(chief specialist of the emergency call center)

(professional standard "Specialist in receiving and processing emergency calls")

1. General provisions

1.1. The following person is hired for the position of chief specialist for receiving and processing emergency calls:
1) having an average vocational education for training programs for mid-level specialists;
2) having additional professional education in advanced training programs in the field of ensuring calls to emergency services (for officials carrying out organization and control of the work of personnel of emergency call processing centers);
3) experienced practical work experience in the position of “Lead specialist for receiving and processing emergency calls” for at least three years or in the position of “Senior specialist for receiving and processing emergency calls” for at least four years.
1.2. A person is allowed to perform the work specified in clause 1.2 of these instructions:
1) completed mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations(examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner prescribed by law Russian Federation;
2) completed training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner;
3) having a Group I electrical safety approval;
4) possessing stress resistance, the ability to solve problems under limited time conditions;
5) without speech defects;
6) capable of simultaneously solving several problems.
1.3. Chief specialist to receive and process emergency calls must know:
1) regulatory legal acts and methodological documents regulating the reception and processing of emergency calls at the Call Center;
2) the main regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of EOS, ABC and EDDS;
3) agreements and regulations information interaction structures involved in ensuring security in the service area of ​​the Central Communications Center;
4) a list of EOS, ABC and EDDS, their purpose, structure, functions, territorial responsibility;
5) a list and areas of activity of other services that may be involved in responding to the incident and to provide the applicant with special background information and/or special recommendations (if any);
6) formalized classifiers used in the framework of receiving and processing emergency calls in the call center;
7) administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and in the service area of ​​the Central Election Commission;
8) basic information about the transport infrastructure in the service area of ​​the service center;
9) main geographical names in the service area of ​​the Central Communications Centre;
10) names and location of the main places of mass gathering of people, recreation areas, water bodies, hazardous production facilities located in the service area of ​​the Central Communications Center;
11) the structure and procedure for using electronic and other reference documents used in the work; information resources;
12) a standard list of reasons for providing reference and advisory assistance and corresponding reference and information resources used to search for information;
13) the content of recommendations on the rules of conduct of the applicant at the scene of the incident and the corresponding methodological documents;
14) rules of orientation on the ground;
15) rules for organizing the work of specialists in emergency situations;
16) instructions for operating hardware and software (automated workstations);
17) list of hardware and software for automated workstations of the Central Communications Center;
18) rules for operating automated workstations of the Central Communications Center;
19) labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
20) labor protection and industrial sanitation requirements;
21) electrical safety rules when using telecommunications used to receive emergency calls;
22) rules fire safety; list and location of fire fighting equipment; emergency exits; the procedure for evacuating employees in case of fires and smoke;
23) rules of Russian written and oral speech;
24) basics of paralinguistics;
25) the basics of childhood psychology, psychology of older people and groups of citizens with limited mobility;
26) basics of psychology of extreme situations;
27) basics of conflict management;
28) ethical standards communication, speech and business etiquette;
29) rules of Russian written and oral speech;
30) electrical safety rules when using telecommunications equipment used to receive emergency calls;
31) Russian and foreign best practices in the organization of work and functioning of the Central Communications Centre;
32) structure, purpose, capacity and functionality of the hardware and software complex of the Central Communications Center;
33) regulatory documents and teaching materials on the organization of work and functioning of the central communication center;
34) regulatory documents regulating monitoring bandwidth groups of automated workstations of the Central Election Commission;
35) system of indicators and criteria for assessing the throughput of a group of automated workstations of the Central Communications Center;
36) regulatory documents regulating the actions of specialists in case of excess threshold indicators throughput of a group of automated workstations of the Central Communications Center;
37) basics of labor psychology;
38) rules for operating hardware and software;
39) ____________________________________.
(other requirements for necessary knowledge)
1.4. The chief specialist for receiving and processing emergency calls must be able to:
1) plan and organize work labor collective, distribute work tasks;
2) check the performance of hardware, software and telecommunications tools used to receive and process emergency calls;
3) use hardware and software to carry out operational control tasks;
4) identify cases of incorrect operation or failures in the operation of hardware and software (automated workstation) and differentiate them from cases of incorrect operation of users (specialists);
5) use backup data recording tools and information resources stored in printed form;
6) use special hardware and software to monitor the response of EOS, ABC and EDDS;
7) determine, taking into account the type of incident, a list of EOS, ABC and EDDS that are subject to notification;
8) determine the administrative-territorial affiliation of the address (location) of the incident for notifying the EOS, ABC and EDDS;
9) formulate an incident report to notify EOS, ABC and EDDS;
10) use telecommunications means to inform the EOS, ABC and EDDS about the incident;
11) find contact details of the duty dispatch services EOS and AVS, EDDS;
12) manage speech interaction, including in situations where several people are participants in communication;
13) type text on the keyboard at a speed of at least 100 characters per minute;
14) use special hardware and software to monitor the throughput of a group of automated workstations at the Central Communications Center;
15) analyze current reports (real-time reports) for operational management a group of specialists;
16) make tactical decisions on managing a group of specialists to increase the throughput of a group of automated workstations;
17) take into account lore, skills, emotional and physical stress of workers when managing a group of specialists;
18) summarize and comprehensively analyze chronological data on quantitative and qualitative indicators of the work of a group of specialists;
19) formulate proposals to increase the capacity of the Central Communications Centre;
20) determine possible reasons reducing the throughput of a group of automated workstations at the Central Communications Center;
21) ___________________________________.
(other skills and abilities)
1.5. Chief specialist for receiving and processing emergency calls inits activities are guided by:
1) ____________________________________;
(name of the constituent document)
2) Regulations on _______________________;
(name of structural unit)
3) this job description;
4) ____________________________________.
(names of local regulations governinglabor functions by position)
1.6. Chief specialist for receiving and processing emergency callsreports directly

