In some life situations A problem arises when there are not enough material resources. In this case, people often wonder what to sell to make money. Although in some situations, entrepreneurs who are just starting their own business do the same thing.

Products from a Chinese manufacturer

There was a time when buy-sell relationships flourished. However, it has long passed. Currently, in-demand products can be sold using a method such as dropshipping. Its essence is quite simple and does not require virtually any costs from its performer. This is the usual delivery of products from its manufacturer to its buyer. Using this method, you can earn good money by selling products from China. The best-selling products have always been and will be made in China, since their cost is lower than that of other producing countries. The advantage of such a sale is that there is no need to invest your cash, since the goods are paid for in advance by the buyer. This same point guarantees that there will be no downtime of products, they will be in circulation all the time.

Using an Internet bulletin board

Since this is the 21st century, it would be logical to ask the question of what to sell on the Internet to make money. Today there are many free Internet sites that operate on the principle of a bulletin board. In addition, such sites are completely free, which means it costs nothing to post information about selling your product. All these sites are quite similar to each other, and therefore the rules and list of what can be implemented there are approximately the same. Here is a small list of products that you can try to sell through online bulletin boards:

  1. Personal items that have become unnecessary for some reason.
  2. You can buy various products and resell them, receiving interest on sales.
  3. Sale of goods wholesale.

In addition to using existing platforms, you can create your own Internet portals on which you should place various great deals for selling products. If you ask people who specialize in sales what to sell to make money, they will list roughly the following categories:

  • Gold, silver and other jewelry items, except those owned by the family as heirlooms.
  • You can sell a product such as cosmetics from a large company. True, to do this you need to become a representative of such a company.

What to sell to make good money?

A very interesting option for selling goods can be, at first glance, trash that ordinary people not needed for nothing. However, there is a type of people called collectors. This segment of the population is quite capable of purchasing for a large sum, for example, some kind of badge or coin, which to the average person would seem like a trinket that has no value. In some cases, the answer to the question of what to sell to make money may be antiques and other valuables belonging to different collections. It is more difficult to sell them, since first you need to spend a sum on their purchase, and then find the same collector who will pay even more than the amount for which the item was purchased.

This also includes residents rural areas, since they earn a good income from selling vegetables, fruits, dairy products, etc. Some entrepreneurs buy large volumes of products from villagers, and then resell them within the city limits for more high price. This type of activity can also be attributed to the answer to the question of what is profitable to sell.

What do people buy?

When the question arises about making money by selling something, it is always worth remembering that there are areas that will be in demand always, everywhere, and at any time. What to sell to earn money quickly and a lot? One of these areas is real estate. Selling and buying housing will always be in trend, since no one wants to live on the street. This method of earning money requires certain investments, but with the right approach it will allow you to quickly return the amount spent and earn interest. We are talking about the resale of private houses, apartments or garages, for example. When constantly monitoring various advertisements, you may come across one in which the owner writes about the urgent sale of a home, for example. The reason for this may be leaving, reluctance to search for a buyer for a long time, etc. In such cases, sellers are very often ready to make concessions and reduce the amount from the initial one by 10-15%. It is precisely such proposals that you need to look for. Having bought real estate at a reduced price, all that remains is to add interest and resell it. Thus, you can earn a lot of money without doing practically anything.

What can you quickly sell online?

As mentioned earlier, when wondering what to sell to make money, you should turn your attention to the Internet. However, message boards are not all that can generate income. Despite the fact that almost everything that can be bought is available on the Internet, and the demand, as well as the supply, is great, there are areas in which demand is clearly greater than supply. These categories include the following products:

  1. Clothes and shoes for children and teenagers. Such products are always in use, because, as you know, children grow quickly. We have to buy new things almost every year, which means that the demand will be constant and large.
  2. Various products used at home and in offices.
  3. Real estate and cars.
  4. Original and beautiful photographs are less in demand, but still in demand.

Although it is worth noting that it is much more difficult to make money selling photos, since photo banks that accept photographs have very high requirements.

How to make money selling photos and equipment?

There are several ways that can help you realize your talent as a photographer into monetary currency. Of course, photos are not the best-selling products, but there are still several ways:

  1. Work as a photographer by order or for hire.
  2. Get a job in large company or take pictures for the local newspaper.
  3. If a person has a lot of knowledge and education professional photographer, you can start selling video tutorials on how to properly take original photographs.
  4. Somewhat off-topic, but a suitable way to earn money can be the sale of special accessories for photographs or cameras themselves, etc.
  5. A good way to make money is to distribute and advertise other people's products using unique photographs. Many large firms are willing to pay well for this type of marketing from private photographers.

Implementation of computer games

Returning to the topic of earning money on the Internet, it is worth paying attention to computer games. The gaming industry today occupies a huge niche in the sales market. Platforms like Steam or Origin allow savvy people to sell game keys, accounts with already purchased games, etc. Of course, if we ask the question of what is profitable to sell, then games are not the best, but still, if you buy an application at a discount on a sale, for example, after a few weeks you can sell it for much more. However, in order to successfully sell such a product, you need to know where to look for the audience. Most often, the purchase and sale of such products is carried out in specialized groups all on the Internet. To increase the chance of success for implementation, it is recommended to draw up various unique offers, shares, etc.

Selling information

The 21st century is considered the century of information and computer technology. If selling equipment is already a problem, then trading information is much easier. Being a professional in any field of activity, it is quite possible to make money by selling your knowledge. They can be implemented in the form of video tutorials and online courses. If the knowledge base is supported by extensive experience or some of your own additions, then it is quite possible to write a book about it. Book selling as a business has long been a stable industry in its own right. Very in great demand enjoy handmade crafts. If a person has skills in this area, then you can sell both the finished products themselves and video tutorials on how to create such crafts. You can even make money from your ability to write poetry. If it turns out really well, then you can write them to order or create your own collections that can be sold.

Profit from sales

No matter what people say, it is quite difficult to calculate how much income you can get from selling something. This is due to the fact that too many factors influence making a profit in such matters. A huge role is played by the type of product itself, how much goods the seller has and in what place he sells it. It is worth noting that the fact of location is one of the most significant, since for maximum efficiency sales needs to find the right audience. There are several other factors such as the uniqueness of the product, which influences profitability to the highest degree. When starting your business selling something, it is very important to study all the preferences potential clients to offer them the most suitable product.

Resale Opportunities

Of course, when dealing with the resale of goods, real estate, knowledge, etc., you can get tired, and all this can get boring. However, it is necessary to understand that constant fuss and thoughts that you can buy cheaper and sell more expensive are a direct path to earning real money. sums of money. It is best, of course, to devote yourself to real estate matters. However, if at some point the resale stops and the apartment remains, then you can always start renting it out. This is one of the most simple ways earnings, and passive ones. This means that it will not interfere with doing any other things. By selling apartments or private houses, you can receive good condition almost any time.

