Club hour

Subject: " Poultry farmer's profession

Target: expanding students' understanding of modern world professions, about opportunities to realize their potential. Developing interest in professions Update knowledge about parents’ professions; Explain to students what factors influence the choice of profession; instill a love of work and the desire to grow useful to their state.

Equipment:proverbs, puzzles, illustrations, video "My profession is a poultry farmer."

Progress of the lesson:

Every person on earth - from young to old - must work, since it is impossible to live without work. Labor was, is and will be the basis of life on earth. Every morning your moms and dads go to work. They perform different tasks and assignments, have different professions. You are sitting at your school desk today. Teaching is also work and difficult work. Each of you has probably wondered who he will be when he graduates from school. You still have a lot of time ahead to choose a profession. But even now we can conclude that all the works are good - choose according to your taste! I think you will choose a profession that you like, but always remember that any profession is important!

Today we will talk about the profession of poultry farmer.

What do you think people in this profession do?

His daily work is looking after his feathered “friends.” If there were no birds, then there would not be such a specific profession.

Guess which birds poultry farmers take care of?

Like not a bird - does not fly,

Goes and collects grains (chicken)

He wanders importantly through the meadow,

It comes out dry from the water,

Wears red shoes

Gives soft featherbeds. (goose)

The hut is new - there are no tenants,

The tenant will appear - the hut will fall apart. (egg)

Who sings so loudly

About the fact that the sun is rising? (rooster)

They get into formation without a command,

Go to the pond. (ducklings)

Who will be born twice:

The first time is smooth

The second time is soft? (chickens)

A poultry farmer works in poultry factories and poultry farms, where he cares for poultry. He prepares and distributes feed, regulates the supply of water to drinking bowls, and cleans production facilities and workplaces. Also carries out measures to increase poultry productivity: sorts and culls them.

Much attention in the work of a poultry farmer is paid to the living conditions of birds on farms. The poultry farmer regulates air exchange, temperature and humidity in the room, and participates in preventive and therapeutic measures.

Working with proverbs

There are a lot of sayings in the world related to man. But, interestingly, people noticed character traits character of birds and animals, while inventing catchphrases and sayings about one or another type of animal.

Here are some sayings about chickens:

The chicken is good with its feathers, but the meat is even better.

The chicken pecks every grain and lives well.

A skinny chicken produces skinny eggs.

Learn from the chicken: rake and pick up.

The chicken is wearing earrings, and the rooster is wearing boots.

In order to successfully work in poultry factories, poultry farms and cope with complex mechanization for feeding and caring for poultry, it is necessary to acquire certain knowledge and the profession of a poultry farmer.

What are the responsibilities of a poultry farmer?

His activities include preparing and distributing feed, regulating the supply of water in drinking bowls, and cleaning production premises, work places.

Also, his area of ​​responsibility includes the obligation to carry out measures aimed at increasing the productivity of poultry, for which purpose, during the growing process, he sorts and culls it.

Working with the puzzle "Choose the bird"

Poultry farmer takes part in preventive and therapeutic measures. In addition, the poultry farmer must monitor the living conditions of the birds, for which, using control equipment and heating/ventilation devices, as necessary, set the required air exchange rates, temperature, and air humidity in the room, including in the incubator.

    For successful work in the business of poultry breeding, however, as in other livestock-raising professions, the poultry farmer must have the special inclinations necessary to work with animals:

    a penchant for working with animals

    practical interest in zoology


    caring and attentive towards birds

That is, the poultry farmer must be a truly caring, attentive friend of animals, which will allow timely detection and prevention of changes in their behavior, which in the future can negatively affect their development.

The profession of poultry farmer is, first of all, in demand on poultry farms, whose activities are aimed at creating an abundance of agricultural products.

But only complete mastery of the profession will allow you to become a competent, qualified worker on a poultry farm, who has an excellent knowledge of the complex of work carried out - starting from the preparation of feed, maintenance, feeding, and breeding of birds.

After all, today the main processes carried out in poultry farms are mechanized and automated to the maximum, so often one person cares for many thousands of birds.

The first step is to clearly understand and understand the intricacies of caring for birds, from young animals to adults.

Why draw up a daily work schedule, and then strictly follow it, prepare the feed correctly, select the optimal maintenance regime for each phase of the bird’s growth. A person indifferent to nature cannot be a good poultry farmer. He must love his business, nature, animals and birds, his future charges, then the chosen profession of a poultry farmer will bring joy.

