. Moreover, you will be welcome on both sides: both insurance companies interested in minimizing payments, and people interested in ensuring the opposite.

Social security law, constitutional law

These two subjects are taught separately. But in life they are very interconnected things. You will know the most about them, because they are your profile.
Working with people and working with laws. Possession ethical standards. The ability to competently analyze a situation and explain it to people. Ability to develop and examine legal acts. All this is the law and organization of social security.

Working in this specialty requires analytical skills, attentiveness and good memory, and the ability to quickly find the necessary information. After all, when considering each specific situation, a lawyer needs not only to express his opinion on it, but to give an extremely accurate and correct explanation with references to all current laws and acts relating to it. In addition, communication skills and emotional stability are desirable.

It is necessary to possess and develop such qualities as humanity and goodwill, tact, endurance and self-control, observation, initiative and responsibility, erudition. In a word, everything that people value so much in others. It is the social nature of the profession that is key to it.

This profession requires quite a lot from a person, therefore, in the absence of necessary qualities it may seem quite complicated. But if they are present, it will provide an opportunity to develop in several directions at once. Communication, accurate data and sober analysis, when combined correctly, result in a very interesting lifestyle.

Social Security- 1) one of the ways to distribute part of GDP by providing citizens with material benefits in order to equalize their personal income in cases of social risks at the expense of targeted financial sources in the amount and on conditions strictly regulated by society and the state, to maintain their full social status; 2) a system of material support and services for citizens based on age, illness, disability, unemployment, loss of a breadwinner, raising children and in other cases established by law.

Social security is a system of socio-economic measures that guarantee (Table 2.1):

  • - material support for citizens in old age, during periods of temporary disability, and in the event of the loss of a breadwinner in the family;
  • - provision of benefits and benefits to women-mothers, families with relatively low per capita income, etc.

Characteristics of social security in Russia


Objectives of Social Security

Alignment of the social status of certain categories of citizens with other members of society.

Equalization of personal income in the event of social risks.

Prevention, mitigation or elimination of adverse consequences of social risks




Universality of social security.

Public access to social security.

Establishing a level of social security that guarantees a decent life for a person and the free development of the individual. Variety of bases, forms and types of social security. Differentiation of conditions and order of presentation of social security by subjects of social relations.

Targeted use of funds






Social rehabilitation.





Administrative and legal.

Civil law



Material support for citizens in old age, during periods of temporary disability, and in the event of the loss of a breadwinner in the family.

Providing benefits and benefits to women-mothers, families with relatively low per capita income, etc.

Main types of insurance coverage

Cash payments (pensions, benefits, compensation and natural species assistance (products, things, medicines, transport and technical means for the disabled, etc.).

Social services and benefits (social services for the elderly, disabled, children, medical care, sanatorium treatment, etc.).

  • 1) payment to the medical institution of expenses associated with providing the insured person with the necessary medical care;
  • 2) old age pension;
  • 3) disability pension;
  • 4) survivor's pension;
  • 5) temporary disability benefits;
  • 6) benefits in connection with work injury and occupational disease;
  • 7) maternity benefits;
  • 8) monthly child care allowance until the child reaches the age of one and a half years;


  • 9) unemployment benefits;
  • 10) one-time benefit to women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • 11) one-time benefit for the birth of a child;
  • 12) allowance for sanatorium treatment;
  • 13) social benefit for funeral;
  • 14) payment for vouchers for sanatorium treatment and health improvement for employees and members of their families

Organizational and legal forms of social security

Social insurance system.

Pension system.

System of payment of benefits and compensations.

Social service system for elderly citizens, disabled people, families with children and unemployed citizens







State, municipal (or other) bodies social protection population.

Employment service authorities (unemployment benefits).

Social Insurance Fund (SIF).

Educational authorities in charge of children's institutions.

Pension authorities of ministries and departments (defense, internal affairs, etc.).

Employers, etc.

ITU Bureau, which establishes the fact of disability, its causes and time of onset.

A court establishing the facts of unknown absence and death of a missing person.

Medical institutions establishing the fact of temporary disability, etc.

Grounds for legal relations regarding social security

Objective basis for provision (birth of a child, disability, reaching a certain age, poverty, orphanhood, etc.).

The will of a citizen to receive one or another type of social security (personal statement or statement of legal representatives - guardians, trustees).