Furniture sales

Among the many ways to earn money, there are those that require certain skills. What is profitable to sell if you know how to work well with your hands? This is not about a job that requires education. An interesting option sales could be furniture. However, simple resale will bring virtually no profit. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to those specimens that have lost their presentation. By buying products for next to nothing that have defects, poor painting, broken parts, etc., you can also make money. But this will require a certain amount of effort. Troubleshooting, painting, and creativity to give furniture a marketable and unique look can significantly increase its value. Thus, having bought an old and ugly sofa and worked on it, you can sell it at a price that will be several times higher. In addition, handmade work will always be highly valued among people of the upper class. Having paid enough attention handmade, furniture can be sold at huge prices.

What to sell in a small store: what is profitable, what product is better to sell

Many novice entrepreneurs wonder what to sell in a small store. In fact, the question is much deeper than it seems - after all, in a store with an area of ​​a couple of tens of square meters, not every product can be sold profitably, especially if the outlet is located in a residential area, that is, within walking distance. In this article we will look at best options for organizing trade in a small area.


The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to organizing a trade-related business is opening grocery store. And this is a really good option. An area of ​​20-30 square meters will be more than enough. The initial investment in the purchase of goods and commercial equipment will not exceed seven to eight thousand euros. If you purchase used equipment, you can save about a thousand euros. Net profit can reach 1.5-2.5 thousand euros per month, depending on the location of the property.

Children's products

You can also make great money selling children's products. The investment will be greater than when opening a grocery store, but the profit may be significantly higher. So, in addition to 9-10 thousand dollars of initial investment in goods and trade equipment You will need to invest another 200-300 dollars in arranging a ramp - many parents will come with strollers. The profitability of such an object is on average about 2.2-2.7 thousand dollars and more.

Pet products

Every second city resident has pets, so a pet supply store is a very profitable business, which does not require significant investments. The initial investment will not exceed six to seven thousand euros if you purchase feed from the middle and lower price segments.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that many pet owners want their pets to receive the product highest quality. And to make money on this, you will have to increase investments: you will have to invest about one and a half thousand euros in expanding the range of high-quality feed. The profit will be from 1.2 to 2.3 thousand euros. If you make contact with local producers furniture for animals, you can earn 200-500 euros extra per month.

Draft beer

Stores draft beer bring stable, although small income and require minimal investment. In a room of 30 square meters you can open outlet with approximately 16 taps, meaning you can offer your customers 16 types of beer. Preference should be given to domestic varieties, since they are much cheaper and allow for a large markup (up to 100 percent), providing higher profits. The total investment in opening such an establishment will be about four to five thousand dollars. Earnings in this business entirely depend on the season - if in winter the profit will be 1-1.5 thousand dollars per month, then in summer period the income will be better - up to 2-4 thousand dollars per month. It is especially profitable to open such stores in regions with warm climates.


Opening a pharmacy on your own will cost 14-16 thousand dollars, with a franchise - 20-25 thousand. However, the second option is preferable: a pharmacy with a familiar, well-advertised sign is more trustworthy and, accordingly, will attract more customers and bring big profit. In addition, a franchise provides a lot of other benefits such as staff training, marketing support, and so on. The average monthly income of a pharmacy within walking distance is 3-4 thousand dollars.


If you are wondering what you can trade in small shop If you choose flowers, you will never regret it. Investments in opening a flower shop will be only 3-4 thousand dollars, and the average monthly profit will be from one and a half thousand euros. The only serious drawback of such a business is the short shelf life of flowers, and it is possible to understand how much goods should be in stock only through trial and error.


Investments in opening a store confectionery will amount to approximately 4-5.5 thousand dollars, taking into account the purchase of equipment and the first batch of goods. If there are large franchises in this area in your city, it makes sense to take a closer look at them - as in the case of pharmacies, the investment when buying a franchise will be greater, but the profitability will also be higher. Profit from the sale of confectionery products will range from 800 to one and a half thousand dollars per month. You can increase your income by selling tea and coffee.

What to give up

It is also impossible not to mention options from which, for one reason or another, worth giving up:

  • textile products;
  • souvenirs;
  • books, stationery and computers;
  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • men's clothing and shoes;
  • jewelry.

Now, knowing what to sell in a small store and what to refuse, you can choose the option that you like and can afford. And even if something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t give up. Remember, success comes to the persistent.

What is profitable to trade

Trade is one of the pillars of the economy and the most popular activity in private enterprise. Beginning businessmen often find it difficult to decide what exactly to sell in order to get maximum profit without risk.

There are a huge number of positions and directions in which you can develop a sales network. Some of them are attractive because of their large turnover, others because of their high percentage markup, others because of one-time profits, and others because of their relative stability. Many sellers are let down by the desire to get maximum profit without taking into account other significant factors. Meanwhile, it is necessary to take into account not only the figures of net profit from sales, but also the requirements for storing goods, customer demand, seasonality. In addition, a lot depends on the starting capital, which you can spend on purchasing the first batches of goods.

What store should I open?

You don't always need to chase the possibility of a high markup. For example, in retail networks selling food products, the retail markup rarely exceeds 10%, however, due to the fact that the products are always well bought, even such a markup is quite profitable. Naturally, when planning to trade products, we must not forget that this is a perishable product that requires storage conditions. Therefore, you must take care of the warehouse space and get rid of excess goods in the warehouse in a timely manner. To some extent, this also applies to household chemicals, although the shelf life here is much longer. Unlike food products, clothing and footwear provide the seller with high profits due to the possibility of a significant (up to 200%) markup relative to the purchase price.

Here, too, it is worth focusing on the average buyer, because luxury clothing brands, although they provide more one-time income, are much more difficult to sell. Besides starting capital the amount required to purchase clothing in the mid-price segment in the required range is much less than when working with the premium segment. An undoubted advantage of the clothing trade is the absence of expiration dates, but this comes at the price of seasonality. Special attention It is worth paying attention to children's things: it is profitable to trade in them, and buyers will come again and again as their children grow up. As for low one-time profits, you shouldn’t be afraid of them if your product is popular enough to be bought in large volumes. For example, a package in a supermarket rarely costs more than one or two rubles, but given that its wholesale price does not exceed 20 kopecks, it turns out that the markup is up to a thousand percent. The main thing is to ensure the necessary demand.

