Denis Kaplunov

Effective commercial offer. Comprehensive Guide

This book is well complemented by:

Joseph Sugarman

The Art of Business Writing

Sasha Karepina

Selling texts

Sergey Bernadsky

We write convincingly

This book will be useful for every person who, at least once in his life, has been faced with the need to draw up commercial proposals. My goal is to turn it into your desktop tool that will help you work efficiently.

You are a businessman and are faced with the task of expansion client base, as well as increasing sales figures. This is natural business growth: it is not beneficial for anyone to stand still and expect a miracle. A commercial offer is an excellent opportunity to appeal to the masses. target audience with the presentation of their products.

You are the project manager and are interested in financing it. A commercial offer will help attract attention potential investors. You are not asking for money, as many do. You describe the advantages, economic prospects and offer the opportunity to make a profit by investing a certain amount in your project.

You are launching a new product on the market, which has no analogues until now and is unlikely to appear in the near future. With the help of a commercial proposal, you can not only effectively communicate your know-how, but also instantly draw the attention of a wide audience to it. Customer interest is the friend of sales growth.

There are countless similar examples. Because the issue of drawing up an effective commercial proposal is relevant for any business today. Every month, approximately 95,000 people enter the phrase "commercial offer". Every day new companies appear that strive to grab their piece of the overall pie. Competition is getting tougher, the client is being attacked from all sides.

There are a lot of controversial conversations, disputes and heated discussions around the topic of copywriting. That's all that remains open question: whose opinion should you listen to?

In this book, I offer you my point of view, which has already passed through “Crimea and Rome”, and Kyiv, and Moscow, and Milan, and London, and many other cities. My name is Denis Kaplunov - I am a practicing copywriter, specializing exclusively in the preparation of selling texts. You may have read my first book, “Copywriting of Mass Destruction” (Peter Publishing House, 2011).

I believe that there are no natural geniuses in the field of copywriting and that anyone can learn to write sales pitches.

Many are afraid to do this, believing that “For this you need to be born a copywriter”. Childish excuse. Remember: copywriters are not born, they are made. Every good copywriter started out as a bad copywriter.

Have you ever seen a baby who would write a business proposal first? And it’s difficult to imagine a schoolchild as an expert in this field, because he doesn’t yet have experience in running a business; he hasn’t yet had either the taste of victory or the poison of defeat on his lips.

My first business proposal was covered in red, crossed out in many places, and ultimately torn to shreds. Some people might have given up, but for me failure became an intellectual irritant. At that moment, I promised myself that I would definitely learn how to create commercial proposals that would achieve my goal. And I did it.

I do not have a philological education, I have never worked as a journalist. Before the start professional activity writing any business texts seemed blacker than a dark forest to me. But I worked in sales for more than seven years, and there is nothing to do there without the skill of composing selling texts of various types. In this area, a commercial proposal is one of the main tools.

Imagine - one commercial offer and one personal meeting, after which I have an agreement in my hands, which includes the amount of 4.5 million euros. Impressive?

Another example is a commercial proposal and personal meeting that led to the conclusion of a cooperation agreement worth approximately $840,000.

Any successful skill is a combination of knowledge (theory) and practice (experience). I studied a lot, experimented, adopted experience, made a catastrophic number of mistakes - this did not upset me, but only stimulated me, I realized that I was getting better. But now I see and know how this could have been avoided. That is why I decided to write a book - to save you time and protect you from many troubles.

What can you expect in the book? This is not theoretical work, A practical guide. Step by step we will go through all the stages, consider a dizzying number of special techniques, techniques and secrets that will take you to a higher level, and examples that will help you understand the essence of this or that technique.

Moreover, it touches on issues of marketing, sales and NLP (neurolinguistic programming), without which it is impossible to imagine a sensible commercial proposal. You will learn everything you need to know.

If you have never made a single commercial proposal in your life, you have the opportunity to start your journey in the right direction, protecting yourself from many mistakes from the very beginning. I am sure that as soon as you turn the last page of this book, you will understand that its price should be at least several times higher. You will recommend it to your friends and acquaintances. You can also give it to your clients; I am sure that they will treat such a gift with due attention. Now is the time to make sure of this.

