To get some idea of ​​the premiums wages state employees, three important points should be understood:

  • Firstly, there are different types of public sector employees: military, police, judges, civil servants, teachers, doctors, Ministry of Emergency Situations, and so on.
  • Secondly, in Russia for quite a long time there has been no uniform remuneration system for everyone.
  • Thirdly, the rules are dictated by the one who pays, in other words, the remuneration system is determined by those authorities (federal, regional, municipal) that are in charge of this or that group of public sector employees. Hence the conclusion: premiums are set differently everywhere.

Despite the diversity in this area, there are certain common approaches. Thus, wages, as a rule, consist of a constant part - salary, a compensation part - for example, additional payments for harmful work or work on holidays, and an incentive part, which should motivate employees to certain work achievements.

Stimulating part

Bonuses for length of service, or for length of service, in this sense are classified as stimulating. They stimulate the desire of employees to remain at work in a given organization, and not to seek happiness on the side. For an organization, a reduction in staff turnover is almost always a good thing, since, firstly, the costs of training new employees are reduced and the reliability of planning increases. In addition, the professional skills and knowledge of experienced workers are an invaluable wealth. Based on these considerations, in many organizations, an employee who has worked in the organization for a set number of years is entitled to some increase in salary. After a few more years, the premium increases and so on.

To more clearly illustrate the above reasoning, let us cite several documents as examples. different years who set allowances for various organizations.

Examples of experience bonuses for public sector employees

Longevity bonuses for employees of central executive authorities and law enforcement agencies were established on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 638 of July 8, 1993. “On the procedure and conditions for the payment of monthly bonuses to the official salary for length of service for employees of central bodies of the federal executive power.” According to this resolution, bonuses for managers and specialists of central bodies of the federal executive power were set as a percentage of the monthly salary in the following amounts: for work experience from 1 to 5 years - 10%; from 5 to 10 years – 20%, from 10 to 15 years – 30%, from 15 years and above – 40%.

The same resolution established bonuses for employees of central bodies of the federal executive power: from 3 to 8 years 10%, from 8 to 13 years - 15%, from 13 to 18 years - 20%, from 18 to 23 years - 25%, from 23 years and above – 30%. Even from a comparison of these two categories of workers, it is clear that bonuses can have different amounts and different terms for their appointment (increase).

A slightly different system for assigning bonuses was used until 2008 in healthcare institutions. Allowances for the duration of continuous work were established by the Regulations on remuneration, approved by order of the Ministry of Health No. 377 of October 15, 1999, which on current moment lost its power. And now wages are based on job responsibilities(scope of work, its complexity, etc.). The incentive part (bonuses) is now paid only to individual employees or categories of employees on the basis of a single grid; the procedure for their payment and the amount is determined for each institution separately. The decision is made by the executive branch.

Link to guidance document: Government Decree No. 583 of 2008, as amended in 2014.

It is obvious that even in the conditions still inherited from the USSR more or less unified systems wages there was a wide variety of such allowances. Since 2008, due to the application of new wage systems and the transfer of a large part of the powers to finance budgetary institutions to the regions, the situation has become even more diverse...

The situation is aggravated by the fact that great powers in terms of establishing remuneration systems, the Labor Code gives directly labor collectives. As a result, the Collective Agreements may contain some differences from model provisions on wages developed by regional authorities. In this regard, theoretically, even in the same city in different schools, for example, the size and conditions for assigning bonuses for continuous work experience may vary.

Cash that is paid to employees monthly in addition to their salary is in the form of allowances or additional payments. If an employee has worked for an organization for a certain time, he can count on receiving a long-service bonus to his salary.

Employers often use such incentives to encourage employees to be productive at work. In addition, this allows you to combat employee turnover in the enterprise.

In this article, we will look at which documents reflect the system of bonuses for employees, the amount of incentives for employees of the organization for length of service are established, and also which categories of employees can be guaranteed to receive additional payments and allowances to their basic salary.

At the bottom of the page there is a table showing monthly bonuses for length of service for public sector employees.

Calculating the length of service of employees

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, Chapter 21, talks about who is entitled to incentives. This applies primarily to public sector workers. With commercial organizations the situation is different..