Look for profitable options

In general, if there is sufficient consumer interest, you can find many “compromise” categories of goods, the cost of which is five to ten times lower than the selling price, and you do not need to sell several thousand units to ensure an acceptable income. In this regard, children are ideal consumers. Even a small retail outlet next to a circus or amusement park can bring huge profits. You can sell cheap Chinese toys, cotton candy or popcorn. For example, the cost of an average glass of popcorn is 4-5 rubles (of which 3 rubles is, in fact, paper glass), and the selling price is about 50 rubles.

An entrepreneur engaged in trade dreams that his goods will not linger on the shelves, but will quickly find demand. But in times of crisis financial situation population is deteriorating. Accordingly, people are less likely to shop for non-essential goods. It would seem that those businessmen who trade clothes, they may not worry about this: they say, a crisis is a crisis, and every day every person needs not only to eat something, but also to wear something. However, changing conditions force them to be especially careful when deciding which clothes profitable to trade, and which one will almost certainly not find demand. The summer period of the year is approaching.

Which clothes Is it worth trading so that it quickly finds demand and brings profit to the businessman? Look at this issue from the point of view of basic common sense. What clothes will people most likely buy, even in conditions when their financial situation has become noticeably more difficult? Of course, first of all - inexpensive. But the word “inexpensive” should in no case be synonymous with words such as “bad”, “outdated”, etc. That is, if a businessman focuses on inexpensive summer clothes- light trousers, shorts, shirts, T-shirts, blouses, light windbreaker jackets - and at the same time the clothes will be of quite acceptable quality, his goods will almost certainly sell out quickly.

To be on the safe side, it is worth offering customers approximately the same assortment as last season, of course, taking into account fashion requirements, and if last summer the product was quickly sold out. As for expensive, especially exclusive, clothing, during a crisis the demand for it drops sharply, this is inevitable. Therefore, the share of such goods in the assortment should be reduced to a minimum or even abandoned for some time until the financial situation improves permanently. What about the nursery? clothes? On the one hand, loving parents will never leave their baby without the necessary things, especially considering that in the summer babies spend a lot of time outside.

On the other hand in crisis period The sad saying is more true than ever: “I don’t care about fat, I wish I was alive!” Practice shows that during a crisis, parents are much more willing to accept used, but still quite normal children's clothing as a gift from relatives, friends and acquaintances who have older children, rather than going to the store to buy it. Therefore, focusing on children's assortment is simply risky. Of course, you shouldn’t give up children’s clothing altogether, but its share in your store should not exceed 10-15% of the total.

What is profitable to sell on the Internet: 8 business ideas

What is profitable to sell on the Internet: realities and trends + 8 best ideas For online business. ? It’s worth starting with the fact that for development successful business On the Internet these days, creativity is needed. The period when people considered online marketing as a curiosity has already passed. What is needed now is a rigorous assessment of opportunities and the constant generation of new ideas. If you are ready for this, welcome to the worldwide sales network. We will look at who were the pioneers on this path, as well as 8 concrete ideas for business on the Internet, which is profitable to do.

Where did the idea of ​​selling online start?

With the development of the Internet, people began to think about selling products using it. Entrepreneurship, sooner or later, had to spread to the world wide web. This would allow us to cover more potential buyers and save money on selling goods, that is, it was profitable in all respects. Jeff Bezos - this name will forever remain at the origins of business on the Internet. He was the first to begin building his Amazon “empire” on the still unstable and empty global network.

1994 - Jeff Bezos founded At that time, the online store had not yet been opened, but the foundation for entrepreneurial activity had already been laid. July 16, 1995 – Amazon's first online store opens. The first product sold online was a book. This is very symbolic, because, based on the opinion of many ordinary people, it was the Internet that became the killer of the book market.

At one time, this method of selling goods became a curiosity and forced many people to reconsider their attitude to the Internet. Over the past 10–12 years, Internet business has undergone a qualitative transformation, and competition has increased significantly. The Internet has become an integral part of life. Impossible to imagine modern market without online commerce. She took her absolutely rightful place.

What is profitable to sell on the Internet: realities and trends

The Russian market, as well as the global one, is being filled with new online markets so rapidly that if you sell banal clothes, it will not be able to attract new customers. To better demonstrate the situation, it is necessary to analyze the diagram below.

So, what is profitable to sell online at the moment?

Based on the data in the diagram, you can determine the main areas of business that have already moved online. The leading position is occupied by equipment and clothing. This is easily explained by the fact that such goods are easy to transport and do not require special storage conditions. But the Internet market is also open to new solutions.

What will be profitable to sell in the future?

The trends have not changed for many years. But we cannot help but remember the new trends that are conquering the market in tiny steps. These include food sales, online consulting, hand-made products and many others. Aspiring online businessmen understand that breaking through the wall of competition is not so easy. You can find your way in new business trends. Don't dwell on trivial decisions. The future of online business lies in the originality and versatility of ideas!

8 business ideas that will tell you what is profitable to sell online

In this section you can choose your path among the “ocean” of options. Below we have selected only the most unusual business ideas that are profitable to sell on the Internet.

1. Freelancing - how to use it profitably?

Everyone has already heard more than once about making money on the Internet through freelancing. But most understand this as independently completing assigned tasks. What if you become an intermediary between the camp of customers and performers? Freelance exchanges are very profitable if you consider them as a business. Having a huge base of customers, as well as performers, you can establish permanent job for all participants + keep a percentage of financial transactions. Best examples how to profitably engage in online mediation on the Internet:


These online resources occupy leading positions in the RuNet space. Why is freelancing a business for active people? To make a profit, you need to have a huge amount exchange clients.

The process of website promotion takes a lot of time, money, and effort. Therefore, you cannot do without high activity and dedication!

2. Healthy lifestyle market on the Internet

Have you often thought about going to the gym and eating right? The trend of our time is a healthy body. Many people are ready to invest money in their physical fitness, and you just need to take advantage of this! The idea of ​​an online store for a healthy lifestyle is to implement a whole range of online services on one portal:

  • drawing up a training plan;
  • provision of sports nutrition;
  • organizing sports activities for resource clients;
  • motivational work with subscribers;
  • online trainer service.

The essence of the idea is integrated approach. After all, there are already many services that provide sports nutrition. You need to attract a potential client to your networks by the volume of services, as well as their quality. In the twenty-first century, society is moving towards selling not goods, but a way of life. Given this fact, the idea is worthy of attention and is doomed to success.

3. Restaurant on the Internet

You can sell food not only in a restaurant or cafe. If you have great ideas for preparing unique dishes, but the high cost of organizing your own establishment makes you forget about your dream; a restaurant on the Internet is profitable. The development of a restaurant on the Internet proceeds in several stages. Each of them has its own characteristics:


If you doubt the profitability of your business, consider one thing: important detail: A person has several basic desires. The desire to eat deliciously is one of them. Possibility to order favorite dish on the Internet with home delivery, will not leave anyone indifferent!

