Compiled in _____ copies. I approve ________________________________ (initials, surname) _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ (name of the employer, (manager or other person, his organizational and legal authority authorized to approve the form, address, telephone number, job description address) email, OGRN, INN/KPP) "__ "___________ ____ city N _____ "__"___________ ____ city

JOB DESCRIPTION for a snowplow driver-mechanic


1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a snowplow driver-mechanic.

1.2. The driver-mechanic of a snowplow belongs to the category of workers.

1.3. A person with secondary education and appropriate training in the specialty is appointed to the position of snowplow driver-mechanic.

1.4. The driver-mechanic of a snowplow is appointed and dismissed by the head of the enterprise upon the recommendation of _______________.

1.5. The snowplow driver reports directly to _______________.

1.6. In his activities, the driver-mechanic of a snowplow is guided by:

Regulatory acts on the work performed;

Methodological materials relating to relevant issues;

Charter of the organization;

Rules labor regulations;

Orders and Directives of the head of the organization, immediate supervisor;

This job description.

1.7. A snowplow driver must know:

The design of a snow blower, rules and instructions for its operation, technical care and preventive repairs;

Methods of performing work using a snow blower;

Technical requirements for the quality of work;

Consumption standards for fuels and lubricants;


Internal labor regulations;

Safety regulations;

Provisions of this job description.


2.1. The driver-mechanic of a snowplow carries out:

2.1.1. Snowblower control:

2.1.2. Maintenance and preventative repair of snow blower.

2.1.3. __________________________.


3.1. The driver-mechanic of a snowplow has the right:

3.1.1. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

3.1.2. Improve your skills.

3.1.3. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

3.1.4. Submit proposals on issues related to your activities for consideration by your immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. Receive from enterprise employees the information necessary to carry out their activities.

3.1.6. __________________________.


4.1. The driver-mechanic of a snowplow is responsible for:

4.1.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of one’s duties provided for in this job description - in accordance with the current labor legislation.

4.1.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.1.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with current legislation.

4.1.4. For violation of internal labor regulations, rules against fire safety and safety precautions installed at the enterprise.

4.1.5. __________________________.


5.1. The work schedule of a snowplow driver-mechanic is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. In accordance with _______________, the employer evaluates the performance of the snowplow driver-mechanic. The set of measures for assessing effectiveness was approved by _______________ and includes:

- _______________________________;

- _______________________________.

Job Description developed on the basis of _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. (name, number and date of the document) Head of the structural unit _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__"___________ ____ Agreed: legal service _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__"___________ ____ g. I have read the instructions: (or: received the instructions) _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__"___________ ____ g.

Table tactical and technical characteristics and vehicle refueling tanks.

Tactical and technical characteristics and refueling tanks of the car on which we are learning to drive, with full name.

On the other side of the notebook, notes on traffic rules should be written.

Notes on the device:

The driver is responsible for maintaining the vehicle assigned to him, ensuring that it is in good condition and ready for use. He is obliged:
- have a firm knowledge of the device, technical capabilities and operating rules of the machine assigned to it;
- be able to drive the car assigned to him day and night in various road conditions in any weather;
-keep the vehicle in good working order and in constant combat readiness; achieve extension of machine service life;
-know and strictly follow the Rules traffic, commands, regulation and control signals;
- the driver is strictly forbidden to transfer control of the car to anyone and to smoke while driving the car;
- to know the frequency and scope of maintenance work, the service life (between repairs) and the service life (working life) of the machine assigned to it, tires and batteries;
- carry out maintenance and routine repair work, as well as carry out special processing of the machine assigned to him; — know the types and consumption rates of fuel, lubricants and other operating materials used on the machine assigned to him, prevent their overconsumption and achieve savings;
-know the causes of major operational faults, be able to detect and eliminate them; prevent vehicle breakdowns, report them to the commander and fix them immediately;
- before leaving the car from the park, check the technical condition of the car and monitor it on the way, paying attention special attention for the serviceability of the brakes, steering, tires, towbar, external lights, windshield wipers, for the correct installation of the rear-view mirror, for the cleanliness and visibility of license plates and identification plates;
- when driving a car, have a driver’s license, a driver’s identification document, and a waybill with you; The driver of the transport vehicle must also have a license to operate it;
- know and comply with the norms for loading a vehicle, the rules for boarding and transporting people, placing, stowing and securing cargo in the back of a vehicle;
- deliver the cargo to the specified location in a timely manner, safe and sound;
-be able to use a route map and navigate the terrain;
-form and submit in a timely manner technical part or to the department waybills;