(name of manager's position)
1.7. _________________________________.
(other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Reception and processing of emergency calls (incident reports):
1) organization and current (operational) control of the work of specialists (groups of specialists) in receiving and processing emergency calls;
2) monitoring the response of emergency operational and emergency recovery services, life support services and unified duty and dispatch services to messages transmitted by specialists in receiving and processing emergency calls using hardware and software;
3) monitoring the throughput of a group of automated workstations of the emergency call processing center.
2.2. ________________________________.
(other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The chief specialist for receiving and processing emergency calls performs the following duties:
3.1.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1 of this job description:
1) organizes and controls the reception and transfer of automated workstations by a group of specialists at the beginning and end of the duty shift;
2) controls the completeness and operability of hardware, software and telecommunications equipment when receiving and transferring duty at the beginning and end of the duty shift;
3) prepares and conducts operational briefings for a group of specialists at the beginning of the duty shift;
4) distributes operational tasks among specialists at the beginning of the duty shift;
5) sums up the work of the group of specialists at the end of the duty shift;
6) performs ongoing (real-time) audio monitoring of the work of specialists;
7) carries out ongoing (real-time) monitoring of specialists’ compliance with the algorithm (rules) for interviewing the applicant, depending on the nature of the call (reason for the appeal) of the applicant;
8) carries out ongoing (real-time) monitoring of specialists’ compliance with the algorithm (rules) for interviewing the applicant to clarify the address (location) of the incident;
9) carries out ongoing (real-time) monitoring of specialists’ compliance with the algorithm (rules) for providing reference and advisory assistance in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;
10) carries out current (real-time) control of the completeness and reliability of information recorded by specialists using hardware and software;
11) performs an ongoing (real-time) check of the correctness of the registration records of received and processed emergency calls by specialists;
12) carries out ongoing (real-time) monitoring of notifications by specialists of EOS, ABC, EDDS and/or (if necessary) other services in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;
13) conducts ongoing (real-time) monitoring of recording by specialists using hardware and software of the fact of notification of EOS, ABC, EDDS and/or (if necessary) other services in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents (in the case of oral transmission of information);
14) organizes and coordinates the work of a group of specialists in the event of a message indicating an emergency;
15) informs the management of the duty shift of the Central Call Center about received emergency calls (incident reports) in cases determined by regulatory documents;
16) receives information from specialists about incorrect operation or failures in the operation of hardware and software (automated workstation);
17) organizes, coordinates and ensures continuity of actions of a specialist (group of specialists) to receive and process current emergency calls in the event of hardware and software failures;
18) registers facts of incorrect operation and failures in the operation of hardware and software (automated workstation);
19) informs the responsible employee (structural unit) about incorrect operation or failures in the operation of hardware and software (automated workstation);
20) informs the management of the duty shift of the Central Communications Center about failures in the operation of hardware, software and telecommunications;
21) checks the work performed by employees of the responsible structural unit to restore the functioning of hardware and software (automated workstation);
22) organizes and coordinates the actions of a specialist (group of specialists) to record received information using hardware and software after eliminating technical failures;
23) receives information from specialists about the need to update databases (make changes to them) used within the framework of hardware and software (automated workstations) for receiving and processing emergency calls;
24) prepares proposals for updating and updating information resources (software and printed) that optimize the reception and processing of emergency calls;
25) provides specialists with advice on the classification and registration of emergency calls subject to notification by EOS, ABC, EDDS and/or other services;
26) provides specialists with advisory assistance on the functioning of hardware and software (automated workstation) in cases where the fact of incorrect operation or failure of the hardware and software (automated workstation) is not confirmed;
27) provides specialists with advisory assistance on the use of backup data recording tools and information resources;