The main document that serves as the basis for obtaining cash for length of service as an employee is a correctly completed work book. After the employee has been hired, his work book An appropriate entry must be made.

Now let's look at the most common questions related to the place and time of an employee's work, which affect his allowances.

How to receive a percentage payment to an employee who works in a commercial organization?

In order for an employee to receive bonuses for length of service for commercial enterprise, he must work on it for a specific time period. This period of time must be specified in the local act of the organization. The employer will need to take into account the following points as a working period:

  • vacation time (paid);
  • sick leave period;
  • business trips.

Thus, length of service is considered to be any periods for which the employee was paid a salary.

What happens to an employee’s length of service if he is transferred to another position?

A change of position will not affect the employee's length of service. If he is transferred to another department (at the same enterprise), the length of service will be calculated in total, except for the situation if the salary for the month has been changed.

If the salary for the month was reduced or, on the contrary, increased, then it is necessary to recalculate the amount of the bonus in accordance with the percentage of the salary, and not the length of service of the employee.

How does a transfer to another organization in the event of reorganization affect an employee’s length of service?

In this situation it turns out that workplace the employee remains the same and the owner does not change. This means that only changes legal entity. The employee should agree with the employer that his length of service will be continuous and that the percentage bonus for length of service will be maintained.

What will happen to the additional payment if the employee first worked for one employer and then switched to work for another for a certain period?

Under current law, an employee must earn longevity pay, but in some situations, especially if the employee is valuable personnel and has a high level of qualifications, then it is quite acceptable to apply to the administration of the enterprise with a request for continued payment of bonuses.

Long service allowances for public sector employees

Additional payments for public sector employees are calculated as a percentage of the salary. As in all other cases, much depends on the length of work experience during which the employee worked in a budget organization.

When calculating a salary increase for length of service, the following is taken into account as a result of calculations:

  • coefficient of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • regional coefficient;
  • bonus amount.

The total amount of the premium is subject to personal income tax.

What documents establish bonuses for length of service?

The Labor Code contains a rule according to which managers of enterprises (which are not budget-funded) are allowed to independently determine whether it is worth paying bonuses to employees’ salaries or not. Thus, employees who work in commercial organizations, there is no guarantee that they will receive additional amounts to the bet.

IN commercial firms There must be local regulations that indicate what cash bonuses employees are entitled to. When an employee is hired, he should pay attention to whether the documents contain a clause dedicated to material remuneration. The contract with the employee must indicate all allowances (including their number).

Incentive payments are not mandatory(based on Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employer himself decides in what amount such payments will be paid to employees. In addition, the wishes and recommendations of the employees themselves are taken into account.

An employment contract with an employer is the main document under which the employee will be relied upon various types material incentives. A copy of the document must be available to the employee.

The system of bonuses and premiums that are provided by the organization, in addition to the employment contract, must be reflected in the following documents:

  1. Regulations on employee bonuses (or financial incentives).
  2. Collective agreement and other documents.

Don't forget that in employment contract the following must be specified important points, How:

  • payment amounts;
  • frequency of remuneration payments for work experience.

The employment contract must also indicate all amounts of money that are due to the employee:

  • salaries;
  • bonuses;
  • bonuses.

In addition, the document must reflect the conditions, as well as the procedure for calculating funds.

Amounts of material incentives for employees and periods of their payments

The amount of material remuneration for employees for years worked is calculated as a percentage of the monthly salary. Size material incentives workers depends on the rate. If the rate was changed, then the amount of remuneration for length of service, accordingly, too.

It should be noted that payment should not stop in the following situations:

  1. The employee is on a business trip.
  2. The employee is on vacation.
  3. The employee, in accordance with the Labor Code, retains his salary.

It is not profitable for non-state institutions to introduce a system of bonuses for employees, since this entails an increase in their wages, and therefore taxes. At the same time, if the manager needs the staff to work efficiently, then it is simply impossible to do without organizing a bonus system.

The organization's accountant calculates the amount of allowances based on the local labor acts of the enterprise. Thus, in an annex to the collective agreement, a scale can be developed according to which an employee who is of particular value to the enterprise receives a certain percentage of salary for continuous work experience.