In field conditions, stay with the vehicle without interruption and do not change its location without the permission of your commander, use every opportunity to check the vehicle’s maintenance and troubleshoot problems; - carefully monitor commands and signals, carry them out quickly and clearly. Cover and camouflage a vehicle in combat conditions.
-observe safety measures during operation, repair and evacuation of the machine.

Car inspection.

A control inspection is carried out by the driver to check and prepare the car before leaving the park.

The driver must check:

appearance car, condition and fastening of the left front wheel, steering rods, bipod;

— the condition of the front suspension, whether there are any leaks of oils and special fluids;

- car in front;

— engine condition, oil level in the lubrication system and coolant level in the cooling system;

— condition and fastening of the right front wheel;

— condition and fastening of the right cab door, rear-view mirror, spare wheel;

— condition and fastening of the right rear wheels;

- car behind;

— condition and fastening of the left rear wheels;

— condition and fastening of fuel tanks and pipelines;

— condition and fastening of the left cab door, rear-view mirror;

— free travel of the clutch and brake pedals;

- operation of the engine, lighting and alarm devices, windshield wiper, glass washer, control readings - measuring instruments, refueling;

— the angle of free rotation of the steering wheel and the effect of the parking brake;

— availability, serviceability and stowage of spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA);

- the car is in motion. Report to the technician about the completion of the work and the readiness of the car.

Inspection of the vehicle while on the road.

During the journey, at rest stops and rest stops, the driver must check:

Heating of wheel hubs, brake drums, gearbox housing, transfer case, drive axles, to the touch immediately after stopping the car;

Condition and fastening of springs and shock absorbers;

Condition and fastening of wheels, air pressure in tires;

Is there any leakage of oil, fuel, coolant, air from the pneumatic system;

Oil, fuel, coolant levels;

Reliability of fastening and correct placement of cargo, reliability of locking of the rear side of the platform and coupling of the trailer to the car;

The condition of the cab glass, headlights, lighting and signal devices, numbers and identification marks, wipe them if necessary.

Daily maintenance(ETO) car.

Daily vehicle maintenance is carried out at the ETO site by the driver upon arrival at the park to keep the vehicle ready for use and ensure traffic safety.

Inspect the car and check for fuel, oil, brake and coolant leaks, and air leaks. Troubleshoot if necessary. Inspect the engine and, if necessary, clean it of dust and dirt.

check the condition of the steering drive, towing device and trailer brake system connection hoses, air duct connections, platform side locks, wheels and tires;

operation of lighting devices, light signaling;

operation of windshield wipers;

bring the oil level in the engine crankcase and coolant system to normal levels

drain the condensate from the air cylinders of the brake system - after the car arrives at the park

If necessary, wash the car and clean the cab and platform.

In winter, to prevent moisture condensation in the fuel tank, fill it with fuel to its full capacity.

Tactical and technical characteristics of cars

Name of indicators Car brand
URAL -43206 URAL - 4320-31
Wheel formula 4x4 6x6
Load capacity, kg
Weight in running order, kg
Gross weight, kg (RMM)
Weight of towed trailer, kg
Engine model YaMZ 236M-2 4-stroke diesel, V-shaped, with compression ignition YaMZ 238M-2 4-stroke diesel, V-shaped, with compression ignition
Engine power (hp)
Cylinder operating order 1-4-2-5-3-6 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8
Engine displacement, l 11,15 14,86
Maximum speed, km/h
Overall dimensions, mm:
Depth of water obstacles fordable, m 1,5 1,5
Battery brand 6 st 190 6 st 190
Fuel used DZ, DL DZ, DL
Control fuel consumption. At a speed of 60 km/h, l/100 km
Ground clearance (clearance), mm
Tire sizes and designations 425х85R21 425х85R21
Tire pressure, kgf/cm2 from 0.5 to 3 (depending on road conditions)

Vehicle filling capacities (l)


One of the main features of a modern army is high mobility of troops, which is ensured by the presence large quantity various self-propelled vehicles (cars, tanks, armored personnel carriers, underwater and surface ships, railway, vehicles).

