There are techniques that involve intentionally activating your emotions by thinking about a person or situation that once aroused your anger, lust or fear, and then letting go of the thoughts and interacting with pure energy, asking yourself: “Who am I without these thoughts? » The practice of meditation is simpler, but, in my opinion, no less effective. When unpleasant emotions arise spontaneously, we let go of the story behind them and are left alone with the energy. It is a pure sensory experience, not a verbal explanation of what is happening. We actually feel the energy in our own body. When we manage to simply stay with this energy, without expressing it or suppressing it in any way, it begins to awaken us. Practitioners often ask, “I keep falling asleep during meditation, what should I do?” There are many remedies for drowsiness, but my advice is: “Get over your anger!”

It is not human nature to stay with your energy. Typically, he seeks to get rid of unpleasant emotions through expression or suppression. For example, when we are overcome by anger, we shout or resort to physical activity. But the expression of anger usually alternates with feelings of shame or guilt. We become so accustomed to this way of releasing energy that we automatically repeat the same patterns of behavior over and over again, thus continuing to maintain and strengthen our negative emotions.

Many years ago, at a party, I saw my friend passionately embrace another woman. We were at the house of a friend of mine who had a magnificent collection of ceramics. Filled with rage, I began looking for something to throw on the floor. However, everything I grabbed, I had to put back, because these things cost at least ten thousand dollars each. I was completely furious and could not find an outlet for my rage! I couldn't get rid of my own energy. The absurdity of this situation instantly dissipated all my rage. I went outside and started laughing, raising my face to the sky, until my laughter turned into crying.

Vajrayana Buddhism says that emotions have primordial wisdom. Thus, when we fight with our energy, we deny the source of wisdom within ourselves. Anger free from fixations is nothing more than clear vision. Pride, not attached to anything, is experienced as equanimity. The energy of passion, free from entanglements, represents the wisdom of broad vision.

In the practice of bodhichitta we also work with the pure energy of emotions. Usually, increased emotions cause us fear. This fear is always present in our lives. During sitting meditation, we discard all verbal reasoning and plunge directly into emotion and fear. This is how we learn to open our hearts to our own energy; We learn to experience emotions that frighten us.

Being present in the present moment. Another quality that we develop in the process of meditation is the ability to be present in the present moment. Every second, every moment we consciously make this choice - to be “here and now.” Being present in your body and mind in at the moment, we show attention to ourselves, to other beings and to the world. This quality of mindfulness is a direct expression of our capacity to love.

Bringing yourself to the present moment requires some effort, but this effort should not be excessive. We just lightly “touch and let go.” For example, we get in touch with our thoughts, define them as “thinking,” and then let them go. This is a non-aggressive way to be “here and now”, without fighting.

Some thoughts can be so attractive that we don't want to let them go. We are much more interested in watching this inner movie than returning to the present moment. The world of fantasy can be very seductive, so in order to break habitual patterns, we must learn to apply a “soft” effort, in other words, cultivate compassion for ourselves.

The practice of meditation leads us to maitri and unconditional openness. When we do not resist anything, but calmly come into contact with our thoughts and then let them go, we begin to see that our original energy - loving, healthy and refreshing and that our true nature is bodhichitta, not worry and confusion.

Commandments of the warrior, or instructions for training the mind

Practice precepts in all matters.

From ATISHA's instructions for training the mind

The teaching of bodhichitta was brought to Tibet from India in the eleventh century by Atisha Dipankara. Special attention he devoted to the so-called teaching of lojong, or the practice of training the mind. This teaching is still of interest to us because it shows how difficult life circumstances can be turned into a path to enlightenment. What we dislike most in life, in Atisha’s practices, is “food” for cultivating the mind. What we perceive as the biggest obstacle - anger, resentment, tension - is used as fuel to awaken bodhichitta.

For some time after Atisha's death, these teachings were kept secret and passed on only to his closest disciples. However, they regained widespread prominence in the twelfth century when the Tibetan master Geshe Chekawa outlined them in the form of fifty-nine precepts, or precepts. These short sayings are now known as the lojong rules, or instructions of Atisha. Knowing these instructions and applying them to your life is one of the most effective bodhichitta practices.

Geshe Chekawa had a brother who distrusted Buddhist teachings and always caused Geshe a lot of trouble. But when he learned that many leprosy patients who practiced with Geshe were healed, the brother became interested in this teaching. Hiding behind the door, he began to listen to conversations about how difficult life circumstances could be turned into finding a path. When Chekawa noticed that his brother became less irritable, more tolerant and tactful, he guessed that he was listening and putting into practice the teachings on training the mind. Then he decided to teach the rules of lojong to a wider audience - if they helped his brother, then they would help anyone.