4. Is it profitable to be a psychologist on the Internet?

Selling knowledge and skills is a twenty-first century approach. Business activity on the Internet can be built not only by selling goods or engaging in financial transactions. Development of your center psychological support on the Internet - excellent, and most importantly, promising idea. All you need in the first stages is your own website, a good webcam + a lot of time to work. Modern conditions life provoke constant moral breakdowns and chronic fatigue. Lack of communication gives rise to complexes. The task of an online psychological center is not to prescribe medication to patients.

First of all, the consultant must listen to people's problems and have great life experience to give advice.

5. Hand-made market on the Internet

Do you know how to make exclusive things with your own hands? Start making a living from this. Open a shop on the Internet where you can profitably sell your own creations. The idea is not new, but very popular. Ordering a small detail that will decorate the interior of any room is the desire of many potential clients. What are the advantages of a handmade shop on the Internet:

  • Free schedule, putting your hobby into practice.
  • Work from home or in your personal workshop.
  • Working in your own format – no strict boundaries.

Considering everything positive aspects, creating your own small business will not be a big problem. If you are a brave and skilled craftsman, make your dream come true - make money on the Internet doing something that brings you pleasure (and is also profitable).

6. Library of documentation forms - profitable and useful

For any beginning entrepreneur, finding the current suitable form of a particular document is quite problematic. Organize your own service, the main task of which will be to collect package documentation for legal processes. For example, registering a business activity is a complex process. Offer the client a ready-made package of documents on the Internet, which only needs to be filled in with data. Naturally, for a fee. Paperwork require experience and care + constant updating of information. Work in this format is suitable for people with higher legal education. And, whatever one may say, such a business is profitable.

7. Remote technical support is a profitable idea

Do you know how many people cannot turn on their laptop after removing the battery? Help in such situations will seem ridiculous for experienced system administrators or experienced users. But even this can make money! Plan for organizing online support service:

  • Design and development of your own website.
  • Promoting the resource, searching for a client base.
  • Work on organizing qualified assistance online.

To operate such a service, 2-3 qualified employees are enough. Their task is to constantly support clients, solve their problems, by providing clear guidance for action.

8. Is it profitable to sell furniture online?

Would you say that selling furniture is trivial? In general, you will be absolutely right. But even this type of activity can be presented from an advantageous side. Take your competitors' platitudes as an opportunity to beat them. The main idea is to finalize and implement furniture designs created by clients. You will need your own furniture design application. Yes, initially this is not the cheapest option. But you gain superiority over other market players and get into the top industry modern internet business. Furniture will always be in demand. The main thing is to provide the consumer with the opportunity to design a design and an extensive selection of materials. What is profitable to sell on the Internet?? Literally anything, if you can find the right marketing approach.

Life without an office

To begin with, I recommend reading about the tax benefit from the state, which allows you to “earn” up to 90 thousand rubles every year. An acquaintance recently came to me for advice - what kind of business is better to start, where to start, what is the best way to trade, how much money can you start doing business with, etc.. You, he says, have already gained some experience and will be able to tell what you are doing now It’s more profitable to practice. Of course, I gained experience working for myself in two years - a little experience in managing retail sales(at one point in time, my partner and I opened 2 small retail outlets and 2 retail stores, and the number of staff reached six. To date, we have sold 2 small retail outlets, and merged 2 stores into one and moved it to another location ).

During this time, we sold a lot of things: fresh flowers, DVDs with films, programs and games, blank media - DVD blanks, flash drives, batteries, light bulbs, and then large assortment electricians from 200 items, connection services to OPSOS, cell phones, chargers, batteries and other accessories, plumbing, photocopying services. They even sold children’s “coloring books.” This, of course, is not everything, but what I managed to remember offhand :) I can’t consider myself a professional in the field of retail sales, on the contrary - the more I learn, the more I feel like a loser.

However, I had already developed my view on most of the issues and problems that I had to solve. I tried to give my answers to these questions, they are subjective, but now these are the beliefs I have. I divided our conversation into several semantic blocks and will slowly post them. If you want to jump right into practice and get an answer to the question “what to trade/what services to provide,” then immediately read about it in the article “what to do - list” (warning! This article does not have ready-made answers, but it is highly recommended to read it, like all articles of this cycle). So, about my friend who came to me with a question “what is better to trade and what to do”.

The situation in which my friend finds himself is also interesting. He practically doesn’t work anywhere, but he is well off - he has food and housing, i.e. in principle, he can afford not to work at all. He just wants to do something so that he has money, and enjoys it, and so as not to have to go to work for his uncle. Overall, I was a little surprised.

Tell me what you want.

I want to do exactly what is profitable now, what works best now!

So this is never known in advance.

Look, we moved one retail outlet just 200 meters to the side, and revenue increased 10 times - everything is the same as it was, only the location was changed. Well, that is. In the “old” place it was completely unprofitable to deal with this product, but in the new place, you see, some prospects loomed... That is. How can we say for sure what is the best way to trade?

Well, tell me, what are you trading now? Is it profitable to do this?

Well, I’m telling you, no matter what I tell you, it won’t help you at all! Do you think it's all about “what to trade”? I now believe that this is the last thing you should bother with.

Especially if you just want to get started. Don't take your attempt to start too seriously and expect super mega success. Most likely this won't happen. This is training and gaining experience, and your task is to minimize the cost of this training. The training, I must say, is very interesting. Those. It’s not a sin to spend money on such training, but if there is an opportunity to reduce its cost, then take advantage of it.

Well, you say so... If you immediately set yourself up for the fact that “it won’t work out,” then what’s the point of taking on it? Wasting time and money?

Well, in general, yes. You need to answer yourself the question - how important is this for you, how much do you reject possible failure.

If you decide to work for yourself, i.e. in some way become an entrepreneur (which, in general, is not always the same thing), then in your activities you will more than once change not only the product you will sell, but also the location of your stores, and the form of organization, and key employees etc.. You will have several projects (areas of activity, product groups), some of them will be profitable, and some will be unprofitable. There will be mistakes in your activities, which are an integral part of any development, any purposeful activities. The word “entrepreneur” comes from the word “to undertake” - i.e. you will constantly have to move, be on the lookout, ideally a little ahead of the others, and this is impossible without some, even very small, risk.

If you mean to engage in any activity that will be guaranteed to generate profit, then put the money in a bank deposit. Bank interest is a profit for those who want guarantees. If you are planning to study entrepreneurial activity, then there are only probabilities and possibilities. And if you want some kind of universal formula that will guarantee success in your very first business project, then I don’t know one. Maybe it does exist. - Well, damn it, what if you take retail space in a walk-through place in the city center, bring clothes - is it really possible to fly through? In the center, right? Clothes, I see, they take them everywhere, at any price.