Act of the relevant body on the provision (refusal to provide) of a specific type of social security

The main types of social security include:

  • old age, disability, survivor, long service, social pensions;
  • unemployment benefits, temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, large and single mothers, children, disabled people since childhood, etc.;
  • maintenance and services for children, elderly and disabled people in inpatient institutions;
  • vocational training, employment of disabled people, prosthetic and orthopedic and medical and social assistance, benefits and advantages for disabled people, medical and social examination and rehabilitation, etc.

Social security law - a set of legal norms regulating, in a specific method, social relations regarding the distribution of part of the gross domestic product by providing the population by the competent authorities in the order of social insurance and social security with cash payments, medical and medicinal care, social services or benefits according to the norms and in the manner determined by law, and also relations for the implementation, protection and restoration of the constitutional right of citizens to social security.

There are two different protective phenomena in social security:

At the same time protection of social rights - a set of various interrelated measures carried out by authorities state power, organs local government and public associations and aimed at preventing violations of social human rights or eliminating obstacles that are not offenses to the implementation of human rights.

Under protection of social rights is understood as a legal way of restoring a violated human right against an obligated person, either by the authorized person himself or by the competent authorities.

Social guarantees - social rights obligatory for the state, i.e. the kind of relationship that cannot fail. Social guarantees are declared social rights secured by existing state resources.

Social guarantees - social rights in action, social rights realized. Social guarantees in this regard can be considered in the same way as the possible right of citizens to dispose of those resources that are at the disposal of the state. Therefore, for the state in its socio-political activities, it is an important problem to determine the circle of people who have the right to a part of the state’s income, and thereby to some benefits.

Social benefit- a relationship in society in which an individual or group of individuals is allocated a product from public funds due to his or their need. The basis for citizens receiving social benefits is the principle of need.

Need - temporary or permanent underconsumption by a person of food, durable goods and services that are widespread in society.

Neediness- a state of individuals that arises from the inability of the individual himself to satisfy his needs, and therefore to be limited in entering into relationships that are significant for society as a whole.

This inability arises from a number of limitations of a biological, economic, political and social nature. Biological limitations are divided into physiological and psychological limitations that do not allow an individual, either due to childhood and old age, or due to disability and illness, to work, and therefore to enter into relationships that are of a universal nature.

The essence social policy state is to maintain relations between social groups, and within them, providing conditions for improving the well-being and standard of living of members of society, creating social guarantees in the formation of economic incentives for participation in social production. It should be noted that the social policy of the state, acting as component measures taken by the state to regulate conditions social production in general, is closely linked to the general economic situation in the country.

In its own way economic essence relations in the field of social security are distribution relations.

By lifespan Over time, legal relations in the field of social security are divided into three groups:

  • - legal relations that are terminated by a one-time performance of duties (for example, legal relations regarding one-time benefits- on the occasion of the birth of a child; for burial, etc.);
  • - legal relations with absolutely set deadline existence in time. The peculiarity of this type of legal relationship is that from the moment they arise it is known in advance when they will be terminated. This group of legal relations may include, for example, the legal relationship for the payment of benefits during parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years; legal relationship for the payment of a disability pension established for a certain period, etc.;
  • - legal relations with a relatively indefinite period of existence in time (for example, legal relations regarding the payment of old-age pensions; legal relations regarding social services for the elderly living in inpatient facility social services, etc.).

By species social security depending on source cash The following types of legal relations can be distinguished:

  • - to provide funds from budgets of all levels, as well as extra-budgetary state social funds;
  • - for provision from non-state funds (non-state pension funds, charities, funds of individual legal entities or individuals, etc.).

By forms State social security can be classified as follows:

  • - legal relations with state social security;
  • - legal relations regarding state social insurance, including legal relations regarding the provision of state social assistance.

Derived from the listed types of social relations and included in the subject of social security law are procedural and procedural legal relations.

Procedural legal relations arise due to)":

  • - assignment of all types of social security;
  • - establishing legal facts that are important for the provision of certain types of social security.

For example, to assign a disability pension, it is necessary to establish the fact of disability, and to assign temporary disability benefits, it is necessary to establish the fact of incapacity, etc.

