Truly confident people believe in their abilities. If you don't have confidence in yourself, then why should anyone do it? To develop this quality, read these 15 things confident people never do.

1. Don't look for excuses

Confident people take full responsibility for what they think and do. They don't blame bad traffic for being late for work; They were the ones who were late. Do not justify their short visits with the words “I don’t have time” or “I’m not good enough for something.” These people value their time and try to be better until they achieve it.

2. Not afraid to do anything

Such people cannot allow fear to rule their lives. They understand that in most cases, what they are afraid of is the very thing they need to do to become the person they want.

3. Don’t live only in your comfort zone

Confident people try to avoid their comfort zone because they know that this is where dreams die. They actively seek to experience discomfort, because this is the only way to achieve prosperity.

4. Don’t put things off until tomorrow

Self-confidence means knowing that good plan, accomplishments today are much better than a great plan put off until the next day. Confident people do not wait for the “right time” or the “right circumstances” because they know that this desire is based on a fear of change. They take action here and today because only then can progress be made.

5. Don't obsess over what others think.

Confident people don't dwell on negativity. They care about the well-being of others and strive to make the world a better place, rather than dwelling on other people's negative opinions, which they cannot change anyway. These people know that their true friends will accept them for who they are. They don't care about everyone else.

6. Don't judge others

They don't like unnecessary drama and don't feel the need to insult friends behind their backs, engage in co-worker gossip, or lash out at people who have a different opinion. They feel so comfortable with who they are that they don't feel the need to look at other people.

7. Don't let lack of resources stop them.

The peculiarity of these people is that they can take advantage of any resources that are available, regardless of their quantity. The main thing is to know that anything is possible if you are a creative person and don’t stop halfway. They do not suffer from failures, but try to find a way out of the situation.

8. Don't compare

People who are confident in their abilities do not compete with everyone around them. They are not in competition with any other person except the person they were yesterday. They understand that each person's story is unique, and making comparisons is absurd, to say the least.

9. They don't try to be nice to everyone.

Confident people do not try to please every person they meet in their lives. They understand that all people cannot be satisfied, but that is how life works. You need to focus on the quality of your relationships, because large number partners will not make you happier.

10. Don't need encouragement

Such people do not need to maintain self-confidence artificially, because they understand that life is unfair, and not everything always happens the way they want. They cannot control every event that happens in their lives, but focus on their own strengths to respond to them in a positive way.

11. Don’t avoid the bitter truths of life

Confident people try to deal with the root cause of a problem before it grows to enormous proportions. They know that if problems are not solved, they will only increase every day. Therefore, today they prefer to talk with their partner about troubles than to try to hide the truth and take risks.

12. Don't give up because of difficulties

Confident people get up and move on every time they fall. They understand that failure is an integral part of progress and growth, so they try to find reasons to find out why this approach is not working. And after changing their plan they try again.

13. Don't need permission to act

They take action without thinking. “If not me, then who?” - this is exactly what such people tell themselves every day.

14. Don’t stop because you don’t have enough “tools”

Confidence is the ability to think beyond just Plan A. They use every possible weapon at their disposal, tirelessly testing whether their actions are effective until they determine the strategy that will bring maximum results when minimum costs time and effort.

15. They don’t accept everything they read on the Internet as truth in which they need to blindly believe.

Confident people do not perceive all articles on the Internet as truth that does not require proof, just because some author said so. They evaluate all information from their own point of view and maintain a healthy skepticism when using any material that is relevant to life, and forget about others. These people understand that an article like this is a fun and interesting way to exercise their mind. But the only person with the power to decide whether you are confident or not is you.

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“I’m ugly,” “I won’t succeed,” “Everything is lost” - these and similar phrases can often be heard from people who don’t love themselves. Psychologists call this behavior toxic, because it can poison the life not only of those who are always unsure of themselves, but also of everyone around them. That is why a relationship with such a person is a real test of strength. After all, the partner has to console, inspire and instill confidence, instead of enjoying life.

We are in website We decided to figure out why it’s so difficult to love people who don’t love themselves, and now we know exactly why it’s so difficult to live with them.