We usually follow our impulses without even trying to change our habitual patterns of behavior. Do we think about practice when we have been betrayed or offended? As a rule, no. But it is precisely at such moments that Atisha’s instructions are most effective. It is not difficult to read and remember the instructions; it is much more difficult to remember to apply them in life. Thus, when experiencing irritation, we can remember the commandment: “Always meditate on what caused offense in you,” and this will keep us from the usual reaction - the desire to say something unpleasant to the person. If we understand this commandment well, it will spontaneously arise in our minds at the right moment, keeping us from reacting and reminding us to simply be present with our emotional energy.

The practice of training the mind challenges us; Can we remember in time the necessary instruction that would bring us back to the present moment and keep us from habitual reactions? Can we not “dump” excited emotional energy, but allow it to transform us? The essence of the practice of instruction is to direct the warrior's attention to the direct experience of discomfort. She encourages me to constantly ask myself the question: “How can I practice right now, in this unpleasant moment for me, and how to transform it into the path of awakening?” Every day we have many opportunities to ask ourselves this question.

The commandment “Practice the three overcomings” gives specific recommendations on how to practice, how to interrupt your habitual reactions. The three efforts are as follows:

(1) recognize your neurosis as a neurosis,

(2) do something different, and

(3) strive to continually practice in this manner.

Be Warrior - Means live for real brave, honest and dignified in the face of any danger, fears, doubts. Life Warrior may have nothing to do with military operations, and at the same time - not all Warriors.

Warrior- only the one who, not in words, but in actions, places above all else Honor, Faith in himself and his comrades, Dignity and Courage.

Military commandments

1. We are what we think about ourselves.

Everything that happens is the consequence of our thoughts, so control what you think about. A winner does not think like a victim.

2. Believe in yourself

Don't say: " I can't do this". Instead, ask yourself: “ How can I do this?". So you will find a way.

3. Be consistent, avoid fuss

Don't rush to learn everything at once. Path Warrior very long, distribute your efforts and set priorities.

4. Don't be a slave to your desires. Keep everything simple and moderate

Find golden mean in everything. All problems come from excesses, both in self-indulgence and in excessive asceticism.

5. Act and live consciously

Warrior cannot afford to go with the flow of life when he only has one life. His way is the way conscious choice and active actions.

6. Win and don’t be afraid of defeats

Strive to be the best, but don't be afraid of mistakes and failures. They are your best teachers.

7. Connect your mind, body and spirit as one. Your enemies do not fear you, but the Warrior in you

The body is your weapon, the spirit is its strength, the mind is its skill. Only together they are able to successfully fight and defeat enemies.

8. Achieve everything yourself. Never ask for anything

U Warrior everything can be taken away except what he has achieved himself. This is with him forever.

9. Once you get down to business, bring it to the end. Keep your word

Do not leave unfinished business and debts behind you - their responses will haunt you. A person is judged by the difference between word and deed.

10. Act quickly and decisively. Self-doubt is a Warrior's worst enemy

Make your choice consciously. Once you make a choice, never doubt or regret it. The tree falls, eaten by worms. Don't let the worms of doubt destroy your spirit and mind.

11. Don’t regret the past, don’t be afraid of the future, live in the present.

Warrior commits the greatest stupidity when he regrets the past. By forgetting the present, he loses the future.

12. Be responsible for your words, actions and your ignorance

Search only in yourself the reason for all failures. Only you yourself are responsible for everything that happens to you and around you. The stronger the responsibility Warrior, the wider the range of events that it can influence.

13. Change yourself if you want to change the world

In your hands Warrior enormous power - he can change the world around him by changing his attitude towards it.

14. Don't be afraid of anything. A warrior can be destroyed, but never defeated!

You can destroy the body Warrior, but his will and spirit cannot be broken.

15. Be impeccable. Don't feel sorry for yourself and don't indulge yourself

In the face of possible death every second, human weaknesses are irrational. When Warrior impeccable in everything, he is protected from accidents and reproaches.

16. Don't judge others

Accept others for who they are, with their mistakes and shortcomings. Be Warrior Not everyone can do it.

17. Don’t betray your teachers and comrades

By betraying those who follow the same Path with you, you betray your Path and yourself.

18. The only criterion for a Warrior’s combat effectiveness is the duel

Use any situation in your life as a challenge, as an opportunity to prove yourself and gain even greater strength in the fight against your shortcomings.

19. Don't be arrogant

Never consider yourself better than others. Everyone is different, and you can learn something from everyone. And the mind, closed by the shield of vanity, is unable to comprehend anything new.