Select the duties of a poultry farmer:

To cook dinner

To sew clothes

Prepare feed

Water the seedlings

Clean the room


Take care of animals

Treat the flu

Regulate water supply

Monitor living conditions

RESULT: Our club hour has come to an end. You did a good job. We will talk to you more than once about choosing professions. After all, the choice future profession– this is a very important matter for each of you.

When I decided to get chickens, I focused on egg-bearing breeds, so as not to kill chickens, not to spend money on fights and fun, but still have fresh eggs. E. Osipova

Traditionally the best egg breeds are: Leghorns and hybrids of this breed, originally bred in Italy (in Livorno), and now the most common almost all over the world. These chickens are small, up to 2 kg, and you can get 220-250 eggs from them per year. Not a record, of course, but not a lot.

I was afraid to take chickens - I have no experience, the young birds are fragile, delicate, and getting them out is a whole art. True, they cost only 50 rubles, but still, putting living souls at risk is somehow not for me. I settled on 6-month-old laying hens. The price of each is 200 rubles, by the way, some exotic bantam beauties would cost one and a half thousand per head! Leghorns begin laying eggs at 4 months of age.

Number of laying hens that I was going to purchase, I calculated in advance. It depends on the area occupied by the poultry house under the roof and the open-air pen. Of course, it would be possible not to let the chickens out into the air at all; it would be easier and more economical to keep them that way. However, Leghorns are temperamental and active, not like the almost 5-kilogram meat Cochins - real phlegmatic people. In addition, eggs from chickens that have free range are much healthier than those from birds that are constantly indoors.

I based on the size of the chicken coop, built last fall by my prudent husband. The area of ​​our wooden shed, similar to a utility block, is 2x1.5 m. 6 chickens will fit here - at the rate of 0.5 m2 per bird.

The selection principles are as follows. Birds should be active, with bright red combs and wattles and yellow legs (pale is a sign of old age). The feathers are clean, shiny, tightly fitting to the body, not thin, but not fat, otherwise the chicken will not lay eggs well.
A neighbor in the country, who has been keeping them for a long time and has achieved considerable success, helped me choose chickens from a poultry seller. By the way, we used his advice.

I saved money on purchasing a rooster. Fertilized eggs are alive, which means they are not food for a vegetarian.

Chicken Keeper's Commandments

Do not overfeed!

Do not enter the chickens from 9.00 to 15.00.

Always praises them

In addition to the usual door to the chicken dorm, my husband also built a small one (30x40 cm) - only for laying hens. Of course, there is a feeding trough in the enclosure.
Under the drinking bowl We have a deep bowl. We are going to treat the birds not only with compound feed, but also with healthy and tasty additives: grass, leftover broth with bread, millet, grain, fish, dairy products and boiled potatoes.

There is also a separate wooden trough for mineral feeding - shell rock, shells or special feed chalk. In a word, everything is based on the advice of experts.
We hope to receive 4-5 organic eggs per day, 55-60 g each.
After all, in the summer, chickens lay noticeably better. A neighbor somehow received 255 pieces in a year from one laying hen!

In addition, I will also have my own valuable fertilizer - chicken droppings. Truly waste-free creatures!


The wild ancestors of chickens produced only 10-30 eggs per year, modern ones - more than 300.
The record was set in 1930: the feathered champion carried 361 pieces in 364 days.
Japanese doctors from the University of Kyoto found that protein chicken egg- a medicine that blocks the growth of human cancer cells.

Spotted that chickens love blue food (you can buy this).
The feeder should be red, but not yellow. Green and orange colors calm them down, and blue is perceived by birds as pitch darkness.
Dietary eggs are those that are no more than 7 days old.

Expert opinion

Vladimir Malik, one of the authors of the collection “1000 tips for amateur livestock farmers”
If a summer resident wants to achieve the maximum number of eggs from hens, he must choose the most productive laying hens and feed them with high-quality feed. These birds eat a little more. To produce 12 pieces, 1.6-1.7 kg of complete, balanced feed is spent.
Today the French breed of chickens is very popular in the world. image, from which you can get 300-320 eggs per year.

Egg hens are usually kept for a maximum of 2 seasons. Any longer is unprofitable. They rush less and less. Modern summer residents, when leaving home, slaughter their birds in the fall, since there is nowhere to put them.