1. They absorb all your emotions and demand new ones.

People who do not love themselves need constant confirmation of love for them from other people. They see a catch, a secret meaning in every word, look and deed. And this is not a bad character: it is really difficult for an insecure person to figure out whether they are confessing to him sincerely or just to appease him.

It is very difficult to communicate with someone who sees only the bad in everything. Perhaps at first the ardent lover will take on the role of a fairy-tale prince who will console the eternal crybaby, but very soon he will run out of steam. Because she wants to be good and listen to herself sweet speeches, which she begins to demand in huge quantities. A little carried away by what he was doing - and she was already crying.

2. They only talk about themselves and their feelings.

Insecure people often combine two opposite qualities - they do not love themselves, but at the same time they are extremely selfish. Ideally, a relationship between two people is a dialogue that is conducted on equal terms. But not in this case. Complexity makes a person think and talk only about himself. This type of person can mentally devastate even the most patient partner.

3. Negative emotions are brighter for them.

An insecure person suspects that in reality he is of little value. But it is too unpleasant to engage in self-deprecation all the time, so he is often busy devaluing and belittling everything that surrounds him. The doctors at the clinic are fools, the store clerks are rude, the friend’s wife is scary, and the friend himself is a drunk. And he, among all this disgrace, is even nothing. Therefore, support and sympathy are required from the partner for having to live among all this rabble. Well, praise and admiration for the fact that he is such a great guy.

4. Prone to cheating

Truly confident people do not need unnecessary confirmation of their own irresistibility. They already know this, because confidence lives inside - it does not need replenishment from the outside.

The situation is completely different for those who are not used to love and self-care. Their self-esteem depends on others. Doubts about their own beauty force them to look for love on the side. They enroll anyone who shows sympathy for them into their circle of confidants and jump headlong into the whirlpool of “passion.” A permanent partner There is always something to blame - usually that he does not give enough love.

5. They constantly prove something to the whole world and to themselves.

Researchers say that people who are overly critical of themselves have a neurotic personality type. They are restless and anxious for no reason. And they are always dissatisfied with themselves and those around them, and this pushes them to constantly search for an ideal - new job, which will be better than the previous one, or for the purchase of worthless things and unnecessary acquaintances. It seems that they are constantly forced to prove to themselves and the whole world that they are, in fact, not bad guys. It is unlikely that life with such a person will be calm and measured.

6. They are jealous and check

Blind jealousy is the lot of insecure people. It is impossible for someone who does not love himself to believe that his partner has real feelings for him. Sometimes relationships turn into an endless search for a catch. This is a completely painful situation, because because of doubts in love, the jealous person begins real surveillance, and there is a great risk that you will get yourself a real domestic tyrant. And no assurances of fidelity will help: such a person will always have few of them.

Ecology of life. When communicating with your interlocutor, it would be useful to find out how confident he is in himself: his appearance, behavior, self-worth. For what? Read and find out!..

When communicating with your interlocutor, it would be useful to find out how confident he is in himself: his appearance, behavior, self-worth. For what? Read and find out!

Of course, self-doubt is not the most best quality in man. But if you encounter just such an interlocutor, you have a chance to win him over to your side and are guaranteed to make him your ally in any matter. To do this, first you need to find out whether the person is really unsure of himself. Of course, ask the question: “Are you confident in yourself?” it’s not worth it: at best, the interlocutor will remain silent, at worst, he will be offended and will not communicate with you further. Try to find out by taking a closer look at his behavior.

Signs of an insecure person

Often silent even when he does not agree with the interlocutor, he does not object out loud. It is difficult for him to defend his point of view. For example: you know for sure that a friend loves flowers, but when they come up in conversation and someone present says that a bouquet is “the corpses of flowers,” she remains silent. Or he nods as if he agrees.

Doesn't know how to talk about his feelings. Often his speech is replete with verbs: “went”, “found out”, “went”, but there are few adjectives in it, which help us express our feelings. This happens because a person is not used to understanding his own emotions. Perhaps he is not even aware of them. It is easier for a person who is insecure to talk about events than to talk about his attitude towards them.

It is difficult to make contact with strangers. For him, it’s real torture to start a conversation with a stranger, and especially to support him. Perhaps, at the same time, he is dissuaded by certain principles, for example, a woman may declare that, as a matter of principle, she does not meet people on the street. The truth, however, is that she is afraid that she will make the wrong impression.