Denis Kaplunov

Why do 80% of commercial offers fail?

This is a misconception. It was introduced into circulation by people who have negative experience in applying commercial proposals. They prepared some kind of document, wrote something in it, sent it to someone and waited a long time for the result. When the result turned out to be disastrous, they launched this crazy myth among the people. Naturally, there will always be people who will pick up such a myth and begin to build entire opposition movements around it with flags, anthems and banners.

There is another dedicated audience of energetic agitators who consider the sales pitch a waste of time. This handful of people hit a wall that says: “Letters can’t attract clients”.

The sad thing is that there are many of them, they sow panic. But a smart and quick-witted person will say: “It’s easier to admit that you’re a failure than to try to find a solution.”. Let them shout, let them doubt, this will only benefit us, because their opinion is very far from the truth. And if they do not use commercial offers, then this only gives us a head start. While they scream and doubt, you and I are doing, attracting and earning.

If one person cannot jump over a two-meter barrier with a running start, this does not mean that others cannot do it. If you train long and hard, one day you will achieve the desired height. And losers and skeptics will continue to cry about the impossibility of such a leap.

Commercial offers work, and I am absolutely confident in this, because I have results. I overcame this barrier. Although, I admit, my first attempts left much to be desired, but I was in no hurry to wave the white flag, did not react to difficulties, but confidently moved towards my goal.

What should we learn from Dr. House?

Many are familiar with the TV series “House,” in which the recognized modern sex symbol Hugh Laurie starred. Dr. House always had unconventional methods of work, and he often achieved impressive results, defeating numerous insidious ailments in difficult battles.

The hero Hugh Laurie spent a lot of time to make the correct diagnosis. The specialist understands: if there is an error in the diagnosis, doctors will treat what is not there. It’s better not to write what consequences this could lead to; everyone’s imagination works at the proper level.

Dr. House, in front of his combat team of young colleagues, wrote down on the board the symptoms of a particular patient's ailments. Then, through heated discussions, doctors established probable diseases that are characterized by the listed symptoms. The next step is the elimination method. Based on tests and trial treatment, the list was reduced to just one, correct one. Logic – terrible power, especially if you own it.

What am I getting at? What we have before us is a disease that is a broken commercial proposition. Judging by the scale, it is not just a disease, but a general epidemic that is spreading at an astronomical pace. It covered both small and big business, it infected both new and long-established companies. How to fight such a plague?

There are only two ways here:


Find the cause and eliminate it.

I’ll say right away: if you give up, you can lose the most powerful channel for attracting customers and increasing sales. With such a step, you can even present serious things to others for free, on a silver platter. competitive advantage. Because if you give up, this does not mean that competitors will join you. On the contrary, they will look for all the ways and opportunities to turn your weak point into a strong argument in your favor.

And then you will have to catch up and catch up with them. But what is the point of being in the shadows if you can create it yourself for others? People are used to copying; they are afraid to be the first. And when you are a pioneer, you already have a head start, and you just need to maintain the advantage you have gained.

The second way is to find the cause and eliminate it. Here is ours with you main task– understand why the commercial proposals we write do not give the expected result. We will be able to identify the reasons, this will allow us to eliminate them and take the path of effective commercial offers.

Just because a car won't start doesn't mean it should be sent to the scrapyard. There are a lot of reasons that prevent her from starting. As soon as you look at them and find at least one real one, the problem is eliminated, the machine is again ready for work and defense. And you receive an additional positive emotional impulse - you did not give up and won.

If the borscht is not successful, this does not mean that it does not need to be cooked anymore. All that is required is to understand the cause of the bad taste, eliminate it and enjoy the dish. If you over-salted, don’t make such a mistake next time. If you forgot to add beans, what's stopping you from filling in the gap?

A commercial proposal is a pass, a ticket for negotiations, where the fate of the deal is decided. Very few commercial proposals (CPs) provide for an immediate direct sale. Conclusion: if the CP you compiled did not interest the reader, it means you did something wrong. There can be many reasons, as well as symptoms, for the diseases with which Dr. House fought.