Procedural legal relations included in the subject of social security law are associated with the consideration of disputes arising in this area. These disputes may arise on various issues: refusal to assign one or another type of social security or determine its amount in monetary form; establishing the cause of disability; determining the right to benefits, etc. Depending on the nature of the dispute, it can be resolved by a higher authority in the order of subordination or in court. Like all legal relations, legal relations in the scope of the social security law consists of such elements as subject, object, content, grounds for occurrence, change and termination.

Legal relations in the field of social security are two-way.

One of the subjects of such legal relations is always an individual citizen, and in some cases, a family. Thus, in the legal relationship regarding a survivor’s pension, the subject is the family. Depending on the type of social security, the subject of the legal relationship in question may be a minor teenager, an orphan, a disabled person, an unemployed person, a disabled person, a refugee, a forced migrant, an elderly person, as well as persons affected by radiation accidents or natural disasters (earthquake, flood) and etc.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons located on the territory of Russia, according to general rule, in the field of social security have the same rights as citizens of the Russian Federation.

In procedural legal relations for the consideration of disputes regarding one or another type of social security, the subject of the legal relationship is a higher authority or court.

The content of legal relations is the mutual rights and obligations of the parties. The peculiarity of the content of legal relations on social security is that one party - an individual - has the right to demand the provision of one or another type of security, and the second party to whom this demand is addressed, if all provided for by law conditions is obliged to fulfill this requirement.

The basis for the emergence, change or termination of a legal relationship in the field of social security are various legal facts, both events (disability, temporary incapacity for work, death) and actions. A feature of legal relations regarding social security is the mandatory declarative procedure for exercising the right to one or another type of social security. Until the person himself (or his legal representative) writes an application with a request to assign him a pension, benefit or other type of social security, no payments, services, etc. will not be provided to him, and therefore the corresponding legal relationship for social security will not arise. Therefore, often a legal relationship regarding social security arises (changes, terminates) on the basis not of one legal fact, but of a whole group of facts, which is usually called a complex legal factual composition.

The absence of at least one of the named elements of a complex legal factual composition leads to the impossibility of the emergence (change, termination) of legal relations in the field of social security.

In philosophical science, a system is understood as a set of interactions of elements that are interconnected and form some kind of integral unity. Social security fully corresponds to the characteristics of the system. This is a holistic formation consisting of many sets that are interconnected.

Having defined the concept of social security, it is necessary to give its component (element) and structural analysis as a system. Every system has internal organization(structure), which is a set of stable connections of an object that ensure its integrity.

Social security - system with complex structure, the content of which may vary depending on what is taken as its basis. There are two main structures: the social relations structure and the social security structure.

The structure of social relations is the essence of the structure of social security as a system of social relations. What types of social relations need to be taken into account here? Social security consists of interconnected various types public relations: economic, social, political and legal.

Social security relations as economic ones are part of distribution. How economic category social security expresses a set of relations regarding the creation, distribution, redistribution and consumption of the socialized part of the necessary and part of the surplus product.

Social security relations are part of public social relations. As such, they are associated with providing people with the means of subsistence and the expanded reproduction of man as a productive force. Through social security institutions, certain categories of people are provided with the means of subsistence: those who have reached retirement age, disabled people who have temporarily lost their ability to work, families with children, the unemployed, the low-income, etc. Social relations are based on and conditioned by economic relations.

In the political aspect, social security reflects the goals of the state’s social policy in this area. Being political in nature, social security relations are closely interconnected with economic and social relations as elements of the social security structure. Economic relations, being the main ones in this structure, through the mechanism of interests have a decisive influence on political relations. The connection between political and social relations is expressed in the following. Social relations determine the content and direction of political relations. Within the framework of political relations, current social problems are solved. Social policy acts as a form of organization of social relations.

One of essential elements The structures of social security as a system of social relations are legal relations. Their importance is determined by the role of law in achieving the goals of social security. The content of legal relations in the structure of social security is determined by the economic, social, and political relations included in it. The legal impact on social security relations (economic, social, political) is limited by the nature of the relationship between the economy, social sphere, politics and law. As is known, law is secondary to economics and ultimately depends on the basis. Therefore, the interaction of legal and economic relations determined by the relationship between economics and law.

Social relations create the basis for interaction, existence and development of ideological, including legal, relations. However, they are related to legal relations indirectly, through political relations. Law regulates only those social processes, which are reflected in the policy on at this stage development of society.