It seems to me that the days have already passed when people looked at the price of clothes. Do you remember how it used to be - even the expressions were “they celebrated a new coat” - it was a whole event, and such clothes were worn for years. And now - every year people buy something new for themselves. It’s the same with shoes - they’ve been worn for a year, fashion has changed - you need to buy new ones. Clothes and shoes are now bought almost as often as bread. It seems to me that this is a win-win option... - Well, this is already very close to my point of view that it is better to start with traditional options that have been tested by others. Personally, I like Chichvarkin’s entrepreneurial concept - “if someone is selling something somewhere, then stand next to it and sell it cheaper.”

The more traditional the business you start with, the better - you will get better at it and learn to see the opportunities that will allow you to stand out among your competitors. However, I am skeptical about the idea of ​​​​certain “guaranteed” scenarios - such as “in the center”, “a hot commodity that will definitely always be taken.” Everything is interconnected - the closer to the center, the more expensive the rent. The more expensive the rent, the higher your prices and so on. All gears in this mechanism are interconnected.

How about this thought. You know, they say that you should go into business only if you have some kind of unique idea, which has not yet been sold by anyone, some kind of revolutionary product. Maybe I shouldn't do business until I come up with something innovative, some unique product?

Build at least one that works stably trading system in a traditional business, you will have no shortage of innovative ideas. You will see such a field of activity and development options that you will have something to make money on even without any revolutionary products, if you are not lazy. Or maybe, indeed, over time you will come up with a successful innovative idea about a unique product, which you, having experience in entrepreneurial activity, will be able to competently and effectively implement. This is exactly the situation when the seeds fall on fertile, prepared soil. But one innovative idea is not enough - if you cannot implement it, you will be completely disappointed in business.

You need to at least practice a little in working with these business mechanisms: sales, purchasing, relationships with partners, relationships with staff, reporting and accounting. Do you know how many potential “brilliant businessmen” have not even reached the stage of obtaining a certificate of state registration individual entrepreneur? It's so difficult! I know several of them. This applies not only to registration, but to any “technical” aspects of doing business. When you own technology, it will be easier for you to evaluate “innovative” products from the point of view of... a businessman.

Yes, precisely from the point of view of a businessman. From time to time people appear who have come up with another “unique product” that may be truly unique, but... on which you cannot make money. You should not be misled by the revolutionary nature of the product; this alone is not enough to make a profit from business. Previously, the show “Capital” was broadcast on TNT, to which people came different people with its innovative products, which were looking for investors among the famous capitalists of our country. 90% of “innovators” stalled and broke down on the question potential investors“tell me how I can make money using your product?”

Listen, I still don’t understand what should I trade? It still makes a difference what to trade - shoes or medicines, food or clothes?

Let's do it this way. I'll speak for myself. Look, since I believe that it doesn’t matter where to start or what to trade, then start with what you like best. That's it.

This will be my advice to you. If you like clothes, do clothes, you like them household chemicals- learn to sell it. It's up to you. The main thing here, in my opinion, is to master business technologies - sales, purchasing, etc. And vice versa - successful entrepreneur can make money from almost anything he undertakes. And if it doesn’t work out, then this is not a reason to stop doing business - one more project - one less project. Therefore, it is strategically more profitable to “upgrade” yourself than the product. It doesn’t matter what you are going to trade, your chances of success depend on it very little. Figuratively speaking, before making scientific discoveries, at least learn to read and write - this is the basis. This is my opinion, use it as you wish.

The main conclusion of this article:

For retail sales, choosing WHAT to trade is not as important as WHERE to trade. On good location Almost EVERYTHING will sell well. And vice versa, if the location is bad, then you will have to experiment with the assortment and specialization of the store.

Hello to all my readers. Nikolay Schmidt is in touch and today I want to talk about the topic of online commerce, or more precisely, what is profitable to sell on the Internet by ordering goods from China. I have already written an article on the topic of how to order goods from China for sale, but now let’s talk about what to order and what is profitable to sell on the Internet.

What to sell online

Due to the fact that the online commerce market is growing by leaps and bounds and there are more and more online stores, everyone wants to succeed and grab their piece of bread. You can sell almost anything online that you can sell offline, but there are groups or a number of products that sell very well and can make a profit from the first day, products that have a large markup.

DVRs, radar detectors, navigators

These products can be sold with a markup of 100%. Their purchase prices range from 500-700 rubles, but you can find them cheaper and sell them for 1000-3000 and more. And if we talk about radar detectors, their purchase price in China is from 200 rubles, and they are sold in Russia for 700 rubles and more. It’s very easy to make money selling DVRs, radar detectors and navigators. Place an ad on Avito with the price at which you would sell it and see if they call. I tried - they will. Why don't I do it myself? The answer is - I will, I’m just currently operating in the service sector, but I’ll come to goods, now I’m slowly preparing the ground.

Clothes and shoes

Clothing is one of the most popular goods on the Internet. In China it is very low prices on clothes and you can make good money on this. Here I cannot give examples with prices, because... a lot of varieties.

Car care products and car accessories

Car cleaning brushes, seat covers, steering wheel covers, towels, cleaning products and much more. In Russia, prices for this are greatly reduced. Recently we bought a brush with a scraper on the reverse side for removing snow from a car (prepare a sled in the summer) from China for 170 rubles, and when I saw their prices here, I was simply shocked at 500-700 rubles.

Unusual gifts

I designated it this way because these products are sold in stores and online stores. I mean all sorts of talking hamsters, which have recently had a boom, unusual thermal mugs in the form of a camera lens, a business card holder in the form of a assembled knife, alarm clocks, clocks and many all sorts of cool and pleasant little things. The markup is more than 100%.

Men's and women's accessories

Bracelets, bags, handbags, umbrellas, glasses, watches (counterfeit brands), belts, scarves, etc.. The markup is much more than 100%. For example, I ordered a bracelet for myself for 200 rubles. In our online stores it costs from 600 and above. My girlfriend ordered a bracelet for 70 rubles, but ours costs more than 250 rubles. How can you not make money here?

Interior items, bed linen, towels, etc.

I will not describe all this separately. You know how much a set of good bed linen costs, from 1000-1500 to……. And in China you can buy it for 300-500 rubles. Calculate the markup yourself. This also includes shelves for the bathroom, stands for wine bottles, stands for wine glasses and much more.

Phones and tablets

There are incredibly many of them in China and they are very cheap. Good phone on Android you can buy for 2000-3000 rubles. and a tablet for 3000-4000 rubles. Check out the searches, these products are being searched for a lot!

Small electronic gadgets

Universal chargers, Bluetooth adapters for wireless audio playback on external speakers from a computer or mobile phone. Various joysticks and much more.