As a rule, the amount of additional payment to employees is from 5% to 30%. Much depends on the length of time the employee has been working in the organization. The more experience, the higher the bonuses. Let us add that salary increases are accrued at the employee’s main place of work.

How are long service bonuses calculated?

For error-free accrual and calculation of allowances, it is worth adhering to some rules, namely:

1. Accrual and payment of bonuses for length of service must be made every month.

2. Allowances are calculated based on the salary, taking into account the time that the employee actually worked.

3. If an employee fills a position on a temporary basis, then the increase is calculated from his basic salary.

4. If the employee has the right to increase the amount of remuneration during the calendar year, then the first payment must be accrued for the time that the employee worked after the right to increase the remuneration became available.

5. For those employees whose right to receive (increase) additional payment appeared during a calendar month, the total amount is calculated for the corresponding periods. The same applies to calculating the amount of bonuses if the salary has been changed during the month.

The employer independently sets the period for which the additional payment for length of service will be paid. As practice shows, this is usually a month.

But some commercial organizations prefer to reward employees once a year. Most often, additional payment is made in the form of a bonus. However, the calculation must be made in proportion to the time periods that employees worked.

Categories of public sector employees

  1. Civil servants.
  2. Municipal employees.
  3. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  4. Military.

For convenience, we have collected all categories of public sector employees in a table where you will find the percentage of allowances depending on length of service:

Work experience

% of salary per month


Long service allowances for civil servants

from 1 year to 5 years


The amount of allowances largely depends on the region of residence and the sector of activity of civil servants.

Some lower-level employees can count on a pension supplement of 60%, and senior management- up to 200%

from 5 to 10 years


from 10 to 15 years


from 16 years or more


Longevity bonuses for municipal employees

from 1 year to 5 years


The maximum surcharge for municipal employees is 40%

from 5 to 10 years


from 10 to 15 years


from 16 years or more


Long service bonuses for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Depending on the position

5% -75%

Benefits are provided for the following categories of employees of the following structural divisions:

    central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

    duty and cavalry units;

    temporary detention centers


    Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, as well as the Moscow region. The first 20 years of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 50% of the salary. After 20 years - every year plus 3% (but not more than 85%)

Long service allowances for military personnel

from 2 to 5 years


The maximum size of the military bonus for length of service is 40%

First 20 years military service- 50% of salary

After 20 years - every year plus 3% (but not more than 85%)

For some categories of military personnel, length of service is calculated as follows:

    for employees of flight formations (crew members of airplanes, helicopters participating in parachute jumps or in tests for the purposes of research and science) - 1 month for 2;

    for military personnel whose service involves parachute jumping (systematic), who are on the staff of combat boats (support ships), as well as for employees occupying positions that are provided for in the staff of oceanographic expeditions - 1 month for 1.5.

from 5 to 10 years


from 10 to 15 years


from 20 to 25 years


From 25 years old


In conclusion, we would like to add that all additional payments and allowances for civil servants are not mutually exclusive.

Among the incentive payments that do not depend on the performance of specialists is a bonus for length of service. It is based on length of employment in a specific field of activity for civil servants, public sector employees (teachers, health workers), military personnel, and representatives of municipal authorities. This is a way of financially motivating staff, reducing staff turnover and encouraging professional growth.

What are seniority bonuses?

Allowances are additional payments, calculated as a percentage of the basic salary, established for employees who have worked in a particular field for a specified number of years. Their introduction is intended to increase the interest of specialists in professional development, minimize staff turnover.

According to the current legislation, representatives of the following professions are entitled to receive bonuses:

  • military;
  • police officers;
  • pilots and astronauts;
  • education and health workers;
  • civil servants, etc.

If the obligation to make additional payments for length of service for a specific field of activity is not prescribed by law, companies have the right to provide for it by their local regulations. This will be a way of additional financial motivation for staff.

What determines the amount of the surcharge?

The length of service bonus due to a specific specialist is calculated as a percentage of the salary. Its value depends on the following factors:

  • a citizen's work experience in a specific field;
  • dynamics of his income over previous years;
  • areas of employment (military service, education, healthcare, state power etc.);
  • the employer's policy and the content of the incentive clause or collective agreement in force in the organization;
  • availability of additional regional coefficients, etc.