Focused on others rather than self. Such a person often does what is expected of him - in order to earn the approval of others. Sometimes this happens even to his own detriment. For example, an insecure relative will without any words agree to help you with the housework, even if she has a trip to the dentist planned for that day.

He finds it difficult to make a decision. People who lack self-confidence often shift responsibility for their lives to others, and this also applies to the decisions they make. If a person asks you what to do and mindlessly follows your advice, he is unsure of himself.

Compares himself with others. If a person, discussing a third person in front of you, often says something like this: “Yes, Olya looks good. But I...", "Katya managed to make a career. It’s just me who can’t…”, “Compared to me, he lives well” - this is a sign that your interlocutor is used to being guided by others in everything. And compare yourself with them.

External signs: hunched back, hunched shoulders, poor or stiff gestures, speech that is too fast. All these signs may indicate an insecure person.

Why do you need to know this?

If your interlocutor is insecure, you can get a lot of benefits from communicating with him. Maybe manipulation is not very good, but in the case when you need to win a person over to your side, it comes in handy.

Give him a compliment- sincerely, with all my heart. Surely there is something cute about him - something that you like. Your approval will make him your ally.

Show that you and him are kindred spirits. An insecure individual often suffers from loneliness - not external, but internal. If he understands that you share his views and values, he will be favorable towards you.

Refer to authority. If he talks to you about a certain person in a breathy tone, you can say something like this: “By the way, he also uses the services of this fitness trainer.” If you need your interlocutor to contact this fitness trainer, with this simple phrase you will achieve what you want.

Keep in mind: Of course, insecure people are easy to manipulate, but before you try to win him over, think about the consequences. Will it turn out that he will eventually shift all responsibility for his actions onto you? Published

It’s good to be a confident person, and not just good, but very good, and at the same time pleasant, profitable, interesting and quite promising. Confident people achieve great success in this life, because their confidence allows them to be quite active people in life and act in situations in which insecure people prefer to remain inactive. Unfortunately, not many people have self-confidence, and not because we are born confident or insecure people, but because, due to various circumstances, we become who we become. Hence the prevalence of this problem - the problem of self-doubt, because most people become insecure people rather than confident ones, they are depressed and downtrodden, they are morally weak and cowardly, and it is difficult for them to live with all this. Many people are dissatisfied with themselves because they feel, and less often understand, their insecurity, while feeling their weakness.

But I hasten to assure you that no matter how you have been molded until now, you can certainly change for the better, in the direction you need. You can become a more confident person if you take the time to put some effort into working on yourself. A person can always change, it’s just a pity that he doesn’t always want to. Nature created man in such a way that he could adapt to any conditions and achieve any goals, so if a person wants, he can. High self-esteem and self-confidence are not permanent personality traits at all; high self-esteem may decrease, and self-confidence may simply disappear. Life, friends, can break anyone. But not everyone agrees to break. Well, since something can disappear and decline, it means that something can appear and grow, one cannot exist without the other. So, don’t lose heart, under no circumstances, because everything about you and me is fixable, no matter what anyone says. If you have a problem with self-confidence, then after studying this material, rest assured that you will definitely cope with it.

And first, let's find out what confidence is. Confidence is faith, the firm, flawless, unshakable faith a person has in someone or something. And when we talk about self-confidence, we are talking about a person’s faith in himself. Friends, believing in yourself is, in fact, absurd. Below I will explain why. But the discomfort that we experience due to our lack of this stupid faith, it is really real and we can feel it, and we, of course, would like to get rid of it. I would call what we used to call self-confidence - self-understanding, and uncertainty - misunderstanding. So if you are not confident in yourself, then your problem is that you simply do not understand yourself. You don’t know or understand yourself, you don’t know all your capabilities, and you also don’t understand how our world works. Otherwise, you would not doubt yourself at all, the only person in this world whom you should and can trust unconditionally.