Therefore, driver’s job responsibilities are determined by the variety, purpose and operating features of self-propelled vehicles. However, there are many similarities in the activities of drivers. All of them must have the following qualities: the ability to drive a self-propelled military equipment day and night, at any time of the year, in various weather conditions and in combat situations; compliance with established traffic rules; timely maintenance, inspection, repair and adjustment of equipment; confidently operate equipment and monitor its operation in a rapidly changing environment.

To successfully perform driving duties, every military driver must be physically healthy, hardened and resilient.

Professionally, the driver must have solid knowledge of the structure, traffic rules, operation and maintenance of a vehicle. In addition, every military driver must have high neuropsychic stability; developed visual and auditory memory; quick reaction and good coordination of movements; the ability to maintain efficiency; normal color perception.

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Responsibilities of the machine manager.

249. When transporting people and dangerous goods, both as part of a convoy and as single vehicles, a vehicle foreman is assigned to each vehicle. When two or more vehicles are sent on a trip, a convoy leader is appointed. When traveling in vehicles, unit commanders (team leaders) perform the duties of a column leader (vehicle leader). In other cases, senior vehicles are appointed if necessary by the decision of the regiment commander. The head of the column (senior vehicle) is appointed from among the officers, warrant officers or sergeants, who know the rules traffic. He is responsible for completing the assigned task, using the machinery(s) correctly and complying with safety requirements. The head of the column (senior vehicle) is obliged to:
- before starting the movement of vehicles (vehicles), check compliance with the standards for boarding people and loading cargo;
- control the order of boarding (loading), disembarking (unloading) and placing personnel (cargo) on vehicles (vehicle):
- during the movement of vehicles (vehicles), monitor the drivers’ (driver’s) compliance with the route, the established speed, traffic rules, as well as the compliance of the personnel in the vehicles (vehicles) with military discipline and safety requirements.

The head of the column (the leader of the car) is prohibited from driving the car himself or forcing the driver to transfer control of the car to anyone else; give commands forcing the driver(s) to violate traffic rules and exceed the speed limit.

Transportation of personnel in unequipped vehicles, and in winter in open vehicles, is prohibited. Officials organizing this transportation or their direct superiors instruct the heads of convoys (senior vehicles) and drivers about the purpose, procedure, deadlines for completing the task and traffic safety requirements. Unit commanders, in addition, instruct vehicle drivers to comply with the rules for operating vehicles, traffic rules and behavior during the trip. Drivers are strictly prohibited from transferring control of the car to anyone. When following a unit (team) by rail, water and air transport, it is necessary to follow the instructions set out in Chapter 12 of this Charter.


When driving on a military highway, the driver is obliged to:

- have with you a license to drive a car, a military ID and a waybill; driver transport vehicle, in addition, must have a certificate for the right to operate the machine;

— firmly know and follow the rules of traffic on the roads, the instructions of traffic controllers;

— before leaving, check the serviceability of the car and monitor its condition along the way;

- present upon request officials traffic control service to check the established documents;

- give way and, if necessary, stop to ensure uninterrupted passage of command, communications, commandant vehicles that give special sound and light signals, and vehicles accompanied by them; Drivers of command, communications and commandant vehicles, when performing tasks, may deviate from the instructions of road signs, the established traffic order, the passage of intersections, and traffic rules in special conditions;

— in the event of a vehicle malfunction or an accident on the road, take all measures to clear the roadway and ensure traffic safety.

The driver is prohibited from:

- when performing a task, stop and provide the car for use by anyone, except for persons of the road commandant service, who can use the car to tow faulty equipment from the roadway;

— drive a car while intoxicated;

- drive a car in a sick or tired state, if this may jeopardize traffic safety;

— transfer control to a person not included in the waybill as a second driver;

— use the machine for purposes other than its intended purpose.