Lighting devices

Laser pointers, lasers for clubs, light and music equipment. In China, prices for this are also low, but with professional equipment it is more difficult, because... You need to give a guarantee and you can only be responsible for quality after a long check.

Cases for iPhone and iPad, for phones in general

It's quite easy to make money on covers. The markup on them is not even 100% but 300%. You can buy a case for 100 rubles or less, and sell from 500. Of course, there are more expensive ones, but they also sell for more. Cases for iPad are also not expensive, but are sold several times more expensive. My friend is doing them and sales are going well.

A few more articles on this topic!

How to order goods from China

I wrote about this in an article. There is a detailed video and it is written how and what to do.

How to sell goods from China

Selling them is very easy.

1. On Avito. Tested, it works.

2. Groups on social networks. VKontakte sells very well.

3. A one-page site, but on it you will not have a large assortment.

4. Online store. And run contextual advertising

Choose and do it already!

How to test a niche

Read about it. Place an ad on Avito and wait for calls. Or you order a one-page website and try to place different products on it. This will require spending on contextual advertising. You can try once to place an advertisement in a group or public page on VKontakte. Lots of options! If orders come in, just say that the goods are out of stock, take people’s contacts and say that you will contact them as soon as they arrive. And immediately run to order the goods.

Good luck to you!

And also, if you doubt that goods from China will not sell well on the Internet, then read one of my next articles. -><-. Спасибо за внимание. И не забудьте подписаться на блог, чтобы получиать статьи себе на емэйл. Для этого введите адрес почты в форму в конце статьи.

Runet marketers claim that the volume of goods purchased via the Internet is growing significantly every year. The work of existing online stores and other trading platforms has intensified. More and more users are becoming familiar with the opportunity to earn money by organization of new stores.

    • Where did you buy the best-selling products online in 2019?
    • How to Find Out Which Products Are Selling Best Online
    • Conclusions

And this is quite natural, because over the last decade Internet technologies have become closer and more accessible. Almost any person in our country has the opportunity to go online and order what he likes there. Many people are too busy to go shopping - it’s easier for them to buy something online, especially since this can often be done in a couple of clicks, without leaving your seat or letting go of a cup of coffee. In addition, your online purchase will be delivered to any convenient location - often free of charge. So is it worth wasting time on tedious shopping if you can buy everything you need online? Online trading of goods is also beneficial for sellers, because in this way they significantly save on rent. This is why the number of online stores is constantly increasing.

Where did you buy the best-selling products online in 2019?

Most often, users make purchases through online stores. These include giants such as AliExpress and Amazon, as well as small and medium-sized online stores with a narrower specialization.

Significantly less often online purchases are made by:

  • on online auctions;
  • through various web message boards (for example - Avito);
  • on other resources whose specialization is the sale of products or the provision of various services.

How to Find Out Which Products Are Selling Best Online

In fact, different services provide different data on the volume of online purchases, so it can be quite difficult to establish the truth. The market is constantly changing, and some segments of online commerce are growing faster than others.

If you want to find out how in demand a particular group of products is, you can check it using the Yandex Wordstat service. It does not show the number of purchases, but it clearly shows the number of search queries, that is, the number of potential buyers who are looking for this product on the Internet.

For example, for the query “Online Clothes” the service shows that more than 20 million people a month are looking for online stores, of which more than 1.3 million are looking specifically for online clothing stores.

But 25 thousand people search for air tickets online every month, and another 12 thousand want to buy cheap air tickets

Only 11 thousand people are looking for laptops on the Internet, but taking into account the fact that Yandex Wordstat generates more than 400 thousand user requests for the request “buy a laptop”, many of them will probably use the services of online stores

Another service that helps determine demand for a product or product category is called Google Trends. If you enter a position you are interested in into the search bar, it will show graphs of the popularity of this query through Google search, as well as other statistics.

True, this service does not show the exact number of search queries on a topic, but only determines the popularity of the query on a scale from 0 to 100

You can refine the request for your country and select a time period for analysis

You can also check popularity by region or city here

Google Trends also allows you to compare the popularity of two different queries.

With the help of Yandex Wordstat and Google Trends, you can determine which online trading niche is the most popular in your region, and perhaps open your own profitable online business. Remember that online shopping is constantly growing, so even small shop may well bring its owner a decent profit.

In 10th place - large household appliances

Large household appliances were not purchased online as actively in 2019, despite the lower prices offered here. As before, people are accustomed to making large purchases in ordinary specialized markets. The main reason is the high cost of purchase and its size. Buyers tend to buy expensive household appliances with clarification of all the nuances in detail, check the product before purchase for the absence of defects and the completeness of the product. In addition, in the supermarket you can consult with competent staff and ask questions about the operation of the product.

In 9th place - tickets

Slightly more often than large household appliances, Internet users bought tickets for various events and trips in 2019:

  • concerts and shows;
  • sporting events;
  • cinema and theater;
  • railway, car and air tickets.

Such purchasing methods helped many people save time on traveling and standing in queues. This method is quite convenient and practical.

In 8th place are cards for paying for services.

Best Selling Cards:

  • replenishing accounts for mobile communications, cable and satellite TV, Internet providers;
  • for payment for software;
  • to pay for entertainment content of Internet services that sell applications for portable and mobile devices.

The convenience of using these services lies in the ability to make payments from home, sometimes without paying a fee.

In 7th place - clothes

The demand for purchasing clothes has increased; on the Internet you can find any samples, types, sizes of a wide variety of models. But still, for many, it is still difficult to buy an item over the Internet in the exact size and without trying it on. Many people hesitate to buy because they doubt that it will fit.

However, this problem can be solved. Most online stores do not require advance payment - if you don’t like the item, you don’t have to take it or pay for it. In addition, the buyer has the opportunity to view product reviews left by other customers.

In 6th place - PO

Software is easier to buy than clothes, you don’t need to try it on, it suits everyone. Typically, the purchase of licensed software is made by commercial organizations, government agencies, and users who are concerned about the safety of their information.

The most popular were:

  • Windows operating system;
  • license for antivirus software;
  • Microsoft Office application packages, etc.

In 5th place is a product group for children

These products are more versatile, making it much easier to buy them online. The selection of such products is huge, the prices are reasonable. Children's products are structured, which makes purchasing them much easier.

In 4th place - cosmetics and perfumes

The abundance of these goods does not leave women indifferent. In addition, the cost on the Internet is often lower than in retail, and the choice is wider. Making online shopping easier is the ability to read product reviews and reviews from professionals.

Perfume is bought less often and mostly from proven brands, since it is difficult to buy a new scent without using your sense of smell.