9 Key Symptoms of a Sick Sales Proposal

You and I agree that a bad commercial proposal is characterized by certain rough points. And where there is bad, there will definitely be good, you just need to learn to find it. The more bad we eliminate, the more good we end up with.

The ineffectiveness of a commercial proposal is a diagnosis that is determined using weaknesses, symptoms. Weaknesses have their own reasons. Nothing in life just happens. A non-working CP is not a poltergeist, not an anomaly or mysterious natural phenomenon, so the cause can be found and eliminated.

When we know exactly why our commercial offer doesn’t work, it’s easier for us to choose the right solutions and turn a useless piece of paper into a powerful sales tool. You have found a rational grain, all that remains is to fertilize the soil, plant it, water it on time and wait for a rich harvest.

Now I will give you several reasons why many CPs were thrown into the trash. And then we will dwell on each in detail in order to understand it specifically. So, take a look at this list carefully.

1. The proposal formulated in the CP is non-competitive.

2. The CP is sent to people who are obviously not interested in it.

3. The CP was compiled without analyzing the needs of the target audience.

4. The CP was compiled using the example of a template that was downloaded on the Internet.

5. The CP is poorly designed, making it difficult to read and understand the information.

6. The CP simply tells, it does not contain a specific proposal.

7. The sales pitch only talks about the product, not its benefits.

8. The reader is presented with an unnecessarily cumbersome commercial proposal.

9. The CP is read by a person who does not make decisions.

The list can be continued, because any commercial offer in each individual case has specific features. But these are the main ones.

Now look at the list of reasons. You will see that the process of drawing up a CP is a separate art, and not “cooked” in 30 minutes, as often happens. Let's take a closer look at each reason mentioned.

Non-competitive offer

I repeat, a commercial proposal is your pass, a ticket to negotiations. Any proposal (stated on paper or in a live conversation) should interest a representative of the target audience. Key idea - "should be of interest". Making a decision on cooperation in most cases is accompanied by a comparison: “what was - what will be.” The only interesting thing is that (according to the client) better than that what he has, or what your competitors offer him.

At every crossroads they shout: think about the client, look for his needs. Only few people study competitors in advance, or this study is done ineptly. I am always surprised by the emergence of clone companies that copy someone else's successful business. Meaning? It is better to sit, think, find points of difference and build a concept of differentiation based on this.

It is not for nothing that they say that No. 2 is such not because it completely copies No. 1, but because it is completely different. No. 2 is different from No. 1, it has specific aspects of differentiation, which is why it is a full-fledged alternative, and not a banal clone, which, as a rule, crumble after a few years. In marketing wars for the client, the winner is generally the first one - the one who introduced a specific point of difference before everyone else.

Denis Kaplunov

An effective commercial proposal. Comprehensive Guide

This book is well complemented by:

Joseph Sugarman

The Art of Business Writing

Sasha Karepina

Selling texts

Sergey Bernadsky

We write convincingly

This book will be useful for every person who, at least once in his life, has been faced with the need to draw up commercial proposals. My goal is to turn it into your desktop tool that will help you work efficiently.

You are a businessman and are faced with the task of expanding your customer base, as well as increasing your sales figures. This is natural business growth: it is not beneficial for anyone to stand still and expect a miracle. A commercial offer is an excellent opportunity to address a mass target audience with a presentation of your products.

You are the project manager and are interested in financing it. A commercial proposal will help attract the attention of potential investors. You are not asking for money, as many do. You describe the advantages, economic prospects and offer the opportunity to make a profit by investing a certain amount in your project.

You are launching a new product on the market, which has no analogues until now and is unlikely to appear in the near future. With the help of a commercial proposal, you can not only effectively communicate your know-how, but also instantly draw the attention of a wide audience to it. Customer interest is the friend of sales growth.

There are countless similar examples. Because the issue of drawing up an effective commercial proposal is relevant for any business today. Every month, approximately 95,000 people enter the phrase "commercial offer". Every day new companies appear that strive to grab their piece of the overall pie. Competition is getting tougher, the client is being attacked from all sides.