Legal and political relations in the field of social security are closely linked. Social policy requires the state to use legal means. In turn, social policy not only uses legal norms as a means to achieve its goals, but also contributes to the improvement of law.

A study of the structure of the social security system requires a preliminary clarification of the concept of this system. From the previous theses we can conclude that the components of this system include funds, security subjects, types of security, law, more precisely the part of it that concerns the regulation of social security, as well as the bodies that carry out this security. This makes it possible to define the social security system as a system of interconnected and interacting monetary sources, security entities, bodies and institutions, types of security and regulatory legal acts.

The components of the system under consideration are its parts (state and non-state) and subsystems (financing, management, security entities, types of security, legal) aimed at realizing the rights of citizens in the field of social security. Each of them forms a relatively independent system with its own internal composition, at the same time they all actively interact, resulting in the normal functioning of the system as a whole.

The public sector financing subsystem is based on two methods (organizational and legal forms) of financing: compulsory social insurance and budget financing.

Compulsory social insurance includes:

  • 1) health insurance;
  • 2) pension insurance;
  • 3) insurance in case of temporary disability;
  • 4) maternity insurance;
  • 5) insurance in case of death of the insured person or a minor member of his family;
  • 6) insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

Insured persons, policyholders and insurers participate in the field of compulsory social insurance. Insured persons are citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons working under employment contract, persons who independently provide themselves with work, other citizens in the event that the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the payment by them or for them of insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance.

The insured here are organizations of any organizational and legal forms, as well as citizens obliged, in accordance with federal laws on specific types of compulsory social insurance, to pay insurance premiums. In some cases, policyholders may be executive authorities and local governments. Insurers are non-profit organizations created to ensure the rights of insured persons in the event of insured events. Such non-profit organizations are the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the FFOMS and the TFOMS. In addition to the Law on the Fundamentals of Social Insurance, relations in this area are regulated by the Law on Compulsory Health Insurance, the Law on Accident Insurance, the Law on Compulsory Pension Insurance, and the Law on Temporary Disability Benefits. Insurance premium rates are established by the Insurance Contributions Law. For 2012-2016 These tariffs are: G1F RF - 22%, FSS RF - 2.9, FFOMS - 5.1% within the maximum base for calculating insurance premiums. In addition, in 2012-2015. for amounts in excess of the maximum base for calculating insurance premiums, contributions are provided at a rate of 10%, paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. For self-employed persons ( individual entrepreneurs etc.) features are provided: in the FFOMS (mandatory) and the Social Insurance Fund (upon voluntary entry into relations for the corresponding type of insurance), a fixed contribution amount is established in the amount of the minimum wage multiplied by the corresponding tariff, increased by 12 times, in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - depending from the payer's income.

Insurance rates for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases are established by federal law for the next financial year and planning period. These insurance rates are differentiated by professional risk classes.

The second way to finance the public part Russian system social security is budget financing. Budget financing carried out at the expense of the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The federal budget provides social security for military personnel, law enforcement officers and members of their judges, federal judges, persons affected by radiation exposure, etc. The budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation finance the payment of monthly child benefits, social services, state social assistance, and social support.

Budgetary financing is regulated by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 1998 No. 145-FZ, federal laws on the federal budget for the corresponding year and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the corresponding year. These acts define the expenditure obligations of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social security. Among the federal laws providing for the provision individual species social security at the expense of the federal budget, the Law on Pension Security for Military Personnel, the Law on State Pension Security, the Law on Social Protection of Disabled Persons, the Law on Veterans, etc.

The subsystem of financing the non-state part of the social security system of the Russian Federation includes funds from local budgets, funds from employer organizations, medical insurance organizations, and non-state pension funds. With the help of these sources, municipal social security, corporate social security, additional health insurance, and non-state pension provision are provided.

The public sector management subsystem includes a system of bodies and institutions providing social security. It forms two interconnected subsystems: federal government bodies executive and federal government agencies, as well as state executive authorities and state institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is based on the provisions and. "w" part 1 art. 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation stating that social protection, including social security, is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, as well as Part 2 of Art. 77 that within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the powers of the Russian Federation on subjects joint management of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, the federal executive authorities and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation form unified system executive power in the Russian Federation. The unity of this system is one of the manifestations of the unity of the system of state power in the Russian Federation (Part 3 of Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The federal executive authorities include: the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, etc., and their territorial bodies.