28) informs the management of the duty shift of the Central Election Commission about requests received from bodies providing national security, investigative and law enforcement agencies, executive authorities;
29) organizes the work, rest and meal schedule of a group of specialists during the duty shift;
30) monitors compliance by specialists with the requirements of labor protection, fire safety and ensuring order in workplaces and in household premises;
31) monitors compliance by specialists labor discipline and professional ethics.
3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1 of this job description:
1) receives from a specialist information about the fact of notification of EOS, ABC and EDDS using hardware and software;
2) monitors, using special hardware and software, the fact of confirmation of receipt of information about the incident by the EOS, ABC and EDDS;
3) monitors, using special hardware and software, information confirming the response of the EOS, ABC and EDDS to the transmitted message;
4) registers, using special hardware and software, the received information confirming the response of the EOS, ABC and EDDS to the transmitted message (or lack of response);
5) re-informs the EOS, ABC and EDDS about the incident using telecommunications means (if necessary);
6) records, using special hardware and software, the fact of repeated notification of EOS, ABC and EDDS in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents (in the case of oral transmission of information);
7) informs the management of the duty shift of the Central Control Center about a significant delay in the response of the EOS, ABC and EDDS to a message transmitted by specialists using hardware and software;
8) informs the management of the duty shift of the Central Election Commission about the lack of communication with the EOS, ABC or EDDS;
9) generates a report based on the results of monitoring the response of EOS, ABC and EDDS to messages transmitted by specialists using hardware and software.
3.1.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1 of this job description:
1) monitors, using hardware and software, the current throughput indicators of a group of automated workstations;
2) generates, using special hardware and software, current reports (real-time reports) on short-term quantitative indicators of the work of a group of automated workstations of the central control center;
3) records data on an increase in the flow of calls, exceeding the threshold indicators of the throughput of a group of automated workstations;
4) makes tactical decisions on managing a group of specialists based on the current throughput indicators of a group of automated workstations;
5) generates, using special hardware and software, current reports (real-time reports) on the nature (composition) of calls received and processed by a group of specialists;
6) makes tactical decisions on short-term changes or development of new algorithms for receiving and processing calls (call servicing) based on current indicators (obtaining data on changes in the composition of calls);
7) informs the management of the call center duty shift about the current throughput indicators of a group of automated workstations, changes in the composition of calls and implemented solutions in order to establish the reasons for the decrease in throughput and analyze the impact decisions made on long-term indicators (tasks) of the work of the Central Election Commission;
8) monitors the current state of individual automated workstations using special hardware and software;
9) records, using special hardware and software, the duration of receiving and processing current emergency calls at individual automated locations;
10) generates current reports (real-time reports) of quantitative indicators of the work of individual specialists using special hardware and software;
11) makes tactical decisions to manage the actions of the specialist in respect of whom the inspection was carried out (if necessary);
12) generates, using special hardware and software, reports on quantitative and qualitative indicators of the work of specialists (groups of specialists) in accordance with the documents regulating the reception and processing of emergency calls at the Call Center;
13) uses special hardware and software to monitor the throughput of a group of automated workstations at the Central Communications Center;
14) analyzes current reports (real-time reports) for operational management of a group of specialists;
15) makes tactical decisions on managing a group of specialists to increase the throughput of a group of automated workstations;
16) takes into account the professional knowledge, skills, emotional and physical stress of employees when managing a group of specialists;
17) summarizes and comprehensively analyzes chronological data of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the work of a group of specialists;
18) forms proposals to increase the capacity of the central communication center;
19) determines the possible reasons for the decrease in the throughput of the group of automated workstations of the Central Communications Center.
3.1.4. As part of fulfilling its labor functions carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor.
3.1.5. ________________________________.
(other duties)
3.2. __________________________________.
(other job descriptions)