There are a lot of controversial conversations, disputes and heated discussions around the topic of copywriting. But the question remains open: whose opinion should you listen to?

In this book, I offer you my point of view, which has already passed through “Crimea and Rome”, and Kyiv, and Moscow, and Milan, and London, and many other cities. My name is Denis Kaplunov - I am a practicing copywriter, specializing exclusively in the preparation of selling texts. You may have read my first book, “Copywriting of Mass Destruction” (Peter Publishing House, 2011).

I believe that there are no natural geniuses in the field of copywriting and that anyone can learn to write sales pitches.

Many are afraid to do this, believing that “For this you need to be born a copywriter”. Childish excuse. Remember: copywriters are not born, they are made. Every good copywriter started out as a bad copywriter.

Have you ever seen a baby who would write a business proposal first? And it’s difficult to imagine a schoolchild as an expert in this field, because he doesn’t yet have experience in running a business; he hasn’t yet had either the taste of victory or the poison of defeat on his lips.

My first business proposal was covered in red, crossed out in many places, and ultimately torn to shreds. Some people might have given up, but for me failure became an intellectual irritant. At that moment, I promised myself that I would definitely learn how to create commercial proposals that would achieve my goal. And I did it.

I do not have a philological education, I have never worked as a journalist. Before starting my professional career, writing any business texts seemed blacker than a dark forest to me. But I worked in sales for more than seven years, and there is nothing to do there without the skill of composing selling texts of various types. In this area, a commercial proposal is one of the main tools.

Imagine - one commercial offer and one personal meeting, after which I have an agreement in my hands, which includes the amount of 4.5 million euros. Impressive?

Commercial offers don't work! Are you sure?

A waste of time and money! Really?

Nobody reads letters in white envelopes; “unprecedented offers” are sent straight to spam! But here you are right. Such is the fate of bad commercial proposals (CPs).

The author is Denis Kaplunov, a successful copywriter, member of the Association of Internet Marketing and Web Developers. You can learn more about him and his successes on his personal blog, or by attending one of his seminars. I will only add that “An Effective Commercial Proposal” is Denis’s second book. The first (“Copywriting of Mass Destruction”) was published two years ago.

Who should read this book?

At school everyone wrote essays. At the same time, 50% did it with difficulty, just to give a “C” and fall behind. They probably turned out to be excellent programmers, engineers and other useful “technicians”.

Another 40% didn’t really strain themselves: their own paragraph, Belinsky’s paragraph - good essay in a hurry. This is what most current managers of all stripes and levels did.

And only a few (10%) enjoyed writing, and getting an “A” was a matter of principle. Hello, journalists and copywriters.

So, Denis Kaplunov is convinced that anyone can make a commercial proposal - from a person who falls into a stupor at the word “write” to an inveterate graphomaniac. Let me emphasize: not just any CP, but a good one that works.

Copywriters are not born - they are made. And the easiest way to become one is for company managers, sales and promotion managers. In a word, people who are directly related to goods and services offered on the market.

Why? It's simple. A commercial offer is not beautiful text about the company. This is a powerful trading tool. Stylistic and punctuation-spelling components are secondary. The main thing is the laws of the market. And who, besides you, knows your product better, who is more sensitive to the needs of your target audience?

If your answer is " professional copywriter", then I have two bad news for you. First: your business has problems (does anyone understand your product better than you?!). Second: prepare money.

Why should you read this book?

I have already mentioned the first reason. Did you notice? Right. A self-written commercial proposal = enormous savings. Moreover, not only money.

You do not need to involve a third-party specialist, fill out a brief, or verbally explain the nuances of the business. Minimum week of time gained. You don't pay a fee. You don't have to consider, reject and re-consider CP options. The nerve cells will remain with you.

In addition, you will add new knowledge to your management talents - the art of writing a commercial proposal.

The author of the book pays attention to both the theoretical basis (types of CP, their structure, style and design) and practice (many examples, including “how it’s wrong”). The chapters on offer, price and call to action are especially good.

