head of the railway station, crossing


1.1. The head of a railway station or siding (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”) is classified as a manager.
1.2. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the Employee when performing work in his specialty and directly at the workplace at "________________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer").
1.3. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the Employer in the manner prescribed by current labor legislation.
1.4. The employee reports directly to ______________.
1.5. The employee must know:
- resolutions, instructions, orders and other guidance, methodological and regulatory documents relating to the operation of railway transport;
- technical and administrative act of a railway station, siding;
- technological process of operation of the organization’s access road;
- the principle of operation of signaling and communication devices and the procedure for using them;
- basics of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
- methods of technical, economic and operational planning;
- regulations on remuneration;
- basics of labor legislation;
- rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety.
Qualification requirements. Higher vocational (technical) education and work experience in engineering positions for at least 1 year or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in engineering positions for at least 3 years.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to ________________ (position).
1.7. The Employee is subordinate to: ________________________________.


Organizes the work of the railway station, the crossing for the reception and departure of trains, the formation and disbandment of trains, the cleaning of cars and their delivery to loading and unloading fronts, weighing and dosing of cargo in cars. Provides acceleration of the turnover of cars and reduction of their downtime for cargo operations on access tracks, interaction in work with the junction station, implementation of measures to prevent accidents and industrial injuries at the station and siding. Ensures the safety of train movement and shunting work, the implementation of planned tasks at the lowest cost of material and labor resources, increasing labor productivity based on the identification and use of production reserves, improving progressive forms of organizing the work of workers, and maintaining production and labor discipline. Participates in testing and implementation of new signaling, centralization, interlocking (signaling) and communication devices, rolling stock, work automation equipment, and in investigating the causes of accidents and accidents. Develops technical documentation (technical administrative act), local shunting instructions and other documents regulating the operation of the station and siding. Develops measures to prepare for work in winter conditions and during floods, monitors their implementation. Ensures good condition within the boundaries of the station, railway sidings, switches, signals and other technical devices, normal lighting of the territory, switch posts, switches, crossings, loading and unloading points. Monitors the provision of workers with the necessary equipment, signaling accessories, and materials. Analyzes the work of the station and siding to fulfill loading and unloading plans, to ensure the safety of train traffic and shunting work. Organizes technical training and production instruction for employees. Supervises the work of duty officers at the station, sidings, locomotive-composition crews, receivers, signalmen and duty switch posts for the reception and departure of trains and the production of maneuvers and the maintenance of train and technical documentation. Ensures the maintenance and timely submission of documentation and reporting.


The employee has the right to:
- management of subordinates;
- providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract;
- a workplace that complies with state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement;
- complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace;
- professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;
- obtaining materials and documents related to their activities;
- interaction with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.


The employee is responsible for:
4.1. Failure to fulfill one's functional duties.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Employer.
4.4. Violation of safety rules and labor protection instructions, failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety rules, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and its employees.
4.5. Failure to comply with labor discipline.
4.6. The employee bears full individual financial responsibility in accordance with the agreement concluded with him on full individual financial responsibility.


5.1. The Employee’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Employer.
5.2. Due to production needs, the Employee is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

The head of a railway station is a professional who heads a department in the form of a transport hub. The specialist’s responsibilities include monitoring and organizing the work of working personnel, planning transportation and loading and unloading operations. So how much does the head of a railway or metro station earn in a responsible position?

Funding for a director in the Russian Federation?

Average the salary level of a railway worker in Russia reaches 40-50 thousand rubles(about 775 US dollars). For high-quality work and high results, an additional bonus is awarded in the form of benefits, allowances and bonuses.

The average salary of a station manager in the Russian Federation is 27-30 thousandRUB/ 465-517 per month. The manager’s final income depends on the scale and complexity of the transport hub. So, for example, at large stations an expert receives about 50,000 rub.. / $862.

How much does the labor of a railway worker cost in Russia in 2019-202?

Let's analyze:

  • passenger train conductor – 20-25 thousand rubles / 397 dollars;
  • DEPOT lineman or lineman – ₱22,500 / 387 bucks;
  • head of a station or suburban area - approximately 50 thousand rubles / 863 USD;
  • employee of a road design bureau – 25,000 rubles. / $431.

The following options may be provided as additional bonuses:

  • free travel in 2 directions every year in Russia;
  • official health improvement in Russian Railways sanatoriums;
  • the right to travel by train to your place of work for free;
  • full social package (pension, sick leave, bonuses, mobile phone costs, etc.);
  • provision of financial assistance by the organization in the event of an emergency.