4. Rights

4.1. The chief specialist for receiving and processing emergency calls has the right to:
4.1.1. Participate in discussions of draft decisions, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.
4.1.2. Request clarifications and clarifications from your immediate supervisor regarding these instructions and assigned tasks.
4.1.3. Request on behalf of the immediate supervisor and receive from other employees of the organization necessary information, documents necessary for the execution of the order.
4.1.4. Familiarize yourself with draft management decisions relating to the function he performs, with documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of his labor functions.
4.1.5. Submit proposals for the organization of work within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.
4.1.6. Participate in discussions of issues related to executable job responsibilities.
4.2. _______________________________.
(other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The chief specialist for receiving and processing emergency calls is held accountable:
- for improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation, legislation on accounting;
- offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.2. _________________________________.
(other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed based onProfessional standard "Specialist in receiving and processing emergencychallenges", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
Russian Federation dated 09.09.2015 N 618n, taking into account
(details of local regulations of the organization)
6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job descriptioncarried out upon hiring (before signing an employment contract).
The fact that the employee has read this job description confirmed

(by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part ofpart of these instructions (in the familiarization log
with job descriptions); in a copy of the officialinstructions kept by the employer; in another way)
6.3. ________________________________.
(other final provisions)

As the title of the position suggests, this specialist performs the functions of receiving and processing incoming orders. This position is introduced primarily for trading enterprises and enterprises providing various services. But it has acquired particular relevance in the wholesale and retail trade, production. The product for which this specialist accepts and processes orders includes not only products intended for final consumption, but also other inventory items for resale or production purposes.

All incoming orders can be divided into external and internal, both in relation to the product (located at the enterprise or outside it), and in relation to the customer, who can also be external (third-party) and internal (for example, an employee of the enterprise placing an order for what -or production needs).

Thus, you can create the following structure of order options:

1) an external customer orders goods located at the enterprise;

2) an external customer orders goods located outside the enterprise;

3) an internal customer orders goods located at the enterprise;

4) an internal customer orders goods located outside the enterprise.

Of course, this classification is only primary. Depending on the field in which the specialist works, further branching of this structure is possible.

The tasks of a specialist in receiving and processing orders include identifying the type of order and taking measures to fulfill it.

Most orders are received by telephone or fax, sometimes by mail. However, nowadays, due to the fact that e-commerce is becoming more widespread, a system of orders by E-mail or through Internet sites is being developed.

The order acceptance specialist accepts them, checks the presence of the necessary order parameters (indicating the type of product, its quantity, etc.) and the details (coordinates) of the customer.

After this, he begins processing, which consists of preparing the relevant documents for the goods (invoices, purchase requests, etc.), forwarding them to the appropriate department (this could be the enterprise warehouse, purchasing department, etc.). In the case of impersonal communication with the client (via the Internet or by fax), if necessary (for example, with a large volume of the order), the specialist can contact the subscriber to clarify or receive confirmation of the order.

Next, he monitors and controls the order fulfillment route, coordinates the work of executive services, right up to the delivery of the order and payment by the customer. After the entire cycle, the receiving and processing specialist enters all information about the order into the archive and makes a note about its completion. Typically, archives are electronic databases on a computer.


I. General provisions

2. A specialist in receiving and processing orders must know:

2.1. Enterprise structure.

2.2. Information about goods (services).

2.3. Requirements for placing orders.

2.4. Basics of order accounting.

2.5. The procedure for monitoring the passage and fulfillment of orders.

2.6. Basics of office work.

2.7. Ethics of business communication.

2.8. Technology for processing orders using a computer.

2.9. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

2.10. Internal rules labor regulations.

3. Appointment to the position of a specialist for receiving and processing orders and dismissal from the position are made by order of the head of the enterprise upon the recommendation of __________________________________.

4. The specialist for receiving and processing orders reports directly to ____________________________.

5. During the absence of a specialist for receiving and processing orders (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the high-quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Specialist for receiving and processing orders:

1. Provides the customer (client) with advice on the rules and subject of the order (formatization, price, parameters, timing and place of order fulfillment).

2. Checks the availability of all order details.

3. Identifies the order type.

5. Coordinates the work of departments involved in the implementation of the order.

6. Monitors the timely execution of the order.

7. Adjusts the terms and conditions for fulfilling orders and, if necessary, informs customers (clients) about changes in order parameters.

8. Maintains an archive of completed orders.

9. Draws up a report (daily, monthly, quarterly, annual) for subsequent analysis and adjustment of the order processing system.