Of course, you won’t become a sales pitch guru after reading one book, but you will have a solid foundation. Can any of your colleagues boast of this?

So, what will you get by reading this book:

  • money saved;
  • new knowledge and skills;
  • unusual experience;
  • independence from third party specialists;
  • working commercial proposal.

Not bad, right?


Denis Kaplunov's book is worthy of attention. Its goal: to increase your business performance and minimize costs. After all, an effective commercial offer is something that sells goods and services and attracts new customers and partners.

It is within your power to create such a CP. Not 5 times, but 25 times, high-quality text will come out of your pen. And you will stand out significantly from your competitors.

Should copywriters buy a book? For beginners, no doubt. I repeat: the chapters on the offer, price argumentation and stimulating the client to action should be read like paragraphs of a textbook, taking any product as a model and writing a commercial proposal for it.

Even if after reading the book you don’t rush to write commercial proposals yourself, you won’t waste your time. The thoughtful reader will find many interesting facts from the field of marketing.

If your commercial offers do not bring desired result, we need to make the approach to its compilation more targeted. Do you just need readers or satisfied customers who are willing to pay for your product?A commercial proposal drawn up in accordance with all the rules can increase sales volume, the number of clients and profit per buyer. To do this, you need to carefully study these rules and implement them in your business. And then the words “We will make an offer that is difficult to refuse” will become a reality.

This book will be useful to anyone involved in sales. The techniques covered in it are universal: they can be easily adapted to any business, and can also be used to compose other selling texts.

Characteristics of the book

Date written: 2013
Name: An effective commercial proposal. Comprehensive Guide

Volume: 260 pages, 1 illustration
ISBN: 978-5-91657-619-1
Copyright holder: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

Preface to the book “Effective Business Proposal”

This book will be useful for every person who, at least once in his life, has been faced with the need to draw up commercial proposals. My goal is to turn it into your desktop tool that will help you work efficiently.

You are a businessman and are faced with the task of expanding your customer base, as well as increasing your sales figures. This is natural business growth: it is not beneficial for anyone to stand still and expect a miracle. A commercial offer is an excellent opportunity to address a mass target audience with a presentation of your products.

You are the project manager and are interested in financing it. A commercial proposal will help attract the attention of potential investors. You are not asking for money, as many do. You describe the advantages, economic prospects and offer the opportunity to make a profit by investing a certain amount in your project.

You are launching a new product on the market, which has no analogues until now and is unlikely to appear in the near future. With the help of a commercial proposal, you can not only effectively communicate your know-how, but also instantly draw the attention of a wide audience to it. Customer interest is the friend of sales growth.

There are countless similar examples. Because the issue of drawing up an effective commercial proposal is relevant for any business today. Every month, approximately 95,000 people enter the phrase "commercial offer". Every day new companies appear that strive to grab their piece of the overall pie. Competition is getting tougher, the client is being attacked from all sides.

There are a lot of controversial conversations, disputes and heated discussions around the topic of copywriting. But the question remains open: whose opinion should you listen to?

In this book, I offer you my point of view, which has already passed through “Crimea and Rome”, and Kyiv, and Moscow, and Milan, and London, and many other cities. My name is Denis Kaplunov - I am a practicing copywriter, specializing exclusively in the preparation of selling texts. You may have read my first book - “Copywriting of Mass Destruction” (Peter publishing house, 2011).

I believe that there are no natural geniuses in the field of copywriting and that anyone can learn to write sales pitches.

Many are afraid to do this, believing that “For this you need to be born a copywriter”. Childish excuse. Remember: copywriters are not born - they are made. Every good copywriter started out as a bad copywriter.

Have you ever seen a baby who would write a business proposal first? And it’s difficult to imagine a schoolchild as an expert in this field, because he doesn’t yet have experience in running a business; he hasn’t yet had either the taste of victory or the poison of defeat on his lips.

My first business proposal was covered in red, crossed out in many places, and ultimately torn to shreds. Some people might have given up, but for me failure became an intellectual irritant. At that moment, I promised myself that I would definitely learn how to create commercial proposals that would achieve my goal. And I did it.

