Currently, there are a number of regulations that help hired workers, employees personnel services, business leaders regulate their relationships. The most significant of them can safely be called Labor Code, which sets out the basic principles of employment in Russian Federation.

Important information is contained in the government decree, which covers in detail the aspects of registering a worker for service, “On work books” 225. To unify the requirements for the initial extract, storage and maintenance of accounting documents, there are appropriate instructions for personnel officers.

How can you officially work with two work books and two jobs?

Article 66 of the Labor Code gives a direct answer, prohibiting working and receiving wages, thus formalizing one’s creative activity. It states that when applying for employment for any vacancy, an employee must have only one document with the history of his career path, and even then, in a strictly established format. All information about part-time work can be entered, at the request of the employee, into his main book, upon presentation of an agreement that confirms this fact of cooperation.

Does a person have the right to work with two work books?

There is no information in legal acts about whether it is possible official registration from more than one book. Formally, such activity is possible. But is it worth formalizing your relationship with your employer in this way?

Two work books - the employee’s responsibility

The employer must make mandatory tax and other payments for each of its employees.
According to Article 282 of the Labor Code, an enterprise that violates the law on part-time work may receive penalties if such a fact is recorded by supervisory authorities. Therefore, the employee who caused such problems will most likely be fired.

What happens if you work with two work books in different organizations - punishment

In most cases, this is not a reason for sanctions against an employee if the information about positions, incentives, length of service reflected in them, and other information is real. However, the second document is often acquired in violation of the law. For example, an employee was fired from a previous job for gross violations or due to inadequacy for the position held and wanted to hide these facts during subsequent employment.

In other cases, they indicate a fictitious education, purchasing a diploma for money. If the fact of falsification is established, the employee can be prosecuted under Article 327 of the Criminal Code, which provides for punishment with imprisonment for up to 4 years or a significant fine, up to 80,000 rubles.

Detection of the fact of obvious falsification of the information provided about the existing work experience entails dismissal in full compliance with paragraph 11 of Article 81 of the Labor Code. This is deliberate provision of false information. In addition, if money paid in excess of the standards when using sick leave, tax deductions will have to be recalculated.

If a worker who has two documents receives a tax deduction at each place, the right to which is available to certain categories of people, for example, veterans of wars and operations in hot spots, and also receives a similar benefit at each vacancy, he risks being held liable under article 122 tax code RF.

Is it possible to apply for a pension using two work books?

This book is the main document indicating the professional activity. It is needed to calculate a pension when a person reaches a certain age. Currently, pensions are assigned in accordance with Federal Law 400, adopted in 2016.

If an employee continues to work, despite reaching a respectable age that allows him to count on government payments, then the established payment will increase in direct proportion to the length of service. You can continue to work without applying for a pension, then at the end of your career, the assigned amount will be greater.

The pension is issued only according to a single work book. There is no need to count on an increase in monthly pension payments, even if there are two accounting documents designed to contain all the information about a person’s career path. Also, at present, it is imperative to take into account that only those years are counted in the insurance period when pension fund Russia received contributions in accordance with Article 3 of Law 400.

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Tatyana, hello!

I want to get a second job, but also officially

Part-time work, as a colleague correctly pointed out, is official employment. This is secondary employment, characterized by performing other regular work under an employment contract, but in free time from other work.

Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Part-time work
An employee has the right to enter into employment contracts to perform other regular paid work for the same employer during his free time from his main job ( internal part-time job) and (or) with another employer (external part-time job).

The specifics of regulating the labor of persons working part-time are determined by Chapter 44 of this Code.

The duration of working hours when working part-time should not exceed 4 hours a day (which is employment contract indicated as 0.5 bets). On days when the employee is free from work at his main place of work labor responsibilities, he can work part-time full time (shift). During one month (another accounting period), the duration of working time when working part-time should not exceed half the monthly standard working time (standard working time for another accounting period) established for the corresponding category of workers (Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Can I have 2 work books?

no, there is only one work book and it is kept by the employer at the main place of work. When applying for a job, a part-time worker does not present it to the employer, and a new work book is also not issued.

Article 65. Documents presented when concluding an employment contract
Unless otherwise established by this Code, other federal laws, when concluding an employment contract, the person applying for work presents to the employer:

work book, except when an employment contract is concluded for the first time or an employee enters a job on a part-time basis

The employment contract does not protect the employee or sick leave

There are indeed restrictions regarding the issuance of sick leave to part-time workers.

