The most beautiful landscapes. A lot of photos of paintings! The most beautiful landscapes Landscape paintings with high resolution

- a genre of fine art, the main task of which is to display the surrounding nature both in its original form and in its changed form...



Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most successful millennials on the planet. By the age of 23, he was already a millionaire, and 10 years after he first launched Facebook, he became one of the richest people in the world.

The meaning of life does not lie in big money, it lies in building something that will change the world for the better. After all, you won't be able to take your money to your grave.

Zuckerberg created Facebook while he was still a student at Harvard and eventually dropped out to focus on building the website. He wanted to provide people with a revolutionary means of communication. Since that time, Facebook has become the dominant online social platform with more than one billion users. It connected people around the world on an unprecedented scale and forever changed the way they communicate with each other.

Age ultimately does not matter if one is persistent enough in achieving one's dreams. Each of the Zuckerberg quotes below is a testament to the fact that you are never too young to start conquering the world:

Always look forward. Sometimes you will have to tear down the oldest and largest buildings in a city to build something even better.

People don't change history if they copy what others have done. You make history by breaking people's ideas about what is possible - and then doing the unlikely.

2. “My goal was never just to start a company. A lot of people misinterpret this into thinking that I don't care about income or profit or any of those things. But what “just” a company means to me is to build something that actually makes a big difference in the world.”

If you only care about money, you might as well settle for a boring job with constant income. The most successful people risked everything they had to achieve what they achieved. Money is an illusion, it comes and goes. Your legacy is forever.

There are many rich people who only think about themselves. They are selfish and stupid. In the end, no one will remember them. They have no real power and cannot influence the future.

According to Frank Underwood:
Money is a mansion in the city of Sarasota that begins to fall apart after 10 years. Power is an old stone building that has stood for centuries. I can't respect a person who doesn't see the difference.
Do something that changes the world for the better. Improve the lives of those around you and build something that will impact many generations to come. Give more than you take and bring people together. Solidarity is the greatest hope in the world.

3. "It's a twisted personal thing, but I'd rather be in a process where people underestimate us. It gives us the freedom to go out and make big bets that will excite and surprise people."

People with big dreams will always encounter doubters. Make peace with them. In fact, you should welcome them with open arms.

Use them as a source of motivation. Prove them wrong. Don't let anyone fill you with negativity. At the end of the day, we can't control how people treat us, but we can control how we react to them. Optimism is a choice.

When you're struggling, remember the people who told you you couldn't do it. When you achieve your goals, come back and thank them. They were the fuel that kept the fire burning within you.

4. "I know it sounds corny, but I would like to improve people's lives, especially socially... Making the world more open is not an overnight job. It's a 10-15 year endeavor."

You can't change the world overnight. Patience is the key aspect. It's wonderful and worthy to want to improve the world, but it's not that easy.

Nelson Mandela was jailed for 27 years before he became South Africa's first black president. Sometimes we must suffer before we can shape the world around us.

Changing the world is an uphill battle, but don't stop. Nothing good comes easy. The most successful people in the world have learned how to struggle and fail, and now we grow from those experiences.

5. “The biggest risk is not taking risks... In a world that is changing very quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is “not taking risks.”

We are living in an unprecedented time in human history. The Internet and social media have connected us in ways unimaginable 50 years ago.

Things will continue to change and evolve at a rapid pace and if you are not willing to take risks, you may be left behind.

You don't always have to know what you're doing or how things will turn out in the end. Live in this moment; take risks. Not knowing what the outcome will be is what makes life interesting.

Don't get too comfortable. Think of the path to success as a sunny day. Why would you sit on the couch all day when it's so much fun outside? Of course, it’s comfortable and safe inside, but nothing happens there.

The greatest achievements in history began with a bold choice. Likewise, life's greatest experiences come from the risks we take. Step into the unknown. Forge your own path through the desert; Don't go down the rut.

You will never discover anything new where others have been.

Mark Zuckerberg - born May 14, 1984, White Plains, New York, USA. Developer and Founder social network Facebook.