I do not have a philological education, I have never worked as a journalist. Before starting my professional career, writing any business texts seemed blacker than a dark forest to me. But I worked in sales for more than seven years, and there is nothing to do there without the skill of composing selling texts of various types. In this area, a commercial proposal is one of the main tools.

Imagine - one commercial offer and one personal meeting, after which I have an agreement in my hands, which includes the amount of 4.5 million euros. Impressive?

Another example is a commercial proposal and a personal meeting that led to the conclusion of a cooperation agreement worth approximately $840,000.

Any successful skill is a combination of knowledge (theory) and practice (experience). I studied a lot, experimented, adopted experience, made a catastrophic number of mistakes - it didn’t upset me, it only stimulated me, I realized that I was getting better. But now I see and know how this could have been avoided. That is why I decided to write a book - to save you time and protect you from many troubles.

What can you expect in the book? This is not a theoretical work, but a practical guide. Step by step we will go through all the stages, consider a dizzying number of special techniques, techniques and secrets that will take you to a higher level, and examples that will help you understand the essence of this or that technique.

Moreover, it touches on issues of marketing, sales and NLP (neurolinguistic programming), without which it is impossible to imagine a sensible commercial proposal. You will learn everything you need to know.

If you have never made a single commercial proposal in your life, you have the opportunity to start your journey in the right direction, protecting yourself from many mistakes from the very beginning. I am sure that as soon as you turn the last page of this book, you will understand that its price should be at least several times higher. You will recommend it to your friends and acquaintances. You can also give it to your clients; I'm sure they will treat such a gift with due attention. Now is the time to make sure of this.

An effective commercial proposal. Comprehensive guide - Denis Kaplunov (download)

(introductory fragment of the book)

Denis Kaplunov

An effective commercial proposal. Comprehensive Guide

This book is well complemented by:

Joseph Sugarman

The Art of Business Writing

Sasha Karepina

Selling texts

Sergey Bernadsky

We write convincingly

This book will be useful for every person who, at least once in his life, has been faced with the need to draw up commercial proposals. My goal is to turn it into your desktop tool that will help you work efficiently.

You are a businessman and are faced with the task of expanding your customer base, as well as increasing your sales figures. This is natural business growth: it is not beneficial for anyone to stand still and expect a miracle. A commercial offer is an excellent opportunity to address a mass target audience with a presentation of your products.

You are the project manager and are interested in financing it. A commercial proposal will help attract the attention of potential investors. You are not asking for money, as many do. You describe the advantages, economic prospects and offer the opportunity to make a profit by investing a certain amount in your project.

You are launching a new product on the market, which has no analogues until now and is unlikely to appear in the near future. With the help of a commercial proposal, you can not only effectively communicate your know-how, but also instantly draw the attention of a wide audience to it. Customer interest is the friend of sales growth.

There are countless similar examples. Because the issue of drawing up an effective commercial proposal is relevant for any business today. Every month, approximately 95,000 people enter the phrase "commercial offer". Every day new companies appear that strive to grab their piece of the overall pie. Competition is getting tougher, the client is being attacked from all sides.

There are a lot of controversial conversations, disputes and heated discussions around the topic of copywriting. But the question remains open: whose opinion should you listen to?

In this book, I offer you my point of view, which has already passed through “Crimea and Rome”, and Kyiv, and Moscow, and Milan, and London, and many other cities. My name is Denis Kaplunov - I am a practicing copywriter, specializing exclusively in the preparation of selling texts. You may have read my first book, “Copywriting of Mass Destruction” (Peter Publishing House, 2011).

I believe that there are no natural geniuses in the field of copywriting and that anyone can learn to write sales pitches.

Many are afraid to do this, believing that “For this you need to be born a copywriter”. Childish excuse. Remember: copywriters are not born, they are made. Every good copywriter started out as a bad copywriter.

Have you ever seen a baby who would write a business proposal first? And it’s difficult to imagine a schoolchild as an expert in this field, because he doesn’t yet have experience in running a business; he hasn’t yet had either the taste of victory or the poison of defeat on his lips.