The Russian Ministry of Labor occupies a special position in the system of these bodies. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2012 No. 535 “Issues of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation”, this ministry is a federal executive body exercising functions in the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of demography, labor, living standards and income, wages, pensions, including non-state pensions, social insurance, conditions and protection of the breast, social partnership and labor relations, employment and unemployment, labor migration, alternative civil service, state civil service (except for issues of remuneration), social protection and social services of the population, including social protection of families, women and children, guardianship and trusteeship of adult incapacitated or not fully capable citizens, provision of prosthetic and orthopedic care, rehabilitation of the disabled and conducting medical and social examinations, as well as managing state property and providing public services in the established field of activity.

The priorities of the Ministry of Health of Russia are defined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2012 No. 533 “On some issues of organizing the activities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Federal service for supervision in the field of healthcare and the Federal Medical-Biological Agency." The Ministry coordinates and controls the activities of the Russian Federal Agency for Healthcare Supervision, FMBA of Russia, and also coordinates the activities of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. In addition, the Ministry of Labor of Russia coordinates the activities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Social security for military personnel, law enforcement officers and members of their families is carried out by federal executive authorities, where citizens perform military and law enforcement service.

Social security at the expense of compulsory social insurance funds is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its territorial institutions, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and its territorial institutions, and medical institutions.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its territorial institutions, in accordance with the Regulations on the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, approved by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1991 No. 2122-1, assign and pay pensions from January 1, 2015 under the Law on Insurance Pensions and the Law on State pension provision.

The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and its territorial institutions, in accordance with the Regulations on the Fund, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1994 No. 101, pay one-time and monthly insurance payments to insured persons who suffered from industrial accidents and occupational diseases, pay the costs of their rehabilitation, etc. .d.

The powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social security are outlined in Art. 26.3 Federal Law dated 06.10.1999 No. 184-FZ "On general principles organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and a number of other federal laws. These include both the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on subjects of joint jurisdiction, exercised by these bodies independently at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the powers of the Russian Federations on subjects of joint jurisdiction, transferred for implementation by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are carried out at the expense of subventions from the federal budget or the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation.

The management subsystem of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation includes executive authorities that deal with social security: ministries, administrations, departments, committees for social protection of the population, health care. Thus, according to the Regulations on the Ministry of Social Policy Sverdlovsk region, approved by Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region dated May 12, 2012 No. 485, this Ministry is the regional executive body of state power of the Sverdlovsk Region, participating in the implementation of a unified state policy and exercising powers to provide public services and management in the field of social security and coordinating the activities of others in this area executive bodies of state power of the Sverdlovsk region. The territorial bodies of this Ministry are the social policy departments.

The social security management subsystem of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation also includes social service institutions owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (social assistance centers for families and children, comprehensive social service centers for the population, etc.).

The management subsystem of the non-state part consists of local governments, the administration of employing organizations, the administration of medical insurance organizations and non-state pension funds.

In Art. 20 of the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation” it is determined that local government bodies have the right to establish, at the expense of the municipal budget, additional measures of social support and social assistance for certain categories of citizens, regardless of the presence in federal law of provisions establishing this right. In addition, Art. 19 of this Law provides for the possibility of vesting local government bodies with certain state powers. The vesting of local self-government bodies with certain state powers of the Russian Federation is carried out by federal laws, and by individual state powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Management in the field of social security is carried out taking into account the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services". This Law regulates relations arising in connection with the provision of state and municipal services, respectively, by federal executive authorities, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, executive bodies state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as local administrations and other local government bodies exercising executive and administrative powers. The Law defines the concepts of public service, municipal service, establishes the responsibilities of bodies providing state and municipal services, including requirements for organizing the provision of services in electronic form, provision is made for the inclusion of services in the register of public services and registers of municipal services. Special attention The Law focuses on administrative regulations: requirements for their structure are established, general requirements to the development of their projects, requirements for the provision of state or municipal services, rules for the use of information and telecommunication technologies in the provision of state and municipal services are provided.

Social security management in employing organizations, medical insurance organizations, and non-governmental pension funds are carried out by their managers, as well as specially created structural units.

The subsystem of subjects providing the state part of the social security system covers almost the entire population of the country. Some citizens are insured, while others are provided with budget funds(federal budget, budget of constituent entities of the Russian Federation). Individual groups citizens can be provided for both from compulsory social insurance funds and from budget sources(federal judges, state civil servants, prosecutors, etc.).

