[Job Title]



[Name of organization]



"_____" _______________ 20___



1. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the paramedic [Name of the organization in genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Medical Organization).

1.2. A paramedic is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position as established by the current labor legislation order by order of the head of the Medical organization.

1.3. The paramedic belongs to the category of specialists and is subordinate to [names of subordinate positions in the dative case].

1.4. The paramedic reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Medical Organization.

1.5. A person who has a secondary vocational education in the specialty “General Medicine” and a specialist certificate in the specialty “General Medicine” is appointed to the position of paramedic without presenting any work experience requirements.

1.6. The paramedic is responsible for:

  • effective performance of the work assigned to him;
  • compliance with the requirements of performance, labor and technological discipline;
  • the safety of documents (information) in his custody (that have become known to him) containing (components) trade secret Medical organization.

1.7. The paramedic must know:

  • laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation in the healthcare sector;
  • structure, main aspects of the activities of medical organizations;
  • statistics on the health status of the population served;
  • rules for operating medical instruments and equipment;
  • medical ethics;
  • psychology of professional communication;
  • basics of medical examination;
  • basics of disaster medicine;
  • basics of labor legislation;
  • internal rules labor regulations;
  • labor protection rules and fire safety.

1.8. The paramedic in his activities is guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Medical Organization;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of a paramedic, his duties are assigned to [name of deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

The paramedic performs the following labor functions:

2.1. Provides treatment, preventive and sanitary care, first emergency medical care in acute diseases and accidents.

2.2. Diagnoses typical cases of the most common diseases and prescribes treatment using modern methods therapy and prevention of diseases, writes prescriptions.

2.3. Provides first aid, assists the doctor during operations and complex procedures, and assists in normal births.

2.4. Carries out ongoing sanitary supervision, organizes and carries out anti-epidemic measures.

2.5. Organizes and conducts dispensary observation of various groups of the population (children; adolescents; pregnant women; war veterans and disabled people; patients who have suffered acute diseases; patients suffering from chronic diseases).

2.6. Organizes and conducts preventive vaccinations for children and adults.

2.7. Carries out examination of temporary disability.

2.8. Ensures storage, accounting and write-off of medications, compliance with the rules for taking medications by patients.

2.9. Maintains medical records and reports.

2.10. Conducts health education work among patients and their relatives to promote health and prevent diseases, promote a healthy lifestyle.

In case of official necessity, a paramedic may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The paramedic has the right:

3.1. Give subordinate employees and services instructions and tasks on a range of issues included in their functional responsibilities.

3.2. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely completion of individual orders and tasks by subordinate services.

3.3. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the paramedic, subordinate services and units.

3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on production and other issues within the competence of the Paramedic.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.6. Submit proposals on the appointment, transfer and dismissal of employees of subordinate departments for consideration by the head of the Medical Organization; proposals to encourage them or to impose penalties on them.

3.7. Use other rights established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The paramedic bears administrative, disciplinary and financial (and in some cases, provided for by law RF, - and criminal liability for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of your labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. The assessment of the paramedic's work is carried out:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. The certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of a paramedic is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of a paramedic is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the Medical Organization.

6. Signature right

6.1. To ensure his activities, the paramedic is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues within his competence by this job description.

I have read the instructions ___________/___________/ “____” _______ 20__

You can download paramedic job description for free. Job responsibilities of a paramedic.

I approve

________________________________ (Last name, initials)

(name of institution, its ___________________________

organizational and legal form) (director; other person

authorized to approve

job description)


(name of institution)

00.00.20 1_g. No. 00

I. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a paramedic _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”).
1.2. A person with secondary education is appointed to the position of paramedic medical education and training in the specialty “General Medicine”.
1.3. Appointment to the position of paramedic and dismissal from it are made in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the healthcare institution.
1.4. The paramedic reports directly to _____________________
(head of department, deputy chief physician)
1.5. The paramedic must know:
— laws of the Russian Federation and other legal acts regulating the activities of healthcare institutions;
- valid normatively - methodological documents regulating activities medical institutions;
— methods and rules for providing medicinal and emergency medical care;
— health status of the population served;
— structure of health care facilities;
— safety rules when working with medical instruments and equipment;
— rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety and fire protection;
— basics of labor legislation of the Russian Federation
— internal labor regulations;

1.6. During the absence of a paramedic (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed person who bears full responsibility for their proper performance.