Payment of disability benefits is made at the main place of work, it is calculated from the actual income of the policyholder (employee), respectively, internal part-time work (in the same organization) is taken into account.

Sick leave for external part-time job is issued and paid if the employee has more than 2 years of part-time work experience in this particular organization.

Maternity benefits, for example, are also paid for part-time work (subject to working for more than 2 years).

For persons working part-time, annual paid leave is provided simultaneously with leave for the main job. If an employee has not worked for six months at a part-time job, then leave is provided in advance. If in a part-time job the duration of the employee’s annual paid leave is less than the duration of leave at the main place of work, then the employer, at the request of the employee, provides him with leave without pay wages appropriate duration (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The fact that you will work part-time on a part-time basis does not mean that your vacation will be cut in proportion to the rate. Vacation is provided in the full amount established for the main place of work.

Only part-time study leave is not eligible.

A part-time worker whose leave from his main job is shorter than his part-time leave may receive monetary compensation for the difference of days. He receives the same compensation upon dismissal for unused vacation days, regardless of the reason for dismissal.

salaries are cut.

How does this manifest itself? You have the right to challenge any violations of your rights by contacting the labor inspectorate, prosecutor's office or court.

According to the law, payment for part-time workers is made in proportion to the time worked, depending on output or on other conditions determined by the employment contract. When standard tasks are established for persons working part-time with time-based wages, wages are paid according to final results for the actual amount of work performed (Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Regarding the possibility of working part-time full-time when combining work(that is, not during vacations or weekends at the main place of work), then this is not possible regarding the rate reflection(hours) in the contract, otherwise such work is already considered basic and must be formalized accordingly.

There is no such restriction regarding payment. In agreement with the manager a part-time worker may receive a full salary (for example, due to his high qualifications), which must be stipulated in the employment contract.

Regarding restrictions, the only thing that can be noted is that part-time students are not paid for study leave.

If you think that the option of working part-time has more disadvantages, you can consider working under a civil contract (for example, the provision of services for a fee). It is clear that in this case we are not talking about vacation and sick pay, but you agree on the issue of payment as you see fit. When working on a gr.-pr. It is important for the contract to take into account only that such an agreement is concluded for a one-time performance of work and should not have the characteristics of an employment contract.

Can I get a second work book and work two jobs at the same time? Such a thought may occur to an employee who combines work or wants not to show the results of his experience in another organization. Let's figure it out.

Official work is what one should strive for, since it is beneficial to the employee and brings peace of mind to the state in terms of paying the appropriate taxes. At the same time, this approach to employment guarantees receiving stable income, which becomes the basis for insurance contributions, and this is confidence in a future pension.

The current situation in the country is determined by the economic crisis, which forces people to make additional efforts to either maintain their income at the same level or try to increase it. Many this task they solve it with the help of a second job, which is often not welcomed by the main employer.

In this regard, workers find a way out of this situation by getting themselves a new “labor” one. This allows you to get a second job and avoid friction with your old employer. But how legitimate are these actions from a legal standpoint? A sufficient number of ordinary citizens who do not have in-depth legal knowledge most likely consider it normal to have more than one “labor” document. How is this regulation actually regulated? Can these actions be subject to legal sanctions?

How many “labors” are allowed?

Labor legislation regulates this kind of relationship through a significant number of regulations. The content of such acts regulates the relationships that arise between the state, employers and employees. At the same time, they in no way inform about how many “labor” documents a particular citizen can apply for.

This is not mentioned either in Article 66 of the Labor Code or in other legal acts.

But everywhere they will confirm to you that an employee can only have one work book

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not strictly prohibit an employee from having more than one work book. But if at your new place of work they find out that you deliberately hid your old work record book, then this will be regarded as the fact that you provided the employer with knowingly false information when registering the employment relationship. And this is a reason for dismissal under clause 11 of Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Where might the second book come from?