III. Rights

A specialist in receiving and processing orders has the right to:

1. Request from structural divisions enterprise information and documents necessary to perform his official duties.

2. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

4. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The order receiving and processing specialist is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a specialist in receiving and processing orders (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”).

1.2. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in accordance with the established current procedure by order of the Head of the Organization.

1.3. The employee reports directly to the ______________ Organization.

1.4. A person with a professional (technical) education (higher; secondary) is appointed to the position of Employee (without presenting requirements for work experience; work experience in trade is at least 1 year).

1.5. The employee must know:

Enterprise structure.

Information about goods (services).

Requirements for placing orders.

Basics of order accounting.

The procedure for monitoring the passage and fulfillment of orders.

Basics of office work.

Ethics of business communication.

Technology for processing orders using a computer.

Fundamentals of labor legislation.

Internal labor regulations.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to ________________.

1.7. The employee reports directly to __________________.



2.1. Provides the customer (client) with advice on the rules and subject of the order (formatization, price, parameters, timing and place of order fulfillment).

2.2. Checks the availability of all order details.

2.3. Identifies the order type.

2.5. Coordinates the work of departments involved in order implementation.

2.6. Monitors the timely execution of orders.

2.7. Adjusts the terms and conditions for fulfilling orders and, if necessary, informs customers (clients) about changes in order parameters.

2.8. Maintains an archive of completed orders.

2.9. Draws up a report (daily, monthly, quarterly, annual) for subsequent analysis and adjustment of the order processing system.


3.1. The employee has the right:

To provide him with work stipulated by the employment contract;

To provide him with a workplace that meets state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement;

To provide him with complete and reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace;

On vocational training, retraining and improving their qualifications in the manner established Labor Code Russian Federation, other federal laws;

To receive materials and documents related to its activities, familiarize itself with draft decisions of the Organization’s management relating to its activities;

To interact with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities;

Submit proposals on issues related to your activities for consideration by your immediate supervisor.

3.2. The Employee has the right to demand from the Employer assistance in the performance of his official duties.


The employee is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of one's duties as provided for in this job description - in accordance with current labor legislation.

4.2. Violation of safety rules and labor protection instructions.

4.3. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and its employees.

4.4. Offenses committed during the period of its activities, in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.5. Causing material damage - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. The Employee’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

5.2. Due to production necessity The employee is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

Specialist for receiving and processing orders

The position of a specialist in receiving and processing orders is introduced mainly at trade enterprises and enterprises providing various services. It is especially relevant in wholesale and retail trade and manufacturing. The product for which this specialist accepts and processes orders includes not only products intended for final consumption, but also other inventory items for resale or production purposes.

All incoming orders can be divided into external and internal, both in relation to the product (located at the enterprise or outside it), and in relation to the customer, who can also be external (third-party) and internal (for example, an employee of the enterprise placing an order for any production needs).

The tasks of a specialist in receiving and processing orders include identifying the type of order and taking measures to fulfill it. Most orders are received by telephone, fax, and sometimes by mail; V lately E-commerce is becoming more widespread, and a system of orders by E-mail or through Internet sites is developing. The order acceptance specialist accepts them, checks the presence of the necessary order parameters (indicating the type of product, its quantity, etc.) and the details (coordinates) of the customer. After this, processing occurs, which consists of preparing the relevant documents for the goods (invoices, purchase requests, etc.), their redirection to the appropriate department (enterprise warehouse, purchasing department, etc.). Next, the specialist monitors and controls the order fulfillment route, coordinates the work of executive services, right up to the delivery of the order and payment by the customer. After the entire cycle, the receiving and processing specialist enters all information about the order into the archive and makes a note about its completion. As a rule, archives are electronic databases.

To summarize, we can highlight the following functional responsibilities Specialist for receiving and processing orders:

– Consulting the customer (client) on the rules and subject of the order (formatization, price, parameters, timing and place of order fulfillment).

– Checking the availability of all order details.

– Identification of the order type.

– Sending the order to the appropriate department of the enterprise.

– Coordination of the work of departments involved in the implementation of the order.

– Monitoring the timely execution of orders.

– Adjustment of terms and conditions for fulfilling orders, informing customers (clients) about changes in order parameters (if necessary).

– Maintaining an archive of completed orders.

– Drawing up a report (daily, monthly, quarterly, annual) for subsequent analysis and adjustment of the order processing system.

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