II. Job responsibilities

2.1 Diagnoses typical cases of common diseases and prescribes treatment, using modern methods of disease prevention and therapy.
2.2. Writes out prescriptions.
2.3. Carries out ongoing sanitary supervision and conducts laboratory tests.
2.4. Provides first aid, assists the doctor during operations and complex procedures.
2.5. Organizes and conducts anti-epidemic measures.
2.6. Has a normal birth.
2.7. Conducts sanitary and educational work among the population;

2.8. Timely and competently executes orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the institution
2.9. Complies with internal regulations.
2.10. Complies with labor protection, industrial sanitation and safety regulations

III. Rights

The paramedic has the right:
3.1. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise on issues of optimization and improvement of medical and social care, including on issues of their work activities.
3.2. Demand that the management of the institution provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.
3.3. Receive information from company specialists necessary to effectively fulfill your job responsibilities.
3.4. Pass certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category.
3.5. Take part in meetings, scientific and practical conferences and sections on issues related to your professional activities.
3.6. enjoy labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

IV. Responsibility

The paramedic is responsible for:
4.1. For the proper and timely performance of the duties assigned to him, provided for by this job description
4.2. For organizing your work and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the enterprise.
4.3. For ensuring that employees subordinate to him comply with their duties.
4.4. For failure to comply with internal rules and safety regulations.
For offenses or inaction committed during the treatment process; for errors in the process of carrying out their activities that entailed serious consequences for the health and life of the patient; as well as for violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a paramedic may be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

A paramedic is a specialist who provides medical care to people, despite his lack of higher education by specialty. In fact, a qualified employee with secondary medical education is quite capable of performing the necessary actions in many situations and helping to maintain the health of those under his responsibility.

What does a paramedic do?

A paramedic is an employee of an enterprise or organization with a secondary medical education, whose main responsibility is to provide first aid. This specialist can also often serve as a therapist. He makes a diagnosis if we are talking about not too serious cases and prescribes simple treatment. And if he cannot solve the patient’s problem, he must refer him to a hospital or clinic to specialized specialists. Many institutions have a medical assistant, and their functions may vary because of this.

At school

A paramedic at school takes care of the health of students. He provides first medical aid to students, injured during class or recess. It is also his responsibility to participate in the periodic medical examination of students. He must take care of the safety of schoolchildren on the territory of the educational institution. This specialist can also administer routine vaccinations, Mantoux tests, and anything else necessary to keep students healthy.


An ambulance paramedic is an employee whose responsibilities include ensuring the immediate departure of the team after receiving a call and arriving at right place no later than the time required in accordance with the norm.

He also carries out a number of operations with patients upon arrival, including performing resuscitation measures, stopping bleeding, administering drugs, applying splints, and taking a cardiogram. Often, it is the correctness of his actions that determines whether the patient will survive.

Enterprise health center

Some organizations have their own medical center; for example, large factories may have such centers. The medical assistant at the health center at the enterprise must provide first aid to employees of this organization. He can serve his organization with or without a doctor. In the first case, he carries out the doctor’s orders, becoming his assistant.

In the second case, he carries out a wide range of actions in relation to employees when the need arises. At the same time, the paramedic must acquire skills taking into account the specifics of the company and the most likely injuries in the production of this profile.

General provisions of the instructions

The general provisions of the paramedic's instructions describe the key norms related to the employee's occupation and performance of duties in this position. A typical job description includes the following general provisions:

Responsibilities and tasks

The paramedic has the following responsibilities:

The paramedic performs all of the above duties either under the supervision of a doctor or independently. Work in the absence of a doctor is of a more responsible nature and paramedics who are able to perform it properly and have the necessary experience and qualifications are allowed to perform it.

Requirements for a specialist

An employee who has completed secondary education in a program for the specialty “General Medicine” can be hired as a paramedic by an enterprise. He may not have a category either have the first or second category.

The paramedic must know:

The list of theoretical knowledge required of a paramedic is quite extensive. He needs to study all the above topics sufficiently to be able to effectively provide assistance to people.