Download the free checklist 18 ideas for what you can sell on message boards right now

Top three sales leaders

Third place- for mobile devices: phones, smartphones and tablet computers. This is due to a large selection, reasonable prices, safe delivery and, very importantly, warranty.

Second place occupied by laptops and their accessories. The benefits are the same as for mobile devices. In addition, while real electronics supermarkets may not have some models or components for them, the Internet always has everything and delivery is fast.

Top seller and the winner of the first place in the TOP of 2017 is electronics and small household appliances. These products are inexpensive, and the choice is huge: curling irons, irons, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, meat grinders, scales, razors, etc.

  • drones and quadcopters;
  • LED lighting;
  • hobby goods;
  • spare parts and accessories for machines;
  • green tea.

Although they are not included in the TOP, practice shows that you can make good money selling such goods online.


What makes a product the most purchased online?

  1. Price - most often they buy products whose cost does not exceed $600.
  2. Universal product qualities - a large segment of buyers can buy the same product (laptops, mobile devices, TVs, etc.).

There will be better purchases of household appliances as they are suitable for both men and women. Basically, this product does not depend on the age of buyers, their build and other characteristics that make a person interested in purchasing any product.

What makes a product the most purchased online?

First of all, this is the price - most often they buy products whose cost does not exceed $600 (we recommend reading the article “ How to organize a business with China?».

In addition, the universal qualities of the product are important, when everyone can buy the same product, regardless of gender, age and place of residence. This category of goods includes laptops, mobile devices, TVs, etc.

Various fashion trends often make adjustments to online sales statistics. For example, spinners and hoverboards are now in fashion among the younger generation; Sometimes certain types of toys or other products for children come into fashion. If you “catch a trend” in time, you can also make money from this. But don’t forget that fashion is changeable, so your online store’s assortment should include not only fashionable new items, but also products that are in stable demand among the population.

According to marketing research, women buy more online than men, but this ratio may vary in different product categories. For example, electronics are more often purchased by men, while clothing and cosmetics are purchased by women. In addition, the fair half of humanity is more prone to impulse purchases and responds more strongly to attractive packaging and tempting slogans. For this reason, sellers often use various marketing ploys to convince women to purchase their product.

As a rule, online purchases are made by young people under the age of 35, living in large or medium-sized cities, with an average or low income. If you want to know more about online shopping, as well as other ways to make money online, go here: 50 ways to make money online

Extra funds never hurt, and many people think about the possibility of earning additional income. In conditions of financial need, any type of business (on the Internet or offline) becomes important, so the question that will be relevant for many is what can be sold in order to earn at least some money from it. There are so many options for this.

How to make money on sales

You don’t need to go far - by typing the phrase “make money from sales” into a search engine, you will receive a long list of links to specialized sites and videos. You can sell a lot of things profitably - from jewelry and accessories from Chinese manufacturers from the Aliexpress website to cinder blocks. At the same time, it is not necessary that the object of trade be material objects - you can very successfully trade in intellectual property or offer household services (walking animals, babysitting, “Husband for an hour”).

Starting your own business

By becoming a businessman, you get ample opportunities to earn income, and this can be not only profit received through the “buy and sell” type, but also products of your own production.

For example, the sale of soft drinks or cotton candy brings good seasonal profitability. This is the most correct approach for those who are looking for an answer to the question “What can you sell to make money?” This option will provide the entrepreneur with the highest margin, but will also require an initial investment for the purchase of equipment.

Organizing a business in the trade sector is a less risky undertaking. But in most cases, your income will consist only of the trade markup on the product, and the manufacturer will also have its own markup. This can be expressed schematically as the formula CT = ST + M = ST + NP + TN, where:

  • CT – the price of the product for the buyer;
  • ST – cost of goods;
  • M – margin, which can be decomposed into two components (NP + TN);
  • NP – promotion of the manufacturer, ensuring his income;
  • TN – seller’s markup.

Internet sales

Due to the virtual nature of the work that an online store has, the seller can do without retail space, therefore:

  • there is no need to pay high rent;
  • Customers can be offered an unlimited range of products.

From the point of view of initial investments, this is a very profitable direction in the field of trade, which makes it possible to earn large sums without major investments and flexibly change the assortment depending on demand. In this case, it will be important to find a supplier with the minimum selling price - direct deliveries or resale of everyday goods from Aliexpress or other online platforms would be a good option.

What can you sell quickly?

Selling goods online does not necessarily mean opening a store. At first, you can get a good income by selling liquid goods on the Avito website. With low turnover, this will be a more acceptable option than your own Internet resource, advertising of which will also require investment. And in the case of Avito (or a popular bulletin board), you get trading space on a site with high traffic, where many more visitors will pay attention to your offer.


The specificity of jewelry is that in many cases you want to touch and try on earrings or a ring. Organizing a jewelry salon made of precious metals requires large amounts of investment, so it is beyond the reach of the average entrepreneur. But if we talk about medium-sized jewelry (up to 1,000 rubles), then it can be effectively sold on the Internet.

The most popular product categories are bracelets and pendants, for which you can increase the price by up to 120%, so that by investing 10,000 rubles, after a month your net income (after paying commissions and postage) will be about 10,500 rubles.


Specializing in antiques implies having experience, which helps you find great deals even at flea markets. Therefore, if you are thinking about what you can sell an antique to make money, then study several specialized sites to be “in the know.” A pre-revolutionary bust of Peter I or Catherine II from Kasli casting can easily be sold for 20-25 thousand rubles. With the advent of vintage fashion, old jewelry - brooches and pendants - have become very popular, the price of which can also be several thousand rubles.

If you want to make money on art objects, then along with Avito, two more options will suit you:

  • thrift stores and antique salons - although the percentage for services here is high (up to 15% or more), they have a regular clientele, tourists and foreigners often come there, so you can sell the goods on display very quickly;
  • foreign Internet resources (eBay, etc.) - many novice users are afraid to turn to their services due to ignorance of foreign languages, but these sites are distinguished by quick sales, generating income in foreign currency.

Rare books

Second-hand book rarities also fit well into the category “What can be sold to make good money,” but here you also need to imagine which books are in high demand. Often everything depends on the circulation and artistic value of the publication (for example, the price of the Soviet mini-book “Alice in Wonderland” from 1982 can reach 8,000 rubles).

For large volumes, it is best to sell books on specialized sites (Alib, Libex, etc.), where demand dynamics are very high. Bibliophiles know that they can find a lot of interesting things here, unlike state libraries, so they come here to replenish their collections. By paying for registration, you get the opportunity to put your books up for sale, deducting a percentage of sales to the site.

What can you sell from home?

Have you ever thought that your apartment also hides many potential opportunities to help you earn extra money? For example, when buying a new microwave oven, you automatically need to decide what to do with the old one. The Internet comes to the rescue again, which will help you sell and make money by advertising on specialized sites or on social networks.