The subsystem of subjects providing support for the non-state part includes residents of individual municipalities, employees of certain organizations, citizens who have entered into relationships under voluntary additional health insurance, as well as non-state pension provision. As a rule, they can simultaneously receive support from funds from compulsory social insurance, the federal budget, and the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The subsystem of types of support for the state part of the social security system of the Russian Federation is represented by a system of cash payments, in-kind types and services. It is made up of blocks that combine homogeneous, related types of support, which can be considered as relatively independent systems: pension, cash benefits and compensation payments; medical care; social services; social support; state social assistance; additional social security. Each system of types of support can be divided into subsystems.

Types of non-state social security are municipal pensions (additional payments to pensions), social support measures, corporate pensions, additional medical services, non-state pensions, etc.

Legal subsystem state system social security consists of regulatory legal acts of federal government bodies and government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The legal subsystem of the non-state part includes municipal legal acts, charters of organizations, their collective agreements and local acts, local acts of medical insurance organizations and non-state pension funds.

The functions of social security are those determined by its nature and intended purpose directions of impact on society.

There is a chain of connections between social security and society as a system and its elements. Society and its constituents influence social security. This impact is primary and decisive. At the same time, a chain of feedback takes place: social security, through its functions, influences the factors that determine it. By performing these functions, social security is an active factor in the development of society.

The impact on society is carried out by social security as an integral system. At the same time, each of the main spheres of society is affected by a corresponding function. Since society is divided into five main spheres: economic, social, political, spiritual-ideological and family-domestic, it is necessary to distinguish between the economic, social, political, spiritual-ideological, and demographic functions of social security.

The economic function of social security lies in its positive impact on the economy, on the interests and needs of people as participants in the production process. She has a complex internal structure and consists of a number of interrelated subfunctions: distribution, supply and production.

With the help of the distribution subfunction, specific material goods and services are brought to consumers in a special economic way. This subfunction contains methods

accumulation of funds in special funds and their distribution for various purposes - these are the actions of state bodies, local governments, organizations for the transfer of funds to funds intended for social security, in the direction of these funds for the payment of pensions, benefits, services for pensioners, etc.

The essence of the provisional subfunction is to maintain a sufficient level of material well-being of persons for whom social security funds (pensions, benefits, etc.) are a source of livelihood, and to prevent the impoverishment of the people.

The production subfunction includes stimulating citizens to work, as well as increasing labor productivity, reproduction labor force by creating favorable conditions for developing the ability to work among minors and liberating labor resources from elderly and disabled workers. Thus, social security contributes to the creation of market relations and economic reforms.

The social function reflects the relationship between social security and the social subsystem of society. Social security is aimed primarily at preventing, mitigating or eliminating the consequences of various life situations. Depending on the specific situation in social function One can distinguish protective, rehabilitation and compensatory subfunctions.

The protective subfunction is to protect citizens from the adverse consequences of life situations (illness, disability, old age, etc.), as well as from the consequences of the transition to a market economy (unemployment, etc.). This occurs through the payment of pensions, benefits, financial assistance, provision of services, etc.

The rehabilitation subfunction consists of restoring the physical and other abilities of the disabled, adapting them to normal conditions. It is carried out with the help of such types of support that help restore the working capacity of citizens and involve them in labor activity(disability pensions, temporary disability benefits, maternity benefits, employment and vocational training for disabled people, supplying them with prosthetic and orthopedic products and mobility aids, etc.).

The compensation subfunction is compensation for lost earnings or income, as well as increased expenses in the event of loss of earnings or income, a decrease in the level of material security due to retirement in old age, disability, the loss of a breadwinner, in the event of the birth of a child, and an increase in retail prices for consumer goods, unemployment, etc.

13 The political function includes the connection between social security and politics, especially social policy. Social security serves as a means by which the goals of social policy are realized. Its institutions and institutions contribute to the practical implementation of socio-political activities planned by the state. Social security plays an important role in solving

a number of general tasks of social policy in the modern period: preventing a further decline in the living standards of the population, improving the financial situation of its various groups and strata, reducing the growth of social tension in society.

