The Chunsky multifunctional center "My Documents", previously located on Gogol Street in the building of a furniture store, opened its doors to visitors in another building - on Sverdlova Street, 12.

The new premises, unlike the previous ones, meet all standards and requirements. Everything has been done here for the convenience of visitors and employees of the center. Spacious offices, comfortable bathrooms, a ramp for people with disabilities at the entrance and a button to call employees, convenient parking. For mothers with babies there is a changing table, for older children - colored pencils and coloring books so as not to get bored while waiting for their parents.

The “My Documents” center is popular among the Chunars. More than a thousand people visit it monthly. Multifunctional centers operating throughout Russia greatly simplify obtaining public services. Working on the “one window” principle allows citizens to receive services from authorities local government, Pension Fund, employment center, social services and other structures. Here you can also get a passport and driver's license. IN lately Residents began to increasingly apply for government services from Rosreestr: cadastral registration, registration of rights to real estate, provision of information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. All services provided by the My Documents center are free.

By the way, residents of the area will not have to get used to the new address of the MFC for a long time: the new premises are located literally three steps from the old one.

Department for servicing applicants in r.p. Chunsky State Agrarian University Irkutsk regional multifunctional center for providing government and municipal services(multifunctional center) - an institution created specifically to facilitate the procedure for the population to receive state and municipal services. Budget non-profit institution“My Documents” ensures effective interaction between the population and executive authorities.

The MFC combines several authorities involved in the preparation, compilation and issuance of various documents, civil status acts, certificates and receipts. The advantage of a multifunctional institution is that citizens do not need to visit several government agencies to resolve your issue or get required document. A person just needs to contact the department of the multifunctional center to receive the service as soon as possible. You won’t have to wait long for your turn, since the branch located in the working village of Chunsky has 6 active windows. As a rule, the service time is no more than 15 minutes. The list of state and municipal services provided includes:

  • issuance and replacement of passports and foreign passports;
  • issuing certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record;
  • state registration of marriage (acceptance of applications for the provision of services);
  • state registration of divorce;
  • appointment and issuance of maternity benefits, lump sum benefit at the birth of a child;
  • coordination of redevelopment of residential premises;
  • issuance of certificates about the amount of pension;
  • issuing a hunting permit;
  • licensing individual species activities.

The head of the “My Documents” institution in the working village of Chunsky is Sergey Mironovich Agafonov. You can always contact the center management with questions, complaints or suggestions. The list of state and municipal services provided by the MFC is quite wide due to the active interaction of various government agencies. organs. The MFC also interacts with the government services portal, where you can make a request for the provision of a particular service, and it is possible to order the document you need and receive it in the working village of Chunsky.


You can consult or sign up for the electronic queue by calling 88001000447, or you can also contact us with your question at email.

Operating mode

The MFC operates according to the following schedule:

When planning your visit, be sure to check the opening hours by calling: 88001000447.

Official website

With more detailed information You can find out about the multifunctional center on the official website:


The MFC in the working village of Chunsky is located at the address: 665514, region. Irkutsk, district Chunsky, rp. Chunsky, st. Sverdlova, 12.


Receiving Rosreestr services at the MFC

Residents of the Irkutsk region began to increasingly apply for government services from Rosreestr to the “My Documents” multifunctional centers (MFC). Let us remind you that MFCs are vested with the authority to receive and issue documents on the main state services of Rosreestr: cadastral registration, registration of rights to real estate, a unified procedure for cadastral registration and registration of rights, provision of information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN).

Thus, in two months of 2017, the MFC received a total of 57,075 applications for state registration rights to real estate and to state cadastral registration (both individual procedures and a single one), which amounted to 84% of the total number of applications accepted by the Rosreestr Office for the Irkutsk Region, the Cadastral Chamber and the MFC.

The popularity of MFCs among citizens is easily explained - multifunctional centers greatly simplify the receipt of government services. By applying for services to the “My Documents” MFC, applicants receive a number of significant advantages, the main one of which is working on a “one-stop shop” principle. Today, at the MFC you can get many services related to real estate ownership: registration of registration, registration of real estate, obtaining a building permit and others. A person does not need to go to different authorities and departments; he can submit and receive documents in one place.

In addition, the MFC is an extensive network of offices in the Irkutsk region, as well as throughout Russia. Convenient location helps reduce travel time to the MFC office, many of which are located within walking distance. Large quantity windows for accepting and issuing documents allows you to reduce the applicant's wait in line. There are consultants in the offices who are ready to answer any questions you may have. And the office hours are convenient. MFCs operate 6 days a week, including Saturday, which is especially important for citizens working on a standard work week schedule.

There is a stereotype that obtaining government services is a troublesome and time-consuming task. This is how the habit of turning to intermediaries took root. System public administration changed, but the habit remained. However, various types of unscrupulous firms and entrepreneurs often operate around the receipt of public services by citizens, for whom the gullibility and ignorance of citizens serve as a means of profit. For their services, intermediaries charge a fee that is often many times higher than the state duty. In addition, due to the dishonesty of intermediaries, the service may not be received at all.

In case of contacting the MFC, a citizen is freed from the need to pay intermediaries, and can independently short terms receive the necessary government services. The Rosreestr Office recommends submitting documents through the MFC “My Documents” rather than contacting intermediary organizations. Contacting the MFC helps citizens not only save their money, but also be guaranteed to receive the necessary services.

The Rosreestr Office is actively working to introduce “contactless technologies” to eliminate the influence of corruption. What are “contactless technologies”? This is when a citizen himself receives the required service via the Internet or MFC. Applying to the MFC allows the applicant to submit documents independently and not depend on the actions of an official, thus minimizing the influence of the human factor.

Citizens can find information about the addresses of MFC offices and operating hours on the website