The legal status of a paramedic is also determined in the job description. It states that the responsibility for The paramedic steps in for:

  • performing one's duties improperly or failing to fulfill them; the limits of such liability are determined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • disclosure of information constituting medical confidentiality;
  • for causing material damage to the organization in which they work or to third parties, the limits of such liability are determined in the Labor and Civil Codes of the Russian Federation.

The employee is also responsible for violating the norms of administrative and criminal law in the process of work. The size of the sanction in such cases is determined, respectively, by the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Of course, the main advantage of the paramedic profession is that it noble medical profession, and that he has the opportunity help people. In principle, he has a chance to save lives.

In addition, this specialty is associated with the following advantages:

  • demand. Paramedics are needed in many places; getting a job with this specialty is not difficult;
  • professional growth, since a paramedic can become a doctor with further training;
  • there are chances for a part-time job, since a paramedic masters a number of practical skills at work, including performing injections and placing IVs.

The main disadvantages of this craft are considered:

  • The salary per shift is not too high, but in order to have extra money you have to take on additional duty and shifts;
  • a significant level of stress, however, this minus is typical for all medical positions;
  • increased risk of infection infectious diseases, since you often have to come into contact with sick people.

A paramedic is a specialist with secondary specialized medical education who independently receives, diagnoses and treats patients, and in difficult cases refers them for consultation to specialized doctors. The paramedic also deals with first aid, transporting the patient to the hospital if necessary, issuing prescriptions and sick leave.

In fact, a paramedic is an analogue of a local therapist or family doctor in rural areas, in military units, airports, railway and river stations, medical and sanitary units of large enterprises.

The profession of a paramedic involves close contact with nurses and doctors of all specialties.

There are many similarities between the professions of “paramedic” and “doctor,” but there are several differences. For example, a paramedic does not have the right to operate.

The main differences between a paramedic and a doctor

Basic specialties of a paramedic

  • Paramedic-obstetrician observes pregnant women from the moment of conception until childbirth and discharge from the hospital, and delivers babies.
  • Children's paramedic responsible for the health of newborns and children younger age, schoolchildren, teenagers.
  • Paramedic-laboratory assistant collects biological material for analyzes and conducts some of them. Possesses skills in working with modern analyzers.
  • Medical assistant assists the sanitary doctor in his work, and, on his instructions, monitors the sanitary condition of schools, kindergartens, grocery stores, and hairdressers.
  • Military paramedic is responsible for the health of conscripts, soldiers and officers, treating them in the field, hospital, and medical unit.
  • Chief Paramedic has a higher education and a certificate in the specialty “Nursing Management” or “Nursing Organization”, work experience of at least 5 years. Is an assistant manager medical organization, organizes the work of middle and junior medical personnel.
  • Veterinary assistant treats animals, vaccinates, operates, provides emergency care, euthanizes. It also confirms the pet’s pedigree and its health status before exhibitions and competitions.
  • leads a team of doctors or assists a doctor as part of a team, works on patient calls, providing emergency assistance, transporting a patient to a hospital, and ascertains death.
  • District paramedic works in areas of large industrial enterprises, is responsible for health labor collective and working conditions.

Ambulance paramedic - leads a team of doctors providing emergency care to patients.

Places of work

A paramedic works in an ambulance, in SES, laboratories, schools and kindergartens, sanatoriums, military hospitals, railway stations, air and sea ports, large industrial and motor transport enterprises, hypermarkets, in veterinary clinics, in rural areas at FAPs (paramedic and obstetric stations).

History of the profession

The profession of a paramedic has purely German roots and its appearance dates back to the Middle Ages. “Field barbers” (“feldscher”) were responsible for the health of soldiers, helped the wounded on the battlefield, and provided first aid. Then, their responsibilities began to include diagnosis and treatment of diseases, prevention, and the creation of new methods of therapy without age and gender boundaries. At that time, the concepts of paramedic and doctor were very close and had no fundamental differences. Gradually, doctors emerged as a higher-status and highly qualified group of medical specialists, and primary diagnostics remained the responsibility of paramedics, first aid and childbirth. However, paramedics and doctors are often equally competent in medicine.

Ambulance bike paramedics. End of the 19th century.

Responsibilities of a paramedic

The main job responsibilities of a paramedic are:

The basic requirements for a paramedic are as follows:

  • Higher or secondary specialized medical education of an advanced level, a valid certificate in medical practice.
  • PC knowledge.