Training in military specialties

Professional educational institution Bryansk OTS No. 1 DOSAAF of Russia continues to recruit citizens subject to the next conscription Armed forces Russian Federation(spring-autumn 2017), for training in the following military specialties:

1. VUS-124 military driver category “C” and BTR-80
2. VUS-845 military driver category “D”
3. VUS-846 military driver category “CE”

Training is carried out in the direction of the military commissariat of the region (in which the citizen is a member) military registration) Bryansk region.

Training FREE OF PLA T N O E.

You must declare your desire to undergo training by arriving at the Bryansk OTS No. 1 DOSAAF of Russia (Stanke Dimitrova Ave. 51, room No. 205), where you will receive detailed information on all questions you are interested in related to the training you have chosen.

Come without waiting for the start of training.

Groups are recruited:

1. VUS-124 military driver category “C” and BTR-80 - as of January 2017.
2. VUS-845 military driver category “D” - as of December 2016 (3 places left).
3. VUS-846 military driver of the “CE” category - as of November 2016 (4 places left).

The following sets are at the end of March 2017.


1. The requirement for training for category “D” is the presence of a driver’s license of category “C” and age at the time of passing the exams at the traffic police: 21 years old;
2. The requirement for training for the “CE” category is the presence of a category “C” driver’s license and at least 1 year of driving experience.
3. When training for category “C”, at the request of the cadet, additional training For category "B" - a significant discount is provided.

Training of drivers of various categories for the Russian Armed Forces is another area of ​​work of the Bryansk OTS No. 1 DOSAAF RF. For young people of military age, this is a great opportunity to receive the so-called free of charge. “a driver’s license from the military registration and enlistment office,” as well as a profession that will be useful to them both in the service and in civilian life.

We provide training in the following military specialties:

  • military driver category “C”;
  • military driver category “D”;
  • military driver category "CE";
  • military driver of category “C” and a wheeled armored personnel carrier BTR-80.

Young people subject to the next conscription into the RF Armed Forces who are fit for health reasons to drive a vehicle of the selected category are accepted for training. Every year we train over three hundred conscripts, and this is an excellent alternative to regular driving courses and, even more so, attempts to buy rights by circumventing existing laws.

In addition, DOSAAF cadets during training can additionally master civilian driving categories “A” and “B”. Passing the driving test from the military registration and enlistment office is carried out at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate on the same day - both in the main military specialty and in the additionally selected driver category “A” or “B”.

Training is provided free of charge and at a high level typical of DOSAAF. Young people, after studying with us and passing their license, receive something that money cannot buy.

In laboratory and practical classes, they study in detail the design, operation and maintenance of URAL and KAMAZ vehicles, buses and the BTR-80 armored personnel carrier. On our circuit, with an area of ​​over 11 hectares, in addition to the usual tracks and markings, there are areas for extreme driving training and a special track for armored personnel carriers. Cadets leave DOSAAF school with a wealth of knowledge and skills that will help them pass without any problems conscript service, and after demobilization, if desired, successfully work in this specialization.

The school's fleet includes the latest modifications of URAL and KAMAZ trucks, buses, domestic and foreign passenger cars, armored personnel carriers BTR-80.

The cadets receive excellent physical and basic military training: they engage in drill training on the parade ground, develop strength and dexterity on the equipped sports ground, go through an obstacle course on an armored track.


Modern society can no longer cope without all kinds of technology. Most processes have long been automated, which allows us to quickly and efficiently produce products of any quality. However, as we know, there is no equipment that does not wear out and does not require replacement. And then mechanics come to the rescue.

A mechanic is a specialist who is involved in servicing any type of equipment. He can repair cars, airplanes, electronics and other equipment.

Today, the mechanic profession is in great demand in enterprises where there is technical equipment. The responsibilities of a mechanic at an enterprise depend directly on the position he occupies. Let's look at each type of activity in more detail.

The responsibilities of a mechanic include:

  • Monitor the operation of instruments and equipment and maintain them in working order.
  • Ensure the correct operation of equipment at the enterprise.
  • Develop schedules for inspection, testing and preventive replacement of equipment in case of inoperability.
  • Preparation of requests for the purchase of various materials and spare parts.
  • Determining the degree of wear and tear of equipment and mechanisms requiring major repairs and establishing a procedure for replacing them with newer ones.
  • Management of the development of various measures to replace equipment that has become ineffective with more highly productive ones.
  • When identifying unused equipment, taking measures to improve its performance, improving the organization of work for repair service workers.
  • Detailed responsibilities of a production mechanic can be found in the production job description.