As a rule, a second copy of the work book is issued in the following cases:

  • upon dismissal “under article”, that is, due to guilty actions, which predetermines difficulties with subsequent employment;
  • loss of a book due to moving or careless handling of documents;
  • lack of experience in a certain industry and purchase of a book with falsified data;
  • employment at two enterprises and the desire to get everything due compensation and payments in full.
  1. Two work books may be on hand even if lost: the employee lost his work book, a new document was issued for him and all records of his work experience were restored in it, and the lost book was later found. Please note that the found book is no longer valid, since the inscription “Duplicate” is written on the restored document.
  2. The second book may be created by the employee in order to keep silent or hide any facts. In particular, upon graduating from university, many students do not have work experience, and therefore it can be difficult to get a decent job, which is why many buy a work book with falsified data. Also, registration of a second work book is often resorted to if the last dismissal occurred in connection with guilty actions, for example, theft at the place of work, not to mention dismissal for drunkenness in the workplace. Most workers in such a situation create a duplicate work book, explaining the absence of the first copy as a loss, but some take risks and change the ugly entry to a neutral one, that is, dismissal of their own free will.
  3. Works 2 jobs. Sometimes an employee does not want to advertise part-time work and brings a second work book for employment. According to Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen can have several places of work, but there is no need to create another work book for this. What threatens a person employed in both companies at the main place of work, and each of them will keep a work book?

Two work books may lead to violation of tax laws. Standard tax deduction given to the employee only at his main place of work. By working in two places with different work books and receiving a tax deduction twice, an employee violates the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Finance also agrees with this statement in letter dated June 30, 2014 No. 03-04-05/31345. In this case, in order not to break the law, you need to get a certificate from one of your places of work stating that deductions are not provided, and bring this certificate to the company where you plan to receive the deduction. Otherwise, you will face punishment in accordance with Art. 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - 20% of the unpaid tax amount plus penalties. Your employers will also face a similar fine under Art. 123 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Responsibility for 2 books

The legislation does not stipulate responsibility for having two work books in hand. But in the administrative and criminal codes there is a reference to forgery of documents.

And even though the work book is not an exact copy of its first predecessor, it is, in fact, a second document that acts as a work book.

There have already been precedents in judicial practice where employees were held accountable for such acts.

Under unfavorable circumstances, the situation may turn into self-deception. First of all, having two equivalent work books can result in a global disaster when applying for pensions.

It will not be possible to present both documents to the pension fund and receive a pension calculation based on the entries in them. Even if pension contributions were made on both work books, only one will be recognized as genuine. And this automatically means a loss in experience and accrued earnings. Therefore, if there are still two work books, when applying for a pension, you should choose the most profitable one in terms of length of service and salary, and not even talk about the other.

In addition, receiving benefits for both work books, for example, for child care, or using a second book to go to another job without interrupting parental leave (again due to benefits), you can wait for trouble in the form of a claim for the return of excess money received, or even the deadline for fraud.

Will the employer refuse employment if he finds out?

If an employee has two work books, then, as a rule, they cannot refuse him. Such a basis is simply not provided for the refusal, but if the employee is already carrying out activities according to one work book, then the employer may be indignant at why the employee is doing part-time work, but at the same time does not want to make an entry about this in the only work book, offering to make a note about work in another document.

But in case of violation labor legislation, Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on part-time work, the company may be subject to fines, therefore, in order to avoid punishment, the employee may be fired.

Also, problems may arise if it is discovered that data on the total length of service have been falsified, in which case the employee will be dismissed in any case in accordance with clause 11 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for providing false data.

But dismissal will not be the biggest problem, because in addition to criminal liability, you will also need to deal with overpaid amounts that were accrued during vacations or sick leave, not to mention tax deductions.

Pension and benefits

The work record book in 2016 must be submitted to the Pension Fund for granting a pension.. If there are several employees, difficulties will arise taking into account the length of service to determine the amount of the pension.

Information from the work book is also important when calculating temporary disability benefits - length of service will be taken into account only in accordance with the data in one of the work books. You cannot receive sick leave from both companies if you are employed in each of them at your main place of work. In addition, when the employer goes for reimbursement of expenses incurred for social insurance purposes (or when social insurance carries out on-site inspection organizations), the work records of sick employees will definitely be checked. If it turns out that the employee received benefits unlawfully, then this amount will be forced to be returned to the fund.

And the most serious punishment awaits those who decide to receive benefits from the state as an unemployed citizen, providing one of the work books, while continuing to officially work under the second work record. Receiving social benefits fraudulently falls under several articles of different codes:

  • Art. 7.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - petty theft: the amount of damage is less than 1000 rubles, the perpetrator will have to compensate the damage fivefold or face administrative arrest for 15 days.
  • Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud: in this case, the culprit faces a fine of up to 120 thousand rubles or correctional labor. For such a crime they can even be arrested for several months or imprisoned for up to 2 years.
  • Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - forgery or the use of forged documents is also fraught with a prison term for a citizen.
  • Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - unlawful use of other people's money: the culprit will have to return them and pay interest on the illegally obtained amounts.

