Every year young people decide one of the most important questions in life: who is better to study? The most obvious answer: where you want, where you are drawn, where you have the ability. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to find a worthy one, high paying job to your liking. Therefore, you often have to choose: either a specialty you like and the position of an unemployed person, or “step on the throat of your own song” and go where they pay.

How to choose where to go

If you have a choice about where to enroll after 9th grade, it makes sense to focus on local schools and colleges. These educational institutions, as a rule, are in close contact with operating enterprises, and there will be some certainty of work immediately after admission.

It is more difficult to choose where to go to get a higher education. Diplomas from Moscow State University are highly valued in our country; its graduates are hired very willingly. You can read about the professions offered by this university in the article.

But MSU today is no longer the best university. TOP 10 best universities in Russia:

  1. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).
  2. Moscow state institute international relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MGIMO).
  3. Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI).
  4. State University - graduate School Economics (HSE).
  5. Financial University under the Government of Russia.
  6. Moscow state university named after Lomonosov (MSU).
  7. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade.
  8. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin.
  9. Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU).
  10. Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI).

All best universities are, naturally, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but today, thanks to the Unified State Exam, admission there has become much easier for provincial graduates.

If you don’t want to travel far, you can choose local universities. In almost any region you can get any desired profession, and for local employers this diploma will be quite enough. You can read more about faculties and professions in the article.

Who to apply for so as not to make a mistake

But it’s not enough to know who you can study for; you also need to be sure that the profession you receive will be in demand and well paid. To do this, it makes sense to turn to the data of recruitment agencies: they are the ones who have the most complete information about opening vacancies and salary levels.

Where to apply: TOP 10 professions

  1. Skilled workers are especially needed now, when Russia is trying to revive its industry. The average salary in Moscow is about 50,000 rubles.
  2. Doctors are needed always and everywhere. Unemployed man with medical education definitely won't. But the earnings of doctors have always been not brilliant. Only dentists and cosmetologists can boast of their income.
  3. If workers are needed, good engineers, both in production and in construction, are naturally required. Average salary- about 70,000 rubles.
  4. Programmers. Nowadays there is nowhere without digital technologies, and there are few good specialists. Average earnings are 90,000 rubles.
  5. Top managers: directors, development and sales managers. Their average income is 220,000 rubles.
  6. Internet, communications, communications - these specialists receive up to 110,000 rubles.
  7. Sales, commerce. Here you can earn 50,000-60,000 rubles even without education, if you have the ability. If only he was well-spoken and a pleasant and sociable person.
  8. Agriculture. Agronomists, livestock specialists, veterinarians, and just farmers today can earn very good money.
  9. Banking sector, accounting, insurance. The salary depends on the company where the specialist works.
  10. Personnel selection, recruiters. A good recruiter can earn up to 50,000 monthly in commissions alone.

Salaries are given in Moscow. On the periphery, naturally, they receive less. Additionally, the list may vary from place to place. If in your city, for example, there is only one recruitment agency, then recruiters are unlikely to be in demand.

You should not choose a profession based solely on salary. Firstly, any good specialist will be able to earn money, all you need to do is do this good specialist become. Secondly, during your studies, trends may change, but changing your unloved profession will not be easy. Thirdly, at first, immediately after graduation, everyone’s salary is small, and young specialists need to be prepared for this. No one will offer yesterday's student a top manager position, but with due diligence, career growth is ensured in almost any field.

For the younger generation, for whom the doors to adulthood and independent life are just opening, it is not always easy to make a choice in favor of one profession or another. After all, everyone puts a very different meaning into this decision. Some people bet on personal passions for a particular business, an activity they enjoy, others strive for prestige and prospects. But the general criterion in all cases is the profitability of the profession that will be acquired in the future.