  • I haven't done everything I wanted to yet.
  • If I started again, it would be fantastic.
  • We will do everything to ensure that our site does not allow you to move away from the monitor.
  • I'm trying to make the world more open by helping people find each other.
  • The desire to remain anonymous when using the Internet is cowardice.
  • I don't think society will develop in such a way that there will only be one big site left.
  • I think the sites around mobile phones most attractive now.
  • A lot of confidential things are much easier to keep in centralized system.
  • We earn enough money. Everything works like this for us, and we grow the way we want.
  • It seems to me that it will turn out that a lot of excellent services will appear and we will help this happen.
  • It makes me sick when people say, “You need to do this to make money.”
  • The thing that really excites me is the fulfillment of the creation mission open society.
  • The older I get, the more convinced I am that voyeur servicing is The best way earn money.
  • In the future, more applications would become more social, and this most of what we want to do.
  • People are always a little skeptical about something that's growing fast, but they just have to look at what's being done.
  • I think it will be bad if we try to do everything on our own - I'm not sure that one company can do this.
  • We believe that these interfaces can be personalized once you start using them - that's a very powerful thing.
  • About 15,000 people want to add me as a friend. And every time I open this page, it freezes. So I abandoned this idea.
  • People who make movies simply cannot accept that someone can create something just because they like to create.
  • We - social company, we are not media, we do not sell films. If we give the company away, that would really be the way out.
  • I spend almost all my time on Facebook. I have practically no time for new hobbies. That's why I set clear goals for myself.
  • What started out as a monolithic thing has evolved into a more decentralized model, and that's what we're trying to do with Facebook.
  • I hope we provide a convenient service for people to connect and share their identity with friends and others.
  • I think there's almost no connection between what people who make movies think about what we do in Silicon Valley and what we actually do there.
  • Some large sites say: 15% of our users return to the site within a month. I answer them: 70% of our users visit the site every day.
  • As far as I can remember, we still haven't made any acquisitions other than acquiring talent, which to me is one of the best things that could be done.
  • Our goal was not to make a giant social network. Our goal was to make a site where you could write someone's name and get various information about this person.
  • There is something fundamental about using products that are centered around people, as opposed to products centered around non-people information.
  • I have an apartment with only my bed, table, chair and kettle. And I don't have Internet access there. So I can be isolated when I want, or I'm too lazy to get the internet there.
  • Sometimes I feel like a little boy. I quickly get bored with entertainment, but with the help of a computer I find new goals for myself. Who knows, maybe in a few years my work will lead me to meet Eskimo bloggers or you personally. It depends on how lucky you are.
  • Every hundred years means mass media are undergoing changes. Now is the time for a total exchange of information between specific people. This is the future of online advertising: nothing will work better than a recommendation from your friend, which you can see on his page.

I didn't set out to start a company before Facebook. I just worked on what I wanted to do. In general, companies are created not because it is fashionable or cool, but so that the world gets something. A company should be based on your belief in something. October 2, 2012 during a lecture at Moscow State University

About risk

The biggest risk is not to take any risks. In a world that is changing very quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not to take risks. October 30, 2011 during a speech at the Y Combinator startup school

About someone else's opinion

Personally, I prefer it when people rather underestimate Facebook because I like to be underestimated. This provides an incentive to find important solutions and overcome problems. September 11, 2012 in an interview with TechCrunch

About speed

Move fast, destroy everything. If you're not destroying everything, you're not fast enough. October 14, 2010 in an interview with Business Insider

About the strategy

Facebook isn't trying to trick anyone into behaving a certain way. People will figure everything out perfectly on their own, so our job is to make it convenient for them. October 19, 2012 in an interview with Afisha Gorod

About errors

The service we strive for is something as basic as lighting. It just has to work. The problem is that when we do something right, people simply don't notice. But when we make a mistake, they immediately begin to celebrate it.