Obtaining a second work book

If it happened that your work record was lost and you wanted to get a new one, then you should know how to properly draw up such a document. As a rule, the labor document is filled out in exactly the same way as its predecessor, starting from entering information into front page employee and ending with indications of places of work with previous employers.

Such a labor document can either exactly repeat what is written on the first labor form, or be absolutely clean inside.

The most important thing is the completed information about the employee’s last name, first name and patronymic, as well as information about his date of birth, education and specialty.

So is it better to have 2 workers or one?

Of course, having two work books is very convenient - you get the opportunity to carry out two activities simultaneously, not part-time, thereby not creating conflict situations with employers.

Also, the second work book provides the opportunity for the employee not to appear at the first place of work and does not ask for a temporary work record in order to get another job.

But there is a downside to this. So, for example, the length of service you have worked will not become the basis for increasing your pension. Exactly the same can be said about the fact that there will be claims against you from the tax authorities, which may become grounds for summoning you to court. In this regard, only you can decide whether you need to have two labor cards or not.


Monitoring the accuracy of the data reflected in work books is used for a reason, in connection with the good faith of employers, but because, based on the total length of service, the employee has the right to certain guarantees and compensation.

Thus, the amount of disability benefits or maternity benefits depends on the total length of service, not to mention early exit to retire.

Calculation of experience

It should be noted that length of service is not simply the totality of an employee’s work activity; on the contrary, this concept is much broader.

In particular, Article 3 of Law No. 400 states that the insurance period is the periods during which contributions were made to the Pension Fund.

Also, Article 12 of Federal Law No. 400 provides a list of periods that are included in the total length of service:

  • work activity;
  • period of child care up to one and a half years, but not more than 6 years in total;
  • period of military service;
  • periods of sick leave;
  • the period of being registered with the employment service as unemployed;
  • period of care for a disabled person of group 1.

As can be seen from the above list, work experience is a component of the total length of service when calculating pensions and disability benefits, taking into account the norm of Federal Law No. 255.

Accordingly, when calculating length of service, it is necessary to take into account all entries made in the work book, except for the period related to obtaining an education, which is currently not included in the total length of service.

In order to calculate the total length of service, two methods can be used: electronic and manual.

For electronic counting there is special program, but for the manual one you only need to use a calculator and entries from the work book, remembering that a month is 30 days, and a year is 12 months.

To begin with, you should write out all the entries from the book about admission and dismissal, and then add them up, remembering that at the moment the concept of continuous service no longer exists and only specifically worked periods are taken into account.

Owners of two work books need to remember that their work experience will be less than the actual one (after all, periods of work from only one document will be taken into account), which will affect the amount of pensions and benefits.

How are tax deductions processed?

It should be noted that having two work books has another significant drawback, namely the penalty for applying a tax deduction for two jobs.

The fact is that, in accordance with Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, certain categories of workers have the right to a tax deduction, which applies to the same Chernobyl victims and their close relatives, military veterans, adoptive parents and guardians of small children. And on the basis of Part 2 of Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a tax benefit, even if there are several grounds, can only be applied in the singular and for one place of work.

Taking advantage of the right to this type compensation at two enterprises, the employee risks being punished under Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Of course, everyone knows that it is illegal to have two work books, but not everyone understands why it is not possible, since there is still no punishment provided for.

Based on the results of my own work and colleagues from,

Considering the current salary level, the question often arises whether a person can work simultaneously in two jobs officially at full time. Because one place of employment is not enough to maintain a decent standard of living. People have to work in two places, or even get three positions at once. But it’s worth knowing what the legislation says about full-time work, as well as how a person should register when joining another company.


Let’s immediately figure out how many bets you can place on in 2019. According to the law, a person is not limited in the number of places where he has the right to work. However, you can apply for a full-time job only in one place, while in others you can already get a part-time job. This situation is justified, at a minimum, by the fact that a person physically cannot work fully in two places. After all, most organizations provide for a minimum 8-hour working day, and you need to work about 5 days a week. Consequently, a citizen will not be able to perform his duties anywhere else in this mode.

Important! A person can work as a part-time worker, and he can get a job both in his own company and in a third-party organization. The law does not prohibit this, so officially there can be 2 or more positions.

It has already been said how many bets can be combined, and a person can decide for himself this question. The most important thing is to have enough time and energy to complete all your responsibilities. Because the combination significantly increases the number working hours. Of course, if your main job allows it, then you can burden yourself with other responsibilities.

