Bellakt-Stolitsa LLC is a manufacturer of purees and juices for baby food trademark"Bellakt".

The Bellakt-Stolitsa LLC company takes care of every child.

How does Bellakt single-ingredient nutrition differ from others?

One-component puree "Bellakt" is a natural, delicate in structure product, which contains only one component. Bellakt one-component fruit and vegetable purees do not contain additional ingredients that change the consistency or taste of the product (for example, starch, sugar, salt, vegetable oils, preservatives, flavorings, food coloring).


1. Fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins only in “their” season. In purees prepared from fresh vegetables and fruits at home most vitamins and nutrients “disappear.” Thus, during cooking, about 20% of vitamin B and more than 50% of vitamin C are lost. It is impossible to restore the lost “wealth” at home. Cooked in industrial conditions Bellakt baby food puree has all the necessary nutrients.

2. Bellakt baby food puree contains in the right quantities all the nutrients, vitamins and microelements necessary for your child. Fruits and vegetables prepare the baby's digestive organs to accept morecomplex “adult” products.

3. This is a real saving of your time. There is no need to prepare anything, everything is already prepared for you and packaged with love. All that remains is to open and heat the jar.

4. Baby food puree “Bellakt” will take care of you and your baby. By purchasing Bellakt puree, you have more time to communicate with your child.

5. Bellakt baby food puree does not contain salt, sugar, preservatives or starch.

6. Bellakt baby food puree is made from environmentally friendly raw materials. We use raw materials from leading global and domestic manufacturers.

7. Bellakt baby food puree provides the baby with a varied diet from the first months of life. The range of Bellakt baby food purees includes over 30 types: one-component, two-component fruit and vegetable flavors, as well as combined ones when they contain dairy additives (cream, cottage cheese).

8. You can take baby puree with you on the road, to nature, on a visit or on a picnic. You will always have the opportunity to provide your baby with a nutritious diet.

9. In the production of Bellakt baby food puree, strict quality control is observed at all stages of production.

10. It is very convenient to introduce complementary foods from jars. After all, in the beginning you only need to give 1-2 spoons. “Bellakt” baby food puree is packaged in 100g, which, according to pediatricians’ recommendations, is the optimal volume for one-time feeding of your baby

11. Packaging of Bellakt baby food puree reliably protects the product from the influence of factors external environment and guarantees the safety of all the beneficial substances of vegetables and fruits.

Next After the second complementary feeding (vegetable or fruit puree), meat is introduced, starting with meat puree.

For baby food, it is better to use rabbit, lean pork, beef, veal, but not lamb. If you are intolerant to beef, which has antigenic affinity with cow's milk proteins, use lean pork, horse meat, rabbit meat, and turkey. The degree of grinding of canned meat is the same as for vegetable purees - homogenized, pureed, coarsely crushed.

Bellakt meat purees are ideal for starting complementary feeding with meat. They are prepared without adding salt, starch, spices or preservatives, have a uniform consistency, consist of one type of meat and contain Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Bellakt puree - vitamins in every spoon!!!


All loving parents want their child to grow up smart and healthy. This desire will come true if you remember that the basis of immunity and mental development of children is laid in early childhood. From birth, all the beneficial microelements necessary for the baby’s full growth are supplied with the mother’s breast milk, and then with the help of complementary feeding products. Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are the building blocks of brain cells and the main protector of human health.

Fatty acids help the child’s body resist various infections to which the baby is so susceptible, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and regulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system. They supply vitamins A, E and D, ensure healthy hair and skin, and reduce the risk of allergic reactions, including atopic dermatitis. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are involved in the development of the retina, that is, they prevent myopia, improve motor functions, resist the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood and have a positive effect on the emotional state of the child - he becomes balanced and less capricious, which is very important for mom and dad. But the most important thing is the effect of polyunsaturated fats on the mental development of a child, which simply cannot be overestimated.