About your wardrobe

I feel like I won't be able to do my job if I waste energy on unnecessary things like picking out clothes. I want to act as quickly as possible and do not want to waste time and energy on frivolous activities. This seems like a stupid reason to justify why I wear a gray T-shirt every day, but it's true. Steve Jobs and President Barack Obama did the same. November 6, 2014 during an open Q&A session

About achieving the goal

If your mission is to connect the whole world, then a billion users is simply more than any other service has. But that doesn't mean you're any closer to completing your task. December 4, 2014 in an interview with Time Magazine

About security

People first developed airplanes and then took care of flight safety. If they had focused on safety first, no one would have ever built the plane. February 28, 2016 in an interview with Business Insider

About tolerance

I am Jewish and my parents taught me that we must stand up against attacks on all communities. Even if the attack today is not against you, attacks on freedom hurt everyone. December 10, 2015 on his Facebook page

Good afternoon, readers of my blog. The next article from the series “Business Rules: Tips from Millionaires” will be dedicated to Mark Zuckerberg, his views on risk, money, success and development.
I am sure that each of you knows who Zuckerberg is, and at least once in your life, you have used his social Facebook network. Mark belongs to that category of businessmen who, already in their young years, were able to radically change the world. One site, it is a network that unites hundreds of millions of people from all over the world.
Mark has already reached incredible heights, and at the age of 29 has a net worth of more than 10 billion US dollars. But not for the number of zeros on bank account he is appreciated and respected all over the world. He is one of the first who was able to truly make money on the Internet, creating a revolutionary project that changed the entire vision of the world, society, and communication. It seems to me that Mark will have more ambitious and grandiose projects ahead, he will still say his best words, and will be able to motivate more than one generation of businessmen. But now Zuckerberg knows what to say, how to instill a desire to work and develop.
Today I will introduce best quotes from interviews and speeches of Mark Zuckerberg, I will analyze them, give my vision of the situation based on the advice of this brilliant “hacker”.

We recommend reading:

Business rules: create useful projects

If we talk about Facebook, I never wanted to make it cool, I wanted it to be useful to many users.
Create your projects for people. Do not, first of all, look for benefits in them, try to make sure that your business brings benefits to your clients. Not only Zuckerberg, but many others experienced businessmen note that only this approach can give maximum results. Believe that a high-quality, interesting project that is useful to the user will be able to pay for itself and bring in a lot of money.
If you are creating an Internet business, then in SEO circles there is such a term “SDL - a site for people”, which clearly characterizes all the criteria that you should follow when building your Internet project.

Business rules: there must always be a result

What is the result? Everyone sees the result of their work differently. Mark Zuckerberg, in one of his speeches, said: “When you produce tons of code overnight, this is the result.”
It doesn't matter what you think end result- money, fame, fame, the success of a project, or something else, the most important thing is that you need to strive for it, work long and hard tirelessly. Any result is preceded by a lot of effort.

Business rules: if you have an idea, create a business

If a person has a brain, is smart, creative and sees potentially profitable ideas, then he does not have the moral right to work not for himself, giving his potential, time and opportunities to the employer.
The problem many people have is low self-esteem. They do not believe in themselves, their strengths and capabilities. Although, I am sure that many of those who work in offices “for their uncle” will be able to establish their own business without any problems. Some are not big, some are larger, but their own, independent business, which will bring much more than office work.
Strive, believe, develop. Remember that the road will be mastered by those who walk, so take the first step.

We recommend reading:

Believe in yourself and your strengths

If you decide to create a company, then the basis should be faith in yourself, your strengths and the success of the project.
I have already noted more than once that if you have even the slightest doubt, then hold off on developing your business. First of all, you need to be mentally prepared, understand that difficulties, troubles, and problems will await you on the path to success. If you believe in yourself, then you will take everything for granted and easily cope with the problems that arise. If there is a piece of doubt in your soul, then every day it will only increase, and, ultimately, it will destroy you and the entire project.

Business rules: risk is a noble cause

The biggest risk is not taking risks, being afraid to change anything. We live in a dynamic developing world, in a world where everything changes at such a speed that you don’t have time to keep up with the new products. In such a situation, the only strategy that is 100% likely to fail is “not to take risks.”
Perhaps one of the most interesting and thoughtful statements of Mark Zuckerberg. Nowadays, few people know what will happen in a month, not to mention years. When you make a decision to develop your business today, you are already taking a risk. But how then to develop if you don’t take risks? Go with the flow and adapt to what you have? Then it won’t be a business; its basis, competition, interest will be lost. You will not be unique, your project will not be interesting, and, in the end, it will be mixed with millions of other, gray ideas.
Take risks, try to always be one step ahead, bring your clients the most interesting offers and opportunities.