For example, the amounts of allowances for civil servants are indicated in Art. 50 73-FZ, adopted in 2004. It states that the following is added to the salary of specialists:

  • 10% – if the work experience is 1-5 years;
  • 15% – if the specialist has been working for no more than 10 years;
  • 20% – if the length of service varies between 10-15 years;
  • 30% – if the civil servant does not leave the structure for 15 years or more.

Also, such privileges are necessarily prescribed in the provisions on payment for activities or on the availability of bonuses. The legislation has almost no restrictions on the criteria affecting their size. Thus, the real circumstance regulating the amount of subsidies in budgetary institution- this is the state of his accounts.

Regarding the state civil service, it is worth noting that the circumstances are slightly different. Regulatory documents, based on which additional payment for length of service is drawn up - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the law “On State civil service" These standards establish a list of certain amounts paid to an employee for years of activity. Namely:

  • for 1-5 years of service – 10% of salary;
  • labor period 5-10 years – 15%;
  • work within the budget for 10-15 years – 20%;
  • experience more than 15 years – 30%.

At the end of the last period of service, a public sector employee is no longer entitled to additional privileges. Until the end of work, the bonus will be 30% of the salary. But, in addition to such subsidies, they are entitled to a list of various incentives for their official activities. So, for example:

  • when working with state secrets, a civil servant receives payments from 5 to 75%;
  • depending on job responsibilities, subsidies are 60-200% of the salary.

You need to know that one type of incentive does not exclude another. In other words, if several conditions are met, the employee will receive interest on each of them.

Incentives for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are regulated by Order No. 1259. It includes both bonuses for length of service and subsidies for work under special conditions. Regarding the payment for long service, the amount is calculated in a similar way - the main indicator is the percentage of official salary. But employees of certain departmental structures will not receive them, for example:

  • Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow and Moscow Region;
  • Duty department;
  • Cavalry unit.

For example, employees of the last department can receive a bonus from 10 to 100% of the salary of the position held. Also, the size of the additional amounts depends on such factors as hazardous conditions labor, the degree of responsibility and the development of professional pathologies among employees.

In addition, since 2011, Ministry of Internal Affairs specialists have been awarded additional funds for personal achievements that contributed to their qualification growth.

Grants for length of service for military personnel are formed based on the following conditions:

  • for service from 2 to 5 years, an additional 10% is paid to the salary;
  • labor period of 5-10 years – a salary increase equal to 15% is due;
  • military personnel who have devoted 10-15 years to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs can count on a subsidy of 20%;
  • when a specialist has worked for 15-20 years, the monetary remuneration will increase to 25%;
  • service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from 20 to 25 years is encouraged by a subsidy of 30% of the salary;
  • persons who have worked for more than 25 years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs can count on a forty percent remuneration.

Long service bonus - this is one of the types of pension benefits currently in force in the Russian Federation. How is it calculated long service bonus and who is entitled to receive such a benefit, we will find out in this article.

How is the percentage increase for length of service calculated?

How to calculate length of service? In order to discuss in more detail the system for calculating such an allowance, it is necessary to immediately say that when it comes to length of service, it is calculated as a percentage of the employee’s official salary. Moreover, the interest rate directly depends on the period during which the citizen carried out labor activity, - both in a specific government structure and in aggregate in all other government services.

Thus, allowancefor long service represents a certain percentage accrued on the official salary; also, the regional coefficient and the coefficient of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for example, Far Eastern) can be added to the result obtained. In addition, the bonus amount (if any is provided for the employee) is added to the resulting amount. The final amount of the premium is subject to income tax.

Talking about calculation long service bonuses certain categories of employees, it is also necessary to note that for this it is necessary to know in what area the activity was carried out and in what region each specific employee lives.

Additional payment for length of service for public sector employees

Additional payment to employees for the time they work in budgetary sphere provided for by the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the laws of the constituent entities Russian Federation, as well as orders and other regulatory legal acts of specific ministries and departments.

In addition, each budgetary institution has its own ways of rewarding employees. Based on general principles labor legislation organizations of this kind develop their own regulations regarding remuneration, which, in particular, contain comprehensive information about the methods of salary formation, the procedure for bonuses and accruals long service bonuses.