From birth to two years, a child's brain develops rapidly. Only in the first years of life it increases in volume 3 times! Basic building material“gray” cells are precisely those essential Omega fatty acids.

The human brain is 60% fat, and, according to scientists, at least 30% of the total amount of fat comes from those same polyunsaturated fatty acids. Numerous worldwide studies have shown that the level of intelligence and memory in children who received food containing Omega-3 at an early age is higher and better than that of their peers who were deficient in fatty acids. During the tests, the children demonstrated outstanding success in completing tasks, as well as more developed volitional qualities and purposeful behavior than children from the control group.

Unfortunately, the human body is not able to independently produce Omega-3 fatty acids - they are considered essential. Therefore, it is very important to remember that our body does not produce these acids; accordingly, they enter the human body only from the outside, that is, with food. The main source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats is sea fish - salmon, tuna, trout, cod liver, as well as seafood - crabs and shrimp. Slightly smaller amounts of acids from this group are found in vegetable oils - flaxseed, rapeseed, walnut and wheat germ oils. Accordingly, it is imperative to increase the amount of Omega-3 in the diet, especially since there is no need to fear an “overdose” of these acids.

However, many children, especially those prone to allergies, do not receive many of these foods until they are one year old, and their diet is poor in Omega-3 acids. However, even if a child eats fish with pleasure, it cannot be said with certainty that he receives a sufficient amount of an essential microelement. After all, if the fish is grown under artificial conditions, then instead of algae (the primary source of fatty acids), it most likely consumed mixed feed, which means that the deficiency of fatty acids will persist.

The solution to the problem was found by specialists from Bellakt-Stolitsa LLC. A line of meat purees enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids is presented. Bellakt-Stolitsa LLC is one of the first manufacturers in the world to produce baby food with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

By the age of three, a child’s daily requirement for this essential element reaches 900 mg. Each jar of puree contains optimal quantity fatty acids for every baby. Often, baby food from other manufacturers is fortified by adding rapeseed oil to the food. Bellakt-Stolitsa LLC took a more complex path and added a special oil, MEG-3, containing Omega-3 fatty acids, developed by American scientists and obtained from sea tuna, adsorbed with steam, to the new line of Bellakt meat puree. The product is vacuum packed. This oil has been tested in the world's best laboratories and meets all requirements for baby nutrition at the world level. The Bellakt line of meat purees serves as a source of Omega-3 for the little ones, which is confirmed by quality certificates.

In total, Bellakt has developed six types of meat purees: from chicken(source of complete and easily digestible protein), rabbit(hypoallergenic and easily digestible meat), beef(source of animal protein, vitamins B1 and B12, as well as easily digestible iron), pork(rich in natural zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, as well as vitamins K, E, P, A), turkeys(tender hypoallergenic meat), horse meat(contains large number phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, potassium and sodium, as well as vitamins E, A, PP, group B, riboflavin, thiamine, nicotinamide). Such a variety of tastes will not only delight children and their parents, but will also instill skills healthy eating, because the puree contains no salt, preservatives or starch - only high-quality natural products.

"Bellakt" - grow with pleasure!


There are probably no children who don’t like juice - it’s very beneficial for a growing body. It is not for nothing that pediatricians recommend it as one of the first to be introduced into complementary foods.Pediatricians advise introducing juices, which are usually used to start complementary feeding, no earlier than 4 months life.

As for the assortment, the first to recommend is apple juice, which is less likely than others to cause allergies. Then - pear, plum, apricot, peach, and at the next stage - cherry and other berry juices.

So, we introduce juice into complementary foods (apple juice for starters): for the first time we give a teaspoon of juice to the baby, or even half or a quarter after the morning milk feeding.

The next day we check: if everything is fine, we double the dose and number of doses of the new product. Over the next week we gradually reach 20-30 grams, the number of doses is 2-3. After this, introduce other fruits one by one. By 12 months, you need to increase your daily intake of “liquid fruit” to 100 grams. Moreover, they are given approximately an hour and a half before the second feeding.