Now let's answer another question - why do we need to be confident people, why do we need to know about our capabilities and understand ourselves? I have already said above that a confident person is capable of achieving much greater results in life than an insecure one. What can I say, self-doubt generally deprives a person of any chance of success; it makes him mediocre and inconspicuous, capable only of obeying other people’s orders. Insecure people are losers. And you don't want to be a failure, right? So, the question of why you need self-confidence is a stupid question. You want to be a winner, not a loser! You want better life, not a miserable existence! You want success, not failure! You want to express yourself, you want to succeed in this life as a person, and not be a gray, nondescript spot all your life, the disappearance of which no one will even notice. You want to be a person, not a function, not consumables. This is why you need to be confident. That's why you need to understand yourself and know about the possibilities that are hidden within you.

Well, now it’s time to ask the most important question - how to become a confident person? This can be done either through the emotional sphere, pumping up your psyche and raising your self-esteem with the help of in various ways self-hypnosis, but you can also through awareness come to a state of self-confidence. In the first case, the result is achieved quickly, but it is not stable and short-lived; a person who supports his confidence with emotions can go out just as quickly as he lit it up. Therefore, I do not seriously consider all these psychological pumping, all these suggestions and self-hypnosis, aimed exclusively at a person’s subconscious, although they have an effect, this must be admitted. For me, only a person’s complete understanding of who he is and what he is will allow him to once and for all gain self-confidence and, regardless of external circumstances, remain confident until the end of his life. Likewise, it is worth saying that no external factors should not affect a person’s self-confidence, their own strengths and capabilities, the external world should not shape our inner world, on the contrary, it is our inner world that should shape the external world. But it is not easy to achieve this, this is understandable, it is hard and long-term, disciplined work on oneself, the result of which is only possible if a person approaches it seriously and responsibly, if he really wants to gain real, impeccable self-confidence.

Thus, understanding that in order to gain self-confidence, we need to know and understand ourselves well, and not just engage in self-hypnosis, since this is less effective way make yourself a confident person, especially for a long time, then let's get back to understanding what confidence is. The word “confidence” comes from the word “faith,” as we found out. What is faith? This is the recognition of something as true, something that does not need any proof for us. And when we talk about self-confidence, are we talking about the faith of whom and in what, or better yet, about the faith of whom and in whom are we talking? We are talking about our faith in ourselves, not in something ephemeral, but in ourselves, in ourselves. Do you need proof that you, a person, an individual, exist? I'm sure they are not needed. You deal with yourself every day, you don’t need to prove to yourself that you exist. What then do you need to prove to yourself? Oh, yes, opportunities, you rightly doubt that, unless, of course, you are unsure of yourself, that is, you don’t believe in yourself, that you can do something, that you are capable of something. Well, you have reason not to believe it if you haven't achieved what you want. But, you see, friends, you can check it. You can check what you can do and what you are capable of. What needs to be done to check this? We need to act! Do you agree? You must act, you must be an active person in order to know exactly what you are capable of and what tasks you can and cannot do at the moment. Without activity, without real action, you will never know what possibilities are hidden within you and what you can achieve with them.

Here faith is not needed, here actions are needed, perseverance and patience are needed, because everything cannot be done at once, but not faith. You get to know yourself in business, why do you need to believe in something there. Once you achieve a certain result, through effort, discipline and patience, and not through talent alone, you will no longer need to believe in yourself to understand what you can actually achieve if you put in the necessary effort, and what you still need to learn . Still, we all have different opportunities. You see, through deeds you will know exactly what you can achieve, what your capabilities are, what you are strong in and what you are weak in. Therefore, you need to act to increase your self-confidence, which will lie in your knowledge and understanding of yourself. Gritting our teeth, overcoming pain, suffering failures, we move forward, achieving our goals and becoming stronger and more self-confident. By acting, we turn our dreams into reality, fairy tales into reality. We kill our uncertainty, our doubts and weakness with our activity! After all, your lack of self-confidence, friends, originates from your reluctance to do something, from your laziness, which prevents you from getting to know yourself better, and then making yourself better. And your reluctance to do something, your laziness, in turn, originates from your fear of this or that action. And your fear originates from your lack of understanding of something that you are afraid of. So ask yourself: what exactly are you afraid of? Really themselves? Are you afraid that you will not be able to cope with some task that you have never done before, with some difficulties that you have never encountered before, do you doubt that your capabilities are as limitless as the capabilities of other people? Come on, it’s certainly great to consider yourself an exception, but not to the same extent. You need to think better about yourself and not be afraid of your own powerlessness. You can do everything that other people can, and all you need is to just start acting, according to a certain algorithm, of course, but the main thing you need is action. Commit it.