Also long service bonus for public sector employees must be provided for in the regulations on remuneration or regulations on bonuses. At the same time, the legislator practically does not limit the employer in establishing the amount of incentive payments and, by and large, the amount of such incentives depends solely on financial condition organizations.

On the length of service of state civil servants

If we are talking about length of service of state civil servants, then the nuances associated with it are regulated by the provisions Labor Code and the norms of the law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”.

According to the provisions of the mentioned regulations, long service bonus is:

  • with experience from 1 to 5 years - 10% of the official salary;
  • with 5-10 years of experience - 15%;
  • from 10 to 15 years - 20%.

If the employee is on public service of this kind for more than 15 years, the amount of the premium will be 30% and will not change anymore.

Don't know your rights?

In addition to such an allowance, a civil servant may receive other payments depending on the position he holds, the work he performs and the job duties he performs.

So, for example, depending on the group of the position held (from junior to senior), the bonus can range from 60 to 200% of the official salary. If a civilian carries out work related to access to information constituting state secrets, then, depending on the degree of secrecy of such information, the bonus can range from 5 to 75% of the official salary. If professional activity person is related to the protection of state secrets, then he also has the right to claim long service bonus in this field in the amount of 10 to 20% of the salary, depending on length of service.

It is important to say that all allowances due to an employee are not mutually exclusive. So, for example, if a citizen has the right to receive a bonus for the group of the position held (for example, the highest - 200%), his work is related to access to state secrets and his experience in this position is 10 years, then in addition to the first bonus, this citizen will also receive:

  • bonus for work related to state secrets;
  • additional payment for work experience in this field;
  • long service bonus in the amount of 20%.

About length of service in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

As in the case of civilian government employees, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs rewards its employees for their length of service with a bonus calculated as a percentage of the official salary. In addition, bonuses for special conditions of service are established for such civil servants. The positions of employees entitled to receive such an allowance are determined by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1259.

In accordance with this regulatory act, bonuses are provided for serving employees of the Russian internal affairs bodies in certain structural divisions, including:

  • in the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow and the Moscow Region;
  • duty units;
  • temporary detention centers for minors;
  • cavalry units.

So, if the employee’s position is related to the care of horses, the allowances amount to 10-100% of the police officer’s official salary. At the same time, determining the amount of the bonus is directly related to the danger and harmfulness of the work process, the degree of responsibility of employees or the possibility of them contracting occupational diseases.

In accordance with the changes in the structure of the internal affairs bodies that occurred in 2011, there was also a need for additional incentives for police officers. In particular, in connection with the decision made by the head of the department R. Nurgaliev, employees should receive bonuses in the form of a percentage of their official salary for personal successes that directly increase their qualifications in the professional field.

For example, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have received an academic degree or have achieved significant success in any sport will receive bonuses. For such services to the department, the employee may be awarded a bonus in the amount of 5 to 30 percent, depending on the employee’s achievements. This improvement in the financial situation of workers, according to the legislator, should entail an increase in the quality of personnel.

Additional payment for length of service for military personnel

In accordance with the law, the calculation of this is carried out similarly to the calculation of the allowance for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Federal Law “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them” states that they also have the right to count on long service bonus depending on experience:

  • for a service period of 2 to 5 years, the bonus is 10% of the official salary;
  • if a serviceman has served from 5 to 10 years, then he can already claim a bonus of 15%;
  • with a service life of 10 to 15 years - 20%;
  • for military personnel serving from 15 to 20 years - 25%;
  • with a service life of 20 to 25 years, the bonus will be 30% of the salary;
  • a maximum bonus of 40% is assigned to persons who have served 25 years or more.

It should also be said that depending on the duties assigned to the serviceman and the place of his military service, the calculation of the amount long service bonuses may have a number of features.

Thus, when calculating the allowance for military personnel of flight formations who are crew members of airplanes, helicopters, participate in testing catapults or parachute jumps performed for research purposes, it is necessary to take into account 1 month of such service for 2.

Other military personnel are also subject to a special calculation of the length of service allowance. For example, at the rate of 1 per 1.5 months, the length of service bonus is calculated for military personnel whose service involves systematic parachute jumps, who are on the staff of warships or boats (support ships), who occupy positions provided for in the staff of oceanographic expeditions, etc. p.