Responsibilities of a driver-mechanic

A driver-mechanic is a specialist involved in driving, repairing and maintaining specialized tracked or wheeled off-road vehicles.

The driver-mechanic is required to know the material part, technical capabilities and operating rules of the equipment. He is also obliged to keep his controlled equipment in constant readiness for work.

The main responsibilities of a driver-mechanic are:

  • Ability to drive a vehicle day and night in all weather conditions.
  • Know and follow the rules of driving on and off roads, do not leave or give up control vehicle to third parties without a direct order.
  • Follow and carry out your boss’s commands quickly and efficiently.
  • Avoid accidents and car breakdowns. If they are identified, immediately inform your supervisor.
  • Ensure the safety and correct stowage of transported spare parts and equipment.
  • Have a driving license with you.
  • Fill out travel documents correctly and accurately.
  • Carry out a check inspection of the car before leaving the park, on the road and before starting to drive.

All instructions on the duties of a driver-mechanic can be found at the enterprise upon hiring.

Responsibilities of a Mechanical Engineer

A mechanical engineer is a specialist with knowledge in the design, operation and manufacture of technical equipment.

The main requirements for admission to this position are knowledge of descriptive geometry, drawing, theory of machines and mechanisms, strength of materials, and industry economics.

The main responsibilities of a mechanical engineer include:

  • Drawing up lists for major equipment repairs.
  • Study of operating conditions of individual components and parts.
  • Monitoring compliance with labor protection and safety regulations when performing work
  • Filling out applications for the purchase of spare parts necessary for the operation of the equipment.
  • Participation in inventory production assets, identification of equipment requiring major repairs.
  • Quality control of equipment installation, correct storage in warehouses and rational use of funds.
  • Taking part in the preparation of proposals for upgrading equipment, introducing means of mechanization and automation of processes, developing plans to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
  • Detailed instructions on the work and responsibilities of a mechanical engineer are provided when applying for a job.

Responsibilities of a line mechanic

The main responsibilities of a line mechanic are to:

  • Organizes accounting of all types of equipment, and also prepares documents for the write-off of obsolete equipment.
  • Engaged in the preparation of documents for mechanisms for submission to state supervision.
  • Monitors compliance with safety regulations while performing work at the enterprise.
  • Draws up a schedule for checking and upgrading ineffective equipment at the enterprise, with the aim of restoring or replacing them.
  • Monitors the serviceability of equipment at the enterprise. Does not allow emergency situations at the enterprise.
  • Performs official tasks of his immediate superior.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a mechanic's job description, sample 2019/2020. Mechanic job description should include the following sections: general position, job responsibilities of a mechanic, rights of a mechanic, responsibility of a mechanic.

The mechanic's job description should reflect the following points:

Job responsibilities of a mechanic

1) Job responsibilities. Ensures trouble-free and reliable operation of all types of equipment, their proper operation, timely high-quality repairs and maintenance, carrying out work on its modernization and increasing the cost-effectiveness of equipment repair services. Carries out technical supervision over the condition and repair of protective devices on mechanical equipment, buildings and structures of the workshop. Organizes the preparation of calendar plans (schedules) for inspections, checks and repairs of equipment, applications for centralized execution major repairs, to obtain the materials, spare parts, tools, etc. necessary for scheduled maintenance and routine repairs, to draw up equipment passports, specifications for spare parts and other technical documentation. Participates in the acceptance and installation of new equipment, carrying out work on certification and rationalization of workplaces, modernization and replacement of ineffective equipment with high-performance equipment, and the introduction of means of mechanization of heavy manual and labor-intensive work. Organizes accounting of all types of equipment, as well as those that have spent their depreciation period and obsolete ones, and prepares documents for their write-off.