Of course, it is good when the younger generation clearly knows what they want to become in the future and sets specific goals for themselves. But sometimes the result of acquired skills does not bring the desired income. As a result, it is often necessary to change the field of activity, acquiring a different profession and qualification as a second higher education. Sometimes you simply have to work outside your specialty and acquire new skills along the way, in practice. This, naturally, creates some inconvenience during the work process, so you need to approach the choice of profession carefully so that you don’t have to regret your choice later. But who should I study now in order to earn good money in the future?

Rating of professions

You can add engineers to the list of profitable specialties. On at the moment everyone prefers more prestigious professions, and the demand for technical specialists huge, thus having necessary knowledge and skills, you can also make good money.

The choice of educational institution depends on many factors: future profession, knowledge acquired at school, financial wealth, etc. Many people prefer studying abroad, for example, in Europe. It cannot be said that domestic universities do not provide training at the required level, but one should also not underestimate all the possibilities foreign education. In any case, there is always a choice.

To summarize, I would like to note that during the learning process it would be nice to work in free time. This is a colossal practice, regardless of the field of activity. Learning several foreign languages ​​is also a huge advantage.

Among graduates high school It's a very worrying time. Making a life from whom? Who should I go to study? Where to go? Who to be? How to choose? There are a lot of guys who simply don’t know what they want. Parents know... They often explain: “you will go to study where you can.” Or: “You will study where our money is enough.” In the majority educational institutions V graduating classes serious work is underway. They invite university teachers and graduates, graduate “ newsletters", conduct interesting specialized cool watch, conversations... And in the souls of the guys there is an anxious, nagging feeling: as if not to make a mistake. The difficult thing is choice. If nothing is interesting, then everything is simple - it doesn’t matter where you serve 5 years, then life will show that you don’t have to work in your specialty. And it didn’t happen for 5 years. What if it’s interesting, but not prestigious, or not monetary?

So who should you go to study? Maybe first try to look at yourself from the outside

Sides? Do I know how to communicate with peers and with older comrades? Is it sociable or is it more interesting to think in silence alone about high things? Is my mind rational or do I primarily live with emotions and feelings? And then the first choice for yourself is a lyricist or a physicist? Then the second step: where can I acquire knowledge - in my city, in a neighboring city, in the capital? Third step: read in the press - what are they like these days?

After all, the future well-being of him and his loved ones, the possibility of further career growth and much more depend on the degree to which a specialist is in demand. Unfortunately, practical considerations, or fashion, or romantic ideas often become decisive. In the 60s of the 20th century they dreamed of conquering space, in the 90s they dreamed of becoming a lawyer and accountant. It was believed that they were the “breadiest”. But now there is an overabundance of them. Technologies and production levels are changing before the eyes of today's graduates.

So who should I go to study after 11th grade? It is obvious that preference will be given to professionals in the field of information and nanotechnologies, managers innovative enterprises and business areas. Not everyone is capable of becoming an engineer. But everyone intuitively understands that without basic knowledge in the field of law and economics, it is quite difficult to become a sought-after specialist in any field. Therefore, when deciding for yourself the question “who is better to go to study for?”, the future applicant must understand that budget places for these specialties are very limited, which means high competition, and commercial places are waiting for them only if the family is ready to take on financial obligations for training .

According to forecasts, engineering specialties will become leaders in the next decade. The real sector of the economy requires technologists, operators and marketers. This is all the more relevant, because highly qualified personnel of the Soviet period either retired or left the profession, engineering and technical youth of the 90s and 2000s sought to leave their homeland or retrained, as they say, “to become house managers.”

But there is an even more urgent need for highly qualified personnel in the field of education and healthcare: prestigious, interesting, fashionable, but... without money. What a dilemma!

Finally, it is generally not important to have prestigious “crusts” for self-respecting graduates if they know that they have a head on their shoulders and hands, as they say, “golden”.

It has been a long time since there has been such an acute demand for qualified workers in Russia. Turners, milling operators, equipment adjusters, system administrators, logisticians... Young people capable of servicing “complex” equipment are so in demand that companies are willing to train and pay higher salaries at their own expense. Of particular interest to employers are software engineers, web designers and IT security professionals.