Higher or secondary specialized medical education of an advanced level allows a paramedic to conduct medical activities

How to become a paramedic

To become a paramedic, you need:

  1. Graduate from a medical school or college with a degree in General Medicine, Medical and Preventive Medicine, or Veterinary Medicine (if you want to work with animals). Duration of training: 3 years 10 months.
  2. Receive, along with an advanced level diploma, a certificate for the right to independently work as a paramedic.
  3. To work as a highly specialized specialist, you must complete advanced training courses.

Paramedic salary

The range of income is wide: a paramedic receives from 12,000 to 42,000 rubles per month. The need for specialists is high in the Moscow, Leningrad and Novosibirsk regions. Maximum salary a paramedic was found at RANEPA - 42,000 rubles per month.

The average salary of a paramedic is 17,500 rubles per month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term training on the market, usually lasting from a week to a year.

Medical University of Innovation and Development invites you to take distance courses retraining or advanced training in the direction of "" with obtaining a diploma or certificate state standard. Training lasts from 16 to 2700 hours, depending on the program and your level of preparation.

Interregional Academy of Additional vocational education(MADPO) trains in the "" specialization and issues diplomas and certificates.

Health center doctor¦11¦ ¦Paramedic, midwife, medical¦1 (total)2 (total)¦ ¦sister¦¦ ¦Paramedic or medical¦1 position for the number of employees ¦ ¦nurse¦in the second shift: at city enterprises ¦no-ore and chemical industry¦ ¦¦not less than 300 (for servicing underground works - and with a smaller number),¦ ¦¦at enterprises of other industries and¦ ¦¦transport - not less than 500 people; 1 position with the number of employees in the third shift being at least 200 and 300 people, respectively. (for servicing underground work - and with a smaller number); 1 position with a number of workers in the fourth shift of at least 100 people. (for servicing underground work - and with a smaller number). The specified standard applies to the number of workers not served by the paramedic health center L + 1.2. Staff standards, provided for in paragraph.

Key points of the paramedic job description. advantages of the profession

Responsibility of a doctor-occupational pathologist A doctor-occupational pathologist bears responsibility, within the limits of his duties, for independently made decisions. For illegal actions or inactions that resulted in damage to the health or death of the patient, he is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Head of the Department of Organization of Medical Care to the Population A.N. DEMENKOV Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine R.I. KHALITOV Appendix No. 10 to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia dated June 23, 1994 No. 130 QUALIFICATIONS OF A DOCTOR - OCCUPATIONAL PATHOLOGIST 1.

General lore and skills 1.1. An occupational pathologist must know: 1.1.1. Fundamentals of legislation and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation on issues of protecting the health of citizens and labor protection, the rights, duties and responsibilities of an occupational pathologist, state guarantees for the protection and protection of the rights of doctors and patients.


Job Descriptions

APPROVED by the General Director of JSC " ". 20 Job description for a health center nurse General provisions

  1. Appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the chairman of the board of the OJSC.
  2. Reports directly to the assistant general director on labor protection.
  3. The health center nurse carries out measures aimed at preventing diseases among workers and employees of the enterprise and providing them with qualified medical care for injuries, acute poisoning and other sudden diseases and, if necessary, sends those in need of medical care to the hospital.

Job description of a paramedic

Prescribes appropriate treatment and writes prescriptions for medications using reference literature. 2.15. Organizes treatment and medical care at home. 2.16.


Organizes and conducts dispensary observation of various groups of the population (children, adolescents, pregnant women, participants and disabled war veterans, patients who have suffered acute diseases, patients suffering from chronic diseases, etc.). 2.17. Organizes and carries out anti-epidemic measures in the outbreak of infectious diseases.

2.18. Organizes and performs preventive vaccinations for children and adults. 2.19. Ensures proper storage, recording of medications, and compliance with the rules for taking medications by patients.
2.20. Selection of material for bacteriological research in accordance with diseases or doctor’s prescriptions. 2.21.
Improve your qualifications away from your main place of work at least once every 5 years at the expense of the founder or own funds. 4.3. In agreement with the head of the healthcare institution or the founder, conclude, in accordance with the established procedure, agreements for the provision of additional medical services in accordance with the received certificate (massage, etc.) and receive payment for their implementation.

Make proposals to the administration of the enterprise (educational institution) on issues of improving labor protection and medical care for workers (students). 4.5. Pass certification for the category in accordance with the established deadlines.