Get highly paid place possible with the appropriate education.

How much do specialists get paid depending on the specifics of their work?

  • operational duty officer - 25,750 rubles / 444 dollars;
  • moving duty officer – 14,571 RUB / 251 USD;
  • station duty officer - 38-50 thousand ₱ / 655-862 USD.

By region of the country, a qualified specialist has a good profit:

  • Volokolamsk city - Moscow-Smolensk center - 40,000 ₱ / 689 USD;
  • Komi Republic (Syktyvkar) – 50,000 rub / 862 USD;
  • Mikun city – from 50,000 rubles per month;
  • Ekaterinburg. Organization " Energo Invest“- the specialist’s profit here is 30,000 rubles / 517 bucks;
  • Tynda city - the direct employer offers the station manager a salary of ₱38,000 / 655 USD.

Remuneration for metro workers in Russia

The value of specialists in the metro is similar to that of Russian Railways. On average, an expert's salary here is in the range from 24,849 to 36,000RUB per month. To be hired as a station manager, you must meet a number of criteria.

Let's consider the requirements for a specialist in " Nizhny Novgorod metro»:

  • revenue from 25,000 rub. / $431;
  • presence of railway education;
  • 3 years of experience in this field;
  • diligence;
  • ability to manage staff;
  • skills in organizing the work of a transport hub.

The head of JSC Russian Railways, V. Yakunin, earns up to 4 million rubles.

To receive the minimum wage or more, a specialist must meet a number of criteria:

  • obtain secondary/higher education;
  • confirm your health status at a special medical commission;
  • undergo an internship at your current workplace;
  • Over time, take specialized courses to improve your qualifications;
  • change exams to confirm professionalism is mandatory.

Prices for professionals in Ukraine

A shift supervisor at a railway junction earns on average in Ukraine 7500 hryvnia(approximately $278).

Station Manager manages the operation of the station and bears full responsibility for the fulfillment of station performance indicators and established tasks. Manages cargo and commercial operations deputy station manager for cargo and commercial work (DSZM or DSM). Work is supervised directly in public areas chiefs (managers) of cargo areas (yards). For small amounts of work in non-public areas, this work is performed senior receivers. If there is a significant amount of work in non-public areas, a position may be introduced deputy station manager for access roads.

At large (out-of-class) freight stations there is chief engineer (DSG), whose responsibilities include the development, updating and implementation of the technological process, the development and implementation of measures to ensure traffic safety, labor protection and worker safety. He is responsible for the rational use of technical means and devices, and analyzes the operation of the station. In the absence of the position of chief engineer, his functions are performed by the deputy head of the station.

Management of the operational work of the station is entrusted to deputy station chief for operational work (DSZD). He monitors the implementation of daily and shift plans, compliance with the technological process, and ensuring traffic safety. Direct management of operational work is carried out by shift workers: DSC, shift engineer for cargo and commercial work, station duty officer (DSP). Each of them performs duties in accordance with job descriptions.

DSC - shunting dispatcher(in common parlance, a shunting dispatcher), manages all work to implement the shift schedule of the cargo station. When he goes on duty, he gets acquainted with operational orders, the daily plan for loading and unloading cargo, studies shippers' requests for cargo shipment, the position of the car park at the station, access roads and approaches to the station. At the beginning of the shift, the DSC communicates the work plan to the performers, and during duty, adjusts it in four-hour periods depending on the operational situation at the station.

During its duty, the DSC conducts schedule of work performed (GIR), necessary for operational planning and management of shunting, cargo and train work, qualitative analysis of work per shift, which records the occupancy of tracks at cargo points, the progress of loading and unloading, the time of supply and cleaning of wagons, the number of wagons awaiting loading or unloading.

Freight operator- maintains operational records of cargo sorting on the sorting platform, the work of the container point and vehicles for the delivery and removal of cargo, number records of the availability and location of local cars.

Monitoring the progress of loading and unloading wagons is carried out by transceiver, using a portable terminal to communicate with the shunting dispatcher, shippers, consignees And commodity office.

In the process of dispatch management, information is used about the approach of trains and cargo, the progress of cargo operations, the presence, purpose and location of cars on station tracks, loading and unloading fronts and access roads, etc.

Workplaces of the dispatch center and shift engineer (senior technician) for cargo and commercial work are equipped with the necessary means of communication, information boards, industrial television installations, and computer equipment.