Please note that additional tasks can only be performed in free time. Therefore, you can go to additional work on weekends and holidays. If time allows, then you can perform duties immediately after a working day.

It is also worth considering the following points:

  1. In order for an employee to get a part-time job, he needs to have a main job.
  2. Daily additional work cannot be longer than 4 hours.
  3. You will have to sign a separate employment contract, which will say that the person is a part-time worker.
  4. A person has the right to all guarantees and payments that are provided in a particular organization. Because additional activity is considered official and must be formalized.
  5. Salary is calculated depending on how many hours a person works. Therefore, a person can devote less than 4 hours to these tasks, but then the salary will be less.
  6. A part-time worker can apply for scheduled leave, paid sick leave, as well as bonuses and other due payments. Consequently, such a worker is on a par with other people with whom he works in the same organization.

Each person can personally agree with his superiors when and how much he will work. Some work just one extra day a week, while others go every day. There are no restrictions in law regarding the minimum quantity. The main thing is that a person does not work beyond what is permissible, otherwise it will be considered a violation of the labor code. This leads to problems, and, first of all, the employer will have to answer before the law.

Types of part-time jobs

Additional work activity is divided into two types. Each has its own characteristics that need to be kept in mind. Many people choose an internal type of part-time job, and in this case they have to work for 1 boss. As a rule, the initiator of such business relations it is the person himself who asks to be accepted into an open position as a part-time worker. In such a situation, the same rules apply, that is, additional work should not exceed 4 hours a day. We also note that the rate cannot be higher than half the salary.

There is an external type of part-time job, that is, a person works for at least two different organizations. Again, the person himself looks for a company that is interested in part-time work. Most often you can get a job at half the rate, but it can be less depending on the situation.

Please note that a person can work on weekends and holidays for more than 4 hours. Consequently, they will begin to charge the full rate, but only for this day. Therefore, questions may arise regarding the calculation of wages, since a person will work for different amounts of time.

The accounting department does the calculations, but often there is a desire to independently determine the amount of the salary. A person may want to control the accrual, or find out in advance how much money he will receive. The calculations are easy to do if you know how to do them.

About payment

The salary amount is fixed in the employment contract, even if the person works as a part-time worker. However, it must be taken into account that an individual cannot work more than 4 hours a day and 20 hours a week. This is what you will have to base your money on.

You can pay as follows:

  1. For hours actually worked.
  2. For the quantity of goods or products made. In this case, piecework payment is applied.

In most cases, the first option is used, because it is more understandable and easier. To make it easy to make calculations later, a special timesheet is used. It displays when a person joins the company and when he leaves. From this we can deduce how many hours he worked.

To calculate wages, you will need to multiply the number of hours worked by the established rate. You will also need to add all allowances, if any. They may be working at night, in which case they must pay an additional 20% of the salary. As for holidays and weekends, the money for them is doubled.

Unfortunately, Russians do not always manage to earn as much as would be enough for them to have a normal, full-fledged existence. That is why many people, while sitting at work, often think about where they can earn extra money. Is it possible to work two jobs officially? Are there any legal options and the reasons for this?

How to get a second job officially

Everyone understands that old age is ahead, they need to “earn” a decent pension, so citizens are seriously considering various proposals. Today it is profitable to work officially so that the pension is decent.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a possible second official employment, calling such actions of a citizen “”. Experts, when asked whether it is possible to get two jobs at once, say that there are no restrictions for this. You can find yourself at least three or more if you follow some nuances of the law.

Basic conditions:

  • the person is already officially employed at least once;
  • the employee is hired on an internal or external part-time basis, the first is appropriate in the same organization (assignment of a second position), the second for third-party employment;
  • schedule and responsibilities should not interfere with core activities.

An activity is considered an official combination when the corresponding responsibilities are agreed upon with the first contract. A corresponding agreement is concluded between the employer and employee. An entry is made in the book. Another question involuntarily arises: how many work books are allowed to have by law, and is it possible to have two work books at the same time?

Second labor

When planning to find a second income, people try to find out whether in their case it is possible to get two jobs officially, whether to get a second work record book and whether it is legal. Experts, studying the code, give the following explanations: when applying for an additional official position, they do not open a second work book.

Or organization, then the manager simply makes a corresponding additional entry in the document. Based on this, appropriate deductions are made. Having accepted a position in third party organization, the employee is one way or another obliged to make a note in the existing document, but not to create a second work book. Although many, when they try to hide the fact of additional employment from their main employer, do not do this.