My first business proposal was covered in red, crossed out in many places, and ultimately torn to shreds. Some people might have given up, but for me failure became an intellectual irritant. At that moment, I promised myself that I would definitely learn how to create commercial proposals that would achieve my goal. And I did it.

I do not have a philological education, I have never worked as a journalist. Before starting my professional career, writing any business texts seemed blacker than a dark forest to me. But I worked in sales for more than seven years, and there is nothing to do there without the skill of composing selling texts of various types. In this area, a commercial proposal is one of the main tools.

Imagine - one commercial offer and one personal meeting, after which I have an agreement in my hands, which includes the amount of 4.5 million euros. Impressive?

Another example is a commercial proposal and personal meeting that led to the conclusion of a cooperation agreement worth approximately $840,000.

Any successful skill is a combination of knowledge (theory) and practice (experience). I studied a lot, experimented, adopted experience, made a catastrophic number of mistakes - this did not upset me, but only stimulated me, I realized that I was getting better. But now I see and know how this could have been avoided. That is why I decided to write a book - to save you time and protect you from many troubles.

What can you expect in the book? This is not a theoretical work, but a practical guide. Step by step we will go through all the stages, consider a dizzying number of special techniques, techniques and secrets that will take you to a higher level, and examples that will help you understand the essence of this or that technique.

Moreover, it touches on issues of marketing, sales and NLP (neurolinguistic programming), without which it is impossible to imagine a sensible commercial proposal. You will learn everything you need to know.

If you have never made a single commercial proposal in your life, you have the opportunity to start your journey in the right direction, protecting yourself from many mistakes from the very beginning. I am sure that as soon as you turn the last page of this book, you will understand that its price should be at least several times higher. You will recommend it to your friends and acquaintances. You can also give it to your clients; I am sure that they will treat such a gift with due attention. Now is the time to make sure of this.

Denis Kaplunov

Why do 80% of commercial offers fail?

This is a misconception. It was introduced into circulation by people who have negative experience in applying commercial proposals. They prepared some kind of document, wrote something in it, sent it to someone and waited a long time for the result. When the result turned out to be disastrous, they launched this crazy myth among the people. Naturally, there will always be people who will pick up such a myth and begin to build entire opposition movements around it with flags, anthems and banners.

There is another dedicated audience of energetic agitators who consider the sales pitch a waste of time. This handful of people hit a wall that says: “Letters can’t attract clients”.

The sad thing is that there are many of them, they sow panic. But a smart and quick-witted person will say: “It’s easier to admit that you’re a failure than to try to find a solution.”. Let them shout, let them doubt, this will only benefit us, because their opinion is very far from the truth. And if they do not use commercial offers, then this only gives us a head start. While they scream and doubt, you and I are doing, attracting and earning.

If one person cannot jump over a two-meter barrier with a running start, this does not mean that others cannot do it. If you train long and hard, one day you will achieve the desired height. And losers and skeptics will continue to cry about the impossibility of such a leap.

Commercial offers work, and I am absolutely confident in this, because I have results. I overcame this barrier. Although, I admit, my first attempts left much to be desired, but I was in no hurry to wave the white flag, did not react to difficulties, but confidently moved towards my goal.

What should we learn from Dr. House?

Many are familiar with the TV series “House,” in which the recognized modern sex symbol Hugh Laurie starred. Dr. House always had unconventional methods of work, and he often achieved impressive results, defeating numerous insidious ailments in difficult battles.

The hero Hugh Laurie spent a lot of time to make the correct diagnosis. The specialist understands: if there is an error in the diagnosis, doctors will treat what is not there. It’s better not to write what consequences this could lead to; everyone’s imagination works at the proper level.

Dr. House, in front of his combat team of young colleagues, wrote down on the board the symptoms of a particular patient's ailments. Then, through heated discussions, doctors established probable diseases that are characterized by the listed symptoms. The next step is the elimination method. Based on tests and trial treatment, the list was reduced to just one, correct one. Logic is a terrible force, especially if you possess it.