Shift engineer(senior technician) for cargo and commercial work ensures the implementation of a shift plan for cargo work in public areas, carries out ongoing planning, accounting for the availability of free space in warehouses and operational control over the implementation of the loading and unloading plan and sorting of small shipments in public areas. He coordinates the work plan with the DSC, the head of the production site mechanized loading and unloading distance (MF) and the dispatcher of the automobile enterprise, and also monitors the timely preparation for loading, supply, placement and removal of cars from the cargo fronts of public places, and maintains operational records of cargo work.

Station duty officer (DSP)- carries out direct management of the reception, disbandment, formation and departure of trains, control over the commercial and technical inspection of trains.

Head of the Corporate Transport Services Agency (AFTO)- exercises control over the implementation of the cargo loading and unloading plan, execution of cargo transportation documents, settlements with shippers and consignees, maintenance of established accounting and reporting forms.

Head of the cargo area,- ensures the implementation of loading plans for cargo work in public areas and access roads, monitors the timely supply and placement of cars at cargo fronts, organizes loading and unloading operations.

The effectiveness of operational management and interaction of all departments of a cargo station largely depends on the means of information transmission, which form an integral part of the station’s operating technology.

In addition to the types of communication already mentioned, the “Sling” system is used at cargo stations, which ensures mutual calling and negotiations between receivers, crane operators, senior receiver, checkpoint workers and vehicle dispatcher.

DSC manages a single station shift consisting of workers from transportation services, freight and commercial work, locomotive, carriage, signaling and communications, access roads, ports and road transport. The organization of a single shift allows us to ensure consistency in the work of the cargo station, fulfillment of government orders and contractual obligations. Directly subordinate to the DSC are train compilers, shunting locomotive drivers, and a commercial agent.

Depending on local conditions and the volume of work, the distribution of responsibilities between the DSC, the shift engineer for cargo and commercial work and the DSP may vary. In particular, if there is no shift engineer at the station, his duties are performed by the DSC, and if there is no DSC position, the management of shunting and cargo work at the station is carried out by the DSP.

In the process of managing cargo work, information interaction with the clientele, which is carried out on a contractual basis, is of great importance. Preliminary cargo information is transmitted to consignees by teletype or telephone in accordance with concluded agreements.

Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (UN), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of nuclear energy organizations”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2009 N 977

Head of the railway station, crossing

Job responsibilities. Organizes the work of the railway station, the crossing for the reception and departure of trains, the formation and disbandment of trains, the cleaning of cars and their delivery to loading and unloading fronts, weighing and dosing of cargo in cars. Provides acceleration of the turnover of cars and reduction of their downtime for cargo operations on access tracks, interaction in work with the junction station, implementation of measures to prevent accidents and industrial injuries at the station and siding. Ensures the safety of train movement and shunting work, the implementation of planned tasks at the lowest cost of material and labor resources, increasing labor productivity based on the identification and use of production reserves, improving progressive forms of organizing the work of workers, and maintaining production and labor discipline. Participates in testing and implementation of new signaling, centralization, interlocking (signaling) and communication devices, rolling stock, work automation equipment, and in investigating the causes of accidents and incidents. Develops technical documentation (technical administrative act), local shunting instructions and other documents regulating the operation of the station and siding. Develops measures to prepare for work in winter conditions and during floods, monitors their implementation. Ensures good condition within the boundaries of the station, railway sidings, switches, signals and other technical devices, normal lighting of the territory, switch posts, switches, crossings, loading and unloading points. Monitors the provision of workers with the necessary equipment, signaling accessories, and materials. Analyzes the work of the station and siding to fulfill loading and unloading plans, to ensure the safety of train traffic and shunting work. Organizes technical training and production instruction for employees. Supervises the work of duty officers at the station, sidings, locomotive-composition crews, receivers, signalmen and duty switch posts for the reception and departure of trains and the production of maneuvers and the maintenance of train and technical documentation. Ensures the maintenance and timely submission of documentation and reporting.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents relating to the operation of railway transport; technical and administrative act of a railway station, siding; technological process of the organization's access road; the principle of operation of signaling and communication devices and the procedure for using them; methods of technical, economic and operational planning; wage regulations; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of labor legislation; environmental regulations; labor protection and fire safety regulations; internal labor regulations.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational (technical) education and work experience in specialist positions for at least 1 year or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in specialist positions for at least 3 years.

There is such a profession on the railway - station manager. Do you know what he does? I'll tell you now.