We recommend reading:

Rules of Business: Mark Zuckerberg – Selected Quotes

And at the end I will give a few more interesting, instructive quotes. I am sure that each of you will find advice for yourself in them.

Facebook was not created as a commercial project. The main goal was to make the world more communicative and connected.

The main thing in business is to concentrate your efforts on creating something important. I was working on a project that I wanted to use myself.

The main motivation for our employees is that they are part of a large team. It's not just Facebook, it's its own little world.

Facebook is not an ordinary company. She's more like government agency. We are dealing with a huge amount people and must pay attention to domestic politics.

Language is one of the worst ways to convey your ideas.

We recommend reading:

I am sure that in the future every person will be associated with programming.

I still keep trying to do something that might be beyond the realm of possibility.

I was just lucky with Facebook. Yes, I got a great experience and incredible opportunities, but there are things I regret a little. I didn't make it to college, and that was a mistake. In college you may get more than you know, discover new world and do it with pleasure.

In Silicon Valley, many people founded their own businesses, created companies, but still did not understand what they would do. First, decide why you need all this, how the company will be useful to society, and only then develop it.

Any business, even heavy industry, will be mobile in a few years. This trend is inevitable.

I'm not sure I'll ever be able to create something like Facebook again.

Do I look like a person who values ​​money above all else?

Mark Zuckerberg is regularly included in ratings of the youngest and most successful businessmen in the Internet sphere. And the story of his company’s creation is regularly cited as the story of a super-successful startup. Business Insider decided to equate Mark to Nietzsche’s hero and compiled a selection of the most famous quotes from the Facebook CEO called “Thus Spoke Zuckerberg.”

Here are Zuckerberg's reactions to criticism of his social network, to the launch of successful and unsuccessful products, to fluctuations in Facebook shares. They help create some idea of ​​the founder of the largest social network in the world.

  1. “Calm down. Breathe. We hear you." That's the title of a blog post Mark wrote in 2006 in response to growing user concerns about new organization Facebook news feeds.
  2. “I don’t understand why they trust me.” This is an early quote that a number of American publications attribute to 19-year-old Zuckerberg, who had just launched his social network. Mark wonders why strangers so easily leave their email and physical addresses, their photos, etc. in the public domain.
  3. “I did a lot of stupid things when I was in college, and I don't want to apologize for them. Some accusations are true, some are not. I started doing this when I was 19 and a lot has changed since then. We went from creating a service in a dorm to a network that is used by 500 million people.”
  4. This is, in fact, Zuckerberg's response to the accusations associated with the previous quote.“The real story is pretty boring. What I mean is that we just sat at computers for six years and wrote code.”
  5. Mark Zuckerberg - about the film “The Social Network”.
  6. “Our mission is to make the world more open and sociable. We accomplish this by empowering people to share anything and communicate with anyone, no matter where they are.” Quote from Zuckerberg's 2012 TC Disrupt speech. Beacon, which notified users' subscribers about their purchases without their knowledge. And which, accordingly, caused a wave of indignation and even legal disputes.
  7. “Games, music, movies, TV, news, online shopping - all these models will be completely rethought in 5 years. Will really appear successful business ideas. We feel we have a role to play in this reform and benefit in proportion to what we put into it.” Zuckerberg on Facebook's impact on other industries during a speech after the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco in 2010.
  8. “The idea behind the Social Graph is that if people around the world mapped out the connections they had with everyone they knew, the result would be a graph like this. That's what we're trying to do at Facebook. When the foundation is created, you can start making services, games, etc. Many have characterized the Social Graph as something we own or control. But that’s not true.”
  9. Mark Zuckerberg about his own development in January 2013.
  10. “It’s simple: we don’t create services to make money. We make money to create better services.” “Look, Facebook has always been a controversial company. This is not the first fall and rise we have experienced.” CEO of social network
  11. sharp drop
  12. shares after Facebook went public.“I bought an iPhone this week. I had to take four chargers over the weekend to keep it working wherever I went, and another phone so I could make calls.” Quote from 2010. Mark has been a long time BlackBerry user.“This is one of our most serious, if not our most serious, strategic mistakes.”
  13. – about the fact that native ones were not released for a long time
  14. mobile applications