20. Work on yourself. There is no limit to perfection

Never stop at the goal you have achieved, there is always something else to strive for. Only by improving yourself, Warrior getting stronger.

The sword is nothing, the warrior is everything.
Everyone is equal to everyone, everyone is equal to everyone, everyone is equal to everyone.
If you can't survive alone, a thousand friends won't save you.
The word given by a barbarian is a guarantee of his honor.
If the word goes ahead of you, there is no big problem, but if you cannot catch up with it, then you are not a man.
In the field the barbarian is at home, in the forest the barbarian is at home, in the sea the barbarian is at home because the barbarian’s home is himself.
Do not raise your hand against your friend.
Do not deny your friend.
If a barbarian surrenders, it only means that he is going to strike the enemy from the rear.
For a barbarian, family is first and foremost his children.
A barbarian who puts a woman above everything in life is a blind barbarian.
The barbarian who has forgotten his father and mother will be forgotten himself.
The enemy of each of us is our common enemy.
What is reasonable is what is useful.
Look for a friend, the enemy will find you himself.
If you want to change the world around you, be reborn yourself.
A crooked tree is easier to cut down than to straighten.
The arrow loves a standing target more.
The barbarian does not step on the same trail twice.
Get back what you lost.
Never regret what does not belong to you.
Don't touch someone else's, it's cursed for you.
Three main vices: betrayal, cowardice, stupidity.
The barbarian believes with his eyes. If they tell you that the sun now rises in the west, don’t be lazy in the morning to look out the window.
Do not make your enemy someone who does not consider you his enemy. Forgive the one who forgives you.
The barbarian can be destroyed, but never defeated!
A barbarian who has forgotten his enemy is a dead barbarian.
You lost so many times that you forgot about your defeat.
Turning an enemy into an ally is the best victory.
The barbarian must be incomprehensible, unpredictable and unexpected for the enemy.
It's hard to hit that target that keeps disappearing.
Never ask for anything. Achieve everything yourself.
Don't believe in luck - it's blind. Believe in success, the barbarian achieves everything himself.
Despise the one who asks.
Help someone who needs your help but doesn't ask for it.
The barbarian never complains about anything. The barbarian will not even complain about his own life.
The weak need luck. The strong move the stars themselves.
The reason for all failures must be sought within oneself.
The one who stands firmly on his feet is the one who is not swayed one way or the other.
Where it is more difficult, it is more worthy.
He who keeps his head down sees nothing.
The ax loves bowed heads.
You must answer all the questions that life puts before you yourself.
A chatterbox decorates his life with words, a merchant with money and luxury, a warrior with death.
You can swim far from the shore, the main thing is to always return to it.
Don't say ten words where only one word is expected of you.
Your enemies do not fear you, but the warrior in you and the barbarian in you.
A hungry wolf has a better sense of smell.
Every arrow hits the target.

If you want to survive - Be a Barbarian

(Based on the works of Carlos Castaneda, Theun Mahrez and Andrey Nefedov.)

The rules of a warrior are mastered based on postulates warrior.

Warrior postulates.

1. The whole world is an endless mystery.

2. It is the duty of a warrior to solve this mystery, but he should never indulge in the hope that he will succeed.

3. A warrior is part of the world, which means he is also part of the mystery. He becomes one with her.

4. Being one with this mystery, the warrior inevitably comes to the realization that the existence of all things is mysterious: an atom, a stone, a plant, an animal, a person or a superhuman entity. Having achieved such knowledge, the warrior acquires true humility, since in this riddle of existence everyone is equal.

Postulates are a philosophical basis. On at this stage you can only superficially familiarize yourself with them without going deeply into their meaning. But, thinking more deeply about life, sooner or later you will come to the postulates of a warrior.

Warrior rules.

1. The warrior chooses his battle himself and therefore always carefully evaluates the circumstances and conditions of the battle. Participation in a battle that brings nothing to the solution of existence makes no sense. Most often, a warrior accepts those challenges of life that allow him to free himself from limiting beliefs, resolve the conflict of dual motivations (he wants to eat and wants to lose weight) or come face to face with the commands of subconscious fears. He rejoices when, in order to win, he has to play roles that are diametrically opposed to those that are ingrained in his usual behavior.

It is from these positions that a warrior chooses what life task he will solve and what in this life struggle will be considered a victory for him and what a defeat. He uses the opinions of other people only as information for a better understanding of the situation, but not as a factor influencing his self-esteem. The warrior looks not at the external side of the battle, but at its essence. Therefore, victory in the generally accepted sense may not coincide with the internal victory of a warrior, although sooner or later victory over oneself brings the possibility of external victory.