The mechanic should know

2) When performing his duties, a mechanic must know: resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological, regulatory materials organizing the repair of equipment, buildings, structures; organization of repair service at the enterprise; Unified system scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation technological equipment; prospects technical development enterprises; technical specifications, design features, purpose, operating modes and operating rules of enterprise equipment; organization and technology repair work; methods of installation, adjustment and adjustment of equipment; fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products; the procedure for drawing up equipment passports, operating instructions, lists of defects, specifications and other technical documentation.

3) Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions for at least 5 years.

1. General provisions

1. A mechanic belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering positions of at least 5 years is accepted for the position of mechanic. .

3. A mechanic is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The mechanic must know:

  • resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological, regulatory materials on organizing the repair of equipment, buildings, structures;
  • organization of repair service at the enterprise;
  • A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of process equipment;
  • prospects for technical development of the enterprise;
  • technical characteristics, design features, purpose, operating modes and operating rules of enterprise equipment;
  • organization and technology of repair work;
  • methods of installation, adjustment and adjustment of equipment;
  • fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products;
  • the procedure for drawing up equipment passports, operating instructions, lists of defects, specifications and other technical documentation;
  • rules for handing over equipment for repair and acceptance after repair;
  • organization of lubricant and emulsion facilities;
  • requirements rational organization labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment;
  • advanced domestic and foreign experience repair maintenance at the enterprise;
  • fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
  • basics of labor legislation;
  • basics of environmental legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the mechanic is guided by:

  • legislation of the Russian Federation,
  • Charter of the organization,
  • orders and instructions of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions,
  • this job description,
  • Internal labor regulations of the organization,

6. The mechanic reports directly to the chief mechanic.

7. During the absence of a mechanic (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of a mechanic

1. Ensures trouble-free and reliable operation of all types of equipment, their proper operation, timely high-quality repairs and maintenance, carrying out work on its modernization and increasing the cost-effectiveness of equipment repair services.

2. Carries out technical supervision over the condition and repair of protective devices on mechanical equipment, buildings and structures of the workshop.

3. Organizes the preparation of calendar plans (schedules) for inspections, checks and repairs of equipment, applications for centralized implementation of major repairs, for obtaining materials, spare parts, tools, etc. necessary for scheduled maintenance and routine repairs, drawing up passports for equipment, specifications for spare parts and other technical documentation.

4. Participates in the acceptance and installation of new equipment, carrying out work on certification and rationalization of workplaces, modernization and replacement of ineffective equipment with high-performance equipment, and the introduction of means of mechanization of heavy manual and labor-intensive work.

5. Organizes accounting of all types of equipment, as well as those that have served their depreciation period and obsolete ones, and prepares documents for their write-off.

6. Studies the operating conditions of equipment, individual parts and assemblies in order to identify the causes of their premature wear, analyzes the causes and duration of downtime related to the technical condition of the equipment.

7. Develops and implements progressive methods of repair and restoration of components and parts of mechanisms, as well as measures to increase the service life of equipment, reduce its downtime and increase shifts, prevent accidents and industrial injuries, reducing labor intensity and cost of repairs, improving its quality.

8. Prepares for presentation to state supervisory authorities lifting mechanisms and other objects of state supervision.

9. Provides technical management of the lubricant and emulsion industry, introduces progressive standards for the consumption of lubricants and cleaning materials, and organizes the regeneration of used oils.

10. Participates in checking the workshop equipment for technical accuracy, in establishing optimal operating modes of equipment that facilitate its effective use, in developing instructions for technical operation, lubrication and care of equipment, and for the safe conduct of repair work.

11. Considers rationalization proposals and inventions related to the repair and modernization of equipment, gives conclusions on them, and ensures the implementation of accepted proposals.

12. Organizes accounting for the repair and modernization of equipment, controls their quality, as well as the correct expenditure of material resources allocated for these purposes.

13. Ensures compliance with labor safety rules and regulations, requirements environmental safety during repair work.

14. Manages employees of enterprise departments who repair equipment and maintain it in working condition.

15. Complies with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

16. Complies with internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

17. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

18. Performs within limits employment contract orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.

3. Mechanic's rights

The mechanic has the right:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

  • to improve work related to those provided for in this instructions and duties,
  • on the encouragement of distinguished employees subordinate to him,
  • on bringing to material and disciplinary liability the employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Mechanic's responsibility

The mechanic is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Mechanic job description - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of a mechanic, rights of a mechanic, responsibility of a mechanic.