Juices - These are sources of natural vitamins and microelements that are necessary for a growing baby. It is natural vitamins that are more easily absorbed by the body.

The advantage of baby juices is that they can be drunk separately or added to baby formulas and meals.

In the production of juices, only natural ingredients are used and there are no food additives or preservatives, which allows you to get a tasty, wholesome and healthy product.

For the health of our “little gourmets”, Bellakt-Stolitsa LLC has developed 6 types of juices for Bellakt baby food:

  1. Apple
  2. Apple-pear
  3. Apple-cherry
  4. Apple-grape
  5. Banana nectar
  6. Multifruit

Bellakt juices - vitamins in every drop!!!

Organizational structure of JSC Bellakt. Functions and tasks of the marketing department. The staff of the marketing service and the job responsibilities of its specialists. Marketing plan and budget. Market analysis and marketing strategy. Organization of marketing control.

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In this article:

So this magical event happened - your child was born. Now he needs help in understanding the world and given everything he needs for a healthy and happy life. Recommendations for feeding infants are fundamentally different from feeding children of other ages. Only a nutritious and balanced diet can provide the baby with the foundations for harmonious physical and mental development, as well as minimize the risks of illness.

The basis of feeding children in the first year of life is milk nutrition. Ideally, your baby will receive breast milk. If it is not enough or not, the child is transferred to mixed or artificial feeding. So, according to statistics, approximately half of our children receive infant formula after 6 months of age.

The age period up to one year is a time of rapid growth of the body and an increase in body weight with the functional immaturity of many organs and systems. The baby’s central nervous system, respiratory and digestive organs are especially vulnerable. Due to intensive metabolism, the body requires sufficient amounts of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the requirements for a child’s nutrition during infancy are: high demands. It is important to choose the baby formula that is right for your baby.

The Bellakt brand appeared on the baby food market in 1970. Today this is largest producer baby food in Belarus and the only one in the CIS with its own raw material base. This means that children's products are prepared from our own fresh milk, and their quality is fully controlled directly from the farm, so that only the best are included in the kids' menu.

Bellakt produces infant formula for both healthy children and specialized preventive and therapeutic products. All infant formulas of the brand do not contain preservatives, dyes, or emulsifiers, have an excellent modern composition and are presented in different price categories.

It is not without reason that Bellakt is recommended by pediatricians in many regions, and the Moscow authorities have entered into an agreement to supply products from this manufacturer for young residents of the capital. The older generation remembers well that during the Soviet era, it was Bellakt that supplied infant formula to the entire country, and the company has managed to maintain high Soviet quality standards to this day.

Today Bellakt is a recognized leader in the production of baby food with a modern production base and optimized technology. Fresh milk undergoes only one drying process - when all the components have already been added. This approach allows you to avoid the formation of excessive organic compounds in mixtures that are difficult for the baby’s body to digest. Milk collection and production are fully automated, and high quality products makes Bellakt one of the most sought-after brands on the market.

Infant formula

For healthy children up to one year old, standard adapted Bellakt milk formulas are suitable and well digestible. They are balanced according to the age of the babies: Bellakt 0-6 (from birth to 6 months) and Bellakt 6-12 (from 6 to 12 months). These baby products contain everything necessary for the complete nutrition of a healthy baby: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids, nucleotides and a vitamin complex. Moreover, they are contained in quantities and ratios that are as close as possible to the characteristics of breast milk. New cells are built from proteins supplied with formula, fats provide energy to the growing body and form the framework of cells, carbohydrates take an active part in metabolism.