Victory and defeat come at a price. Therefore, there is no point in dividing into winners and losers. Only perfection in battle makes sense.

“The only defeat in life is refusing to fight.”

“Honest failure is not shameful, fear of failure is shameful.” ( Ford.) “Whoever wants to become an eagle should not strive to be the first among the jackdaws.” (Proverb.)

2. In pursuit of simplicity, the warrior discards unnecessary actions. Every moment he uses all the information available at the moment and makes the most accurate calculation of which he is capable. But he knows that every action is a step into the unknown, where new circumstances can make all previous knowledge useless. Only by taking a step will he acquire the knowledge necessary for victory. “If you don’t try, you won’t know.” Knowledge collected intellectually is limitless, so the cultivator is not interested in collecting knowledge in itself. He collects knowledge only necessary for battle. “He is wise who knows what is necessary, and not much.” “Who is an economist? This is a person who knows more about money than the one who earns it.

The warrior does not follow the path of constructing theories, but the path of realizing existence. “The theory only makes sense from the point of view of efficiency.” Knowledge also only makes sense from a standpoint of efficiency. To solve problems at a new level, both practical, scientific and philosophical, there comes a time when you need to completely discard the old models, theories and rules. The principle of “Occam’s razor” works here, which requires: “Do not create unnecessary entities, discard all constructions that interfere with direct intuitive and experimental understanding.” The principle of Occam's razor applies not only to knowledge, but also to actions.

3.A warrior is always ready to fight to the death. The path of the warrior can only be mastered when it becomes a matter of life and death. Every jump requires you to say goodbye to your take-off point. This is a path of no return. Again: “If you don’t try, you won’t know.” Once you try, there is no turning back.

4. Entering into battle, the warrior gives himself completely to his actions, allowing the spirit to flow easily and freely . Only in this case will the forces of destiny open the door for him.

The warrior does not care about the upcoming victory or defeat; he is completely absorbed in the challenge of the current moment. A warrior thinks and doubts before making a decision. But when it is accepted, he acts without being distracted by doubts, fears and hesitations. A warrior is concerned with doing here and now, rather than thinking about what he will do when he wins or loses.

5. When faced with an unequal opponent, a warrior opens up completely to the world and allows his mind to occupy himself with the little things in life. . Everything changes, reality flows. The warrior lets go of the tension of this conflict, simply depriving it of his attention, thoughts about it, affection. Attention fixes reality, while uncertainty (lack of observation) allows reality to flow. And therefore he needs to deal with the little things in life so flawlessly that the original problem ceases to exist for him. This action is called “perfect tying of shoelaces.” “We were walking with him one day through a very steep gorge, when suddenly a huge block of stone separated from the wall, rolled down and with an incredible roar fell to the bottom of the canyon twenty to thirty yards from the place where we stood. The fall of this boulder was an impressive event. Immediately, don Juan saw an opportunity to learn a dramatic lesson. He said that the power that rules our destinies is outside of us and does not pay attention to our actions and expressions of will. Sometimes this force forces us on our way to bend down to tie our shoelaces, as I just did. If we had continued walking, this huge boulder would clearly have crushed us to death. However, some day, in another gorge, the same guiding force will again force us to bend down and tie our shoelaces, while another rock falls exactly above the place where we stand. Continuing, don Juan said that since I have absolutely no control over the forces that decide my fate, my only freedom in this gorge is to tie my shoes perfectly.”(Castaneda.)

6.A warrior compresses time. Any battle, large or small, cannot be postponed and is a battle of life and death. “A second try isn’t worth a penny.” (Seneca.) Time is the main resource. Refusal to act in the hope of a second chance is an irrational use of the main resource. Tilling the land, planting seeds and harvesting must be done on time, no earlier and no later. The universe doesn't wait. Only, unlike the seasons, life chances are not so cyclical and predictable. Addition: “Strike while the iron is hot.” “Count your money without leaving the cash register,” but “There are situations in which the most perfect action is inaction.” (Toltec.)

7. A warrior never reveals his essence, even to himself. In solving the problems of battle, a warrior fits into the social conditioning of the people around him. He achieves such perfection in this that he himself believes in the importance of his external actions, which are no different from actions dictated by petty passions.

One adept used the pursuit of wealth as an exercise in his battle. When he achieved a lot, his students began to praise him, and he replied: “No, I was not able to fully free myself from shortcomings. I will consider myself achieved when you begin to consider me astray.”

Results of rules execution.

1. The warrior is in no hurry.

2. A warrior never takes himself seriously and laughs at himself.

3.A warrior has endless possibilities for improvisation.

Nefedov Andrey ( [email protected])