Thus, we should not be talking about self-confidence, forget about faith, but about a person’s understanding of himself, through his testing of his capabilities in this or that matter. Why should we believe in ourselves, that we watch ourselves on TV, or what? We are here and now, we don’t need faith as such, we only need to understand which qualities we currently have are well developed and which are poorly developed. If you are physically weak, then you are unlikely to lift a heavy barbell; you will agree, this is logical and natural. It is also logical to assume that you will not learn to ride a bicycle the first time, because if you have never ridden it before, then at least once, but you should fall off it, at least for the sake of decency. And so in all matters. You friends, you need experience to believe in yourself, to understand your capabilities, to get used to yourself and your capabilities. It is believed that predominantly positive experiences contribute to gaining self-confidence, but if you are an intelligent person, then negative experiences will also benefit you because they will help you understand a lot. Just think about how great it is to make mistakes when you do something. You will immediately learn what not to do, you will learn the laws of the universe through trial and error. A positive experience gives you one idea of ​​life, and a negative experience another, and as you yourself understand, it is better to see and understand the whole of life than just a separate fragment of it. Therefore, even if you are lucky and you get lucky all the time and you never make mistakes, or you do nothing to avoid mistakes and failures because you are afraid of them, then it is absolutely necessary for you to make mistakes and fail, well, at least once. You really need this to become more mature and wiser, to diversify your life, in the end. Act, make mistakes, fail, fall in order to rise, so that through mistakes and failures you can pave your way to success. There is nothing to believe in here, you just have to take it and do what you need to do. So what kind of uncertainty is there that prevents you from doing something, what kind of fear do you not understand? You have nothing to fear and no reason to be afraid, your fears and insecurities are an illusion, this is your fantasy.

We can approach the issue we are considering from the other side, and for this we will ask one more question - why on earth should you be an insecure person? Why do you accept and put up with a state in which you feel uncomfortable? Yes, ours life experience, the attitude of other people towards us, our successes and failures, our fears, all this affects a person’s self-confidence, I understand that. But you see, friends, the outside world is one thing, but our attitude towards ourselves, our opinion about ourselves, our understanding of the patterns of certain of our personal qualities, and more importantly, our vision of our own, not only weaknesses, but also strengths, is completely different. We all have our weaknesses and strengths, we cannot, even if we try very hard, consist only of shortcomings - this is impossible. Each of us is interesting in our own way, good in our own way, smart in our own way, unique and needed by this world for something. We should not, because we cannot, compare ourselves with other people in order to give self-assessment. A person must, first of all, accept himself as he is, and as for the outside world, he will always have an ambiguous opinion about you. Some people will like you, others will not, others will not care about you - this is normal.

If you haven't found your place in life and haven't figured out who you are, then you can fix it, yourself or with the help of others. The same psychologists, if you turn to them for help, can, after studying your personality, help you do this. They will help you, as they say, find yourself. That is, they will show you who you are, what you are, how strong and weaknesses, what you should work on to become better, how you can best work on yourself, and so on. They will help you find your place in life. But thinking badly about yourself, having a low opinion of yourself, considering yourself worse than others - this, friends, is wrong, you should not do this. You have no reason to think badly about yourself; you can only have someone else’s bad opinion of you in your head, which you consider to be your own. You cannot be an insecure person of your own free will, because this mental state does not suit your interests. Now, please pay attention to your life, just be sure to take everything into account, both your failures and your successes. So don’t you really have these successes? Really, you don’t know how to do anything at all, you haven’t achieved anything in your life and haven’t won any victories in it? I highly doubt it. But let's say that this is so, let's say that you really haven't yet achieved noticeable success in your life. Well, imagine this success, force your brain to paint you a picture of your life that you would be happy to hang in your bedroom, and which would serve as a guide for you to action. And if so far you have nothing to be proud of, although, I repeat, I strongly doubt this, but let’s say this is so, then you still have everything ahead of you, which means that all your victories will be achieved in the future. But you must, on your part, take a step towards this future, because in order to at least get somewhere, you need to go, and not stand still.