The spiritual and ideological function of social security is determined by the connection between social security and the spiritual and ideological sphere of society. Social Security interacts with both social sphere in general, and with its components - various forms and levels of social consciousness, primarily with ideology, morality, social psychology. Therefore, within this function we can conditionally distinguish ideological, moral and socio-psychological subfunctions.

The ideological subfunction constitutes the relationship between social welfare and ideology. Ideology reflects the views of classes and strata of society on various aspects of life, including social security, and actively influences its character and essence. In turn, effective social security has a positive effect on people’s consciousness and strengthens their trust in the state.

The moral subfunction covers the relationship between social welfare and the ethical views existing in a given society. Of significant importance here are the ethical views of society on the attitude towards the poor, children, the elderly, and the disabled. Social security includes the provision of material assistance to economically inactive citizens, provision for families who have lost their breadwinner, assistance in raising children, etc. In addition, thanks to the moral subfunction, social security helps to strengthen moral principles in society.

The socio-psychological subfunction is based on the relationship between social security and social psychology. For man special meaning has confidence in the future. Social security contributes to the realization of people's confidence in the future, their social security, thereby having a positive impact on the development of social psychology.

Semyakin M. //. Economics and law: problems of theory, methodology and practice. M., 2006.

  • Paryagina O. A. Legal issues social policy: textbook, manual. Irkutsk, 2001.
  • Social insurance is one of the forms of social protection of the population from various possible risks, which are associated with loss of health, disability, work, earnings and other income. The main feature of social insurance is that financing for social security is made from specialized budget funds, which are formed by targeted insurance contributions legal entities(employers) and individuals (employees).

    Social insurance is based on the principle of flexible equivalence, that is, there is a certain dependence of the insurance payment on the amount of insurance coverage and labor contribution. IN social insurance The combination of the principle of equivalence with the principle of collective solidarity and pooling of risks is actively in effect.

    The social protection system for citizens of the Russian Federation includes the main elements:

    • traditional form of state social assistance;
    • complex of federal social guarantees ( social services);
    • social insurance.

    Social insurance guarantees insured citizens full insurance coverage, which allows insurers to fulfill their obligations to insured citizens.

    Social Security

    Social security is aimed at financial support citizens of the Russian Federation upon the occurrence of insured events recognized as socially significant in accordance with federal legislation. Social security equalizes the social position of certain categories of citizens in comparison with the rest of the population of the Russian Federation.

    Social security is the protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population who, due to objective and subjective reasons, cannot take care of themselves: the disabled, the elderly, children, orphans and others. Social security can be both property assistance (services, money, things) and non-property assistance (help from a social psychologist).

    In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 39), the right to social security is one of the basic social rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

    Main types of social security

    By type, social security is divided into social security assistance and social security maintenance.

    Social security assistance - assistance provided to a certain category of citizens:

    • for those who have a specific source of income for subsistence, but it was temporarily lost and in the near future is subject to restoration, with the subsequent solution of the issue of insecurity;
    • for those who have a constant source of income, but its low size cannot ensure the satisfaction of minimum needs;
    • for those who, due to force majeure circumstances (catastrophes, natural disasters, deteriorating health) find themselves among those in need.

    Social security content provides necessary and sufficient funds to those citizens who cannot yet independently acquire a source of income, or who can no longer provide for themselves.

    What's the difference?

    The main difference between these two types of social security is that the assistance is temporary and is not a basic source of income.

    To the species social security assistance include:

    • benefits;
    • compensation;
    • benefits;
    • property assistance (food, shoes, clothing);
    • social and medical services (some types) at the expense of the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.

    To the species social security content include:

    • partial social services (provided by social services);
    • pensions.

    Social Security Payment Form

    Social security is divided into two forms of payment: cash and in kind.

    The monetary form of payment is divided into:

    1. pensions (all varieties and types);
    2. benefits (all types).

    Payments in kind include:

    1. benefits (for example, free medicine);
    2. compensation (for example, provision of housing due to disasters, etc.);
    3. medical services, including sanatorium and resort treatment;
    4. maintenance of homes for the elderly and disabled.

    Legislative types of social security

    The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the main types of social security:

    • essentials;
    • health and social services;
    • benefits;
    • social security compensation;
    • pensions.

    Each type of social security consists of specific varieties. Important Feature is that the types of social security themselves are stable and sustainable, and its varieties change depending on the economic, political and social conditions occurring in the at the moment in the country.