In particular, the Bellact 6-12 mixture is enriched with vegetable oils rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6, and also contains minerals and trace elements in optimal proportions for the development of bone, muscle, hematopoietic and nervous tissue. Thus, calcium is part of the skeleton, teeth, and regulates neuromuscular transmission. Phosphorus is needed for tissue and muscle growth. Potassium and sodium - to regulate water-salt metabolism. Iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and is integral part hemoglobin. A complex of 15 vitamins and nucleotides is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, the formation of enzymes and hormones, hematopoiesis and strengthening of the immune system. Taking into account the growing up of children, the proportions of nutrients in the mixtures change, therefore, in the subsequent Bellact 6-12 mixture, the protein content is increased and the level of carbohydrates and iron is higher. The modern composition of Bellakt formulas and high quality make it possible to be sure that the child receives adequate nutrition.

Formula-fed babies can eat 6 to 8 times a day. It is very important after each feeding to hold the baby in an upright position and lightly pat him on the back, or you can put the baby’s head on your shoulder to burp the air that he swallowed with milk during feeding. If it doesn’t work right away, walk around with it for a few minutes and repeat the procedure. If this is not done, the baby may experience discomfort and find it difficult to fall asleep.

When buying Bellakt products for your baby, choose a formula that matches his age and body characteristics - then feeding will become a reliable therapeutic or preventive remedy for the child’s health, as well as scientific basis will help in his physical and intellectual development.

And, of course, the little discoverer will learn the world around us with natural Bellakt quality.

When the question of baby food arises for a young mother, she tries with all her might to find the best. It is important to choose high-quality and suitable milk for artificial feeding. In the article we will look at the nutrition of the Belarusian manufacturer - the Bellakt mixture, reviews about it, description and its features.

Product Description

The ideal food for a newborn baby is breast milk. But a woman does not always have the opportunity to feed on her own. Therefore, the topic of choosing baby food remains relevant every day. Many mothers prefer Bellakt mixtures. Reviews for this product vary.

Many customers are satisfied with the price - it is acceptable compared to other mixtures. Also pleasing is the naturalness of the composition, the absence of chemical and flavoring additives, dyes and preservatives (the manufacturer also emphasizes this).

Negative reviews about the Bellakt mixture highlight children's digestive problems, namely the appearance of frequent constipation. Also, some mothers do not like the taste of the formula. And some babies experience allergic reactions after feeding.

All Bellakt products are divided into the following types:

  • formulas for healthy babies (Optimum series);
  • preventive mixtures (series "Comfort", "Immunis", "GA" and "KM");
  • therapeutic nutrition (prescribed only by a doctor);
  • milk for children over one year old.

Mixture "Bellakt 0-6": reviews

Artificial nutrition from birth to six months is characterized by a high content of whey proteins - 60%. This milk includes a complex of vitamins and nutrients for newborns. For feeding infants, mixtures "Optimum 1+", "Bellakt KM-1", "Bellakt GA-1" are also used.

Customers highlight the following positive points uses:

  • budget price;
  • nutritional composition;
  • pleasant taste.

Reviews of the Bellakt 0-6 mixture often contain the following shortcomings:

  • poor solubility;
  • the appearance of constipation and regurgitation;
  • the appearance of bad breath in children.

Mixture "Bellakt Comfort 0-12"

Reviews of the mixture "Bellakt 0-12" are more positive. Mothers of babies consider this adapted mixture to be good and quite nutritious. For children from six months to a year, such mixtures as “Optimum 2+”, “Bellakt GA-2”, “Bellakt KM-2” and “Immunis 2+” can be selected.

Among positive qualities mixtures are distinguished:

  • affordability;
  • no allergies;
  • sweet taste;
  • quick satiation of babies.

Negative points include:

  • uncomfortable spoon included;
  • small pack volume;
  • poor solubility in water;
  • palm oil content.

Among reviews of formula from birth to one year, 74% of respondents would recommend it to their friends.

Mixture "Bellakt Immunis 1+"

This food is universal and preventive for children with reduced immunity. It contains bifidobacteria, which help intestinal function. The "Immunis" mixture is produced under numbers 1, 2, 3, and is used depending on age. Also for one-year-old babies, mixtures “Optimum 3+” and “Bellakt KM-3” are produced.