V. Responsibility of the health center paramedic The health center paramedic is responsible, within the limits of his duties, for independently made decisions.

Organization of activities of the paramedic health center

In his work, the health center paramedic is guided by legislative and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation on issues of protecting public health, the charter of the institution (enterprise), the structure of which includes the health center, the Regulations on the health center and these Regulations. 1.4. The medical assistant at the health center reports to the head of the health care institution, which includes the health center, or to the administration of the founding enterprise.
1.5. The orders of the health center paramedic are mandatory for the junior medical staff of the health center. 1.6. The appointment and dismissal of a health center paramedic is carried out in accordance with current legislation by the head of the health care institution, the structure of which includes the health center, or by the administration of the founding enterprise. II.


  • Demand that the management of the JSC create appropriate conditions to ensure normal operation.
  • Require the administration to remove workers who have not passed preliminary (upon hiring) and periodic (mandatory) medical examinations of workers of certain categories, in accordance with the Regulations on medical examination workers of certain categories.
  • Require port workers to undergo annual fluorographic examinations, preventive vaccinations and cancer examinations for women.
  • Do not allow use production premises for eating.
  • Adjust your work activities depending on changing circumstances.
  • Relationships
  1. Interacts with all services and departments of the enterprise.

Qualification requirements Must have completed secondary medical education.

  • Observation of children from 1 to 2 years old who are at risk;
  • Medical participation in the lives of disadvantaged families, control over the sanitary condition of their housing;
  • Carrying out measures to ensure the timeliness of vaccinations;
  • On the instructions of doctors of medical and preventive organizations, carrying out various kinds of sanitary and hygienic procedures;
  • Carrying out measures to prevent industrial injuries;
  • Participation in mobile sanitary posts;
  • Control over assigned grocery stores, schools, hairdressers and other institutions in matters of compliance with sanitary standards and other duties established by the head within the framework of legislative acts approved by the Ministry of Health.

Ambulance Paramedic The profession of an ambulance paramedic is considered one of the most responsible.

Job description of a paramedic at a health center of an industrial enterprise

At industrial enterprises and capital construction sites with a workforce of at least 1,200 workers at each of them or at several adjacent capital construction sites, to which the standards of doctors of shop medical districts do not apply and which are located at a distance of more than 4 kilometers from other clinics and outpatient clinics and medical health centers. 1.2.2. For transport and communications enterprises with more than 1,200 employees each, which do not have a paramedic health center. 1.2.3. At higher and average educational institutions, rural vocational and technical schools with a number of students in full-time faculties (departments) of at least 1,200 people in each of them, which do not have a paramedic health center. 1.2.4. During geological exploration, reconnaissance and survey parties and expeditions that do not have medical aid stations.

I approve [position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description] [date, month, year] M.P. Job description of the paramedic [name of organization, enterprise, etc.

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation. 1. General provisions 1.1. A paramedic belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person who has a secondary medical education in the specialty “General Medicine” and has a qualification category. 1.3. Appointment to the position of paramedic and dismissal from it are made by order of the head of the institution.


Job description of a medical assistant at a health center at an enterprise

When indicated, organizes transportation of patients.

  • Works in accordance with orders, instructions and other methodological documentation of the MZO (Ministry of Health), OZO (health department), GZO (health hygiene).
  • His work is guided by:
  • - Internal labor regulations for the river port - orders and regulations in force for the enterprise and relating to the activities of the health center nurse, and other governing and regulatory materials- orders No. 511, No. 555, No. 475, No. 410, approved by the Ministry of Health - occupational safety, fire safety rules; industrial sanitation rules for the fleet and coastal facilities - this job description.

Job responsibilities of a medical assistant at a health center of an industrial enterprise


You can download the paramedic job description for free. Job responsibilities of a paramedic. I approve (Last name, initials) (name of the institution, its organizational legal form) (director; other person authorized to approve the job description) 00.00.201_g.

m.p. JOB DESCRIPTION FOR FARMER (name of institution) 00.00.201_g. No. 00 I. General provisions 1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a paramedic (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”).1.2. A person with secondary medical education and training in the specialty “General Medicine” is appointed to the position of paramedic. 1.3. Appointment to the position of paramedic and dismissal from it are made in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the healthcare institution.1.4.