The specializations “Nanomaterials” and “Nanotechnologies in Electronics” are also very attractive in Russia. In the future, it is likely that the range of specializations in this area will be wider.

However, how to promote products on the market, how to increase sales, how to take a place in the sun of your company in conditions of fierce competition - this is where serious psychologists and other specialists in optimizing the management of material and information flows are needed.

Who should I go to study? Listen to yourself, take a closer look at the world around you, don’t be led by your momentary mood, don’t reject any advice, but decide everything yourself.

What professions are now the most in demand and highly paid? What to learn in order to never need money, the HR director of the logistics company V.I.G told the portal site. Trans Natalya Zharova. She named the 6 most promising areas for development and shared 5 life hacks for a successful career.

Where to go to study? Year after year, graduates ask this question when thinking about their future profession.

It’s great when you clearly understand and realize your destiny and faithfully follow this path, but, as a rule, it is difficult for a young school student to decide on a profession. Here parents come to his aid and most often make decisions for their child. It’s difficult to say whether the decision was correct, but most likely in a few years the graduate will be working outside of his profession. It turns out that all these years have passed in vain?! And the graduate, from the very beginning, through practice, masters new profession. It's all effort, time, money and dissatisfied parents.Here the emphasis is on the younger generation, because they are the ones who make important decisions on their career path.

There is also a second category, specialists who have already mastered and occupied a niche, but want further development. They consciously choose a second specialty, thanks to which they develop further or learn a new profession, which will most likely allow them to earn more.

Let's figure it out: today higher education is a status and a formality. That is, it will not particularly help in further development, but every employer requires it when hiring. Paradox. If we live in Russia, we will play by the rules of this country. You just need to get the maximum benefit from all this for yourself and learn from the mistakes of others. As the Latin proverb says: “Forewarned is forearmed.”

What professions should you take a closer look at? Below is a list of professions that are most relevant now and are gaining momentum.

1.IT(programmers, developers, analysts, system administrators, etc.)

Let the IT sector come first. Today it is one of the most popular and highly paid professions on the labor market. One of the advantages is the opportunity to work remotely or earn extra money, having permanent job. With progressive automation, an IT specialist will not be left without work.

2. Financiers

Those who work with them have more money. Pledge successful development in the financial segment it means excellent education and work. As practice shows, the easiest way to become a general director is from a financier.

The predominance of market relations makes itself felt and, of course, the need for advertising, sales and promotion is growing. Only lazy people nowadays don’t sell or buy something. Marketers are such flexible employees that they learn while working, because new trends in the market are like waves on the sea, one after another. Before you have time to master something, a new trend rolls up. And the marketer must quickly adapt and stay informed. This is 100% a profession that will be relevant for many years. Today, this niche is just beginning to grow, so it’s worth trying to make a fortune here.

4. Doctors

I am very happy to present this profession on this list. I would like those students who feel their calling in this difficult matter to come here. Progress does not stand still; medicine develops with the times. New interesting specialties are emerging and technologies are developing. Choosing a profession medical worker, you should understand that a long and painstaking training awaits you.

5. Engineers

To be honest, the need for technical staff huge. Demand exceeds supply. There are not enough competent specialists in this field. The choice of directions is so wide that you can find something to your liking. Development is progressing by leaps and bounds, production is very relevant. Additional requirement- This English language and you will be torn away with your hands for a good reward.

6. Agro-industry

You should not bypass such specialties that are directly related to the development agriculture. Now this niche is in a utopian state, but people are investing, buying out and renovating abandoned farms. Of course, it is important to have education and good knowledge.

In general, logically, below there should be a list of professions that would not be worth entering and wasting your time. But, in fact, no matter where you go and where you get your education, this does not give any guarantee of good or bad earnings. You are, first of all, a specialist. And your task is to become a great and sought-after employee. Our country really needs good teachers, educators, mechanics, actors, journalists and many, many.