Friends, you can do anything, I’m telling you this seriously. You only need to find out exactly how you can achieve something by analyzing your personality and understanding your current capabilities. You are no worse than other people, even the most successful and advanced of them, who have achieved great success in their lives. They are molded from the same stuff you are, but they don’t want to think badly about themselves and don’t doubt their capabilities, because they understand that they don’t need it, it’s not beneficial for them. All that holds you back and limits you is a virus implanted in your head that affects your psychological state in a negative way and forces you to be passive. This virus is the reaction of the outside world to you and your dependence on this reaction, as well as your laziness, which does not allow you to prove to yourself that you are capable of much. The outside world, by and large, doesn’t care about you, it lives its own life, there are plenty of all kinds of people in it, both confident and insecure, and those who may be interested and pleasant in you, and those who, for one reason or another, are not like it. Forget about him. Don’t let the outside world evaluate you, don’t let it invade your inner world, build it yourself, build it the way you need it. If you want to be a confident person, be one, be one in your inner world, and then the outside world will accept you the way you present yourself to it. Remember, while other people are acting, succeeding and failing, you are inactive, and your inaction, your passivity, is destroying you as a person. You are afraid, but at the same time you feed your fear with your inaction, becoming an even more insecure person. And you need to take it and do it, do everything that you can do, in which you can succeed, in order to thereby learn about your capabilities and prove, first to yourself, and then to those around you, your importance.

But don’t count on quick success in various matters that seem easy to you. Right away, without special training, you, of course, will not be able to succeed in anything. Moreover, in any business, mistakes and failures are inevitable, which you simply cannot help but allow if you decide to achieve something. The question is how persistent you will be so that, regardless of mistakes and failures, you do not lose faith in yourself, and more precisely, everything will depend on how wise you are in order to accept any mistakes and failures as taken for granted and get the maximum benefit out of them for yourself. Don’t lose heart because of unmet expectations, develop resilience to failure. How? Just get used to them. Get used to the fact that when you start doing something, you will first encounter problems, a lot of problems, and only after you solve these problems will success in the form of a reward be guaranteed to you. This is your perseverance, which will help you achieve success in various matters, it will definitely make you a more confident person. You will understand when you persistently strive for something that it is not confidence that leads to success, but success makes a person confident when he, bleeding from the nose, does what he intended. There are always first steps in everything, as well as a sequence of steps that will be within your power and that will lead you to your first victories. They will allow you to feel your strength, because after taking one step, you will understand that you can take a second, and a third, and then you will realize that anyone who walks can master any road. Friends, if you are unable to determine these steps for yourself, this task is not easy for some people - contact me for help, we will determine them together. Remember the main thing - you don’t need to believe in yourself so much as understand yourself. And for this you need to study yourself, and not only with the help of introspection, but also with the help of certain things that you will do regardless of any fear and doubts, and see what works for you and what doesn’t work, and why it doesn't work if it doesn't work out.

You have no objective reasons to feel insecure, I once again draw your attention to this, dear readers. And all your subjective ideas about yourself, if they somehow interfere with your life and make you an insecure person, you can study in detail through self-analysis or with the help of a psychologist. We psychologists don’t eat our bread in vain. And if suddenly, someone inspired you that you are somehow worse than other people, then we will convince you of the opposite, we will convince you that you are the most best man on earth that you are the best. This is a more correct setting, more promising. Well, friends, confidence and self-confidence are not far from each other. And if you doubt that being a self-confident person is good, pay attention to successful people, although they are realists, they present themselves to society as if they were not people, but gods. To lower your self-esteem and suppress your self-confidence, there will always be those who want to, and there are much fewer people in this world who can instill confidence in you. Of course, you yourself should perceive yourself adequately, but in some matters, excessive faith in your capabilities will not hurt you; people have always done the impossible only when they admitted the possibility of the existence of the impossible.

You know what else I would like to tell you, friends, about self-confidence. Our life is too short for us to waste it on such little things as uncertainty, doubt and fear. I don’t know whether this is the only life we ​​have or not; no one, in fact, can prove to us any of the hypotheses about this. But one thing I can tell you for sure is that we should spend this period of life that is measured out for you and me on something more significant than some kind of uncertainty. Maybe you don’t need to jump with a parachute when you’re eighty years old, but you should definitely try your hand at more reasonable things. To hell with uncertainty, you don’t need it, start acting right now, start doing what you’ve never done, what you didn’t dare to do because of stupid fear and stupid uncertainty, and then it, confidence, will definitely come to you. No matter what comes, she has always been with you, because she is inside you, you only need to awaken her in yourself so that she will help you feel your strength and realize the limitlessness of your possibilities.