For the driver, like for any other employee of the enterprise, a job description is provided. This document regulates the list of duties, rights and responsibilities of drivers. And although it is not mandatory regulations enterprises, lawyers recommend that the provisions and clauses in this document be spelled out as accurately and thoroughly as possible so that in the future there is no possibility of their double interpretation.

General manager
LLC "Supplies Wholesale"
Shirokov/Shirokov I.A./
"12" August 2014

Job description of a car driver

І. General provisions

1.1. This document regulates the list job functions, tasks, duties that the driver of the organization must perform, as well as his rights, responsibilities, working conditions and other parameters.

1.2. The driver of the organization must have at least secondary education, at least three years of driving experience, as well as a category “B” license.

1.3. Hiring and dismissal occurs in the manner prescribed by the internal rules of the organization and with the obligatory presence of a corresponding order from management.

1.4. The driver's immediate supervisor is the director of the enterprise.

1.5. If the driver is absent from the workplace, his duties are transferred to a person appointed by a separate order of the head of the company and who has the required level of education and work experience.

1.6. The driver must be familiar with:

  • laws of the Russian Federation in the field of civil and labor law;
  • internal rules of the organization, labor protection standards, fire safety, etc.
  • Charter of the organization;
  • orders and directives of management, company regulations;
  • traffic rules, penalties for certain traffic violations;
  • road maps of the region.

1.7. The driver must own:

  • complete information about the internal structure of the car, the principles of its operation;
  • information about the vehicle's equipment, its technical specifications, instruments, mechanisms and assemblies, as well as their purpose and maintenance;
  • ways and methods of identifying faults, as well as eliminating them using improvised means;
  • knowledge about the consequences of certain breakdowns and malfunctions in the engine and other vehicle systems;
  • standards for the maintenance of vehicles, including washing, cleaning the body and interior, maintenance in the garage, etc.

II. Job responsibilities of a car driver

2.1. The driver's job functions include performing the following tasks:

  • driving,
  • timely arrival at workplace and delivering the car to the entrance of the organization, as well as placing the car in the garage after the work shift;
  • timely refueling, topping up oil, and adding other fluids necessary for the operation of the car;
  • following traffic rules, observing all road signs, timely familiarization with all changes made to the traffic rules by law;
  • ensuring the safety of passengers while driving and driving;
  • ensuring the safety of property located in the trunk of a car;
  • monitoring the safety and integrity of the car itself, including leaving it in parking lots and parking lots only with the alarm on, locking all doors and windows both while driving and during stops;
  • daily inspection of the technical condition of the car, timely elimination of identified faults on our own or with the help of specialized car services;
  • keeping the car clean and tidy, including daily morning washing of the car at a car wash and weekly dry cleaning of the interior;
  • advance preparation for long trips, familiarization with the area map and road maps, selection of the shortest routes;
  • avoiding the use of any medications, drugs, products and liquids that can affect the driver’s performance, concentration, coordination of movements and reaction;
  • work with route and waybills, including entering information into documents on mileage, gasoline and oil consumption, travel destinations, etc., timely provision of documentation for reporting;
  • carrying out orders and instructions from the immediate supervisor.
  • careful attitude towards the entrusted vehicle.

III. Rights

3.1. The driver has the following powers and rights:

  • make reasoned and substantiated proposals to management for improving and optimizing the work of both yourself and the organization as a whole;
  • make decisions independently to ensure the safety of both yourself and passengers when driving;
  • require management to ensure occupational safety;
  • get all necessary information from employees of car service companies about car repairs;
  • make proposals for optimizing route traffic, incl. to reduce financial costs for travel;
  • participate in any corporate events (meetings, discussions, gatherings) directly related to his activities;
  • make constructive proposals to eliminate violations, errors, and shortcomings identified during the work;
  • enter into communications with representatives of any structural divisions of the company to resolve issues within its competence;
  • refuse to perform work functions if there is a threat to life or health.