Please, if you do something, do it well or not at all. The simplest thing is to blame everyone around for our problems, but we ourselves can make our own career and determine the level of income.

In conclusion, a few life hacks for successful career development:

After receiving your education at a university, go to work (no matter who - find out and learn the existing business models);

Learn two languages ​​(it’s good that one of them is Chinese);

Master a computer (I highly, highly recommend having a high level of knowledge);

Learn business etiquette(this will be useful throughout your life);

Choose a hobby (sometimes you can make good money from a hobby).

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In front of many schoolchildren after passing the Unified State Exam the question arises: “ Where to go to study?

From my experience I know that Most graduates by the time they graduate from school have no idea about their future profession. And the institute (and specialty) is almost always chosen by mom and dad for reasons of prestige and financial opportunities.

It's actually amazing. Think about it. They seem to be adults, but they wonder how much their child will earn when he graduates from university, A How prestigious is the university and specialty?. That is, what people will say.

My little pimply friend, if you're going to choose higher education soon educational institution, I'm turning to you!


The big secret that adults are carefully hiding from you is that work, like study, cannot be loved. One can only hate her. Career, interesting work, unique projects- this is all marketing gimmicks for schoolchildren, students and brainwashed people. The myth is supported in favor big business. The system needs slaves.

If any activity can be interesting, it’s your own business. Work is permanent slavery in any case, work for cattle.

Yes, your parents hate their jobs, like all normal people. What is keeping them there? There is only one answer, and there cannot be another - SALARY. All jobs differ from each other only in salary. Well, some people have less brutal conditions - cleaning toilets at McDonald's is not like sorting out papers in the office. Therefore, if you don’t want to work hard for a pittance salary after college, you need to choose a university based on salary prospects, and not by “prestige”.

Why do your parents shave a more prestigious shave for you? The same myth from the capitalists, artificially supported. They don’t see much of a difference in salaries, so let them at least have a more prestigious institute/specialty so they can brag to their friends. But there is a difference. Particularly important starting salary after university. The higher it is, the better. If you receive 30 thousand rubles a month, you won’t be able to move away from your parents, but with 60, you can already try.

What else is important. In almost any profession that allows for part-time work, you need to start working while studying. Nobody needs your diploma, you only need work experience. After your diploma, you will still have to be taught; no employer is interested in this, all other things being equal (the presence of a candidate with experience).

Oh well. So, what professions are in demand today - in other words, where will they pay real money after college?

1. Programmer, developer. It’s easy to get a salary of 100-150 thousand a month with little experience after college. Wide opportunity for part-time work.

2. Engineer(construction). The starting salary after graduation is about 60 (if you don’t play the fool in the sharaga). You will have to work at least 5 years to become a chief engineer, but the main ones get, bless you, from 200 thousand to infinity (on leftists and theft)! Today, the engineer chooses the place of work, not the engineer's employer. There are different types of engineers - in low currents, metal structures, reinforced concrete, ventilation, etc.

3. Accountant. It’s also 5 years to get to the main thing, but chief accountant earns from 150, has ample opportunities for part-time work, and in many offices there is a 50/50 scheme - you receive half of the hidden taxes in addition to your salary.

4. Analyst(anything, it’s best to analyze cash flows). In principle, this is the sweetest profession because... Unlike the vacancies listed above, you don’t have to work here, you just scribble notes and justify them with a smart look. Tasty areas – consulting, investments. Starting salary 50, then up to half a million.

5. Brand Manager. This is marketing, there are few such positions and it is not easy to sleep in them. The advantage is that you don’t have to do anything either, you don’t even have to write a lot of scribbles. Drink coffee and generate ideas! Strata salary at LLC “Horns and Hooves” is from 80 thousand per month. a true brand manager large company receives millions and millions of non-rubles.

Like this top 5 professions that pay well. But I left the most delicious for dessert. All these jobs require brains, hard work, and luck, in the end. But where to go to study and then be guaranteed to earn a lot? There is such a place!

It's called a flight institute.