Household appliances

Used refrigerators and washing machines rank high on the list of “things to sell to make money.” If you study the dynamics of demand, you can see that new household appliances are being purchased very actively today, while the old ones have not yet had time to exhaust their service life. Selling used equipment, even at half or a third of the cost (12-15 thousand rubles for a refrigerator), has only “advantages”, freeing up space and bringing in additional money. At the same time, you will only be able to sell equipment from time to time, so this method cannot be considered as a permanent income.

Mobile phones and gadgets

The situation is symmetrical to the previous point. It cannot be said that used smartphones are in high demand among buyers, but they are a very marketable product. When selling online (or through social networks), the main factor that increases the price of this category of product will be the availability of documentation, and you can sell your Samsung Galaxy S8 for 75% of the cost (~ 25,000 rubles). If money is needed urgently, then cell phones and gadgets can be quickly sold through mobile communication stalls, but then the price ceiling, in any case, will be limited to several thousand rubles.

Decor elements

As you look around your home for something you can sell to make money, your eye will inevitably come across decorative items. Here we will include everything that is used for interior decoration - from modern figurines and floor vases to carpets and curtains. It is best to sell such products via the Internet, or through a consignment store - in the first case, be sure to take into account that the buyer can bargain, and by giving him part of the amount, you will reduce your income.

Clothes, shoes and wardrobe items

This is a popular product category on the secondary market and a staple item at any flea market. Clothes and shoes are sold new and “slightly used”, and these jackets and boots are sold not only because of the need for money, but also for other reasons (they didn’t like the color, the child has grown up, etc.). The dynamics of demand for such things are seasonal, but by setting the price at 40-50% of the original price, you can quickly sell out your excess wardrobe. Be sure to consider that the buyer will want to try on boots or jeans, so he should have this opportunity when you meet.

Car and real estate

Sales of this kind are distinguished not only by the large size of the transaction, but also by the fact that they are often decided upon in the most extreme cases (in the first place - the need to repay the loan taken). Apartments and cars are very liquid goods (it’s not for nothing that banks accept them as collateral), so selling them won’t be difficult. As a rule, urgent sales reduce the cost to 50-70% - for a 1-room apartment in the VDNKh area you can get 4.5 million rubles, instead of the required 6 million. That’s why make every effort to ensure that the assessment and search for a buyer takes place without any rush.

What can you sell and earn?

Selling homemade goods for the purpose of earning money is somewhat different from selling “household supplies”, and this type of business requires a certain organization of the process. This doesn't involve extensive market research, but you do need to know what's in demand right now in order to make the most money. The skills you have are also important.

Art objects

For those who own a brush or pencil, the first thing you can sell to make some money is your own painted paintings. “Natural” painting always finds connoisseurs and can be sold at high prices. Landscapes for tourists are readily purchased as a memory of a trip, so a medium-sized painting (30x40 cm) depicting the Novodevichy Convent will find a buyer for 20-25 thousand rubles. At the same time, it will cost you no more than 3-4 thousand rubles for the canvas, frame and paints, and 10-15% will be the seller’s commission.

Hand-made products

If you are interested in embroidery, beads or scrapbooking, you can make a small business out of your hobby, when handmade products bring not only pleasure, but also real money. It would be rational to engage only in the production of handicrafts, shifting the implementation to art salons or Internet resources (Fair of Craftsmen, etc.). A simple bookmark made of beads with a runic pattern can be sold for 350-400 rubles, while the cost of materials will be 10 times less. It is also good to sell handmade notebooks a la Moleskine - the price for them can reach 1200-1500 rubles.

Own services

In addition to the most predictable options like a loader or furniture assembler, there are many other opportunities for stable income. With some initial skills you can:

  • offer the services of a visiting hairdresser or stylist (from 400 rubles/visit, discounts for regular customers);
  • tutoring (from 600 rubles/hour);
  • install software, configure computers (from 600 rubles/visit);
  • engage in consulting and resolve legal issues (resolving a client’s issue in court - from 3,000 rubles).

Intellectual property

As an expert in a particular area of ​​knowledge, you can develop and sell information products. For example, these could be educational video courses on writing articles or website promotion. By selling at a special price (250-300 rubles), you will create a constant flow of buyers, receiving an income of 15-20 thousand per month only due to high turnover. This also includes cybersquatting, when suitable domain names are registered in advance and then sold to interested consumers (for example, at the end of 2015 was sold at auction for $19,355).

What can you buy and sell profitably?

Continuing to further explore the question of what can be sold to make good money, many come to the option of doing business by reselling goods if they buy them at a good price and add their own markup. This could be cosmetics, hygiene products or collectibles - knowing the amount of the initial investment, you can calculate the income you can receive.

Imported goods from foreign sites

If you are interested in what you can sell at a high price with a small investment, then goods from Aliexpress and similar sites are the best solution. Already today, one-page landing pages offer customers from different parts of Russia products at a cost that is many times higher than the costs incurred by the seller. Here are two examples confirming this fact:

  • AMST watches, sold at a special price of 1,999 rubles, can be found on sale on foreign websites for 600-700 rubles;
  • the seasonal product “Mushroom Picker’s Knife” is put up for sale at a price of over 1,500 rubles, despite the fact that the seller paid 70-80 rubles for it.

Products of domestic manufacturers

Organizing joint procurement is also a profitable idea. Having cooperated, participants purchase the goods they need, receiving a discount due to the large volume of the order. By taking on the responsibilities of collecting funds, paying the supplier, receiving and distributing goods, you can claim 10-15% of the total amount of wholesale sales, which can be a good additional income, bringing in up to 10 thousand rubles monthly. The following products are very popular in such purchases:

  • toys and children's accessories;
  • clothing for children and adults;
  • perfumes and cosmetics;
  • jewelry and jewelry.


Collectibles are also products that can be sold online for a profit. Even Russian coins in circulation today have their own collector’s value (for example, a ten-ruble coin with the coat of arms of the Perm Territory is sold on the Internet at a price of 2,000 rubles), and those issued in previous years can cost even more. Considering that many people have become interested in postcrossing, trading in original postcards can also bring good income, making it possible to sell a unit of goods for 50-70 rubles, with a cost of 10-15 rubles.

How to make money on affiliate programs

Having their own well-promoted Internet resource, many try to make money from referral programs. In this case, payment is not charged for viewing advertising, but for purchases through links from your site or for attracting new members. All that is needed for the second option is to create a massive flow of interested people. Vktarget offers 15% of the funds earned by referrals (there is much higher, for example, - up to 40%), allowing you to make 10-15 thousand a month from almost nothing.