IV. Responsibility

The driver is liable in the event of the following violations:

4.1. Causing, intentional or unintentional, damage to the vehicles entrusted to him (engine, systems and assemblies, mechanisms and components, interior and body), as well as untimely service and maintenance,

4.2. Causing damage to the health of passengers and other road users;

4.3. Use of any prohibited or permitted substances that negatively affect coordination, thinking, reaction, etc.

4.4.. Neglect of execution labor responsibilities, including complete evasion of them.

4.5. Regular violation of internal regulations, work and rest schedules, discipline established at the enterprise, as well as violation of any types of safety.

4.6. Failure to comply with orders and orders issued by the organization’s management or immediate supervisor.

4.7. Disclosure of confidential information about the organization.

4.8. Providing false information to management in reporting documents;

4.9. These points of the job description strictly comply with the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of Transport Department
LLC "Supplies Wholesale"
Myshkin/Myshkin T.V./
"12" August 2014

Ivanov R.S.
Driver at Supply Wholesale LLC
Passport 8735 No. 253664
Issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Leninsky district of Perm
09/14/2012 department code 123-425
Signature Ivanov
"17" August 2014


Why do you need a driver's job description?

A job description is important not only for ordinary employees of an enterprise, but also for management. It makes it possible to coordinate the relationship between the employer and subordinates, clearly defining the work functionality and responsibility of drivers. At conflict situations, when judicial intervention is required to resolve a dispute, the job description serves as evidence of the presence or absence of guilt on the part of the employee or employer.

Basic rules for drawing up a driver’s job description

There is no standard, universally accepted form of driver job description, so companies can develop and approve it independently. Since there is no single standard, in different organizations employees in the same position can perform different functions, but their main responsibilities should be similar. The driver's job description usually includes the following parts:

  • "General provisions"
  • "Job Responsibilities"
  • "Rights"
  • "Responsibility".

If necessary or at the will of management, other items may be added to it.

The preparation of job descriptions is usually carried out by the company’s lawyer or specialist HR department. It is being drawn up in one copy, but if there are several drivers at the enterprise, then its copies are printed in the required quantity.

Each driver must be familiar with the document, and he must also put his signature under it, which will indicate that the employee agrees with its contents.

The job description must also be certified by the driver’s immediate supervisor or person responsible responsible for compliance with the norms and rules prescribed therein. The head of the enterprise must also sign the document.

Drawing up a driver's job description

At the very top of the job description, on the right, space should be left for the resolution of the head of the organization. The form for it is standard: here you need to enter his position ( general manager, director), name of the enterprise, last name, first name, patronymic, as well as leave a line for signature with the obligatory decoding and put the date of approval. Then in the middle of the line you need to write the name of the document.

Main sections

In the first section called "General provisions" First, it should be noted which category of workers the driver belongs to (worker, technical staff, specialist, etc.), then it is indicated to whom he reports and who replaces him if necessary (here it is enough to indicate the positions of authorized employees, without last names). Next, the document contains qualification requirements to the driver (specialization, education, additional professional training), as well as the required work experience and length of service. It is also worth indicating on the basis of what documents the driver is appointed and removed from the position.

Then in the same section below you need to list all the rules, laws, orders, regulations that the driver must be familiar with, as well as the requirements for knowledge of the car.

Second part "Duty Responsibilities of a Driver" concerns directly the instructions that are assigned to him. They need to be written down in as much detail and clearly as possible, taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise where the driver works.

Chapter "Rights" includes the powers vested in the driver for the purpose of effective execution your work. Here you can separately indicate his right to various initiatives, including interaction with management and other departments of the organization when such a need arises, as well as the right to participate in internal company events and additional training.

In the section "Responsibility" Violations for which the employer has the right to subject the driver to penalties are clearly established. It should be noted here that the driver is personally responsible for the safety of the car and its parts, as well as compliance with labor regulations and safety standards.

After registration, the document must be agreed upon with a senior (above the driver) employee of the organization (either the immediate supervisor or a person authorized to monitor compliance with the rules and regulations prescribed in the job description). Here you should enter his position, name of the organization, last name, first name, patronymic, and also put a signature with a transcript.

Please indicate below driver information: his last name, first name, patronymic (in full), again the name of the organization, passport details, signature and date of familiarization with the document. There is no need to certify the job description with a seal, since it relates to internal documents enterprises.