The feeling of confidence for most people depends on the circumstances and options for the development of events. This is probably why we so often think about how to gain stable and permanent self-confidence. We also live in a world where the popular motto is “fake it until you make it.” Therefore, how can one determine whether a person is truly confident in himself or is this just his mask? Keep in mind that confidence is not swagger, bravado or ostentatious bravery. Confidence has nothing to do with selfishness, narcissism and disregard for other people. True confidence is humble and understated, and is a natural manifestation of ability, experience and self-esteem. Do you want to recognize truly confident people? They are united by the nine features described below.

1. They adhere to their point of view not because they consider it the only correct one, but because they have no fear of mistakes.

Self-confident and vain people, as a rule, stand by their position, completely ignoring other opinions and points of view. They believe that they are right and want to prove it to everyone. Their behavior is not a sign of confidence, but rather that of an “intellectual badass.” Truly confident people are not afraid of being wrong. Finding out the truth and objective facts is much more important for them. important matter rather than convincing everyone that you are right. And when they are mistaken or mistaken, it is not at all difficult for them to admit it.

2. They listen much more actively than they speak.

Boasting is a mask that hides insecurity, and this model of behavior is completely uncharacteristic of self-confident people. They know their position, but they also want to hear yours. They ask open and direct questions, giving other people freedom to express their point of view and asking for their opinions and possible advice. Confident people know they have enough knowledge, but they are hungry to know more, and the only way to learn more is to listen more.

3. They do not like to bask in the glory of bringing other people into the spotlight.

Most often this is what people do most of work. They are the ones who cope with all the problems and unite disparate workers into a highly productive team. But fame and stormy applause are not of interest to them; they know how to be content simply with the results, because they already know what they have achieved. They do not need value judgments from outside because they know how to make correct value judgments within themselves. This is why they prefer to remain on the sidelines and celebrate their achievements by bringing others into the limelight.

4. They can easily and naturally ask for help.

People often think that asking for help is a clear sign of weakness, and that asking questions is a sign of a lack of knowledge, skills or experience. Confident people have no problem admitting their own weaknesses. They seek help not only because they desperately need it, but also because they understand that this way they improve the self-esteem of another person. A simple phrase, “Could you help me?” demonstrates great respect for the opinion and experience of the person to whom it is addressed. Otherwise you wouldn't contact him.

5. They always ask the question “Who else if not me?”

Many people believe that they have to wait: wait for a career advancement, wait for an offer from an employer, wait to be noticed. Confident people don't wait. They simply begin to make contacts and act, at least even on social networks. We all have friends and acquaintances who may know someone we need. Confident people know their worth, they know that if they want, they can find financing, set up production, build their own relationships and network of contacts, choose their own path, in the end.

6. They don't put other people down.

Please note that people who like to gossip and discuss others behind their backs do this because subconsciously (or consciously) through comparison they want to find evidence that they are still better and superior. But confident people simply don’t need all this.

7. They are not afraid to look stupid...

Truly confident people aren't afraid to put themselves in situations where they don't look their best. And, oddly enough, people tend to respect them for it.

8. ...And they admit their mistakes.

Uncertainty breeds unnaturalness and pretense; Trust breeds sincerity and honesty. This is why confident people always admit and voice their mistakes. They learn from their failures and mistakes, and they are not afraid if their failures become a cautionary tale for others. Confident people are not afraid to become a source of laughter. When you have complete confidence in yourself, you won't be afraid to look "wrong" sometimes. If you are a sincere and unpretentious person, people don't laugh at you. They laugh with you.

9. They only look for approval from people who really matter to them.

Say you have a ton of followers on Twitter? Five thousand friends on Facebook? Cool. Professional and social network consisting of hundreds or even thousands? Amazing. But all this pales in comparison to the well-deserved trust and respect of the few people in your life who truly matter to you and whose opinions and support are priceless to you.