The number of stations in Russia is huge. Based on the volume and complexity of cargo (or passenger) operations, they are divided into classes: from 5th to extra-class stations. The higher the class, the smaller the station. Extracurricular is a large station with a large number of tracks, structures and, as a result, with a large staff. The main task of the station manager is to organize the work of his station at a high level.

The degree of responsibility and level of tasks performed by the chief (the railway abbreviation for this position is DS) depends precisely on the size of the station. One thing, Art. Ekaterinburg-Sortirovochny with more than 70 tracks and a daily car turnover of 23 thousand units, and another - station. Peri with 4 tracks, through which a couple of dozen trains simply pass per day.

In the minds of some people, a boss (or DS) is a person who scatters orders and commands from his office during breaks between drinking tea: he gave instructions in a loud voice, checked execution, and so on. Meanwhile, I know from my experience working at the station that even the presence of deputies does not save the chief manager of the station from daily stressful situations.

These include continuous reports to senior management, analysis of all problematic situations arising at the station, as well as constant interaction with station clients (enterprises adjacent to the station tracks with their railway access roads).

Of course, at 5th or 4th class stations the chief has much fewer problems; in some cases he combines his work with the duties of a station duty officer. But even in such cases, the position obliges you to ensure order at the station, respond to endless telegrams, requests, orders from higher management. Plus, there is also maintaining/filling out various work logs, or monitoring their maintenance by subordinates.

Any auditor After checking, he goes to the station manager with a list of violations. The train compiler violated, and the DS is also responsible. And here leaders are divided into two types. Some are ready to stand up for their subordinates, even if they are guilty, in order to mitigate the punishment imposed by the auditor after an inspection, while others, without even understanding the situation, give their employees “to be devoured” by any inspection.

You need to treat your subordinates with respect

I remember there was an incident that showed the whole essence of one boss. A young specialist worked at this station in the technical department. Normal, smart, adequate guy. I only know that he had a difficult relationship with one auditor. So, this auditor calls the head of the station where this guy worked and asks for someone to distribute lime in a covered wagon to nearby stations.

Anyone can deal with economic issues on the railway. In the spring, at many stations, lime is used to whitewash trees and various structures. For this purpose, a shunting diesel locomotive with a towed covered wagon is allocated. Lime is loaded into this car from some station warehouse or freight yard.

They load so that there is space left in the center of the car for equipment (shovels, buckets) and a person who will collect lime into the buckets. The diesel locomotive stops at each station on the site. All of these stations are small and located in rural areas. The person responsible for the delivery of lime may also be in a diesel locomotive along the route. But at each station he is obliged to climb into this covered carriage, load lime into buckets and pour it out at this station in a designated place.

And the auditor, who called the head of the main station from which the dispatch of the diesel locomotive with the carriage was organized, asked to involve the guy from the technical department in this matter.

To someone who has not worked on the railroad, this distribution of responsibilities may seem strange. But that’s not what happens. And the station manager, without summoning the employee who has received such a “high honor”, ​​through other employees of the technical department, conveys to him the order to ensure delivery. This despite the fact that the offices of the station manager and the technical department were located in the same building at a distance of 50 steps.

The guy turned out with dignity. I made an attempt to talk with the manager and explain to him that this work is not the responsibility of a specialist in the technical department with a higher education. The station manager did not want to talk. And this story ended with the young specialist writing a letter of resignation on the same day. As far as I know, after some time he got a good position in a large private Company. A specialist who knows his worth will not be left without work.

But the station manager, who showed cowardice, was left without a good promising employee. And he didn’t even try to explain to the auditor that employees of the technical department are not obliged to transport all kinds of construction materials, and he didn’t devote two minutes to talk to his employee, who then wrote a statement. Or maybe this young specialist would agree to carry out the assignment...

You need to communicate with people. Especially if you are the boss. Subordinates should see their leader as a leader, protector and reliable person.

To summarize, I want to say that the railway is a special field of activity. And the presence of an entry in the work book about a managerial position does not guarantee its owner a carefree life and a well-paid job. I know some DS who, under the pressure of frequent checks and absurd instructions from their management, simply refused a leadership position.

Some moved to another position, others simply abandoned the railway. There are many people for whom the position of station manager gave them the opportunity to move further up the career ladder. A huge number of major railway executives have experience working as DS. Those who were able to overcome this barrier move on, those who could not choose their own path. But one thing I can say for sure is that if you distance yourself from your employees, you can easily lose them.