A second work book is created if the main one has been lost. To obtain a new document to replace the lost one, a corresponding application is written. All records from the old one are entered into the new document, if it is possible to restore the data.

It often happens that after purchasing a “duplicate”, a person finds an old book. Of course, this is not reported anywhere; both documents remain. However, only one of them can be considered valid, which one is chosen by the employee himself together with the employer. We answered the question of how many work books you can have according to the law. Yes, as much as you like, you are only allowed to make all the main entries and use one document. It is prohibited by law to use several work books at the same time.

Important! The employer does not have the legal right to demand a second salary. The parallel maintenance of two documents is prohibited by law and is considered to be (Article No. 66).

It is recommended to keep all available books, since when applying for a pension or calculating maternity benefits, errors and inaccuracies are often found in the new document, then the information is taken from the old version, which was once lost, and then found, but then never kept. The old form is also considered valid.

Often people don’t even think about whether it is possible to work on two work books at the same time. For example, having an unpleasant record, because of which it is unlikely to be accepted for good place, they deliberately create another document and say nothing about the previous one. In this case, if fraud is proven, the employee faces administrative punishment.

The law does not prohibit officially working two jobs.

When part-time work is impossible

When looking for additional employment (part-time work), you need to know that for many categories of citizens such actions are prohibited by law.

  • citizens who have not reached the age of majority (under 18 years of age);
  • who has main work is considered particularly dangerous to life (presence of harmful, dangerous, difficult working conditions).

Experts note that the ban includes the following professions: vehicle driver, military, government officials (police officers, representatives), government members, deputies, lawyers, prosecutors, judges. At the same time, there are adjustments, for example, government members can simultaneously conduct teaching practice and become interested in scientific fields. Some can combine additional position within the organization where they work.

Citizens who have not reached the age of majority cannot work part-time

Required documents

When applying for additional employment, workers often hear the question of whether it is possible to work two jobs officially; the answer is negative - this is not true. It is prohibited to work two jobs at the same time, but part-time work is allowed. Is it possible to work two jobs officially without breaking the law - yes! The main thing is to follow all the nuances of proper employment so that the appropriate deductions and deductions are made.

When contacting a new employer, the employee provides:

  • passport;
  • diploma of existing education;
  • other documents confirming suitability for the position: driver’s license, certificates of completion of advanced training courses;
  • a certificate from the boss from the main place of work (the document must contain the specifics of the work, the time period of employment);
  • application for admission.

The list of basic documents can be supplemented by a pension certificate, military ID, which a representative of the personnel department deems necessary to request. It is not necessary to provide the original work book; it is kept at the main place of employment. New entries are also made there, based on documents on additional employment.

When applying for a main position, an employee is registered according to the employment contract, and in case of a part-time position, he is accepted under a contract.

Applying for part-time work

When deciding once again to legally find a job, a citizen applies in writing or in person to the employer.

Having discussed the nuances of future activities, part-time employment is carried out in stages:

  1. An agreement is signed.
  2. The manager issues an employment order, which clearly states that this is part-time employment.
  3. The employee is provided necessary documents to the HR department of the selected organization.
  4. An entry is being made into the labor record.

Re-employment usually takes a short time. A personal file is opened for the employee, his responsibilities, rights, and how to officially work two jobs are clearly explained. The employee retains the right to receive bonuses, allowances, vacations, and sick leave. Vacation is planned according to vacation time at the main place. If the vacation at the second job is shorter, or the employee has not yet earned it, it will still be given “in advance” or it will be unpaid. After working for two years, you can get paid sick leave at your second job. If the period is shorter, then sick leave is issued only at the main place of employment.

Re-employment takes a little time

Working time planning

When drawing up a contract, the employer is obliged to stipulate a schedule. It is believed that additional work cannot take more than 4 hours a day. Working hours may be less if the main job involves a full shift. Weekends that fall between Monday and Friday at the main place of employment can be used as full working days for extra work. The period of part-time work, at the request of both parties, can be indefinite or clearly limited. This nuance must be specified when drawing up agreements.

Useful video: legal advice on whether it is possible to officially work two or more jobs

If you are planning to find additional official income, you can apply for a job according to the law without violating anything. When applying for an additional position, a citizen should not wonder whether there can be two main places of work. This definitely does not happen. Therefore, it is necessary to decide which employment will be the main one and which additional.