Reviews about the Bellakt 1+ mixture are mostly positive. Those who have tried the food note:

  • higher quality of the mixture compared to the usual "Bellakt";
  • adequate cost;
  • pleasant taste of the product that children like;
  • nutritional value;
  • good solubility.

Many reviews only highlight positive characteristics and consider the mixture overall excellent. Among some negative opinions you can find the following disadvantages:

  • in rare cases, the mixture can cause constipation in babies;
  • uncomfortable spoon in the complex;
  • the mixture is not sold in all stores;
  • The product is demanding in terms of cooking temperature.

"Bellakt Optimum"

This mixture is designed to feed healthy children and contains probiotics. The series is represented by three products designed for different ages child - from birth to three years.

Reviews of the Bellakt Optimum mixture note the following positive qualities:

  • pleasant taste;
  • affordable price;
  • rapid dissolution;
  • full composition.

Among the negative marks are individual intolerance, so the mixture is not suitable for all children. Sometimes the product may foam a lot. In addition, it is not sold in all stores.

The first product that a child receives after birth is mother’s breast milk, and then throughout his life, thanks to this, the person remains healthy. In the Republic of Belarus, practically the only manufacturer of baby food is the Bellakt company, which produces baby food of the same name.

Production of the first line of brand products

Product from a Belarusian manufacturer

The company begins its history in 1967, when it was founded, and three years later it was officially opened. From its opening until today, the Bellakt company has been constantly expanding and improving, including the development and growth of its production. All new achievements of the manufacturer are carefully included in it. The stages of development of the enterprise can be easily listed, because its employees carefully follow the history of their native company.

So, from the opening and first steps in the baby food market to the present moment, when the company is one of the leaders in the production of baby food, more than a dozen years have passed. Thus, the company began operating in 1970, when the first line of products was released. Already at that time this manufacturer was a leader and largest supplier goods for children.

After 15 years, in 1985, together with the French from the Sifal company, the company was completely reconstructed in four years, but production continued to grow continuously. Since 1991, the company has changed its form of ownership, becoming national enterprise. It was from this year that buyers began to recognize the Bellakt trademark as the main emblem.

Baby food

The range includes a variety of products for babies of different ages

“Bellakt” is a baby food whose manufacturers constantly keep their finger on the pulse of the latest consumer demands in order to maintain the high status of the brand they have earned. The company is constantly developing dynamically to keep up with the times. From 2002 to 2008, Bellakt made the biggest modernization of its production, and the result was not long in coming, because the products, which became even more tasty and attractive in appearance, were, as always, in demand by the buyer.

The company pays great attention to product quality, because this aspect is the main component of the entire baby food production process. The raw materials entering the enterprise are checked, all technological processes, and is also subject to verification itself finished products, which awaits multi-stage laboratory control. Raw materials must undergo both chemical and radiation control. The plant uses a closed type of manufacturing, in which direct contact between workers and manufactured products is completely absent or reduced to a minimum.

The company's laboratory is accredited and constantly monitors product quality at all stages of its production. All products have appropriate hygienic certificates, which confirm the completely high-quality content of Bellakt food.

The company that produces Bellakt baby food has developed and actively applies a quality management system for ISO requirements 9001-2009, safety and quality management system food products, based on the risk analysis of controlled points HACCP 140-2004.

Compliance with the requirements of these systems allows us to fully control the quality and safety of food products produced for children. These systems are recognized and used in enterprises all over the world, and operate in most countries of the European Union.

The year 2006 was marked by the introduction of another system by the baby food manufacturer Bellakt - environmental management ISO 14001-2005, which allows to significantly reduce and minimize consumption natural resources through their rational use, and also reduce the impact on environment. And since 2009, the company has implemented the STB 18001-2005 system, which is responsible for labor safety management. In addition, Bellakt baby food is produced under the strict control of a food safety management system in accordance with ISO 22000-2006. Thus, Bellakt OJSC has created all the conditions for the manufacture of the highest quality products that meet all internationally recognized standards.