A little arithmetic

Balanced feed for laying hens is prepared according to special program, developed by scientists. The ingredients are mixed automatically and under operator control.
Knowing the composition of the recipe, you can prepare the food yourself. For young laying hens (not chickens!) the diet includes: wheat, barley, wheat bran, fish meal, phosphate, feed chalk, skim milk, sunflower and soybean cakes, table salt.

Whether it is necessary to bother making up a nutritional mixture, everyone decides for himself.
Complete food (PC-1) costs 490 rubles. per bag (40 kg). It can be bought on the market or ordered online in bulk. Then you will pay 11,750 rubles per ton. and the price for 40 kg will be 20 rubles. below.

For 6 layers one bag is enough for 38 days (one bird eats 180 g per day). Even at expensive prices, you will spend a little more than 2 rubles on chicken feed. per day, and she will lay one full egg. The benefit is obvious. E. Osipova

Chicken feeder

Incredible facts

Often, when we meet an old acquaintance, we ask him a natural question: “What do you do now?” For some, the answer to this question will mean the end of the conversation, awkwardness and a puzzled look from the interlocutor.

Perhaps you wished you had more interesting work and receive a higher salary. But if you are ready to take a risk and get it for real unusual profession, here are some options for what you could devote your time and effort to.

1. Egg Breaker/Sniffer

The smell of rotten eggs is one of the most... unpleasant odors known to man. It's no surprise that sulfur is the main ingredient in chemical stink bombs. However, there are people who are paid to sniff out this disgusting smell.

Egg breakers separate yolks from whites for use in food production, sniffing out rotten eggs.

2. Worm Collector

To catch fish, you must first get the worms or ask someone to do it for you. For example, on Canadian farms they offer about 4 cents per worm caught. Besides, big income can be expected if you collect bait in the dark in the rain.

3. Cow inseminator

With the help of technology, people can grow large cattle High Quality. Computer programs they track the time when a cow is ready to conceive; other methods allow you to select a suitable donor and freeze the sperm. And at the right moment there must be a person who will complete the process.

The person doing this, that is, the inseminator, will have to make the cows happy with his own hands, so that in nine months calves will appear on the farm.

Imagine farms Fresh air and the terrible stench of decaying corpses. Don't rush to call for help. In the USA there are so-called “corpse farms”, where corpses in various positions and places are left to decompose in a pond or ground. At these farms, experts study the processes of decomposition of the body, and also help students studying criminology become familiar with the subject in practice.

And of course, someone, namely the caretaker of the corpse farm, must be responsible for bringing corpses to the “farm”, arranging them according to a scenario that would be interesting to study, and maintaining order.

5. Chick sexer

This person's job is to determine whether the new chicks are male or female. Females are selected for egg production, while males can be used for breeding.

However, this work is not easy. Special training is required to correctly determine the sex of a chicken, since all of their reproductive organs are located internally.

6. Shark Tank Cleaner

Window washing may not be the most exciting job, but when you have some of the world's most dangerous predators swimming around, you won't be bored. In addition to cleaning the tanks of large oceanographic parks, the cleaner collects the remains of chewed fish and the excrement of other inhabitants, including dolphins, stingrays and killer whales.

7. Collector of downed animals

An animal hit by a car is always a tragedy, but it is often unavoidable. Fortunately, there are people who locate and remove squashed animals. The list of potential victims is huge: wolves, bears, turtles, moose, kangaroos, chipmunks, dogs, etc. This job, which requires availability 24 hours a day, is clearly not for animal lovers.

8. Virtual farmer

Farmers spend hours in massively multiplayer online games such as World of Warcraft, mining virtual valuables and selling them to other people for real-world money.

9. Fortune Cookie Writer

A fortune teller for cookies, which are often served in Chinese restaurants, must be able to come up with a variety of wise, humorous, positive and inventive messages, such as "All your endeavors will come true" or "Look for wisdom within yourself." It seems like a pretty easy job, but after writing thousands of these messages, you will have to work hard to come up with something original.

10. Armpit sniffer

When we buy a deodorant, we are primarily attracted by its label and pleasant smell. But before a deodorant hits the shelves, someone needs to make sure it masks body odor. This job is done by a person who sniffs people's armpits to see if the product is effective.